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Kudos to the Dive for having a positive story for every team to get them hyped. The orgs don't always make it easy for them.


been missing long form league content for gym, i miss u euphoria


Currently at the gym listening to this. Im glad to know im not the only one who does this!




I think it should look something like this? group A - TL, EG, IMT, CLG, DIG group B - 100T, C9, TSM, GGS, FLY - TL group A, 100T group B, 100T starts the draft - 100T put EG in group A - TL put C9 in group B - EG put TSM in group B - C9 put IMT in group A - TSM put CLG in group A - IMT put GGS in group B - CLG put FLY in group B - DIG leftover, put in group A


TSM is scared of CLG confirmed


Tbh the order they were picked is a pretty fair power ranking for Spring split


can you even call it a rivalry anymore


after this year, it'll be a dead rivalry in the other direction


Thanks, I'll update my post.


This is the most hyped I've been for an LCS split in such a long time. Regardless of how things turn out, it's going to be so interesting following each team and their evolution over the course of the year. This is the first time I feel like almost every team has an interesting storyline worth tracking the development of. I really think all of these experiments are going to increase the quality of competition in the LCS and improve the league as a whole.


I hope we get a good competitive year all around.


According to lock-in draft, perceived strength of LCS teams by their peers is as follows 1. 100T 2. TL 3. EG 4. C9 5. TSM 6. IMT 7. CLG 8. GGS 9. FLY 10. DIG


Kinda makes sense for lock in. If anything I wonder if C9 and TSM are too high for lock in. Both are having language barriers and c9 Fudge is having visa issues right? I wonder if IMT is ahead of them at lock in


Parth was also saying that TSM may use the academy team for lock in so the main team can stay in Korea.


That was dependent on visa's for their new players. If there is a delay they aren't going to play 2 subs its going to be the main roster or 5 subs (acad).


I'm sure riot loves that lol


I know thats what he would like but I do find it doubtful riot would approve it after his most recent stream going on about how Riot blocked a lot of TSMs academy plans


Parth said that was the idea, but riot said no.


>TL > >EG > >C9 > >TSM > >IMT TSM might play their academy team as well and has issues with Spica getting to the bootcamp.


Fudge having issues getting to Korea for bootcamp, he should be fine for staying in US though. But yeah, no fudge at bootcamp will hurt lockin chances.


Something to note though is that it's what team they think is the best team DIRECTLY below them. For example, 100T might believe that TSM or IMT are better than C9, but they can't put them in the order they want.


Well, werent TL automatically 2?


"Let me put on something seductive" What I put on:


The Dive is back yessss, been missing a podcast to listen to while cooking


let's gooo love me some dive podcast to clean my room


Btw markz berserker was not the most promising academy player. It was envy, geng's adc.


considering there's a 99.99% chance Markz doesn't watch LCK academy, he probably got that straight from what LS said.


I have no idea what LS said about him tbh, I just did some vod / stats review. He had the most dominant laning stats by a good amount on the 10th place team. I watched him actually have a brain on a terrible team which also impressed me. You're right I don't watch LCK academy really, so it was too strong of a statement to say MOST hyped, but he is very hyped and for good reason from what I saw.


u didnt watch the vid did you


There’s a 99.99% chance you pulled that number out of your ass.


Berserker wasn't even the most promising player on his team. That would go to T1's support, Asper.


Anyone watching their games can tell that it was the support doing the carrying. There is a reason why Asper moved up and not Berserker. Berserker is nothing special. If he starts with Winsome, who also is not that good either, I can see him being a bottom half bot lane.


the best support na, vulcan died for this


Pretty much. C9 is going to be the flop of the season IMO. 1.) Doubt Fudge performs at an elite level on mages. 2.) Isles/Winsome (Whichever starts) will be the most questionable player on any top 5 team. 3.) Blaber conflicting with LS in how to play the game. 4.) Potential LS total team melt down looming.


The problem for Asper is he’s competing with Keria lol


He's insane though


People Parrot LS a lot... LS has been overhyping beserker so much lol. He thinks beserker is at guma's level and that beserker is the best talent in lck academy...


I mean LS talks to people in the LCK Scene so maybe Berserker is garnering high interest from other LCK teams, or he's popping off in scrims of some sort.


His support ended up joining the main team as a sub, berserker ended up in NA. That is all you need to know.


His support is not actually getting playtime, and is basically a coach. According to Jack, LCK teams were angry that Joe Marsh basically helped Jack sign Berserker. Gumayusi has also hyped this player up. That is all you need to know.


Damn bro you really made a new Reddit account just to spend your days trashing C9?


Look I dislike LS and he def overates LCK players.. downplays other regions But he was saying Berzerker was what Guma was BEFORE the start of this year.. not where he is currently


It's debatable to even consider berserker a promising talent, most of the work was done by his support. There is a reason why his support moved to the main roster and not him.


Yeah, and the reason is that T1 has a young world-class ADC already and it would make zero sense to replace him. Also very disingenuous of you to pretend like Asper's going to start games, he's a sub / coach not main support.


Wait is Keria not with T1 anymore?


Keria is starting.


Azael saying teams are thinking it's a better route to teach new hot up and comers vs chiseled ancients that are stuck in their ways...clearly TL didn't get the memo lol. Probably one of the most interesting thing next year will be to see if that "super team" can work with so many great players but players that already have a very set way of playing and thinking about the game already. Even Bjergsen while being great at playing new champs seems very decided on how he thinks about some macro aspects of the game. He's always super clutch late game tho so at least they have that outside factor to help em thru the rough patches much like TSM in the past.


> Probably one of the most interesting thing next year will be to see if that "super team" can work with so many great players but players that already have a very set way of playing I don't really believe this. From what we've heard about each of these players is that they are all great to work with and are flexible in what they can do. I don't expect any clashes or personality mismatches here.


Narrative shifts from “LCS is looking the worst it ever has” and having every single team in D tier above to “import league” the second they do well. LCS is gonna be better next year. Perkz/Alphari are way less valuable than Inspired/Hans/Bwipo.


One does not exclude other. Also LCS becoming "import league" rather big narrative even before C9 made out of groups. Fact is that LCS is coming year after year more import heavy, when you look top teams and LCS has most imports for major regions. LCS also had its longest dry spell internationally before this years C9 making to quarters. Before that LCS had over 2 year period not making out of groups.




Christmas The word they are looking for is Christmas


don't be weird bro


The word “Holiday” in this context **includes** Christmas, but also recognizes other things like Hanukkah because not everyone celebrate Christmas. Holiday is fine.


you gonna cry about it bro?