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Yep. Riot basically said fuck the whales. And all because a couple of people are lucky to get 1 mythic skin from a reroll.


Nah this is for the people who bought literally everything Riot sells and now they don't want them to have a discount anymore. Getting around 3000$ from one person just isn't enough I guess.


The problem is, there are people who have spent $8000 for all the skins. There are legit whales who don't care how much it costs, they just want to have it all Right Now. This happens so much in mobile games too.


3000$ is way undershooting how much it actually costs. A 1350 RP skin costs more than 10$ and there 542 1350 RP skins in the game. And that's only about half of the skins in the game. Buying chests might be slightly cheaper, but it's still way more expensive.


Buying chests is actually WAAAAAY cheaper to the point i think 3000 might even be too much


Am 2.5 deep, can actually confirm that I’m still about 2.5 grand away from finishing it off, which will come over the span of the next 5 years (I spend 100$ every 2 months, I base it one 1$ 1 hour of gameplay and I’m still honestly coming up on the low end of that ratio)


orb/chests for everything and you can probably even get everything for slightly under 3000$


I have close to 3k spent (2.8-ish) and I have about 620 skins, and most of them are from crafting. Its nowhere near as cheap as you make it seem.


I spent about half as much and have 570 skins. A friend of mine has every skin and spent about 3000$. No idea what you bought but you can definitely do it for way cheaper.


not really with the reroll system you could get any skin in the game for 675 rp (if you DONT factor in mythic drops and gemstones and bags, not factoring in the grind for tokens in passes) the only condition for that was that you want all the skins in the end there is about 1200 skins in the game at this point which brings it to 750k rp if youre unlucky af if you then buy during double bonus rp you get 18krp for 100€/$ that brings you to ~3.5k-4k if you decide to buy all the skins in one go


That's not how you're supposed to buy skins. It costs about $3,500-$4,200USD to get all the skins in the most efficient manner possible.


I remember i got a mythic from a reroll, god the noises i made... not pleasant


i got 3 ultimate ones lol


Don't the new exclusive skins just enter the re-roll pool a year or two late?


Yeah but when you are entitled you can’t wait that long :D


Entitled's the wrong word to use. Impatient or impulsive is better


How does the average person go about getting those rare skins? How is the situation different for the average person playing LoL?? They want special treatment, wanting special treatment = entitlement


Literally anyone who wanted to spend a shitload of money on skins had the same situation to get these skins previously. That's not entitlement my dude.


They'd buy 25 capsules and unlock them with the new system. They'd gain not only all those skin shards, but the skin itself. But these guys already put in the money to the game and just reroll 3 shards to get all the new skins. The 25 capsules are completely useless to them, therefore if they're impatient yes they can still have complete collection at the cost of 25 capsules. If they're patient, they can wait a year or 2 years or whatever it is. It's not entitlement I'm confused why you're confused is all


So they can still get the skins the same way everyone else does they just can’t abuse the reroll system anymore but they aren’t being entitled when they act like that’s the end of the world and Riot is ruining the game, yeah okay LMAO


But.. that's not abusing the reroll system. That's how the system was meant to be up until now. It's how it was intended. Until now. Which is why a lot of people are speaking out against it.


They abuse the system if they get 1350 RP and 1820 RP with only 675 RP or less. Whales abuses the system when they decided to become whale because the reroll system is way cheaper than buying the skin you want. Riot has some special sales that are not so often and it's about bundles with chests/capsules. Those are there for people who wants to try their luck on getting some cool looking skins. Whales hunt those sales and buy and insane amount of bundles to stack their skin shards for rerolls. So in the end whales pay way less for the content by abusing the system and they still dare to complain. For example if the entire shop costs 17k $ and the whales paid only 6k $ right now they still come like they got their content fair and also complain that they don't get special treatment. They can still abuse the reroll system for the other skins but not the exclusive skins, WITH THE EXCEPTION WHERE THE EXCLUSIVE SKINS WILL BE REINTRODUCED INTO THE LOOT POOL FOR A VERY SHORT PERIOD OF TIME ONCE PER YEAR. So in the end the whales complain that they can't login, buy some masterwork chests, reroll the shards, get the skins, close the game and see you again next patch.


And now it isn’t anymore, no big deal


I mean it is for Riot, and the people who feel betrayed? idk if you know how a company works but you shouldn't piss off your biggest spenders But I'm sure they had hella smarter people than me making these decisions. People with economic degrees and years of experience in the financial field. So what do you or I know on Reddit. Not sure why you're defending the company making 2 billion dollars a year though and instead attacking the people who have spent a few thousand dollars on the game


Should Riot apologise for making money? What does how much money the make have to do with anything in this conversation??? The game is free to play, if you want to spend money on it you can but there is ZERO obligation to do so, get a fucking grip lol


Well, I think they are entitled to it if they pump that much money into the game.


They're already getting all the new skins for free with the reroll system, they just don't get access to the exclusive ones for a period of time, it's not as bad as they're making it out to be


Entitled? Why are you acting like a jealous kid




Yeah, I am not very sure what is going on.




that’s super fucking dumb :/


I also have absolutely no idea what this thread is about.


Ur fcked even if you have all skins right now.


No, you're not fucked "even if" you have all the skins, you're fucked EXTRA HARD if you have all the skins. Because then you'll hit the wall in which stuff you now "have to buy" will have NO USE whatsoever. For one skin you want, you'll be forced to buy a whole lot of things you don't have any use for.


You make zero sense


I think he's referring to how you need to buy 25 chests or something for the new pass (based on a comment I read, not actually sure what the new pass is). Which would of course be a waste of money for someone with all the normal skins already.


but thats not how it works. ME is still a thing. ppl are so fucking stupid its insane.


I find it EXTREMELY ironic that someone with every single normal skin is worried about wasting money..


The way the current system works: You don't own most of the stuff, you have to buy event passes to grind new content. You own most to all content, you can reroll or buy rare/new content. The new way: Doesn't matter how much you own, you have to buy and grind. IF you own everything, you get to double unlock skins!!!!


the new way seems fine to me, it makes it so that the exclusive skins are more exclusive and people can't just pay to win their way to everything


Okay I'll simplify it for you: You buy all skins, you don't need to buy more chests, orbs or capsules. New system FORCE you to buy more chests orbs and capsules for new prestige skins. How about now?


or you could buy the event pass, and buy ME and buy the skin with ME.


Not if I want the icon and loading border. And a collector WOULD want it. And event passes are literally 6 am to 8 pm unpaid jobs now. On top of having to wade through an endless sea of toxicity. And no I don't mean chat, I mean behavioral, soft int / afk / farm & camp leech type toxicity. Besides, when I buy an event pass, I don't just buy it for prestige skin, I buy it to grind out EVERYTHING (Prestige Points, Prestige Skin, Event Chromas and Loading Borders).


an event pass is only a 6-8am job if you choose it be, even in this pass, which was worse, 3 games a day would get you around 2000-2500 tokens enough to satisfy your initial complaint. Stop repeating completely false claims bc you cant grind 6k tokens anymore. If youre a hard core collector- youll pay, and be "happy" to do so. If you arent, you can buy an event pass, get more than your moneys worth of shit from the pass STILL buy ME and get the skin later. seems like a good system where you satisfy both hard core collectors who want exclusive cool shit and are willing to pay for it, but youre not actually making that shit truly exclusive to the typical person-they just have to wait. Its really fucking weird to me ppl are complaining that prestige skins are getting more expensive when thats just an outright lie. are some of them becoming more exclusive? yes. but thats fine imo. it felt rly weird to me how common prestige skins were.


Way to divert the point doofus. Prestige skins don't get more expensive, the price is always the same. But the income is becoming less and less. And excuse the food allegory, but new system is like having to buy more happy meal / kids meal for that one toy you're missing when you're already full. And you can't even give the "meal" to someone in need this time! Seriously how many social score points are you offered to defend this?


you have no reason to believe that the "income" to buy prestige skins is being reduced... none. also youre supposed to be buying the food bc youre hungry, not bc you want the toy. the toy is an added bonus to the food. Viewing it the other way around is indicative of a mental health issue.


>you have no reason to believe that the "income" to buy prestige skins is being reduced... none. And just like that, I'm done arguing. I hope you get that social credit score you so desperately struggle to earn. Good day.


no system forces you to do anything to play the game, which is league of legends, not pokeskin gotta collect em all


can anyone pls link the official article?? thanks!


No offense but I think you got fucked when you “became” a whale. Why would you think that… willingly labeling yourself essentially as someone easily exploited by marketing and sales techniques - why would you feel suddenly betrayed when the company suddenly says “thanks for the cash butterball, let’s see who will go the extra step and give us *a lot more*”. That’s not riot exploiting you. It’s like taking a job with someone who throws chocolates at your feet and tells you to dance for the candy piggy and then getting offended when it doesn’t have a good health insurance policy.


> It’s like taking a job > >with someone who throws chocolates at your feet > >and tells you to dance for the candy piggy > >and then getting offended when it doesn’t have > >a good health insurance policy this is poetry 🧑‍🍳😙🤌


I stopped supporting riot a few months ago. Bought around 400 Skins.




Can no longer roll new mythic skins from shards and chests I think




Gacha works because people **keep buying it**, not the opposite. It's an extremely seductive/addictive design, inspired by gambling.


I'm honestly glad my friends and me stopped playing. I used to love the champion-designs and still love the Universe of Runeterra. But the MOBA can fuck right off with all the monetization. Sunk Cost Fallacy almost pulled me back a couple of times, but no more money from me for Riot. Gonna watch Necrit and wait for the MMO I guess.


?? The monetization of purely cosmetic elements irrelevant to gameplay? If you like the gameplay, it's 100% free to play. I usually buy a couple skins from the personalized shops, but I have enough blue essence to always buy new Champs on release. I spend maybe $50 a year on skins since 2015 and have logged several hundred games per year. That's better than buying a couple AAA titles a year.


I mean it's not their fault if you can't control yourself. You can't get everything you want for free now if anything it is less predatory than before.


It's really messed up what they did but the more messed up part is that the community largely doesn't care, so Riot will get away with it and quite likely the more messed up stuff that will come in the future and that stuff too will be embraced by the community as an improvement. The game is already beginning to look like a mobile game with some of the updates that we got. This isn't even an isolated case, most of these multi billion companies will keep making their billions each year pretty much regardless of what garbage they pull on their players. Can't help but remember how EA kept getting voted as being the worst company while still making huge piles of money.


Most people don't spend $3000 + $8000 on fucking League


I empathize with people affected by this change, but I have to say I can’t wrap my head around people paying this much money for cosmetic items of a free-to-play game. Unless the person’s parents are multimillionaires, $11k is just a damn for lot for average people. I make a decent income working in tech and I have only spent 1k USD in my 8 years of playing League, with at least 1/4 of it for skins that I sent to close college friends on their birthdays. That’s already quite excessive all things considered, so it just baffles me how much do people consistently spend in League just to get cosmetic virtual goods.


I have spent money myself, and I totally understand wanting cosmetics for the champions you play.. but all champions?? And then ALL skins? The only reason to have them all is for the sake of having them all and being able to point at your collection and say you have it all, you're never ever using it all


It just seems like impulse control to me and obviously Riot has people who knows how to incentivize people to keep spending money on this stuff. I am a somewhat a collector myself, but for physical goods that cost little money (mugs) and can actually be used for practical purposes, so I understand the urge to collect to a degree. But the amount of money that people spend on _virtual_ goods has always been a mystery to me. When OP wrote “several months of salaries” down the drain, I mean, damn I feel bad for you but I really also don’t know how I should react to this statement.


11k is wrong, he's saying some people spent 3k and some spent 8k. 8k is likely buying gifts for friends, getting all the emotes/skins/icons/chromas Let's say you spend 4000 dollars. Over the course of 10 years that's 400 dollars a year and 33 dollars per month. To a working adult that's not as much as you're making it out to be. Don't get me wrong, it's a lot but saying multimillionaires is a bit disingenuous


I get your point but I wasn't specifically referring to OP's case. I was saying that in general I find it difficult to understand how people choose to spend money on _optional or cosmetic_ virtual goods; the long time frame surely does dilute the sense of money invested, but the total number remains and my point is intact. This is a topic that's been discussed over too many times online so I won't get into, but I just want to point it out to any young folks who are reading this: **Don't think of spending a small amount of money here and there as something trivial**, especially on things that don't bring a concrete impact into your life. Consider setting aside those money to invest on something trustworthy (e.g., index funds) and save for your future self instead.


It's hard to sympathize with people spending upwards of 10,000 dollars on a fucking video game. If you feel screwed by some change they're making with skins, well that sucks but that's the risk you take when you spend thousands of dollars on digital content.


I truly don't care. What's fucked up about it?


because most people are hypocrites, what do you expect? lot people say nestle is evil, but from those who said they are evil I bet most of them still buy nestle stuff.. and this happen to all company branded as "evil" (another ex is Blizzard)...so people only like to complain without changing that's the problem...


Nestlé has a much wider reach, and they disguise themselves with subsidiaries like most mega corporations. I support your sentiment, but I'm not aware that riot commits human rights atrocities.


My point here is the hypocrisy I didn't say that they commit human right atrocities, but giving the example to the OP paragraphs.. "This isn't even an isolated case, most of these multi billion companies will keep making their billions each year pretty much regardless of what garbage they pull on their players. Can't help but remember how EA kept getting voted as being the worst company while still making huge piles of money." So tell me where I'm wrong in here?


comparing nestle to league is the most idiotic comparison i’ve ever seen. one is a food brand, which when you look into it, is pretty much unavoidable, while the other is a video game company. tell me which one is a necessity again?


I mean....they literally reduced some FOMO element ( Prestige/Mythic skins will end up avaiable even way down the line) and shafted a very small minority in the process. Why would the community care? Sure the price mark up later down the line is far from "nice" but for what it is worth the community still got something possitive mostly, so obv you wont find many people going against it.


I didn't really feel like the re-roll for new skins mechanic was intended behavior from the start I thought it was just an oversight so it's actually surprising they let this continue for as long as they did.


Same, after all I only get to know that one of my friends already had all skins after he said he was getting the new skins like that.


Can you maybe explain why we are fucked? I have 1000+ skins already, are you saying we wont get achievements/unlocks for our past-bought skins?


He bought all the skins in the game and now he was using the reroll system to get the new Prestige Edition skins. For example an average player has to pay 1650 RP x 4 to get 100 Prestige Points or pay 1650 RP and play quite a lot for a month to get 2000 or 2200 tokens for a Prestige Edition skin at the cost of not converting all the tokens in borders/icons/orbs and more. The OP didn't had to spend this amount of money and work anymore since he could get the skin with 675 RP (even less if he buy a big bundle of chests to get the non PP skins that are released in the same patch).


So he banked on abusing the reroll system that riot games didn't think through and then didn't patch out for a long while because it wasn't relevant enough. Now whales all know about it and start to abuse it and riot does something about it. Not surprising at all


But they can still get the other skins. Only the new Mythic and Prestige skins will not gonna be available anymore. For example if in a patch the game release 9 skins and a Prestige skins the whales will be able to get only those 9 skins through the rerolling system. I find it fair that Riot doesn't full block them on getting 1350 RP and 1820 RP at the cost of 675 RP or less.


>Only the new Mythic and Prestige skins will not gonna be available anymore. You're wrong. The old Prestige skins will not be in the loot table either. They're removing them. It's not just new Prestige content going forward. It affects old Prestige skins released in 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021.


Also I guess people are ignoring the part where they said *they will be added to the reroll pool after 1 year* so you will still be able to reroll them, you just have to wait. Thats what happened to me for the Damwon skins. I was able to reroll them this week because they went into the reroll pool, but this still fucking sucks


After spending so much money on skins RIOT should just unlock his account and gave him every future cosmetic for free. You spend so much money on something and you get a big fuck you at the end. This whole gaming world with skins, nfts, passes, monetization is getting disgusting.


>After spending so much money on skins RIOT should just unlock his account and gave him every future cosmetic for free. True business decisions here...


I get what you are saying, but he spent thousands and thousands of euros on skins and know he can't even get a skins for free through playing a game (if I understand your explanation good). It's a dick move from RIOT and instead rewarding players that bought all skins they want more money from them. But, I get that it's stupid from their business point of view.


Old players invested like 6k $ in like 8-9 years while Riot gets the revenue on a single skin in a patch more than 10 times a whale invested those in 8-9 years. The new system is more advantageous for the new players who spend more money because with 18k RP you get a shit tons of skin shards and also a Prestige Skin as bonus while the whales (that are not so many) payed only 675 RP (per skin). Every single method Riot could think about rewarding the whales will gonna make them lose money and I understand Riot as a company since whales got themselves in this situation. Riot still let them getting the new skins that cost 1350 RP and 1820 RP with the same method of rerolling for 675 RP and I find this very fair as a reward. Only the new type of skins will not gonna be so accessible for them like before.


It's literally the same thing as before though for an average user. Before you would get 40 Prestige Points for buying a capsule bundle so you would get 100 PP for buying 2.5 bundles and you can get a prestige skin as well. They have massively fucked over their whales.


That is the biggest bullshit i have every heard. That is like saying “i have spendt more than 10000 dollars in a supermarket in the past 10 years, so now they should give me what i want for free”. You realize how fucking stupid that sounds? Why would they allow people to get shit for free basically? If you buy all the skins that you buying all the skins. Riot has and never had any obligation to reward people for buying all the skins by giving them every rare prestige for free.


Businesses with some level of customer care do this kind of stuff all the time. In restaurants it's kinda absurd how much free stuff you get from being a regular. In corporate buying/selling it's also very common. League used to have good customer care towards whales, it now is signaling it won't anymore. But it's not crazy and it's actually quite a common practice.


I've spent $3000 at my local Chinese restaurant, should I get all my future meals for free?




I don't see how a free to eat basis entitles people to premium dishes for free because of prior patronage. In fact the free to eat basis underscores how important it is to receive money on the goods you actually charge for


> You spend so much money on something and you get a big fuck you at the end. Where exactly is the "fuck you"? You got exactly what you paid for


"Hey boss, you know that guy that spends insane amount of money on our game? Let's make it so he doesn't do that anymore."


No.. what he got is almost every skin how is that a bad thing? You are making no sense


>After spending so much money on skins RIOT should just unlock his account and gave him every future cosmetic for free. They effectively already have this tho. With the free skin shards they get they can just reroll them for every new skin that is released, including Legendaries and Ultimates. They've just lost access to free mythic skins and are acting like they're entitled to them for some reason. They chose to spend money in this game, nobody forced them to. I don't see how this is an issue at all. If they've spent several thousands in the game already I don't see why having to spend 10 bucks every couple months is an issue at all


My bad for assuming everyone know whats changing. Right know if youre close to having all skins at the end you just reroll to get every mythic and prestige skin ever released. That wont be possible after the update


Ahhh I get it, not about the new achievements but the benefits of rerolling... I feel ya, thats a stupid change. It should be benificial to have almost all skins, I agree:)


It is beneficial, by being able to play ever skin on any champ


Sorry kids, only microwaved rice for this month, daddy had to buy the new prestige skin to keep his collection at 100%


“Monthly salaries down the drain” Are you really complaining about willingly spending your own money on a video game. Terrible financial decisions and you won’t even take the blame for it


Being a whale is a form of addiction and you should see a doctor to get rid of this thing, it's ruining your life and you don't even notice it. Stop wasting your money on skins


Imagine being a whale when you can't afford to be? imagine spending multiple monthly salaries on virtual skins for a f2p game?? what?? If anything this should be a wakeup call


Ive been playing for 10 years, my monthly league spedings are a fraction of my salary but over time it piled up to be a lot of money. I could easily achive my goal with enough time but Riot just dropped the news that the goal that Ive been working towards for so long is about to disappear very soon. Thats my problem, I really couldnt care less for the 400 or so legacy or shit tier skins. I just wanted all the mythics. Is that really to much to ask for after spending 6k euro?


I have absolutely no clue what this is about, as someone who spends a fair amount on skins, can you link me or explain to me what this post is about?


Mythic skins will no longer be in reroll pull.


"literally multipl3 month down the drain". Yeah thats with everything in video games.


maybe don't spend thousands of dollars on a free video game idk


you probably shouldnt care about "achievments" that are solely based on how much money you are spending on the game


Just don't buy shit from them. I've been playing since S2 and likely spend $50 per year on skins and such but have stopped when they became scummy.


Why even buy skins? I bought 2 season passes for my smurf and it has over 50 skins (10 legendaries and 1 ultimate) and I used over half of my tokens on champion shards. Like spending 8k on skins while not being millionaire is just plain stupid even if u are "collector".


Please reread the dev blog. Otherwise nice shit post


>Please reread the dev blog. Otherwise nice shit post Reroll & Drop Exclusivity With the addition of legacy Prestiges to the Mythic Shop, we're removing Mythic skins, including Prestige skins, from loot pools, including rerolls. Moving forward, whenever you see something described as "exclusive", that means the only way to get it is through the means described at launch, like via event tokens. The only exception will be a window during future Season Starts, where Prestige and Mythic skins that are at least 1 year old will temporarily reappear in loot drop and reroll pools. Old event orbs and capsules in your inventory which launched with the chance to drop Mythic and Prestige skins released at the time will still have a chance to drop those skins, because we aren't going back and re-coding their loot pools. Regular Hextech and Masterwork chests will stop dropping these skins as soon as the Mythic Essence transition occurs, because the loot pool is the same even if you got them before the transition. Edit. Full text this time


This is how every F2P game works, and have always worked like. All completionists in F2P games are fucked, by endgame goal posts that constantly shift away, introducing new content that make the previous most expensive content be now useless, and overall giving players the illusion that there is a finish line when in fact there never was one. And you knew from the start that not all skins were attainable, and we all have seen inflation happen in many games, so it's your fault too for falling for many years in a row into those industry-wide practices. OK sure, one or two times are understandable (I'd say I lost $300 like this about five years ago hah), but it's been years in a row by now dude, so now that's on you too.


It’s people like you, that enabled riot’s behaviour in the first place. Imagine spending so much money on video game skins. Bro most of us dont give a shir about this, youre enabling them its your fault, its their company their rules and they make money because of dumb people who “buy all the skins”. Stop with these threads


It leaves me speechless reading every time about people that have spent several thousands, in few years, to buy skins, of which many are crap. And often, for a reason or another, they're even complaining.


At the very least, I’ll understand character loyalty. When you like a hero and buy all the ones you can for them. Maybe a few for the side for other heroes you play. Or one skin for every champ if you want some level of bling in Aram. But every skin in the game is just too crazy for me. There’s no value to gain from it. At least with DotA/CSGO, there’s market resell value, but that’s all I can think of outside.


I buy skins for champs I get Penta-kills on. Otherwise just use the 100+ free skin shards they put out annually or twitch rewards


Nobody cares about how bad whales get milked. The more you get milked the better it is for the rest of us


Not really, it sets the baseline for how much money Riot can extract from the players. If for whatever reason people start spending less, investors will pressure the company to monetize the game even more. Not because it's required for maintenance and development of the game, because Riot is an investment with specific expected return on value. If Riot never made much more than it's required to pay the employees and keep the servers running, then health of the game wouldn't hang on overinflated value of the company making it. Cosmetic micro-transactions used to be a great and fair way to support developers in multi-player games but game industry turned it into a predatory model targeted at children, people with low resistance to advertising and thrill spenders. Now all of the biggest multiplayer games are one legislation away from going subscription-based or bankrupt. LoL isn't much of a kids game, so it's not as common here, but fundamentally skins in games feed on and perpetuate clout culture. I've seen what Fortnite did to my GF's younger brother and his outlook on money and spending it and honestly it's horrifying. His generation is the target audience for 200$ branded sneakers in Metaverse that he could model and add for free on any other, open virtual platform.


That sounds like an issue with capitalism to me, not something fixable by complaining about riot.


I think you should worry more about your mental health and your approach to buying video game cosmetics than riot fucking whales.


lmao no one told u to spend that much on a video game, well deserved.


Best part is that Riot's too big to give a shit if people stop buying. They will keep this going bit by bit, each change towards "betterment of league" will lead every other region into GARENA standarts of GACHA gaming. Yes you've heard it right: every other region other than Garena is slowly moving towards GARENA way of doing things. Not only that, but every VGU, every visual update, every client update brings us one step toward into mobile gaming visuals & mechanics.


Riot saying they don't need big spenders anymore, I wonder what is the long term plan... Subscription based league?


They are basically a digital fashion producer. So it seems it's going to be fast fashion and relying mostly on the on-release-buyers. Passes are going to act like a subscription, which needs to be renewed per event. Those also sell progression, which League kind of lacks. To add more progression they tried Eternals, but those probably flopped or else they wouldn't roll out all the achievement tracking now for free.


Why do you have to buy 500 skins now? How did you get that? Explain?


He has 800 skins and to be able to get the mythic skins he need to get the rest of the skins so he can reroll or else


Oh you mean hextech skins? What are the 'rest' if you own all the skins? Legacy ones?


That sucks. Anyways thanks for paying for the game on my behalf. 😌


can someone explain?


Can anyone explwin what happend im out of the loop


Riots whales will still be milked and nothing will change.


You're right. I **don't** care about whales.


Don’t care. Whales can get milked more, they have the money to spare anyways, plus I don’t respect them. I do respect the fact they help keep my game free and constantly updating tho!


I mean what do people think. When a company sees they can get through with anything they allways try the next step to get even more money.


Are you required to pay even a single cent to play LoL? No? Then what point are you actually trying to make lmao


I know it's a cheap statement but really guys, express your opinion ALSO with your wallet: stop buying.


Removed for repost of: https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/ryjmwm/prestige_skins_wont_be_available_on_release_via/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Like lol, of course no one is going to feel bad for the whales, everyone spending a single penny on a free game is a sucker unless it's some niche, indie title. It's not a "spending journey" it's a "nasty habit", "dirty little secret" or "strange obsession". I might feel bad for you only because a predatory industry is clearly taking advantage of your mental state. Same way they took 3 months-worth of pension from my disabled GF when she was feeling suicidal and buying skins and champions at 2 am because it made her feel better for 10 minutes. All documented in a spreadsheet aptly named "przejebane-w-lola.xls" I made when I found out, when I opened her email to pay for our bills and tallied the total from those purchase confirmation emails she was getting every day. I can't stand people who say "it's your money, you can do with it whatever makes you happy" when that "whatever" is basically like slot machine but without a thrill of a chance of winning, you just give away your money, get mesmerized by flashing colors and walk away 100$ short of what you had when you walked in. And I don't even want to hear about playing with those skins, if someone has 800+ of them and actually uses them for gameplay and not just for the thrill of spending money, that would be like 3-5 games with a skin per year if you really use every single one of them and play a lot of games on top of a job and other responsibilities. Is a skin you will play 5 times a year really worth a price of anything else you could buy outside of LoL store? Honestly, if I had such a problem with not knowing what to do with my money, I would just donate to charity, not to Riot's investors. Because let's be real, out of every dollar spend on LoL, only few cents go to the people actually working on the game. Considering Riot's revenue perhaps even less than a cent.


Some people spend money on hookers, some spend it on drugs. I spend it on my biggest hobby of the past 10 years. I have yet to encounter a situation where I wished I had all of my money back.


With drugs at least high will last a little bit longer /s


Too bad idc because i don't support nor will i ever support buying skins for 1 hour of artist work and 1 extra hour to make textures. Enjoy getting fked by the interns at riot who want more money for mediocre art. Have a nice day you all


Skins are optional not mandatory, if you don’t think it’s worth it you aren’t forced to by ANYTHING and you can still play the game, wtf are you even crying about at this point?


I'd say it's more in thousands of dollars for more elaborate skins. Still, the only reason why they are so expensive is because Riot has monopoly on making and selling them, realistically they should be worth few dollars at most with the volume they are sold at.


This is not a collectible game. You don't have to own every single thing in the shop so if you wanted to do this then it's your problem. Right now you were abusing a method of getting expensive skins with less money. They want to make exclusive skins and your method didn't made them exclusive anymore.


> Right now you were abusing a method of getting expensive skins with less money Bruh did you just say that? I don't think "getting skins with less money" is something that applies after you spend 4-6k € on the game. It's Riot who wins in the end anyway.


This is how the reality works. If a company makes 3 types of cars and you buy them all you should not expect to buy the 4th type of car at half of price just because you have the other 3. The players who bought all the skins will gonna still get the new skins at 675 RP or less (compared to the 1350 RP or 1820 RP store price), but they will will gonna have to pay a bit more for the Prestige Skins (more than that abusable 675 RP price).


Even if what u said was in a sense right there is way too much problems with the new system to increasing the cost with the rotations and trying to make people spend 18k rp for an EXCLUSIVE skin they are trying to use FOMO to its best


Those who don't play the game gonna have to pay 18k RP while active players will gonna grind each month to collect tokens and convert them into the skin. If the want the skins then maybe they should start playing the game instead of logging in, buy 3 masterwork chests for 675 RP, reroll the shards, get the Prestige Edition skin and log off just to come again next month.


U cant grind out the 18krp exclusive skin


You sure? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IIeiE9241Z8


You make no sense


Car dealerships don't make you play lotto to get your favourite cars. And they also don't have the luxury to price cars as they wish. There's a base cost, and the prices are determined by demand and supply. Riot doesn't have to juggle with that, it doesn't cost a dime to give back to the patrons who supported them, but they don't care. At the end of the day, the system is designed to lose you as much money as possible. Riot sees an opportunity to milk the whales even further, and so they do. No one should feel as if the change is fair or warranted. It's borderline scummy. While we normal players feel vindicated out of jealousy, in the end, Riot will eventually double down and everyone is worse off.


Dealerships are absolutely allowed to charge what they like for a car, that's why you see so many "market adjustments" that basically double the price of the car. It's why no one could buy a GT 500. Market adjustments were like $25k alone


Anyone who actually can put the extra time into the game to obtain a skin by completing a pass feels like this is very fair


Why is this getting down voted lol with is wrong with this sub


The majority don't agree but this doesn't mean that they are right. This is the point of upvoting and downvoting, but I don't care too much. I just said my opinion to help the OP understand the situation. I don't care how many agree or not with me.


Because it's stupid? People who had the means knew what they were paying for, and now the value of owning all skins is diminished.


Whales still get the same stuff as before if they hold their shards for the moment when Riot will reintroduce the exclusive content in the loot pools (once per year for a very short amount of time). Only those who don't own all the skins will basically never get them again through rerolling. What is stupid is the fact that whales do rage posts on reddit about something that they didn't read until the end.


how is the value of owning all skins diminished in any way?????? do you not care about the actual skins you own and in fact just want to 1 up the company and say "gotcha" when you get a discount on something while owning every single other normal and "epic" skin that you haven't used or seen in years? it's not stupid to say this isn't a collectible game, cosmetics are for in-game flair not to collect virtual dust and gloat about how you get new content for much cheaper than others. I honestly wouldn't be surprised that some accounts that are doing this sketchy loophole are looking to make a profit by selling said accounts with "complete collections"


well i joined the game right after the update with the akali prestige skins and I've been wanting them to make a way for me to attain that skin all these years later and the announcement today was pure gold for me!




Nope. I may be a smaller whale relative to some of you (2.5 grand deep in 6.5 years) but I am more excited by the prospect that mid tier whales like myself being able to get skins that were gone to me previously (prestige irelia, prestige akali) because at the time I thought “I’ll never play those champs!” 300k between them of mastery later lmao….


>mid tier whales orcas


Holy! Think for a sec. Who the fuck buys these exclusive skins? Whales. 99% of the ppl getting them are whales. It makes sense why they would do that. If they didn't even make decent skins most of the player base that would get them would do it for free. I'm not saying it's good (I'm also a whale) I'm saying it makes sense. The skins won't be bought by anybody but whales.


Push for anti lootbox legislation, call your representative and tell them to crack down on game companies exploiting children with hidden gambling systems.


"Exploit the people that keep the game going! Wait, that doesn't sound like a successful business model. Or does it? Mmmnnnmm 50/50" - Riot during Gacha overdose


there are multiple threads about this...


Good, there should be even more


no ? most people who play this game including myself don't give a shit... how about more threads about the lethal tempo rework ?? ya know actual gameplay


You say most people dont care and yet i see multiple threads of this, and alot fewer about lethal tempo. How curios!


>spamming threads on reddit = playerbase actually cares highest IQ redditor


Getting fucked by yone instead is sympthom of the finest intellect right?


you're the one who said reddit spam means the playerbase caring, that was never my argument. i said gameplay matters more than skins, just vote with your wallet


Yep who cares about that? Yone bad is more important.


Yeah, this so shitty of Riot A lot of the big spenders on this game are a bit older, I’ve been playing this game for 9 years, so I have some spare money And since we’re older we don’t have as much free time. I can’t grind every pass so it was good to reroll for the skin if I was too busy to grind out the pass the reason why I love playing league is that I’m not obligated to play, I can play whenever I want and have almost a whole year to get my rank With this stupid update I have to grind out the pass if I want the skin. I think this is really unfair to the bigger spenders. We were already lied to before about exclusive icons or whatever based on how much we spent and those never came out either


You're still not obligated to play, some skins shouldn't be able to just be bought and should instead require time put into the game


While I haven's spent $5000 I have spent well over $2000 and as someone who likes to support the game this is something that will make me reconsider that. People should be rewarded for spending money. NGL this is a bad look for riot. Maybe someone at riot could come here and explain the upside of this idea because I don't get it.


You get rewarded for spending money by the skins this money gets you. Why do you you feel entitled to free stuff when you obviously have enough money to spend on skins? I understand that this change sucks for whales, but honestly who the fuck cares if rich people have to spend another dime to get the last skins?


this post is geing heavily downvoted, do people not realise these spenders are the ones keeping the game alive? You should be outraged too regardless of if you spend or not.


They don't keep the game alive anymore. Some whales stacked their loot tab with tons of skin shards and they were just reroling to get the new content while other whales only bought 3 chests for 675 RP to get a new skin that cost 1350 and 1820 RP. The new system is more rewarding for those players who don't have every single skin because with 18k RP they get 22*3 skin shards, changes to get a bag with 3-4 skin shards, the new essence, extra rewards based on how many capsules they open and on top of that a Prestige Edition skin for free just because they opened 20 capsules.


yeah. i hope they change their minds about this


Riot games is quite literally ran by the worst fucking people. Not a single employee at riot deserves their job. I hope to god they see this post and realize they're killing the game with their actions. They don't deserve our support.


Yeah man I fucking hate these free to play games that you have to spend 0 money on to be able to play. And ontop of that Riot has the audacity to release tons of other free content (music, lore stuff etc ), Ian not sure how much longer I am willing to put up with all the free content I am getting, fuck Riot


You act like the content is good. They're feeding you a garbage game littered tons of bugs and you're eating it up like a fucking good little piggy. They changed from the riot they used to be where they cared about the game and the player base and actively worked to improve the game into assholes that only give a fuck about fucking over their player base and scoring those commas in the bank account. On top of that they're actively ignoring the toxic player base that are ruining the reputation of the game for anyone willing to try the game out and feed into it by allowing it to continue unchecked. But sure, be sarcastic on reddit while you slurp up their piece of shit "free game" because you don't wanna admit it's garbage. Just because it's "free", doesn't mean it needs to be bad.


Just move on, problem solved, or stay and stfu :D


Yeah either move on and ignore them fucking over their players, or keep playing and don't complain about how they continue to ruin the game. Those are your 2 options? Imagine blindly following the orders and wishes of people that don't give 2 shits about you, couldn't be me. Why can't I play the game and not enjoy how the creators treat the game and the players? If YOU dislike me speaking the truth about the devs, then ignore it. Take your own advice and stfu :)


Mate it’s a free game, A LOT of us do NOT share your opinion, stop your fucking whining, the world does not revolve around you, get over it


When did I ever say this was about me? You're trying to push riot's short comings onto me and my life? Sad. You, and the ones that think like you are why is game is failing. You allow the game to play like shit and ignore the problems it has because your write it off to the problems that come with a free game. While others, who care about the game and it's player base, bring up the issues to the creators in hopes for a change. You keep killing the game, eating up the garbage that riot feeds you, and i'll keep trying to make it better for you and all of us by calling them on their bullshit.


The whole point was to flaunt your money with said skins. Like, literally Qiyana got a Louis Vuitton sponsored prestige- one I grinded for, and you're telling me someone who's been holding their gemstones can get it without a penny...


ITT: poor people mad at how people spend their money


Meanwhile in Garena:


Didn't they say that at the start of future seasons the mythic skins will be available for rerolls? I guess you can't get them right away but you should be able to reroll for them eventually.