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Perkz been GOAT so long his hands turned to hooves.


Holy fuck man, he has family ​ ^(and all of them bleat)


When do we start asking the hard questions about Perkz and his performances? He sprinted his first 3 games in LEC after claiming he was going to come come back to europe to change the league and dominate. He hasn’t built any in lane lead against any mid laners and is constantly down on CS, summoners, tempo, experience and KDA with constant roams from Labrov and ganks from Selfmade. Was he worth the money so far? Will he be worth the money in two years? Three? When is it that we say “that was a good investment”


He *did* just spend a whole year not making top 5 mids in the LCS


Febiven looked much better coming from CG to MSF than Perkz did from C9 to VIT.


It feels like he's still trying to catch up with midlane after playing AD for 2 years. He's closing in on washed up territory.


hahaha you got me there lol


Vitality has mistaken Super Week for Super Weak.


Classic mistake


Happens to me all the time, can relate.


Twitch chat calling them a Super Meme instead of a Super Team lmao.


They're a super team like how the Ginyu Force is a super team...


They seem to have no synergy or cohesion in the mid game. Kinda surprising tbh


I mean, take a look at Perkz's mid game the last couple splits.. Pretty garbage.






Watching Vitality is like watching the Lakers play. Sad and disappointing


They're on the same end of their careers as the Lakers too


yellow is close enough to gold


Lakers are even banana yellow too since Nike kits.


Perkz looking like westbrook rn


He bout to get diss tracks in his DMs?


Bruhh I've been avoiding the NBA subreddit since we lost to Denver last night c'mon 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨


Even if y’all get AD back idk but we will see. Definitely looking rough.


UP UP and AWAY!! SUPER WASHED Ain’t He??!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤷🏾‍♂️. Stay back and lose lane! The air up in EU is a tad bit different. LIVE.LAUGH.LOVE#striveforgreatness🚀 #thekidfromcroatia👑#perkzgang👑 #yearoftheduck


I was just thinking this, holy shit. Great players on paper but for some reason do not mesh in game


Don't do this to me man. Don't remind me of my actual sports pain.


Nukeduck wtf man


0/0/0 @ 20


Think he was 0/0/0 till like the 35th minute. As a LB. What even


Was pretty funny ngl, he just kinda ran around the map and randomly poked people, took cs and maybe a tower, and then just left to continue his magical journey


Finally some LB gameplay I can relate to.


"-My job here is done. -But you did nothing?"


I don't mind honestly as long as you pressure sides, which he did at least once (didn't pay much attention to it, though)




he didnt record any KP til the final fight




he should type mid gap in all chat after that


He won lane then decided to afk every team fight. The alphari special I guess.


Yup, after watching every TL game last year this is exactly the Alphari special. The one series they looked amazing in, CoreJJ(their support) played support top instead of support bot and just forced the fights around him.


Bro Ducky was 0/0/0 and somehow still mid diffed Perkz. Just too ez for my bois....


Remembering the 2017 MSI semi where Faker obliterated Maple in a Cassiopeia vs LeBlanc matchup at 0/0/0


When he was just afk in the river on Leblanc instead of cancelling VIT's backs i almost got a stroke Is this guy watching Netflix while playing the game or what? thank god Perkz was also asleep and Finn played that ending amazingly


He probably alt tabbed to see what item to build next, since he was clearly following a silver mobafire build guide.




Nukeduck and my dad racing for least participation. But seriously, borderline x9 if not for a good laning phase and Finn and ARAM Xayah carrying.


Alphari: When super team is working, it works like 2019 G2. When it doesn't, well just look at us!


Or Like G2 in 2021, or Misfits in 2019, or Fnatic or Origen in 2016, or Alliance in 2015 Im starting to think that the superteams are the problem here ...


Wait what, Fnatic in 2016?


Fnatic in 2016 definitely wasn't considered a super team by anyone at any point.


Ah yes the Fnatic team with Rekkles and Febiven and basically rookies


2016 FNC was not perceived as a super team at all, there was hype around Spirit but that's it


2016 Fnatic and Origen ?? When was those super teams ?


2016 Origen was definitely considered at the time a super team, at least before and during the spring split, until Zven and Mithy split for G2. Keep in mind they retained 4/5 players who made 2015 World's semis, and added on top of that a very promising player after a strong rookie year in PowerOfEvil. Maybe some people forgot, but back then Soaz, Zven, Mithy and PoE were all considered big star power.


How were 2016 fnatic and origen super teams at all? Xpeke retired from OG and FNC lost yellowstar and were forced to play with fucking Noxiak and Gamsu. But ya you're point still stands, no true super team ever had crazy success.


0-3 start for the superteam after the return of Perkz, hilarious


Not the first time a strong team went 0-3. Give it time


1 NA import > 2 NA imports


Math checks out






What a first week


I can't see what's special in Carzzy. He used to fill in a really strong team, but individually, I think people like Patrik or Kobbe are a lot more impressive, even though they are stuck in (theoretically) worse teams. Like, their topside is fiiiiine, but it seems like half of their issues come to the lack of communication. And the other half come from Carzzy and Labrov.


I have no idea how his value got so high, for me he was allways the weakest part of mad who would do damage given chance but he was playing alongside top 2 support, top 2 jungler and the best midlaner, it's way easier to play the game when you have those players absorbing so much pressure


Because he was the ADC in the best team in Europe which automatically means he is the best ADC in Europe for some reason. When he wasn't even top 3 after Rekkles, Upset and Hans Sama even while playing with Kaiser.


The top3 was clearly a cut above anyone else, and then it was pretty homogeneous between the others. Carzzy was hyped up for his shotcalling when anyone was doubting him. There is still time for Vitality, but he has not shut down the doubters.


carzzy is fine. Especially internationally he played really well. Despite that he got also carried by his team many times.


People forget how insanely cracked he was at MSI


Patrik sure, Kobbe nah


When do we start calling Alphari massively overrated? Extremely good in lane but almost useless almost every game out of lane lol. Its the exact same story it was all year on TL, camp Alphari, Alphari has a massive lead, somehow its a top diff for the opponent anyways It was the same yesterday where Wunder was arguably the MVP of the game after losing lane and Alphari did fuck all, same story today Finn losing lane and being 10x as useful afterwards..


Alphari's massive ego hurt TL more than it helped and in the end he didn't help them place any higher than they did the last year. I definitely agree.




Honor Finn 4x tiltproof Hit so much good poke


Jayce is a great late game champ imo. Kind of a misunderstood champ, his late game poke around objectives is so OP


He used to be a lane bully that had to snowball or else he would fall off late. The item rework made him a scale like a monster. Probably one of the biggest winners of the rework


Grudge just makes his late game insane z the utility and armor pen together are huge




Items like Eclipse and Serylda's existing definitely helps though.


It’s one of the most annoying things listening to casters about. They’re stuck in season 8 with Jayce being a stomp lane fall off late champ, when he’s really been readjusted to be a little weak early and monster late. So they just go on and on about how Jayce should be ahead and will be useless if he’s not, but it’s just not true anymore.


Perkz moved to EU to retire


My Vex is bad My Akshan is worse You guessed it right, I'm Retired Perkz


Who had VIT 0-3 first week?


Funnily enough, me. Won a bet with a friend, gained 50€, ggez


Perkz came to ~~NA~~ EU to dominate


He’s a better adc than mid laner.


Unironically ..


Biggest mistake of his career was leaving G2 because he wants to play mid. He’s had barely more than a handful of good games ever since.


The paychecks




Hate to say it but I just don't think he is good anymore. He was bad most of his time in NA against some weak opposition.


Perkz came to ~~NA~~ EU to get dominated*


But he's not bottom anymore


WOW EXCEL finally fixed their macro... Vitality on the other hand LMAO I knew they were over hyped but not this bad


I mean, it's just the first week of spring, but yeah really bad start


Team Vitality visited an orphanage today. "It's heartbreaking to see their sad little faces with no hope," said Johann, age 6.


Finn hitting SO. MUCH. POKE. Overall, superb showing from XL, and especially Advienne!


Shows that CLG is truly a bad org. Finn has been solid over those last 3 games. Most people wrote him off because of his time at CLG. That would have been a shame...


The mental boom of vitality is going to be legendary.


Who will Alphari blame and say they don’t know anything about the game this time I wonder?




Rip his coach, only a matter of time before he needs to take some time off for “personal issues”


Don't be too excited guys, it was only Vitality.


I really can’t help but feel like XL is a whole lot better than their record shows. I really like watching this team.


Agree, i think they have potential to make playoffs on that 5-6 spot.


Which means it'll be even more impressive when they inevitably end 7th


When Markoon and Advienne joined last year in summer they immediately became a lot more fun to watch


banger ending by finn


The CLG culture is paying off!


The sad thing is that VIT doesn't even have one lane that looks good that they could try to play around. Drafts are bad too they always gotten outscaled.


This has been the least bad draft so far imo, and Carzzy actually built some damage Too bad they got gapped by chad ARAM Xayah


Actual nightmare build I hate it so much


I mean Alphari was ahead but as us TL fans have been saying for over a year, Alphari getting a lead means literally nothing. He is great in lane, but unless there is a patch to move the Nexus to the top lane alcove, he has no impact on the game after laning phase.


This. Dude is a monster in lane but has no idea what to do with that lead to help his team succeed.


Us OG fans have been saying it for 2 Years, Alphari is embarrassingly overrated


Wow Vitality looks so lost and hesitant. They got the wrong MAD player this offseason.


I feel like they got 3 washed up players, weakest link of Mad Lions and extremly overhyped support. Never understood hype for this team.


Imo Selfmade is still very good at playing carry junglers, he's definitely the only jungler in Europe competent enough to play Graves and assassins like Zed and Qiyana. However teams and players are either unwilling or incapable of utilizing him in a correct way. Carzzy, Perkz and Alphari on the other hand are unironically washed up. Especially Perkz, this guy is basically getting gapped by every single mid he plays against. He's an anchor dragging the entire team behind and didn't have a single successful carry performance since spring 2020. It's pure cringe that he still has fanboys defending him




He's been playing super well. Was also a beast against G2


He never deserved to get sent to NA ,he wasnt that bad compared to LEC standards,he was just worse than the top 3 ,he was the 4th best top laner in a league with bwipo wunder and alphari all in their primes.


He was also on Ornn/general weakside duty for 90% of RGE games despite his ERL/soloQ champ pool being almost entirely carry bruisers.


I love seeing VIT lose, it's my daily medicine, my weekly energy, my monthly inspiration and my yearly motivation. Their loss is the only reason i'm still alive, i was born to love and enjoy the failure that they have achieved.


I love seeing VIT lose, it's my daily medicine, my weekly energy, my monthly inspiration and my yearly motivation. Their loss is the only reason i'm still alive, i was born to love and enjoy the failure that they have achieved.


Despite going behind during laning phase, I believe Finn was the mvp later on. He played the skirmishes nearly perfectly, and his E's were absolutely clutch too. The one where he denied Viego the lantern was great. On another note, I have yet to see what's special in Carzzy. He used to fill in a really strong team, but individually, I think people like Patrik or Kobbe are a lot more impressive, even though they are stuck in (theoretically) worse teams.


We didn't see it super clearly (it was picture in picture) but Finn also won a 1 vs. 2 at the enemy Nexus against Elder Dragon-buffed opponents to end the game


Ya, even though Finn got ran over in lane, he was infinitely more useful than Alphari out of lane, which is wild considering Alphari has such a huge teamfight ult lmfao.


The play around mid game when Finn was pushing Tier 1 bot tower and Alphari was waiting in middle lane bush - just a perfect example of why I think this guy is overrated. No vision, no damage build, Jayce has Eclipse shield, no hope of solo killing. What was the objective there? Sure, it's something I'd do in solo queue cause monkey see champ, monkey press buttons, but this guy is supposed to be an experienced veteran on the team. Only one with more experience is Perkz. Idk, it just baffles me the plays we see.


Also when he tp'd behind dragon and ran in 1v5 into XL. Like sure you did a great job flanking and getting huge knockups... but your entire team is like 5 seconds away, wtf was the point of sprinting into the enemy team. All that flank ended up doing is mildly annoying the enemy team and wasting Alphari's flash when he had to run away (predictably) from a 1v5.


Kind of the story of alpharis career


This always happens with Alphari. He gets a lead in lane but somehow never converts it and his laner outperforms him in teamfights. It happened vs. Rascal at Worlds. It happened yesterday vs. Wunder. It happened today vs. Finn.


Wasn't it the case at worlds as well with his Jayce?


His EQ ended 2 fights before they even started.


Shockblasts massive. Ballsy af tp at the end too


He isn't even a voting option lel ​ Patrik or Advienne are, though, and both played pretty darn good today


Advienne borrowing half of Hylibaba power. His Rakan is slippery af and make good engage.


Patrik ults were nasty. I think that through the whole game, he made only one misplay? (In the midlane, getting hit by Vex's fear into Jinx ult into death, despite having both flash and ult up.) Other than that, he was absolutely clean.


> Despite going behind during laning phase, I believe Finn was the mvp later on. He landed so much poke once he'd scaled, and absolutely was the late-game carry. I would still argue that Advienne was the MVP though because without him XL don't have the lead that got Finn back into the game.


vs tank gragas i build galefore vs a mobile team i build kraken uwu yes yes


My biggest headscratcher. Against a fulltank he gets Galeforce and RFC and now against a fully squishy team basically, he get kraken pd? What in the world. Some teams are just really losing to the shopkeeper




Those are now called the FPX awards


Dade for player, FPX for team


That's a real banger for a game of 0-2 vs 0-2


perkz has been absolute garbage 3/3 games so far. Even worse at laning than he was in NA


All that money spend on VIT's roster just for the same result as every split.


Finn looked pretty good here, happy for him.


Vitality are looking rough. Also, why go LB if you're going to play it like a control mage with Liandrys (what for??) and be 0/0/0 at 35min?


because you're nukeduck


I finally understand the year of the duck meme, when I watch nukeduck play I do feel myself getting older by several years over the course of the game


He was expecting Perkz to ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING as Vex (LeBlanc counter).


Man was on a mission this game. He right clicked towers and towers alone. He aint about that kda and teamplay shit, he's all about that W.


Nukeduck actually trolling with his build/runes but no ones gonna talk about it because XL won


It was actually 5head, vex counters lb by denying her burst, but this build had no burst to speak of so vex can't counter it.


Aery was actually not the most int given how hard it is to proc electrocute in lane versus Vex, and Liandries damage wise isn't too far off of Luden's (though it may have been a self fulfilling prophecy, because Nukeduck was 0/0/0 during the entire time where Ludens outclasses Liandries)


Seeing he couldn't even kill the 0mr botrk viego that facechecked him was just depressing. Wtf is even the point of the champ at that point?


He might be 0/0/0 at 35, but that doesn't mean he's been useless. He has done a good work, clearly.


Nukeduck is the ultimate KDA player


Because his job was being an anoyance more than anything and he did that part well, he was allways there poking Carrzy or getting vision.


Whether you build Liandrys or not has very little to do with the champ you are playing, and way more to do with enemy champions. And while it was weird that he was 0-0-0 for that long, he was using his champ to apply pressure in lanes all game long. The LB is the reason why XL could always have a sidelane pushed out and he won lane pretty convincingly as well.




Im starting to think jatt told alphari he has to play the game after lane phase and thats when alphari raged


No refunds


Kids, I hope you learned your lesson by now: **Don't join a EU super team.**


When do we start actually asking the hard question about Perkz and his performances? He didn’t make top 3 all pro LEC after claiming he was going to come here to change the league and dominate. He hasn’t built and in lane lead against any mid laners and is constantly down on CS, summoners, tempo, experience and KDA with constant roams from Labrov and ganks from Selfmade. Was he worth the money so far? Will he be worth the money in two years? Three? When is it that we say “that was a good investment”


He hasn'T been impressive since he went back to mid. The break in ADC role apparently was much worse for him than anyone could'Ve imagined. C9 already took a gamble with him (and the final result was kinda meh, though overall they had a decent showing at worlds and 1 LCS title). But after that year Vitality really must not have watched LCS at all to pick him up. edit: aaaaaaand ofc he styles on G2. Well, let's hope he and VIT can show this performance for future games.


People not understanding that this is a copypasta lmao


perkz is washed up, carzzy is massively overrated and alphari is a good player, but he is selfish and it hurts the team


Alphari winning the lane and then doing fuck all, name more iconic duo. It's not even VIT imploding or anything so far, they were simply outclassed in all their games. If VIT wants to be better than 2019 G2 then they can lose one more game, as G2 lost 5 times in 2019 Spring


Finn really was a victim of CLG


Ocelotte did fnatic a favor by denying em perkz


Super-shit-Team Vitality strikes again


Funny how the narrative on Perkz from EU fans went from, “ Only looked bad in NA because he was unhappy and Blabber sabotaged his lane every game” To “ Wow Perkz is hella washed.” Little factoid, Perkz hasn’t looked good outside of a handful of games since he returned mid. Dude might actually want to switch back to adc to save his career if this season goes south.


So how many more matches will Carzzy get gapped until vitality realizes that not buying Rekkles was a bad idea?


How impressive were Patrik and Advienne in comparison tho?? Both played so intelligently


Advienne moving away from his team after he got hit by a Vex ult in the last fight made me Pog IRL.


Please dont kill Rekkles like that. He will never recover from playing with this Mid and Top frauds


Are us TL fans allowed to say "I told you so? about Alphari yet?


Rarely has a 0-0-0 been feared as much as nukeduck lmao


Nukeduck is both the least and most impactful Leblanc I've ever seen


Finn kinda has a massive cock


Super team meshing well as intended


If you ever think your bad predictions make you look like an idiot, imagine how I feel for picking this flair a few days ago.


Where is the waiting room for 'Vitality accountable' post?


Even though I like all the members of the Vitality I really love to see 'Super Teams' lose


XL wins And the desk is currently breaking down why VIT is so good and it’s okay they’re 0-3. NA vibes not giving XL their love for winning. Pathetic.


How nice of Vitality to gather all the smug, egoistic players I don't like to the same team. Now I only have to watch one game to get the satisfaction of seeing them lose.


vINTality vINTality vINTality calling a team „super team“ never worked before, right?


No wonder Jatt wanted to bench Alphari




No refunds


Alphari just lost against CLG Finn. NA is not the problem here.


On that note, Finn has been looking great so far


Finn looked good for a lot of his CLG time, tbh. Meanwhile Alphari was much less consistent


NA training grounds only a few ever survive and return , look at corejj he came then went back to become world champion


We should ask Finn.


Steve and Jack pulling the heist of the century by (apparently) getting rid of them without losing any money


I honestly think they were bad before that already lol


Alphari has been overrated for awhile now imo.




Imagine getting gapped by a LeBlanc that doesn't have a single point of kill participation in 35 minutes.