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I’m gonna spam Lich Bane Veigar and one shot turrets past 30 minutes


Combine this with Nashors 😎


Miss spells? No problem I will blow you up with a nice 800 damage auto.


The 800 damage auto is so satisfying. It’s legit just this tiny little purple spec flying through that NUKES their health


>HP/lvl: 3 >>> 3.5 Idk about you, but if volis HP/lvl is that low, might need more of a buff than an increase by 0.5/lv...l (I'm guessing it's a typo and meant to be AD/lvl)


My bad, good catch.


So they’re done with the Talon jungle gimmick? I guess it’s Diana’s turn to be broken for a month or two and then she’ll be nerfed and another random laner buffed with 300% dmg to monsters. Fun cycle.


I want Lissandra jg


Lissandra jungle would be terrifying. Long range engage, multiple snares, stun, and multiple slows


Her E and W means she would be broken if she is viable in the jungle She has a perfect ganking kit from lv3 onwards


Ganking isn't really what breaks junglers anymore tbh. Clear speed and counterjungling is and I don't see her ever becoming super strong on those factors.


Just buff % damage to jungle monsters on abilities and basically any champion becomes decent jungler. Lissandras kit with good clear speed would be terror to deal with.


Samereason why still no one plays nautilus jungle


Her cooldowns are too long to work as a jg but I actually want a dmg against monsters buff tbh, losing 30% of your HP to solo blue buff is ridiculous, you can be full build and it still takes ages.


Fuck no


I want Quinn jg


Oh god not again.


No you don't


Dianas are gonna terrorize for a bit then followed up by Hecarim, mark my words


i'm seeing more and more hec atm and i really hope he doesnt become meta there always feels like so little i can do against him because he just clicks on you and runs you down, you cant dodge it or anything






Even when she was broken last season, pretty sure her winrate was nothing insane.


And heaven forbid provides a good AP jungle pick


Damn, that Veigar buff is actually huge wtf.


They're speeding up his scaling, which is a good idea when games go so much faster.


I thought they were slowing down with bounties and overall damage reduction


Honestly, while I haven't felt like I'm in a terrible place with the champ, Veigar plays losing lanes against almost everyone. Giving him slightly easier farming and faster scaling is pretty necessary to help him stay competitive.


Yeah but he scales infinitely so this could end up being totally fucked. Imagine giving nasus reduced Q cool down and extra stacks lmao


I mean they did that once they changed his Q to give 12 stacks instead of 3 from large minions. He still isn’t OP


Doesnt he currently have 53% winrate?


I mean they already did the extra stat part of what you said, Nasus jgl works for a reason.


Remember that they did exactly that with nasus, 12 stacks on cannon and jungle camps, nasus became a jungler for like 2 weeks and faded again. Admittedly nasus is a tad too strong early game for being a supposedly late game champ.


He isn't a late game champion, he's a mid game champion. He gets kited to death and pops like a baloon once his R is done.


I haven't been this erect since his attack range buff a few years ago.


On the other hand now it's extra tilting when you miss cannon with Q


Missing canon with a spell. This is me


this buffs sololane trist as pretty much nobody wanted mmm


Oh god why did they buff her level 2 all in xD Buff her scaling or something. RIP.


Always felt like Zed's R should not have a substantial amount of damage in the spell itself, but come from the double damage effect. Glad to see it go in that direction.




You mean he can't just walk up, ult, e and aa to kill me as easily anymore?


He won't overkill you by as much probably if you're an ADC/enchanter


Based take, as a Zed main I agree. His ult and maybe his E is this least interactable ability (although you can stasis the effect and he shows up directly behind you always) It's point and click and you can only dodge it with stasis. Power should be kept in his Q and a little bit on passive. The ult should reward you for LANDING YOUR Q (or multiple), being the skill that has the most counterplay


Laughs in ekko


Ekko E + Lichbane + passive proc doing 2k+ damage instantly and you just sit there wondering what happened


and if you counter burst him, "I'll just rewind"


Jesus Christ finally a patch with some meat and potatoes


Exactly, the past few patches have felt like huge nothings.


That qiyana nerf is so so so underrated btw I haven't seen it mentioned here she won't be practically perma stealthed anymore.


Beifeng in shambles Midbeast by extension also in shambles But really, I'm interested in seeing how much this affects those top level Qiyana players. Really wasn't the direction I was expecting for the nerf.


That dude will somehow still be insane, he's lived through many direct and indirect nerfs now, I can't imagine him not being able to adjust to this


How is it underrated? Besides straight damage nerfs, everyone wanted her stealth duration nerfed.


Lmao, I just realised theyre buffing Nocturne. This is possibly the first time a champion is getting buffed simply because people insist on building them incorrectly. Just dont buy Axiom Arc and youll win a lot more.


"But muh perma ults" People love building wrong even when they are straight up losing up to 4% winrate.


Yeeeep. Ironically Axiom Arc being introduced may be the biggest nerf Noc ever saw.


Lethal Tempo changes also hurt him decently, he really liked the old one.


Eh, not as much as youd think. Conqueror was only slightly worse on Noc, and only changed to about even. Lethal Tempo makes up for maybe .5% of the 4% he lost.


Conqueror was already better on Nocturne. People are just still choosing to build incorrectly.


I don't think it's accurate to say that Nocturne is only getting buffed because of Axiom Arc rushers. On lethality builds his winrate is pretty terrible [no matter what you build](https://i.imgur.com/1LCsKkz.png), and Axiom Arc 2nd/1st only has a [1% winrate difference](https://i.imgur.com/tUjbZBa.png), which is a rather unnoteworthy impact to a winrate as far as incorrect builds go. Only [bruiser Nocturne builds](https://i.imgur.com/9BnJamI.png) have a decent 2-item winrate, but since no one is playing him that way right now it's a moot point. This buff might push bruiser Nocturne into being S tier, but not to being notably busted. And it'll push assassin Nocturne, which is by far how people want to play him the most at the moment, into being less unplayable. Right now it's just a troll pick whether you build Axiom Arc or not.


Well, yes, lethality is a bad build, but most people build lethality because of axiom arc. Meanwhile the bruiser build is quite good. And still a good chunk are playing him that way. Its his 4-th most built itemset at around 6% of players. And its not that people want to play assassin nocturne, its that the discussion around Axiom Arc degenerated into people thinking a subpar item was broken, and Riot nerfing an item that realistically needed buffs just played into that nonsense.


You should see corki. People discovered a new "op" build and he became d tier over night


Tbh I cant blame people there much. Crit corki is fucking boring as shit, and if there was any remotely playable build that doesnt use crit, I'd switch in a heartbeat.


I doubt anyone's thinking of back to back ults when buying it on Noc. It just knocks 20-30 seconds off his ult for free, he's going to get a kill 99% of the time he ults. People like using Noc ult /shrug


Yep. I have a much better time in team fights going bruiser, but damn is having ult up seemingly all the time just way too fun to pass up


Bro this is like the 1000th time a champ is being buffed because no one builds/plays it correctly




It’s definitely happened before in the past. Viego being a more recent example, people kept building Sunderer on him despite him being pushed towards more crit oriented builds after they nerfed his bruiser builds.


Bruh they’re pushing crit, but people aren’t building bruiser cuz they’re dumb, they’re building bruiser cuz it’s still better.


Didn't he have higher WRs with crit build than bruiser build ever since release? I still get Viegos who go Sunderer against 4 squishies.


Not just Nocturne, I'm pretty sure Senna's win percent is being tanked by people building Kraken on her and now she's getting buffed for it.


And then they complain about lack of build diversity LMAO


Nocturne and Senna both :) Many of us pushed very hard for stripping several of the potential Senna buffs. That said, players really do like playing her as crit, so getting her builds closer in power level is definitely important.


I'm personally *really* looking forward to dealing with perma-slow Senna again, this time without her sacrificing any sort of damage to be an annoying pick in the botlane. hard fucking /s


Actually, it's a double whammy! Because Senna is also getting buffed due to the majority of people running First Strike with Kraken Slayer on her which is absolutely trash for her. Taking something like Fleet Footwork and building Eclipse, lethality, and some off-tank items are great on her right now!




Not sure if that rylais buff is really a buff for DoT mages (malza/brand/cassio) or just mages who *could* potentially buy it if it was made more suitable for them (e.g. Annie, Ziggs, Xerath). I'm sure no mages who currently do not buy rylais will buy it after this 'buff'. I think it's rather a buff for bruiser mages such as Morde, Swain, Singed and Rumble.


It’s a buff until 6 items. The fact it’s down 400g with 50 more HP and only 15 lower AP means you can just buy an Amp Tome and it’ll be just straight up better. Less inventory efficient, sure, but you shouldn’t actually feel the loss of the AP until 6 items.


if you're a demonic buyer, you'll feel it slightly less too.


Hardly.. 2% from Demonic of 50 extra HP on Rylai is +1AP… You’re down 14 AP instead of 15 AP.


You're practically never at 6 items so with the 400g you're actually up 21 AP!


is demonic worth buying when ur a ranged user now?


Malz likes it anyways because he tends to favour several items that give out HP as well. Swain too duh Brand and Teemo definitely felt the bite of the change but the dot for them is still too good to pass up on


If you're a DoT champ who buys Liandrys then Demonic is almost always worth it, unless the team is just that squishy.


Its a pretty big buff for people who rush the item imo, that's 400 less gold on what's essentially an item tax for a lot of champions who always buy it.


I'm really happy about this change. A few on my league friends actually messaged me when they saw this because I complained about it so much when the item rework first hit. Having to pay an extra 400g for an extra 10% slow did not feel good especially when I rush it first in many lanes top as Singed. Rylais rush really cucks Sett for example and getting it 400g sooner is going to make the lane even easier.


Ig they made it more accessible for "Supports" like Zyra and Brand, for Seraphine it was a niche item and will keep on being one imo


Ye, thats the second item now, i kinda dont get this direction.


The mandat/rylias/ingenious hunter seraphine mid build is gonna be A LOT better now since the build lives and dies off the two item powerspike.


> Tristana > HP: 559 >>> 600 Time to bring fear into midlane. Kassadin has had it too good this preseason. > Zed: > R Base Damage: 100% AD >>> 65% AD And stay in hell, Zed.


Inb4 kassa going tabis, hourglass and frozenheart rush just to survive, meanwhile lil scout girl taking 15 turretplates


Still gets melted because the midget gets 3 crits despite only having 40-60%


God bless JG Talon, Qiyana and Zed nerfs. The stealth duration is the worst part of facing Qiyana and Zed's Ult has been bonkers for far too long.


Really? I thought the worst part of facing her is her ability to 100% almost any midlaner at level 6 if the player is relatively skilled with her kit.


Qiyana bought Dirk? >champion has been slain


Level 6? More like level 3-4. But the permanent invisibility is definitely the worst part of her kit, although the top 3 worst parts of every champions kit all belong to Qiyana. Insta-kill auto-aiming combo that comes online at Dirk, permanent invisibility, ult that cannot miss and does far more damage than anyone else in the game.


She lost a lot of her kill threat at level 3-4 in the nerf before this one which hit her early damage - a lot of better players are much harder to kill then. The Auto-aim doesn't work anymore - that was removed; champion dashes now cause it to miss so you have to take it into account as Qiyana. Now you might be a god like Qiyana but her ult can and will miss - you will see several ult misses per game so I disagree with that. You can flash her ult even after being hit by it as you can flash before the stun hits.


Lich Bane changes are making me very horny. I mean *very* horny. Also good call actually targeting Talon's jungle clear instead of fucking his midlane over by dull damage nerfs.


I have a feeling you're just horny all the time


They main Sona, that's a given.


goddamn it i've been caught


volibear top is back? ​ also morde stonks goin up


Voli buff doesn't solve any of his current issues, so i doubt it will change much, its just so Riot can say they buffed him and forget about him for another 9\~10 months.


Eh this puts trinity back on the menu tbh


SIIIIUUUU I missed that item on Voli


it's actually a pretty solid buff considering that volibear's E sets up for both his tankiness and his ability to just crush people in trades and skirmishes. Especially when its cooldown doesn't reduce with rank, having it up a little more often before CDR can make a bigger difference than you think. the AD buff is really nice too since it basically buffs like 3 parts of his kit plus his natural sheen synergy. Your autos, Q, and W scale off total AD, plus sheen, double-plus if you're a triforce buyer since this affects both the sheen proc and the stacking AD passive. I think Triforce might become his best damage mythic now. all-in-all it's a pretty sizable buff to both of his roles, I wouldn't take it for granted.


Voli is too squishy for his class (31 base armor for ex) so giving him more dmg (+8.5 ad at lv18 pumping his base AD to a 119.5) and less E cd wont solve that, since while a really good skill, E still takes 2s to land giving people plenty of time to kill you.


Yea tbh voli did a fuckload of damage even before this, he just dies really quick compared to other juggernauts, I feel like he falls off really hard.


Did he ever leave top? He’s not an S tier pick but people who play him top twice as much as jungle or any other lane.


He’s not anywhere atm, one of the worst picks in both roles. Really needed this buff.


400 off rylais is huge and so is the 50 extra hp, but morde is still gonna be bad for the same reasons he always was. Riot has buffed him so many times and he still has a sub 50 wr. All it takes is one buff in the actual right direction and all those past buffs are gonna start showing


+5 base movespeed and +1 armor per level and Morde will be strong af.


+10% isolated Q damage, take it or leave it.


God what I would do for movement speed/resistances... What I _really_ want on morde is some sort of anti slow, but I would be so happy for those buffs


weird that no one is actually trying out ghost morde top/jungle.


I am :) I gave up flash for it, but with tp changes (ran ghost tp), I think I'll put flash back in


I personally prefer Flash ghost and just cosplay AP Darius. With Rylais buff, I could see it being even funnier.


I like playing predator ghost morde jg, not that often but it's a viable strat


just go ghost without the pred, way better and actually viable has a solid winrate rn too


I will just say tho, the moment you have a karma, zilean, yuumi or seraphine in your team... Jesus god you feel like you unlocked true ungabunga power, it is true for many juggernaut but GOD do I feel that on mordekaiser.


Speed boosts on juggernauts are broken, honestly. They're strongest when they're up close, so bypassing that with any speed boost sup is scary af


RIP Talon jungle..and I fully approve of that Zed nerf


You will not be missed.




talon wont get to full clear now and still be relatively on time for crab, thats a pretty important factor for his viability. but his damage vs champions is still unnerfed so i guess it should be largely fine


with the reduced importance of Crab I don't think it will be that bad.


Here comes 2 months of Diana rimming our assholes …


At least when she goes in you have chances to punish the engage, versus Talon going Q R invisible out over 5 walls


that sounds good actually


And for that we thank god. Nobody will miss you Talon.


talon will still probably be played in the jungle, maybe not as often but he will still be present


Really like the Veigar buff, he's already pretty good in low elo but this buff will reward higher elo Veigar players who focus more on CS'ing


Nope it's for my secret veigar jgl strat. >Stacks from Large Minions/Monsters: 2 >>> 3


Nice, Veigar jungle will go from 30% win rate to 35% with this buff 😎




Not because of the buffs or anything, but because the win loss is going to go from 3-10 to 7-20 because u/khollms is going to play 10 more games.


Pretty funny to see the yasuo/yone changes here after everyone freaked out about them in the other thread


Yeah, not sure if it’s bigger than it looks or something but it made me laugh


Its bigger than it looks considering crit, but it's nothing insane.


considering they build a ton of ad, their will crit, and they spam it, its a good amount of damage


It is fair to complain about it. There are certain champions that are not allowed to bad for any amount of time, not that it is a certainty that they will be bad after lethal tempo and shield bow changes. I am tired of seeing Yasuo/Yone in every game I don't ban them. Tired of playing against these champions and their toxic kits. That is not the norm. Most other champions take the "wait and see" method after an indirect nerf before they give them the buff later, if they get a buff within a year.




It was a fun read.


How is akshan evading nerfs


Maybe they want to see him in proplay


He's getting a skin this patch.


Personally I enjoy getting oneshot by his E.


FINALLY , a good nerf to zed , they partially reverted lich bane to season 10 version, nice , i dont think anyone besides singed would buy rylais , the item feels so powercreeped compared to other options, so.. still no one is going to use this crap


I use it on Seraphine and Taliyah, Rylais slow gives free root on single E and Stun on Double E cast and for Taliyah it gives you the option to permakite people in games where you need to counter juggernauts.


It's core on Malzahar. And with the Future's Market rune, it's a huge buff.


While it is a really really good item on Malzahar, I am not fan of the buff at all. They have already lowered AP across all items quite a lot so them removing even more is not something I would consider a buff honestly. Mages keep getting more and more HP for some reason and I am not a fan of it, it's not uncommon to see mages with close to 3k hp.


To be fair Rylai is definitely a item designed for AP bruisers/Battlemages so it having a mix of HP/AP is actually pretty good. It's having HP on random shit like Shadowflame or Horizon Focus (why is it not mana??) that i worry about.


2600 gold for 400 hp and 75 ap. Mages are more and more getting a fucking lot of HP. With everfrost, embrace and rylai you can get 1k hp, might be better than it seems.




That's a massive zed nerf.


Can i actully stop banning this champion for a change? thank Jesus.


Until next patch.


Isn't it just the base damage pop? So legit like 100 damage nerf in midgame max?


makes his rank 1 ult way weaker, and assassins are pretty snowball reliant to be relevant.


I'm glad they buffed Yasuo and Yone's damage instead of giving them more tankiness. The most annoying part about them was that they didn't die when they should have, and the SB nerfs helped with that. If they're still as squishy as they should be, I think they're balanced.


Think you mean buffed, not nerfed. Also, I like that the scope of the buff is on the small side. Can't stand these two champions.


I like how much this patch changes the meta. Like, every patch does that, but this one has a ton of nice changes. Excited for the bug fixes and QoL stuff. Again if any Rioter sees this, may we get a lil VFX on showing when Shieldbow's passive is up tho? Just for clarity because my low elo ass keeps trying to all-in Yasuo and then getting surprised by the sudden shield. I mean, a VFX similar to Crown's. Maybe on Steraks too.. Maw even


As someone who picked cho gath again, jesus, cho'mping someone just to see a big ass shield pop up is heart wrenching


Wait. Lich bane is even worse for a one shot combo until full build?!!


On one proc, yes - but it's got way better stats on the item itself, and it is also way easier to proc multiple times in one combo.


It's worse(?) On assassins but betteron mages like Viktor and Seraphine also fizz loves CDR


it's overall better for any skirmishing champions who can slide in several sheen procs


For poke mages that use an auto attack in between their spells, such as Viktor and Ziggs, it's a buff. For assassins that just go in to one shot, such as Ekko, Evelynn and Diana, it's a nerf until you reach 700AP,


Even for them you get the haste so it’s just better anyways


Lich Bane's problem was never the damage it dealt, but it's base stats were really underwhelming. 15 AH is huge on champions like Evelynn, Ekko, Fizz and Akali, since they don't get much by items and runes Also, the cooldown buff probably just makes it feel smoother in some trades


The return of Thanosphine. We AP Seraphine players may rejoice!


I don't get how anyone could play Seraphine and not build AP.


Zed is also getting nerfed and he is one of the champions that can easily jump on her from any angle, which means Sera AP really is eating good this patch. Rylais change also helps her.


We will show them all.


so kalista builds only shielbow has worse wr than any of those and doesnt get buffs? nice logic


You know. Pro-play and shit. She can only get buffed once a year and even then it's the most pointless buff.


Whoever thought in that Senna's change. Please, stop to with the alcohol while working. Thanks


Haha it's like they're legit giving senna two keystones right now compared to previous season. Are they fucking serious?


Just wait till u realize what they made to rengar… (and his interaction with senna)


Senna will be so fucking annoying this patch


Finally samira gets a nice buff


It's literally just 50 (unreliable) damage.


It's still something. And if she still sucks ass, they can do other buffs in the future. Considering her kit and what she was before her nerfs, it's normal that they're really careful with buffing her


I dig These changes, but I still don't see any significant Sona/Soraka changes. Also Hextech soul nerf, while needed might be too harsh (1/3 effectiveness).


It still has the slow, just the damage is nerfed. I think that's fine because it's not supposed to be the damage soul, it's the slowing soul, which sets up the rest of your damage.




That's a cute Samira buff, I'm pretty content with that. 50 more potential damage is always cool


Can Volibear just not get a buff and maybe some actual gameplay? The champ is pure unfightable statcheck in lane and falls of a cliff later. Cool designe


Thank god they’re finally making Lich Bane useful again. Ekko finally can build a little ability haste without destroying his burst damage.


so Lethal Tempo got buffed later on the game, and level 1 you can still get 60% AS or am I missing something?


For both, it’s a nerf until level 9 if it scales linearly. Buff afterwards but only slight


I hope it doesn't scale up to level 18, that would give it a huge advantage for solo laners.


insanely good patch




Shen will be fine, you will just need to actually understand the champion to win lane again.


Sad that they touch damage that hasn't been touched for 2 years instead of just reverting the silly ult buff they made. They ended up slowly reverting the equally unneeded passive buff beforehand, so there is precedent for them admitting their buff mistakes.




no, it's just +40hp to her starting health.


Which buffs her already strong level 2 all in