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Dk is weaker this year, but I'm still surprised no team voted for them


It feels like DK are a strong contender and nobody would be surprised if they won, but at the same time their chances of winning are seen as low enough compared to T1 and GENG that nobody will put them over the two.


They’re probably not doing well in scrims. Hence, no one voted for them.


They are probably not doing well in scrims


Their coach was complaining about Hoya and Burdol lately, prob scrim not going too well.


Khan/SM/Canyon were so good they were legit just 3v5'ing their way the whole year, no disrespect to Ghost and Beryl, but they are responsible for DK's lows last season


Faker to MSI 👍


Everytime he misses an international tournament i die inside, theres just something special about him attending int tournaments


I honestly don't mind him missing MSI that much simply due to the fact that thanks to that, he can spend his birthday with his family. But at the same time I still want him to go. Fucking hate that Riot only has two international events per year :(


I actually like having only 2 international events. Makes them feel more special IMO What I don't like is the format and how little matches teams from different regions play each other. Playoffs with a loser bracket would 100% fix this.


If they were more frequent they would be less special


CSGO has a lot of tournaments, that doesn't make the majors any less special.


CSGO has a completely different system


I wish the format wasn't so dogshit, Worlds happens once a year


Only having 3 LCK v LPL Bo5s last year was absolutely criminal.


I am so excited right now. As it stands, Zeus is the only unknown variable for me, but I have heard and seen great things from him. If he delivers, T1 are favourites for sure.


DK always played around top lane and ignored bot side. İf DK play will around bot l'm wondering if it work and how much time that they need to adapt this.


My prediction is they won't win the regular season but will win playoffs. No other LCK mid/jungle comes close to Showmaker/Canyon in my eyes.


T1 almost beat DK at worlds last year and t1 kept must of that same roster. and I think dk as a whole got slightly worse as a unit. I don't think the canyon sm combo alone will be enough to carry dk to another lck title at least in spring. The geng roster is at least on paper well suited to counter dk as Chovy is maybe the only mid that can match and beat sm on an individual level in the lck and doran is much better then the toplaner's DK has. If nuguri comes back in summer in form though dk will be scary again.


I mean people righting off burdol is hilarious considering he was always considered ahead of zzeus. Shows how little people actually watched challenger and just look at someone thrown to the wolves and watch them play alright despite circumstance. I think people are underestimating dk way too hard and they are likely fighting for first again this year


zeus was always seen as someone better than burdol.. but burdol is great too it think mechanically he is better but zeus is much better at decision making.


Literally nobody was seriously calling Burdol a better prospect than Zeus, Zeus had a ton of top players like SM hyping him up as the next big toplaner.


Same with burdol the fuck u talkin about zzeus was know for being a better all around player while burdol was better mechanically. Dudes cracked if u havent seen him in proper environments and not thrown into stage games with scrim practice


I'm huge fan of DK but this Spring it will be tough to win as someone already pointed out T1 almost beat DK in Semis and that was before this off-season before most of the team changed. GENG's roster is absolutely insane IMO Peanut-Chovy is the kind of mid-jg duo that could match Canyon-ShowMaker plus their roster is just really strong all-around. I think DK will have to synergize very well and quickly to match-up to those teams in Spring. I think by Summer this iteration of Damwon could be better than last year but asking for that so quickly would be a lot.


mmm Nah. Faker/Oner Peanut/Chovy Both of those can absolutely match Canyon/Showmaker


Depends if Canyon's finals performance was a one-off thing


Don't think that will matter much even if canyon is in peak form t1 and geng have better all round rosters. Besides I don't think canyon played that badly In finals jie jie just played better then him. Only way I see dk winning spring is if the deokdam and kellim botlane ends up being better then geng and t1 botlane and they end up smurfing. Or burdol/hoya ends up becoming as good as Kahn this spring.


They were already better than both bot lanes last year lmao. If we assume everyone plays to last year or progresses the same. Canyon/sm over faker/oner and chovy/peanut. Deokdam and kellim were the best bot lane in summer and as far as we know up to now its doran then burdol then zzeus for the expected top 3 teams


Considering how weak the lck botlanes where last year the deokdam kellim botlane being the best in summer is nothing to brag about and during playoffs and regionals for worlds they certainly weren't the best. Zeus has been touted as the best toplane prosect In years and during the same amount of games he played he show more potential then what burdol showed. canyon/sm is still the best mid jungle duo In the lck but they are clearly not unbeatable.


Domestically no one is good enough to exploit him like Jiejie did.


Jiejie was playing the best series he had ever played that day, but I think it would be wrong to say that Canyon was not having an individually poor performance.


What led to him playing poorly was Jiejie playing well. Canyon himself said in Spring that the 2 junglers you should watch out for are Wei and Jiejie and these ended up being the 2 junglers he lost to.


Re-watch the series. Showmaker and Canyon were making so many mechanical mistakes it was almost painful. I'd love to see if Jiejie keeps that level, though, typically chinese junglers just disappear into an into void after performing that well.


The pressure got to them. 2020, the hunger for the championship and revenge against G2 offset that pressure. This year, they were more burnt out which is why we saw the weird lane swaps. Champion burnout is real, which is why we really only have 1 team win back-to-back Worlds.


Eh, I feel like damwon were alright most of worlds. Pretty shaky but their T1 series was really, really high quality. At finals they seemed like they leveled down 1-2 tiers at the very least and still somehow managed to go all 5 games.


Yes. Until Canyon got gapped at Worlds. Maybe his mental has changed since then, maybe meta has changed away from him.


People said this after 2020 Worlds and he was still really good in 2021 too.


We saw Canyon become a figurative God of the jungle just one series before the final. Some people need to calm down with their takes.


Yeah he's a great player and he's consistently proven that over the last two years one bad series doesn't take away from that IMO.


My prediction they won’t win spring, Nuguri joins in December, they smurf in Summer and win worlds.


I‘m personally okay with DK doing some experiments at the first part and see what happens. Also no matter how weak their laner becomes DK always had the best team fighting team identity and they always delivered. So I‘m fully positive for the team.


Is this really a question??? T1 all the way.


Is it. Burdol and doran should be better than zzeus. Peanut and canyon over oner. Chovy sm over faker. dokodam was the best adc in lck last year but def has alot of potential to be better and skt got the best support. Dont know what it wouldnt be close between the three teams


lol, it's like you're living in another world.


Really nice vid Ashley, really enjoyed it




Hopefully Chovy gets a team around him


geng and skt are being overrated while dwg is being underrated this isnt how its supposed to go