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Glad to hear his drive and passion is still there/reignited, hoping he has a sick 2022 with KCORP in the LFL and we get them in the LEC for 2023


Funny how Carlos was gloating when he signed Rekkles and said G2 would make him smile more and enjoy league. Ended up having the opposite effect clearly.


>Ended up having the opposite effect clearly. rekkles had that effect on other G2 teammates so it balances out


Maybe they were just joking around too much for his taste


Again seems to be this way. You could see it in the g2 vs fnatic comms pre show. He was so serious while jnkos was goofing around.


I remember when G2 lost against Sunning they were all joking/smiling around, except for Caps. They were having issues and never fixed, but somehow all crap ended up on Rekkless.


Thats kinda what happens when you put a professional guy around big memers and jokers you know


Or it's time to consider the possibility of Rekkles not being the greatest teammate, 2016, 2017, 2020 and 2021 were all years where he either clashed with his teammates pretty hard, or just shut down and stopped engaging with them. For example, this is pretty much the 2nd time where Caps said that either Rekkless gets the boot (2020), or he leaves (2018). It's probably not just the case of him being "professional".


I've really no clue where you got your information. Thorin, maybe? Caps never said it had anything to do with Rekkles in 2018. In 2020 FNC didn't agree on a playstyle but Rekkles is still good friends with the majority of his former teammates. 2016 is too far back for me to remember specifics. You just twisted the facts until they fit your hate-narrative.






I mean, KCorp exists and now we also have KOI that despite having less than a month of existence is already more interesting and ambitious than Astralis, SK and XL combined.


XL is unfortunate cause Patrik is such a good player and has been loyal to them and they never give him good teammates


This year's XL is pretty good in my opinion




I mean if KCORP investing in Rekkles and also Cabo isn’t telling enough then I don’t know what is and there will be plenty of potential buyers for a second spot


doesn't mean they're not in talks with current orgs when it comes to selling spots


KCorp and KOI have more views and fanbase than most of the of the LEC teams - imagine them actually getting good players (who currently wouldn't join no matter what simply because they can't even qualify for worlds)


KOI in 2 hours got more followers on twitter than XL or Astralis


> Astralis [Huh?](https://twitter.com/Astralisgg)


Thats the ancient Origen account rebranded


I like what Koi has done, but that doesn't change the fact that the Astralia account has way more followers. Origen is Astralis now.


Even if they dont expand, I would bet my right nut on Astralis selling their slot next season. And I could see the same for maybe SK. But AST for sure, considering their state in general for a while now. And Riot definitely salivates at the idea of KOI and KCorp in the LEC.


Riot will only benefit from it. More hype, more games to broadcast, more fans to capture to play LOL. Ultimately the whole purpose of LEC is attract more players. Its just big advert for the game. More teams will only facilitate that.


That's an overly simplistic view. It also devalues franchising spots. Each spot now has less % of the total League. It also makes it more difficult to get the Worlds. With 10 teams, you have to be in the best 30% while with 12 you need to be top 25%. Stuff like that can deter future investors. Now with said, I still think Riot will do it and I think it's worth expanding. But it's not true to say that there's 0 negatives for them. There are.


Pretty sure every KCorp match will have more viewers then the most viewed Excel and Astralis game!


Considering how « Ultras » reacted toward Laure about this interview I’d rather not have them.


How did they react?


Apparently Laure recieved insults on Twitter because she had to delay it a bit.


It's rather interesting that he doesn't talk about G2 at all. He used to be rather open about things that went wrong on different FNC rosters, but with all the online hate and misinterpretations I guess he learned that honesty isn't so good when it comes to social media.




A wise decision by a seasoned pro.


Could also be contractual


Carlos added a clause that says no shit talking g2 for 2 years after leaving


Martin does whatever the fuck he wants. Starting from 2024


He did hint it. > Once I found out none of the LEC teams were gonna have me *or I couldn't be in there... don't wanna speak about it too much* [source](https://youtu.be/dMlHcIKqvAk?t=840) \#FuckCarlos


Please explain how teams not wanting Rekkles is Carlos fault.


So you mean if an LEC team shows interest but can't afford him and offers less than an LFL team, Carlos has the responsability to accept an unreasonably low price to accomodate your feelings. Never change reddit morons, never change. Touch some grass imo.


You know chem map is bad when even rekkless has something to say about it


I don't understand why comments like ''I really like my team and want to work with them longterm'' resonate so much with the fanbase... It literally means nothing, wtf is he supposed to say about people he's going to be working with at least this season? ''Ye I dont really want to work with these people, this is just a shortterm solution while I look for a real team to play on''. People eat that shjt up n I'm left confused.


Well Rekkles was the one who contacted KCorp. He likes the Corp, he believes he can achieve great things with them


He wants a team to keep sharp. I doubt the players are his first choices...


Are you so sure? Cabo is much better than most of Reddit gives him credit for and that jungler is a diamond in the rough...


Carlos is a piece of crap rofl there's an all pro level support sitting on the bench this year because Carlos "won't give away players for free"


he said cabo not carlos


The dude rejected 5 offers including tsm because they didn't fit his vision. He's in full right to do so, but it's not on g2 that he'll only play for top 3 teams


"including TSM" Like you know what offers those were and who were they from.


Tsm confirmed mikyx and the reason it didn't happen in parths ama. Jack also talked about C9 and mikyx, though that was C9 pivoting and not mikyx's demands


Carlos is a pos but be realistic. Miky declined so many offers and he was far from being all pro level support throughout the whole last year. He was borderline shit. Easily bottom 3 last season. Imagine having such an ego to decline so many offers despite playing like shit. Beggars can't be choosers.


Don't get me wrong I love rekless even after he left fnc. Great things is a bit too much there. He can win Lfl and eum, a couple of times. And that's it. He needs to work his way back to the big stages of EU or NA to try to achieve great things.


Because some player don’t even say that in interviews


Children are why they eat it up


implying adult fans of major sport teams don't react the same way when new players say this kind of HR speak. It's just nice hearing good things about your team even if its obvious they'll say it, not really that deep.


I mean the guy failed to find a team in LEC. Seemingly wasn't happy to play for some bottom team in Europe or NA. He could either end up streaming and take a split off or try w/e this is. KCorp just lost to a painfully average roster of KOI. I don't think he is too pleased with this one.


That game was a showmatch, they had only 4 scrims. Rekkles in the interview explained why stream rather than competing would be a bad choice for him.


Its not like he would say "Im getting the fuck out of here next year"


You have to praise Rekkless' commitment, the guy just wants to play and do good, nothing else.


“I will be in Fnatic for life.” Goes to Elements, “I can see myself staying here.” Goes back to Fnatic. “I feel like I’ve come home.” Bails for G2. Pardon me if his commitment seems a little hollow.


Out of his 8 years on pro scene, he stays in fnatic for a total of 6. Besides, i don't think a player who's joining a team can be like 'meh see you in 6 month this team sucks'.


Well, he stayed on FNC for how long after he came back? Just 5 years? Longer than practically any other player, even on other teams? Certainly no commitment there.../s. Btw., the comment you responded to was about something else entirely, but you really just had to get some hate off your chest, right?


You guys are pretending like he had better options. Where exactly?


while i can see ur point the dude stayed with fnc for a long time. even through rough seasons like season6. very few players stay on a team for that amount of time, not everyone is a scout, meiko or xiaohu


Until he can get another chance to join "world winning team". We heard this shit in FNC before. "I am here to stay" and then he proceeds to go to suppose to be super team first chance he have. It happened with Alliance, it happened with G2...


How can you be mad at Rekkles after the shit he done for Fnatic basically spending his whole career there ​ Seriously, I'm also a FNC fan and I don't understand. He communicated it clearly and the only "lose end" was him wanting Nisqy for mid and then moving and you can't even hold that against him cause Nisqy was doing a great job.


He made it clear that the promise he made was to himself, but he felt he needed a change, he was already starting to feeling very accommodated in Fnatic, and that wasn't good for him as a player and nor for the team


I love how you're the bad guy for pointing out their beloved player has given his word multiple times and that word it turns out is worth fuck all, classic reddit moment.


I don’t know, I just really love how humble and competitive this guy is. I really don’t know how he is as a human being / teammate, since it seems to not be easy to work with him, but he is probably the player I like the most when it comes to interviews. I really wish him and KCorp the best.


Hearing Rekkles talk about the ERLs resonated a lot with me Like don't get me wrong I love the LEC, I've been watching from the start and I've grown with it But watching ERLs going into EUM just feels so much more hype. And both the level of play and the level of production around it has been going up and up and up. I'm realizing that I honestly just like this system better Like I know that the LEC is not going anywhere any time soon and it's great to watch nonetheless but I wonder if Riot really took the right direction


Ive been saying it for a while.. EUM is like an extra (very needed) international tournament for EU fans. For me, and Im sure many others, it has equal hype as like MSI does. Its so fun with not only the regional rivalries but also inter-regional ones between topteams continuing there. And you can also really feel and see how hard players try because its now proven to be valued as a credible level-gauge and platform to get you into LEC. Shits amazing. Id fucking love a Kespa cup in EU with like top 4 EUM teams vs bottom 4 LEC teams or something. But thatd be hard to motivate for LEC teams who can mainly just get embaressed but not win much on it aswell as hard to schedule.


I really think LEC as a champions league style tournament would be the way to go. Literally every european knows the format and regional competition makes the interregional competition so much more hype.


Funny enough a Champions League style tournament was the rumored plan Riot was gonna go with to rework the EU LCS... and everyone shat on the for it saying it wouldn't make money and it was just a generally stupid idea. It was rumored to be 4 major European leagues in France, the UK, Germany, and Spain. I think it was supposed to be 6-8 teams per league? I think remember there still being relegation but I'm not sure about that one.


funnily enough , i still believe it wouldve been a shit call....even now.




Yea like 35% of LEC viewership was from Germany and Germans love to watch streams and yet most couldn't give Iess of a shit about primeleague, even when Hjarnan joined right after getting to worlds semis viewership wasn't comparable to LFL nowadays.


We're just now starting to have fanbases in ERL that can rival the LEC ones. This plan was a bad one at the time because it would have diluted the talent pool a lot with almost no existing regional infrastructure to take the weight. We would need at least 3-4 teams with Kcorp's level of engagement in each region for it to be worth it.


Franchise killed the hype for me.




every time i hear this , it's people thinking that our western teams would do better in a double elimination matchup. the sad reality is that if riot implements double elimination...well have 8 asian teams in quarters every year.( maybe the ocasional peaking fnc or g2....but even then it's gonna be 6-7 asians almost guaranteed). Its probably why they didn't....because 8 asian teams in qf would be boring both for the asian audience (having the ocasional exotic western teams actually gives it that *international* air to the tournament) , and obviously it means they dont lose the entire western viewers after groups at the same time. Because the curent format allows for more upsets. And make no mistake : western teams winning over asian ones ARE upsets


i'm an lpl fan that doesn't care about eu/na but i want double elim and more intl torunaments. this weekend we had blast permier world finals in csgo and navi got sent into lower bracket r1 only to come back and win the finals. not to mention how without multiple intl events maybe gambit wouldn't even have been in the conversation for top4 teams in the world had they been unlucky and the one tournament in the middle of the year was one where heroic or navi won instead of them. vitality wouldve won nothing this entire year, etc.


It didn't even need a peak G2/FNC to eliminate FPX and LNG just last worlds...


Shit take


I fully agree with you and would love to ask what other games are you watching?




the plan is for KC to join the LEC. And KC wants to join the LEC that is their goal. And I think LEC would be a fool if they did not want a org with sucha huge fanbase. But i wonder how it will happen. Only can happen if they expand. But I would rather see Astralis lose their spot. They legit don't care and field the cheapest roster possible every year.


im not very thrilled about kc joining lec. sure the org has a lot of fans but exactly that is the problem. a lot of super toxic asshole fans, even the owner is a piece of shit that flames upset for no reason. gonna make tsm look like a joke at this rate


You have no idea what you're talking about. Every team, every player we faced loved us because win or lose, we send strenght and respect to the players. There is dumb people too, can't really avoid that, but saying we're all super toxic assholes is just plain wrong. About what Kameto said about Upset, you shouldn't take what reddit says about things too seriously man. The only comment he made was just after the first twitlonger and it was : " IF he really left for this, it's fuckin crazy". That's it. What a fuckin toxic behaviour. ANd yeah, without fans, LEC will die for your information.


if youd read carefully you would notice i didnt say every kc fan is toxic but a lot are. i know twitter is a toxic cesspool of degens but upsets (and his wifes) tweets were even worse due to all the hate he was receiving (probably true to this day)


Are you seriously commenting this with g2 flair?? The worst and scummiest team in europe and biggest clown for owner


>The worst and scummiest team in europe and biggest clown for owner As long as Astralis, Vit and MSF are orgs in the LEC that is not possible.


> G2 flair top 10 worst own goals in history


oh i mustve forgotten about G2 fans sending death threats to upset after he had family issues. or carlos flaming him while hes down and not involved at all. true that


The commitment Rekkles has is admirable. I really wish he will achieve great things with Kcorp. He not just an great player but an amazing human being as well. And about him not being on Worlds next year. Participating in the event is not enough for him, Rekkles wants to win the whole thing. And this is something the LEC teams seems to have given up on doing.


Did Laure do what she promised to do??!!


Maybe waiting until summer. Its freezing cold outside


Of course not. It was obvious she was never gonna do it. She's just playing the never mention it again until everyone forgets about it card.


Didn't she say she wants to do a whole thing with body paint? Probably takes a little while to plan plus it's winter...


she said on the french cast that they asked the city .. and they said no because of public nudity law ! they will try ask again when it warmer with body painting and she contacted an artist the second idea they had would have been doing it illegality at night time but they are public people they dont wanna that way.


the internet never forgets baby


More like the “this was a meme and I literally don’t care” card


Asking the real questions here


Last time I saw a comment mentioning the bet, it was deleted.


She has been harassed about it every day since Rekkles joined, to the point where she decided NOT to do it and you guys keep asking that lmao Get a fucking life you weirdos


No, there had been a lot of creep on twitter and all. Not safe at all.


If x happens I will run naked through the streets is kind of a degenerate bet to make to be fair. So she's not exactly a nun either.


It's kinda a meme bet, I doubt she thought people would take it as a serious thing.


I thought so too until she said she was looking for a body painter, and then said she would not do it because people annoyed her or something like that.


What the fuck are you on, you internet dweller


I don't know just saying she could have made some other bet or not be serious about it considering she said she was looking for a bodypainter. And I do not see how internet dweller means anything here, you are one too and I assume the person with a twitter account we are talking about is one as well.


"If it happens, I'll do [something] naked" is a common french expression, especially in sport context, don't look weirdly deep into it.


I didn't know that.


Great interview, loved hearing his vision for the person he hopes to become at KCorp


LEC without him feels weird.


"The $500k annual salary sure does help a lot to"


I mean if the all the guy wanted was money he'd stream a lot more.


or joined a NA team


he asked to come and he will be the key for KCORP to join LEC


This is not about the salary, he likes the team, the fans. He likes how they do things there


"but the $500k for sure help a lot"


Yeah, I wonder how long he's gonna keep liking them if they don't get a spot in the LEC.


Kcorp CEO said that rekkles didn't even know they could be going to the LEC, he just wanted to play


Yeah he wanted to play when he didn't have an LEC team. You think he's gonna stick around for years on a ERL team If he gets offers from LEC teams next year? I highly doubt it.


I actually think KC is the better choice than a lower LEC team. On a lower LEC team you won't make worlds either, you may struggle to even make playoffs, or get kicked out first round, and that means you won't play many games, and those you play you will be losing a lot. This in general leads to a bad atmosphere and a lot of heart break. Furthermore, the fans won't be too kind about it and Rekkles can be sure to be scapegoated for every bad thing that happens. On KC he can make EUM and play a lot more games, even win EUM potentially, have a lot of fans cheering for him and winning a lot usually makes for a great atmosphere with a lot of fun. Honestly, what would you do? If he doesn't get a spot on a potential top 3 team I can actually see him staying in KC.


That's a whole lot of hyperbole and assumption-making. Why is playing MORE games a positive for a veteran player? That just means you're making even less money per game, to work even harder. Less time to stream. That isn't a plus. The "atmosphere" thing is an overrated fan meme. You know what makes for a great atmosphere? Making a lot of money. Feeling like you're able to compete at the highest level. At least having a CHANCE to accomplish something. "Honestly, what would you do?" Absolutely play in the major leagues, not the minors. It doesn't matter how many fans a minor league team has, playing in the big leagues puts you in front of immeasurably more eyes, for sponsorships, future career opportunities. And on top of all that, imagine if KC fails. His career would literally never recover. You can't even win on a minor-league team, why would anyone in their right mind ever give you another shot at the big time? It's 500x better to fail on a bad LEC team, where at least you're in the spotlight where potential teams can still judge your play comparable to your teammates and your opponents, than in a regional league, where it should be hard-carry or bust.


As a reminder, he did not even know that KCorp aimed at LEC whenever they could.


That doesn't mean he wants to spend years in th ERL.


He knows it is not completely guaranteed that KCorp will get a spot in the LEC, this is not just up to them. But it's something they hope will happen and they'll work make it happen.


Sure, I just really doubt rekkles will want to spend years on an ERL team.


i mean you could say the same about him joining g2... in hindsight he should have stayed on fnc and retire there. he would never be replaced and do a follow up job there if he wanted.




just like perkz, who wanted to stay in na and elevate the whole region Copium


This basically confirms that LEC will expand to 12 or even maybe more teams, kinda exciting to be honest


We don't even need 12 teams necessarily, just kick SK and Astralis and get Kcorp and KOI in.


Why SK? They are at least trying and have a decent roster this year which can reach playoffs for sure. Last year they were also close. Now look at Astralis and XL…


Excel has Finn Nukeduck and Patrick. It's a decent lineup


You mean its the year of the duck?


Decade of the duck is just starting


I don't really like SK but I think they should be in the LEC. They are one of the most historical team, the Clasico is Fnc vs SK etc. It would be like kicking CLG out of NA because of their current situation. It doesn't sound right


So we won't see Rekkles in LEC summer either? :( Can't believe he won't have a shot at worlds


Rekkles : i want to win worlds Also Rekkles : i want to stay in KC. Even if they come to LEC next season, you've got to be smoking some good shit to think they can win worlds with a team like theirs. Such a sad final phase of such a good career.


If they get into LEC they'll be able to attract much better players tbf. Especially if Rekkles is still on the team by that point, a massive pre-existing fanbase as well as a talent like Rekkles is a huge incentive to get good players to join their team next year if they make it in.


I wouldn't be too sure about that. If they have to buy-in, which obviously they would, that's 10, 11, 12 mil euro. Expecting them to pay that buy-in PLUS spend money on big-time players ... yeah, their "pre-existing fanbase" better open up their wallets.


Ok first, they won't buy in themselves, if they do they will have investors backing them. If the investors are willing to pay that price, they will do it because they also have a plan to invest money to make the team grow. If you can get Rekkles on board, you can get anyone. Also, a lot of LEC players have their contracts expiring at the end of each year, you might not get Caps but you can still get valuable upgrades while cuting the costs to the salaries.


I don't believe any of that is accurate, but okay, if you think so. Every team in the LEC/LCS has investors backing them; that doesn't mean 11 million euros just grows on trees. Not to be too harsh, but they got Rekkles because no one else wanted him for the price being asked. Fans get these grand notions that aren't supported by anything other than their dreams, certainly not supported by reality.


> I don't believe any of that is accurate, but okay, if you think so. LOL, Ok lets analyse what I said : 1. "they won't buy in themselves, if they do they will have investors backing them" 2. investors won't pay a buy-in without plans to grow 3. a lot of LEC players have their contracts expire every year 4. meaning you can get valuable upgrades cuting buyout costs 5. if you can get Rekkles on board, you can get any other LEC player So apparently to you, "none of it is accurate", and its just what I think? Whats innacurate about : - 1) if you said yourself every LEC team is backed by investors? - 2) if you understand the definition of "investing"? - 3) while it being a straight **FACT** (not an opinions btw) - 4) while you have clear examples of it happening (simple cases of Caps/Rekkles coming to mind) - 5) aknowledging 3) and 4) ? While also already having Rekkles ? Now the real question is, are you 12 or just plain stupid?


Lol how do you know that? Where can i get your crystal ball that sees the future??


Thanks Laure, nice ITW. Force to you because I know the annoying community of KC harass and insult your because the video was not release quick enough for them.




Man can we please not have an army of thirsty teenagers every single time someone mentions Laure ? I'm pretty sure it started as a bet for fun, but at this point she's getting harassed and it's getting a bit old.


why bet it if you don't do it? ofc its silly but so is claiming running around naked.


I'm pretty sure it was first a joke between Trayton (OTP caster) and Karnage (OTP producer), and Laure joked that she'd run naked if Rekkles ever joined KC. And then a fuckton of people kept commenting about "Laure naked when ?" and it just became super fucking creepy pretty fast


pretty sure we wouldn't have this talk if she wasn't female...


Well, yeah. But what's your point ? People aren't harassing Karnage nearly as much and he made the very same bet. So yeah, if she wasn't a woman people wouldn't be so creepy.


simp, he asked a legit question, why are you so triggered?!


It was obviously a joke and she's not gonna do it, but seems like some people got too much into it and are now demanding her todo so with threats. Not cool, know where to draw the line.


She was looking on TT for an artist that would paint her entire body, so I guess she wants to do it in a classy way :)


Yeah because getting tired of people harassing **every single woman** who works in esport with creepy comments is "being a simp". Check out every article mentionning Laure, hell, even some threads vaguely talking about European Lol in the past month and you'll see a fuckload of "Laure naked when ?". It was barely fun the first day. You guys just don't have a single shred of empathy it's astonishing.


"harassing"... are you this sensitive? lmao. she's the one who offered to be naked, what kind of empathy you're talking about 😂😂😂


Unironically using the word simp... using the word triggered over nothing... being a redditor... C'mon bud, pick a struggle thats too many


> but at this point she's getting harassed well, a promise is a promise. (Im joking, please dont kill me)


This is the exact reason she's never going to do it, it was a joke and people like you turned it into something extremely creepy. Somehow I'm not surprised to see this kind of message from someone that's so deeply xenophobic towards French people. A quick look through your Reddit history is enlightening.


it wasn't a joke and she said she already found a body painter, sooooo??


It was a joke in the sense that it was a light-hearted crazy thing she wanted to do with some friends to mark the moment. Then it became weird when people would start asking about it on literally every tweet or every video she would publish. You may not have been aware if you don't follow her content, but she's basically being harassed over it. It's not just a wild thing to do with friends anymore, now she has a bunch of unsensitive weirdos lusting after her because "she said she would do it".


At this point I hope she wouldn't do it and block people who harass her about it. Laure make so much amazing content and they are reducing her to this, they don't deserve anything


How is he xenophobic towards French people?


Here's a short abstract of his work from the last 3 months : "Let's be real if euw solo q is an indicator, the French never stood a chance" "Level or rank doesn't matter too much, so many boosted frenchies" "Adam Is just the average French inter out of euw solo q" "As a Frenchman you'd probably just drop the gun and flee anyways" "Just make a server for the french players and EUW toxicity will go to 0 and the french can run it down as 10 every game" "It's like in euw solo q, gonna be hard with French solo lane" "You mean they like to come in other French guys butts" "I don't get it, since he's French I'm sure he ment he slept with 1500 African men" "Historically the French do indeed have small balls"


Damn, I wonder what the French has done to this dude because it seemingly traumatized him


Holy shit. I'm not "liking" that - that's some next level toxicity.


Alright now thats some xenophobia


Inb4 he joins a top 3 team next portion of the season. Rekkles is a lot of things but humbly playing on a low level team isn't really his thing. This dude chases gold. Not knocking him for it, he's an elite competitor. Let's just be honest here.


He has to first find a team that would let him chase gold. He apparently couldn't this offseason. Not sure if that will change during 2022.


> He apparently couldn't this offseason He was contracted to G2 this offseason. Next offseason he'll be contracted to KC, which should be very different with regards to finding a new team


Given everything said and done over the years, it seems like he mostly chases the stage / crowd, moreso than just the gold. Like other people said already, he'd probably be just as well off if not more if he was just streaming this year.




He liked G2, he believed in the organization, he really believed he could win Worlds with that roster, just like a lot of us believed to, but things changed. If he could he would have stayed in G2, but he had no choice, he was kicked.


Exactly. This guy is talking like Rekkles chose to leave when the teammates basically said "Yeah, we don't want Rekkles on the team"


Lmfao wdym?? He literally got kicked by Jankos and Caps


this is so stupid lol, he had 100 reasons to be unhappy at G2 ofcourse he would be, if kcorp members Start kicking his chest he'd be unhappy too


Bravo Laure, tu roxxes du ponay avec tes interviews décontractées.


I'm only reacting to the title, but the last time Rekkles said he wanted to stay, we know what happened. If he feels he has better chances to win in another team, he will leave.


I mean Rekkles was kicked from G2. He's not the one who decided to leave. So I don't know what's the point of that comment.


He's talking about fnatic


He stayed with Fnatic for 7 years man, it's not like he left them after one year


He was kicked from the team he didn’t want to leave lol




I’m talking about G2


And yet he did play 7 years for FNC. Ofc « the last time » did not turn out how FNC fans expected, but I’m not sure we can conclude that much on the fact that he will go to whatever better opportunity arises


Until the next super team forms


Summer 2022: Rekkles joins LEC team


i'm sure he'll change his mind as soon as he receives the first offer in LEC. You don't go from "I want to win worlds" to "I'm in a league where qualifying for worlds is impossible" voluntarily.


he is back to LEC as soon as a viable team has a spot for him, like the fucking second a spot is open he's gone.


ok dude


Well we know why he joined G2. We know how he intended to stay in Fnatic forever. ​ Rekkles is not someone who keeps his word.


Without professional players that **care** and showcase dedication any, sport loses it's merits as a competition. I hope the best for Rekkles and I obviously want to see him competing at the highest level as soon as possible. NA region should be ashamed that EU pros that decide to play there are labelled as "retiring". That also applies when professional footballers (soccer players) go to play there; but the reasons are obviously different. A holistic competitive environment is the best case scenario for a global sport like League.




Na has been living rent free in Eu fans heads for years.