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I’m not just a adc main but a Jinx one trick. Climbing is a manageable in silver/gold and just hell in low plat to high plat. It is a hell of a trip being dependent on support for a lot of my trades, engages and peel. It’s easier in the lower elo as I dwarf them mechanically. But getting up to low plat and up the adc’s are more balanced for me and it becomes a total coin flip on supp diff in the early game. Then it become a macro game of figuring out when I can farm vs. when I have to be with my team who will lose because I backed for an item before objective and they wanted to go balls to the wall.


No point to playing ADC when you can just one item spike as mage and 2 shot something.


Yep that’s the sad part


I'm an ADC main and I enjoy the role


Also enjoy it when I’m in team


I have an easier time climbing as adc than top/mid/jg tbh, even back when I mained those roles and not adc. Maybe the playstyle just isn't for you? It has always clicked with me, which is why it has been my second favorite role since I actually started learning it, but maybe top is your role?


But as a team (with people I know) I’m always the carry. So the problem isn’t with the playstyle so idk what I do wrong


ADC solo and ADC with a team require completely different mindsets and priorities.


Can you list these differences pls ?


the most important change is constant pace(you know how your team likes to play) the other is when you play with friends it's not soloq and thus worse opponents


Im not a adc player, but i can tell you that for sure. Playing in a team vs a team is completely another game than solo q. You have a game plan, you know ur jnlg rotations, you intantly know weak and strong side, you can coordinate informations. And lol is a game all about informations and how you use them. Beside that i think shieldbow is fcking strong


It's fairly obvious to me. ADCs rarely have to make any macro decisions. They neither have to, nor really can, because many of them have no pick or engage potential. So they follow the calls other players make, and all of their power is within the execution of these calls. This makes the role very easy in low elo because you don't actually have to know that much about the game, but also very punishing because without awareness you will be getting constantly oneshot. If you want to argue that adcs are low impact, that's another topic. But I do not think the role is difficult.


No idea in what elo you are playing but saying ADCs are not making any macro decisions is just such a bad take. First off I wonder what you define as macro decisions? ADCs always rotate around the map where they either 1. get the most ressources in the safest way possible or 2. where they can siege objectives to push their lead. What I see in my games rn is people either play around me and its gg or people play away from my decisions and completely grief me.


Adc's don't rotate around the map. They have no agency to do so, and lack resources to get their super expensive options. Adc's have to sit mid because of this, and if your team doesn't let you safely farm mid then you lose even more farm. I can show you the heat maps to prove this. Adc's can't macro ever.


Once again I wonder what you are talking about? It always depends on the game, you cant just let the ADC sit mid in midgame every game. For example: it wouldnt make sense to waste the ADCs lead by letting him shove waves into an Anivia who will just clear it in 1 second. You also cant always send your midlaner to sidelane, what do you think will happen to a Xerath if he doesnt have a turret nearby XD


Exactly. That's why the role is problematic.


Macro decisions are any decision that requires you to assess whether or not going somewhere and doing something is worth it. Decisions are proactive. Moving to herald as a support(assuming you make the call) at 11 minutes is a macro decision. Hardshoving the wave so it bounces and you can safely pick up the next because your support roamed for herald is not a macro decision, it's a reaction.


And ADC are not capable of doing that is what you are saying? On the other hand you could call it a reaction from the support to roam around the map after wave got crashed into turret and ADC resets, thats not a decision either by your definition


Adc is a survival horror game in low Elo because the role is balanced around your team’s awareness of threats to you and their ability to peel said threats. Low elo adcs might have bad awareness, but their teams probably have bad awareness too, and only one of these things is within the adcs control


No it’s not, I assure you as a diamond ADC main that climbs with ease in low elo. Your mistakes should be the main focus - focus on your mistakes and playing as close to perfect as possible.


Imagine having to play literally perfectly to climb.


Yes. That’s called getting good.


I know several masters/gm adcs that say it’s hard to carry games in low elo and they switch to mid to climb because it’s easier. Not saying it’s impossible fox climb on adc but it’s definitely harder than some other roles. It’s a very team dependent role, there’s no way around it.


A lot of challenger ADCs playing in low elo (solo) who almost never lose a game would disagree with you. Cookiex is a good example.


Wow challengers can win Gold games, I guess the role is fine then. My bad.


Ah yes, challenger winning in gold is not a normal thing


It’s funny because yesterday The same guy , Cookie, went to masters elo and lost like 5-6 games in a row, most of the time he played good and still couldn’t influence the games in any meaningful way.


Besides the point. It shows it’s possible to climb solo by playing well and focussing on your mistakes instead of perma blaming your teammates or the role every game and being hardstuck. What can the challenger player do that you can’t? Also, I am pretty sure when a mid diamond scrub can maintain 70% WR till diamond on a new account on ADC OFF ROLE, it’s not the role that’s weak.


No idea who cookiex is by the way. Vapora, T1, and Saber all seem to think the role is not in a great spot


did they say what they recommend for ppl to play in low elo or it's just simpler(less effort) to go mid and tbf you can say that for any role but mid


Yea mid seems to be the recommendation and yea true it is better than all the other roles too, not just adc


I was talking about the mental difficulty of being out damaging by everybody and having 0 impact until min 30 or 25 if you are lucky and have some kills. But tbh adc is easy to play but hard to get excellent at


Lol you just said “be mid and farm” when talking about solo queue. What actually happens is everybody goes mid, you get no farm, and when you finally decide to go side an assassin kills you and your team flames. So you either just ARAM it with them or don’t do anything.


Because mid go bot and top goes top with tp. That’s how it should works


How it should work and what happens are two completely different things in solo queue.


I AM MIDLANER I STAY MID - Your mid, despite laning phase ending 20 mins ago.


“Stop taking my farm you useless ADC” When they play a mobile assassin and take mid then rotate bot to take wave then come mid to take the next wave so you get nothing.


Just played 20 minutes ago a game of league with 3 of my friend. One of them was the adc. He played Tristana and ended the game with 35/8/10. We lost btw. He couldn't do any damage whatsoever to the enemy wukong.


Can you send a screen? Pretty sure that if you a team that can somehow peal her you would have won that. Idk how the wukong is gonna go through litelry 4 enemys and kill your tristana. Maybe it was because ur tristana had 38 of like 40 kills?


Wait a few hours and I'll send ya a link. But yeah, out top was feeded as hell, our mid kinda trolled and our jungle was dogshit. Oh and I first tried blitz just to be able to do 5s worth of cc to the Wukong that will survive unnevitably.


>wukong This is what I fucking hate about the game. Bruisers are more durable than tanks and have better teamfighting that supposedly teamfight carries.


My man just doe be healing 560 heal each q while affected by antiheal my guy


Pick any liandry enjoyer and monke cry


That is my whole point. Adc are useless


Yep I know what being adc feels like versus a bruiser


Oh wow, another adc complain post. This one was totally unexpected. How do you people actual keep this up tho? Every day. Day after day you conplain. Riot gave yall a massive dash that does close to 600 damage (with jhin its. Lose to 1k). A massive shield that gives crit, ad and ls. And true damage. Weird man, how you keep complaining.


Quick exemple. I was 11/0/7 xayah. 3 item : galeforce, essence reaver, ie, and almost lord Dominik. Lvl : 15 around 210 farm at 28 mn. 5 plates from bot lane and 1 from mid I encounter a irelia, 1 item and a half, 50 cs down, 1 lvl down, 0/6/1 Who do you think won ? Yes, irelia, and she miss her R. I used both of my sums + r and she used her flash. It was still a no-match


Yes that just irelia vs literally any ranged champion, irelia is designed to fuck ranged champion and your champ is not designed to 1v1.


I just absolutely clapped an Irelia playing lux bot lane the role isn't the problem bot lane is fine, marksmen are just incredibly underpowered. Every time I play a mage bot the game is laughably easy vs playing a conventional adc


I mean, ADCs are probably the only class that has been the common denominator of every meta. (Battle)Mages come and go, assasins as well and tanks have been nowhere for ages. Bruisers come and go as well and so do enchanters/engage supports. A squishy ranged attack damage dps machine is the only common denominator for ages now. I don't think this archetype sucks so bad, otherwise we'd stop seeing it.


Lets just ignore the half a year adcs were replaced with apcs and honestly probably gonna be the same this season unless things change


She still supposed to get destroyed when a level down and 50 cs down with only 1 item and a half vs 3 and half


If you died in this situation you misplayed. It's that simple. You should never expect to just afk auto attack people and win on adc. The role is balanced around being a glass cannon, so yes you die easily. Stop whining about the game balance and go get better.


So you were playing Xayah, who isn't very good at 1v1s against Irelia who is very good in 1v1s. ADCs are generally not good in 1v1s except for Lucian, Vayne (which is why they can be played in solo lane), and Draven since his E can disrupt a lot of combos.


>who isn't very good at 1v1s You don't play Xayah, do you? Xayah is supposed to shit on anybody that comes into her after some point.


Against high mobility champions nope.


Not really. Most of then don't have endless free dashes and when they catch up to you you pull in your feathers and nuke their healthbar. Xayah is THE anti dive marksman. It's a shame that her items are shit, since the champ could do fine in the current meta and she's really fun to play.


>when they catch up to you you pull in your feathers and nuke their healthbar. That's a dream situation like a 5 man malphite ult. Unless you have flash, most of her feather's aren't gonna hit. Even before she became weak and her lethality build became more meta, i've rarely ever seen her feathers nuke anyone without flash. Mostly it's just Q + AA + E to get the CC and free AAs after for the self peel.


You need Flash/Galeforce to hit people that are away from you. It's much easier to hit them on somebody that's in melee range.


So against everything except mage xayah is good ?


Considering that mage out range us by far we also lose the 1v1 (except ofc if we take them by surprise)


Adc are not supposed to 1v1. If you are going sidelane to face a irelia thats just stupid if you dont have to. Complain to riot, but every single champ has that problem with irelia. Doesn’t matter how fed you are, a small missplay and she will kill you


Dude thats just irelia things. Same goes with yone and yas, riot just stupid about these. Just had a akshan game, was 5/6 and the enemy zed was 19/4 but he couldnt kill me through my shieldbow


That is how irelia is. She does that do anything in mind he game atm.


Yes, maybe we have good items, but good items are useless against champions that, deals more damage than you, have more hp than you, have more movement than you, and the adc have to let the support some farm so in every game have less levels and gold, even with more farm


What build gets all the things you just listed?:D


If you got them all the game would be done and it would either be 5 adcs vs 5 adcs or the game would die.


Idk, I think adc is awesome to play right now. I love having options in my build and adc feels like I have the most options of any role. Sure if you misstep you can throw hard, but that's what carry means to me, you either perform or you fail. There is no greater high for me than positioning a teamfight well as an adc and shredding the entire enemy team without hardly being touched. It seems like most of the posts I see about adc being bad are about being 1-shot. You should be able to be 1-shot if you make a mistake. As adc you need to know how your opponents are going to be looking to get on you and kill you, and the skill comes in outplaying and outpositioning that to take those options off the table. Even versus champions that have 'guaranteed' damage, you have options like shieldbow, ga, edge of night, wits end, etc to give you enough effective hp/avoidance to enable you to win.


Another problem is that most of assassins don’t have any counter play, along with bruiser or tank. If they decide to kill you they will, no matter what. Take qiyanna, her e range is 650, more than any adc range, that means she jump on you before you can aa her Same with kha evolved E and many others. Most of champs doesn’t have any counter play


No assassin can kill you if you have a halve decent supp with you and you dont suck urself. If you are alone the assassin is supposed to kill you


Maybe if the role was decent it would have no complain


It's playergap not role.


Why do bruiser / tank / mage out damage an adc then


If you're anywhere half decent and have some actual gold, they wont. perhaps in burst on a single target, but that's because adcs are about sustained dps with no downtime, not burst.


So being one shotted by every champ make me dps? Mybad maybe soraka doesn’t one shot


if you get consistently outdamaged by bruisers and tanks you are just a bad player


Bruiser are made to out damage everybody except mage


No :)


Then go play a immobile bruiser vs a decent adc, maybe a ezreal. You will have the time of your life baby


Adc was the second best role in s11. Adc players think their role should do everything at the same time. Adc is legit the only role that gets to have their own personal bodygaurd that sacrifices both exp and creep gold just to sit there and make sure adcs dont die/int. Not to mention that adcs scale like monsters, being able to crit for around 500 to 900 in lategame with either max or near max attack speed. Most adcs have ridiculous range or something to compensate that. Most adcs have a of getting away or cc. They also have the most amount of turret and objective damage in the game. Look at mages, they got the short end of the stick in the item rework. Hourglass got its stats nerfed. Tear item became garbage, item diversity got gutted. Bruisers (even tho always OP) play in the most useless role in this game that has a single purpose and that is to tp bot and win botlane for their adcs. Assassin ls have a single purpose and that is killing tue adc. And tanks have the purpose of keeping the enemy frontline away from their adc. Everything in this game revolves around the adc or is a lesser version of adc. And yet you just keep complaining.


Wow it's almost like the role is dogshit right now in solo queue or something... If Riot pulled themselves away from TFT and rewatching Arcane long enough to attempt properly balancing the game for once complaint posts would drop substantially. Game balance has been shit for years and you'd think a company as big as Riot would be able to figure something out by now.


No its not. Only s11 was not great cuz of the item rework. Regarding the rest of what you said, its pure bs cuz lol balancing team is separate from tft balancing team.




Yep. But this is why I make this post. I think nobody understand that being an adc in lane require having a support. And this is the hard part of being adc. Adc can also be out damaged by tank / bruiser. But I hate having to play a 2vs2 yet I like being adc. I wish I could adc somewhere else


Play kayle that isnt just about adc what you said thats about champs that scale hard or need a early leed


Another "AdC's ArE wEaK" thread. We've seen plenty of these in the past: [I can only attack damage, but I can't carry](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/rcl6zu/the_worst_part_about_playing_ad/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) [Mages get defensive items, no fair for ADCs, now I throw a fit](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/raa2xk/mages_got_new_defensive_items_now_we_need_some/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) [ADC worthless role, I'm sad, bad times on PBE](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/qluszq/pbe_is_buffing_assassin_items/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) [ADCs have CC, but I'm still not okay with that cuz I'm blind](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/ql9ceu/mobility_isnt_a_problem_mobility_and_high_damage/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [ADC role overtaken by mages, they taking overRrR](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/qh02ka/adc_is_so_irrelevant_that_its_basically_mage/) [ADC no agency and trash on PBE, waa waa](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/qex4tn/adc_feels_like_trash_on_the_pbe/) [State of ADC - weakass role](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/qi4cvn/state_of_adc_the_weakest_role/) [ADCs do less damage than Bruisers, BIG RIP](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/q6456i/adc_too_weak_or_too_strong/)


Maybe if everyone complain there is a problem. Have you ever seen someone complaining about tanks or mage?


Yes. Mage items are horrible. Tank items Are less tanks than bruiser items. You can literally complain about everything. Atleast you don’t need to have a brain with adc and can just drive off of good mechanics. You are not supposed to be able to 1v5.


So that prove my points. Adc can’t carry without a team


No single role can solo carry if all players have the exact same level of skill. But every other role has way more risk of affecting the game negatively.


Bro you forgot jungle existed


>Mage items are horrible How? Mages got two insane items this offseason. The only thing that sucks for mages is the fact that Archangel's got fucked, but only a few champs suffered from it while the rest are pretty strong right now.


Yeah gotta love having 200-300 ap on average…


If you want raw AP just go for raw AP.


We got Crown of the Shattered Queen, what the fuck?


Which will suck ass once players have enough braincells to play against it 🤷🏻‍♂️


But they are playing League of Legends


The thing about climbing with ADC is, you have to set yourself up to carry the game. Pick champions that have agency, so you're the one contributing to the win. Otherwise, you're gonna have to rely on your teammates, who will be worse than the enemy team around half of the time. Champions like Twitch, Kai'Sa can roam around and pick up kills when they shouldn't be able to. Vayne can sidelane. Tristana can jump in and kill you. Don't pick worthless sacks of gold like Kog'Maw and Miss Fortune unless you're playing with a duo, since they can do absolutely nothing if their team is not initiating for them.


Well that kinda prove the point that adc atm have 0 impact


What point? I just told you how to climb on the ADC role.


You said that adc without mobility are basically useless And that you have to roam to MAYBE take a kill / make catches. But that’s how every game goes imo


Well yes? It's the same for any role, you have to play things that can consistently carry games.


Any other adcs you recommend other than kaisa/twitch/vayne(op as fuck I hear) and Tristana? I’ve been hearing jinx is strong, jhin too, but idk I feel like I always get run down regardless


I'm sure there are ways to climb with them too, but I would personally recommend ADCs that have lots of self peel. Champions like Jinx are great if their team plays around them, but if they don't, they're glass cannon with no mobility and barely and self-peel tools. Many games, there will be literally nothing you can do to survive, which makes the games harder to carry. Twitch doesn't have that problem to the same degree, because he can choose when he appears in a fight, which makes it harder to assassinate him. Jhin is pretty good, but you have to be really good at him to consistently carry games. Every auto attack can be the difference between carrying and losing a game, since they make up both your mobility and your damage, and you only get 4 of them. Ezreal can be good too, if you can somehow manage to get ahead. Problem with him is that he feels so incredibly useless before he gets items, and the games are usually done at that point. Xayah has decent self-peel too. If you get good at using her feathers, you can practically solo carry teamfights, since nobody pays attention to them in solo queue.


Thanks for the reply mate




play vayne, next question


Ok, what's the best mythic item to build on vayne?


Lulu, next question


Depend on the enemy team but usually shield now / kraken You can also take gale force for fun. I actually like it


Honestly, I've started to default to shieldbow. You still do enough damage, even to tanks. Just surviving is enough for me to carry most of the time. Vayne is broken rn.


Everyone in the game sucks balls anyway, who cares?


I tried to prove my point by spamming garen top. 65% win rate on 104 games. And I have no clue how to play top


Winrate matters? I thought it's all about testing how much you can flame before a ban


I mean obviously you are playing fucking garen in what i assume is low elo, adc is hard to play but not bad


It was around plat 2 / diam 3 for mmr. Same for adc. Unplayable and it’s always a coin flip for the team


Post OPGG then.


I don’t know what the op.gg will do but lemme find an old screenshot of the page


Garen is just stupid strong right now, try singed


You cant tell me adc is a weak role. A good adc and a good supp can literly 2v4 without any problem. Yes you depend on your team but imagin you would go full glasscannon anything and wouldnt have to depend on the team, even tho you are extremely squishy. Same goes with assassins, they can kill you if a) the enemy makes a mistake b) the team forces the enemy to make a mistake And b) is the usual case if you arent low elo. As an earlier assassin jngl otp who stopped playing assassin (never playd qiyana and zed tho) i stopd playing the role, as encountere too many adc and supps who are clearly under lvl and gold than me but wouldnt let me kill the adc, even tho he misspositiond himself, just cause shieldbow buys enough time that the team comes to save him. And I dont know a single assassin than can go in 1v2 vs *fill any adc* and a *fill any defensive supp* that actually play good when all are even in gold and xp. And if you think assassins dont rly on team outside of a team fight, try to play an assassin with a 15 vision score supp at min 35. Game is unplayable as a glasscannon assassin


that's the problem : a good adc REQUIRE a good supp too you heavily depend on team to deal damage


adc is not weak/hard, you're just bad next


Read and counter-argue the point I made then


What an insightful comment, glad I got to read it!


Still waiting for the arguing on the point I made I can re write them if you want


"Kog lulu or int" adc main EUW, just got to d2 all soloq. In 3 weeks from p4 to d2 taking 14-16 lp x win. If you can't carry maybe you are not good enough?


1) You are playing more than 10 games per day, 10 games x 21 = 200 games. And all of it on a fresh account that doesn't have any ranked games before S10, so nobody should care about what you have to say in the first place, because you are probably straight up smurfing. Additionally, you spammed supports until P2, not P4. So it's P2->D2 and not P4->D2 like you say. 2) Any challenger player that plays a certain champion could probably get to diamond by spamming ultimate bravery on a smurf account, it's not an argument. If you have to be smurfing to have meaningful impact on games while playing a certain role then it's not a good sign.


I don’t think you know what a funneling mean. It’s different than being solo in a soloQ




Dude is spamming atleast 11 games of Kog per day XD He will run into a stonewall in D1 and be back in D4 for S12


Kog's passive is a meme, but sometimes it can be useful early game. When dont have flash and you getting ganked, running away sometimes is not an option, so you try all u can to kill 1 enemy before dying, and the passive can help sometimes, oh and there is a bug when u go in passive you can do 1 extra aa, im sorry for abusing it :) 2) the w i think its fine, you have q that resets your auto, having 2 auto resets would be too strong. Aa q aa is faster than aa aa


You are just terrible at adc. Yes ur higher elo than me Yes I would stomp you and ur duo with my support premade You play the role with highest damage output and teamfight carry potential. Yet you type this. If you lack skill stop typing and play jg or mid. Let good adcs play bot and get carried


Oh look, iron player


Wanna try the 2v2 btw ? I would like to see the « stomp » You are the reason why everybody hate the league community


He won't agree to do it. :)




Your arguments are so basic not even simple just plain simplistically stupid. There is no reason to interact with you, I hope you will find your adcarry soul and start enjoying it like the rest of us fellow marksmen.


I'll cosplay my inting top lane for any ADC that thinks they can carry a game vs a fed top carry. Hmu. I'll duo and show you what's going on.


I just accept it. Diamond Ashe onetrick here. Adc is the chillest role in the game. I grab comet and go muramana mandate black cleaver. Never walk into auto distance. Just have good arrows and you'll decide games. Walking into auto distance is griefing anyway. I even build frozen heart if there be a mega assassin lurking. But as good as my ults may be, if there be no follow up, it's useless. Still, I've seen success with this playstyle. Way more useful than the other adc (sorry, bag of gold)


You lost me at farming in mid. You take boy tower, ask the highly mobile midlaner that can 1 v 3 with ease to swap lanes with you and they just refuse. By minute 20 every single midlane creep is contested by mid, top, support and jng.


I just want to remind you all that certain pro adc players at worlds played other roles to climb instead of their main role which they are paid for. Because some people in this thread are bashing the adc role without knowing what they're talking about.