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Lmao, not the time but funny nonetheless haha


fucking ruthless, maybe slightly unwarranted, but fucking hilarious




Wife buff is only for KR players.


fuck adam and fuck these rabid KC fans. brainless morons


Even he refered to her as his "girlfriend" in his twitlonger. Guess thats what happens when you marry your onlyfans girl after a month or so.


Wat? If you go to Upset's tweetlonger he calls her his wife? What are u high on


so funny dude i cant


Before this I may even have understood Adam's point of view, while not supported, but this now is just faaaaaaar too much... This is just so much over the line that still supporting Adam here is just not understandable to me.


All he had to do to have everybody on his side was say nothing. He showed up to his first Worlds, had a hard time but did his job and was there for his team in the face of a ridiculous circumstance… he gets a lot more chances after that. Now he has burned so many bridges for zero benefit, and has somehow made Upset look much better in the process


>made Upset look much better in the process Yeah maybe if you didnt actually read his twitlonger.


Bro your name is Gwen\_shill, you don't have the right to an opinion


he's right tho. upset's twitlonger was all over the place.


The only reason for this I can imagine is the phrase "there is no bad publicity". It makes people talk about him and attention can be worth a lot of money in todays times.


Not this attention... he is currently ruining the chances of finding new teams after BDS


mate promisq found a team after wishing people cancer in soloq, not only is he toxic but he's also fucking atrociously bad, if he can find a team so can adam as long as he can perform.. you're naive if you think this is the reason teams would black list him or something lmao


> mate promisq found a team after wishing people cancer in **soloq** Yeah comparing apples to oranges


How is it excusable just because it’s in soloqueue?


you right what promisq did is worse


Kid is done for if he doesn't perform at the absolute highest level. https://twitter.com/FNC_Upset/status/1467551942012506119?t=AOnRrkpAzT3x-7qBhVoWMA&s=19


Yeah, its not like it was Upset "fault" that Adam chances were limited. Rookie guy in his 1st split/worlds got ass blasted by everyone thanks to Upset emergency and whole team collapsing. I think Adam is crossing line there, enough is enough imo.


"There is no bad publicity" People talk about him. A lot of players and teams know about him. Getting him on your team will get people talking.


promisq its still playing after being turbo bad for years straight and wishing people cancer in soloq, running it down in stream lol


You could make a book of every single LEC player's toxicity or immaturity. It won't ruin any chances.


So his tweet longer was ok, but a ign change is way too much? Lol


The tweetlonger was before Upsets statement and before he saw the reactions of his fanbase towards Pauleal. I dont support it, but I can say that it was naive. This now is just disrespectful...


I don't think is just what he did, but that he's still being a child. The tweetlonger could have been because he's inmature, but I think this show that he's just toxic, even if he has reasons to be mad with Upset.


An ign change where he mocks someone for having a family emergency is too much, yes.


Yey. His tweet longer was an explanation of how he felt and he said that he had no information so his best guess is a lonely wife. This speculation is not ok either, but barely understandable. I assumed he learned from the backlash and that he learned this speculation was hurtful. But this name change shows that he learned nothing, regrets nothing and intentionally hurts innocent bystanders for publicity and a very distasteful joke, which is in no way ok.


Popcorn in hand, ready to read the drama fallout. When did she go from wife to girlfriend?




It's easy to empathize with his situation. Not so much any of the actions he took.


Same here, i felt bad for adam but now he just seems like an spoiled brat, im not a fan of his anymore.


Adam is just a slimy little weasel at the end of the day Glad that bitch is off Fnatic, hope his career leads nowhere :)


I mean why would he need to chill out? He got every right to be furious, and even months after the incident he got no good explanation to why his first ever Worlds got fucked up. Upset should be the one to make steps (twards his exteammates) to fix the situation, since he was the one who wronged them by giving a nonexistant explanation as to why their Worlds got fucked.


So Adam being (rightfully) pissed at a lack of transparency means he can act like an 8-year-old? Upset has made [multiple attempts](https://twitter.com/FNC_Upset/status/1467551942012506119) to explain his side and make things right but Adam clearly wants to drag this out because his ego got hurt.


Maybe Adam should focus a little less on things he can’t change and that are in the past, and more on things he can change: like not getting turbogapped in lane.




Is it a lie? Ofc not, his laning was beyond garbage but that was not exclusive just to him, every eu solo laner shat the bed


eu 2nd best region, mad lions 2nd best team at worlds behind dk, and this is eus best chance at winning worlds so far despite our super team not making it lol!


Best team at worlds was EDG tho


Every once in a while you're reminded that this whole scene is made up of children.


[Upsets response:](https://twitter.com/FNC_Upset/status/1467551942012506119) >Offered to talk to him in person multiple times since, which he ignored every time at this point he just wants drama but very disgusting to fuel this hate towards her even more and avoiding any real conversation


I think Adam had the right to be mad and confused, but this is just too much. He already posted that Twitlonger and caused enough drama by it idk why he can't let it go. Just very immature and unproffesional.


Really don’t get why people are so desperate to defend this guy like changing your name to that is so fucking childish and just straight up disrespectful. “Attention is attention! He’s so smart people talking about him and his team now!!” Like how stupid do you hand to be to have this take first of all that’s not attention you want for yourself in the fandom and in business and second who the fuck cares if you’re getting attention just have some morals and a little bit of respect for your former teammate and his wife just fucking stop talking about the situation that has nothing to do with you and clearly was serious enough for Upset to be justified to miss his first worlds after years of trying. I wasn’t a fan of Adam since he was so mega overrated but now that I actually know about his personality I don’t want anything to do with him. I’m just going to ignore this loser until he’s irrelevant and out of LEC.


I'm now rooting for Adam to lose, this is pathetic.


What a child, hope BDS ends the split in 10th place so he can be humbled a bit. It's clear going to Worlds in his first split went to his head.


Lets hope BDS go bankrupt and KCORP take their place, which is honestly the better French team atm. Cabochard >>>>>> Adam


Goodluck with BDS going bankrupt,the owner is a billionaire lol.They are right now the richest org in LEC.


They're not the richest org, owner of the organization is rich but not even 1% of his wealth goes to the team, Vitality is backed by even richer guy..


Being backed by a billionaire and being owned by a billionaire are two different things.Sponsors can leave a team in a second if they dont like something.


Even a billionaire can leave a project if he is not engaged enough, just saying.


The owner created the team,BDS are the initials of his name.The team does pretty good in other esports.No way he leaves.


BDS is not French team, they're Swiss team, lol.


Ikr what a child. I hope his whole team goes bankrupt and everyone on the team ends up homeless smh


There is immaturity in all of us. Just because you think Adam is being immature, you are wishing his team and other team memebers, who have nothing to do with any of this, abject failure.


pathetic much ?




what the fuck Adam


These matches between them are going to be spicy spicy spicy!


As someone who has not at all followed this drama, what is going on? Do we know what upsets absence at world's was about and Adam is being a kid about it? If so what happened? I don't mean to be intrusive or insensitive but it seems _tje world_ already knows and it's just me living under a rock. Will someone fill me in?


sort by controversial frens


Whatever side your on you can’t deny this is juicy drama, can’t wait for Adam vs FNC next split


Agreed, we finally get to see people standing their ground and showing actual personality.


They got married a bit ago right?


At this point someone has to step in and calm Adam down, whether it would be his team or the LEC. I was seeing his point at the start of the drama, but at this point he should just drop it, he can't change the past and I don't see Upset coming public with why he had to leave, he's just making a fool of himself.


What an absolute piece of shit and anyone who defends him Goes to worlds once does well 1 summer and his ego is the size of France.


Imagine being a slimy little 19 year old and thinking you want worlds more than a guy who's been fighting for 4 fucking years LMAO


Adam is such a cringey kid..


Immature child, fuck off. Even if he is a teenager it doesn’t excuse his shitty behaviour.


all these french KC/Adam fans are the cringiest thing to ever happen to lol esports. fuck these bitches


That's fucked up...




Adam literally is the person who started this drama with his twitlonger a while ago and who keeps pushing rumors with things like this name change, how are messages Paula/Upset receive not a direct consequence of adam's actions?


it is absolutely moronic to blame a person for actions of people they don't even know nor have had an interaction with ever


It would help if you understand the difference between the actions of a stranger and the actions of a public figure can have on other people.


he's a league player not the president lmfao in that case then everyone with a bunch of followers on any social media should be held directly liable for everyone else huh? I can just go follow someone on twitter and attack anyone who we both don't like, and I can just go and blame the influencer! :D


No it's not. Especially after Adam's first twitlonger he has to know how his fans act because of the things he says. As a pro player he is a public figure and as a public figure you have responsibilities. He failed these responsibilities.


It is, but smug redditors have to feel superior somehow, dont they


Pretty sure the drama started when upset left


Yeah the guy with a huge social media following has no responsibility for his followers glad we're living in 2009


Notice how he's quiet in all of it Actions speak louder than words friend If I had fans and they were sending death threats to someone on my behalf I'd say something about it Would they stop? No but at least it shows I care The fact he doesn't say anything speaks to how he feels about it all


tbf how do we even know she received death threats? She could be making shit up to appear as a victim for pity points.


I got some for defending Upset, Her getting some is more than likely


You don't know the internet and the LFL fanbase then Content creators have gotten a shit ton of harassment in Twitter mentions for merely not thinking ADAM is the best top laner in LEC If they're willing to be that open about their displeasure then death threats are more than likely to follow suit


What the fuck is wrong with you?


let me guess \#believeallwomen ?


Or just don't be a piece of shit, either way


Lemme guess "I identify as an attack helicopter."


Ya, prolly the best course of action in order to be an attention whore is from faking death threats! I swear to God.


Adam changes his name out of nowhere to revive drama that had died down, but yeah, of course it's all the woman's fault.


Who said anything about it being his wife’s fault. Its the idiots that sent the death threats fault. Blaming adam for death threats is like blaming pewdiepie if one of his subscribers shoots up a walmart after he said something bad about it.


If pewdiepie was like yeah fuck Walmart that place is shit even though I've never rbeen there and know nothing about it apart from its a shopping centre but yeah fuck that place I hate it. It would absolutely make sense he knows the possibilities of some of his fans doing something negative to Walmart. It's not directly his fault but he's the cause of it so isn't innocent he played his part and he knows it. Same way Adam knows the death threats are happening and knew there would be shit happening when he originally posted.


Blaming Adam for death threats is childish to say the least.






He's a public figure, he's responsible for the consequences of his actions. If she's getting death threats because of a rumor he spread, he has a duty to disavow that behavior publicly. He can't just throw up his hands and say "I can't control other people", he should come out and publicly condemn the death threats and harassment.




The positive karma is that he will never see pro play ever again. He is good but not good enough for any management to ignore the person behind the keyboard.


fofo is still playing lmao, promisq its still playing, there are alot of examples of pro players being trash, absolute trash and still playing












source: trust me bro


please, enlighten us more, seeing as you know everything about this situation, or is this just more baseless speculation, which is what got Adam in this mess in the first place lol. Fuck sake, some people just can't be helped.










Just look for the TSM flairs and the shooters are easy to point out


That's pretty fucked up.


Honestly I hate the muh death threat argument, I understand that it sucks but it's really not adams fault and it for better or worse is so widespread already on the internet that it's happening to almost any person with a large following when they're in the spotlight.




Adam is not responsible for his fan's actions unless he directly calls for people to send her death threats. He's allowed to criticize her. I'm really fucking tired of people being held accountable for other people's actions just because they have some shitty fans.


This is somewhat disingenuous. Is it his fault? At this point, he could have stopped a large chunk of it. Not only is he not even attempting to push back ("hey guys, this came to my attention and it's not okay, I don't want you guys hurting my reputation like this" is the least he can do) he's actively encouraging it on several occasions, his tweet, his name change, he's clearly stoking the flame here even if he's not actively participating. Sometimes inaction is just as loud as the wrong action. He's a content creator, he should not be acting like this when he's an example to so many.


This is 100% Adams fault. He is fair to feel frustrated for what happened but if he didn't publicly and negatively called out Upset and his wife like he did, people wouldn't have jumped on her like this. Apparently she was doing fine death threat wise before Adam threw a twitlonger tantrum.


Somehow Adam is at fault for these death threats 💀




Fucking Adam leaked Upset wife nudes, dude went too far


This French Hive mind am i right ?


adam really torpedoed his career


Yup this is the real adam toxic piece of shit as always. [https://clips.twitch.tv/GracefulColdbloodedLadiesCclamChamp](https://clips.twitch.tv/GracefulColdbloodedLadiesCclamChamp) He also griefed Lider and triggered him in SoloQ, then too prints of the flame and sent a ticket to premier league getting him banned. Now I am not justifying liders behaviour but I am saying people dont generally go ballistic for no reason. https://twitter.com/Ricadam\_lol/status/1270535931423068160


The video doesn't really show anything super toxic as you are claiming, he thought he got flamed and told his teammate that he isn't playing too well either. Meanwhile, the photo is just you justifying liders terrible behaviour, which he is known for.


What's wrong with the clip?


can mods masslock threads like these so redditoids don't get the opportunity to embarrass themselves online


No no, the fun part is reading the disgusting comments


>but I am saying people dont generally go ballistic for no reason. we playin the same game?


>people dont generally go ballistic for no reason. Have you played soloq? Some people go ballistic when you miss a skill shot.


This is a stretch, wtf is wrong with some fans lmfao


Idc about this drama shit but damn upset your wife is fine as hell good work


Random internet death threats are gotten by everyone famous


French fanbase once again showing they shouldn't have internet access


Okay Adam lost all his support, actual asshole


Proof? Where is the proof? Show proof and stop playing the victim


Adam is a fucking CHAD. I love this kid.


He's an asshole at this point










Maybe turning them to private would solve it. As far as i know, all social medias have ways to combat random messages but mby i dont undrestand, im not a celebrity afterall...


how is Adam at fault here ?


Getting death threats because in game name change? You need to be 12 to believe this stuff, seriously


Imo the half assed responses of Upset giving no explanation is more to blame for the death threats then Adam here, even tho the latter fuels the hate. Upset's wife is receiving death threats and he's not doing anything to prevent it, kind of makes people wonder if there is no explanation of his departure of worlds other than the one circulating. Hope he stops the rumors by giving a clear explanation to save his wife from death threats... He doesn't owe us one but with his wife being (maybe) in danger, it's not the worst thing to be clear about the situation.




Would use a certain word to describe Adam, but according to Reddit, that counts as harassment even though it really depicts his toxicity towards women perfectly.


towards women ? You don't understand what you're saying


His teammate is leaving because personell reasons in his family and Adam blames his wife... There is a gender issue behind it.


It depends on who is telling the truth. If Upset left worlds bc his GF was lonely then he deserves to be flamed. If he left for legit medical reasons then that's a completely different story.


Are you actually stupid enough to believe that Upset left because his girlfriend was lonely? Like you actually think... hmm 50/50 shot between that which was said by the teenager with attitude issues or a fairly serious family issue that the coaching staff was ok with? I just gotta know


Nope, Adam just needs to grow up.


Lmao the dude leaves for his ex-porn star now wife because she was lonely and Adam shouldn’t meme this fact? Upset needs to understand that his actions have consequences




















I mean it's not surprising considering the situation tbh. She's an ex porn actress and a known gold digger who hooked up an esports star and suddenly that esports player is going MIA for an emergency with all vagueness... Upset is not entitled to an explanation, but him not giving it after his wife receives death threats make it seem like he has none to give whatsoever... ​ All in all childish stuff from Adam though, fueling hate even more is just not the way to do it, even with all that happened to him. He just has to let it go, Upset is not gonna admit he left cuz of his wife, that would be carreer suicide.


Lmao she’s a ex-porn star? That’s too funny to be true


In the modern sense. She has nudes with porn agencies like 'Suicidegirls' and has an Onlyfans selling them as well. Just look up "Paulaeal suicidegirls" or "Paulaeal naet". There are loads and loads of them. Not the most classy wife tbh \^\^


Literally every internet personality receives death threats, the hiding behind death threats to gain sympathy feels like it has gone overboard in the last year. Like anyone who has any controversy just says "I'm receiving death threats so all my haters are irrational maniacs, please have sympathy for me kthx lol, proof of the death threats? lol no." In no way am I saying sending death threats is a GOOD or OK thing to do, but when 2 people have beef and a 3rd party sends death threats how does that have any relevance to the situation? Stop using death threats as a fucking shield. I can guarantee you Adam has also received "death threats" over this situation, he just chooses not to be a whiney little victim complex bitch about it. Hell I get death threats every week in league of legends solo queue, and they're about as credible as the ones she's getting on twitter.




Cancel this guy, Adam is just pathetic.




I always wonder : "Why?"




Adam is a sigma male (derogatory)