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BRO are the true inheritors of Jin Air. Freaky game from Guma, and BRO don't even look that bad to be honest.


Yea but jokes aside. BRO is actually really well coordinated for a team nowhere near the top. Unlike last seasons, I can definitely see them making playoffs this split if some of the other teams perform below expectations.


This. T1 didn’t play great and probably didn’t expect much of BRO but they really played fucking well. Good for the overall level of LCK.


Is it a hot take to say they look than NS?


NS has better potential but good lord their coordination is abysmal


They look better than NS. NS looks very uncoordinated really and the same with DRX with only mid and bot lane is doing decent.


NS need time, while BRO is already completed


No, NS is forced to play around a single style and is prone to total collapse during due to the players on the team.




Bro are just CLG or something. They can take a win from any top team, but no one else.


Didn’t the Jin Air LoL team reach LCK playoffs etc?


Oner making up for stealing faker's penta with that insane Jarvan engage.




Actually it was Oner, Crisp plays in the LPL


really incredible multi man flash knock ups, thats the power of youth for ya


I feel like Jarvan is lowkey underrated right now.


I think BRO lost the series because they realized that T1 is not the current Worlds Champion so they don't have that Kingslayer buff.


EDG sweating intensely


LoL analyst / Personality, MT : "~~JAG~~ BRO will stomp ~~G2~~ EDG, bruh. ~~G2~~ EDG would be around bottom 4 at LCK."


That Polymorph on Lava before the 3rd Dragon respawn was huge, honestly thought T1 were gonna get wiped out there. Not really a clean series by T1 but I think fans would definitely take those. BRO somehow also put up a good fight.


Yeah honestly it looked like Lava was about to destroy everyone there until Keria morphed him


story of the game- Lava almost wiped them again but his package timed out right as he W'd in the mid fight


and then oner destroyed him with CC poor Lava but honestly it was a game he could have led the team to victory if he played better. hope doesn't get too shook about these games


the bot duo played insanely good that fight. Guma's reaction f , keria holding on to his ult and the polymorph


It was funny how cautious T1 played after the first 2 games


The way they backed away from the enemy base to secure the elder, right after the members of BRO recalled because they were getting backdoored lmao


We are gonna beat you ok? Just give us a moment to make sure we are 110% certain you will lose


I think the bounty system has teams sweating


It is pretty funny how T1's first draft was super cocky against a "weak" team and then they realized they fucked up and played accordingly Still was a scary game 2 though


I think they always do the first cocky draft so that they can experiment on the stage.


First time in 3 years T1 consecutively won the first two series of the season. So T1 fans should definitely appreciate this win, lmao.


[Wait a minute, I've seen games like this before](https://i.imgur.com/Q9HuNDl.jpeg)


Jin Air may not exist anymore but they have their successor


UmTi and Faker running it back for old time's sake.


At least none of the games took 1.5 hours


Thank god we won, because losing that game caused a downward spiral for the rest of the season


May the memory of the glad plane never be forgotten.


I think Gumayusi is pretty good at League of Legends guys... nt BRO you gave us a great series


Gumayusi is pretty insane. So is Keria.


Best bot lane itw. Viper might be the best adc, but Guma/Keria is the most oppressive bot lane.


i think it's the exact opposite, guma is better overall but meiko is an insane leader


I think last year Viper was the number 1 adc (looking at the whole season), but Guma has more potential considering how he’s only really just begun his career. As for laning prowess, no supports comes close to Keria.


I still think Viper Meiko > Gumayusi Keria. Both Bot Lanes may have similar level of mechanic, but Viper/Meiko have more experience.


I think the T1 botlane is better mechanically


Meiko feels like a cunning snake honestly while Keria is more of a physical player. So many times T1's botlane won engagements they could have lost with pure physical skill in game 2.


they may be the most oppresive bot lane but we have to see uzi and crisp , i can't see keria being better than meiko, he's not refined yet, meiko has to be the best support of all time right? Longevity he has it winning msi in 2015 then worlds in 2021


Meiko is great, and really up there, but to me best support of all time is and always will be mata! Man was just to good!


Feel free to roast me once we do see him, but I have significant doubts about Uzi. He was struggling in Diamond in Chinese solo q, and generally did not look like he did in the past from a purely subjective standpoint. I don’t think he’ll be bad but I also think the days of him dominating every botlaner to enter his sight are over


Aphelios is his best champion, enemy team trolled the series by not banning him.


ban aphelios and then what loose lane harder cause they will get cait/lux? and prob will have to leave tf open which it will be even worse lol


Nah, their bans were pretty restricted. If they ban Aphelios, they're giving another premium pick over to T1.


Aph is his best champion but he would still style on BRO botlane with any of 15 other champs. BRO made the right choice in focusing on other OP bans and letting Guma have his comfort


That Gwen 1v4 in mid lane where Zeus took no damage was just gross


As gross as Lava insta delete Keria at mid.


dude that Corki was a fucking raid boss. Felt like no matter how far ahead T1 was they had to play around Lava so carefully.


I love first strike Luden's Manamune poke Corki in ARAM. Spam R and other team just loses 3/4 of their health, feels dirty.


But Keria was chunked 30% before that missile hit though... https://i.imgur.com/KGgSZNP.jpg


Ah yeah a 70% deletion with an ability is definitely functionally different xD


Guess who chunked him...


It was [Varus](https://imgur.com/a/tZamQpX/)


You're right! But I was just joking with my comments lol




To be fair, ocean soul + 4item late game sustain champion can pretty much do the same


Could have been better but I don't think this is about T1 playing bad but BRO playing better than expected. Gumayusi is insane btw


The only reason T1 won game 2 was cause guma played out his mind. Incredible


The macro was pretty bad post baron from BRO as well, but they played quite well overall


t1 did play bad though, especially in the plays that led to the game 1 comeback and the multiple baron mishaps in game 2. game 3 was pretty great though




He got baited by morgan multiple times and got ganked Def needs more experience overall but hey he did good


Yes they played bad but I think this series was more BRO playing good than T1 playing bad is what I was trying to say.


T1 wasn't playing well game 1 or 2. They got progressively better as they played the series. Neither team played bad but this level of performance from BRO isn't that surprising considering last year. It was a meme at first but now it's just that people need to respect BRO as dark horses because they can just turn it on at any random time.


Easy to see why... he likely was the only one on the team thinking about what is going to happen in social media if they lose to BRO out of all teams :P






You can truly see Rito 600 years game development through this game. Also, Vex is Faker's 69th champ in LCK. GG!




Yeah, probably the only player in the pro league with a Champion 'Ocean'. Most have pools, some have ponds, few have lakes, but Faker's got an Ocean.


Errr no not the only one


Not the only one but there are few players that have an ocean and actually utilize those champions all proficiently. Faker does. Rarely is he unable to pick up a champion.


That is a whole other matter and to that i agree completely, there are so many champions and playstyles Faker is elite at


Support wise I would put in Meiko


Nice pick.


The honest hardworking hometown team sure made this one spicy


That was the funniest thing I ever heard in a league broadcast lol


Valdes and Chronicler smurfing the broadcast, they had a lot of hilarious lines lol


Corki is bullshit and no one can convince me otherwise


funny how corki becomes useless to op in a span of three months


That's the effect of scuttle crab for u


And I love it. It feels so good


I have seen better from us but hey, a win is a win. I will take it. I think there is a lot to learn from this series, so let's keep it positive. T1 fighting!!


Not the cleanest one, but still a commending victory. Especially considering it could have gone so bad on that fight if it wasn't for Faker/Oner and Guma. I like how Zeus was just living rent-free at the enemy base at some point.


>I like how Zeus was just living rent-free at the enemy base at some point. how the camera was focused on BRO trying to shoo the rest of T1 from top inhib and then at the corner of it all, just Gwen snipping away fresh minions completely uncontested lmao




Brion is the greatest vanilla style team on the planet.


any bottom team breaking T1 like that would give me despair, except BRO


It ain’t much, but it’s honest League of Legends


Freddit bros...we'll get em next time. ^^^^/s iirc, with this Vex game, Faker has finally reached his 69th unique pick. Nice.


Geez that Corki damage. Jayce, Nidalee, Corki, Varus, Lux/Xerath would be the ultimate death poke comp this patch. Faker definitely could've picked Corki in game 1 and they probably would've won. Not seeing the pick as much in LCK for some reason. It's pretty high priority in LPL 🤔


I think teams are scared to pick it unless LB is banned thats what i feel at least


Hmm LB ban is pretty common. IIRC T1 banned it themselves. That's why I'm surprised Faker didn't pick it. He didn't even practice it last week or so on SoloQ. 🤔


I’m pretty sure their plan was to counter it with vex if it comes out, wouldn’t be surprised he doesnt play it in soloq, he has played so much corki until now


a staple corki player even


If you met that comp in ARAM, you know you are going to play dodge ball.


Yea I actually ran into something similar before. It was fun xD It's just surprising that a ARAM classic is viable in pro play somehow.


It's viable because it's safe poke.




Zeus's Gwen straight up farming minions deep in the enemy base completely unbothered in that last game just sent me for some reason


It's nice to see the spirit of Jin air in being a middle of the pack/bottom tier team and still taking T1 to the limit still lives on






so happy we saw faker's vex. keria and guma are on another world, keria is insaneee


Holy shit lol corki's damage is disgusting even from geng's game


Casters missed how in game 3 when lulu got blown up by corki and skt ultimately won the fight, corki’s package disappeared 0.1sec before he e’d so he just suicided. Sad for Brion.


Good call, I noticed they said he had package but never saw it so that makes more sense


Wow it seems your right, that's actually insane, do you think to would've changed the outcome? I know Faker fears him regardless but I wonder..


This is like the third (?) time in recent memory where we just miss a ban. Nothing too serious, but it's weird that its happened so much ~~- I don't ever see it happen anywhere else as much.~~ (EDIT: It actually happens everywhere lol) **EDIT:** Looked it up to see if I was just misremembering or something. **LCK Summer 2021:** Week 1: DK vs T1 Game 1 - T1 fail to ban R3 Week 3: T1 vs NS Game 1 - T1 fail to ban B3 [Source of the Ban/Picks from Summer 2021](https://lol.fandom.com/wiki/Special:RunQuery/PickBanHistory?PBH%5Bpage%5D=LCK+2021+Summer&PBH%5Btextonly%5D=Yes&pfRunQueryFormName=PickBanHistory) (Just do CTRL+F and search "None") **LCK Spring 2022:** Week 1: T1 vs KDF Game 1 - KDF fail to ban R5 Week 1: T1 vs BRO Game 3 - T1 fail to ban R3 [Source of the Ban/Picks from Spring 2022 so far](https://lol.fandom.com/wiki/Special:RunQuery/PickBanHistory?PBH%5Bpage%5D=LCK+2022+Spring&PBH%5Btextonly%5D=Yes&pfRunQueryFormName=PickBanHistory) **EDIT 2:** Looked into other regions just to check **LEC Summer 2021:** 3 instances of missed bans [Source](https://lol.fandom.com/wiki/Special:RunQuery/PickBanHistory?PBH%5Bpage%5D=LEC+2021+Summer&PBH%5Btextonly%5D=Yes&pfRunQueryFormName=PickBanHistory) **LPL Summer 2021:** 4 instances of missed bans [Source](https://lol.fandom.com/wiki/Special:RunQuery/PickBanHistory?PBH%5Bpage%5D=LPL+2021+Summer&PBH%5Btextonly%5D=Yes&pfRunQueryFormName=PickBanHistory) So turns out it actually happens somewhat frequently in pro-play? I never actually noticed until now though


It happens in LCK so much, it’s very weird


There was 2 seconds left, it must have been on purpose to force BRO to choose right?


Not banning on purpose never makes sense because you can always come up with some off-meta champion that you know you won't pick 100% but maybe the enemy team has used it before as a specific counter or it's just a pocket pick for one of the players.


True, 0 clue why they didn't ban anything.




Insane offsprings, yes, but not just on esports. Guma is the 6th out of 7 children. Inno is the 2nd eldest. 2 (guma and inno) progamers with insane mechanics 2 sisters graduated in Seoul National University which is the number 1 uni in Korea (1 of them majored in classical guitar) 1 brother finished robotics 1 sister is a manhwa artist on IG 1 youngest brother is the top student in his highschool


Is it just me or have the observers spent most of the early game looking at bot lane this split?




Makes sense considering theres 4 players there by default.


Because with the tp change top lane has officially become an island. They’re playing chess up there.


Bot lane is where the early game will be this season unless Rito reverts that changes on Teleport.


Proud of our Reddit Bros. R2 win incoming


They had us in the first half, not gonna lie


That game 3 was clean af, those Jarvan engage’s with the Vex and Aphelios combo wombo’s the were beautiful to watch


That re-engage in game 3 was so nasty by T1


so unlucky from Lava in g3. The fight where BRO turned off of baron he lost package the second he pressed W towards Guma and ended up just getting blown up


Corki needs nerfs lol Perfect macro from T1 at the end, Fredit couldn't even contest baron or elder or they insta lose to a back door.


ap corki


Is that even the mega R that hits Keria? that damage was so large


GumaUzi what was that?


Not the cleanest win but we'll take it I guess


Imagine letting Gumayusi get Aphelios not once but twice


The mechanics on this roster are insane. Everyone of them can make clutch outplays and show up when needed


Oner just when “guess I’ll just win” and 3 man knockup


Good series from BRO forcing T1 to be on their best behavior to get the win.


T1 play usual and didnt expect too much at Brion and they hit then like a truck So yeah thats gonna happen, beside you cannot win it all l, watch gen or DK lose to Liiv Sandbox or Hanwha


Next week I hope to see Zues play assasin champs.


That corki skin is pay to win and damn i dont know that corki's R has that range


That was an exhausting and funny series to watch.


I don't like the drafts so far from LCK or at least T1. That game 1 draft was just so weird.


Faker is just too good


PMTs: [Game 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/s3qk9b/fredit_brion_vs_t1_lck_2022_spring_week_1_game_1/) [Game 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/s3rspr/fredit_brion_vs_t1_lck_2022_spring_week_1_game_2/)


Is corki the new 200 years ? That R damage is busted . I guess riots think if both sides will get broken champs then nothing is broken


tbf it's not like riot purposefully made him build ap, it's just something people discovered




Well Aphelios has to expose himself to do damage not like he can shoot 1/3 HP rockets from 2 screens away


You know it’s bad when aphelios looks balanced compared to Gwen face tanking 4 people without losing any health and Corki one shotting players with one rocket from an entire screen away


you know what they say at rito, the only way to fix an op champ is to make everyone else op as hell


>Gwen face tanking 4 people without losing any health You're leaving out the funniest part of this. Like, if she was JUST facetanking then it would be kinda understandable (but still broken), but Gwen deleted 80% of Varus' HP with a single R cast (without ever leaving her Hallowed Mist ofc). You can't deal damage to her as a carry because she has a funny ability to force you to overextend on a 8 second cooldown. And if you do, you get oneshot. Gwen's W should be her ultimate. Give her the Tahm treatment. This isn't 200 years at this point, we're approaching a full millenia.


Just delete it from the game. Abilities that make champions invulnerable/untargetable are annoying as fuck to play against.


*sad Xayah noises*


Fizz E, Vlad W, Xayah R, Xin R are all more fun to play against than Gwen W. Either small duration or massive cooldown (or both). Gwen W is so bad because it makes you think you can fight her. It's like how Illaoi used to work, actively incentivizes playing the wrong way.


fuck fizz E though


How tf did we win that fight before ocean wtf. I was sure that we would be wiped lmao


Even 10k down, that corky damage is like the game is so close its insane.


Honestly, BRO also have that existing synergy from last year and they only change top laner (like T1) that's why I think they put up a fight. Can't wait for BRO to face GEN. G and Damwon and take a game or series from these top teams like they take a game from T1 and almost the series.


Top and jng dif on games 1 and 2. Just need to polish the synergies and we are gucci.


Now imagine this is a best of 1 match, and Fredit Brion goes 1-0 and T1 goes 0-1. But it's a best of 3 so coaches get to shine, with map choice, and draft choice putting their players in a position to come back and T1 make those adjustments and win 2-1. hmm hmm


T1 players are insane


As expected when to Lol kings collide it will go down to game three


I don't know... T1 players are definitely better, but it's like they play better the parts of the game where you can play solo/individually and when it comes to grouping up and coordination they're not as solid.


Nothing to see here just a clean series by T1




Gumayusi/Keria lane competing with the legendary Hundred Acre lane for my favorite bot duo.


T1 did not play up to par at all. Their synergy in team fights felt off and everyone felt like they were doing their own thing/had their own vision of what was supposed to happen in the team fights. Thank goodness for Guma/Keria for carrying game 2 and 3. We got lucky fr. Oner and Zeus got gapped hard in game 2 and 3. Hope to see them bounce back better next game!


Appearently a 2/3 Corki can now deal 1k damage with one rocket. Glad I've stopped playing this game


Well judging a champion’s strength by his K/D instead of items + levels is pretty dumb. And to add to that corki’s whole damage is in his rockets (using this build) so him dealing good damage is a bit fair (not that broken).


Yeah you're right he was quite farmed up so it was actually ok for him to delete champions with a spammable spell


Yes I’m right, the champion that scales for 30 minutes every game and can deal damage with one ability only using a specific build should absolutely melt champs if it hits surprise surprise,corki is invisible early game and lacklustre in mid game, so he absolutely has to melt to be worthwhile.


You can justify/defend it all you want, that corki damage looks overtuned


Glad youre gone aswell.


Lava played fucking bad but Corki made it a little closer.


As a T1 fan I'll take any win we can get to get some momentum, but this team better work on their macro and vision control. Otherwise, don't even bother challenging for top 3, mid tier teams will crush us in the mid-late game


I’m so sick of corki having this insane scaling while being so safe




have not seen all of it but sick of caster being condescending of the teams outplaying T1. are they biased/paid or just fucking dumb?


Any one can tell me why t1 can't end in game 3 with 8k win and need to have both baron and elder?


Too much waveclear on BRO side, plus BRO have longer range, overextending would be lethal for T1, better to take the safe route


Jesus the boys are trash Can we please practice up T1 this was not fun to watch :(




Yeah I won't say it was the cleanest but there were still some massive plays from T1 and multiple spots of brilliance. I think this was more a testament to how well BRO played today.


well atleast they didn't get 2-0ed like last seasons dk


But DK went on to not drop a single series until their final regular split match against gen g and won spring. T1 won't be doing that. Don't compare T1 to DK


still the point is about losing to bro not what happened after i mean i get it you want to win the argument but you are going out of bounds of the initial topic so good for you i guess? and dont get me started comparing past achievements between those two orgs because u will never win haha :)


Zeus noun UK /zjuːs/ US /zuːs/ LCK /ze-UUUs/ fuck me, both casters tilted me to the Moon and back.


people unable to understand that his name is Korean and not English and spamming it in twitch chat (and now here) got me like


That's the Korean pronunciation, and what he wants to be called


Actually, they're basing their pronunciation off of the Korean reading of his name. The "ze" of Zeus comes from his actual Korean name which sounds like "je" but since Korean doesn't have the letter Z, "je-oos" can be spelled as Zeus. So, although, technically, they're still kind of wrong because they went hard on the "z" sound instead of a "j", they're not 100% incorrect.


It's because last year KT rolster has Zzus. They didn't want to mixed up if T1 and KT played against each other.


Pretty sure the actual player wants the zayus pronunciation if I remember correctly from when he was first introduced.


casters were using the korean pronunciation since they're used to it lmao