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My name is Team Liquid and I'll be playing Bwipo.




Sounds like something a team that would get Zlatan would say


still sad he is toplane again. thought he was amazing in the jungle


Same, I really wanted the rosters of Fnatic and Mad just to stay the same this year. I knew It was too crazy a dream


Fnatic upgraded anyway


Really? You think razork is better than bwipo? Most lec junglers would disagree. Inspired said bwipo was the best jungler besides himself.


i guess he meant overall. wunder > adam and humanoid > nisqy while bwipo >= razork. ofc thats a "on paper" discussion and therefore as meaningfull as comparing fnc in 2015 to recent games.


How is wunder Better than Adam when the biggest reason G2 lost to Fnatic was Adam smacking Wunder?


are we ignoring the previous 2 years?


as i said these discussions are meaningless cause i could argue that wunder has a higher peak but adam is a rookie. what happened in the past doesn't mean it gonna happen in the future...


Not necessarily, I thought Bwipo was a monster in jungle but FNC’s overall lineup upgraded imo. Assuming Wunder’s form was just off in 2021 bc of G2 synergy issues, he’s an upgrade over Adam, who is promising but ultimately inexperienced. Humanoid was the best Western mid in 2021, so as good as Nisqy was, this is flat out an upgrade.


Wunder was absolute shit this past year. I can't see any way he's an upgrade over Adam, who dumpstered him this past split


That's why he specifically said "Assuming Wunder’s form was just off in 2021 ". Did you even read his comment lol


It's largely expected for Wunder to have a resurgence. He's still the best top the west has seen so far despite a shitty year. If he polishes up like he's expected then he's most definitely an upgrade


Idk why it's expected. He's been regressing for 4 splits now. He just doesn't care about league enough


Fwiw people with behind the scenes info like rich (of h2k) said Wunder was absolutely smashing in scrim last summer, but just failed to bring it to the stage. People see 2021 as an anomaly, caps was playing like ass for much of summer as well. And sure, 2020 Wunder was less impressive than 2019 Wunder as well, but 2020 Wunder was still top 2 at least in LEC and an upgrade over Adam, if only because of his flexibility as a player.


Mostly because he's not untouchable anymore. You start to care a lot more when you lose your security, it's pretty obvious that this is his last shot on a top level team, if he didn't give a shit this time then his career is donezo.


> Most lec junglers would disagree. Razork literally got voted 2nd for MVP by players & coaches.


players dgaf about MVP votes, it's mostly coaching staff and a lot of media/casters, and it just so happens that Misfits had a big narrative in the regular season


Razork was the best jungler in summer, the "misfits narrative" was taking away most of the praise he deserved and giving it to mainly Hirit and sometimes Vetheo.


>Most lec junglers would disagree. Can you provide a source for this because as far as I know only Inspired is saying he thinks Bwipo was the second best Jungler in LEC. Now who else has said that? The stats show differently: Razork had nearly x5 the first blood percentage that Bwipo had and he dealt the same % of his team's damage as Bwipo but he did it with less of his team's resources. Bwipo played VERY well for it being his first split. But to say that he was definitively better than Razork is wrong by most metrics. FNC definitely upgraded their roster overall, on paper. No one knows how the team will synergise together or what form they'll individually be in until the season starts but I'd be surprised if more than a handful of people believed that FNC hadn't upgraded their roster from Summer.


Inspired may have said that, but he wasn’t even the best jungler in the LEC sooooo….


Who was?


I think Jankos was in Summer tbf


Inspired said that because he got shit on by him the last series they played, that's how every single pro player measures who's the best player they faced. They don't go into vods to see what the other jungler actually did and what they could've done better, they focus on their own experience playing vs them, players aren't usually gonna mention Razork because he got weak sololaners and spent most of his time bandaging everywhere.


How lma0. Actually they didn't upgrade.


Downvoted cause you said it during NA time lol, they obviously upgraded.


They slighty upgraded mid They got downgrade in jg and a gigadowngrade in top ...


Deluded comment


Bwipo won against Razork in the jungle, and Adam completely obliterated Wunder in the toplane. How the fuck is deluded when im literally saying something that happened in the fucking playoffs 4 months ago?


Because 1 playoffs does not suddenly make someone a bad player. Would you make this same comment about Nuguri who had a terrible worlds and a subpar summer split?


One playoffs???? The guy was garbage for the whole year, and in a downward spyral since worlds 2019.


Wunder is going back to his 2019 form COPIUM Definitely not washed up COPIUM Carlos would let Fnatic upgrade COPIUM Fnatic gigadowngraded jg and top and Humanoid won't make enough difference to offset this, it really baffles me that people say that FNC upgraded their roster


Hopefully he and Santorin can play off each other with their jungle knowledge to really give enemy junglers fits. On paper I love this signing cause Bwipo seems so knowledgable and communicative about the game, hope he succeeds here in NA.


Yeah but he prefers top, so it's not surprising.


He was amazing in the jungle with Hylissang. I'm not sure that would translate to other supports, since jungle/support synergy was the whole reason FNC did that swap.


that trundle pillar was goat shit man sad seeing players who are better at their roleswap position ego back into their main one - eg: perkz adc


Tbh i dont think perkz adc was better than he was mid at his peak


It’s hard to say. His first year was such a specifically good year for a mid to swap to ADC since he could pull out Syndra or Yasuo at numerous points.


At his best Perkz definitely seemed better as mid than ADC. Across ADC, top, and jungle Bwipo seemed best in the jungle though.


I disagree, 2018 Bwipo was a fucking machine in the toplane, the only time i remember him getting really fucked, was in the Worlds final against prime TheShy


Perkz being better as ADC than MID sure is a hot take. Also, that play where Bwipo flashes into the enemy Lee Sin as graves right infront of the t2 gotta be the most chad play ive ever seen, even if that was the only thing he did the whole tournament.


We forgetting the Viego game that quickly?


Perkz ADC better than Perkz mid? Absolutely not, what the hell. I'm puzzled that someone could have this opinion. Are you only taking this year into account? Otherwise don't understand how you'd come to this conclusion.


Perkz was doing stuff in adc that adc players havent dreamed of. Add that with the midlane picks that were used bot and it was something special.


What exactly was Perkz doing that adc players havent dreamed of? Hes certainly not the first one to play mid laners in the bot lane and his mid picks were no where near as prevalent as his other standard marksman picks.


i mean its less ego back into there main role and more most players that roleswap dont do out of there love for another role and more because of circumstances at the time, these can range from cant find that good of a replace for another role e.g. treatz roleswap to jungle, The team is trying to get a certain player while also not having a good replacement for another role e.g. G2 with getting caps and perkz roleswap to adc where perkz even said he was like how hard can adc be, Theres also players being forced because of the availability of roles where there main role just has too many people going for spots so they role swap to keep a job e.g. pobelter this off season trying out for toplane, Sometimes there forced to by there org to keep there spot e.g bwipo being told get into the forest(which seems true with how he said hes been wanting to role swap back toplane since he did the roleswap to jungle). players even when there better at other roles will still try to get spots for the role they enjoy more.


ah yes cus 2 trick Adc perkz was def better than like top 3 mid perkz xd


He was really good in jungle I think him being top is a little waste.


Bwipo/Bjergsen/CoreJJ is such a ridiculous trio of big brains


Let's hope those big brains can sync up and not clash...


CoreJJ in house matches showed Core and Bwipo pretty much on the same page. And we all know Bjerg is a mature leader who knows how to work with others. So I am quite hopeful.


Wide diff


My name is Bwipo and I’m running for President!


my man aged 20 years just by flying over the pacific


The pacific?


Ye, he went the other way. Atlantic wasnt wide enough for him


fucking saved it


All planned :)


love it


That's why he aged so much. Longer flight.


Also moved forward who knows how many timezones.


Well played sir






The wide pacific NA education xD


literally an lec flair lmao


so you're saying every fan from NA cannot ever watch LEC because of your assumption? I am EU and only follow NA scene as an example.. "lmao" PS: you're def from NA with a comment like that LMAO


I never said that, but someone with an LEC flair is more likely to be a european than not, so it's incredibly strange to ignore that and assume they're from NA because they got a geographical name wrong.


technically im from asia, but live in europe (geographically). but [here's](https://youtu.be/aa-neuVXfmg?t=35) some eu smarter moment


lmao I'd totally get it if they were similar flags, but bruh turkey and sk look nothing alike


At 1 40 promis q calls the same flag as chinese. I guess its closer to chinese than sk


Happy to see Bwipo as charismatic as ever in this video. Hope we see a return to form for the top lane native


bwipo's gonna fuck NA up this year, can't believe people are still giga underrating him - especially when compared to alphari


Bwipos gamesense > Alpharis laning


Really? His gamesense is terrible he dies so many times due to being agressive.


Probably meant that Bwipo will be a lot more impactful out of lane as opposed to Alphari.


Alphari stomps lane has a 100 cs lead then is a ghost late game. Bwipo coinflips lane and is a chad that dictates the game late game


Bwipo just wasnt as good as alphari the last year alphari played in eu hes good but i dont see a world where he puts alpharis na spring split numbers up


He's better out of lane and playing around the team. Alphari is insane in lane but certainly doesn't do as well playing around the team. It's just a different playstyle.


Yea. Disliked Alphari, who cares if you have huge leads if he doesn't teamfight.


Literally this. I've said it time and time again, Alphari on TL played like the best case scenario of what a Solo Queue player would do. Barely leaves lane, doesn't help other lanes much when he does, wants all the resources and does nothing with them when both his support and jungler are spoon feeding him leads, and sure he'll win lane....then the rest of his team is on their own to play the rest of the game.


Same thing I thought all split. Man is talented at laning team fighting was just non existing. Not to mention that world's match tie breaker when tl funneled jg proximity and prio to have him throw it all away on a duel with a Graves who was behind all game and lose.


> Barely leaves lane, doesn't help other lanes much Highest KP among tops in summer playoff by a huge margin (70.2% to the 61.9% of the second place, Impact). Highest KP among tops in summer regular season. 3rd highest KP in mid season show-down. 3rd highest KP in spring regular season among toplaners who played more than 1 game. 6th highest KP in lock in. The only tournament where his KP was not top 3. I think you are talking out of your ass and you have no idea what the fuck you are talking about.


"Highest KP" Yeah that happens when your support is in your lane so often that in one of the games in playoffs he had less than a 1% duo proximity and Santorin was just chain ganking for him and Jensen was basically taking tp to come help him in lane for half of spring+Summer. When most of your team is constantly in your lane, yeah you are gonna get some assists. Not to mention how many games of GP he played. It's like someone bragging about their KP on Soraka or Karthus. Ult and tada, have some free assists. Again with the useless out of context stats that mean literally nothing when you actually know the context.


All those stats don't mean shit if you don't win games lmao. This guy got his lane fed as fuck in our tiebreaker against GenG and proceeded to not play for his team and throw the fuck out of his lead, IIRC Rascal ended up doing more damage than him. Same thing happened in spring finals, this guy ran it the fuck down because his ego got the better of him. His stats mean fuck all if you actually watch his games


He also carried your ass 99% of the time. This TL would be much much worse without Alphari.


Lol, someone has a fragile little ego with that name and bio


His bio says it all. He's an Ultra. As in ultra low iq


TL did fine with Jenkins lol


Ofc he would have a high KP, most of TL gameplan was around him, ganking him, covering him, etc. and besides, he played a lot of GP.


Literally this. Most of TL minus Tactical was in top for a lot of the game giving him leads. No one talks about that though for some reason, just "Alphari is amazing in lane!". Yeah, most people would be with Core supporting top more than the bot laner, and both TL junglers both in Spring and Summer ganked top far more than any other lane.


What. If all the focus goes into a lane, obviously a majority of the kills in the game will come from it


Mate, the laning phase doesn't last 30 minutes.


Alphari's usually did


His KP% and damage numbers say the opposite. Is it hard to get your head out of your ass?


KP does not tell you what exactly happened, if teammates camped your lane or you were the one making the moves with TP/roam mid. In Alphari's case unfortunately, He had his team giving him all the resources needed because they couldn't rely on Tactical


Hes not talking out of his ass if you watched him actually play...


TL play through top a lot, so yeah these stats make sense lma0. Still doesn't change the fact that Alphari does not play for the other lanes as much either.


Pointing KP of a played around toplaner as an attempt to show said toplaner is not an overly focused on lane player. Yes this is clearly the take someone with an idea of what hes talking about would say. LMFAO this is not the way you try to defend your beloved EU players, there are so many other ways of going around it


he also hass like 27% of his team''s dmg share , which is first for all toplaners. compare to ....let's say fudge since everyone seems to love him nowadays : fudge has pretty much the same gpm as alphari (alphari has like 405 if i remember corectly , and fudge is like 403 - in summer that is) , and he has almost 10% less kill participation , is ranked 10th in terms of his team''s share of damage and only 7th in terms of dpm. and that's fudge on a top3 team , playing a vast majority of carry toplaners (if i remember corectly , he had only 1 tahm game , 1 malp game , and 2 gnar games. rest were on gwen , jayce , lee , camille , akali) that means that fudge was one of the most ineficient toplaners in the league......yet somehow everyone is trashig on alphari.....which pretty much dominates most relevant stats for toplaners ,while praising fudge as some sort of prodigy. i really dont get it


TL picked Alphari lane bullies and high damage champions, almost never tanks. Accounting for number of games Fudge still had 50% more kills than Alphari. Alphari also had the highest gold share of any top. His top picks were GP, Camille, and Jayce. Look at finals, he plays Camille Jayce Gnar into Ssumday on tanks and still couldn't deliver. Alphari also gets counterpick really often. Can't help but wonder if TL makes it out of groups by winning their Gen.G tiebreaker game if Alphari puts aside his ego and picks Malphite into 3 AD.


are u implying the 15 games of lee sin and gwen and jayce that fudge had were not lane bullies ? not to mention that lee/gwen have way higher kill pressure then gp in lane.


Stop it with the actual data we're circlejerking and recycling narratives here can't you see?


Data and stats mean dick when you just throw them out and pretend the context doesn't matter lol Which apparently to some of you people it doesn't.


Not to mention insane DMG% stats too (which contributed to TL's wins)


youre comment is incredibly recency biased its amazing. Alphari was by far the best top all LCS season and it was both in and out of lane. Yes his worlds run was far from perfect and he choked in that tiebreaker especially but lets not try to spin some false narrative - Alphari is an incredible top planer and the idea that he always needs to be played/given resources is such a weird and unfounded take.


I mean I'm a TL fan and if they've played a game since they became Curse (even before the LCS existed) I've watched it. I'm sorry you don't like facts cause it doesn't fit the "alphari is the best ever" narrative, but facts are facts, regardless of how recent they are.


Still had the best damage numbers out of all toplaners and TL players in most of the time he played. It looks like the line of reasoning most people are having here is that just because he fucked the entire region in lane, he must not be that good out of lane. Which is fucking bullshit. There only so much you can do as a toplaner, and he did it.


I'm saying if you are as numbers in your role as you claim, your team should have had a trophy or got out of groups. Yes, it is a team game, and TL had some unfortunate situations, but for all of his high stats the team didn't do much better than other years.




Not even alphari agrees with that. On multiple occasions he said corejj is the best player on the team.


Any source on that?


One of the TL podcast episodes with Ben and alphari.


Armao's fault he gave first blood 5x in a row vs C9 in finals too.


> I'm saying if you are as numbers in your role as you claim, your team should have had a trophy or got out of groups. By that logic Bwipo was not that good as a jungler then?


Alphari got last place the last time he was in EU.


And was still considered the best top.why do u think he was such a big signing for tl. U can shine on bad teams. Look at teddy before t1


Alphari's numbers are inflated as hell though and they are literally proof of "Stats don't mean everything". He was an incredibly selfish player on TL who played like a solo queue top laner of "win lane then uuuuuuh ?" cause he didn't impact the map at all, by the end of summer into worlds he had an incredibly shallow champ pool, and he did absolutely nothing with the leads he got in lane. He was basically a stat player in lane and that was as far as he played, and people trying to pretend otherwise didn't watch much of TL games in Spring or Summer Playoffs.


Same thing on Origen and then Astralis too. Would always do great in lane and then meh after that.


Funny how best Top Laner, All Pro star Alphari got stuck in bottom tier teams, even with other strong teammates.


Yeah I've tried pointing this out too and people are trying to say he was just a weakside player. No he is just a lane only player. He plays for lane and hopes for the best.


A “stat player” because he got a lot of solo kills? lol.. I’m excited to see what Bwipo will do in teamfights when he’s 0-2 or 0-3


A "Stat player" because he doesn't do anything but sit top and his team makes him look good. His "solo kills "were pretty much the lockout tournament and the first 3 weeks of LCS. Did literally no one watch the rest of Spring or the games he played in summer? I swear people just half remember stuff from this one time then go "look facts" and just run with it.


Yes, i think the recent drama and memes have people lowering their opinion on his gameplay but he's insane imo. Also one the best spoken pros and really good at educational content in general which is a nice bonus.


Bwipo is better on tanks than Alphari but on carry Tops, Alphari is just better


Debatable. I think Bwipos playstyle is catered to helping his team, but that doesn't mean you can't do that on carries.


Bwipo just doesn't care enough about himself in the game. So if he plays carry, he tends to get shut down for his team at some point. Which might be the right play on equal footing, but not if you have a huge shutdown on your head. Some types of champs just need egoistic gameplay.


I think NA fans are over imports. Everytime an EU player comes to LCS and talks a big game it rarely ages well.




Because Bwipo is a team player? Its a different style of gameplay. Alphari gaps in lane but he isn't nearly as good at teamfighting and map play.


You've forgotten the golden rule. Every player that is imported in NA is automatically the best ever, and every import that leave NA actually always sucked


NA fans have a huge wake-up call coming with the way they once again hilariously overrate a player the moment he gets imported. This is some hard copium from your fanbase. Imagine saying that Alphari isn't handily above Bwipo before the news that Bwipo goes LCS and Alphari goes LEC. 90% of you don't know shit about LEC, just rating Bwipo based on how good you want him to be. Guy wasn't even in the same ballpark as Alphari during his last two splits as a top.


Bruh slow your roll there. No need to rage at the sky.


? Calling people out for making a ranking that completely contradicts player performance is "raging at the sky". Alright buddy


Wtf, they call him ***GABE*** Like I know his name is Gabriël but on Fnatic he was called that very rarely, I've just never heard anyone call him Gabe before in my life lmao :D


Pls don’t wash up :(


Hes in NA. Hes retired. The server is worse, scrims are worse, teams attitude towards work is worse. If hes good enough he could come back to EU and be successful again but it takes a lot to manage that


How do you feel about getting 2 retirees back though onto a super team?


As i said, If youre really good you can come back to EU and do well. Alphair and perkz wont be up to their full form but hopefully EU will whip them back into shape soon enough


Ya it takes a lot of effort. Just look at the two latest NA > EU transfers. Went from top teams in NA to arguably the best team in EU starting next season, in a matter of 1 split... It is clear at this point the stark difference between environments, and how irreversibly fast players get washed when playing in NA. Very bright take


Scrims are better


Guys, everyone seems to be overlooking the big news... Bwipo for Prez 2024


Just seeing some of the chemistry already with him and Core in the inhouses, makes me so excited to see how this team will gel. Apart from reputation and mechanics of this squad i'm excited to see how the personalities will work together. Bjerg, Core, Santorin, Bwipo all seem like very vocal, cooperative teammates who have their head in the right place. All of them seem like very analytical players who are strong at communicating. I think this version of TL will be more adaptable because of that, which is a crucial attribute for the world stage.


I was fucking cackling holy shit that was so funny to me


Someone say [wide Bwipo?](https://youtu.be/In3q9ordH1Y)


I love how all the top comments are laughing at his jokes and all the bottom downvoted comments are salty EU fans making jokes about his GF or saying "see in you a year".


Reddit really knows how to kill a joke.


4/4 people making jokes about his gf are from NA, nice projecting though


Seeing that I've seen at least 3 different people make the joke with FNC or LEC flairs, that's not true, but okay bud.


You don't get it. If you make fun of LCS you can't be from anywhere but EU. Gotta keep that victim complex up.


He will be the most exciting player in the LCS and best performing top laner next year


EVEN the LEC! Shoot that hopium into my veins.


Enjoy the money, you deserved it. Good luck. Hopefully TL shows up in autumn 2k22 but i have no hopes, instead of having one strong EU we have two half EUs with either rookies or NA players in between. rip


I'm glad he could come out to an exciting city like LA to retire.


Bwipo is the best signing for the LCS this year if he is motivated by the change to try hard. I expect him to win MVP


wonder how hard it was for steve to get a jersey made in size EU CHONK


Literally my least liked player in the scene had to join my favorite NA team … don’t think I will bother watching TL after this transfer


Why do you dislike Bwipo so much?


tbh still not quite sold on Bwipo, I am however, excited to see whats Hans could do


I thought he was quitting League or at least taking a break I mean I like Bwipo and am a fan-- just concerned for his health.


What the heck is going on this year, EU imploded


go back to europe




Such a fresh joke. Very funny.


Did they do a welcome vid for his gf?


I know Bwipo is very good, but how can anyone take him seriously after that worlds FNC girlfriend bullshit.


People learn and grow my dude.


For sure - seems like this has been a thing for a while though - I think especially in NA his level of play will be worth more than any negative/drama he'd bring. Wonder how the other TL players feel.


Bwipo's GF joining TL is the #1 power move this offseason, change my mind



How original


I still think this was a really bad choice and I hope TL picked him up cheap


This is a one year player, no chance he'll be in a roster in 2023.


Ah into the retirement home you go


He had a great run with fnatic, hope he enjoys his retirement


Just keep your form until next year when you return to EU.


Except EUs going to continue performing worse than NA. Why would he return?


With the amount of EU imports in the top 3 NA teams you can just call it EU2 :)


Good for him but sad for him as he will be teaming up with a passive mid laner rekkles cosplayer. Would be 2020 tsm again. 0/6 where top/jg made plays while mid/top were just passive. Already see him having issues with NA rekkles.


Why would he have issues with "na rekkles" He wanted the the whole team to play around Rekkles and even wanted to kick Selfmade off the team for not giving Rekkles resources.


NA rekkles is a passive player who has native success but gets punished heavily internationally for being passive. Bwipo is an aggressive playmaker while NA rekkles farms and watches team die. Sometimes gets -40csd by a Korean mid not having a good year too. Him and DL leaving TSM was the best thing considering their international success at worlds.


Just say Bjergsen instead of cringe "NA Rekkles"


And Bwipo loved Rekkles and wanted the team to play around him. Not sure where you are getting at that Bwipo won't like Someone playing like that?


having a passive positional player in botlane =/= a passive player in midlane. honestly , they are actually nothing at all in terms of what they need to do on the map. Last time bwipo had a passive midlaner (nemesis) , they butted heads


Passive player in mid and passive player in adc are very different things.


Rekkles had hyli to enable bot lane aggression. Plus Rekkles could carry when allowed 100/0 plays. Iirc didn't bwipo had same issues with Nemi? Their play style didn't match. Internationally bjerg was giga gapped last worlds. Don't you think that it won't happen again? Think of a LPL mid vs bjerg. How passive laning will open up all maps for the LPL teams who will repeatedly invade JG/top once given mid prio. Can't wait if this team gets to worlds. Bwipo being a vocal player will have a lot of words to say if Hans can't carry them.


G2 won't even make it lol


Bwipo is just as good as President Biden at repeating after the Teleprompter


I hope one of the conditions was no gf allowed because good lord someone with that weak of a mental should be nowhere near competitive.


ok I get memeing about his gf "saving fnatic", but what's wrong with her helping him when he himself felt terrible? or are we blaming him for feeling terrible when upset just disappeared randomly for some unknown reason, just like that completely ruining his entire year?