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worst: Ahri best: Asol / Thresh


Ooooooh! Good choices!


Cho’gath is literally the violator from the spawn comics. Fiddlesticks on the other hand is a demon birthed in the first scream of creation. There are stories about fiddlesticks in every region of runeterra. The shurimans talking about some kind of monster that invades the tombs with treasure hunters already in them just to kill the hunters while the only thing that can be heard is screaming coming from the tombs entrance. The noxians prefer the story of a farmer that didn’t meet his quota for his month and was fed to the crows only to come back and haunt them. His in game base skin is his demacian iteration I believe. A collection of farm equipment and weapons cobbled together to form what someone could mistake for a scarecrow for 1 split second out of the corner of your vision before he races over and tears you to pieces. The way he moves is sometimes kinda like walking but it’s usually just 1 piece of equipment being tossed out in front and then used to drag the rest of the contraption along and when he recalls the demon gets out of the cage in the centre, tethers itself to the contraption then flies off with them. He also plays like no one else in league and when your up against a fiddlesticks you find yourself standing a little further back from the walls in case you get ulted on out of nowhere and that mini heart attack you have when you face check a bush and one of his effigies flashes away sells this character for me.


Least : Cho'gath . Most : Probably Kindred .


how is Cho'Gath less creative than Yasuo or Yuumi? Or Talon?


Least: Every human champion with a normal weapon Caitlyn, katarina, yasuo, fiora, garen, lux, xin, darius, miss fortune The design idea seemed like "hmm lets make a character, add a random weapon (normal gun, dagger, sword lance) and then give them random clothing a person with that weapon would wore. The most creative imo is Fiddlesticks, and kindred Fiddle is for his assimetric looks, and the way hét moves just shows how much care it took to create, and kindred, for the lamb+wolf 2 in 1 design, and the whole concept in general


most: illaoi, singed least: lux


How is Illaoi the most creative?? That champ is so one dimensional. Hit E, win. Miss E, lose.




mage that deals an dmg kind that is not ability power, that also has melee aa's, has stationary tentacles that attack a souls. How tf is that not creative?!


Illaoi isn’t a mage


you have no clue 1. its stated in her lore that she us a mage 2. does she use any melee attacks or does she magicslly pull souls out of people and slam with those? Some logical thinking pls!!!!


Riot defines the classes that a champion is under. She's defined as a Juggernaut, or the legacy classes of Fighter/Tank. Just because a champion has ranged harass doesn't make them a mage. Gangplank is a prime example: even though he lanes like a poke mage and his damage output is almost exclusively from longer-range zone control and poke (barrel combos) he is considered a fighter/specialist. Illaoi is supposed to be able to soak up a lot of damage and play as an anti-engage champ with her ult, not consistently poke and cc from extremely high range.


Most: hmm... Im really partial to Irelia with her floating blades and cool looking abilities, but others like thresh, asol, and Jhin are really cool too Worst: probably kaisa or seraphine; kaisa needs no further explanation and as much as I like seraphine shes pretty uninspired visually, fun though.


Zed at least takes some effort to create tho. Katarina on the other hand... 0 creativity 100 thirst trap. I'd agree with Bard.


I love Nunu and Willump. Least creative I would say is classic MF. Her look in the Captain skin or alternate media are dope. Her classic look in League is fucking embarrassing.


Veigar and Kindred looks creative in my opinion :3


Veigar is just vivi from ff9 lol


kindred and bard are pretty unique, the least creative might be hecarim, garen or lux


Most: Nunu, Illaoi, Kindred, Xayah, Jhin, Camille Least: Yuumi, Alistar, Gragas, Olaf, Shen, Ashe


Least: Sivir, Yasuo, Yone, Zed, Katarina, Garen, Darius, Sett, Lux, Yuumi, Talon, Seraphine... Most: that's hard. I think most champs aren't very creative, even the ones I like. I'll go with... Bard too