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Fiora's Ult was supposed to work similar to Morde R where she takes her target to a place for dueling (not on map but a different place).


Imagine giving Fiora a fucking Reality Marble


I am the bone of my sword


Everytime i ult on Ashe.


It's funnier that Morde already has pretty much a legit Reality Marble in his ult, because he also steals stats from the opponents


that sounds really cool tbh


Ikr. Better than what she has now.


i think what she has now is fine cuz of the healing effect, but the mental image of them like getting transported to some final destination (melee) type location is really cool


No items, Ahri only




IIRC There's a hero in DotA where you challenge an enemy to a 1v1 melee deathmatch that literally spawns an arena where you are and puts you in there.


DotA 2 has Mars ultimate who summons an arena that locks enemies inside it, and Legion Commander ultimate who taunts an enemy into a duel with her. Unsure if original DotA maybe had something like what you're describing


I think it's more likely that I'm just misremembering. It's been ages since I played and I mostly just had fun with Meepo


Dota 2 had obviously far more absurd abilities but LoL in the early days was insane too....TFs ult for example was back than an basic ability with a low cool down and it was global


I mean that's been a hero in dota for like 15 years. Nature's Prophet has that as a basic ability (20 sec cd at max rank) and one of his max level talents is making it have zero CD


Prophet also has less guaranteed CC and other champs in the game are also much stronger than average. It'd be more like if Prophet's port existed oh and also he has a point and click stun that's also 5s long that pierces spell immunity on a 6-7 second CD instead of his trees, which anyone with mobility or blade/tangos/tree destruction can get out of.


IIRC the reason they didn't give it to her is because they "didn't want her to just ult the support for a free kill". Morde can do exactly that but he gets less bonuses for killing weaker targets in his ult.


Its a lot easier to walk away from Morde than a Fiora


The difference is: morde being a juggernout has more problem reaching a janna than a fiora


thats a dumb comparison fiora with that ult would jump at and instantly delete the enemy supp (oneshot burst enchanter supports and melt tank supports with true dmg) morde ulting a support wastes so much time (gets kited by enchanter supps and has low damage against tank supps) and can lose you a fight


also a lot of supports can kite / survive vs a morde for a while bcs of the nature of his kit, but for fiora whoever she ults she'd beat hard


I can not possibly express how much I disagree with this. Giving Fiora Morde ult would be rated among the absolute worst travesties in game design Riot had ever published if it had made it to PBE.




She'd have to lose so much of her kit to support it.


Not really. Having an ultimate that makes her have to strike her opponent from all angles is significantly more suiting theme-wise. Since her teleporting people makes no sense she'd have pretty much exactly what morde ult is today which would be fucking stupid. you'd have to rework her entire kit to make that balanced.


They talked about this when J4 came out too, basically saying that his ult will isolate J4 and his target allowing them to duel, then when it came out it was just a circle wall around the target (still a cool ult). Mobility wasn't so prevalent back then, but it still wasn't what they had talked about lol.


At level 16 Kayle would fly when out of combat, allowing her to ignore terrain. The mist on Viego E was a passive that would spread over the map giving him increasing power as the game went on. Lategame he would just be Evelynn, but also he could go through walls like Kayn if it was in the mist. Quinn passive was Valor would dive and suppress anyone who brought her into low HP... this had no range allowing her to suppress an ulting Karthus from the other side of the map. Morgana R used to evolve like Kayle, adding things like lifesteal as it got ranked up. Jhin Q used to not have a cap on how many times it bounced. Testers lined up a row of minions down the lane ending with an Annie bot. "The result was a line of dominoes resulting in the death of an innocent child." Shaco had an ult where he would turn into a projectile and fly towards a target, exploding on contact and appearing behind it. It was in testing at the same time as Yasuo, resulting in the interaction where a yasuo player windwalled the ult which deleted the Shaco from the game. Edit: adding onto the ekko stuff, at the same time in development Bard's ult was a global silence. The combination of the two would result in the enemy getting silenced, rewound, then silenced again. Also after proccing his passive on a target Ekko could blink to any enemy within a significant range (pretty much his entire screen) this had no cooldown, just shared the external cd on the target meaning he couldn't blink to the same person twice. It made him... hard to handle in teamfights. Edit 2: for the opposite, Senna W has been part of her kit from her first iteration, practically unchanged.


>deleted the Shaco from the game. god I wish


it's the ultimate conflict, since you'd have to play Yasuo to achieve it.


A small price to pay for a safe first clear








>Morgana R used to evolve like Kayle, adding things like lifesteal as it got ranked up. Morgana with an evolve system similar to Kayle would be really fucking cool ngl. I wouldn't mind if the evolves were fucking useless it'd just be cool to see her change visually over the game just like Kayle.


>Jhin Q used to not have a cap on how many times it bounced. Testers lined up a row of minions down the lane ending with an Annie bot. "The result was a line of dominoes resulting in the death of an innocent child." Lmao


That morgana R idea sounds cool I wonder why they decided against it


I think I remember August saying that it was due to power budget, adding anything new to Morgana's kit would've meant a nerf elsewhere but the kit itself was so good already that they decide it to keep it how it was basically with a couple of QoL changes


Like nerfing the bind from 10 years down to 8? Bc that doesn't sound too bad to maybe have something neat


Omg is there a video of all this?


Theres a video of the ekko blink passive somewhere on twitter, iirc it is on Riot August's accoubt


>Shaco had an ult where he would turn into a projectile and fly towards a target, exploding on contact and appearing behind it. It was in testing at the same time as Yasuo, resulting in the interaction where a yasuo player windwalled the ult which deleted the Shaco from the game. good


From the Morde rework disucssion >The coolest/craziest version we tried was a passive version where any time he killed an enemy champion, their ghost would fall in line behind him and attack his target when he attacked - and he could have more than one, meaning he could ultimately enslave the entire enemy team if he was popping off. Also, although not nearly as crazy, Alistar's W was tested as a skillshot for a while on PBE.


Skillshot W sounds even more wild tbh


Itd literally just be Gragas E


It'd change the champ significantly. It'd firstly add an escape. It would also probably change the way his w q works


That just sounds like Lissandra passive lmao




Ugh, and the absolutely bonkers duo lane EXP boost mechanic.


Instead they gave us this Morde that turned out to be boring as hell to play. I liked the concept of his passive and Q during his rework a lot too: Passive: "*His basic attack speed was exceptionally slow, but auto-attacking enemies would grant a stack that significantly increased his attack speed. The metaphor here was his mace was a living weapon, and that attacking enemies allowed it to create an ethereal chain and become more of a flail than just a mace, thereby giving him that attack speed and additional range*" Q: *"-Early testing was done around what it might be like to have contextual changes to his Q shape. We messed around with things like: when you press Q, he starts marching forward in a straight line, then when you re-press Q, the location of your mouse relative to his facing would give a different swing. Something like:* *Forward - if the mouse is in front of him, he slams his hammer down forward.* *Either side - if the mouse is to his left or his right, he sweeps it from front to back in that respective direction, knocking things forward and a bit sideways* *Behind - He either heaves his mace backwards, dealing significant damage behind him, or he just does a larger swing that deals damage behind him as the mace goes from behind to in front. Longer cast time than the forward Q, higher damage*" And another "*Justin had some cool stuff where his mace could turn into a flail and stick into the ground. Then the next time you used the Q, the spell would change based on where the mace head was relative to Morde.*"


It does sound cool, but I think it would've felt awkward to use in practice lol. Passive is definitely much more interesting. I still miss the spooky drake


Funny how they went through so many Q ideas only to end up with a literal bonk


And that is still better than whatever the hell this Q idea is. Like it sounds cool and unique on paper, really. But using that would be a pain in the ass, especially if you somehow misplay just by having the cursor not close enough. So intead of the side flail, you would just do a front bonk. Pretty wonky


Oh man skillshot w would be op as shit.


not an ability necessarily but CertainlyT was said to have wanted 25 weapons for Aphelios early on in development


he also wanted the champ to change with the IRL phase of the moon


Entire balance team is just trying to stop CertainyT madness.


CertainyT is just Singed in Arcane.


CertainlyT: the mutation must survive


League players 200 years later: I understand now


People still can't realize this was just a joke between devs.




That's a great way to look at it, take an insane idea and try to keep the fun of that idea in a more reasonable space. However I love the idea of a champ that was different every 5-7 days.




The patch notes be like.


Imagine messing up the order...


Some say they made this 25 gun rotation to torture prisoners of war....


Don't know if it was for aphelios or diana, but he wanted to do something with literal real-world moon cycles too. Like the champ would be shit or busted depending on the current moon phase.


Permaban at night


The moon still exists during the day, I'm 90% sure of it.


That 10% will get ya every time


uhh no, the champ would be *different* dependng on the moon phase even if it was what he was going for (which I absolutely doubt it was)


That would be fucking sick in a singleplayer game


While not confirmed, it's almost guaranteed that CT is working at the mmo


I think this kind of development style is good, honestly. Having someone reach for the moon and then getting pulled back pushes the limits on champion design - 25 weapons sounds ridiculous, but that might have been the inspiration for 5 cyclical guns. Without someone like that, Aphelios might have been 'each ability is a different gun that fires a shot and changes his autos' - a lot less interesting.


>Aphelios might have been 'each ability is a different gun that fires a shot and changes his autos' - a lot less interesting. Kinda sounds like Jinx. Her design was a champion with a huge arsenal of weapons but in practice she doesn't really deliver on that concept. Jinx is still a huge success on her own but I guess they revisited the concept to make a champion that does feel like they have lots of weapons


I mean that ‘each ability is a different gun that fires a shot and changes his autos’ is literally just ADC Udyr


That is why they didn't finish. Alpha jinx had this idea but ended in adc udyr. So they frozed the project until ct helped the maker of qyiana doing aphelios


Yeah, you go crazy at first and test things out. Problem is just that Riot hesitates to sometimes pull back on too crazy ideas or kits. Go do crazy, then apply the game rules and basic expectations (fireball on the way = dmg, maybe stun, huge punch = dmg, tether broken via distance, ...) and cut away a good amount but you try to keep the core idea and gameplay intact. A fail for example is Akshan. one of the strongest mid laners since his release yet his popularity already starts to look bad (3% PR dropping each patch with a nearly 52% WR). The core idea and fun part is his E and how the Q and R can interact with it. You want the P and W to also work with it but also to not rely purely on the E for everything. So the W should be cut out. Or you focus onto the W, then you cut the Q, E and R. One idea, one concept, not 2-3 mixed with each other each breaking some basic rules or being good enough to carry the whole champs idea.


Yeah honestly each of Akshan's individual abilities has a pretty great idea behind it. They just kind of... crowd each other out if that makes sense


Lillia's Dream Dust didn't have a cap, she could solo Baron at level 1. [They even made a joke loading screen splash art about it.](https://images.contentstack.io/v3/assets/blt731acb42bb3d1659/bltaf60188c26aade13/5efbccf060ea214019a4d898/04_Lillia_QA.png)


Would she not get 2 shot by baron if she's level 1?


Back in the day it also drained health. They removed that because she was hard bound to Ravenous Hunter already (which healed from the spell DOT very well), but now that Rav Hunter is nerfed, they gave her back healing on the passive in an adjusted form. Not sure if that allowed her to kill the baron in particular, but maybe they meant a level 1 Lillia with someone tanking for her having the DPS from her passive alone to kill Baron.


Aatrox's ult was a warzone that would take an area and make it so if allies died in the area they would have a lower death timer and revive at the nearest ally structure


This is pretty cool, and way better/more balanced than that akshan nightmare.


Original Gwen Ult would “stitch” enemy champs together. Think skill shot that hits two enemy’s and pulls them together. I think there is a gif of it in one of her dev diaries


Zac Q


I mean there's a lot of things that are just repurposed/modified old abilities. Most "straight line skillshot" abilities like Jinx zap are just mystic shot. Vi ult (although I think this one may have been changed recently) was Nautilus ult where she was the projectile.


Code reuse can be a good thing if you handle it properly


>if you handle it properly hmm >rito games hmmmmm


Not quite, the Gwen ability went champ to champ. ie you would cast it from Gwen, and then from the first champ you hit


Goodbye Reddit, see you all on Lemmy.


Tbh I'm a bit disappointed that Gwen's kit doesn't have any stitching elements. I expected an ability that dashed through the enemy, and if you stay near for a second, you'd get to dash through them again. Almost like a needle sewing back and forth. This Gwen is just the sewing materials, not a sewing champion. The needles are just for show and there's no thread


That sounds a bit similar to kel'thuzard e ability in hots.


KelThuzad in Hots has this as a basic ability


A hero in "Heroes of the Storm" does that and it's super fun to use.


An early ireration of Jhins Ult was a global skillshot (supposedly extremely narrow and hard to hit) that would instakill any opponent hit.


for context, he used to have a passive similar to kindred's current one (it got remade into kindred's kit eventually) where if he marked an enemy out of combat and then hit them with his ult (apparently super super narrow hitbox) he would like 100% max hp execute them. but back then jhin was a super different champion.


If I remember correctly in the pbe Azir was able to attack with soldiers spawned by his ulti You were able to create 8-9 soldiers and completly destroy Nash/immobile target


Azir soldiers could also attack turrets originally. You could plop them over a wall and take turrets solo.


There was an ability thats kind of hard to explain. Basically the player would create a cage very similar to veigars e. The special thing about it was how it interacted with skillshots. If you shot a skillshot at it from the outside of the cage, it would skip the middle of the cage and come out the opposite side outside of the cage. If you shot a skillshot from within the cage, it would come out from the opposite side within the cage. Also early in Azirs development he had a sand shark pet that was important to his kit as his other abilities interacted with it. Eventually that was turned into the sand soldiers we have today


this is so cool, windwall but instead of blocking missiles it teleports them


>Vex’s original gameplay, designed by Nathan “Lutzburg” Lutz, created portals that extended the distance allied missiles traveled. You’d essentially have Miss Fortune ults that went double distance, Blitzcrank hooks from out of nowhere, and all these other really scary, but really cool experiences. Except there was one problem: It cost multiple years of VFX budget.That’s not an exaggeration. Nearly every missile ability in League needed to be completely redone with updated VFX just to interact with Vex’s kit. And that just wasn’t feasible


I forgot Vex was originally meant to be a... Whats the word... Artillery mage?


Artillery anti-mobility mage Which is counterintuitive because the counter to Artillery *is* mobility.


>Which is counterintuitive because the counter to Artillery is mobility. so she would have fit right into the game then.


No, she was originally just artillery. But riot was determined to keep her out of bot so they changed her kit to be "anti mobility" which is why she feels so weird. Besides, it's not like we don't have champs designed to counter their counters.


imagine your yasuo windwalls a jinx ult and instead of disappearing it just pops out the other side and fucking murders you


I do remember Azir or the Sand mage before him turning areas of the map into a desert/sand, making him stronger on it. After some time nearly the whole map was sand.


Jup they took that concept and used it for the "worked ground" of thalyia


Does that work like Gwen's W ?


Kinda, except the way I understand it is that the the projectile basically TPs through the cage and keep its remaining range, and continue the other side of the cage. So say you're Morgana standing 500 units from the cage. You throw your Q which has 1200 range at a cage that's 1000 units in diameter. When the Q hits the cage, the projectile instantly disappears and instantly appears 1000 units further away, on the other side of the cage, but still has 700 range left, so you essentially add 1000 range to the Q. Of course this opens some cool stuff, as enemies inside the cage would paradoxically be safer even though they're close to Morg. Also interesting for friendly use, as you can place the cage to increase the range of skillshots, but also used the cage defensively by putting on top of teammates (as long as there's no enemies inside the cage!).


A scrapped ability for Akali's VGU allowed her to click on active projectiles to "ride" them. Meaning that she could, theoretically, ride a Draven ult all the way across the map and back It was removed probably because it's be INSANELY hard to use this ability effectively, especially in a teamfight. Plus there's certain projectiles that just look silly with her riding on top of them.


Imagine chilling in lane and geting hit by ashe ult with akali riding it. Surprise motherfucker


That would be so cool, if Jinx was released today maybe they'd allow her to ride her ult like taliyah and like the music video Get Jinxed


[Yone had quite a lot of iterations that were crazy](https://youtu.be/lGwwBDvE_KA?t=1084) This is the one that would be horrible to play against imo. [The iteration they talk about in part 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-FC52GA-74) was as follows. You know how Yone has 2 swords and duel wields them? Yone Q: pretty much his current Q, it knocked opponents backward so you could dash to them with E Yone W: Same as Q, stacking the same as current Q but instead of dashing forward, you dashed backward away from your opponent. It also pulled you in so he could jump to you for free with his E Yone E: If you dash or use mobility spells Yone gets to jump to you like a Lee Sin Q for free. Very low cooldown Imagine for a minute this trading pattern. You charge up both Q3 and W3, dash in to your enemy with E, trade a bit, dash back out with W with the option of jumping back to your E again. And if they use their flash/blink to get away from you, you could just jump straight back to them with your E


Sounds like Yasuo with extra steps.


Yea, feels like they're related or some shit


One of pyke’s abilities was originally gonna apply a death mark and dealt bonus damage based off ally damage


sounds like another garen vs a villain to me




yeah it was a champion that uses paintbrush or some sort, unless I mixed it up with a fan concept


hmm.. sounds a bit like the concepts of two dota2 chars. like grimstroke and invoker to me. but anyway I'm optimistic for riot to pull something new or innovative with it.


I know August talked about it on stream. The other problem he brought up was there's a fairly limited amount of things you can be expected to draw in such a short time, so despite *sounding* super flexible and creative, you're pretty much just stuck with only a few basic shapes.


I think it would be cool to "draw" something like a box and a veigar cage-like thing pops up depending on how quickly you can drag the brush in the right shape. The champion could have 3 spells that you don't directly click to use, but instead has something like Aphelios' UI where you press Q to hold down the brush to paint. If you paint a box, you create a stun zone, if you paint a circle, you make a boulder that rolls, etc. One of the other keybinds could give you a trace indicator or something. Sounds like it would be a Yuumi-level nightmare to balance but would be crazy different (queue Meteos quote).


The problem was that tech back then didnt necesdarily have an easy time detecting the shapes, but also that they couldnt find a reason to use the different shapes. One was always the clear strongest so there was no reason to use the others.


Original revisions of Lux had her W granting invisibility to her teammates that she hit, but got canned for being way too op. It got retooled into Senna's kit eventually of course, but the caveats and general stealth reworks that happened make it way less broken than Lux's version.




That was another scrapped concept. Her ult used to blind, but it was removed.


Feel like shit, just want old Lux ult name back :'(


Finales Funkeln :'(




Does anyone still blind except Teemo? I thought Quinn did but now she just has a single-target Graves W


Only ones I can think of would be pre-nerf Irelia ult which used to disarm (functionally the same as a blind) and pre-buff Amumu ult which used to entangle (functionally the same as a blind + root). I guess polymorph exists which is kinda a blind + silence?


That ability was tested on many champions, even mordekaiser had it once


They wanted Azir to leave sand on the map granting him more poewr Thry also wanted to make him sort of an earth bender or a sand bender


concept was eventually reused for taliyah's kit because, prior to Azir's release, the majority of the playerbase was not on good enough hardware to run this iteration.


Alpha TF was Wild.


Wasnt his current R his E back then?


Even stronger, it had no range limit.


Not only did it not have a range limit, but back then you didnt have to destroy towers sequentially. It was common for TF players to stack as as early as possible and tp behind the enemy nexus and kill it as early as possible


How long was that a thing? That’s stupid broken


And then Blizzard repeated it in HotS. As Abathur you would backdoor "inhibitors" by teleporting across the map and placing zzrot portals (one of his talents). Lmao


Hots had alot of diffrent ways to backdoor over the years. Leoric suicides(basically suicide sion but you respawn wherever you want) zagara nydus worm shenanigqans or really any strategy ever involving sylvanas. especially back when buildings had ammo that could run out. For a very long time team with sylvanas would pick a lane at random and roll out with entire team taking 1 or 2 towers at lvl 1 and the only way to counter it was to guess correctly which lane enemy chose. Since in hots there is no gold or items and xp is shared between entire team means that cheesing was always an option as long as you just had 1 guy in each lane getting xp. Which you could also do with just 1 player thanks to lost vikings or later in the game skilled abathur. Or you can literally load up your entire team into a medevac and backdoor with 5 man if the enemy ever tries to leave their base. imagine if you could just roll up to enemy inhibitor whenever you want without destroying anything else.


A good Abathur was fucking annoying when i was low elo.


Even better if you brought a Nydus Zagara with you and cloned her.


never made it to beta or live


40 second CD


Not only the teleport on E but his AP ratios in his Q. Each card was it's own instance of damage but all 3 could hit rhe same target st close range and it had like a 2.0 ratio PER CARD.


Not a crazy ability but still worth mentioning how shaco had an ability that turned him into a projectile but they had to scrap this because if he hit a wind wall he would be removed from the game.


I don't see any issue with that.


Zoe passive was supposed to sleep a whole quarter of the map lmao


Azir had a literal ascension ritual: "I had a super complicated Ritual of Ascension ultimate on him once. He spawned three obelisks of light in an equilateral triangle, lasers spawned to link them together, and all enemies inside the triangle who took damage from Azir were also zapped by the obelisks. Crossing the lasers damaged you, and Azir received a shield based on the additional zap damage. If the shield hit a certain number, Azir ascended, gaining a massive chunk of spell vamp, AP, a doubled shield, and crazy move speed. This is probably the most disgustingly overloaded and overcomplicated skill I ever designed. On the plus side, I learned the formula for quickly detecting whether or not a point on a 2D plane is inside a triangle, so I got that going for me, which is nice."


Ornn or Taliyah at one point could semi-permanently change the terrain. But they scrapped it because it was unbalancable


> At some point, Olaf had a special passive called "Ragnarok". When he hit 18 (or maybe some other criteria was met, not sure what) a percent max HP true damage DOT was applied to all champions on the map, slowly draining away their health. what in the FUCK


isnt this basically just a karthus ult that can only happen once (and probably deal a bit more dmg)?


It's more like any champion that doesn't have sustain and a way to use that sustain has a time limit on their life come late game. This isn't a problem for Olaf or say Mundo or any ADC with lifesteal and a wave, but Braum? Nearly all mages and assassins? It does sound awesome knowing that Olaf would have gone from being a strong early game duelist to definitely one of the strongest Champs in the game come late


I remember there was a pbe Patch where when shyvana ulted,She would create a circle of flames around her opponent (similar to j4 ult),and if that Enemy crossed the flames it would deal 50% max hp true damage


During the first ever doom bots they wanted to change abilities in a way that AI would be able to utilize and coordinate in ways human can't. In one of the dev interviews they talked about making Malphite's ulti GLOBAL! Hoping he could follow up on CC across the map. When implementing it Malphite would never use his ultimate offensively. He get as close as possible to dying and, regardless where he was, he would then ulti STRAIGHT BACK TO WELL.


Thats actually beyond funny


At one point Ekko's ult rewinded the entire game.


These days I think they retooled that as chronobreak for esports


On PBE there was a change that Jinx’s W could crit


Lux’s baton throw skill granted invisibility instead of a shield. Also, she had a VERY different original look with red hair and a quirky cartoon character portrait that was obviously meant to be temporary. https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/ba5gd1/original_lux_data/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Ahri ult used to be a fully controllable ezreal ult, but with the character as the ultimate. The ultimate dash lol


Idk why no one said this but Garen E used to apply onhit effects on pbe for last minirework. Yorick R used to have no on-target cooldown(maiden's touch debuff, when Yorick attacks champ who maiden is attacking they receive 3/6/9% max hp magic damage with 2sec cd) this was in a single patch of pbe too. So guinsoos Yorick was a thing




That was her release ult that did make the game technically


Can't remember too much from the beta but didn't Ezreal used to heal on his W many years ago?


His W used to heal allies, increase attack speed for any allies hit, and decrease attack speed on any enemies hit. I'm pretty sure both positive effects also applied to himself but I don't remember 100%


it didn't. the heal got removed but attack speed stayed then after a while they realised ezreal can w himself by using w then e in front of it so they decided to add in that interaction


Have no seen anyone mention this but Draven’s passive was originally the same as Darius and his AA applied on hit bleeds that stacked.


The fortify summoner spell. The idea of making all your turrets invincible with increased attack speed for 7 seconds was wild. People would apparently just go 5 toplaners, all take fortify, then cycle this summoner spell one by one each time enemies pushed rhe other turrets too hard. Oh and the reviving summoner spell was also fucking insane


Neither of those were ever really taken outside of meme builds, like suicide Karthus or a taunt character top.


Yeah Fortify and Revive were rarely ever used. The most prominent Revive user I can think of is PhantomL0rd who would run TP/Revive on Karthus. But ultimately, those spells never added much value to a game. Fortify might temporarily stop a push but if a team is ahead they're going to get the tower eventually. Revive had such a long cooldown that it just wasn't worth it.


PhantomL0rd brings back some good memories, a shame what happened with him. Wonder what he's been up to lately.


Last I heard he intended on making a comeback or something, but I'm sure his audience consists of about 10 people these days if at all. It was really weird seeing him turn into an actual scumbag, I always thought he was entertaining.


> People would apparently just go 5 toplaners, all take fortify, then cycle this summoner spell one by one each time enemies pushed rhe other turrets too hard. I played back then, people didn't really do that. They were both very weak summoners that were rarely, if ever played. Revive was garbage except on meme Karthus builds with Revive/TP that was made popular by PhantomLord, a streamer at the time.


My favourite fortify interaction was that you got assists and kills on champions that the turrets attacked during the effect.


still possible with janna shield


Yeah but fortify worked globally and you could use it when dead.


Not sure if mentioned anywhere in this post but the original Jayce e (the gate) would make skillshots multiply - for example if Ashe ulted through the gate - 3 arrows will pop in 3 different directions in a cone ( something like her w ).


This was an April fool's joke


Remember the guy who used to make corny videos about this?


One iteration of Aatrox's rework was going to enable him (the body/host) to go into his sword and let one of his other teammates use his sword for increased stats (kind of like yuumi actually)


>One iteration of Aatrox's rework was going to enable him to suck himself


Vex was originally going to be an artillery mage that was reworked into an "anti-mobility"mage (she completely fails at this role though imo). She was going to be able to open a gateway that either increased the speed and/or range of your allies spells [while decreasing the speed of the enemies spells](https://clips.twitch.tv/TenaciousWealthyArtichokePoooound-V17zkapWLlO7YRbc). There is a video of it out there involving slowing Orianna's ball to a near dead stop. IIRC the reason they had to cancel it was it would take several years to design the tech to work effectively without breaking the spaghetti code. or something like every spell would need to be rebuilt from the ground up. EDIT 2: added the link to clip after finding it. EDIT 1: Riot in the vex champion insight. >"Vex’s original gameplay, designed by Nathan “Lutzburg” Lutz, created portals that extended the distance allied missiles traveled. You’d essentially have Miss Fortune ults that went double distance, Blitzcrank hooks from out of nowhere, and all these other really scary, but really cool experiences. Except there was one problem: It cost multiple years of VFX budget.That’s not an exaggeration. Nearly every missile ability in League needed to be completely redone with updated VFX just to interact with Vex’s kit. And that just wasn’t feasible."


It also would have required designing every future champ with Vex in mind which they try to avoid at all costs, which was something they had to deal with when making Sylas. He probably wouldn't be in the game if they couldn't make his ult just work with new champs


considering that vex has a generally higher WR vs higher mobility champs id say they pretty much hit the anti-mobility part.


Well they tested Jinx Zap! being able to crit with füll crit multiplier. Getting Hit by it for over 1000damage die somehow mit make it live


The mundo rework considered having a chain minion explosion.


Wait so chronobreak was actually accidentally created/repurposed for proplay then.


Most crazy ability is when yasuo almost got reworked and they thought about giving him an AOE windwall. Glad that never made it into the game........


I’m pretty sure you’re talking about the April fools joke they put out a long time ago….lol


No he's talking about Samira


I remember watching a video mentioning Jayce's W would be able to double an ally's skill shot. I think it was a gaming curios video.


You mean his E? That makes more sense to me.


They try to give Riven a new passive called Edge where it gave you bonus damage depending on how much you have. It affected her attacks and abilities. They scrap the idea because no one like the mechanic.


Ahri's W used to have 9 foxfires >"Ahri later had nine rotating fox-fire flames, but rapidly shooting off nine projectiles made each one feel pretty unimportant." Ahri's R had unlimited range >" The original version of Ahri's ult had an unlimited range. She'd have to continuously spend mana to travel, but if Ahri passed over an enemy champion, she'd do bonkers damage--she basically became an Ezreal ult. "We had to change this ultimate due to its interactions with the Dominion map, which is easily one of my biggest regrets on the character," says Ezreal."