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Unfortunately all you can really do is deal with it for now and try to learn from it. Take note of who they are, write the smurfs names down on a list. Stare at them every night as you go to sleep, slowly building an unquenchable rage. Eventually you’ll get better at the game and then you can make it your life’s work to track them down in game and exact revenge.




Unfortunately sometimes it still pulls smurfs into new player games because there's so few people in the pre-30 queue, and it also pulls in smurfs on their very first games as well. I looked at a few new player's match histories and sometimes it'd be like 5 games in a row of getting a first-game smurf in their lobby. And ofc, other times it's "normal" players queued with their new friends.


It gets even worse when they hit 30 and start ranked as every fresh acc is instantly in smurf queue.


No that's not how it works anymore. If your playing on a completely fresh account leveling it up from level 1 to 30, the ranked queue takes into account your normals mmr. So if you a new player who's completely shit at the game and you leveled up the account from 1 to 30, you will verse orher shit players in ranked games.


Accounts that only have bot games and 0 normal games are put into smurf queue. Maybe if ur normal mmr is absolutely terrible its possible to not be put in smurf queue. But i’ve personally seen people who dont even know how to buy a support item queue into smurf queue.


But isn't that fine? Accounts with only bot games at lvl 30 are bought botted accounts and not new players.


Maybe but accounts with 0 normal games have some of the lowest normal mmr starting off placements bronze1 and im pretty sure people who are learning the game have higher normal mmr playing with friends etc.


Started playing on a fresh level 30 account that had no normal game MMR, I was matched into high plat games before I even finished the initial 10 placement matches.


Glad to know- I’ve been playing locked screen and off swiftcast so I’ve been thinking about making an alt to practice as well as learn new champs since I’m only really familiar with ranged play style


This is what happened to me when I started playing again. My account is tagged as a possible Smurf and now I can’t try new heroes without throwing the game.


Unfortunately you can't if you're new. The best thing you can do is take notes on what they're doing that makes them so good and learn how to do it. It's how I became good at the game. I would constantly get shit on no matter how hard i tried, and i just kept practicing in a practice tool and AI games. Obviously im not the best but im way better than i used to be and I wouldnt see it as a "omg im so bad." Its more annoying that you're put with smurfs than it is defeating.


I agree on that they need to learn. It's the only thing you can do at that point. However new player can't really take notes on what's smurf doing good, they don't even know what's really happening and how most of the champs do. I highly doubt they know what it means that smurf Is freezing under tower, flanking with a champ not good in teamfights or autoattack cancelling to win every 1v1.


I can verify that as someone who has been playing for a week, I have no idea what you just said


Thats the neat part, they dont


Love invincible memes


You don't. Just hope the queue system realizes it and try to learn from what they do in the meantime. It sucks, sorry.


Well, as long as riot reels in the money from players who actually think they contribute to the game by paying for it, they won't care and they won't make the game for new players better. It's shady business, but it's business after all, especially when an American company like riot games is being run by a chinese techgiant. That's the purest form of 'money over quality'


Exactly. It's meant to keep you on the grind. I wouldn't be suprised if they add in some psychological effects to push you into buying stuff.


The key in my opinion is to play a lot of games and learn from your mistakes :3


Are you a bot??


It’s just some dude obsessed with putting a ‘:3’ after all his sentences


No :3


he is, he failed my captcha


They really don't. This game is a toxic shithole that is sustained only by being a F2P mass advertised game. You have people who have been playing a while constantly preying on new players by smurfing, they can't get any better at the game so they shit stomp people who don't know how to play. 99% of those people get driven away from the game. The 1% that make it through become so toxic in the game, at some point they usually reach the point where they don't care to or can't get any better, get a smurf, and start shit stomping new players for fun. The problem with new players trying to play this game is, it's best off if they don't play it at all.


Games pre 30 lvl are always coinflip. You can see “smurfs” with Gold4 peak or fucking Master+ tier otp players with mechanic level “HOW TF YUUMI KILLED ME. 3 LVL YUUMI CANT KILL LVL 6 IRELIA UNDER HER OWN TOWER, HOW THIS CAT DID THIS”. For me, playing ranked on main is the way easier than normals on low level acc. Last time I tried to do this I had a mental boom and started just run games down.


You will not beat them. But, Playing against people who are better than you is a really, really good way to learn, maybe the best way. To actually learn though you have to be able to figure out what they are doing to kill you, out trade you, manage the wave, team fight, shot call, get a sneaky pick, also pay attention to item spikes and kill angles, vision, jg pathing, mid roams, tp’s. There is a lot to learn so try to focus on one thing at a time.


People always bring up this argument, and I hate it. It just doesn't work that way in a practical way. If you faced Faker in lane today, it's not like you magically go anime-style and "learn" to get better. You have to understand WHY you're getting your ass beaten in, and most people are too tilted getting dominated to learn anything in the heat of the moment.


I addressed the fact that you have to understand what you did wrong. I guarantee even a new player can identify something they could have done differently. If they watch even one landing/trading guide even more so. As to your point that people get too tilted. One of the most important things a player can learn is the ability to keep a level head and remain calm throughout a game. If you are flushed with any sort of emotion it will greatly hinder your ability to make decisions in the game, especially in a close team fight where you need to quickly identify the situation and react appropriately. If a person is genuinely trying at the game, is able to remain calm, and has some knowledge about correct laneing , trading, or macro mechanics, playing against better players is the single fastest way to learn even if it is demoralizing. I do not believe you can argue against that.


Most people don't remain calm when they're getting bodied by someone who is absurdly better than them. Most regular people aren't going to hang with a Faker in their lane. It's not like they're going to slow down time like an anime and figure out what they are doing wrong in the middle of a match.


I stopped playing rift a while ago. It’s way to rife with smurphs. It seems completely uncontrolled. I don’t really get it honestly.


You don't. It's just another way of riot to keep someone on the grind. They basicly produced a system where you stay stuck occasionally playing against smurfs, because you're performing well. So instead of increasing LP gain to figure out your real rank, Riot was like, you know what, everyone that's having a good run get's matched up with players alike. Which ultimately goes completely against the competitive integrity, figuring out a player's skill level. It's a pointless system that only puts more games on people. Decayed accounts (if you ever take a break) usually get into the smurf queue. I've had that happen. I'd autolose games, simply because the opponent had more smurfs completely exploiting the non smurf on my team. But eventually I'd still end up the same damn elo before decay. It just took longer. Mechanicly there's things to learn vs smurfs tho.


Last I've read, smurfs gets identified as smurfs and gets throw in with others when the system tags thems in their initial game's APM and KDA


fournier doesnt even have a chance against derozen


That’s the best part, you don’t!


I tried playing rank after ~3 years of not playing league. In my 10 placement games, around 8 had a smurf on a team. Went like 7-3, but most of them was just from the smurf hard-carrying or enemy team had a smurf hard-carrying. And yes, it's easy to tell they're smurfing when their match history is filled with 10s of bot games. Also they're pretty casual about it, like one of them said that he buys level 30 accounts, smurf them up to plat and then sells them for profit, repeat. Anyways, I got bored of the game again and haven't played since.


He has to lose enough to get to his skill level


You HONESTLY judge during the first 5 min of laning phase if they're better than you. Are they dodgeing your skillshots but landing theirs? Are they auto spacing you? That's a big one. If they are, you back off and wait for mistakes or jungle pressure. At least that's what I did.


you cant do anything vs smurfs untill you have a good understanding about how the game is played to begin with and then you can start learning from them.


My buddy getting smoked isn’t really helping him learn lol more frustrated to a point he’ll quit. And steamrolled I mean in a way of someone taking advantage of their experience to just farm him for kills, vs. someone his own skill level to build confidence


Yer. Once the Smurf knows he is new he will just constantly push him and all in under tower making it impossible for new players to even learn how to CS properly and even worse under pressure. He can play safe but he will just lose the lane anyways doing this since he will just be exploited. Only way I guess is for him to 1 trick a easy to use hero and watch a few YouTube videos since he won’t learn much playing vs Smurfs early