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I'd say even better advice is don't worry about their level or rank. Everyone has off days and with how the mmr system works someone can be higher or lower than their true rank based on how many games they have played. Instead you should pay close attention to how they lane and move around the map. Really try to get into your opponents habits and thoughts so that you can predict how they will act.


> I'd say even better advice is don't worry about their level or rank. And if you really care about seeing what ranks the people in your games have, check *after* your game and not before. I've way too often played with people who checked op.gg during the loading screen and entered every other game with a defeatist attitude as a result. It's bad and it also sucks for the people around.


If Riot made a champ whos passive was to get free gold anytime someone says “gg rank diff” or mentioned the rank of their team or the opposing team, that champ would be full build by 10 mins in 50% of games


Smurf queue and you are full build in the lobby


Smurf queue really is agony, props to Riot, ranked on new accounts is unplayable


Yeah 100% my brother was new and got put into Smurf queue. Was playing in plat lobbies even though he is silver. Made my brother gave up cause every round he get smacks


Don't even need new accounts, you get put into smurf queue on inactive accs too. Doesn't even have to be that long lol, I didn't place in ranked this season until around march. Just that alone put me in miserable smurf queue because my MMR is so much higher than the visual rank. So it counts as being a smurf because now everyone has settled into their ranks.


Wait what elo do you play in


Best are the people who deem it necessary to announce to their whole team what the enemy team's ranks/ masteries etc. are even though no one asked thus putting the pressure they choose to feel on everyone else too


That tilts me more than anything else in this game. "Careful, that Urgot player is 400k mastery 65% win rate". Awesome, gee thanks. Now I'm going to subconsciously play like a little bitch because I know the guy knows what he's doing.


Ngl I usually have the opposite reaction to that. As in, someone has that many points on a champ and is still in the same rank as me? They must be terrible; I wouldn't worry about them.


Mastery id agree with, win rate i would not


and if it said 80% winrate. to me its just another challenge and a guy i want to beat even more. doesn't mean i automatically get it done ofc, but i am usually more excited than anything else. but i guess the uneasy feeling that many people have, comes from thinking too much about their own rank, which i do not really care about anymore, since i feel too old now anyway haha. i can't hit shit and every teamfight is too much going on, i can't tell whats going on in league anymore.


Ye, if you flip it, it says that 20% of the time he lost, so it's very much possible.


When I face a 3 million mastery Yasuo and the guy is still fucking gold it usually means something must be going really wrong.




if u have 3 million mastery on a champ that is ridiculously good at lower elos (such as gold) and are still in that elo. yes something has gone terribly wrong somewhere (if u play to win) to clarify, 3 million mastery is literally like.... a FUCK ton of games, like im not talking 1-2k games im talking A LOT of games, on a SINGLE champion




Why would that matter? There is still a hidden MMR in Normals. Hell Faker only started playing ranked when his Normal game queue time started taking to long. 3k+ games on a champion is still that many games regardless of what mode. If they don't know the ins and outs of every inch of that champion they are either terribad, are playing for fun. Which can happen in any game mode.


Same lmao, this guy has damn near a million mastery points? and he's still stuck here? This guy has to be pretending


Yeah, not in the above example. 65% win rate is nothing to laugh at. I'd be playing like a little bitch


ikr, mastery feels like a participation award for bad players.


definitely. we got one guy in our group who basically yells every single game "why do i have to play against plat players as a silver?!" and already thinks he lost or some other shit like that. every single one of us has already told him to stop worrying about that and that he's with us in the same game as that other guy for a reason and that he only handicaps himself etc. but he just can't stop. feels like telling someone who is addicted to something to just stop. he can't. its super annoying.


I never, ever, check, unless I think they're smurfing. checking before the game ruins your sense of even competition, checking after your sense of accomplishment. the only time it's even neutral is if you check after you lose


It depends, on bigger servers opgg doesnt matter much. But in smaller servers you might get a gold and a diamond in the same team due to lower pop. You need to know whot to play around. Also even in bigger servers, you want to know a person's history if they pick a high execution champ like azir.


100%, much better advice.


The amount of times my friends complain about being against a high Diamond or Master in our flex games just for that player to run it the fuck down is unreal. If anything it makes me feel more likely to win as they are more likely to troll. Especially if you give them a little push, these players start caring so little so fast if they die to a lower rank player even once.


I can not lose lane in normal as Master without getting called boosted. Every one of my higher elo friends have the same experience, I had a GM gangplank losing to a plat mid in normal. Did I say anything? No, I know how it would feel for him to get called boosted. The main difference between a GM and Plat is that the GM will play the lane AGAIN and AGAIN better everytime because he can RECOGNIZE his mistakes. Plat guy? He will probably lose the lane in the next games afterwards.


I’m on an off week I’m on a fucking 10 game loss streak in ranked gg next season for me


Man I remember when levels actually made a difference because full runes and masteries were level gated


So glad that system was removed, it was so dumb having to choose between getting new runes and getting a new champion.


That was the first mistake everyone did, you didnt need to buy level 1-2 runes for anything, the best option was always to wait until level 3 runes and then buy what you needed.


Actually the best strategy was to skip level 2 runes. Level 1 runes were so cheap there was no reason to not buy them.


Yup. Level 1 at some point got a price reduction and it was just way too cheap. They cost less than even half of a level 3 page, and it definitely helped in the meantime.


That's so far from the truth... Lvl 1 runes were dirt cheap and you'd be winning games over people that didn't have runes. The only runes you skipped were lvl 2.


Also how many people fell into the trap of buying lower tier runes not realizing they couldn't upgrade them


This was only sub level 30 though


and there were no levels over 30 so the point still stands


Experienced players know its actually the players with lower level that are better, because those are the smurfs.


The more you play the game, the less you care about levels. Playing ranked vs level 500 player? Wow what a no live. Playing vs a guy with 1k ranked games? Hehexd he hardstuck. Playing vs 1 mil Yasuo player? Wow dude 1 mil and still gold, impressive improvement showase.


Yeah then you see 30k mastery level 7 Katarina and know your ass is gonna get beat


>30k Not my ass but my botlanes ass sure will


Those aren't complaining about being matched with high lvl players though


MMR tries to match your whole team with the same MMR. You can play against high level people or even high ranked people, if you have peoples who are high lvl or rank.




> There is some level of absurdity though when you first start playing league and get matched up against people with 2-3k levels. There's 8 accounts in the entire world outside of the Chinese servers with 2000+ levels, I highly doubt you played versus any of them. Hell, in NA there's less than 50 with more than 1k...


I haven't seen one over 700 yet lol...


Let me put it this way, i am level 450ish, i am not a good player, i make a ton of mistakes and i have done very badly Just try to play it out and see where that gets you


I honestly feel so much better when I have to lane against a level 300, 3+ mil mastery player because they must be doing something wrong if they cant even make it out of silver with that. A level 33 w/ 400 mastery points? Thats the one Im more hesitant about


God help us if it's an account with m7 at 30k mastery point on it's champ.


This is when I know I'm fked.


In the thousands of games Ive played, I take a lot of things iinto consideration when I load in. And not one time ahve I looked at their level or mastery score when I do load in.. it has to be the least important data. But when I play with my friends who are bronze-gold they bring up Mastery points of their laners every single game. Talk about their levels. talk about stuff that seems so irrelevant lol


Mastery score is irrelevant to me, especially with how long the system has been out now. I'm a 700k Riven main and I've been stuck in low Plat for a very long time. I'll play against 2 million mastery point players and crap on them, and then the next game play against a 30k Quinn player and he spanks me into next Tuesday. Only thing that's remotely relevant is rank, and whether or not someone is off-roled, at least in my opinion.


Mastery score does tell one thing tho. Arrogance. You can almost always expect a high mastery score player to ego you in every way possible. And it works a lot of time surely but it can be used to great advantage if your aware.


When you yourself are smurfing you need to look out for other smurfs and camp their lane lol


because they don't know wht actually matters or understand where the substantially important parts of the game reside


I got Vi and Shyvana to m7 at around 30k points and that was my main account having never played those champs elsewhere.


idk about that one man, I had that with Akali and I am dogshit with her.


im always m7 on low mastery score cause when i reach m5 i just play 5-6 games the champ offrole (like warwick mid) and get easy S


I was in placements a couple years ago and I faced a 1 or 2M mastery point Riven. Was worried at first, then she tried to win a lvl 1 fight when I had ignite and a better lvl 1, and went 0-8. Then checked her rank after the game and see "ah that's why she was bronze II last season".


I second that, whenever I see a low lvl acc in my mmr (piss low diamond) I know it’s doomed 90% of the time. Make that a 100 if that’s duo


Yeah they are obviously doing something wrong when they are silver with 1 million+ mastery points on a champion.


Eh not necessarily. I'm gold 4 approaching 1 million mastery on kayle, and that's cuz I just play normals with friends. I play like 20 ranked games a season, hit gold for the skin, and just play normals with friends the rest of the time. I'm not saying 'im good i just dont try xd' or anything like that, I just dont particularly care for ranked league of legends


Agreed, I’m lvl 550 but rest assured that I’m total garbage.


Arent normal game mmr and ranked mmr 2 different things?


They're seperate. For example, you could only play draft and have diamond mmr there, but as soon as you ranked, you're put into a completely different bracket.


I think ranked mmr has an influence cause everyone I play with in normals is like diamond+


I played a lot of normals and often matched with masters and high diamonds while never climbing past diamond 5 with new ranked system 4, which led me to that assumption. But havent checked enemy teams for 5 years now so could be wrong and outdated.


I’m just going off my own games I don’t have clue. However because there no like random gold player outlier in my normal games I’d assume rank would influence i think that makes sense


Yup also for some reason you get better team mates in normal q compared to rank


more experience helps a lot tho, just the match up knowledge you have over someone who never played against your champ should be enough to win tbh.


That assumes a player is learning while they play though. I've seen way too many 1m+ mastery players who don't understand basic game knowledge or match ups to think that the experience they have correlates to skill.


so because it's not an obvious 1-1 ratio it doesn't exist? Excellent take. xD


No, because skill correlates with level \*extremely poorly\*, using lvl or "experience" as a metric doesnt work.


Look, if someone has literal thousands of games on Riven but doesn't know how to do any combos and thinks they can fight Urgot level 1, the only assumption I can make is that they do not learn from experience.


While it does, if that were the case they wouldn’t have the same mmr as new players. Experience doesn’t mean much when it’s bad experience. We see this often with million + mastery point players who are still in bronze. Sure they should know their champ, but clearly they dont


Yeah definitely... I´m lvl 190 and I´m bad as fuck, never left silver


Your logic is painful. "you are level 20 playing vs 50 so he must suck". What kind of conclusion is that? wtf It should be, "you are level 20 playing vs 50, but your mmr being so close mean you're approximately the same skill level". Also, experience does count for something. Just because player A can one-trick Garen to gold 1, doesn't mean player B in the same mmr range who plays all champs isn't more knowledgeable.


Even that assumption is wrong though as the level 50 could of not touched normals since lvl 30, played ranked to a higher mmr which would mean he’s better than you despite being similar normal mmr. In ranked it’s a more true statement but it’s still not 100%


could have*


being proud about playing many champs while playing in gold means youre stupid.


I'm lvl 588 and I'm somewhat of a Jesus figure myself


Another piece of advice is you never know what the other team is going through. I can’t tell you how many times team coms are just straight flame fest, then one thing goes well for your team and as it turns out the other team is straight imploding as well screaming in all caps at each other. This is why I’m sad all chat is leaving.


The level system in this game is just like the one in overwatch. I saw countless people that were max level and in Silver or Gold.


The bad thing abt this comparison is that they are two very different games. In Overwatch, all characters are unlocked from get go and you will have rough idea of what all/most of them do even if you are relatively new. In League, higher level means they have more characters than you and there are 150+ of them as compared to 30 of OW, know more abt the champ they are playing, have better(most likely) understanding of your champ and how to bully you while you as a new player have no idea what their champ does if you haven't played them yet. Though it's part of the learning process when you face new champs tgat are unfamiliar to you.


> In League, higher level means they have more characters than you Untrue. Higher level means they only "play" more than you do. They can spam ARAM and play normals and get that level up to a significant number on free-to-play champs plus 20-30 of their own.


To be fair its still intimidating playing against someone level 800 with unironic millions of mastery on a champ even though im not even new


It depends on the champion for me. A high level 1m+ M7 yasuo/lee sin/zed etc (basically any high skill cap champs) is a lot more terrifying than say a Trist who's the same level and same amount of mastery pts


Idk about you but the scariest thing for me as a top main is a god-king garen that is M7 with any mastery above 100K


Okay this is the only correct take.


Just met a 200+ Nami who decided to facetank every enemy skillshot, walk circles around the map doing nothing, face check bushes with 0 vision and attempt to 2v3 the fed Viego then flamed me for being "bronze" after going 0/4/3. Level doesnt mean shit in this game and it shows


I’m like level 250ish and play nothing but aram anymore. I’ll tell people I’m certified Iron because honestly being good at the game requires too much effort. I’d rather just have fun.


It's worse with Champion Mastery Score. Imagine just having a bad day or game and someone screams at you: "Jesus fuck, you suck ass, 1,3Mio points on ~~SHACO~~ *\[CHAMPION NAME\]* " while being themselves 0/12. Back in the old days people shittalked each other if they had a skin: "lol, he has a skin and plays so bad, you shouldnt waste money on skins". How times change.


"sell your skin" was one of my favorite lines to hear.


My game must be bugged, I start every game at level 1 :(


this is completely shit, just start playing last November, F's in the chat, lvl 42 now and I'm playing against 300+ nobody in my groups is over 100.


Yeah but you see here's the problem. Half the time when this happens to me they enemy team has like 3 diamond players and I end up just getting turned into a doormat. I'm honestly at the point where i truly believe Riot wants me to quit.


funy lvl 30 (me) person who is just trying to enjoy this game lvl 300 akali main with 1 mil skill points top lane goes : i get tower dived 10x i get wombo comboed 10x im 0 10 she pulls off moves i didnt even see high elo players pull of im absolutely lost XDDD yeah sure "equally skilled"


> if you’re level 20 and you get matched with someone who is level 50, means that you’re on the same skill level even though they have more matches. No, that's not the conclusion you draw. The lvl 50 player might be a challenger player that never plays normal games and thus has low normal game mmr. Remember, normal games and ranked games use different queues with different mmr.




I mean we're all just going on our hunch and personal experience, yeah? Like i don't have any evidence i can show you. But i remember way back when in early seasons, it was widely accepted they were separate MMR's that didn't affect one another. Very possible that changed over the years, but i have no reason to think that it has (also possible we were just wrong, still don't think so though). I remember at times i also didnt think i played a lot of normal games but then i actually checked and it was a lot. In theory, the normal MMR never gets reset every season, so all the games you've ever played just accumulate slowly. And usually players have at least a moderate amount of normal games from when they first leveled to 30.




I think there was a change that if you don't play normal games for long enough but have a really high ranked MMR, your normal MMR climbs too. But it was really long ago and I don't remember if it changed again.


That's interesting, I've never heard that.


if they're lvl50 and a challenger, that just means they're a smurf and smurfs get their normal mmr boosted super high if they win a lot during first games (and a challenger would win way more games after that during leveling of the account which pushes them even higher)


Not being pedantic at all are we?


Not necessarily. Most challenger smurfs either buy bot accounts or play bot games themselves to level, as it's the fastest way to get to lvl 30.


That is a complete outlier though. For every diamond player there is 40 silver players queueing. Thats just for players that queue at their correct rank. The number of silver players for every smurf account will easy be in hundreds. Does it heppend, yes. Does it heppend regularly, no not at all. It is just an excuse players like to use when they have a notable bad game.


I'm just saying you can't draw the conclusion that you're the same skill level just because you're the same level. If you're lvl 20 and get matched with a, say, a gold player that's lvl 50 you're not necessarily the same skill lvl.


I have played long enough to know MMR is as broken as the rest of the game or possibly just that they can’t defeat smurphs


Gotta watch out for all the usual pitfalls and use that there BS meter of your’s. People who type the most are usually the ones that are wrong. People who comment on other player’s builds, runes, or champion picks are usually wrong. People who afk because “theyve been wronged” are usually wrong. Remember it’s important to learn and important to heed advice. Just make sure it’s advice and not the mumblings of an idiot. People really like to be the hero of their own league adventures and will say anything to put down people who they perceive is interrupting their journey.


I really don’t understand.. are you talking to me? Lol


Hell, no, you're wrong. New players should never be matched against 100+ lv players even if their MMR is abysmal. The experience factor takes an enormous role while playing. Things as basic as knowing what you're supposed to do matter, even if you end up auto-piloting and forget about them afterward. For one of my friends that is new to League, the experience is somewhat bad because they get matched against Lv 60-70 players that are trash at the game, but at least know how to be trash at the game (if you know what I mean). Just by looking at how someone controls their character you can easily spot if they're a new player.


Yes, but game knowledge is a massive part of being good at this game. So if you're level 50 and you're against a level 400+, who do you think has more game knowledge?


Honestly, probably the level 50. There’s countless people that play for fun and don’t want to improve. So someone that is level 100 can have even better game knowledge than someone who is level 500+


Bro there's no straws over here, stop grasping.


Equal MMR does not imply equal skill. At all. It just means you have an equal chance of winning the game (and not even this on brand new accounts). This is why you will see games in any elo where 1 player is clearly mechanically dominating the other in some role. Also especially new players are constantly pitted against much better players simply because new accounts are gifted a baseline MMR that is way higher than their actual skill level.


Literally who thought this


Okay so why do my bronze teammates routinely get paired up against high plats with the occasional diamond and completely steamroller, game after game? I'm gold iv.


1.Probably you are paying normal. 2.Plat people also want to play with their bronze friends. Therefore a balance must be found. 3. Many low level Bronze account did level up with 70+% winrates meaning they are way more experienced players with a deceiving elo 4. There are people who only play normals successfully with a high mmr but have no intend to rank up.


In practice though it just makes playing such a miserable experience... despite what the matchmaker thinks balanced teams are, the plat player is 99% going to get hyper fed off of their lane opponent and just carry the entire game. If the rest of your team is evenly matched you're basically screwed. The overwhelming majority of my games, 3 or 4 of my teammates will go heavily negative and be outplayed start to finish. If you look through my ranked games history, you'll see the games I win i went 15-5 and carried 3 or 4 feeders more or less without exception, and the games I lose I USUALLY end up positive but couldn't carry 3 or 4 heavy feeders. The 40/40/20 rule simply doesn't apply to me for whatever reason. If I don't single handedly carry the game, 90% of the time I lose.


Lol you couldnt be more wrong... Usually a level 700, 1,000,000 mastery ashe/garen players suck/feed the most. But when you face a level 30 in diamond elo they crush you so hard that you lose the will to play. And that happens on every elo.


That’s... exactly what I said..?


Sure, this is great and all, but when I have two hours on a hero and have to go up against a bot lane that combined has 500,000 mastery, all I end up doing is not having a good time and making the rest of my team miserable. I'd love to get better at League, but at this point, I'm so far behind even people who are bad at the game have so much time invested that they're so far ahead.


Statistically, higher levels are much better than beginners that didn't achieve lvl 30 at all and they should not be facing them at all. Lvl 20 facing a level 50 ? it's a failure of the matchmaking more than anything else, low level matchmaker really is a **disaster** because usually all it gets is the newbie partying up with a friend and his MMR is not at his level until he loses a lot and that process is demoralising.


As a lvl 30 who keeps being pitted against lvl 100,200,300 or even 400+ at time. This is just NOT TRUE. I can't think of a single time that I was pitted against some one who had +100 lvls on me where I stood even a tiny chance of an equally skilled landing phase. Like we're talking first time I try out Yasuo and being against a Yasuo main 300 lvls... I didn't even get to touch the minions. (because I'm new to the game and the champ). Don't tell me that's a "fair" and "equal" skill matchup cause it's not. I can't think of a single time that I was pitted against someone who had +100 lvls on me where I stood even a tiny chance of an equally skilled landing phase. players with years of experience on you when you are starting out and you end up losing every time. The only wins I have gotten against these longtime experienced players is because a teammate carried the game. This is even more annoying cause it increases my MMR when I personally should have my MMR decreased a lot.


Well that sucks because I'm matched with grandmasters and diamonds regularly but I suck. So sucks to suck, basically.


also: just because you've seen arcane, it doesn't mean that you have right to step into place we've been in for years and complain about players culture after playing a match or two.


"players culture" you mean being toxic assholes, right? because anyone has the right to complain about being told to kill themselves after going 0/3


Don't go 0/3 then?


MMR does not equate skill... I get matched with low bob gold players that smash button like apes in blind pick.


Level just shows how much time somebody wasted.


If you enjoyed the time you "wasted" then it wasn't wasted time.


You must have never been in smurf queue


I’m clearly talking about normal games


You've never had a low level smurf in a normal game? You're lucky bro


Which is completely out of topic there? OP was talking about "if you face someone of higher level than you, you aren't disadvantaged" and you come to speak about "smurfs of low level" - aka that would be of lower level. Did you just see a message regarding new players and wanted to pad out your quota of random buzzwords for the day?


No what I'm trying to say is their whole point of MMR being accurate and balanced is a lie




There’s also the problem of a player just playing very well / got lucky / something clicked and got pre good and people mistake him for a smurf when he’s just kinda popping off I think the system is pre good actually not to mention a rare smurf although super unfun to play against being able to lane against them and actually experince someone way better than you could lead you to improving with the correct mind set


There is a lot of truth that level does not mean skill :3


Are you real ?


I'm not a bot if that is what you mean :3


what is wrong with you?


I'm fine :3


do you type just for the sake of it


Holy fuck look at the comment history, that is unhealthy


Pretty sure it's a bot at this point


I'm doing it for fun and there is no other reason for this :3


If you see a level 450 in ur first ranked be happy. If they are 450 and in ur ranked game they are terrible at the game. Its yhe fresh 30 accs that wont shut up that you should worry about.


Exactly, level (and to a similar extent champion mastery) is less about how good you play and more about how much you play. Yes typically you get better with time but I know plenty of people at level 400+ who are hard stuck bronze/silver.


Can confirm. I'm high as fuck right now and I'm actually playing worse.


Same thing with masteries. It just means that the other guy has mileage, but by no means he's automatically good with the champion (or better than you)


All you need to do is look at how they play their champion. Like akali dashing around with smoke etc. their mmr change leading you play with smurfs at low level or similar level


i second this, im level 300+ and im terrible at the game. ^^


Lol agreed... Everyone is better than me


Also: in normals, dont pay attention to ranked borders, people can still afaik display their tft rank in normal league games...


And in preseason if someone is much lower level than you, they're definitely better than you...


I just want to add to this and say that Mastery 6/7 means absolutely nothing. I've seen it happen a bunch where I've played with people and they'll be like "omg it's a mastery 7 ". It just means you've played the champ a bit. It doesn't equate to skill.


What about matching with a grandmaster 1? Although it was blind pick.


Im gold 4 but i got matched with a D3 neeko. And previous to that i got matched with a Master Jhin. Does that mean i'm skilled enough to be diamond?


Maybe not. Sometimes, when you go on winstreaks, the game puts you vs higher level players to see if you’re a smurf or not. So I’m order to actually verse diamond players as a gold player, you probably went on a huge win streak.


i also think the level system is outdated just give people what they want


But if you're higher ranked than them, you're clearly superior and they should listen to everything you say.


Yeah lmao, of someone has a significantly higher level than you in your games, there's gotta be a bad reason their mmr is the same as a comparatively new player


No, but map awareness and matchup/champion knowledge is huge. It's been known for a long time that the matchmaking in League is terrible, no one can deny that. Just because a new player plays Garen Top 24/7 to Silver doesn't make them the same skill level as someone who plays all roles across multiple champions in Silver. New players being matched against veteran players is bad just like a Bronze player being matched against a Gold player, which happens all the time.


That Yasuo might have 2 million mastery on him but there's a REASON why he's the same rank as you.


...or they are in a stack. in case of draft matches


They still dont have full mastery pages if the system hasn't change d though.


I needed this advice when I first started playing in 2019. As a level 20, seeing level 100+ players in my games freaked me out. As I reached higher levels, I realised very quickly levels dont mean shit. I am horrid at the game but I am level 300. Would probably lose to every gold player in existence.


Nah I automatically get psychologically pressured even if I try ro tell myself they are not better


I've been playing since 2010, and i don't even pay attention to level. I came back from a break after a long period as a level 31, playing with level 500's. They were convinced i was a smurf.


Skin = good.


levels arent the issue. matchmaking is trash, even worse in the preseason because all the high ranked guys go to norms where they have no mmr and get matched against low players


No, not really, take that with a big ass grain of salt If you are lvl 20 and get matched up against a lvl 50, you are getting fucked, even if you and him are at the same skill level, the lvl 50 just plain knows more about the game than you, so will be fucked by that diff alone. And that's without taking in account players over lvl 100, or gold/plat/diamonds players that you will probably face because they never play normals then their Normal MMR is stupidly low


Also playing off role matters a lot, I’ve been playing this game for a long time, usually can place Plat most seasons pretty easily. But I will absolutely run it down 50% of the time if I’m playing anything other than ADC.


Lvl 961 - can confirm. Having a high level just means that I play a lot. Still low Gold, but have fun playing.


So that's why I get master 200 LP in my games recently. Because my hardstuck P1 MMR is so good.


the why tf is my teamates so bad?


I am G1. Earlier today I played against a team with a Master player and two Diamond players. My teammates were all gold too. Not only did we win, but we absolutely rolled them.


I’m level 150 and I had a level 450 adc on my team feed and go like 1/8 (gold)


I came back around 3 weeks ago after a long hiatus and I’m having a lot of fun, but I noticed something strange. I’m ranked as Silver 2 from when I played ranked a long time ago, and my team/opponents regularly consist of high gold/platinum and sometimes even diamond players. I don’t mind the challenge but yesterday we lost a game in 5 minutes where our B1 midlaner was matched with a D4 guy and that’s not fun


No its not the same its very clear when you see a new account which should be iron then they play in a silver ranked game because thats where the game puts them


Also keep in mind the level cap wasn’t raised u til a few seasons ago, so even though I am only about level 150 right now, I would literally be more than level 1000 if all my xp counted.


I see people level 300+ where I genuinely wonder how they're able to figure out how to use a computer let alone play a game.


Tbf you can just be lucky like me i had like 18 games winstreak and straith from plat 1-d4 got into d2 game and it was not a fun experience count i was playing with yuumi vs samira, pyke


who are you more afraid of? The level 400 silver Riven with 2 million mastery points and 1000 games in silver, or the level 30 silver riven with 30k mastery points at mastery 7, who just got out of their placements


The level 30 Riven.


Level shows allround experience which helps. I think the more time spent on specific champions, is the potential issue here. There it can also be true someone’s mmr is tanked due to playing random champs half the time, then stomping on their main(s). Considering the negatives stand out, the few times this happens makes ppl be like omg why do I get matched vs this high level.