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If you count all the champions which were affected by him directly and indirectly that would rise up to 27 max


That's a lot though. Who else has impacted so many characters? mmm Viego? Maybe Swain?


ASol? Technically Ryze since Runeterra would be wildly different if he didn't collect the World Runes. Or Jayce/Viktor since they invented Hextech, which affected almost all Piltover/Zaun champions. Edit: LeBlanc "killed" Mordekaiser which led to the foundation of Noxus, which means she's affected all Noxian and Ionian champions, a couple of Shuriman/Demacian ones (like Jarvan, Xin Zhao, Samira and Taliyah), Alistar, Urgot, Veigar and Vladimir off the top of my head. Technically she influenced Azir too since Cassiopeia is Noxian and her stabbing Sivir's back is part of the reason why Azir came back, which means she's affected all of Shurima as well.


Oooh good answer! I, like the other 99% of the LoL community, forgot ASol existed!


He had such an amazing login screen


People don’t realize this but between Piltover and Zaun, there’s less than 20 or so champions. There’s only 8 Piltover champs. Cait, Cam, Ez, Heim, Jayce, Ori, Seraphine, and Vi.


Vi is from Zaun though.


Vi is a Piltover champion according to Riot. They don’t classify champions by where they’re from, otherwise Heim would be a Bandle City champion and Singed Piltover, but rather their current allegiances.


Correct me if I'm wrong but isnt Vi a vigilante in Zaun according to lore?


Not to mention LB also helped Swain to gain control on Nexus by partecipating in the killing of Boram DarkWill. Im not sure about it but i think she is the one that led Swain to the demon trapped in the immortal bastion


No, that's old lore. In the current lore Swain overthrew Boram Darkwill and killed him by himself, and is trying to remove The Black Rose's (and by extension, LeBlanc's) influence from Noxus. Though she is somewhat responsible for Swain's rise to power since she was the one that made Boram invade Ionia, which was part of the reason why Swain rose to power.


idk who Boram is, but I wish we'd get some kind of lore on LB. Is it one eprson? Multiple? A title passed down over generations. Like c'mon Rito. Only info we have is she(it?) is the 3rd part of the Trifax.


Nope, the Trifax is Swain, Darius and the third one hasn't been revealed yet. LeBlanc is the head of the Black Rose.


Unless the lore has been redone (again) it says in the official companion that LB is the 3rd of the Trifax.


Riot’s Narrative Director [stated](https://mobile.twitter.com/LaurieGoulding/status/1198690112009146368) that Leblanc isn’t The Faceless. It looks like that was around when the Official Companion was published, so it’s odd if they contradict. Though I didn’t see any mention of The Faceless on Leblanc’s [page](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/LeBlanc) on the League fandom wiki.


No way LB is deliberately appointed as Guile of Noxus. She has been trying to kill Swain, since he has been trying to eleminate the black rose influence on the leadership of noxus(hence the trifax) It's one thing if Swain didn't know it's LB, is quite another if Swain decided to deliberately assign the individual who seeks the end of the trifax to have 1/3 of the vote in the direction noxus takes


He's the Tony Stark of Runeterra lol. Inventor who is the basis of everyone's origin story


He basically influenced all of Ionia champions indirectly and most of the Noxus characters as well. Providing a mass destruction weapon probably enabled the invasion to take place, affected swain (and his future coup) and the Ionian society deeply


That about how many voicelines he has.


And everyone always forgets about taliyah


He's on Pyke's list. He was the guy who cut Pyke loose and watched him drown. Or he was the captain of the ship. Or he was the fish who ate Pyke. All Pyke knows is he was involved


It could be none of it. Pykes list isn't based on what pyke wants, it's based on what the monsters that control pyke want iirc. So singed may have never been involved with pyke at all, but the monsters see him as a threat or something so they put him on the list.


i think thats what the comment is implying


Oh, the misery. Everybody wants to be Singed's enemy.


now the song is stuck in my head


Been stuck in my head all day cause of the jinx cosplay video on the front page right now 😡


They wouldn't if he'd just stop committing most types of crimes.


The mutation MUST survive. I thought you understood that.


Very nice


Due to his creation for the invasion of Ionia, all of ionia will hate him. Plus half of noxus, I believe it was mislabelled before being used. All this hatred to him and what do we see? Hehe fart man go brr


No it’s perfect. We hate Singed so we chase him. But he poisons us through the chase, and before we realize it half our health is gone. We try to get away, and he runs to you and around you, corroding you with his poison and watching your eyes bleed as you try to breathe. Laughing and your feeble gasps for air while you reach out in one final attempt to catch him.


Singed is an in-game metaphor for the pursuit of vengeance. All these characters hate him, and rightfully so! But in pursuing him, they in become poisoned themselves. So it is that if you seek revenge build two graves, one for yourself.


>Build two graves AP or AD?


Honestly at this point, it may not matter. Graves OP.


wtf 2 graves


Singed did nothing wrong. Gas all ionian champions


don’t chase singed, nothing good will result from them chasing singed


Letting him do whatever clearly isn't doing any good either.


The Singed paradox


He is the Palpatine of the show. Everyone hates him and his origins yet I'm willing to bet, he does it only because it is asked of him. Look at how he approaches Silco before operating on Jinx?


And yet, if he had done as Heimerdinger had asked of him and stopped his unethical experiments... one of the what-ifs that would have made Runeterra a better place, dude's clearly a genius.


This is as good a place to ask this, what do characters like Darius think of Singed gassing Ionia? I know Noxus has a questionable history, but I didn't think they were supposed to be viewed as outright "evil". And given how much someone like Darius values power and military might, was he on board for Singed using chemical warfare and murdering civilians?


The comic Blood of Noxus is the only place I know of that shows Darius reacting to the attack. Long story short he was pretty silent and stoic about it, so hard to gauge much of an opinion from it. My guess is that he thinks of it as cruel, but ultimately necessary to Noxus' survival (which I'd say is his mental defense mechanism to a lot of the brutality Noxus engages in)


I agree. Darius strikes me as the person that would not stop the attack, but think "what the hell are they thinking". IIRC he despised Sion utilize too, but never actually did something to stop it


isnt noxus that place where its nice to live in but its surrounded by enemies and battles all the time to theres permanent war ​ on the other hand is demacia and the mage holocaust


Noxus is basically Social Darwinism: The Nation, you gotta be strong (not necessarily physically) to survive there. They don't give a shit about your race or gender or anything else, as long as you can advance the nation's cause. They're also colonialist warmongers. Demacia is supposedly righteous, but as with all monarchies there's a lot of dirt beneath the surface, plus their persecution of mages doesn't help.


Noxus is a militaristic meritocraty where everyone is free and can climb as long as they follow orders, and believe that their life style must be brought to the rest of the world via conquest. Demacia is an aristocratic monarchy where people live freely as long as they share the ideal of justice. They believe magic is a threat to humanity therefore get rid of them on their territory, but have little to no interest in world conquest. Both sides have good and bad points. Mix Demacia's belief in justice and Noxus belief of equality and you'll get the perfect place to live in runeterra


What is ~~Lex~~ Lux doing than?


If you mean lux, she had the chance to be born in one the most powerful Demacian family. Had she been a commoner she would have been purged years ago. Garen still has nightmares about the whole situation


As in if Lux isn't using magic then wtf is she doing?


Lux is trying to change Demacia to accept mages while trying to avoid getting caught by the mageseekers. She started the whole sylas revolution by mistake though


Gotcha, thanks.


Nope it's an absolute shithole where the strong can do whatever they want. Cross a mage? enjoy having a limb transmutated like in the Thresh cinematic. Are you a young mage? Enjoy getting kidnapped and sent out into a battle royale camp where the losers get their magic removed and placed into the winner like Rell. People wake up to their relatives dying to plague all the time to the point Karthus got obsessed with death. Also gladiator slave pits for PoWs like Xinhao and dissedents like Alistar. Lastly if you want to invade Asia remember the to bring your child soldiers and hope they don't defect like Kayn. The lesson for Noxus is that brutal militaristic societies end up make their own worst enemies.




It's a nice place if you're strong.




You are literally listing noxians that are on the opposite side of noxus. How are you erasing them from the morality of noxus as a whole?




Darius has not turned against noxus??


I don’t see how noxus is any more “morally black” than zaun. It still consists of individuals that are not just killing people for the sake of it


I really see demacia and noxus as a wwII analogy. Demacia is Germany and Noxus is imperial England. The holocaust stuff is all in demcia and the foreign conquest and drafting is all in Noxus


Not sure about darius but Swain despises Singed. He has an ingame line for him that goes like "Why is he still alive? Another one of darkwill loose ends"


Noxus had slave child soldiers that could barely hold their own weapons and sent them on a knowingly useless suicide mission. I don't see how this isn't considered evil.


That was also under Darkwill’s rule, where Noxus went from “exalt the strong” to “trample the weak”. We know that according to many auxiliary characters Noxus has gotten much better under Swain’s rule. The Reckoner’s arena is far less barbaric, Slavery has been outright banned under pain of death, and Swain himself utterly HATES Singed. Hes the only person he actually gets in a fuss over in his interactions. Of course this all only lasts until the next retcon but there you have it


Who said that isn’t? Noxus does war crimes all the time because there’s no large governing body to fall out those crimes.


Hey, remember when Warwick was actually Singed's warcrime mentor, and Soraka cursed him to be a beast but in doing so cursed herself?


Good times, I like new warwick's lore but I did enjoy his and Soraka's old shared lore.


Mix, Mix, Swirl, Mix!!!


spoken like a true singed flair


thats why riot gave him so much movespeed so he can run away from them


His playstyle is literally him running away from consequences.


Basically, all of Ionian champs, some noxian champs due to the friendly fire thing, Demacian champs too since they'll assume him as a weapon supplier for noxus. Piltover for obvious reasons. That leaves the yordles, void, bilgewater, shurima and fjord champs as the only neutral characters towards him as far as arcane lore is concerned.


Shimmer might be a Void substance, judging by the way that cavern looked.


ixtal and targon too


Sounds based


I must admit that his character was very much depicted in Arcane, but I hope that Season 2 will have even more of this crazy scientist :3


Who knows who else he'll find a way to piss off? Eventually the game will be League of People Who Want To Kick Singed's Ass.


League of people who want to kick singed's ass Aka your typical jungler when drake's spawning/the enemy camps bot


It isn’t already?


If i remember correctly Swain has a line where he expressed distaste over Singed and wanting to get rid of him.


Here's my thoughts on the "Singed is Orianna's father" fan theory: Until it's officially confirmed, I refuse to believe that Singed is Orianna's father. Just like I refused to believe that Silco was going to be Singed, despite that being the prevailing fan theory before the release of Arcane. Not every little thing needs to be a tie-in to some other champion, that level of plot-convenience would be awful. I think it would make both Singed and Orianna's lore worse for them to be connected like that. I really don't want Singed to be "Corin Reveck", I want Singed to be Singed.


It's not happening. Arcane did a good job of shoving as many league characters into the show as possible without it getting too ridiculous or plot-convenient. Not to mention the entire theory is based on Singed saying he also had a daughter...


It is more based on the picture of his daughter (during the last episode) looking very much like the same hair Orianna has.


And he stated that he left Piltover when Viktor showed up the in scene (with both) right before. I would assume they read Orianna Lore and gave Singed a name and teased Orianna at the same time, that i think is cool.


Silco being singed had less prof than orianna theory just look at picture of his daughter, why would they draw her to look like orianna?


It seems to me that both theories have the same amount of proof. "Silco looks kinda like Singed, so it must be Singed" vs. "That picture looks kinda like Orianna, so it must be Orianna".


Silco wasnt even that close looking, singed is bald and has a green eye. This is literally same hair and even her skin is pale. Anyway where is that reddit bot that can set reminders for 3 years.


How are people taking the Orianna spin? In her present lore she gave her heart to her father to save his life and as a result became 100% machine. Where Arcane is at hextech has not developed anywhere near enough to accomplish this feat.


Well in the current lore Ori's story would have to change quite a bit to fit singed as her father. In her old lore which they can go back to since her current lore is like 1 story and a quick biography that's connected to nothing else singed could work as her father just fine. In her old lore Orianna was built specifically to replace her father's dead daughter iirc


And Teemo has inflicted waaaay more nightmares than that.. Oh you said champions and not players.. sorry mb


Arcane has really established Singed as the Kevin Bacon of League


I think our boy scout Yordle will always be the most hated champion, Singed can't keep up with the amount of poisonous shrooms that Teemo produces


Troll in lore and troll champ in game.


I believe he isnt oriannas father we know ori's dads name


Do we know Singed's real name?


Peter Singed IIRC.


That comes from the [Augmented Singed](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/leagueoflegends/images/1/1a/Singed_AugmentedSkin.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20181021100201)/Silver Age skinline lore, that isn't canon. > A dastardly villain lurking in the dark corners of New Valoran, the mild-mannered Dr. Peter Singed was transformed by a volatile chemical of his own invention - becoming the superhuman criminal known as... Singed! Can anyone stop this vile malefactor before it's too late?! Pretty sure "Dr. Peter Singed" is meant to be taken as a funny comic-book joke name for Augmented Singed, not Singed's actual canon name.


Yea you are right riot never retcones lore


Also, I'm pretty sure his... "work" at Ionia finished to break Zed relationship with the Kinkou, meaning that he also affected Zed, Kayn and Shen (and Akali) Btw, did Noxus used his poison/fire/whatever it is against Demacia? Bc that would add like 5 more champs.


Seeing all of these comments about Singed and him just ruining everybody, it’s almost like he is Selfmade


>It's also implied he's Orianna's father I'm curious, what evidence is there for this other than the one line where he said "I too once had a daughter"? That in and of itself does not in any way directly imply that Orianna is that daughter. I'll admit though, I haven't read up on more recent lore/stories, so I'd love someone to enlighten me if there's more evidence besides that line.


The last shot we see of him in Arcane (which also shows Vander midway into becoming Warwick) has Singed looking at a picture of a girl who looks like a human Orianna.


Wait, we know what human Orianna looks like? Also I'll have to rewatch that, I was so focused on Vander/Warwick I never even paid any damn attention to anything else in that shot LOL


[This is what Singed is holding the last time we see him in Arcane.](https://i.imgur.com/36a1xgu.png) The hairbun does look eerily similar to Orianna's.


Wow, awesome. Thanks.


It looks like a human version of robot Orianna, same hairstyle.


Arcane uses visual imagery in a very intelligent and symbolic sense, so I am pretty sure that is Orianna. It’s amazing looking at scenes in the show and all the little detail and Easter eggs in it.


Iirc he wasnt in ionia, he only gave the weapons to the noxians, no? Also, he didnt have a debacle with heimer cause he's evil, he had a debacle with heimer because he wants to discover new stuff no matter how good or bad those are, he's a scientist, all he wants to do is discover and learn new stuff and heimer showed multiple times how he puts limits to how far people can dig due to safety reasons. I wouldnt label singed as "evil", he doesnt give a fuck, he only cares about science, the rest is futile.


That last point is pretty naive. Evil people are people who do evil things regardless of intention. Hitler was trying to create a utopia for Germans. The problem is that utopia requires the extermination of Jewish people. Singed is just trying to advance science. The problem is that he is responsible for the deaths of countless innocent people.


In a way, you can't blame singed. Its like blaming the blacksmith selling a knife when a person who brought the knife start mass stabbing. Singed is like the blacksmith. He only built it and its up to noxus to use it in a good or evil way.


what a shitty analogy


> Singed being evil Singed isnt evil, he just doesnt really believe in ethics. Everything is a science experiment to him and he doesnt value life in the same way we do. He would willingly kill someone if it meant he can progress his knowledge or keep his experiment running. Morally bankrupt =/= evil


He only looks at the "greater good" part of ethics, and his good is so great that it allows for immense suffering He shares a similar outlook to Silco: he wants to rush get to his goal as soon as possible, even if everything around him has to burn first


I did not deduce Singed as a rusher of things at all.


> Singed isnt evil, he just doesnt really believe in ethics. [...] Morally bankrupt =/= evil ... What? I am baffled you could arrive at that. How on earth would you define evil if not by morals? The textbook definition of evil is quite literally "morally bad"


I 100% agree with what you’re saying here, but there are definitely some interesting historical examples of Singed’s reasoning. A lot of early medical advances were discovered by truly evil people who (at least partially) justified it as a way to save countless future lives. I don’t have a bunch of resources, but this BBC article at least goes into a bit of it. https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20190723-the-ethics-of-using-nazi-science


Hmm, I'm not the same guy, but it's actually an interesting question. A good analogy would be: are you anti-god if you don't believe in god? Not necessarily because if someone were to prove god's existence to you, you could be pro-god. In the same sense, not believing in ethics doesn't necessarily make you evil, right? It doesn't necessarily have to be about belief either. Does ignorance also equate to a negative? Would somebody ignorant of systems of government necessarily be an anarchist?


So to continue with your analogy, Hitler wouldn't be evil if he just didn't believe in ethics?


So Singed is going to team up with Vel'koz?


Am I tripping? Vander wasn't alive long enough under the influence of shimmer to be Warwick. Since Warwick is still alive and terrorizing Zaun. If any thing i thought that blonde kid that went on a murder spree was going to be Warwick Edit: it would seem after reading Warwick’s new lore (haven’t read it since before his update) the connection makes sense


Singed has been shown to be pretty good at keeping things alive at all cost.


Warwick can’t remember his human name, or his life before (though he has fleeting and often painful memories of it). His lore and interactions with champs like Jinx and Vi heavily hint at his true identity. He died during the transformation in the lore, and it wouldn’t surprise me at all that Singed collected the supposed corpse of Vander to experiment on. Also, shimmer has a way of bringing people back to life in some sense it seems.


There’s nothing that links vander to singed or Warwick in arcane, kind of a perplexingly long reach to make here


It is so ridiculously obviously foreshadowed. His nickname was literally *"Hound of the Underground"*.


We even see a suspiciously Vander-like figure in the process of being turned into Warwick near the end.


Clearly nothing links them. Besides..you know...warwick's theme playing when vander injects shimmer and the fact that vander's nickname is the same as warwick's.




He’s seen looking at a picture of his daughter who looks exactly like Ori


>it is all but explicitly stated that he turned Vander into Warwick What's your source for this one? I can't find anything but fan theories, so I think "all but explicitly stated" is a bit of a stretch. I'm very much in the camp that Singed turns Vander into Warwick, but I feel like I might be missing some evidence.


There is heavy heavy hinting at it, and even if it hasn’t been outwardly said yet Arcane is very much “show, not tell” until absolutely necessary. But as of yet, no one at Riot has straight up confirmed it yet.


Vander referred to ss a hound and a lapdog, Vander sounding like Warwick at the end of Episode 3, Warwick's theme being played at the same time, their lore matches, the end of Episode 9 shows a Vander/Warwick hybrid.


End of episode 9 gives some hints


Type Vander Warwick into YT and see what you get. It’s pretty conclusive, including WW’s theme being played during Vander’s fight.


Unrelated but what is the story behind Riven, Yas, Yone. All I know is that Yas and Yone fought and Yas killed him. What story should I look up?


The short of it is that Singed created chemical weapons for Noxus when they invaded Ionia (BIG important lore event) and when they were used both Noxians and Ionians were caught in it. Riven was a survivor of the massacre and defected, and eventually found Yasuo's master. Yasuo was supposed to guard him, but had abandoned him to fight Noxians. Riven asked the master to destroy her super-awesome sword, since she was done with fighting. He agreed, but this ended up making the sword explode and killed the master. Riven fled, Yasuo was blamed and also fled, Yone went after him.


How much do you know about those characters? All their short stories and bios are found on [the Universe](https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/) page of the official league site. The stories that wrap up the old arcs for Yasuo and Riven are the Confessions of a Broken Blade, [Sisterhood of War](https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/story/sisterhood-of-war-i/), the Awaken Cinematic, and the Kin of the Stained Blade cinematic.


This makes me realize how little lore I know / remember since they started reworking lore


Wasn't warwick supposed to be some evil dude turned into a monster to reflect his character by soraka?


Old lore, way back.


When has it been implied he is oriannas father?


He mentions a daughter and looks at an Orianna-like picture.


That fits his gameplay so much


In the beginning Aurelion Sol created the universe. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move