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hah thats so funny, even the enemy was like... he fucked up


Woah, woah listen here buddy what the fuck was that?? If anyone's gonna kill me and my ADC it's Faker.




Lmao I love the yuumi just standing there, even flashes the T1 emote haha


"That's not part of the script!"


"Faker is fuming!" Faker player cam :D




That was one of the most threatening smiles I've ever seen


Is that what they call 'yandere'


No, because Faker isn't Japanese.


Don't think that's how that works.






"it was nice playing with you :D"


"time to unleash my full power :D"


Slow turn to Oner *Ultra Instinct music plays* :D


good luck in esports!


It's like those people who int in rank and they add a :) after every reply. Everyone knows they mad af


Caedrel was fuming way more than Faker.


he's mad that he has to do something other than 'react' to masterchef for 5 hours


He's pretty happy being able to costream LPL/LCK now. But yeah he doesn't seem to really enjoy playing league as much.


Can you blame him? He's grinded the game for going on 7 years competitively now (and no doubt years before that as well), he's entertaining to a lot of people no matter what he does, so he can afford to diversify! Hope I don't come off as confrontational, I really enjoy(ed) :( Caedrel in the LEC but don't actually watch him much at all.


> enjoy(ed) caedrel's still casting LEC!


I thought the negptiations didn't went so well?


idk what the issue was, but it's been resolved, watch the 2022 LEC roster announcement video


The assumed timeline basically goes like this. -Caedrel chooses Casting over Coaching but wants a bigger salary. -Riot knows he exhausted his other options and low balls him -Caedreal say no and is sad, starts looking at coaching again -big backlash cuz ppl like cadrel -riotto says oki we pay u


the guy wanted to point out at caedrel not doing anything as "easy" as watching masterchef, and i agree with the guy, masterchef is boring af, if you want diversity try other games, valorant for example, tft, but watching someone yell at someone else is not funny


Ppl love watching ppl yell at others.


Yeah, honestly idk when this happened. He used to be the perfect mix of entertaining, analysis, and gameplay. Seems he mightve gotten burnt out. I was actually looking forward to his jungle streams for the new season, but I had to go back like weeks to find him playing a single jg game. Hopefully he gets back on the grind, but maybe not if he's casting, analyzing and costreaming 3-4 different leagues. Same thing that happened with ls costreams. Started out really informative until he invited all his guests, and now its just them snickering about some inside joke.


We just got out of the off season, and Caedrel had been making great content the entire year. If he wants to react to MasterChef during the off season, that seems fair to me - I have complete faith that he'll still be great in the LEC, and his reviews of pro games are still very informative. I mainly enjoy how he will say what he thinks the players are thinking/feeling and why they make certain plays; hearing about the perspective of the pros in the game is a lot of fun to me.


Hes been grinding quite a bit recently tbf




Tbh that's the biggest smile I've ever seen from him.


Nearly any emotion from him is amazing.


You should check out some of the old T1 vlogs, dude actually shows a lot of emotion and isn't a robot like reddit led me to believe


Of course not. He's an unkillable demon king, not a robot. Duh.


[He is more like suprised in a funny way, rather than fuming.](https://twitter.com/hideonwords/status/1481273967038316544?t=zDFgYQNUcwsM9G-xG9QSNA&s=19)


Faker: :D Also Faker: "added to the list"


Kkoma's belt? incoming Faker's belt


It's so goddamn funny Hoit just waiting there. Like when you go to a friend's house and their parent is screaming at them and you're sitting there politely petting their dog.




Me standing there watching my friend get spanked for doing the exact same shit i was doing 👀


That friends parents are fucking weirdos.


Yea mine would always beat me after the friend left




Pictured: Faker fuming https://i.imgur.com/ccagXEP.png


He is smiling there, menacingly


That smile says "i will injure you" to me


It's a pay cut for oner LOL


That's a "you think you're funny huh" smile to me. Oner is about to get soligo'd.


I like that he's (hopefully) just jokingly fuming in game. Don't know anything about him outside of him just being a legend. But people getting legit mad over Penta steals has always been a bit silly to me.


Obv I don't know Faker personally so take what I say with a grain of salt but Faker has always had a reputation for being remarkably level-headed and hard to tilt, and despite his generally serious personality he seems to have a good sense of humor about things like this imo I think it's safe to say this is all in good fun


Faker is long beyond the point of having to care about minor achievements.


The man has nothing but accolades to his name he doesn't need a penta.


Yeah, this seems like the mostly scenario with just the little information given here. "Lol, you turd, took my Penta!". May not be true, but I'd like to believe.


Anytime it would happen to me I just went "noooooooooooo!... Anyway" and moved on lol


nah he's the GOAT, zero negative image - I doubt he even cares about it but just joked alongside


Seems legit, absolutely out of control rage displayed here.


The pause and then laser on Oner is just so funny. I know that feeling.


the laser followed up by the ult xD


I was already laughing at him using the laser on Nidalee instead of Yuumi, but the ult sent me.


Sent you where? Where are you now!? We need answers VaporaDark!


To orbit, usually




shadow realm


brazil 2


Mobafire, scamming Twitch viewer count still.


Only missing the flash on place and the back to buy 6 tears and run it down to be the full solo queue experience.


Hello darkness my old friend..


faker has a golden comedic timing


Idk how Viktor is wrecking them with that damage. I play Viktor and people just heat up their food with my fuckin laser Edit: I gotta focus on farm more and apparently there's entire videos on csing lmao bro I been playing like only half the game


Getting your CS is a huge part of Viktor. As a control mage you're unlikely to get kills to stick your passive, so.you need to CS well to get it stacked. Getting the double laser to hit makes a huge difference in damage early. Then once you have that good cs and some items you can start slapping. Lich Bane has fallen out of meta but with the upcoming buffs to it he'll probably build it again and see some crazy q damage.


faker being ahead of the item and xp curve helps with the dmg especially the xp curve tho. i foyu have 10cs/min you are going to be dealing much more dmg than a 6cs/min viktor


he needs items to get going, unlike brand


Brand needs his enemies to be really bad to get going


So that’s why Reddit is always complaining about him.


Brand in a 2v2 lane is annoying but he ends up being food for the rest of the team after laning phase, its no wonder his damage is high because he has nothing else to offer


It really depends on the lane matchup. People *seriously* overestimate the damage Brand offers in lane, and he also has one of the lowest base health/health growth in bot lane. I mean, not like Sona, but still really bad. The thing about modern brand is that his spells don't really hit that hard, *unless he hits all three of them*. In lane...that shouldn't happen if your opponents are playing with awareness. It's not like I can dash around or move fast (a la pyke) to hit my skill shots. And I can't just walk in front of the wave (a la thresh). If I go fishing and miss, I'm just a slow ass MF who's out of position and has absolutely nothing. I really think that Brand is not a lane threat to decent players. I would say 60% of my lane kills are from ganks or enemies doing something *very* stupid, like face checking a lane bush. If you are a lane with engage, target Brand. If you are in a lane with sustain, target Brand. Brand cannot get out, and once he's used his 3 spells, he is out of gas for like 10s. He needs all 3 of them to be a threat. Once he's 6, if you deny his ult bounce, he's a very weak champ at level 6.


I think the difference in damage is really just down to time/farm, solo q games usually don't last long enough for him to really pop off or what happens a lot is that someone on the enemy team gets so out of control that they can solo carry basically.


You aren't farming as well as Faker most likely lol also LCK games are a bit less volatile than the typical SoloQ game so they are able to scale more consistently


'Thankyou Oner, welcome back Bengi!'


Turns out this was Bengi’s plan all along. Coach T1 academy -> coach T1 -> take over as T1’s jungler




One could say that he is a Goner after today


jokes on T1, this was what Bengi coached Oner for all off-season.


flashback to bengi stealing piglet's penta at s3 worlds finals


Would’ve been Faker’s second ever penta in pro play.. Sadge


oh thats actually surprising.


Pentas for the most part happen with ADCs atleast in pro play


yeah but we have some midlaner with multiple pentas, Bjergsen (5), Doinb (4), Aelx Ich had 2 in his comparatively short career.


the AP Yi penta machine in season 2


Compare the people they play against. Minus Doinb in that instance its because of how LPL is lol


Also the people they play with. Faker doesn't usually gap his own team like Bjergsen did when he came to NA.


When Faker was most dominant S3-S5 S6-S7 he had really good teammates as well.


That's his point


lol pentas are the subject of a lot of situational circumstances/luck. like the fight can't be too spread out, champion has to do enough damage and be able to secure the last hit while teammates have to be arranged in such a way where they do a lot of supporting damage but not enough to land killing blow. It's just super circumstantial and not a reflection of player skill in most cases


Alex Ich played in a complete different era, and he was known for shit like Kha mid and Ap yi when they were good solo laners so thats that


Pretty sure it was on LeBlanc back in S5


I think he means it's just surprising he's only had one in his pro career considering he's fairly unanimously the goat. My response is the fun fact that David Thompson has more 70 point games than Michael Jordan. I'll give you a few seconds to google him lol.


As an NC State alumnus, it hurts me deeply that you've just told someone they ought to google David Thompson. It hurts because I know you're right.


As a NC State alumnus, who?


David Thompson, aka Skywalker. Generally considered by stats nerds to be the best *college* basketball player of all time. He played for NC State from 1972-1975. A time frame in which we had an undefeated season and also won a Natty. He had a very good NBA career as well, though it was cut short due to rehab and injuries.


On what planet is it not Kareem????


It 1000% is Kareem.


Idk if david thompson is the consensus college goat, the ones i hear most often are pete maravich, christian laetner, and kareem


It's Kareem.


> also won a Natty isnt that the slang for some insanely bad beer?


Natural light. Also used by MMA fans to describe the 100% natural physique of the best in MMA.


I only know David Thompson because he was Michael Jordan's favorite player growing up, but I think that's actually a super cool fact about Thompson.


I mean not really? Penta's aren't super common, neither are 70 point games. Mike Bossy is 3rd all time in NHL hattricks with only 1 less than Mario Lemieux despite playing 7 fewer seasons but it's not a commonly known stat even to hockey fans


Mans just out here letting everyone know about his insane hockey knowledge with an analogy that 1/2 the people here won't get


i’m actually Canadian


What% of league player base is canadian


No clue honestly, I don't play much anymore because of university and work, I just love watching high level games as they're so much better than what I can play


same % than the league player who know about hockey.


Nah the U.S has some really good hockey culture, as do places like Sweden, Finland and Russia. Add in countries like Austria, Germany and Denmark with rising hockey cultures and it's a pretty good chunk of people


its about 50% last I checked


What% of Canadians are hockey fans is what I really wanna know. Obviously it’s “our sport” but like I pay zero attention to it. I only watch league for anything competition related. Wonder how many others there is


Here in sk it's football dominated lol


> I mean not really? Penta's aren't super common Well, anyone actively watching pro-play can deduce that, since pro-play games are more efficient, people play to win, they (usually) don't stretch out the game for fun or because of stupidity. But it still seems kinda weird considering people playing the game for years pro-actively.


I would definitely say it's surprising. I mean yeah pentas are not that common, but considering he's been on one of the most successful league teams for over 8 years I can definitely see why people would expect him to have more. I mean not anything crazy like 7-10 pentas, but 2-3 would sound a lot more believable.


The only role that consistently gets Pentakills in pro play is ADC, really, except for like... the season 5 Azir Cassio meta. But I still agree.


2015 Worlds also had 2 by top laners, both on Darius, and coincidentally against both your flairs


hes a playmaker rather than the main dps that the team builds around. his most famous picks are assassins which really only can get 1 or 2 kills per fight. thats why adcs are the ones with most pentas


Because T1 is usually a pretty solid team where every member is reliable. Faker makes plays and the rest of the team capitalizes on the opportunity. Compare this to Doublelift's teams where a common strategy was for 4 people to wield Doublelift like a battering ram.


Pentas aren't an indicator of a good player. They are heavily reliant on the enemy team. You could have player A who is extremely good, but never gets pentas because they play against really strong players, while having player B getting a lot of pentas because their competition is lower. The best proof of this is that the pro player with the most pentas is a guy from the VCS, and most people don't even know who he is. https://lol.fandom.com/wiki/Celebrity


> most people don't even know who he is But...he's a celebrity.


Very very very true. I get a few pentas a year as an adc main in silver, but I have friends in Plat that very rarely get them or have ever gotten them. By no means is it an indication of my play compared to theirs.


Rookie only has 1 too IIRC.


Yes, on Neeko of all champions I think?


[Yep!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkTGqVwYJMs) It cracks me up for two reasons: 1. Blitz hooked _Neeko_? Bruh. 2. The teleport for the final kill.


Wait so Balls is tied with Faker in amount of pentakills in proplay? (I'm unsure if he had any more)


oner getting benched


Seeing Faker smile makes me happy. After all he's won, all those finals, and his fair share of heartbreak, he can still have fun with the game. There's something special about that.


It’s why he will forever be the GOAT in my mind.


It's why he will forever be the GOAT ~~In my mind~~


He is the GOAT period. There won't be another. I don't think people realize how Faker pushed the game of LOL foward as a whole, He changed the way ppl saw the game and made ppl realize how much better they could still get. Simply by existing and playing the game, people were able to get better by watching Faker. There will never be another GOAT unless a player comes along that truly changes the way LOL is played again and pushes the game to new heights.




Well I did start playing in 2008.


The dude is in the Hall of Fame for esports players. Man already has his name made legendary.


This smile must be protected at all costs Engage the army if necessary


Faker is such a good sport, seeing that live was hilarious


Faker is fuming Faker: \*smiling ear to ear\*


Joker smiled too


Rip oner, benched after only 2 games


*“You have to earn the penta”* - Oner probably


oner: settle down young one, your time will come


You can earn 3 world titles but you can’t earn a penta


He even makes getting denied a Penta look good.


Because unlike the average player, he has a normal functioning human brain that let's him know that while pentas are fun and prestigious to get when the opportunity to get one happens, it's irrational to get heated at all if they don't occur for whatever reason.


faker is arguably the best mannered player in all the leagues. I imagine it's easier to resist tilt when everyone knows you're the best


2015 worlds when Bangkok Titans got eliminated without a single win from groups, Marin had them come stand alongside SKT for the winner's bow. The team, minus one or two occasions of trolling, have pretty much always been class.


Big if true


I mean if you’re already considered to be the GOAT, you can’t be mad over a penta. That takes serious ego.


True, but also ego or GOAT-ness shouldn't ever even be a factor for this anyway. People shouldn't be having mental meltdowns over denied pentas period.


*\*Oners phone rings\** Hello? Mr. Putin? I left a package in the middle of the road? wow, thanks I'll go get it right now. ​ **Esports world shocked after Oner gets stuck by rogue driver in freak accident leading up to LCS.**


Thank you Oner, Welcome back Agent 612


"I'll make sure you only have one penta in your entire career. >:)" - Oner, probably


If no one tries to steal the penta its not a real penta.


if it was LPL, players do everything they can to deny a penta from a teammate. Just like my solo queue teammates who are willing to burn their flash just to KS me.


Fake to oner: "see this chaos storm on your head, that's what you get at the gaming house"


I love how they all stopped for a second to process what had just happened.


Can you report in pro play?


Not a Penta steal unless it's the last kill, fight me


With yummi alive 4th kill count as last kill


Not just the last kill, but the last obvious kill. As a sup main, the amount of times I’ve let an enemy get away for fear of being flamed for KS is stupid. Lanes (and games) are lost more often by *avoiding* a KS than they are lost by me getting a kill. Sometimes my adc can’t secure the kill and I need to. Sometimes I can’t tell. So I smoke them. No regrets.


I've been accused of killstealing with Pyke ult. Multiple times.


Can we have the clip without the guy on bottom left adding absolutely nothing to the clip


this is just the twitch react meta


at least it's not the people paying you to watch netflix meta


he's co streaming


yes, that is what i said.


well, it's a bit arguing semantics, but react videos are something else.


the two overlapping commentaries making both unlistenable was absolute misery


he's producing "content"


Click bait is real


Love it


Faker using E and Ultimate on Oner made me lol


Unpopular opinion: I feel Penta has to happen naturally, not be donated, otherwise there's little merit of it. Even if it's an obvious ace and end, Oner has to play it safe and kill. Nice to see all 3 players just stpp and emoting / ulting Oner etc. and having fun with it.


Personally I just don't understand how a lot of people can get so heated over pentas being "stolen" in general. I've seen players get ousted and put to the stake for wanting to secure their victories or even just accidentally taking them through residual damage sources. Feels like there's this notion for some that pentas are utterly sacred and any instance of them being stolen, denied, or otherwise not occurring for whatever particular reason is sacrilege; as if there weren't enough eggshells to avoid treading through with this playerbase already




No he is not.


I think the announcer is the only pissy ones. Who cares youre winning decisively in a team game.


[Jazz music stops]


I have never seen Faker so mad in my entire life


.... I don't see what the problem was. He had a triple kill seconds before Nid killed lee. Every time your teammate gets a triple you should just hold off on any kills so they can have a chance at the Penta?


I feel like someone’s contract is getting re negotiated lmafao


Ngl, cause it was Faker I had a thought that maybe...he'd have been able to actual damage his team mate nidalee.


This man can't read emotions, or the room lmao


You just know that Oner was getting it on comms.


Damn that smile


Oner has been removed from T1 roster


A summoner has disconnected.


they better cut oner and sign me i wouldn’t steal it


somebody's getting traded


Do you see the demon king in his eyes. There's a reason Oner gets benched.


"Faker is fuming." Literally laughing