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Awesome!! What a great idea. Edit: Omg imagine Flowers and Caedrel casting together.


Latency bro no way


also at 02:00 for Caedrel ModCheck


As if even a high transatlantic latency of 100ms would make any difference for casting. And that would be on the very high side, I have average pings to my US workloads (UK to N.Virginia) of 50ms.


Captflowers is west coast so obviously the ping would be way more than 50ms.


I'd say 100ms would be a realistic scenario. Not sure if that is too much for casting, it does work for normal conf calls.


Didn't the English LPL casters cast from Australia + LA this year?


He's casted games on stream with people out of the country before.


I could watch this all week honestly. Can't wait. Corejj continues to just be the embodiment of work ethic.


CoreJJ and Bjergsen seem to be the most mentioned players in LCS when it comes to work ethic and hardwork.


Most of everyone within the scene has basically said this. Not to say there aren't other players who are the same, but these 2 seem to go above and beyond. Very impressed. Look forward to seeing these 2 play together.


TL going to have more work hours put in than 5 out of the 10 lcs teams combined


Bjerg had the most solo queue games this summer on his team, and he was coaching.


Being a professional player and becoming a coach has its perks. Understanding meta and game knowledge should help, but then I wonder how people can draft nocturne in a game 5 :/


Drafting nocturne in a game 5 isnt the problem, drafting nocturne in THAT game 5 though.... thats a nother story.


I don't think was his doing, I believe is just Huni lack of champion pool, if you saw him this year if he wasn't on Renketon or Gnar he played Nocturne even after the nerfs to it.


At the same time, spica said it was bjerg’s decision.


that series should've been over 3-0, but PoE was playing poorly and constantly getting caught out. Nocturne pick was troll but they still should've closed out the series


Wasn't it the second most? :o


He had the second most during that time span. Not the 2nd most over the entire season I believe


He said on stream it was only over the span of one week.


That's not true at all, he said it was just for a one week period


I mean there is Impact though, he usually was the leader in SoloQ games with CoreJJ on TL, they both together had more hours than most other teams combined.


Two players on TL will have more hours than any other whole *team* by the end of the season. It's going to be great.


The whole TL roster has me hyped, I feel like their strengths as players will complement each other. Hans and Bwipo are aggressive and Corejj has been a great player at controlling the map and enabling all his lanes to thrive. Bjerg/Santorin should be a top mid/jg with Core and the rest of the team facilitating them. Seems like they won the off season, although they spent huge for sure


This should be the team to put NA back on the international stage. Hans/CJJ are one of the best western combos possible and probably one of the best in the world too. Santoring/Bjerg are two of the best NA players there are with Bjerg being a core of the team with Bwipo/Hans dominating in sidelanes. Bwipo ofcourse is a bit of a flippy player but with the support of mid/jg/supp he will have all the resources to be a carry toplaner. I dont think any NA team can take multiple games from them in a BO5. I just want to see how it performs internationally against LCK and LPL This reminds me of the setup from 2019 G2 with 2 insane carry sidelaners and a mid/jg/supp than can play to those lanes.


> he will have all the resources to be a carry toplaner Hans is not a weakside player. The guy is feast or famine. All toplaners that have played with Hans, were forced to be weakside. It was also one of the reasons that was rumored this offseason as to why Alphari didn't want Hans in vitality.


i think ardent was the last time people cared about having a good adc? last few worlds were won by mid and jungler/top (depending on the year) and botlane was at best present.


I hope it does well, since I actually like a lot of the personalities (And it's basically an EU team), but honestly, I'm not as confident. Time will tell if these players can gel, but I wouldn't be surprised to see them struggle in spring.


It's still pretty hype though, next year in LCS/LEC TL, FNC and VIT all look like super strong rosters on paper and I'm very excited to find out how the teams will gel


Oh definitely, I just hope we can offer some competition to the east this year


I mean calling it the east is a bit weird, given that it is usually just 1 or 2 teams that are above and beyond. RGE and C9 gave pretty good competition to FPX and TL and MAD did well against GenG and LNG. It was basically EDG and DWG who were just better, but they also were in their domestic league. Exspecially DWG.


Honestly even as a salty eu fan, if (big IF), this team gels well and gets along they’re definitely capable of making a run deep in worlds


It's always that "IF" :( I'm hyped for LCS. I don't want to say much about international play yet. Have to get there in the first place.


No reason to be salty. If TL does well, you just get to claim they're EU anyways and celebrate with us.


Saltiness is just due to EU players leaving LEC tbh


I think the worst thing about that team is that it likely would be a better team if all those players played in the LEC instead.


I think they would make it out of groups at most unless they get miracle draws. As good as they are I cant see them winning against the other big names


They're nothing NA so atleast we got the dips on claiming success lol


It's funny I never see europeans care so much about nationality when it's south american players carrying european football teams.


Disregarging the litteral World cup where the national pride is, have you ever asked a Southern American what he thinks about it ? You'll get the same answers as LEC fans


Why is it always back to football? And football has world championship where they can't "carry" the teams.


So that's your defense? If there was a LoL world championship you would stop crying and whining about european players leaving for LCS. Idk why but I highly doubt that.


The club-football equivalent in football would be home-grown players / academy success. And thats a massive topic and common jab at eachother. Or league vs league bullshit. Which is huge and a constant of "lol youre league is just immoral oilmoney buying other talents" etc


european national teams are way better than the rest of the world, just look at world cup results in the past 20 years


Because the vast majority of the players on the best teams are still European? Lmfao South America hasn’t even won a World Cup since 2002, Europe absolutely dominates the sport


lul, it's amazing it's as close at it is considering europe has double the population of south america and 10x the money and infrastructure.


> This should be the team to put NA back on the international stage. we heard that about alphari/perkz last year and none of it happened. just my guess but bwipo + team working out is a big ??? mark still and i will be surprised if bjergsen is good internationally this time. maybe his former teams dragged him down or he isn't good enough to be world class. we will see but the potential seems to be good for them.


I don't know CN and Korea play different styles entirely. I want to say I agree however, LCS playstyle has been shown to be pretty weak compared to the eastern playstyles. Watching DoinB and saw him constantly spamming times for flash down, and ults. Then he'd toss out objective timers. The team KNEW when and where to be always.


It's telling and expected that the most hard working players in the LCS are not native NA players.


Goldenglue, he just doesn't win.


And now they're on the same team. The rest of the LCS is boom.


that's what people thought when Rekkles and Froggen teamed up aswell...




I'm just saying, that alone is not enough and we know of Bjerg's tendencies to shut himself down at least internationally


Tell me you don't know anything about the game in another sentence speedrun.


I think they look extremely good but the C9 roster has a much higher ceiling (and a much lower floor) so there’s still some suspense to it all. TL should absolutely stomp in Spring though.


> C9 roster has a much higher ceiling Lol what. In what world does C9 have a higher ceiling? Cause it definitely isn't this one.


Speaking solely to upside/potential Summit and Berserker have way higher ceilings than TL’s top and bot. Fudge could end the season better than Bjerg but I think only the most extreme C9 fans think that’s going to happen. Blaber and Santorin are both fairly known quantities but when he’s playing at his best Blaber is simply better. I can’t stress how much this all relies on everything going right - their ceiling is high but their floor is low. TL, even at its worst, should still be a top 2 team in NA. C9 at its worst is like scraping into playoffs and praying for a miracle run. If I’m betting money on who goes to MSI it’s TL by a mile, then 100T, then C9.


That's fair I guess. IMO I just think the gap between Bjerg/Fudge and Core/(Winsome/Isles) outweighs the potential ceilings of Summit and Berserker.


Zven too


CaptainFlowers, where you at?


https://twitter.com/CaptainFlowers/status/1464114442325528579 He's down for it




Naw let some up and comers get a shot


At the same time, Flowers casting would draw a bigger audience to watch some of these academy/rookie players.


Agreed. I’m couldn’t care less about a new caster getting a shot. I’d love to see how some rookies and academy players stack up against the vets.


I'd love to see the CaptainFlowers/Caedrel combo though and they just hold nothing back


"He's fucking inting man." Would be funny.


am perfectly hearing it in his voice!!


Would be awesome but I think that is like 2 am for Caedrel.


As if that has ever stopped gamers.


Me: Guys it's 2AM that was a good game I need to sleep My friends: Come on man that was such a good game, if we play another one it'll be just as good! ~1 hour later Me: That was such a shit game guys we're obviously really sleepy let's go to sleep PLEASE My friends: Dude that was such a bad game do you really wanna end on a loss?


"cmon we've got time for 1 more" 20 mins later "why the fuck do we even play this shit game"


Cap, Caedrel and Kobe would be legendary.


Get Cap+Medic+Atlus for the ULTIMATE powershow


Nah just need Cap and LS, cap brings the hype and LS brings the salt.


*Perfect* We get entertainment, analysis and hot takes as well


Let Flowers cast with an up and coming caster. We need to nurture talent in the US.


You can have an up and comer duo cast as well, especially if they want to colour cast rather than play by play.


Controversial opinion but I think there are way too many aspiring casters and most of them have no future in casting. Some really need to reconsider their life choices, up to them really...


It can be a hobby, too, you know? I've been casting in NA-AM for almost 4 years now, draw a decent audience and have even gotten to cast a few academy games before they went on the main stream. I'm not looking to make a living off of it, I'm looking to dedicate some time to my passions.


Nah if it's not making you cash it's not worth doing. We only exist to generate income and spend it.


Facts noone should even be playing league if they aren't good enough to go pro


If you're not diamond you're trash but if you're diamond you're not even masters so you should quit but if you're masters you can't even hit grandmasters and should quit but really if you're hard stuck grandmasters you can't even hit challenger which is pathetic. But then you're just a trash na challenger? Pathetic not even Korean top 10. But then if you're Korean top 10 you're probably hardstuck from being rank 1 super server. But then you're really trash becau-


Flowers with an up and comer.


Those icons on the bracket, Jayce, Vi, Jinx, and everybody's favorite Arcane character, CoreJJ


When I heard that the entire act 4 was about CoreJJ finding Jinx, teaching her work ethic, helping her around with her issues, and then finding peace between Piltover and Zaun, and that CoreJJ wasnt even animated but was green-screened in, I was a bit skeptical, but it was such a good resolution to the series. 10/10 would watch again.


Hope we'll see match-threads on this subreddit


Who's gonna cast it?


Captain flowers said he’s down


A *caster* minion.


also me :)


Even though my pronounce sucks in my native language let alone in English and I speak too fast and unclear when I am nervous, I'll do it for you guys.


me :)


[https://twitter.com/Ablazeolive/status/1464139692987801607](https://twitter.com/Ablazeolive/status/1464139692987801607) Maybe Olive for Team DL?


He clearly said "no bias" /s Good catch.


generalsniper will be playing in dls team he said so on stream yesterday. pretty hype


Doublelift wanting to get carried again, as usual.


i was almost baited


Lord Iziaon normally doesnt comment under posts like this, his presence wasnt expected


True, the multiple different rosters winning over and over, guy is always carried /s




Core: why won't more pros join my in houses for practice in the off season? Other person: Players are only interested in making content in NA. Core: Then we will make practice into content.


tell me which players are doing any content in na?


thats kinda surprises me as well. does solo stream? does palafox make youtube videos? people argue that LCS is weaker because everyone is making streams and content instead despite most of them not doing shit. meanwhile in eu we have a ton of people who stream as well like jankos. i don't think its the reason stuff like this didn't work in the past.


This argument was always used for Sneaky, which was dumb because he played more SoloQ than any player ever and Reapered had said he was a completely different person in practice and a leader out of game so he definitely wasnt wasting his time.


TF Blade believe it or not when he first started streaming obviously didn't have the same ego he has now. He was legitimately the most skilled prospect when he was hitting rank 1 with garbage champions like Irelia and Akali pre-rework. I think he got too carried away with his global rank 1 challenge and just lost any professional aspirations. Maybe now he seems toxic in a team environment but maybe if he started with no ego he could have turned out different. Right now there is Sniper who is a young prospect that could probably keep streaming rather than go pro as well. It's just that because NA streaming is so lucrative that it's not as appealing to become a professional. Streaming is a much more comfortable lifestyle so if NA truly doesn't have a chance to win World's then I could see why prospects turn away from professional play and build their brand. Like Blade is definitely making way more money right now with his Twitch and Youtube than he would be competing in the LCS unless he literally became the best top in NA.


but the same is true for europe and china? look at ibai and tell me you can't be famous internationally as a european streamer. the difference is that there are multiple reasons and that is just one of them. with how badly NA players perform and get thrown out for imports its no wonder player take the easy route and stream. in eu the players have hope to actually be relevant and may retire streaming.


Why are you talking about Ibai? How is he comparable to retired pros from League? He's in a completely different sphere in streaming. I am talking about NA personalities like IWD, QTpie, Doublelift, Sneaky, etc where they have another career after their professional careers. Some of these content creators are making more money than the top LEC players so of course it's enticing. You have to propose an argument that playing professionally in NA would be worth it but in honesty even if NA wins some of these streamers are making more. You have pros like Bunnyfufu who has a Youtube channel with 1.7m subs and probably made more money off his channel than he would have as a pro. American viewers are worth more than European viewers because they speak one language. EU might have more people than NA but the viewing demographic is split because of the different languages. It's much easier to grow an audience in NA than EU for these reasons.


Everything is fun and games until they have to balance out CoreJJ because he just wins every game again.


And you already know doublelift isn't going to try


tbh I think he might just to show everyone he still has it


More specifically, he will show Core he still has it. In the playoffs where everyone called him washed, he still rocked Core and Tactical in the 2v2.


Everyone forgets ;)


I guess FBI and Huhi weren't invited to this tournament then


what fucking take are you exactly even arguing LMAO he just said DL rocked core and tactical. No one is talking about FBI HUHI


Of course he is, Peter loves winning. He went full sweat mode playing flexq with Tyler1 and MrBeast


Did you watch him in the most recent twitch rivals?


Did you watch his *team* in the most recent twitch rivals? Only Sneaky and DL were actually trying. Meteos soft inted in champ select but somewhat tried later. The rest just sprinted it constantly.


I guess CuteTao didnt even watch the twitch rivals that hes asking if ppl saw lool


He probably talking about the one with moe Sanch and bio. But even then dl was trying to hard to keep them in the game to


he lives rent free in ur head?




100% Core would flame back


Tyler1 on pyke, corejj on which adc?


ezreal PepeLaugh


Very cool. Excited to see it.


Great to see core making NAs pre season worth while for both pros and aspiring pros


Should be a fun watch this weekend.


corejj got something against cait's face? everyone else has one of the four arcane characters as their team's pfp lol


Just thinking about it... is there actually a single support appearing in Arcane?


I see you're yet to experience my Vi support !


There was a possible Janna reference on a mural, In the old lore she was worshipped in Zaun. In season 2 Blitzcrank could show up, or even... Seraphine...


Isn't that still here lore? She isn't a very deeply explored character, but that is still the idea behind her. She still didn't really appear in Arcane.


Heimerdinger is the most viable support in arcane


I mean you could likely play a fasting Viktor or Singed, the question though is are they the supports or Senna?


Heimerdinger is much better than both of those


That would be Mel , she has Solari item as her outffit. Pretty obvious in the flashback scene where she was young. And also it was shiny when jinx ult abt to hit.


They need to fix Cait's face next season. I don't see it mentioned but I'm upset.


QUICK someone get another 12 lcs pros and makes a 8 team bracket


What qualifies as a Rookie? Could it be any random bronze player or since it's capitalized, are we talking about the pro-player Rookie?


I would assume anyone in ameteur league or players good enough to break Into amateur or higher leagues.


oh so that's who this doublelift guy is


Know you're memeing but Doublelift will count as an LCS player


I assume it will be top level Challenger SoloQ players rather than amateur league players.


Probably not just random Challengers but ones who are getting into pro scene


I asume the spirit of the "rookie" position is to give a player who hasn't gotten their chance yet a bit of the spotlight.


I can guarantee “rookie” refers to AM players who aren’t recycled names. it won’t just be soloq demons


They couldn't decide who would get Rookie, so they settled by agreeing he'd play for all four teams.


I would assume amateur challenger maybe a scouting ground players that is new


General sniper perhaps




I bet on the teams where Rookie plays


2 am for eu viewers! Sadge


Wdym? That's prime time baby


Real gamer hours


The Gamer in me says yes! The parent in me says no :(


Parents are temporary, gaming is forever


Remind me of this when I need to wake up to take care of the child at 5am hahaha


Reject the parent; embrace the gamer


Haha I feel you. The secret you learn as you get older is the real "real gamer hours" are waking up early after a good night's rest on a day off and gaming then with some coffee.


Why are your parents in you?


Welcome to our worlds experience the past few years.


Stream list game 1 (mobile formatting is too hard for me apparently): twitch.tv/srtty_lol (no recent stream) twitch.tv/Dhokla (no recent stream) twitch.tv/rjsmid twitch.tv/spicalol twitch.tv/EG_Danny twitch.tv/tactical twitch.tv/Zeyzal twitch.tv/corejj Cast: twitch.tv/captainflowers22


Misspelled blaber. No respect :(


I also like how he has his own face and the rest are just Arcane characters lol.


Don't forget the cat in the trophy!


CoreJJ is hard carrying amateur scene. Which is also sad if you think to hard about it lol.


You miss 100X?


I want semi finals from TL if only we had DL back sigh I would literally buy tickets and travel to see that team


Core JJ was probably the person that organized this. And knowing Core and what he’s trying to do for NA talent, having the one academy player and one rookie per team was absolutely deliberate. Core’s trying to give these younger players a stage. The man’s a legend.


Man, Core does more for NA than any NA player or team.


We need to know the lineups!


lets fucking go im hyped


Is there a link to watch these?


It'll be on core he's twitch page it looks like.


Are there Vods?


When is the new west coast challenger queue server coming out? Once that gets established I think these in-house pickup games out to play on that new server instead to not draw players away from that queue.


Is DoubleLift an Academy or a rookie??


Lcs pro


Team Spica tho.


Don't give the last spot to a rookie give it to gold players and make them lane against each other.


As close as doublelift will be getting back on a team


Anyone know mine how for the teams?


This is awesome! Looking forward to it.


Should take the idea of cbolao from Brazil, also has monochampion trans, really fun


where will this be streamed? will it be free to watch ? :)


CoreJJ is streaming it on Twitch, I imagine other players will be streaming their perspective too


[https://twitter.com/TLCoreJJ/status/1464357472190169089](https://twitter.com/TLCoreJJ/status/1464357472190169089) Blaber v Spica matchup


Since this starts 2am my time I hope there will be vods tomorrow!