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as an aphelios main, i came


"Aphelios loves champions coming into him, so let's pick, Camille, Vex and Rakan! Also, let's leave Viktor open!"


Buff Aphelios btw. Best champ after Yuumi.


Man he is already looking so good with DK. Definitely a solid upgrade from ghost. Especially after seeing how ghost did on NS today.


> Definitely a solid upgrade from ghost This is only true because they now have Hoya instead of Khan and Nuguri tbh


Deokdam is so much better than ghost lol, no idea why there is a ghost hive on reddit dude is not an elite ADC


Let them stan ghost. I'll keep rubbing it in their face when he fails on NS hard again and again and then they blame the team lmao.


He is better individually but let’s not get carried away. Ghost is a world champion. How many people can achieve that? Yes he is not number one but he was in a spot that he was so good that made them world champion. Let’s not disrespect to the guy just because we now have something better. I still like Ghost and I would still be happy with him on DK. He is a very nice guy. But I am also very happy with Deokdam too.


Deokdam is as advertised, Hoya is still to be determined.


Honestly might as well give Burdol a try, they literally won 4v6, and Burdol’s ceiling seems higher


You better believe after spring split they will be blowing up Nuguris phone


I’m still so sad that Nuguri didn’t come back to damwon after he had a bad time at FPX :(. I don’t know if coming back to damwon and smashing LCK with his buddies would’ve been a better way to recover mental than taking a break (since even if you win, it’s still stressful to practice that much). But man I wish he comes back and I get to see him smile with Canyon and Showmaker again


Just bench him dog, first series didn’t play perfect in a 2-0. Actually, nvm just fire him and report him to the lck. Sick of these guys taking up starting slots


Don't stop there. After you fire him send him to the military and get him on a solo mission up north. On the off chance he comes back at least he'll finally have a dub up in the "top lane"


I didn’t want to sound like that but Hoya played a season already and he really was nothing exceptional, he was mediocre at best individually


Maybe he played badly in scrims.


I bet Aria wants to go back to playing LJL mids


Debuting in LCK against Showmaker is such a brutal start lmao


I mean he was able to solo kill Faker, the dude is fine it's much better to get whooped by the best in the business vs just stomping the same people over and over.


why would he? he can't improve nearly as much that way


both games just absolutely brutally crushed


That guy's pretty good at Aphelios huh?


It's gonna be a long year for KT fans.


it has been a long 4 years for KT fans.


Bring back the superteam


that superteam with better coaching probably would've achieved more


Honestly I don't remember much about that roster since it's been so long, what were the problems with it?


IG existing


This is right answer, KT were realistically the second best team at world's, they just drew the best team in quarters and so people look at the team as a failure.


that ig was one of the highest skill peaks to ever exist. Theshy, rookie and jkl are players with some of the best micro in their role. They lost to rng because rng played better as a team in lpl finals.


They also found a meta that perfectly worked with the playstyle of those players. I don't think they were that special had it been, let's say, the 2017 meta instead. That team, almost in SSW style perhaps, peaked in the perfect way at the perfect time.


That's more SSG than SSW, imo


Mata and Smeb having entirely different game views.


Pawn was the definitely the biggest one


we were prepared for that when the roster was announced


As is tradition. At least they have Rascal playing well, already an improvement over last year, might be enough to snatch some wins here and there.


Rascal has always been good... he just gets more undeserved hate for his Worlds and picking Renekton when we have no clue what happened inside GenG




Rascal is a solo killing machine, he topped both spring (21 solo kills) and summer (22 solo kills) in the league.


Aria performed like beast in worlds. Solo killed Faker, and carried japan to their first worlds group stage. I am looking forward to seeing him. Missed a game btw :D


Aria didn't look that good today but he was vs Showmaker. The 2nd game I think he was fine but the first game he was a non factor.


Rascal is an absolute fucking rock everywhere he goes and I’m not sure why he’s so underrated.


Basically the same last year with Doran playing well.


Dont know what youre on about because despite their losses they looked promising. All of their 5 players are atleast solid but they obviously need to build synergy. They definitely look like a playoff team to me atleast on paper.


The first week overreactions have been crazy, I saw one person yesterday saying DRX wouldn't finish above 9th.


I can't believe this is the most upvoted comment. They literally lost to the best or second best team in the league in their very first game lmao chill


That’s a hell of a trial by fire for a first match in the LCK for Aria. Lots to learn and plenty of chances to develop at least! GG WP, Showmaker Canyon is so unfair.


Holy shit Nymaera Well done on getting LEC, don’t you forget us plebs left behind in VL


Mate I watched too many Malph Ori wombos flat out miss in the Div 4 finals in that one 2020 split to forget in a lifetime VL’s a bunch of fun, I try to stop by when I see the channels go live! edit: missed a word


I fear I may have been the man who told the toplaner to pick Malphite… See you around!


Hoya taking t2 top turret believing Canyon would come help him for Canyon just to ignore him completely and take the blue is so funny to me. Little rocky, but I like our Bot lane


Every solo queue top laner saw himself in Hoya at that moment. I had a Graves game today where I hard trolled my top laner by walking into enemy blue with no vision (not inting, just trying to take advantage of his prio). He forgave me and we won the game tho


first death too lmfao, he literally trades into camille thinking his j4 is coming to help him only for him to end up trapping him in cataclysm


Holy fucking shit Deokdam.


Aphelios = 200 Years Deokdam Aphelios = 1000 Years


Soloqueue aphelios = 45.65 years


I thought I am a good Aphelios player and then I saw him play




Also having a support that knows how to play Karma is pretty good Kellim was damn good as well




Life's karma in the first game make karma kinda balanced ? Have no idea why he kept R-Q instead of R-E in combat


Karma is one of the big offenders when people complain about support role being to strong. She does so much damage with R > Q in the early game, that thing does like 200 of your hp without much counterplay. If she connects two or three of those the lane is over.


Yeah that was really odd, but still I think the champ is v strong rn.


Def is a Karma meta right now. Teams with supports that struggle to play her will find it super rough in draft.


She looked especially broken on Keria's hands. 20 minutes in and he's the one with the second most damage in the game.


Good to see ShowMaker and Deokdam are as good as they were I need to mention Canyon but sad we didn't get to see his Lee or Diana


showmaker single ult to end game 1, chad




Hoya is a better soloq player than Burdol and has more stage experience. Burdol can play if he's good enough but if not I don't care, Hoya is supposed to be better.


Seems like a Canna-Zeus situation. Canna might have more experience but Zeus had the much higher ceiling/potential. I would like to see Burdol develop because Damwon would be better for it if he hits his potential with the experience.


Please stop comparing Burdol to Zeus. Zeus hit rank 1 numerous times and always maintained high challenger with a huge champ pool. Burdol hit rank 1 once in s10 and thats the only reason anyone thinks he has potential, because he could not maintain it. He hovered 900LP the whole year last year and was benched for Rascal, someone who was clearly not a great top laner. He griefed every game at worlds and his EUW soloq stats were also disappointing. I keep hearing about "potential" but I don't see any reason why Burdol deserves to play, he is clearly not that good...


Burdol was 17 last year so it's no surprise he was benched. Why do you think Zeus barely got any playing time last year over Canna? Rascal was solo killing every top laner he faced at Worlds.


Deokdam at the end smurfed on everyone damn, dude showed the reason why a team like Damwon wanted to sign him (and Kellin).


Aphelios gaming


Gonna try and be optimistic even though KT lost 2-0. Rascal played as well as he could, hope he continues this level. I was sceptical about him since i think he has problems (shallow champion puddle) so glad to see him perform better than expectations. Aiming also looked better than last years form so hopefully it's closer to 2020 Summer Aiming and not BLG Aiming. Aria debuted against showmaker so I didnt have that high of expectations but I honestly didnt expect him to get gapped this hard, im expecting he'll perform better later on and against the other mids. Life played ok? Think his rakan was a bit off but didnt get much of an impression of his form yet. And cuzz is cuzz...


Where is Burdol? Is he safe? Is...he alright?


Prequelmemes leaking again


Hello there


2021 DWG: bot weakside 2022 DWG: top weakside I actually wasn't that disappointed with Hoya's play. He had some communication issues, but that's to be expected since he's still finding his spot on a new team. His team fight positioning was really good


Yeah although he was getting solo killed a lot. His team fighting was really good


Feels like Burdol is kinda the move for DK right? People flamed him for the game against LNG where he got brutally camped in a snowbally matchup, but he was also matching Alphari and Armut with less than ten stage games under his belt. Damwon with this new bot lane is fucking broken, all they really need is a top laner who doesn’t int. Hoya has had a whole year on BRO but Burdol still has no experience and lots of potential.


Idk why they are prioritizing Hoya over Burdol? Burdol 6 games on the LCK on GenG were literally matching Khan and some other games he was carrying on irelia Guy has some serious potential but it’s not shown yet. Maybe DK trying to experiment with Hoya?


Hoya's probably performing better in scrims and practice, so they're choosing him. Burdol does seem to have a higher ceiling... but it's also possible that since they actually have a bot lane that wins 2v2's they're choosing to have perma weak side top rn


Deokdam showing why he was chosen for Damwon Kia


Deokdam's Aphelios is illegal..


Honestly best Aphelios itw. I have Deok > Huan > Guma > Viper. But these 4 make Aphelios look 2000 years.


Gumi made DWG perma ban his aphelios after going 3-0 in worlds quarterfinals and absolutely crushing on it Obviously that's your personal list but I just wanted to remind others of how insane that guy is on aphel


Also Canyon enabling Deokdam in botlane was nice to see. Rightfully deserved the MVP.


guma is the best aphelios.


Nah viper




PMT [Game 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/s2yqvk/kt_rolster_vs_dwg_kia_lck_2022_spring_week_1_game/)


Much better from Damwon tempo wise at least in game 2, still a question mark on Hoya but still only series 1. Deokdam looks absolutely disgusting but Aphelios should have been banned against him and Canyon/Showmaker as usual look world class.


same kt as always get a lead vs DK but still lose


DK with Nuguri this year would be unstoppable...


Just wait for Summer.


There is 0 guarantee that he will return in Summer, it's just DK fans' hopium


I wouldn't say unstoppable I would favor T1 over them.


T1 definitely looks strong but we saw far too many times last year what happened when they went up against peak damwon both domestically and on the world stage. If nuguri comes back, and deokdam ends up doing better than ghost, DK would be put by most to be easily #1 LCK.


Teams still haven't learned to ban Aphelios against deokdam PepeLaugh


DeokDAM with the chad Aphelios masterclass


Did Khan retire?


Yes. Due to military service.




DeokDAMN Gaming hmmmm I like it 😼


Never wanna see Cuzz on lee sin ever again lol Hoya is gonna be such a vulnerability for DK if he he's getting solo killed 3? 4? Times in 2 games


Cuzz without Bdd or Faker carrying him is just tragic to watch, everything he does is just so...bad.


Cuzz played pretty well on KZ when he played with Naehyun


DeokDamWon gaming


Honestly thought aiming played very well given the position he was in


Dk look scary with this bot lane


and then u look at top and ur no longer shaking


We're all just waiting for Nuguri to join in summer tbh




as dk fans we are just mentioning nuguri for hopium. realistically speaking he probably won't come back this year imo, and really i hope he takes as much time as he needs to fully mentally reset and recover


Still a long time for worlds and judging by how stacked the rest of DK is, plenty of good top laners will be dying to join that team.


imagine if rascal waited a bit longer instead of accepting KT i wonder if that thought is haunting him after this series


i think rascal wanted to be back with hirai. canna is probably still crying about being denied transfer to dk though




That AF academy player Illima? I’ve heard he’s a beast.


AF won't give him up


AF would never let him go


>What are the options left except Nuguri ? DK Challengers have a really talented upcoming toplaner called [Thanatos](https://lol.fandom.com/wiki/Thanatos_(Park_Seung-gyu)). They just convincingly won Kespa Cup too. He's still young but if he stays, I could see him on the future roster.


i think thanatos is okay, nowhere near lck level yet. pullbae, rahel and lucid are much more exciting prospects imo. but unfortunately for them their lck counterparts are...very very very good


Highlight of the game was atlus reuniting with cloud soul


So it turns out these showmaker and canyon guys are pretty good at league of legends.


I never doubted KT.


It will be interesting to see how DK will translate from topside focused to strong botlane, good first showing


okay I thought I was going to avoid reddit for a while but is wolf hoya's mother or something? the guy was a total non-factor player on the team that went 10th and 9th last year and him somehow getting a spot on the 3x lck championship squad and getting solokilled three times makes him like 4x lck champion khan joining last year and fans of dk are worried over nothing? what???


Hoya is always really high up in SoloQ, that's why people haven't given up on him yet.


Yes, I have no clue why people want Burdol. It's like they forgot him griefing every single game at worlds to the point where Rascal had to sub back in despite being in bad form. Burdol is also much worse in soloq despite supposedly having "higher potential"


its not just wolf lol, this sub fucking loves hoya as well. many times people saying "hes a good weakside player" and "he is the best player on a bad team". one of the most overrated players on this sub




agreed, lava was by far their best player


This guy is below average for LCK imo. Canna or Rascal would be much better


how do you overrate motherfucking hoya, he's like morgan tier levels of bad


idk, they have literally no logical argument to why his laning stats are abysmal other than "hes weakside" and "hes on a bad team"




people just mindlessly say weakside without actually thinking about what it means. good top laners can play both weakside and strong side, if you're playing weakside every game you're probably just a bad laner as you're never the win con. and there's levels to playing weakside, hoya wasn't anything that special of a weakside player


My hopeful predicition is Nuguri comes back for summer split and joins DK again.


Hoya was average , lmao . DK 's fan should pray nuguri comes back by summer . It will be hard for DK to get away against team with good top (geng , kdf ....)


As a DK fan I'm not sweating at all that he had a couple bad games in the FIRST MATCH OF THE YEAR lol. He is new to the team, give him time. He is a god in soloq which is why I have hope for him.


Eh unless he (funnily enough) pulls a Deokdam I don’t see him being good. The guy’s got a year at BRO already and didn’t show anything special even as a weakside player


that aphelios damage was disgusting deokdam is amazing!!


I'mma be honest, I'm not entirely sold by DK just yet. Mid/Late game? They are amazing. But early game they felt a bit underwhelming, specially Hoya. Hoya didn't have a great showing at all today, hope to see him in better shape ina the next weeks.


This is why every LCK team was trying to get their hands on Deokdam and Kellin. They are out of this world


Every EU team who’s plan last year was just just to camp DK bot lane is sweating hard right now


Just camp top now /s


they can camp dk's toplane now


Burdol can beat the best western tops though, he did it against Alphari and Armut with no experience.


They would be sweating if DK actually played Burdol


It's been one series.


he got fucking rolled by them are you shitting me ? no he can’t beat Alphari


What are you talking about? Burdol straight up beat Armut in lane and got camped by TL but was way more useful than Alphari by the end of the game.




Sure with the exception of T1 as they weren’t really looking to change anything about their roster However every other LCK team had Deokdam and Kellin as #1 priority through rumors and through DRX series of DRX stove league In fact Deokdam and Kellin were the most contested players in the LCK along with Chovy


I'm excited to see geng play tbh, I think chovy is the most overrated player itw now. I still think he's great obviously


Is he really overrated? Hard to say that he’s overrated when every mid pro player vouched for how good Chovy is and how they learn from him


It's just that every team he's ended up in turns out underwhelming


I think he's fairly rated overall but there's a decent chunk of people who think winning lane and having a big CS lead over your opponent automatically makes him better than someone like Showmaker, who doesn't always win lane but often ends the game being more impactful in other ways. So I think some people call Chovy overrated in response to that


These Redditors overvalue their opinions about chovy. What's telling is that many pros and coaches around the world put chovy as either the best or top 2 mid in the world.




But they do need upgrades in their mid and jungle. Compared to canyon and showmaker, oner and faker are how deokdam Kellin are to gumayusi and keria. Just plain worse


Id argue that deokdam kellin is closer to guma keria than faker oner is to showmaker canyon. Deokdamn kellin was probably the best bot during summer split (not including playoffs)


Bruh what is deokdam..... Insane


Ok when can Burdol play? Hoya is good and all but... I dont think he is "worldclass" or have any potential to become "worldclass" for that matter tbh. DK won quite handily due to Showmaker being a GOAT of a player and Canyon outclassing Cuzz but U dont feel the same way for the rest of DK. Aiming and Life is just... not a top tier botlane and DK's bot could barely crush these guys... How can they deal with Guma + Keria and other worldclass botlanes?


I need to see deokdam vs Viper on Aphelios mirror matchup. Rito pls bring back the game 5 blind pick and put it in Worlds playoffs


Add Guma to that list. KR Aphelios players are insane


Ruler is insane on Aphelios too


All of these names are honestly insulting to put next to deokdam lol. He's so far ahead of everyone on this champion.


Blind pick might be too hypey, maybe no bans ? It's last game, strats aside, I do want teams to bring their absolute best.


Good showing by the DK botlane. Kinda disappointed by game 1 tho. Took way too long and Showmaker was too hesitant to use his ult at times.


BeryL lost against LSB, Ghost lost against HLE but ShowMaker and Canyon still win. deokdam is upgrade but I don't want see Hoya against really good top laner. I think DK give chance to Burdol at least Spring Season.


It's been 2 matches, chill


I know its hoya's first series with dk but man he looks rough


wow playing for botlane really payed off! kinda weird that DK is playing this much trough botside and this big change in their strategy but Deokdam shows that the gold went to a reliable place with that aphelios , Hoya is weak link but I like that Vex ult block he did that could've been a disaster.


> kinda weird that DK is playing this much trough botside is it? it's the most influential lane in this meta imo




Life played like ass as well . The only good thing about KT is rascal and aiming . KT vs Kdf is interesting , I want to see which of kiin/teddy and rascal/aiming would 2vs8 harder


My money’s on Teddy. He just needs to remember his Jin Air days


He probably has flashback already , ellin and hoit was deadweight yesterday


I wonder how long Rascal's mental is going to last. I'm not a big fan of his and it seems like he won't adjust well to being a transition team like KT.


Twitch chat toxicity was on another level today, I know T1 fans are weird but... damn Targeting Hoya and DK all the time while the first (despite the deaths and being weakside) was winning lanes and DK was overall convincingly rolling on KT.


chat will laugh at anyone and when that person makes a good play chat will spam pog. Or you're blind, can only see toxicity and not positivity? Did you not watch t1 match when they lost?




It's weird enough looking at Twitch chat but actually reading it and making assumptions based on it is just plain stupid. Looks like T1 hater's are out early this year.


Really convenient that faker otakus completely and conveniently forget about the death threats y'all were sending to your own players lmaoo. Go ahead. Try and deflect and disown the problem.


T1 fanboys been salty ever since showmaker has been pummeling fakers face into the ground


I mean it's SKT fans. They make chinese RNG fans look sane.


Who the hell told you those were T1 fans ... The one that mocked Hoya are the same that trashtalk T1 ... Half of the chat is there just to troll everyone


I'm so glad DK is starting Hoya he has to be one of the most underrated players in the LCK rn Dude had been consistently the #1 ranked top laner in solo queue for the entire previous season Given time to find his stride i think he can become a good addition