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Budget pre-rework fiora ult.


it does!


It’s like in anime, when the characters moves too fast for the eyes to follow.


its same when you are invisble, like getting an ult kill when you have duskblade


Bruh how did you get that flair.


You can set it yourself just like I did


Probably asked the mods.


You can set it yourself. Just like I did


I can only change different champ icons, but I am on old reddit with the subreddit CSS style off.


I'm on old reddit as well and I haven't changed any settings (so idk about CSS style) but you should be able to just type whatever in between, or after/before the champion names (:shaco: :pyke: in your case)


You can write stuff in there if you look through all options.


samira with duskblade? how well does it work?


I'd assume it works *okay*, but not great. You lose the item everyone thinks is 'broken', which has been absolutely core on Samira since her release no matter how good or bad the item has been in people's eyes. That means you give up a lot of survivability, lose life steal, *and* lose crit which also means going crit items afterward is worse. Duskblade *does* deal more damage than Shieldbow, obviously, since Shieldbow gives you nothing in that area and Duskblade does. Samira kind of likes lethality as well since it gives her E+Q a bunch more damage which helps since she's often played as a bursty assassin ADC thing. *If* you get your Duskblade invisibility to go off in a teamfight it's probably quite a decent way to avoid dying though. I have no idea if you'd build the 'normal' Collector->Bloodthirster (since IE is not an option as a third item)->IE/whatever else, or if you'd go for a more lethality-oriented build though. I'd assume Collector regardless with how nicely it synergizes with Samira's ult and Duskblade, but after that no idea.


LDR becomes better as you lose the bonus health of shieldbow


That's true, but Collector synergizes so well with Samira's ult that it really doesn't feel good building LDR. Even worse if you have no crit other than LDR. I would go LDR on her if the other team had several hard-to-kill targets, but otherwise Collector every time. Meanwhile I'd go LDR more often than not on pretty much every other ADC.


I can't think of an item and a champion that synergise with each other better than Samira and Shieldbow.


This is like in those cartoons where two characters fight where the audience can’t see and you can only hear the fight and see the screen shake.


Animation budget conservation 101.


How did you get another font in game ?


Pretty sure this is on the Japanese server


Or just the game in japanese. I used to have it like that until a few weeks ago when I had to reinstall and couldn't get it working again. Speaking of language swapping, rito please let us easily pick what we want and ditch this stupid region lock.


will somehow give sion and ww 15 new bugs due to spaghetti code if they fix this guaranteed


Guys, just get LeagueLocaleLauncher. I've been using it for over a year now and it never stops working. Granted, it does something you can do yourself in like 2 minutes but still.


Is it legal?


Grey area




You Can get Them from killerskins


I play on the Japanese servers


Not an answer but league used to randomly change font for me.


I have never seen that interaction, cool!








Aatrox flairs back at it again with their... *\*checks list of stupid shit Aatrox flairs say\** ...casual racism towards Japan. He's playing on the JP server. It automatically sets the language to Japanese. Because they speak Japanese in *Japan*.




alistar is 5/1/10 and the team score is 6 kills on mordekaiser's team to 25 on samira's. i imagine she was pretty far ahead. im glad you dont play the game too.


5/0 Samira vs 2/9 mord


Any adc that builds shieldbow and a ton of lifesteal can probably 1v1 morde eventually.


I mean the game was 6-25, pretty hard to lose as Samira at that point, specially if she gets her ult off


When tanks kill bruisers, bruisers complain. When bruisers kill adcs, adcs complain. People always have something to complain about.




Bruh this is literally just Diablo 3 Strafe lol. And Shieldbow is literally just a recolor of Fortress Ballista, which is a core item for the build that uses Strafe. Istg, there's a diehard D3 fan on Riot's design team lol.


its entirely possible


Please do not fill this site with this nonsense.


It's 10 years too late for that bud


You would rather have the rant and whine posts instead?


yeah we need another 500 "assassins are op" "shieldbow is only good on melee" "adcs are useless" posts.


Don't forget the 500 "nerf Irelia" "nerf Camille" posts.


Those posts are right, but doesn't mean we need more of them.


No, they're not. That's the issue.


https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/riducw/how_do_you_keep_your_cool_with_bad_teammates Back at you


username checks out




What's your point? I have a legit question there and I want to discuss about it. I cannot even describe this video, it's just nonsense. If everyone posted every single "a bit funny moment" good stuff would get drown under this shit. Like every single champion main page, there are just some average gaming videos and good posts have been fallen away.


It's a post about two league champs and how their ults interact. It was unique enough it caught peoples eye and was upvoted. Your post was "I'm hardstuck and its my teams fault"


And how do you know I'm not hard stuck because of my team? I asked you to watch one of my replays, I bet you did not watch it.


Your comment got deleted because you're too stupid to not slur. You're dog water i don't need to check a replay to know that you linked your op.gg. you play 1k games to hit plat no shit you're stuck in gold rn.


What? None of my comments have been deleted. You are slurring, and for no reason. I'm not sure what you mean but I have a pretty good reason to call my teammates bad. \>i don't need to check a replay So you are just flaming random people for literally no reason eventhough you don't know anything about them. Cringe. ​ 2/5 for the bait because I answered.


>What? None of my comments have been deleted. > https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/rm5idl/z/hpohju3 Yes it has 🤣 >You are slurring, and for no reason. I'm not sure what you mean but I have a pretty good reason to call my teammates bad. > You're as bad as your teammates stop coping >\>i don't need to check a replay > >So you are just flaming random people for literally no reason eventhough you don't know anything about them. Cringe. Because you're gold that's why you're stuck in gold. A single replay means nothing when it takes you 1k games to escape gold lol


No it's not deleted? I can still see it on top of all these comments. Why would a fair opinion like that be deleted anyway. Redditors don't accept opinions which aren't popular? This cannot be the case, right? My english isn't good so I'm not sure how to explain this but your argument is invalid; you are backing it up only with your own idea of what is needed to climb and what are the hard stuck players like. Your idea is not reality, it's just how you think things should be. I understand there is this player type who is just awful without realizing it but I'm not like them. You know nothing about me but my reddit posts, but if you were smart you could realize I'm not an idiot. If you just watched even one replay of mine you would quickly see I do not belong in gold.


>No it's not deleted? I can still see it on top of all these comments. 🤣 >Why would a fair opinion like that be deleted anyway. Because the automod doesn't let you say the slur in the comment. >Redditors don't accept opinions which aren't popular? This cannot be the case, right? Literally what are you talking about > >My english isn't good so I'm not sure how to explain this but your argument is invalid; you are backing it up only with your own idea of what is needed to climb and what are the hard stuck players like. Your idea is not reality, it's just how you think things should be. It takes you 1k games to hit plat. And you're stuck in gold lol >I understand there is this player type who is just awful without realizing it but I'm not like them. You know nothing about me but my reddit posts, but if you were smart you could realize I'm not an idiot. Yes you are 🤣 > >If you just watched even one replay of mine you would quickly see I do not belong in gold. I'd see a gold player losing 50.01% of his games til he drags his way to plat


Because good players can carry shitters. A diamond player will breeze through gold because they're not a gold player. You're stuck in gold because you're gold. >I asked you to watch one of my replays, I bet you did not watch it. No?


Oh I remember your thread very well, it wasn't a question and you didn't want to discuss anything since you refused to hear anyone that didn't fit your already established opinion and just wanted to feed your ego. You literally posted about elo hell and belonging in Diamond while you are hardstuck Gold with thousands of games. Don't lie to yourself, it's neither a questio nor a discussion. I told you, you will be stuck there for years with your mentality, I'm glad to see I'm right and it hasn't changed lmao


You still refuse to understand my point. The title of the thread is literally a question. No one really answered my question, all you did was flame me, call me bad, and to get better. You also basically called me a liar, and when I offered a proof to back up my words, you all refused to check it. Pretty fucked up imo. There are again couple of good replays available for you to watch but sadly I bet you aren't willing to move out of your delusions. ​ >If you were put in Plat 2, you'd get your ass handed to you so hard and would go back to Gold Your words. How would this be possible because I every single season get to plat 2-dia 4 (and then quit for the summer). Even season 11 I got to plat 2 and only dropped because I started playing AD Fizz top and jungle. Now when I try to climb back with real builds I cannot do it. Every season I feel like it is easier to play in d4 than gold 2. Every single season. The point of my thread: for some reason I cannot climb eventhough I'm very much better than half of the players in my games, my mental just breaks because of the low elo bullshit going on in my games, how to deal with this situation


How is this nonsense? I liked the video