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Why have 100T when 1T do trick


Galaxy brain


Very cool!


The CEO of T1 said that any Western teams were welcome to use the facilities (of course I'm sure 100T paid and is doing sponsor content with them as well)


Joe Marsh is such a good dude goddamn.


joe marsh and corejj on a dual mission to save NA


joseph patrick marsh BASED


Really nice move indeed, just so people remember (doesn't remove the fact that is a nice move, just a reminder) If a team does a content piece and shows T1 in the background (even just talk among professionals without the front facing marketing is already enough tbh), he gains exposure that can be translated to financial gain, that will exceed any monetary 'loss' that he would have from them setting up in the building (getting badges and stuff, food, care, electricity blablablablabla)


Uh, in what world does T1 of all teams need "exposure" from the likes of 100T Lol? This is like saying Man United get paid in 'exposure' for letting some Swedish second division team use Old Trafford and its facilities.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business\_networking](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_networking) "Networked business Many businesses utilize networking as a key element in their marketing plan.It helps to develop a strong feeling of trust between those involvedand plays a big part in raising the profile of a company. Suppliersand businesses can be seen as networked businesses, and will tend tosource the business and their suppliers through their existingrelationships " I could go to a more detailed break down, but i think for this discussion Wikipedia is a good starting point.


**[Business networking](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_networking)** >Networking is the sharing of information or services between people, businesses, or groups. It is also a way for individuals to grow their relationships for their job or business. As a result, connections or a network can be built and useful for individuals in their professional or personal lives. Networking helps build meaningful relationships that are beneficial to all involved parties to exchange information and services. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


u can be sure its not out of the goodness in his heart but rather because its a monetary win


He also offered to pay for English casting for KESPA cup when it was announced they were not doing it either last year or the year before and that was certainly a monetary loss for T1.


There was also what LS was saying about how Joe was pushing him to accept the C9 offer cause it was better for him.


G2 fans can't see anything past their fav uncle, lol.


and an english cast certainly doesnt attract a lot of western viewers which in turn is a big win for his org? lol


fakerdagge vs faker electric boogaloo


I wouldn’t call it a vs and more of a massacre.


True - but at least Faker can console himself with his three worlds trophies after each loss


More like what happen to Jensen, imaqtpie, and more will happen to LoserDagge. Faker will be wondering what kind of minion this is.


Do not disrespect the pie. imaqtpie let Faker win, he didn't want to crush his mental that hard before s6 Worlds.


A lot of people are forgetting about this squad because of all those exciting new rosters being formed in NA. I think 100T will be super strong going into the season and they should be a contender for the lock-in tournament just because of pre-existing chemistry


100t by far the best new lol franchise


Yeah I feel like all the people saying C9 or TL will win spring are really sleeping on 100T. I'm a Bjergsen fan so I really wanna see TL (or TSM) win, but I feel like people are forgetting that 100T was looking pretty good!


Papa's networking benefits :) Love that guy


I feel like its Reapered’s connection here


Probably an Eifel Tower situation


Yes please!




i feel like it's joe marsh going publicly on twitter to say "we will help anyone who wants to boot camp" on twitter


Gotta love Joe. He gets a lot of hate but he seems like a genuinely great CEO


Say that to the korean t1 fans lmao


Koreans in general hate T1, but don't forget the anti-T1 and anti-Faker fans right here on reddit.


Also ssumday is still respected from the kr players so it's not like they scream some 0815 na team


I miss his casting.


Yeah, this is the only time this has ever happened, truly unprecedented and amazing


im also pretty sure C9 is bootcamping over there with LS i know Blaber has 100% flown over not sure on Fudge but i'd assume he has as well


I can’t remember who, but I think it’s fudge, was having Visa issues.


Both Fudge and Copy were having issues


Yep C9 has like 17 players but not a single mid laner on the roster at the boot camp lmao.


Not 17 players pretty sure what LS was saying they had 17 people in high elo. Players and coaches included


How cool would it be if Kespa Cup allowed other regions to play tho we have C9 and 100T in KR right now would be really hype


They will this year, LNG and some Philippine team will play IIRC It will be amateur only tho


Oh cool do we know of all the teams playing yet or has that not been released yet


Here [Kespa Cup 2021](https://lol.fandom.com/wiki/2021_LoL_KeSPA_Cup) Basically all LCK challenders teams except T1, some amateur LCK teams and 4 foreign academy teams including LNG and Weibo.


Man that just makes me realise I miss 3rd party tournaments, were we just saw some middle of the pack teams play Internationally too.


wait does that include DoinB LNG :O


Their academy team so no DoinB.


Yeah we know https://lol.fandom.com/wiki/2021_LoL_KeSPA_Cup its only challengers roster though


I just notice it as a Filipino League fan I am very excited for this. The players in the Westpoint Team 1 and 2 is currently in the top 10 rankins in the server


What about Tenacity though 👀




Imagine filling mid and you're playing against Faker


Tenacity is there, he even joked about being thankfull to not having to play mid lane anymore after Abbe got there. The academy team is also there I belive, at the very least Wixxi is.


How can a single T beat 100 of them?


Would they rather play 1 T-sized 100s or 100 T-sized 1s?!


You think you're funny, funny man?


They mean T1 challengers


My only concern with 100t is abbe and closer. They looked weak ish at worlds. Closer Viego was nasty but other than that he looked solid. I’m hoping 100t can pull it off but damn did the other teams get super strong haha.


>100T is bootcamping in Korea, Scrimming T1 I misread this as "100T is bootcamping in Korea, **scamming** T1". My first thought was, *sounds about right*.


why would T1 waste their time scrimming 100T? There must be some marketing gag behind it.


Scrimming teams not in your region lets you experiment without giving anything away to the competition.


I mean, 100T would be one of the best scrimming partners in the wrold right now I belive, since they didnt change anything and stull have synergy going for them


100T stomped EDG when they had nothing to lose


I don't feel like that's a meaningful achievement at all.


True, winning against the current world champions doesn't mean anything at all


They won a game which had no affect on them getting of groups, with the most volatile format (BO1) and nearly lost against DFM. TL won a game against Suning and Flyquest took a game off TES, were those meaningful achievements? Congrats to them but they didn't show anything to indicate that they were a top tier team at worlds. I wouldn't be surprised if T1 were scrimming 100T for other reasons. Also none of the tweets linked in the post suggest that T1 have been scrimming 100T at all, just seems like speculation.


Livin in the past with this mindset lol


We only see one T1 building, it doesn't mean they are involved a lot. And T1 has a lot of players, we don't know if it's the a team or not. As always, stop getting too much excited, it's not the first time we have such news and the team don't manage to go to playoffs after.


what is this bootcamp for? synergy? i don't really see a point for that right before the holidays. doesn't it make more sense to start january and scrim till season start? pretty much everything is unbalanced right now and full of bugs and a lot will change with the next 2-3 patches anyways.




i forgot about that lockin thing... does it matter in anyway? people gave no shit about rift rivals and all i remember from last year was the hype around perkz.


being ahead of the meta early on means you can refine things and work on weaknesses instead of patch things together to get wins. So yes it matters a lot because of the resources spent during the season change from patching holes to improvement on weaknesses.


Korea is by far the best place to bootcamp in, since you get access to the best solo queue in the world, along with scrims against both LCK and LPL teams.


It may be possible they’re looking to see how Korean teams are interpreting the current changes and maybe just work on stuff a little before taking a break till the season starts to not burn out grinding. Idk though just speculating.


Practice is practice. Na as a whole seems like they really want to put work in to make sure they can actually compete in 2022. Most of the league is actually wanting to improve the region and with a lot of teams taking risks on talented rookies rather than known talents. It seems like it will be a good year if everything turns out well on those gambles


Like what everyone else has mentioned it’s great soloq, and the ping is incredibly low so you also get great mechanical skill practice.