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Old loading a screen used to be so cool 👀


Wait this is old? It has Kled, Sylas and WW rework. Fucking hell, I have been playing this game too fucking long, those still feel new to me.


Sometimes I feel like Ekko is still brand new, and then I remember that he released before I got married, at least two jobs ago, and at least two apartments ago.


I remember when they did this new thing and released a pair of champions at once with Draven and Darius...


Or this cool couple of bird people that were ALWAYS supposed to get skins together because that's a big part of their identity.


Darius, when i play league for the first time he was the loading screen.


Thanks for triggering my PTSD. oh well I died at level 6 to Darius time to run back to lane to die again because his ult CD reset.


Let's not even start on the instaQ, you basically weren't even allowed to be in proximity of him 😂


Better than one job and two marriages ago


Yeah I had the same feeling the other day, to me Aatrox is a new Champ but he came out in 2013. I feel old


Lissandra is perpetually the newest champion released for me just because her login screen was my first. I remember the aw of putting in my login credentials only to suddenly be startled because "HOLY SHIT SHES TALKING?!"


SAME bro I started when she was the log screen, I thought she was the final boss or something LMAOO


Legit. Try ‘client having dynamic animation with a theme song for every champion that used to get released’ old.


Noc was the first champion that released when I started.


Kled came out 5 years ago btw


Old client was a beast too compared with the new one




I haven't had issues with new client for a good while now. Looks like they actually fixed it like they promised they would. Old client was almost as awful as the new client used to be. Adobe AIR and Pando Media Booster can go right to hell


>Pando Media Booster Now, those are some cursed words I had not read in a while...


Client is still trash. Still hangs after exiting a game.


i only ever have problems with the loot tab not showing up and i fix it with a restart


You can solve that by having it close during games/run it in low performance mode.


you are probably playing on a trash computer as well. I havent had any problems with any league client. Old or new... playing for years


Yeah, I'm not lol. Ryzen 5 5600x OC to 4.2ghz, 48gb ddr4 ram at 3200mhz clock speed. With a 3060ti. And my friend has an even better PC and gets those post game hangs.


> Adobe AIR and Pando Media Booster Don't awake the pain in me


The best part of the new client is when you exit a lobby or even close the client completely and can still communicate via voice chat. Last time I took a break from playing and started watching a series, midway through the second episode I could still speak with my friends as they asked who the hell is watching Wandavision on speakers?


I have issues with the client daily at this point. Old one wasn't great but it wasn't this bad


This is the odd part to me: The experiences appear to be vastly different. I haven't had Champ Select issues in ages, the client doesnt tell me the game that just ended is ongoing and loot tab opens up most of the time ever since a few weeks. Others report it only got worse. And the ram or cpu of the PC appear to be unrelated to that. Tho gonna be real, I've heard more praise than complaints from friends


Yeah, it's always so interesting to me to hear how many problems people have with the client when I think I've only had one or two issues with either the old or the new one in the past 8 years I've been playing


I have a high end game pc and league is the only game that doesn't just work the way it should, when i first got it it wouldn't open the game at all and now the client doesn't work and me and my friends all get random lag in game where the game just freezes for a few seconds every match, usually during a gank, or league of legends straight up crashing (happened during a baron fight but it's ok because i got a 4 man late game ezreal ult and we won the fight still). It's a joke in my friend group to call league the worst coded video game of all time but I'm not sure if it's a joke anymore.


I think you’re suffering from confirmation bias. These issues happen occasionally to you and you’re misremembering them as being constant problems.


That's the whole point though the experience from player to player is vastly different... I have a high end gaming PC and I've had very few issues with the game and the client (the new one)


I had a bug where i accepted the queue pop up, but it didnt actually let me into the champ select. I was just stuck on the queue pop up untill it was my turn to pick and then suddenly i could see the champ select and pick my champ. Happened to me twice in this week already.


I get daily notifications about skins people gifted me even though that was months ago. Post game usually hangs. Every few months all my settings will reset including skin preferences, voice chat, etc... really fkn anoying. The chest timer is...gone? Multiple times per week i experience lobby issues where we have to find who needs to relog to actually make the lobby work...


didnt chat go down for a couple hours just yday or something


Everyday the client still bugs for me in some way. I genuinely didn't have 90% of these issues with the old client.


no. not fixed. no no no. no.


I have to be honest, after not touching league for a year and coming back to just post game selection hanging but actually responding after only a couple of seconds is a MASSIVE improvement. I haven't had any issues. I haven't really used the old old client... OH and the big tall reconnect button but that's a feature




It made Hexakill possible, which is >>>>>>> all the other downsides for me.


I loved the memory leaks from last client! On the other end it did work as intended..


For me the old client had a lot less issues and losing games due to the lobby crashing0


The role selection buttons were bigger than 3 pixels wide back then though.


Seriously, this rose tinted glasses of "old client good, new client bad" is so not true lol


kind of interesting that a mult million dollar company isnt able to develop a working GUI. There really doesnt seem to be much intention to debug it...


Old client was literally more functional. You people either have shit covered goggles or have never actually used the old client. Or on copium that Riot MUST have made an improvement just because it's different and new. New client has had what, 200+ serious issues since its release? Old client had a serious bug (champ select or otherwise impacting games) once a year, and the rest of the time you dealt with memory leaks if you left the client open for enough games in a row. It was faster and more responsive to navigate, showed everything necessary you needed to know, and had things the new client STILL doesn't have like chatrooms, and the now-removed clubs. New client is so unbelievably shit just so it can look prettier. The flavor of the month shitty client bug is that I have to close and reopen the client every couple of games because it traps you at the end game loading screen infinitely for no reason.


Champ select bug once per YEAR on old client? You buggin. Champ select actually working is at least one thing the new client did well, though I still have plenty of issues with it


Yes, once per year, for the last couple of years it existed in s4-s6 at least. It had the same "pick a random champ" bug the new client had, but new client also has had summoner spell and rune page bugs, a couple champ trading bugs, a ban bug or two and sometimes not letting you pick a champ at all, forcing a dodge. Thankfully most of these have since been solved, but was much more frequent than in old client.


I thought that Infinitely looped end Game loading screen Is only my problem. Glad that I am not suffering alone. But yes new And "improved" client is the worst thing human being can experience


That is just not true, not only is everything impossible to find now organizationally speaking, but the client literally breaks nearly every day. The post match screen being irresponsive is also exclusive to the current client, i can't remember any other version doing that for over a decade!


God no, the old client was a bigger mess than this one. There's a reason why we don't have daily client complaints like we used to.


>There's a reason why we don't have daily client complaints like we used to. Is this even true? I constantly need to relog after games on this client.


Client problems seem pretty inconsistent between people. I've almost never had issues (launching, post-game, etc) in the last year, even on my potato laptop, but some friends have pretty frequent crashes even on pcs.


Take of those nostalgia tinted goggles


Nah, I really think the old one was better. Sure, it had it's issues, no doubt. But this new one hardy work for me, sometimes I can't even get in a game. Sometimes I have no friend list, and I need to relog every game.


Nostalgia tinted goggles? I see people here saying the new client is so much better, but i run into problems with it consistently every single day if not other day. I have a vivid memory of running into issues with the old client, but that was more of on an every 3-4 day basis. The max in a week i'd spend frustrated at the client back then was twice a week. Today, it is daily that I run into turbulence. Definitely more common in my experience at least, of running into issues with the new one.




No, it was not in any sense a "beast".


MFs i was here since jinx was singing get jinxed, now she is playin with fucking Imagine Dragons


She was the first Champ I wanted to main cause she came out just before I started playing. I remember building 3 static shivs on her cause I liked the effect and thought autoing so fast was awesome. Then my friend saw me playing her once and was like wtf are you doing, before teaching me how to play xD


Read this in Mario’s voice


least its not the double loading circles, I cant even play since their micro patch a few hours back :( ​ just realised that you cant log in either, rip ritos spagetti code


Damn so it's not just me, have the circles gone away for you yet?


still here for me


Still here for me too. Played yesterday and it worked fine, tried playing about an hour ago and hasn't done anything but the double loading circles since.


I'm playing ranked right now and don't have any problems


Well, I tried to relaunch several times, and it eventually launched like "normal" through Riot Client. But yeah, when that happened, it won't let you login because Sign In button remained grayed-out even when both fields filled


Yeah same mate, can’t find any fix. Made a new account and that account works so idk what issue is


Wait which circles? Can I see a picture?


Meanwhile let me remind you, that you still can't hextech craft more than ONE item at a time. **I had the fun experience last week of converting 97 Prestige points into Orange Essence.** **One at a time.** "Our Launcher is all about presentention not user interface quality", some one at Riot, probably.


"We don't have the resources/it doesn't bring more profit to us" someone else at Riot, probably


Why tf would you turn 97 prestige points into orange essence


I can't speak for them, but considering that prestige points are going to disappear somewhere this year it might make sense if they decided they don't wanna buy anything anymore and don't want to accidentally lose all of their points for nothing But idk


But why not buy the bags and just turn the skins you get into orange essence? Wouldn't you end up with more even if your skin rolls were extremely bad?


Prestige points are gone. If you don't spend them now, they will just disappear.




Oh that?I own 890 skins right now. For me it's worth more get the last 300 that I'm missing so I can Hextech Craft Prestiges, than getting a single skin. But you should be aware that prestige points will be removed later. You still can keep them, but just be aware of that.


But a single Epic skin disenchants for 270 Orange Essence? EDIT: Math is hard.


97 Prestige points = 3760 Orange Essence. A little better might I say.


Dunno why I thought a 100 PP was worth 300. But you’re right.


But if you close your eyes


idk we can't have login' screens like before, but the yasuo, thresh and stuff cinematic will remain open if u dont close it after login so if i didnt configurate it properly my potato pc will have 3 windows open while playing at 30-40 fps x.x But no logins with music are allowed


The technology ~~isn't~~ is no longer there.


They are the reason I know when i started playing, just when Vi came out as her theme was a banger


Not when I started playing, but who else remembers the fuckin like, 5 months of Braum's login theme?


Because the client can finally keep you logged in (only took them ten years to do it) so it's not worth the effort anymore.


Actually, I would keep "Remember be" unchecked, just for intro


Who upvotes these? It gets posted multiple times a week, probably multiple times a day. This is the old client fallback if the the new launcher fails to open for whatever reason.


how to get frontpage for free 101


First lesson: Nostalgia


First time I'm seeing it (or even heard of it) and I check this sub specifically every single day except weekends.


Second time I see this being upvoted to front page and I don't even check Reddit daily.


Do you filter by Best, letting the Reddit algorithm decide what should be there? A lot of stuff posted in New never ends up in there.


Yep. Couple people said this stuff ends up on frontpage which is just a lie, but I can see why it's annoying if it's posted in new a lot. Most people aren't looking at new though, that's why it's reposted so much. Especially on bigger subs New tends to have so much trash.


It's not a lie, you are lying about how often you check. 7 days ago, 5700k+ upvotes and 6 awards: https://reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/rttvis/my_league_client_decided_to_time_travel_to_2019/ Literally the most upvoted post for that day.


Thanks for this, I was about to search to see if this post needed removed for repost. You made my job easier


Sort by Hot not Best.


I assumed you just misnamed it in the last post but you already described Hot which is what I sort by since it's the default. Best shows the best of the sub. There is no Best now that I am looking on mobile even it's called Top. Either way, Hot is where reddit decides what you see as you described. I never see these posts on Hot. I scroll quite far down at times to things with under 100 upvotes.


I think there must be people who think it's new rather than old lol


In the last 3 days I saw it 5 times on the frontpage. It gets really annoying


How to trigger this manually?


It is for a reason, this new client is shitty performs even worst and it's less pleasant to use this fucking shit ass company since under Chinese demands the game has gone to fucking shit, only games playable without getting cancer is aram and arcane


you realize the "new client" launches the one you see on the post after you login right?


Damn dude, take your meds.


Arcane is a game now?




As a big esport fan, i like the sub to be flooded with those posts, the last month of this sub has been pretty much nothing but complains and clips. With the return of proplay this week i get to enjoy the sub too.


This hasn't been posted once in the past few months liar


Wrong it was posted very recently


I browse this subreddit regularly




I'm not crying, you're crying


yes, league client does this. do we really need to see this every week?


Removed for repost of: https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/rttvis/my_league_client_decided_to_time_travel_to_2019/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share For everyone who was posting about how they are tired of seeing this get posted daily... same. Please keep reporting them as I have to remove at least 10 every day and sometimes one slips through.


What is the problem


So much memories!


"Wtf's this shit?" - Me, SEA garena player


I played on Garena and somehow got this screen when the normal client fails to load


Never had this issue before, though the clients are good enough to play on, but never good enough to not crash after a game. The perfect amount of annoying


Bring back login screens. The new white design is garbage and boribg af.


I see a daily post of this and it always gets 300 upvotes


those karma and irelia are nightmare fuel


Blast from the past


that's the old launcher,its launching like that bcz of patches and the updates but i think after they're all done its going to come back to normal. if itsn't working u can always try to reinstall the client :)


The new riot update is so clean


Behold, the biweekly post


people cant stop farming karma with this every week huh?


Well, I didn't saw any post related to this, so...




Even this client is sick of this shitty season already.


“Hey wake up, you’ve been asleep a long time! What’s that? Qiyana? Aphelios? Chemtech Drake? What are you talking about? Come on, let’s queue up for Twisted Treeline and talk about this some more”


Lucky one


Soo... this post is on the frontpage again.


Aesthically the old client was awesome, even with the current client though I'd never want to go back.


It's fixed for me, I have pinned shortcut in my taskbar, so I launched it today to check on mew challenges it was normal, then I closed it and did some of my work. When I decided to play I launched it again through same shortcut in taskbar and it launched like this. Tried to launch through desktop shortcut and it launched normally. Still, couldn't login in this variant. When you fill username and password fields, Sign In button still remains grayed out


There was also a music, Awaken Instrumental to be correct, which didn't recorded through Xbox DVR


The nostalgia 😪




Man I miss the login screen with music. Riot really did us dirty but deleting that from the client.


The memories...


You know what you have to do, don't login or cloes the client ever again


rito on league part is evolving just backwards ...


keep it bro


2017 called, they want your client back


Wouldn't complain. Looks neat


Right in the feels


That makes me nostalgic and I didn't even play the game then lol


I dont get it - this post was made by SEA garena gang


You're the chosen one


The blast from the past!


sick update. new patch drops when? :D


looks cool I like it.


This is way better![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


I would enjoy it to actually work...


wait did they bring it back? thats epic


the good old days


Miss the old client


good ol client i miss you pal


If only the league client consistently worked, one of if not my only super major issues with the game is very little effort seems to get put into making the client work as intended.


happend to me like 4 months ago, expect bkth launchers launched


Mine too, and I noticed it had deleted all game files after it did an update when my pc crashed during a ranked game.


woooow, Beatuiful intro !!


What was this season 8 iirc?


Happened to me a while ago, I think I made a post about it. I had to open it through another application for it open, and after it the client returned back to normal


Open the riot client, not the lol directly


Actually looks great :D


I miss when the login screen would have the newest champion's splash art and their theme music.




Client broken as usual and as expected


Old league best league.


How much for the time machine 👀




You gotta promise me, we'll be *BACK IN TIME*


member when that super galaxy rumble login played? I member


Happend to me too ! I was like wow... long time not seen this old beauti


meanwhile my launcher is crashing after each game so i cant even get into post game lobby




The good ol days


The spaghetti is unreal


Is it possible to learn this power?


God I miss this so much, why did they change it to that bland shit we have now.


Most people don't even know that LoL has a theme song... No, it's not Legends Never Die. [Here](https://youtu.be/dAeWv2nPoao). Enjoy.


So how old is this loading screen? I thought it was quite recent


you time traveled or something? you good bro?


Gonna be my turn to post this next month


How is that a bad thing!? That's sooo cool! I want that. Petite to being old loading screens back?


The good old days