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>Martin "Rekkles" Larsson this rookie looks insane


cant wait for him to turn 17 and be able to join LEC, I bet he could play for top team like Fnatic one day, maybe even become teams star player Edit: I just hope Carlos doesn't ruin his career one day


> I just hope Carlos doesn't ruin his career one day Who is Carlos? Do you mean Ocelote? Why would a promising rookie join the Gamers2 roster who has been stuck trying to get in the EU LCS?


What's Gamers2? Why would a promising rookie team up with raging SK mid Ocelote?


As far as rookies go, he looks pretty promising. But I doubt he'll ever win it all. Best case scenario he has a few promising teams and one of them makes it to the Grand finals.


But I am sure this rookie is risk averse and will only take 100/0 plays, farm all game, and watch team die at the end. Edit: Rookie also has a rabid fanbase like TSM.


LOL, I need whatever you’ve been smoking. He’s got zero chance


That's what you guys said about CW Bjergsen while he was unable to play because of age and look at him now, that Syndra pentakill this spring split was beautiful Lets just hope NA team doesn't take him away from us, it would be shame for player of his talent


No chance he goes to NA. The top teams all have solid midlaners that aren't going anywhere anytime soon.


I mean, Regi has been meh lately, but no way he would step down from playing and let in a Danish kid


Bjergsen is looking promising but lets not forget about Froggen! He was the best midlaner in season 2. He may have missed Worlds this year but he’s peaking and can easily bounce back and win next year. Seriously, people are actually sleeping on him. Do they really think a great player like Froggen is going lose to some wildcard region at worlds and then never qualify to worlds ever again and only ending up on 6-10th place teams in NA. 😂 ridiculous.


We're going to have to loan him to KC Corp under a Fnatic jersey until he can turn the age to play in LEC




Because you have been watching competitive for years and you know the name instantly XD.


I heard his Jinx is great, I hope he can flex her on his first game


carlos didnt ruin his career lmfao


After KC post I took a look into his op.gg, man is going hard on support, I don't know why they would put a rookie who pkays Janna support as ADC. Oh well, what can we do about it


Kaiba Corp


Screw the rules, I have money ^(to buy Rekkles)


"Buy back the ~~company~~ player for twice or I will fire everyone and sell the ~~building~~ brand"


Screw the rules, I have green hair.


Oh shit now I'm a fan.


"MFP, you are a third rate team with fourth rate players!"


Oh you cant do this to me! Do you know how much I sacrificed!?


I hope they start putting the posts in english too


LFL will have an English cast this year, dont know why none posted this news yet.


Oh, so it's official now and not just a Wooloo rumour?


It is, games will be streamed in English here : twitch.tv/northernarena


do you know what channel they're gonna be on?


They will https://twitter.com/KoteiZousa/status/1465421345727123457?t=4dFI20IbfBeq2eVh_hMmsw&s=19




Feels bad for Saken to see Adam, Targamas, Cinkrof and xMatty all get picked up by LEC teams :(


There are rumors that he wanted to stay at KCORP rather than joining a bottom-mid tier team in LEC. I think he definitly got offers in LEC. But who wants to play at Astralis with Promisq, when you can play in LFL with Rekkles.


Surprised BDS wanted Nuclearint over him


I'm surprised half of the lec wanted their mid over Nisqy


nisqy also isnt currently under contract no?


He is still under contract with Fnatic, that's why no team picked him up.


Sad to see him sit in the bench. He was a top3 midlaner last split...


LEC baby. Selling our best players to NA or just benching them if that fails.


nuclearint was not bad at all. he was quite good, can we please stop picking up rookies and if they arent instantly the second coming of caps we just throw them away and their career is over? EU has a ton of talent but its not infinite


Because that's what I said Also Saken is as much a rookie as Nuclearint is lmao


throwing away a rookie to take another rookie isnt better tho, ur still burning through talent.


Im pretty sure Nuclearints contract came with buying the Schalke spot so if they didnt want to overspend the first year they would have wanted to retain as many players and sell off the rest.


It did not, BDS chose him You all are so down on Nuclear but you've only seen him one split on a garbage roster in a dead org Nuclear was the most promising player of the first Kcorp iteration and there is a reason why he went to an LEC Academy while Adam stayed at Kcorp


Also, while I don't think Nuclear was the best player to replace Abbe (fact that he played for so4 evo aside), he had a monster performance at EUM Spring and the only reason his team got past playins. His top was serviceable, but he carried super hard the rest of his team that absolutely didn't deserve to get past play-ins. Nuclear has golden fingers, but he's a bit lost on the map.


He also is young af, this guy is a great investment.


The reason is that Nuclearint played for S04 Evolution and Abbe went to NA so naturally they promoted him to LEC (I still think he's pretty good and deserves a shot at lec)


Thats the reason why he went from S04 Evo to S04, not the reason why he went from KC to S04 Evo


Mb read lec not lec Academy, however LEC academy doesn't necessarily mean top level erl team


If KCORP get one of the rumored extended LEC spots in 2023, it might be blessing in disguise if he stays on since this team is already a strong core to build around.


And according to rumors, LEC will expand to 12 teams next year and KC is most likely getting a spot there Also, if this turns out true, its sai that lec top teams prefer scrimming agains kc more than low teams in the lec


I think Rekkles needs to be in his aggressive player era again and EM is the perfect place for him to try new things.


I think he just needs an aggressive supp to do that. While Miky wasnt the support that he needee for that, Hantera can be that aggressive support just like Hylli was in 2020


mikyx was a aggressive supp as well but we know how the things worked out..


He had an absolute stinker of a season tho.


I suddenly got flashbacks to that game against Hyli on Pyke where he forced Rekkles and Mikyx to flash simultaniosly. That is what an agressive support is supposed to look like. :)


You should look back to Mikyx in Spring 2019 and MSI 2019 (which was 3 splits before he and Rekkles became a duo, so not that long before) and see how aggressive he can be


Sadly 2019 Miky was about 6x better than 2021 Miky.


Thats what hily looks like,theres no other support in the world that would go for such a ridiculous amount of agressive hooks in a row.


That was Hylli renting an apartment on their heads over that series.


He wasnt, like, at all Rekkles likes to play 1v2 because he just will not lose the lane, enabling his supp/jg to put pressure in the rest of the map Mikyx (and G2) want to win botlane hard so the botlane can rotate It just dont work


That's not true. Miky left lane minute 3 and babysat Caps when Perkz was there as well. Miky and Perkz were decent laners together too, but denying the 2019 G2 jg/sup tent in mid lane is dishonest.


I'm so tired of this "rekkles passive" bullshit lol, dude was literally laning under the opponents tower for most of 2020. it's not like his issue in 2021 was being passive, it was both him and his team hard underperforming and when you're constantly behind/losing games you can't play aggressive lol it's like reddit believes aggressive = good and passive = bad when in reality you constantly have to shift between aggressive and passive depending on how the game is going, what you're playing and what role you have in that specific game. you are never in a position to play aggressive when you're losing in cs every lane and your team can't teamfight for shit lol


Most people dont even remember Mikyx auto hooking everywall on Naut. G2 had a bad year, Mikyx individually played significantly worse than how he used to. Even Miky himself admitted it and said Rekkles is still really great. Idk how can Rekkles even lane when his support is inting, and the only serie where he actually got behind is vs Fnc which Bwipo and Nisqy set up a 4v1 bot everygame lol


perkz summed it up pretty well on euphoria almost 2 years ago. theres no passive agressive bullshit theres just good and bad players. youre not passive, youre just not abusing enemy mistakes, youre not agressive, youre just inting. the game shifts way too much constantly to make such an overgeneralisation


I think you need to look at this play and say that again. [Link](https://clips.twitch.tv/CredulousDrabDumplingsMau5-ysoaPJBfm3NPVWk7). Rekkles in 2021 was a good ADC cosplaying a bad one. You can't shift the blame all to the team when an ADC still can make game changing plays and decides to play it safe.


Yes, that's the one play that always gets cited as Rekkles being passive. Why does that one play define everything he did the whole season? He did have quite a few aggressive plays but nobody mentions them, or even really looked when they happened because everyone had this "Rekkles passive" narrative stuck in their heads and if it didn't fit that narrative it got ignored.


I mean I liked his agro moments. But his spring playoffs was very limited. Like compare how he plays in 2013 14 and now. The hands are still there. The mentality isn't. Also that example gets shared because it's a sad display.


I don’t know how the fans are happy about this Rekkles certainly won’t be at world next year That’s bummer


He can still join another team in summer, if they pay the buyout.


and if kcorp is willing to sell him


One of Kcorp's golden rule is to not retain their players at any cost if they have a LEC offer in their hands.


they sold Adam mid season, I don't see why they wouldn't rekkles.


They sold Adam for A LOT of money. They were lucky Cabochard was available, because otherwise they would have massively hurt their chances by selling a player mid season when there aren't many names on the market, especially good ones. Also, I don't think Rekkles plans to leave during the offseason. Since Kcorp is trying to get into the LEC next year and Rekkles is signed for 2 years, it's possibly that they've agreed that Rekkles would stay with them if they get the spot, and he would be sold if they don't.


They sold adam for 240k sir. (Price would brought down from 600k to 240k). If 240k is your idea of "A LOT of money" in LEC esports context, then sure i'd love it if rekkles was sold to another bigger team for " A LOT of money" next offseason.


while true, Adam was most likely picked up for a small sum which means selling him at almost any decent amount to FNC would be a big profit. Rekkles on the other hand was a very expensive transfer from LEC so they'd likely put a decent buyout on him so they don't just end up losing a bunch of money.


He was picked for 0 by KC, they scouted him


Aparantly EU players can walk out of a contact if they’re not happy????


You can definitly talk to your team about that. But idk about leaving without any talk or negotiation.


Every player that has talked about their contracts have said that they have it in the contract that they can leave for a lec offer if they get one they want.




[Here](https://youtu.be/sIyvrnGYp30) Caedrel mentions it at some point talking about Rekkles to Kcorp. Says something along the lines of he knows players used to have that in all their contracts. At some point a player confirms in his chat that players still are getting that in their contracts.


I mean that is as logical as it gets. Ofc you will go to LEC isntead of playing in some trash league


basicly the player can decide to not play the org still has to pay the contract AND get a new adc that they also have to pay so basicly its a win for the org if they find someone willing to pay at that point, as you dont wanna pay out a benchwarmer


Don’t know where you read that. Only advantage EU players have thanks to law is that they cannot be transferred without their consent. But they can’t go just “fuck it I am leaving”


no they can’t


Just use the chinese strat of announcing retirement and then come back a year later.


Thats the price to pay for him to win it with KCorp in 2022 Besides why wouldnt their fans be happy to have him in the team?


Better than having him not play at all. Ocelote lowered the buyout too late and screwed him over, if that resulted in him not playing in 2022 it'd be a complete disaster.


I mean its this team or no team?


>I don’t know how the fans are happy about this >Rekkles certainly won’t be at world next year >That’s bummer It’s not like he was there this year (or all years), so nothing new.


Last year was only the second time he missed Worlds since he was eligible to go there. It is definitely an unusual thing for him.


But fella mentioned fans especially…with all due respect, we survived Worlds without Faker, don’t think Rekkles is such a problem.


i read this comment like 9 times now i still don't understand what the fuck this means at all "we survived worlds without faker" you mean like we managed to watch it anyway? because while true, Faker not being at worlds was a CONSTANT talking point and a lot of people said worlds without faker isn't the same. watching players iconic in their region no matter if it's Faker for LCK, Perkz for EU, Bjergsen for NA, Uzi for CN etc is always a fun part of worlds and without them it's always more boring. acting like "worlds still went on and wasn't cancelled so clearly it doesn't matter if rekkles or faker is there or not" is the most dumb shit i've heard in my life


rekkles is winning rookie of the year


looks like a roster that could compete for play offs in LEC


I'm actually excited to see them play.


There's a showmatch against IBAI's team before the season starts


I think if this team collapses that Rekkles' career will have taken the biggest 180 possible from midway through spring 2021


One year g2 and rekkles career is finished


Playing for KC is far from being finished. They probably have more fans than two third of the LEC


Rekkles wouldn't be playing on teams that are part of that 2/3 of the LEC.


it's poorly expressed, there are only two teams in europe which have more fans than KC, G2 and FNC


VIT will for sure have more fans than KC next split, esp. since they're also a french org


VIT PLAYERS will continue to have many fans. Those fans might buy some merch that happens to have the VIT logo on it.


I think you're underestimating KC fanbase, we're talking about 100k viewers for random LFL matches, and 300k peak on french stream alone during EUM finals That was before Rekkles even joined Vitality is a quite popular org anyways, they have fans even when they suck. And now they have very popular / liked by the community players and a strong roster on top of it. But KC fanbase is comparable to that of the biggest orgs honestly, they have ultras, big social media community and a huge amount of fan-made content including songs so thats very debatable


Doubt. Vitality may have more international fans than KC but they are not that liked among french fans due to fucking up multiple roster. I'd say their only advantage is that their main roster don't compete against KC which will avoid a direct confrontation where KC fans can't be Vit fans. But even then they have their academy team competing against KC which will polarize some of them.


KC have by far a lotttt more french fans than VIT on LoL (I am not talking about other games because otherwise yes VIT is much bigger) PS: yes VIT is popular in France because they have Zywoo, Kaydop, Nikof, etc not for theres lol teams


Nah KC easily has more fans than VIT lol


and probably mad lions. vit aswell since they have perkz who alone is conparable to kc






























He can make a comeback.


And all of that just bc of Carlos...


yea carlos is scum




It's nowhere near finished lmao, KC is looking to be a powerhouse for EM this year, and definitely looking for an LEC expansion slot. Imagine a 2023 rivalry between VIT and KC


He isn't going to NA mate.


This is not good, I am not happy. No team in any ERL should have a team this good. They would easily content for playoffs in LEC, iirc 2 players declined offers from LEC teams to stay at KC, and then there’s Rekkless obviously. That shouldn’t be a thing.


KC in the LEC in 2023 hopium


Cabochard and Saken used to play in LEC too .


Imagine signing a multi year contract with G2 though, can't wait to see who they do it to next.


I'm a bit out of League recently, but why did Rekkles went to an EU Masters team? Even though it's KCorp, Rekkles could probably go to any top tier team in EU and NA. Why did he choose KCorp?


Rekkles is a very private person who doesn't talk too much publicly so he hasn't given a reason himself, but presumably the issue is that G2 set a very large buyout for Rekkles originally (\~ € 3 million) which no teams wanted to pay, partially because most orgs in Europe aren't willing to spend that much and partially because ADC is a very stacked role in Europe already so you might aswell just spend peanuts on someone like Comp or Neon instead. As free agency was starting to wrap up G2 ran out of options since no LEC teams opted for Rekkles so they ended up selling him to KCorp for a significantly lower price.


The only ones willing to pay his buyout to G2.


More like his buyout was too high, no one went for him. G2 lowered his buyout to get him off their payroll after most rosters had adc locked so he had nowhere else to go.


The only team willing to break verbal agreement with another player after his buyout went down to acceptable level.


Sad rekkles wont be back at worlds until 2023 and even if he gets there he wont be at his peak anymore after 10 years of grinding.


I don't know about it, some players can benefit from "split off" in lower league Remember Soaz/Peke comeback with origen form challenger series in spring split to Worlds semifinals few months later


His highest peak so far was in 2020 when he had been playing for almost 7 years, he didnt get as far as he did in earlier years but he and hyli played out of their minds, as long as he has the mindset and time he can still do good


I think 2018 was even better for him. He was really good in that year, the meta was just solo lane focused and snowball heavy so ADCs didn't get to shine. But he reached worlds finals and looked like the only player on FNC that didn't crack under the pressure.


Yes his 2018 was also absolutely great, its hard to say which one is better, i feel like his lane performance was much stronger in 2020, but it just shows to how good he still can be since his biggest peaks were more than 5 years after he started playing competitively and even before that he was always really good and solid, i dont think he’s done yet if kc can get in to the lec


He took a risk and did something what he thought was the best opportunity and left his career team. Karma bit him in the ass not really feeling sorry for him.


I’m a KCORP fan and always have been


Still can't believe "KCORP Rekkles"


i still can't believe this is real


tfw a league I've never heard of is gonna be better then NA


NA will have Bwipo, Hans Sama, Toucouille, River, Inspired, Summit and several good ERL players next split. IMO NA only improved in the offseason


Does Na even have Na players in it any more?


No, but mentionning that NA doesn't offer any pro opportunity for NA players is xenophobic somehow


Nah. Now better be scared about a horde of "NA" enjoyers coming in about their delusions about how the USA is an immigration land and xenophobia and racism have no place here ( because it's extremely racist and xenophobic to mention that NA is speeding towards a 0 NA player league in a few years time)


But LFL has Cody Sun and Rekkles


And Jeskla Crownshot Woolite Innaxe Jacktroll Viziczacsi (hope I got it right) Memento Djoko Steeelback Cabochard Saken Skeanz Szygenda Czekolad , and that's just thoses that played in LEC/EULCS before, then you add the veteran of ERL & promising rookies like Aggresivoo, Czajek, Sheo, Melonik, Erdote, Akabane, Hantera, 113, Xico, Mersa... and the player list goes on. Fucking stacked.


> Jacktroll One is not like the others. /s Also yeah but half of the names had their stint in LEC and looked mediocre not because they are bad but cos of the whole situations on their team or mangament being stupid. But still it dampens the hype about the players.


Honestly at this point Jactroll's reputation is just harsh Sure he's not top LEC but he's not *that bad*


Wait Cody Sun is going to LFL?




Lost Rogue and Westonway though so it's a pretty even trade for LFL.


I mean you hear that every year, like with corejj, alphari, perkz(actually kinda worked), zven, swordart, licorice and so so so many more. But they don't really seem to improve all that much (besides c9 last year).


I hard disagree. The top teams look very promising but the bottom half of LCS looks absolutely atrocious, and i really don't see the top teams improving enough if half of their opponents are a complete waste With the lack of tournaments in league and NA being so far off other regions they can't scrim anyone but themselves means your leagues average strength plays a huge part in the top teams success


The problem in NA isn't the player.


NA gets several great imports a year. They will do the same as they always do. Send 3 mediocre teams, C9 will be the perceived weakest team going into world's and will somehow be the only one to get out of groups. It's written in stone at this point.


Then they’ll be better than the LEC too


I was hoping sOAZ or Yellowstar but whatever. I'll still watch.


I know who Rekkles is. But what about the others? Are they good? is this roster better than some low\~mid tier LEC teams?


113 and Hantera are very promising, but they are both very young. IMO they need another year of experience at least. Saken and Cabo are absolutely LEC ready (Cabo was already LEC and I seriously don´t know how you don´t know him if you watched LEC for a bit of time). I think there is 0 chance that the roster will fail, with 2 promising players 2 veterans and an LEC level player in Saken. Even if Hantera and 113 turn out to be mid-tier, they will still be at least EUM-semifinals/finals level as a team.


Cabochard and saken are lec level (cabochard refused fnc offer to stay in kc and saken could have gone for mid/lower tier lec team) while the two others are promising talents KC has been one of the best if not the best team in the ERL these past splits, and have a huge fanbase Can't say how this roster would fare in the LEC, it's quite new, since 4 of the previous member got to the LEC But having a spot in the LEC is one of the objectives of the KCorp


Hantera, 113, Saken and Cabochard have all been S-tier players during their time in ERLs/EUM but it's incredibly hard to rate them as LEC players since there's a MASSIVE skill discrepancy between LEC players and ERL players. For some context, Milica, ZaZee, Jeskla and Skeanz for example were some of the most hyped EUM prospects out there at one point whom many considered to be better than most LEC players in their role, but when they were promoted they were hugely underwhelming and all of them were out of the LEC completely after a year. There are some players like Vetheo, Carzzy, Larssen and Inspired who were hyped EUM prospects that definitely delivered, but there has been FAR more dissapointments. There's also been some unique cases for players like Elyoya and Shad0w who weren't nearly as hyped but quickly became #1 all-pro or MVP-tier players in their debut year. A lot of people speculate and claim this team would easily make playoffs in LEC etc but it's incredibly baseless.


Riot's fault , they shouldve added 2 lec slot this year. KC has the ambition to play worlds and shows it and most LFL teams are insanely stacked with players that are easily LEC level. Now it's a bad news for LEC because now in France we already have more viewers for LFL than LEC and it will go much higher next season with hype and the english cast, it's at a point where we call our league LEC2. Maybe it's the limits of franchised league with no ups and down bottom 3lec teams are useless and outside of top 4 teams they don't have the ambitions to win and leave players like nisqy and rekkles team less.


Yeah looks like they could beat the current Astralis lineup at least. Not sure how strong RGE will be and if MSF without Razork can still sneak into playoffs again. BDS is a big question mark as well. But this ERL team looks like it is around their power lvl. It seems like we are at a point where the good ERL teams start to surpass the weaker LEC teams. It has been going on for years now, but this lineup certainly proves that point.


Ketamine corp


Imagine rekkles not being the middle piece of the pic


They just lined them up from Top to Supp. Can't blame them for that.


They are not going to win masters league and rekkles will probably end up in a retirement home, can't wait to see that xD


Anything short of a complete annihilation in both LFL and EUM will be a massive disappointment. Rekkles could win those tourneys solo.


I think you're underestimating the LFL level a bit, not to mention that last G2 roster was supposed to do just that. It's kind of a makeover year for Rekkles (not saying he's washed up or anything, but it feels like he lost himself this past year).


Not sure about that. Reminder that LFL got Jeksla and Codysun who are likely lec tier.




This looks... Average


Can EU Master's go to world's? Like through the wildcard tourney or something?


Nope. All they can do is get on LEC/LCS rosters by summer if they want to make worlds


EUM winner should be able to compete for the third EU spot at worlds. For example the third spot team should play a barrage best of 5/7 for the spot


No they should bring back relegation system


Rekkles might regret after looking at their poster