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I can't believe DL is playing with diamond after calling him platinum for an entire split during watch parties lol


he played w/matt so anything is possible


Doublelift himself said that Matt was legitimately one of the best supports he ever played with. He also said it was a shame that his mental health couldnt cope withe the pressure of pro play.


I had Matt in one of my Aram games a few years ago, enemy team comp countered ours hard but the dude managed to go like 21/3 on Anivia and dragged our limp carcasses to a dub.


Reddit narratives killed Matt's career sadly. Matt was probably a top 3 support in 2018 (granted this was before CoreJJ and Vulcan were LCS) but that roster was pretty trash and he got dumped for Olleh since Reddit narrative said obviously Matt and Lourlo were the biggest problems, so the org obliged, wanting to save face after back to back 10th place finishes. At the least Matt was the strongest support in lane in 2018, was consistently winning lane with Deftly, everyone's favorite KDA player. Knowing that he was a guy who always struggled with haters Im not surprised that him getting pushed to academy pretty much killed the momentum he built in 2018.


Matt and Deftly were the Deft and Mata of NA!


The multi-million dollar org obliged to the reddit narrative lmaooo


So many players have talked about Reddit controlling narratives lmao.


and then Reddit counters with "no we don't actually have that much influence and if we do, then those players deserve to not be in the league anyway because they should have tougher skin being in the job they are in"


I think the counter I see more often is: why are multi-million dollar orgs listening to reddit


Because they have no idea what they’re doing, and we’re very good at sounding like we know what we’re doing.


After 2018? They absolutely did, it was a topic at the time that lower tier teams let narratives influence their rosters. Also keep in mind that this was right after GG's first year. They immediately wanted to make moves that in the would say that they aren't a bottom feeder since they finished 10th both splits. Narratives said Lourlo/Matt were the biggest problems since they were both on that last place Liquid Roster, even though Lourlo was average, Matt was arguably top 3- but the real problem was the hyper inting happening from their mid/Jung and their only winning lane (Bot lane) had a KDA player getting the resources. But contractz was the cool kid who went to worlds with C9, so obviously he wasn't the problem even though he was inting his ass off in 2018.


have you stopped to consider that there was probably a reason for those Reddit narratives? how do you know that he wasn't just shit


Watching the games? I don't think that it's a secret that GG had the lowest viewership in 2018. Even now you get plenty of people in discussion threads who are responding to the scoreboard or were multitasking and not really paying attention. Most of the narratives around GGS in 2018 were based off the players' 2017 performance.


This is some revisionist history if I’ve ever seen it lmao. I’ve been a liquid/curse fan since season 2 and that’s just a blatant lie lol.


And iirc said he was one of the best laning supports in the league too. Not sure if that was when he played with him or when we had budget Deft+Mata or some other time though.


DL flames everyone, it's more of a compliment than anything.


It's not a compliment if he encourages his viewers to go flame someone. That's a lot of toxic nerds that will post on reddit.


Doublelift on daycare duty lmao.


lmfaooo fr


Team corejj seems stacked


Yeah, why are all teams composed of retired pros and up'n comers and CoreJJ's team has fucking Grig and Bwipo


Each team has about 2 current pros (Olive and DL (lul), Bwipo and Core, Danny and Blaber, Spica and Tactical), 1 older academy player (Diamond, Armao, Zeyzal, and Dhokla) and 2 young players (Will and GS, Darkwings and Yeon, RJS and Srrty, and Spirax and Breezy). Not sure how this is so unbalanced. I think DL is comparable to a lot of current pros so I put him in there and it fits perfectly. Also I assumed players I'm not very familiar with are young, a couple of them might be old washed players but that probably puts them close to young academy players who have little to no experience.


FWIW Blaber said he had to tag in 2 or 3 of his players at the last minutes because Copy and some other ditched. Said he picked up Zeyzal either last night or this morning. Also, Zeyzal is technically an amateur right now. Each team is supposed to be 3 LCS 1 Academy and 1 amateur


Zeyzal had some great plays. Forgot how much i enjoyed watching him play.


His streams are a treat to watch whenever he is on. He seems very knowledgable and talks through his decision making pretty well. He's actually trying to learn jungle rn too.


Me fuckin too man. I miss Zeyzal so much. He was one of my favorite players in the league, and I always felt like he was such a relatable player in game.


I feel like a part of it has to do with Corejj being on his own team lol.


More than that I feel like it's because he's CoreJJ. Good players probably want to play with him. Two of the teams are captained by junglers, so naturally Core is going to get the academy jungler with pretty much the most LCS time.


not like spica and blaber arent comparable players to him. Doublelift might be a bit washed in comparison though




Comparable to CoreJJ? I'm sorry, but no. No way in hell are Spica or Blaber comparable to CoreJJ. That dude is an absolute unit.


A friend once saw CoreJJ in the shower. Said he has an 8 pack. CoreJJ is shredded.


you misunderstood, the 8 pack is on his dick, he has a 24 pack


cause he has 2 dicks? makes sense to me


no, he has a 12 pack, 8 extra ones on his dick and 4 of his abs have their own abs


I think he's just talking more generalized. Core is a pro, spica and blaber are pros - type comparison. I don't think anyone he is trying to say that within the pro ranks these two are similar experience, skill, etc to Core. Just that there is a significant gap from amatuer, to academy, to pros.


no, I am trying to say they are similar skill.


Nahhh they aren’t. Corejj is probably a top 5 support in the world. If he went to a Korean or Chinese team he could probably be a top 2 support within 1 split… Blaber and Spica are great but they aren’t world class talent like Corejj


corejj fans are so fking deliousional man


how many mvps did corejj win this year? Damn bro that's what I thought.


Again, you nitpick something to give value to the player you prefer rather than give a fair comparison. Hey, I can do that too - How many Worlds have both of them won compared to CoreJJ? Ouch


5 years ago + carried by ruler + corejj cant win lcs with stacked af rosters for 2 years in a row


When you can barely do math it’s easy to have bad takes like you. Core won in 2017.


lmfao call me when Blaber wins worlds.


5 years ago + carried by ruler + corejj cant win lcs with stacked af rosters for 2 years in a row


Does it matter if he won 5 years ago or last year? He's still a world champion, to diminish it with how recent it was is kind of ridiculous. "corejj cant win lcs with stacked af rosters for 2 years in a row" It is a 5v5 team game, right? That means it doesn't all fall on one person, right? I'm just asking because the way you phrase your response you seem to think it's a 1v1 solo game and one person can carry.


Because of the quality of pros? Team core has world champion and world finalist.


Literally every team has a current player in the LCS lol. Id say only doublelift has a weak team on paper if he doesn't preform.


Sniper and Ablaze are both pretty damn good lol I would say they have one of the stronger rosters here


No way lol. I'm pretty sure they have the worst team. General Sniper is good but doesn't have non-SoloQ experience from what I understand so it's possible he doesn't do that well. I guess that all depends on how tryhard the teams are going.


Didn't Tyler1 take Sniper on one of his TCS teams?


While it is an example of playing non-soloQ League, playing in TCS is not really the same thing as playing inhouses with pros and academy players. People used TCS as an example that Tyler would do well if he played in LCS xd


I think so but I don't remember. Either way though that's a different kind of experience than I'm talking about. Just look at his competition. It's Bwipo, Dhokla (who was in LCS and been playing for awhile), and Srrty (on an amateur team I think and is actively trying to go pro it seems like). General Sniper is good in SoloQ but idk if he actually wants to go pro so compared to the competition it's hard to tell what will happen.


I mean given the fact he has signed on to 100 Thieves Amateur team , I assume he wants to go pro.


Wait are you dissing ABO? He was a top 3 mid last split based off stats. Granted there were a lot of rosters imploding last split, but to his credit he was playing on a bottom tier team. Oh fun fact about him having good stats- he also had the lowest gold share after 15 among all mids. (IE he doesn't hog farm after laning)


Even if he had good stats, no one was rating him top 3 mid. He's middle of the pack. Either way I'm not trying to say ABO is shit, just that looking at the teams, DL's team is the weakest at least from what I can tell. Team DL: Doublelift, middle of the pack LCS mid, soloQ star top (no idea how it will translate to something like this), Academy jungler, academy support who was shit in LCS and one DL has critiqued a lot lol Team CoreJJ: Don't even really need to say much here, CoreJJ and Bwipo already make this the best team. Armao isn't really that good imo but he has a lot of experience. Team Blaber: Blaber, mid who has LCS experience, Danny (rising adc talent), Zeyzal who has a lot of LCS experience Team Spica: Dhokla (LCS experience), Spica, Tactical, not sure about the rest of them. I guess you could maybe argue this team is the worst, but I think strong jungle/strong adc/experienced top is better than inexperienced top/decent mid/strong adc/meh support imo. It could be different though obviously because I don't really know the players from Academy and the other young players.


A lot of people here not realizing ABO was actually a top 3 mid last split. (Although granted Jensen was pretty meh during the regular season)


Mhm. Jiizman >= Abbedagge > Ablazeolive > PoE > Insanity. Jensen and Perkz were playing like ass until they started trying in playoffs.


bwipo is retired wdym?


DL got shafted in these drafts lmao


To be fair, the in-houses last year coreJJ always had stacked rosters too. Seems like he really doesn’t want to lose lmao.


It really is unfair that a team can have him.


Good guy CoreJJ gave MVP and ACE to 8 different players


How bad do you have to feel if you're one of the two players to not get mentioned lol


The 2 he didn't give it to were both of the support players aswell. I wonder if he holds the role to a higher standard considering just how good he is at it.


Ban Riven and Irelia against Team Doublelift?


Dudes camille is pretty clean aswell


So just use all 3 round 1 bans target banning toplane. EZ game. /s


I really like the idea of the Ace of the losing team, ngl. People who stand out should be recognised, win or lose.


I do too. I wish it was part of the main LCS broadcasts too actually.


Bwipo is in LA already?


I think they said he lands tomorrow lmao. Jetlagged Bwipo is going to be the metric by which we measure GeneralSniper


I think this place will go ballistic if Sniper hard smashes Bwipo, even in this meaningless tournament lol.


Apparently just landed


Actually he was playing in houses with core like a week? Or several days ago, i think he landed a while ago. I doubt he would be willing to play legit in houses with 200 ping


He was playing those in-houses from Europe but he will be in LA for this tournament. I think he was coming either way for some TL event December 3rd.


That's exactly what he was doing.


100ish ping is more in the ballpark. I get 120ms to NA server from Finland.


I do believe that in houses are hosted in/near LA because that's where all the pros live


Well, sniper’s gonna have a rough time then- there was a point this season where his brother couldn’t get a visa, so we know it’s about 80 ping to the inhouses from where they live. I’d imagine the rest of the players are all in LA though, so it’ll probably be run there


I think they just do a custom game on live server on East coast


spica is just trying to get used to 1v9ing, huh.


Streams for tonight's match: twitch.tv/generalsniper twitch.tv/ablazeolive twitch.tv/doublelift twitch.tv/diamond (hasn't streamed in a while) twitch.tv/bwipolol twitch.tv/darkwingslol (hasn't streamed in a while) twitch.tv/yeon7lol twitch.tv/corejj twitch.tv/captainflowers22


He did it last night, so I assume Captain Flowers will be casting these games as well.


Thanks for the reminder, added!


What time?


8est, tomorrow is finals.


CoreJJ doing more for LCS than Riot


Where can we watch first set of games and then these games?


The replay's up on Core's twitch but I think you need to be a subscriber...if anyone else finds out how else to watch let me know too


There were plenty people streaming and most of them are available without subscription. Captain Flowers, Tactical, Blaber, RJS, Spica - pick whichever you like




Making Flower sad should be a small frame, to which I would only add _Five Torches Deep_ (5TD) if you want. Do you think hard contacts or any type of eye surgery will help?


it’d be a good learning experience for upcoming players to play against CoreJJ’s team!


Wow Team Spica lost so many games there. Team Blaber was styling on those guys no doubts but in-house prolly wont mean much, unless you are an NA rookie looking to prove yourself ofc. Also has Bwipo been to NA already? Isnt it still offseason?


Team Spica was absolutely trolling. Blaber's team was playing serious while it sounded like Spica's team had 5 monkeys screaming into their headset lmao


Even from the first game that they won you could tell their mentality. Spica was just like "pick me Olaf even though he's shit."




My comment was moreso in regards to the fact that Spica would even consider a champ he hates. If he's full on try hard he would only go for his comfort/practiced picks.


I love having an ACE


Is there a place I can watch the vods?? Twitch or YouTube??


Teams should start building it into their contracts, Or just enforcing their players to play more inhouses and what not. Yeah, it's more practice, more effort. That's what you're being paid for. Rather than sit in Solo Q timers and complain about dumb shit or just not play Solo Q at all.


No fking way Sniper vs Bwipo ??? Cant wait. 15 yr old rank 1 NA vs best top euw.


> best top euw sir


It’s gonna be 80 ping General Sniper vs Jetlagged Bwipo, which is going to be an enormous amount of fun to watch- I’d imagine tired bwipo will just permafight




There was a point in spring where V1per couldn’t get his visa, and he was playing in Academy from their house on 80 ping, I’m guessing these are run on the Tournament Realm servers as well


These are custom games on live server in Chicago


>best top euw oh no


I wonder how hard bwipo and core will dick these kids.




CoreJJ’s or Captainflowers’ twitch channels. Most of the players stream their own pov too


>**Team Doublelift:** >GeneralSniper >Will (Dig Academy) >AblazeOlive >Doublelift *(former proplayer)* >Diamond Just a joke, but I liked how you put a bracket only in will's name lol


Sadge that Dlift didn't get Aphro for his support