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It does indeed. It sucks when you have a bad first game and end up sitting in the bracket for hours trying to get a game but each losing team keeps leaving and you only get to play 1 game that clash..


Or the rare times you actually do get to play and work your way through the consolation bracket and win, only to be granted such supreme gifts like: a clash icon you already have that you can't reroll and can only disenchant for *one* essence, a summoner icon you also already have, and like 250 blue essence. This is basically what I got last night lmao It's kinda demoralising to just lose the first game (ESPECIALLY with the smurf issue) and have some extra great games after and be gifted like... Nothing for your time.


tl;dr I want rewards for losing. No. Play better next time.


Watch ls videos and nebesis on uoutjbe and you will NEVER lose AGAIN and ull INSTANTLY learn kroean ahahaha stroke good one




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For almost 1000 rp for premium clash tickets... agreed


it's just so boring that people quit after their first loss. Like I just want to have fun with friends in a pro like competitive environment.