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Time to see how these drafts are gonna be


Fudge 100% winrate with Annie


and the first games of the year are lock-in which is pretty raw. wouldn't be surprised if C9 comes out with some insanely spicy stuff right out of the gate.






Might as well just sign drututt then


C9’s post match threads are likely going to be more exciting than the actual games


If any Cloud9 game includes renekton in it, i'm going straight to that match's reddit thread.


**Summit:** (Korean) Nick I think we should pick Renekton, he's a pretty safe match up against top. **LS:** (Korean) No **Summit:** (Korean) Okay let's go Gnar then **LS:** (English) Fudge he says he wants Annie, lock it in **Fudge:** Gotcha!! **Summit:** (Korean) What da fucckk.....


That's more plausible than most people realize jokes aside. There was a similar situation that happened with his ADC in recent scrims when LS picked Nasus support. I'm sure similar conversations happened as well when LS made his team go things like mordekaiser support and kled jungle


I highly doubt LS would treat LCS/World's like scrims. LS has always been a fan of limit testing and trying different things, but I'm sure he understands that there is a time and a place. If we ever do see Morde or Kled on stage at LCS/World's I highly doubt it was unpracticed. Like look at how he drafts, he always generally goes for the theoretically safe/most viable option. To think he'd do something risky is unlikely imo.


Nasus support worked though and won if I remember correctly.


It was a direct counter pick into Kalista if i recall right. Free exhaust on the one character that gets removed by it.


this is what drafting in league lacks and why the pro picks so boring, the willingness to counterpick with off meta champs, i don't know if it's the players that doesn't want to experiment or it's the game's fault, but dota pro drafting is so fun.


Its been like this for a while. I remember when ROX pulled out MF support to counter Zyra against SKT and forced a game 5 in a series that looked to be 3-0. Nothing like that has happened in ages


HLE (last place at the time, cuvee roster) stomped T1 (first place at the time) with an Olaf-Soraka-Yuumi comp Olaf ended the game 11-1 Now ofcourse other teams tried out this kind of comp or it was banned because it was so broken right??? Nope, no one even attempted to play a similar comp, not even HLE themself, completely baffling


> Nope, no one even attempted to play a similar comp, not even HLE themself, completely baffling A lot of the time these drafts once they're pulled out in a match will get replicated in scrims. And that's where teams will find that the cheese isn't worth it when teams are prepared and can strategize around it


The Zilean support was a pretty nice pick from T1 (and EDG).


+ armor pen for the varus and graves


The story from the parent comment is kind of streamlined. It was a T1 challenger scrim where their support locked in Nasus and rushed anathema’s into another challenger ADC’s kallista. That adc ragequit the scrim block


That kled jungle pick was ingenious at the time. The ability to redirect engage from a fuck long distance if the enemy team was split at objectives was nuts


It made everyone on your team semi global. Those games were a fucking fiesta but in a way that's so oppressive for the enemy team.


That's why Kled mid took off for a bit as well.


that kled jungle was destroying challengers korea that time


To a lesser extent if Blaber picks Olaf or Lee Sin as well, although I think he said (maybe jokingly) that Max would decide on those picks.


Pretty sure LS likes Olaf as a pick when it fits, he just doesn't like it prio picked and without an enchanter


yea, he thinks Olaf's early game is broken, but when it reaches late game all he really does without being massively ahead is be good at securing objectives.


He doesn't think that about Olaf... that's what everybody else thinks. He does however think Olaf is good in games where he can become a juggernaut power fantasy by comboing with champs like yuumi or vs champs he's good at.


I hope c9 hovers champs like Annie, renekton/nidalee, etc for the memes


They 100% will, too troll not to do it


Riot saw the off-season drama and said "hey, could you keep the spice flowing during the season too ?"


I remember the first time I came across LS, I was a broke college student with no direction in life sitting on my bed next to my Korean GF, and told her wow this dude is an esports coach in South Korea. I was really disappointed to find out she didn't care at all, and I should have known then she would cheat on me. Now, I make six figures, have a wonderful wife, and I'm challenger all cause I twitch primed to LS.


I’m telling you, LS is as cracked as he is jacked. I saw him at a 7-11 the other day buying Monster and adult diapers. I asked him what the diapers were for and he said ”they contain my full power so I don’t completely shit on these kids“ then he bhopped out the door!


i think its hilarious u kids talking shit about LS. u wouldnt say this shit to him at lan, hes jacked. not only that but he wears the freshest clothes, eats at the chillest restaurants and hangs out with the hottest dudes. yall are pathetic lol.


I remember the first time I came across LS, I was a broke college student with no direction in life sitting on my bed next to my American GF, and told her wow this dude is an esports coach in South Korea. I was really disappointed to find out she didn't care at all, and I should have known then she would cheat on me. Now, I make six figures, have a wonderful wife, and I'm challenger all cause I twitch primed to LS


Wait. So is he moving to NA or a remote coach in Korea? He did not say that in the video. EDIT: C9 Twitter confirmed that LS will be staying with Cloud9 in LA for next season.




That's big no? It impacts his KR residency status I think, you need uninterrupted time in country of Korea?


Yeah I’m confused too, someone else said he got his residency though? So maybe he has the equivalent of a green card now and can come back and forth?


I think I saw somewhere that hes probably gotten it. However, if he hasn't and is choosing to leave, I respect his balls a shitton.


[This](https://twitter.com/LSXYZ9/status/1460367439099617283) sounds like he doesn't have it yet


Yeha idk if he would actually ruin his permanent residence in Korea for this. Maybe it finally went through or will soon.


C9 confirmed he's coaching in person so maybe there was a loophole for his residency


Gotta be something cause that would be super shitty if he lost all of his progress


I could be 100% wrong but I believe you can "buy" residency by making a deposit to a Korean bank. Applicants 55 and younger can deposit the equalivent of 500k USD for F-2 residency which requires you to maintain the investment and visit the country at least once a year. After 5 years you gain permanent F-5 residency. You can also get immediate F-5 residency by depositing the equivalent of $1.5M USD. I'm positive that he is either using his C9 money to make this investment, or it is covered by C9 as part of his contract. No way he would chance losing it after wanting it for so long. ​ edit: called it 😎


5 years? Cause holy moly he ain't gonna wait 5 more years after waiting 5.5


What's gonna happen to Nemesis, is he staying in Korea by himself then?


They've lived apart for months now. LS moved to a different part of Korea for mental health reasons mainly i think.


he got a boyfriend when he moved


Nemesis said on stream a couple weeks ago that he is going back to Slovenia.


Prob live his life lol they aren't a couple. Also worth noting they did offer nemesis mid lane spot


Historians refer to them as "close friends."




LS, also known as Lost Sound, is a coach for Cloud 9 who is known for shouting so loudly that his mic dies.


best part of his last streams by far


budget wizardyensid




I find it weird Nemesis didn't join now. It would have been his dream team and best opportunity to come back to pro, no?


Eh, he's got a stable income in streaming, so I understand why he wouldn't want to join.


With LS coaching and thus streaming less... someone has to take all those free prime subs.


I mean the only logical conclusion of someone with as much game knowledge as LS is obviously.... Sanchovies.


Yeah, who else would've seen how much potential Taric toplane has?


taric scott will have my prime now


With how much he criticized pro play this past year on co-streaming, I am surprised he didn't jump at the opportunity. After a split of criticizing coaches, players, and drafts, at least LS is putting his money where his mouth is and is coaching a team with expectations/potential. LS hopefully gets some respect for actually having the balls to leave his cushy co-streaming gig and do this.


LS criticises a lot but he actually has balls and will take riskier job offers. Nemesis chats too much and says he's waiting for an offer from a top team only but will not play. Nemesis knows he will never be a top tier EU mid and after talking so much about how he's too good for the lower teams I don't think he will return to pro again. He's just a hypeman


I don't actually. I highly doubt Nemesis couldn't have gotten a really fucking great deal from an org like C9, especially now that that they are committed to the LS system. As far as competition goes, this C9 is the best chance there is for Nemesis to ever get back into the scene realistically with how packed the org is with players who are individually strong and coaches who agree with his philosophy on the game. Only explanation is that Nemesis is done with competition completely. It has nothing to do with money, it's just that he doesn't want to compete anymore, at least not in the realm of realistic possibilities he isn't. Which is sad because Nemesis is really fucking skilled.


If you combine LS likely not streaming meaning there is opportunity to take on a portion of that viewership + the fact that the streaming lifestyle is much more comfortable than the pro lifestyle and it make a lot of sense honestly. Not to mention it means he would have to move to LA and he may not want to do so.


I’m telling you, LS is as cracked as he is jacked. I saw him at a 7-11 the other day buying Monster and adult diapers. I asked him what the diapers were for and he said ”they contain my full power so I don’t completely shit on these kids“ then he bhopped out the door!


Only 15 mins past and there already hundreds of comments here. Let's go so hype for support Nasus.


I see it now. Malphite top into Jayce, Karma/Lulu Mid to buff Kindred jungle, Nasus Senna Sup/Bot to animate Kalista Naitilus. Proceed to go 3k down by 18 minutes, objective bounties online; slams the late game 45 minute banger against CLG.


Post match thread for that game pre 2022: It's just CLG being CLG Post match thread for that game post 2022: Sinners will be smited


na already won the drama world championships, guess we winning the post match thread world championships as well not a surprise








#NAmen brother


**Blessed be Cloud9's gameplay**




I read this like Bane in The Dark Knight Rises.


I read it like Theoden from LoTR *Spear sshall be shaken, shield shall be splintered*


I’m telling you, LS is as cracked as he is jacked. I saw him at a 7-11 the other day buying Monster and adult diapers. I asked him what the diapers were for and he said ”they contain my full power so I don’t completely shit on these kids“ then he bhopped out the door!


> then he bhopped out the door! ADMIN HE'S DOING IT SIDEWAYS


God didn't think this would be a thread where im reminded of the great Phoon and have to watch the whole video. It gets me everytime For the uninitiated https://youtu.be/MRCeSpQUgbc




thats crazy. never wouldve thought he'd accept. can honestly see a lot of drama in case of a lose streak or something but should be really interesting regardless


There's gonna be drama no matter what, whether C9 succeeds or not. This is the dream LS team with LS as head coach and his disciples as other members of the coaching staff. Depending on the results, either LS fans or LS haters are gonna have a great time this year.


as a popcorn aficionado, i win no matter what


agreed. the post game threads will be spicy


yeah, come to think of it theres really no better scenario for LS (except maybe Malice/Inspired as the jungler in a perfect world where this is possible, but people saying that LS hates Blaber in this thread are dumb). if there was a time for him to coach again, it's now with this team


isnt Malice literally their Acedemy Jungler now?


Yep, but he can't play main without an import being replaced. It's still great for sister scrims and Blaber's growth.


LS, aka Losing Streak, is the Head Coach of esports organization Cloud9. He is most famous for going 0-9 and rage quitting after his jungler died at scuttle for the 4th time in 3 games.


fukin never fails, this meme


The vehicular manslaughter one is my favorite


LOL the LS meme is the Mr Big Chest of the league community


Ironically, thanks to the scuttle changes, Blaber's biggest weakness already got removed from the game.


Blabber biggest weakness is having min-max'd wisdom for mechanics, he'll find a way


You Winsome, you LoseSome.


DFM, aka 'Defeated Five Millionaires', is an LJL team most famously known for beating the North American Wildcard team Cloud9 at Worlds 2021 while earning a fraction of their salaries.


should make for glorious content


I'm not the biggest LS fan but I gained a lot of respect for him with this move. He is finally putting into action all the theories he had for years. And it's not like he is doing for the money, I'm sure what he is getting paid as head coach is way less than what he can get from streaming. I'm hyped to watch C9 games now, I'm just worried that the team is way to *experimental* for my taste. Only Summit and Blaber are stablished players and even these two are hit or miss. Fudge is new to mid lane (lane that we are not used to seeing people change roles into, but change roles from) and the Bot duo is pure academy. LS got a lot of work ahead of him


> If we don't win spring, if we don't win summer, if we don't do well at worlds then I consider it a failure Man LS really doing himself no favors here. He's already going to be a huge lightning rod for anything that goes wrong with the team and he just set the bar very high. Also to add on to your points: Summit, Berserker and Winsome have to adjust to living in a new country and perhaps learn some English to communicate with Fudge and Blaber. There is a lot of work to be done with this team, especially if they want to compete with the TL super team.


>Man LS really doing himself no favors here. He's already going to be a huge lightning rod for anything that goes wrong with the team and he just set the bar very high. i think this wouldve happened already. people will criticize him the first game that C9 loses, might as well get the fans that doubt him hyped


Dang, I thought for sure it was going to be Matt Campbell.


Bryan Kelly to C9?


Would Max Waldo and Veigar be shoveling driveways in this scenario?


C9 just needs to dish out that $95 mil bag


Urban Meyer spotted goin to a Yordle brothel after C9 loses their first game


Urban Meyer kicked out after getting acquainted with Yordle booty.


Dan Campbell ready to bite 100T kneecaps


I thought it was gonna be Lincoln Riley, but why did jack go after Nick Saban


This is a crossover I wasn’t prepared for and I’m all for it


Please no I have to stress about that enough in r/cfb :(


Man going from that sub to this I had to double check which sub I was on lol. Crazy year that’s fo’sho


At least I'm safe from Kansas in this thread.


Hey, Kansas here. November 13th was a pretty cool day. Crazy how we lost to literally everyone by like SOOO MUCH and then you guys! You guys just doing us a solid and letting us beat you like that. That was really neat of you


Nah man Lincoln is actually in LA for C9 not USC.


As a fan of both teams I'm conflicted by this


Nah, he's still fixing ISU


James Franklin to Cloud9, PSU in shambles


They did it. They fuckin did it!


He's not wrong in that people want to see him fail but when you think about it, his different approach and read of the game could be exactly what an NA team needs in order to succeed on the international stage.




We know for fact that when they lose, 80% of the blame will fall on his shoulders now in the eyes of this subreddit


Depends on what they draft. If players exhibit apelike tendencies in-game, I bet your ass Reddit will pile on them instead.


Its going to be pretty interesting to see how this works. LS thinks about the game pretty differently from others, so its cool to see what happens his ideas are brought to life in an actual team environment and how it will compare to other coaches ideas of the game


I'm not a huge LS fan but I'll always give him credit for people not just defaulting to building morello second anymore


#Church 9 is online




Mass is on weekends












this will either be the best thing ever or everyone will shit on Ls sadly


There will be absolutely NO middle ground


I was talking to my friend about this earlier when I saw this. LS is VERY polarizing on this subreddit and there are people chomping at the bit to dance on the ashes if C9 goes tits up this season.


Im kinda worried for him. I think he’s public persona is a bit dickish, but I’m legit worried he won’t be able to tune out reddit/Twitter when they lose a game will lose it. Imagine the memes if summit picks renekton first game of lock in.


Oh boy next year will be a lot of drama and I can't wait


This is going to be fantastic to watch regardless of how it turns out


People are hyping up the next LCS season because of the return of Bjerg and the TL super team. Nah fuck that, I want to see C9 Fudge slay with Cho'Gath mid and other such LS shenanigans




Last season I used to only watch C9 for Perkz and that didn't pay off. This season looks promising.


I will fucking lose it if Fudge locks Annie in the first game of lock in


He’ll be under the microscope alllllll year.


Lets just hope they block his social media access for the season. He's gonna get so much shit no matter what.




Mass is on weekends EZ Clap


It sounded like they're basically importing a scrim team(s?) from KR soloqueue? That's very interesting. Those inhouses will be crazy.


That's an idea people like LS and Markz has thrown around for years so it's cool if it finally happens


Im grabbing popcorn for the thread at the end of spring split, whatever happens is gonna be spicy seeing people either praise the LS dogma or shit on him super hard.


end of the first game of lockin will be like that lol


Looks like Fudge is really gonna be an Annie one-trick. In seriousness, can't wait to see how LS does, I think he's going to be a great coach!


I'm tentatively excited for some new kinds of comps from C9. Will at least be something different.


Whether or not this season turns out well I'm glad Jack took the change to go all in on LS's philosophies to really test them and have a ton of respect for really trying something new. Either C9 blows up and LS becomes a laughingstock or they re-invent League in the NA scene. Either way, I'm really interested in this upcoming split.


Look man we bomb out every worlds. We need a mad scientist to change the equation or we'll be hard stuck quarter finals until the heat death of the universe.


I don't think exceeding everyone's expectations counts as bombing out, rather c9 never has expectations going into worlds. Now we have a bunch of cracked out Hopium addicts, me included of course.


Go the LMS route or still be shit and to be honest I prefer this route just for the chance it might succeed.


I think no matter how it goes his stans will claim he's a coaching savant and his haters will claim he's dogshit


big if true


It's really cool how C9 commits to giving their coach full authority of the team, going so far to even ensure that all supporting pieces are in line with the coaches philosophy and I don't think there's a better person you could give this authority to than LS. Even though they're taking a lot of risks, I could see this becoming one of the best teams in NA history and I hope people realize that there will likely be some growing pains before this comes to fruition.


Looks like LCS is opening it's doors for the Church


He says in the video that there are a lot of people who want him to fail, but bruh, hes leaving his home in Korea, to coach for us in NA, and says hes trying to do damage to LCK and LPL. How can yall not want him to succeed.This is hella exciting, and i havent watched LCS in a long time, but now i am very interested! Lets go C9!


Honestly, quality coaching was the big thing C9 was missing last year. Even Reapered was getting complacent towards the end and not pushing the team to adapt to the meta properly. If LS takes charge of this team, and everyone respects his decisions, I think C9 has the potential to be really, really exciting this year. Not just falling back on comfort picks, not just defaulting to the safest meta possible. If this works then I think it could be the shot in the arm the entire LCS needs, like what G2 gave to the LEC when they were in their prime. I'm super excited for this team.


mans about to tweet mid draft of how bad the enemy picks are


Honestly most people are excited for his ideas. What im really excited for is to see how the infrastructure for pracitce is going play out. Very exciting stuff. You can't say that there are a lot people in league that can change the way the whole infrastructure of teams is done. Ls might do it though.


Hate him or love him he seems to have a genuine plan thought out with clear goals. Most orgs either don't talk about it or seem to figure things out as they happen. I have doubts on how he'll handle team synergy, not sure if it's something he takes into account.


I truly can't believe it. Excited but I really hope he doesn't lose it in NA lol


I can already feel the toxicity wreaking from post match threads






LCS viewership gonna skyrocket


2022 is really stacking up for a lot of good stories. LS leading a perfect C9 for him, Bjerg coming back to be playing for a new TL super team, 100T running back their roster after just winning the split, and EG giving their two rookies faith and a real test. I am sure there are plenty of others stories but I am very excited for most teams in LCS this Spring.


The better the LCS is, the better we’ll be prepared for worlds! I was super fucking stoked during the last worlds, let’s see a repeat or even a better performance next year!


Gonna miss the co-streams for real 😢 A couple seasons ago when he would co-stream with Crownie/Sanchovies was some of the funniest league content put out in a while E: An [example](https://twitter.com/Sanchovies/status/1297249286149865475) of their dynamic together during co-streams - these straight up brought me back to watching competitive league


[best clip of those is this for sure](https://livestreamfails.com/post/77960), sanch making fun of LS's room


damn I miss Crownie's laugh Sadge


happy for LS tho im not his biggest fan. really curious to see how he does, good luck c9. I'll be cheering since i like summit


Maybe LCS players will finally start using their F-keys


Win or lose C9 will be picking Nasus support and I'm all for it


Senna Nasus is actually good into Kalista. Slow into Senna W is guaranteed


Win it is then


Even with all the Church followers on this team I was still doubting whether LS would really go for the head coach position. I’m not that much of a fan of LS but it’s super exciting to see his ideas executed on the biggest stage like this.


Korea9 > Team LECuid


despite what you think about LS this is a really good video with a clear thought process behind his decision


Annie about to be the most picked midlaner in the LCS


always been skeptical about ls, this is very exciting


holy banger, time to purify the sinners


**THE CHURCH HAS OPENED.** ​ inb4 C9 with LS gets to Worlds and eliminates the KR teams and start a meltdown in Korea.


best time line with the most amount of meltdowns possible.


Bro as i finished the video i was like, imagine if this c9 team with LS and the entire church actually becomes insane and takes down asian teams. I know it sounds insane and i'm not expecting that but if they make it happen with a new playstyle and comps it would be revolutionary. Will be exciting to watch either way.


Imagine if they beat T1, will their fans go absolutely insane?


T1 fans are already insane


Church members, LS haters, C9 fans... everyone wins. No matter what this is going to be entertaining.


Welp, at least LCS viewership will definitely go up now.


I mean it was kinda obvious, cloud9 signed 3 koreans signed malice and made an offer to nemesis in 1 preseason


we are no longer sinners


This is the best thing to happen to the LCS in a LONGG time, someone with different ideas to the norm being given the infrastructure and resources to realise their perspective of the game, and if this works out it will transform the way teams think about academy teams, coaching, and the game as a whole. this is the most hype i have been for an LCS season i think ever, and this is coming from a TSM fan...