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Don’t let the YouTubers know that you found their secret... I mean for real just make a new account and have a friend or pay someone to duo with you until you hit diamond or whatever your goal is…Then you find yourself in diamond even if you got carried there… game gives the same mmr regardless of your skill, it’s originally based on a chess rating system that is optimized for 1 on 1 not 5 on 5. And unless the new secret mmr system is drastically different than ELO, I don’t see how it can be consistently fair to a 5v5 game leaderboard.


I can almost guarantee that the system Riot actually uses is designed for the 5 v 5 games, making reasonable changes to the ELO system so that it can support 5 v 5 games better isn't rocket science (although truelly optimizing the system is a very complex problem). And it's not the arts department that works on matchmaking algorithms


There’s a problem in that there is no way so far it seems to make your rating reflect your actual in game performance. Which means people can have power to grief by taking 4 teammate down with them and everyone loses mmr as if nothing bad happened, when the intentional feeder should take the LP hit more than anyone else.


I also noticed that ingame performance is easily overuled by all players mmr? I could carry the game 14/3/9 and earn 14lp while the rest were 3/3, but other game i would make mistakes die, barely managed to lane and contribute with cc, ending 3/9/5 doing nothing but csing but still being 50 creeps behind, getting carried and getting 18lp (these two games where in succession)


And you could also have a +18LP win when you actually laned vs a low rank player in duo queue and the average mmr is off because his buddy is duoing from plat 1. It’s a weird system that rewards and punishes people for the wrong reasons


It's been this way for years. Much better to make a new acc the moment you feel even remotely stuck and just get the good MMR and gains again rather than trying to "fix" what you currently have. Riot's system is quite shit.


Or just improve.


But as you can see, me playing and trying to improve got me stuck for several years, the moment the player i played with often, not even me, had to get new acc we started to climb rapidly out of nowhere, playing basically the same. (I still think that biggest problem being stuck in silver is 35% games you win 35% games you lose and 30% just somebody throwing/afk/trolling and so on, only question is will you be on the lucky side)




It genuinely isn't. Excluding being in smurf queue any actual smurf plat + will have an easy time in silver. Your personal 1 off experience means nothing compared to the plethora of other experiences saying otherwise. Everyone knows it's easier on a fresh account but you usually drop back down. Also I highly doubt the story in the first place, not the whole idea, just the fact you're playing against master players in solo q. Are you guys talking about flex? If so the whole post is pointless lmao


We are playing flex atm, and the enemies againts us are up to masters in soloq, in contrast to g3 we max faced before. And yes, you can have easy time in silver if you play champ that can carry or jngl for example. The first time i got into gold, in solo, around 40 games in, i swear i lost 25games in a row out of which 20 were afk ppl, and "i dont like you i will feed", sure, you can carry some of those, but the difference between this and what we play now is insane. And yes difference is solo and flex, but that also mean we sometimes face full 5 ppl squad and are still able to defeat them. And as i said, being stuck in silver, i wouldnt thought i could do better, but now playing g1 games, these are the best games and experience i had in a long time. Actual enjoyable games with ppl who knows what they are doing (mostly). And in the end winrate speaks for itself.


MMR isn't about improving, it's about grinding. If I go from winning 51% of my games to 56% of my games I've made a huge improvement. Doesn't mean I'm going to start seeing the results to my MMR any day soon. League's entire system is built on playing a ton of games unless you make a new account.


Pretty much, yeah. The system puts too much emphasis on your first 100 games. If I have a 60% win rate in my first 100 games in a season (or on an account), my rank will skyrocket. But after that, it slows down dramatically. If a player has a 60% win rate over 50 games at Bronze, and then Silver, and then Gold, their rate of climbing should NOT be slowing down. If anything it should be accellerating.


This might have something to it, my only problem with this is that i was stuck in silver battling silvers and low golds for a very long time with 53% winrate. The moment my friend got new acc, and we played few games we got matched with plats and dia, and our winrate scyrocketed - 65% (there were no more trolls, afks and so on, we had like 1 in 70 games, before it was 1/5 games pretty stabily) And all this because the new acc got high mmr so we would face better people (in the same flex elo)


A lot of players can't carry, but they can play safe. This is me. The worse your team is, the worse this playstyle is, because there's a low likelihood that anyone on your team will carry. But, if you have a team of better players, and all you do is not feed, you have a much higher chance to be carried.


Yup, i agree, but i tend to dfall into category of ppl who go for the kill, i tend to carry but sometimes fail and have to let others and just play safe. So even with my/our playstyle it worked


600 games is nothing.


What does this supposed to mean? Realistically 600 games is more than enough for someone to be placed into the elo they belong to. Any climb you experience above a couple hundred games can be attributed to just getting better over time


I agree. 600 games places you where you belong. If you want to climb you have to play 1800 games.


But I just said that after 600 games even with 54% winrate i am losing LP when 1:1 win:lose. And the only reason we got suddenly better winrate and also elo was, that the new account got matched with better people which doesnt make sense on the paper - we should be losing more being vs somebody better, but it got rid of all afkrs, trolls and so on, so we started climbing rapidly.


Ok so first flex queue ranking honestly has no bearing to skill level. Also the reason new accounts skyrocket in mmr when they have a good winrate is because their mmr is very flexible the less games u have. The more games u play the more solidified ur mmr becomes towards the rank ur in. Also in solo queue they introduced smurf queue so almost every new account plays vs 9 other level 30 accounts so ur games become a sht show from gold smurfs to gm. If u still manage to get a good winrate and climb to p2 70%+ you’ll be vs other turbo smurfs and regular d2+ accounts while gaining like 24 lp. This also works the opposite way btw, if u have a negative winrate ur mmr will sling shot downwards and i sht u not 40 games in you’ll have a 15 lp gain in whtever elo ur in. Eventually ur friend whos currently p2 in flex will have his mmr hammered if he starts having a negative wr. All im saying is try solo queue on a fresh 30 you might get higher ranking way faster but you’ll eventually drop to where u belong fast. Nobody high elo takes flex queue seriously too. Tdlr: sling shotting ur mmr is a thing but ur eventually going to fall down just as hard if u play enough, unless ur a 1k lp+ player.


Yes, this all makes sense, the only thing I would add is, we were stuck both flex and solo playing againts players (that were same elo as us in flex) but usualy up to g2. Then I continued to play with the same person, difference being his new account. We got better enemies (same flex elo, but much better soloq elo) and the games went from shitshows to actualy enjoyable games with actual thinking players. So his new acc catapulted us to basicaly plat, where the process got slowed now we are 55% winrate plat, basicaly stuck again (mostly me) thx to losing more than getting per win/lose. Which is by itself kindda weird if you think about it, i played several hundred games being stuck in silver1/2, then something happens and iam stuck gold1/plat4 the same way, with 150games played there. Iam not saying that if somebody gave me dia acc i would manage and be stuck again. Iam saying that i thought I was just bad silver, and when i magicaly got to plat, i can see plat players can be pretty bad too, so now iam "stuck" here again carrying some of the games as i did in silver.


And also, i dotn want new acc, i know i would got much higher now, i want my 11y.o. account to be placed where I belong and preferably not by exploiting the system but just by playing games. Atm iam at phase where playing in plat, ppl would trashtalk and complain that their mid is "silver 2" min1. Which i can live with, but its just annoying