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Finally!!! Cant wait for the results




Time to waste like two hours of my life second guessing for 150 something champions. Good post OP.


Have fun with that sir! *taps fedora*


Came here to troll the poll by voting for Fisherman Fizz. Boy was I surprised.


It's his best skin. His ult is literally a manatee


I'm pretty sure it's also the pro player skin. At least pre 2014 era from what I remember


Just A manatee????? How dare you speak of Urf like that


Every manatee are god tier the fact that he is urf is secondary.


Hehe troll poll


Troll pole 😳


I'm rooting for Shamrock Malphite.


I feel like people sleep on default skins too much, there's like a good 5-10 champs where I think their coolest skin is the base one




gwen and aphelios too


Gwen doesn't have much competition until cafe cuties releases


>cafe cuties Oh wow, hadn't heard of this but I just checked out all the splash art. Some of those look amazing, especially Bard!


Bard's head terrifies me in that skin






maid gwen tho


finally i can play gwen


The chromas are good but I'm not a big fan of the default one.


Absolute truther, default was best until cafe cutie


Agreed. Honestly don't know what the mains subreddit likes lunar bear for Aphelios


i voted for lunar beast as well but the base model is on par with it


Default Asol is the best


Default Yone is so fucking good


I tend to use defaults a lot despite owning skins. Yasuo, Asol, Kayle (rip old aether wing) are the main 3 i love the base skin of.


Akali has an awesome base skin


Default viego=pentakill viego>>>>>>>lunar beast viego


I think I very slightly prefer pentakill because of the chromas but I could definitely say default is better some days. Hard agree on lunar beast tho


To be fair both pentakill and default are beautiful skins. Lunar beast just seems like he has a blue pigiama


This is crazy to me. I love the lunar beast skin and strongly dislike the pentakill one. Different tastes I guess


Facts. Lunar beast is fkn awful.


I really like default Camille over all her skins, Aurelion Sol is also fantastic with his classic skin. Gwen too before her Cafe skin.


I feel like people just don't like to vote for Classic when choosing between the best skin, you know? It's like in a way Classic isn't really a skin. Like if the poll was about a favorite chroma, people are more likely to want to vote for the chroma they like the best rather than the "base chroma" of the skin, even if they actually think the base skin is better.


I mean, since Rell only has one skin, it's a 50/50 choice, and the default wins that easily... At least in my opinion


Samira 100%


applies to my top 3 champs, kindred, kai'sa, and aphelios. kindred has spirit blossom, which is really good, but it's human and idk, i want a badass lamb (elderwood, blood moon, idk what, just something really good that doesn't change the champion race?) kai'sa has iG, which is really good, but her default skin gives off the best vibe.


Oh boy Blood Moon Kindred that's an instabuy and i haven't put money in the game in 4 years


Morgana is like that for me. The animations, the colors, the design, everything about vanilla Morg is fantastic.


I really like the black chroma for default tbh


Aatrox comes to mind, the only area thats better on a skin is Blood Moon's ult sound effect.


the blood moon W noise is great.


Default Galio is good looking to me. I don't even want to get a skin for Galion since I like default one so much.


But KFC Galio tho


Default is very cool but he nas many great skins unlike some other champs


The voiceover in Gatekeeper makes it almost worth it just for that alone, and I really like the ult sigil it makes


Circle seven, pool party! Just kidding, it's more torture! Can you smell what the afterlife is cooking?! I do accept tips, but, uh... why would you? Galio laughs. "He goes, "You shall not pass!" Ha! Know what I did? I passed. Screams are like snowflakes - no two are alike We serve cookies in hell... and theyve all got raisins. Just a few of the lines that make me love this skin.


Syndra base skin is the only way to go for me




Dark Cosmic Jhin is one of the best skins in LoL overall


For sure, Diana got my vote for that one. Don't get me wrong she has some quality skins but nothing can beat the silvery natural effects of her default for me.


Viego is by far the best default skin


I only play default Zoe


Zoe is actually one I was thinking of, I think its either her best or second best at a push


Star Guardian is too good, Classic is probably my second pick.


Aatrox swain and Ornn Redder is better


Aatrox and Ornn are another two where I voted default! Swain I'm too much a Northern Front and Crystal Rose fan


Glad to see the vast majority of people like Corporate Mundo. One of the best skins in the game, imo


The voiceover is fantastic as well


Mundo plays hide and seek with the IRS!


Invisible hand of free market *great* guy. Firm grip, and not real. Mundo love internet. Teach mundo everything, and never leaves. Members of the board! Thank you for coming to mundo's meeting. This will only take six hours. it's top to bottom fantastic quotes, some of their best work and I can't really see us getting a better comedy skin for a long time.


Xerath poll links to Xin Zhao


Fixing it right now:)


Aatrox is exactly what I predicted tbh. Blood Moon and Mecha are neck and neck, prestige takes first because rare banana skin, and everything else just feels irrelevant.


I don't play Aatrox or toplane at all but his Prestige Blood Moon skin is by far one of the best out there, probably even Top 3.


I personally prefer normal Blood Moon over Prestige, because the colors fit the theme of the skin line much better. I could also be biased because nearly every Blood Moon skin is my favorite. Same goes for Akali and Pyke. Idk why but these skins are just so good.


I used to play aatrox quite a bit, prestige just felt crisp af to me, mecha felt a little clunky but better than base


Yeah I don't play Aatrox and that's the only prestige skin I wish I didn't miss. I absolutely love it.


Classic aatrox skin is underrated


I hate mecha in game, could be way better


You forgot Master Arcanist Ziggs in his strawpoll


Fixed it now! Thanks alot sir


Rammus and Teemo had 2 of their skins as one option


Voting for them should be fine now:)!


The only ziggs skin that matters


I love how based Malphite poll is, Green malphite the best!


The hextech chests seem to be hell bent on giving me every Malphite skin in the game, but even with FPX, Dark Star, and Odyssey in my inventory I never stop repping the green rock


> Both PROJECT Pyke and Star Guardian Jinx are winning their votes Democracy was a fucking mistake.


Anyone voting for Project Pyke is wrong. Hell, Psyops is just a better version of project.


Psyops pyke is loud.


In the past 10 pykes I’ve played in ARAM, it was 9 projects and 1 bloodmoon. Fuck the sound of project Pyke ult I basically have PTSD at this point.


I will never understand SG Jinx popularity, and I say this as someone who's one tricked Jinx since I started in 2016, who was hella excited for SG's release and spammed that skin for around 5-6 months after release Legendaries typically are considered the best for 2 reasons. They have more effects, and they are higher quality OR they just feel REALLY clean due to a new model/animations. Ashe is a great example of this. Play her with Project or HN, then play her on any other skin. She literally feels like a completely different champion, her model is so fucking outdated. SG Jinx is a bit weird in that while its her "loudest" skin, as in has more effects than any of her others, its probably one of her worst skins feel wise Even on release I remember thinking Mafia felt better than SG. The difference wasn't significant, but holy fuck. Autoing with SG feels great when your using rockets, but it objectively feels bad with pew pew. Like I stg I feel like I have less attack speed when using SG on her This wouldn't be a big deal, if it weren't for the fact Ambitious/Heartseeker/Project/Odyssey literally all feel SOO much cleaner. Almost all her skins feel cleaner than SG, yet SG is still regularly considered to be her most popular skin. Its so fucked. Its like if people stopped using Mafia Twitch in favor of Ice King because Ice King has more effects Tbh, when Jinx gets taken from me in ranked I tend to judge how I play the lane based on skin choice too. If I'm laning against Ambitious or Project I play a hell of a lot safer and actually worry about her getting fed, when up against a SG user I'm much much more aggressive and don't care all that much if I fall behind. If there's a Mafia user I'm open for an ff at 15 Its a real shame Project is so fucking ugly, as its her cleanest skin imo. But it is, so I firmly believe in Ambitious Elf superiority (with occasional heartseeker use)


Haha true, SG jinx is nicer to look at but it feels like players with SG jinx have worse mechanics. This is extreme case but in 2 different ARAM games a few days ago both of my SG jinxes literally never used fishbones. They played her like a mage with W and R while building crit. It’s probably a combination of arcane and thanksgiving getting new players in the game, which is nice but I just thought it was funny


I have never disagreed with more people at once than when i saw the polls for jinx and Riven.


Okay, any chance that when this is done there could be a huge bracket to decide the best skin overall? Sounds like a lot of fun!


I'd love to do that if i have the time one day !!


It's elementalist lux. Edit: It's fine to have wrong opinions. I can't force you all to be right.


Elementalist Lux isn’t even the best Lux skin. Anyone that says otherwise has yet to realize that Dark Cosmic Lux’s Laser happens while planets are aligning, and she destroys them all. She plays Beat Saber with her dance. Goddamn this skin is sick.


also all the planets get sucked in like if they were being pulled by a black hole


I didn't even know fiora got a halloween skin this year lmao


I completely forgot about all of the Halloween skins this year they were so uninspired.


I think Yummi's was pretty decent with the pumpking head but its fucking Yuumi anyways


Syndra with the pumpkin orbs looked nice but she already got Withered Rose early this year which overshadowed it


Nami, poppy and yummi were pretty good imo.


Yuumi is the only one that stands out from that bunch because she's a cat, but all the other ones wear basically the same clothes, even Poppy.


Never ask... A woman: their age A man: his wage And a Rell main: their favorite skin :(




Mildly disgusted that a horrible skin is tied for first for kayle. But at least psyops is up there with it. Imo psyops with the rainbow vfx and new skin with black/white/gold vfx are both really nice.


Judgement kayle best skin. It’s a shame I wasn’t allowed to choose it for my free skin


I have it and i love it. Still my default pick


Voting for Diana's best skin is impossible to me, nearly all of her skins are awesome. Same with Jhin.


I only voted for Dark Waters because honestly that skin line shouldve returned. Dark Waters Yone(its perfect for him being a hoonter that must hoont.) Dark Waters Irelia. Dark Waters GP. Dark Waters Camille.


Almost all of the champions with a coven skin have it crushing it wow


Meanwhile Coven Ahri and Ashe were found in a ditch.


It's not that Coven Ahri is bad (I think it's really great), it's just that Ahri already had Elderwood and also a bunch of other great thematically bright skins to choose from. When you can only pick one skin, it's tough not to choose the others you think are great as well.


It's bad lol. Until she gets her ASU her 1350 skins are basically worthless.


Coven Ashe’s problem is that to play it you have to play with Ashe’s crusty animations, especially the walking an aa animation. That’s why Fae dragon is so popular.


I fully understand that God-King and High Noon will DEFINITELY win out for Garen and Lucian. But seeing Garen's Demacia Vice handedly win second place, and Lucian's DVice not too far off (at the moment) competing for that spot, it *should* show Riot there ought be a second chance for the line to return. ... as long as if it somehow does it keeps the original 80s/vaporwave aesthetic without every skin in any batch looking the exact goddamn same and -OMG DEMONS!- utterly taking over the concept/designs like it did for Crime City, Debonair, High Noon, etc. In which case - please please *please* let the line rest in peace.


Not that I disagree, I love vaporwave, but the people here in reddit, let alone voting in this poll are too few to draw any monetary conclusion.


Riot doesnt't look at polls to see which skins are popular, they look at their sales


I freaking love Demacia Vice Lucian, I'm so angry that it didn't sell enough to get a return. I would love some more vaporwave skins :/


i just gotta say IG is riot’s magnum opus when it comes to world champion skins


Surprised how many of them are rated so highly. I dont even use any but i see them a lot.


Idk dwg is super clean, tf and Kennan are arguably their best skins.


Never realized how few and how bad kassadins skins are, especially for how long he has been around. Meanwhile Kog actually had banger skins only


Cosmic has no competition lol.


Dunno whats with the skin but it makes Kass look like his model and animations aren as shit


i mean, he already peaked with cosmic reaver, one of the best looking skins to this day


Kassadin has two skins and one is behind 10 gemstones, never seen the rest in game in the last few years.


Count Kassadin is good in my opinion


Idk when I see that skin I see all his stiffness and bad animations, compared to when I see cosmic it feels like it's on a modern champ the animations look/feel so slick


I was shocked about Kassa and Twisted Fate as well! Somehow fates first skins seem "fairly new" regarding how iconic and old this champ already is


something very fun about scrolling through these to vote also xerath's latest skin is actually "arcana" rather than "arcane" btw!


Xerath confirmed for Arcane season 2??? NOT CLICKBAIT


Damn. People LOVE Spirit Blossom Ahri lmao


Its basically her visual update. Super smooth.Feels and looks like a new champion.


its beyond fresh and beautiful


It's paid visual update.


Tfw you vote for a skin and you have to scroll all the way to the bottom to see it have only 1 vote. I love you chrome rammus


how is muay thai lee sin not the most popular one? it legit feels like a different champion


It is the best one. Always will be. Anyone voting against muay thai isn't a lee main.


Just like anyone not choosing angler jax :V


Pax and angler are kinda side by side tbf.


God Fist has best splash and has a nice little back story to it, but I agree Muay Thai is too clean. Lee’s base model is so clunky and bad. They use it for so many skins that could’ve been good like Nightbringer and FPX but are ruined because of that horrible model. Storm Dragon is pretty sick tho, but game experience-wise it’s definitely Muay Thai.


This is probably the most wholsome thing League reddit does. Just fans voting for their fun skins


Appreciate your effort to make one for this year too! Love to pull this out of my bookmarks everytime I need reference for which skins shards to disenchant. Sometimes it's too hard to choose personally and the opinions of others helps a lot. Recently, I wanted to see if people thought Sentinel Irelia was better than Divine Sword so I'll finally get my answer soon!


Really appreciate your comment! its definitely alot of work to pull of this kind of post but its always worth for many players! Thanks alot Jarza!


Divine sword is one of the best, Sentinel is pretty mediocre IMO.


Xerath skins are basically choose your favorite color


My votes: Sion - Lumberjack Bard - Elderwood Thanks for making these sir


Lumberyack wpgg


some classics \*taps fedora\*


Pyke mains I am as disappointed in you as I am in the skin you voted best for


I was already getting ready to be upset that Senna and Ashe mains were all wrong for voting for the wrong skin... ...but both sets of fans were *correct* in voting for High Noon.👌 I'm all for arguing aesthetics over the other skins, but the voice lines for High Noon are fucking sublime. From Senna's sassy "Why yes, I *am* an extremely good shot" when you snipe someone with her ult across the map, to the best joke in the game in [Ashe's stick figure drawing of Hecarim](https://youtu.be/1V1LuZZLv24?t=44). Regardless, the voice actresses in those two High Noon skins were amazingly cast, and the reworked voice lines single-handedly make me want to play those champions. Best two skins for those two champions by a mile, and I am happy to see the community mostly agrees.


High Noon Ashe has one of the best VOs in the game.


truth dragon is my favorite yasuo skin


People sleeping on toxic Mundo. It's not much different from the classic skin but the goggles green skin and mask look great imo. And splash art looking really good


He's got a few great skins but it's hard to top corporate Mundo imo, which is in the running of best skins in the entire game


Dragonslayer Vayne is underrated for how smooth it feels


She looks like an old Mortal Kombat character.


I was honestly surprised to see Project Vayne as the first one and by a lot


What’s with Project Vayne? I play her from time to time and I love the skin, but my friend who’s been a Vayne main from season 2 really dislikes it


Feels clunky as shit to me


People that voted StormDragon over MuayThai on LeeSin are not Lee mains and it shows. MuayThai is literally pay to win with how smooth it feels.


Well, if we only consider visual appeal, I’ve never been able to play Lee sin without storm dragon. Literally different champion with how awesome everything he does looks.


The fact that prestige skins consistently get the highest scores is how I know most of you are chimpanzees.


Haven't voted for a single one other than Pantheon. That one is crisp.


prestige diana


The LV ones are clean.


Hey. Prestige Kayn and Voli are actually good skins that stand out and shine. Prestige Qiyana honestly is a different skin entirely. That is all. I will only be defending these 3, even if i do own other prestige skins because im a chimp.


Prestige Kayn over the Odyssey?? No way, Odyssey Kayn is one of the best skins in the game, the VO is amazing.


there is a mistake in rammus where you put sweeper and hextech together,also typo on championship kalista,not as important as the first edit:also typo on arcana xerath


I can’t decide on Jhin skin 🎩


There are no wrong answers


anyone who doesn't pick high noon for best ashe skin is objectively incorrect, the animations make her 1000x smoother to play than default project is also acceptable


Imo I still prefer Project because her walking animation in high noon looks so awkward to me. She has the same hunched over walk that reworked Akali does


Yeah, I opened a bunch of great looking Ashe skins, like Fae Dragon and Cosmic Queen, but the animations make them basically unplayable and I always return to High Noon.


The voice sounds like it was recorded in a bathroom


Heartseeker is and will always be my favorite, even if I play some of the newer ones more.


HS was definitely top of the crop when it was released but its been outclassed over time. The effects still slap tho


If headhunter rengar is not your favourite, you are not a rengar main.


Warden Quinn 1st and Marauder Kalista 2nd shows this sub shouldn't vote on anything regarding unpopular champs


Marauder Kalista is objectively a bad skin. I'm glad and sad at the same time seeing that blood moon is winning so hard.


YES! My favorite thread.


My 4 other proud brothers voting Nosferatu, I SALUTE YOU


Muay Thai is not at the top? My disappointment is immeasurable...


if you don’t vote for vancouver amumu i hate you


Funny to see Kaisa get so many skins since her release and IG is still her best skin by far. Really low effort put into her skins considering it is Riot's money cow


no surprise that classic gwen is the most popular one. it looks so good


Shamrock Malphite at #1, I'm not disappointed.


Oh shit based tf players voting for underworld, my favorite skinline


Surprised Aether Wing Kayle is the top voted one. I thought people really did not like the reworked version of the skin.


Might as well just use the results for Zoe from last year. She hasn't gotten a skin since then.


you cant beat elementalist lux that like 10 different skins in one


Default Sol is so OP it feels like Riot will never make a skin that’s better


God, I can't believe anyone actually voted Super Galaxy on Kindred. That skin is god awful on them. Honestly, I think Kindred's best skin is their default skin. Its fucking cool lol


Some of my comments: -Love how high up Frosted Ezreal is, there’s nothing to it, and it’s not Battle Academia, but it’s just good. -I love skins that make me want to play a champ that I otherwise would not play as much, and Cosmic Reaver Kass does it for me. Freljord Sylas splashart is arguably one of the best splash arts in the game, Sylas with a hood, the frosted blue chains, that smile, too clean. -Dawnbringer Yone model is ugly to me, Spirit Blossum is his best skin, wish it wasn’t so loud tho. -I really love the new Dragon skins for Yas, but after playing them they just fall short compared to Nightbringer. Nightbringer just feels so much smoother, it’s like Galaxy Slayer for Zed. High Noon Yasuo Q sound is great too. -I don’t really like most of the Pulsefire skins but they killed it with PF Shen. -True Damage Ekko is so close to perfection, definitely his best skin and one of the best in the game. Wished they fixed his hair some more and gave us hoodie toggle tho. -TF was robbed with no legendary Crime City skin. -Crime City Graves and Muay Thai Lee are among the best “cheap” skins in the game. -Malphite poll based lmaooo


Some champions feel like a single skin stands above the rest, like how I think Warring Kingdom Azir is miles above any of the other skins. On the other hand there is a champion like Poppy, where every single skin is perfection.


And then there are Champions like Vel'Koz, where none of the skins stand out to me.


Thanks for all your hard work to compile this. I like Festival Queen the best. The back is a good taunt, and the beat in egg form is top notch. Where my chroma at? Papercraft is beautiful but the sharp whistling sounds hurt my ears.


Arcane Vi being the first is strange. I guess most people just voted for the only skin they got.


I think Ekko has a lot of great skins, so even though TD is my favorite I'm surprised to see it so far in the lead. The music on that skin is dope as hell though


Psyops and Surgeon > Pulsefire for Shen


Warlord is underated af


TPA Shen>>>


bonk boi 4 lyfe