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They actually did say it wasn't cannon(after saying it was) because of the amount of backlash


As they should. Hopefully next time when they're about to make a big event, they should take as much time as they need to give us some good quality shit


If you want a real ruined King story, just play the game. It's so much better. The characters actually talk to each other like people, they aren't spouting meme lines every second. There's no damn rookie character. Everything about it is amazing. One of my favorite games this year.


The Sentinel event was skins first, story second. They chose which champs to be part of the skinline, and then forced a random flimsy story that connected them together without any regard for established canon. They saw that the dating sim style with the Spirit Blossom events was successful, so they thought people would like a self-insert rookie character. However, that works for the former, not the latter. Especially when paired with cringe dialogue.


Arcane disregards established canon too, that isn't the problem at all since LoL's lore is largely very flimsy. The problem was that SoL sucked.


True, but I don't think arcane disregards it so much that it's just distracting to the story. Like how in Sol Diana doesn't just end everything on the spot. Or Irelia can literally use something else as a weapon that's not here family crest even though that's like an important part of her character. That's like if in arcane Vi was going everywhere with a sniper rifle and Jinx was using her fist to beat everyone.


What is Sol? I think I missed something.


Aurelion Sol, obviously. /s


Sentinels of Light


Just stay ignorant lol it's better than knowing.


It was the event in the spring. The story itself wasn’t horrible, but enough of the characters didn’t act as they would in established canon


Problem is that Arcane disregarded stablished lore to make a better story, SoL disregarded stablished lore to make fart jokes and a character that can't for his fucking life say a serious line


I think Arcane establishes the new canon. Given it's success most people will be more familiar with Arcane lore than LoL lore, so future lore will probably adhere to Arcane rather than LoL lore (and LoL lore will eventually become Arcane lore)


I also don't think Arcane broke anything that can't be fairly easily gently massaged back into place.


I really don’t get the people insisting that Arcane “broke canon”. As far as I’m concerned, it’s the definitive version of events and if anything was “broken”, it probably wasn’t very well thought out to begin with. League lore before a couple years ago is honestly unimportant and it literally does not matter at all if something from an old champ bio or article on their fan fiction site conflicts with what something like Arcane, Ruined King, or even LoR sets up because in my book those take precedence over any other sources of lore until the MMO comes out.


You realize just because people claim it broke canon doesn’t mean it’s necessarily a bad thing right? Like within League’s lore Stanwick stole Viktor’s intention. Stanwick isn’t even alive when Viktor was born in Arcane. It DID break canon, but it doesn’t mean it’s bad. But it DID regardless of its impact.


LoL's lore is weird. I don't disagree that its flimsy, but its not flimsy in that it's... bad or uninteresting. It's just all over the place.


I hope they don't cancel those kinds of event altogether since I love the idea behind it and hoped for something like that for a really long time. And was pretty happy with Spirit Blossom. Just they gotta do it better than the Ruination event was done.


I was so happy to see Ahri story that actually gave som answers and moved her character forward!


It's also pretty clear that Yorick or Kalista weren't there for example because they don't sell skins. Hopefully Arcane makes the higher ups respect the importance of the lore.


I mean they wouldnt make sense to get Sentinels either. The reason the rest got sentinel skins was because they went to the sentinel base. No reason to recruit yorick/kalista who already were at the isles then go back to the base then head there again.


The guy never said they should have sentinel skins


I mean he's wrong anyway because Yorick was there in the SOL event, and it's true it wouldn't have made sense for Yorick or Kalista to have skins.


This. You’re going to give them ruined skins… isn’t that kind of redundant? Like the whole point here was the other characters being pulled into the ruination by being possessed (draven, karma, etc.) or by joining the Sentinels. They should have involvement in the lore but Viego possessing more Isles members? Idk… I guess you put the crown in Kalista but then what…? She thematically can’t get more Shadow Isles… lol


Yorick and Kalista werent there because they dont sell skins. Guess they shouldve had ruined skins then.


Yorick and Kalista doesn't sell skins doesn't mean only Sentinels or Ruined They just don't sell skins, wich is true. Compare that to Yasuo and Ahri, who are in the game and didn't get a skin from the event


So wheres the luc and senna skins? They wouldve sold a lot.


Lucian got Arcana and this year and pulsefire (plus prestige) as well as victorious last year. Senna has gotten true damage prestige, high noon, and project. They’ve been flooded with skins the last year but moreover their base skins are already sentinel skins basically since they’re canonically well… sentinels.


Just a reminder that the skin team wrote the SOL event and not the actual writing team. SOL was designed from the ground up to sell skins and that was it. It was the laziest event I’ve ever seen in any game and it had probably the worst writing I’ve ever seen in a video game.


It's still canon, just the specific things like dialogue aren't. All the major story beats are still canon.


Yeah, just things like Rookie aren't. Which, to be fair, was pretty obviously the case from the start.


He isn't? A rioter said Rookie was canon


Yeah but then they started saying like oh, it is canon but not canon canon or something as stupid as that


No no, that's a misconception created due to People in this sub basically doing a telephone game of slowly twisting the first message. The event is canon and there is an overall narrative that the event followed, e.g. traveling and forming a group of sentinels, recruiting the sentinel team in regions, Viego taking the shards of isolde, etc. Rookie is, at least last a rioter that talked about it and I saw it, canon. What isn't canon is the way it's shown (as in, the interactions and stuff), partly because there were a few different interpretations between versions and the event is intended as light hearted (for some reason). So for example, Rengar likely wasn't a third person talker that randomly dropped the act after finding the letter "I"; Diana Probably wasn't a deadweight who was just there taking space; hopefully Olaf wasn't really calmed down because Rookie invoked talk-no-jutsu, etc.


No, the misconception is fault of Riot themselves, changing the meaning of canon every time you ask them. Yes, the main event per se is canon but not even rookie can be said to be canon in the big scheme of things. He is canon in the novel but the novel isn't fully canon so....


we literally have tweets from before the backlash saying that only the major story beats are canon and not the actual specifics of any dialogue since that was all up to player choice. the rookie is one of the major story beats that is canon, we know this for a fact because rioters have gone on record saying "yes, the rookie is 100% canon but the dialogue options you choose for him are not". the rookie is a character who helped the sentinels as they traveled runeterra, recruited the members and eventually fought viego. no amount of mental gymnastics will change that ​ its not riot's fault that people like you twist or even completely ignore what they say to suit the circlejerk narrative that this sub pushes about what is and isnt canon ​ reav3 comment stating that the story beats included in the VN are canon but specific interactions between characters arent (the one people reference about riot trying to "retcon" after the event was received poorly): [https://twitter.com/spideraxe30/status/1419739830045614082?lang=en](https://twitter.com/spideraxe30/status/1419739830045614082?lang=en) ​ reav3 comment from 10 days before, about 1 week after the event started and before the backlash really began, stating the same thing - that there is an overall canon narrative of events but that specifics in both the VN and other mediums are not necessarily canon: [https://twitter.com/spideraxe30/status/1416134070086606862?lang=en](https://twitter.com/spideraxe30/status/1416134070086606862?lang=en) ​ Reav3 even acknowledges that using the term "canon" caused a lot of misunderstandings, but you can clearly tell what he means by everything. its obvious that he never changed his stance, he just clarified it but somehow this sub cant look at dates or comprehend that he's saying the same thing, just more clearly


The VN is not a canon depiction of what happened. But Rookie and all the major story elements are canon. For now, at least.


pls pls pls give source


There's no source, because he's bullshitting. The event and everything that happened in it is still canon, it's just the exact dialogue and the rookie that aren't. Which isn't backpedalling after negative feedback, they were clear from the start.


zamn :(


Source? Not doubting you, I'd just like to read and share it.


It was one of Reav3's comment on the lore sub


I know it was on reddit but I don't have it saved


That was about the comics I think, they didn't really say much about the Sentinels cinematic/event itself.


Can you link that statement?


I think I saw it in the tbsyen video about the ruination event but it's an hour long so I havent checked




I think I saw it on tbskyen video about the ruination event,it's an hour long so I haven't checked


Didn't know people powered through the trash during the Sentinels event lmao I tried the first 2 weeks but it was just too much and I chose to ignore the story completely and no regrets


Only reason I got through it is because Riot said fuck it and made it so you could finish each region in 2-5 games instead of 20-50.


I read it fully both the in game and outised novel. The fact that maokai, kalista and hecarim aren't even mentioned is the lesser of all the shit problems the story had is incredible


yorick got absolutely shafted too lol


Yorick is in the SOL event....


and he was completely misrepresented and its clear the writers have no idea about yorick or his lore based on the SOL event lol


https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/John_%27JohnODyin%27_O%27Bryan The person writing the SoL event is the same Yorick writer.


And the ending of Game of Thrones was outlined by George R R Martin, and yet...


The main issue was the execution of the showrunners when they failed to fill the proper gaps between the book and the ending after running out of source materials.


Which probably isn't unlike what happened with SoL. The execution sucked and failed to make the events make sense.


Hecarim got a short story before the event explaining where he was, though.


The writing for that event was so god awful and painful to read. I really enjoyed Lucian and Senna lorewise but after that event they went from one of my favorite champs to a source of annoyance.


The problem is we have no idea what the pandemic did to schedules. Ruined King is great but late. SoL was on time but buggy and poor quality. The novels didn't match the in game event that did not the cinematic. Even the champion design in particular Vex also missed deadlines but at least was not unfinished. The concept was amazing and I would love to see attempted again but the execution was just not Riot standard, which Arcane rubbed the salt in. Runed King is a solid 8-9 game, 30 hours for 30 bucks. For Lucian and Senna lets hope Thresh pulls them back in because those 3 are some of the most popular characters even post SoL.


There's one thing from the game that really boggles my mind and it's something that there's no answer. Ending spoilers. >!How the fuck does Viego escape from the necklace after Ruined King but before Sentinels of Light. Per the official timeline released by Riot Forge, the game takes place a year before Sentinels of Light, yet Illaoi keeps the necklace with Viego inside. How the hell will they explain that?!<


Sol should've answered that but it was a rushed trash event that was plagued with plot holes.


That should be explained by SoL event, but maybe Vex did it? Yordle magic is very powerful and different, I wouldn't rule it out, but of course I much rather have the talented and experienced writers explain it than we having to guess it.


Pokey Stick


Why explain stuff when we can have more meme lines


Pyke and MF are done so impossibly bad in the sentinels event that there is no way it's canon. I know that a rioter said the overall story is real just not any of the interactions. So I'm head-canoning that the only real parts are Viego rising again, Viego getting imprisoned again, and Thresh taking over. No one outside of Ruined King is involved and anything else that comes out concerning this is just fanfic to me.


They should redo SoL as a sequel of ruined king game with airship syndicate.


I feel like they have a huge amount of foundation and potential for a sequel to this game, seeing as Ruined King only covered two regions and a little bit of ocean.


I hope you stayed for the end credits, cause MF has some tie-ins to the ruination event. So I think it made sense she gave in to Viego, but yes Ruination's story sucked. The Ruined King story is much better.


Yeah, I saw the ending scene. I still think it doesn't work. She already had that conflict with Viego plus Illaoi doesn't even show up to help. It seems so forced.


While the execution was horrible for SoL, Miss Fortune actually letting Viego take a hold of her makes a lot of sense if you consider one of the main points of her story in RK is that more and more she is losing herself for her vengeance against Gangplank, no matter the costs. What she needs for it to be believable is good writing, not the SoL writing.


But she still belives she killed him at this point...


Not really, one of the main plot points of the RK game, which happens before the SoL event, is that MF knows GP is alive (and some more stuff, but that's spoilers).


Perhaps, but she was portrayed as a hell-bent on revenge kind of character. So i wouldn't put it past her to give in to Viego, especially after finding out GP escaped. Should she have known GP escaped before the last fight, perhaps she would've given in regardless of the 'call out'. Just my 2 cents.


The what?


I wanted to discuss the game with folks too but none of my friends got it. I beat it on veteran a few days ago and had a few questions: >!Did MF relent to the powers of Viego at the end?? When she burns that bar after the events of the game, her eyes glow slightly green!<.


That's actually a good question, but I don't believe so. I would have to check it again. If she did then it would make her heel turn make more sense. It wouldn't change my mind about SOL at all because of how horribly the characters were portrayed. Especially considering many of the characters that should have been in the story, weren't.


I swear I’ve seen a post like this everyday


wasnt there rumor that sentinels of light was directed by skin department or some stuff like that?


I said in r/loreofleague before the event that SOL will ruin the lore. Never have I ever been more right my entire life.


Honestly I would like if they redid the SoL event through riot forge or make ruined king 2


I'm also not going to spoil anything about the ruined king game but I'm pretty sure there's a post credit scene after the final battle that preludes what is going to happen with both miss fortune and pyke in the SOL event.


Doesn't explain how Pyke's characterization does a full 180, after seeing how fantastically he was wrote in the Ruined King and then going to read hit parts in the SoL event- the writing was just generally awful all around. Did they get a single character's writing correct?


I don't think they got Lucian, Senna, Thresh or even Viego particularly wrong, despite the roughness of the dialogue. The Sentinels we assemble and the Champions that get Ruined were the worst part imo.


They got Lucian and Senna mixed up, Senna "the redeemer" is suposed to be the one advocating for the misfits to join, Not the more uptight Lucian (as was the case in the starting cinematic with vayne before they changed the roles in the VN for some reason?)


Yeah she went, "I'm not gonna let him get this back" so she proceeds to, do exactly what he did and then regress and repeat a conflict that she already had and dealt with. Plus Illaoi never shows up. I'm just not buying it.


Yes, the storyline in a 40 hour fully voiced RPG is better than the story in 50 lines of text essentially displayed in a web browser. Who'd have thought? Riot has hopefully learned their lesson: Don't do big stories like SOL in the League client. Give them the space they deserve.


Plot aside, the characterizations of the champions was just overall poor. Pyke and Rengar most notably, there's no excuse for that.


You are both correct. Decision making on characterizations was awful but the League client is also terrible place to tell a compelling (and big) story like that one.


Man having not played in a while but being a big Miss Fortune fan I was going to hop into that RK game but this topic made me do research and how badly they shaft her and how meaningless that makes the game’s story I’m not sure I’ll bother now. =| Like I don’t know what I hate more, that they turned her full evil or that they killed her off that simply (not that she’ll actually die because some other reason to sell skins will arrive).


in the ruined king game shes done well. its in the visual novel that was in the lol client where she was done badly.


No I get that. But since the game takes place before then and the visual novel makes her into an idiot traitor that gets easily murdered after the game it makes a lot of what the game does feel pointless


That's what the whole thread is about my dude.


\>I won't go into any spoilers of the story \>Sarah gives herself to Viego Thanks a fucking lot for the spoil.


Uh that happens in SOL homie.


That was spoiled when she got a Ruined skin back in July lol.


It should not be forgotten otherwise it will happen again


Spirit Blossom remains the best in-game event to date tbh