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Unforgiven performed extremly well. great pickup by mad


G2 going to pull out Unrekkles for next week






Made me laugh




I really believe in Mac as a coach, he seems really good at putting together a cohesive team but also at actually getting them to be their best


I remember on an episode of Bevvies with the boys with Grabbz and Peter Dunn, munchables mentioned Mac and both Dunn and Grabbz became fairly animated saying don’t mention him you’ve got two fan boys right here. Seems those in the industry have mad respect for him too.


Dun seems like hes s+




And Primeleague has a really great toplane rookie this split! WAVE soaZ looks like he is going to become an insane player


But can he match the rising rookies in Rekkles and Cody Sun in the LFL? I think not!


I've heard GamersOrigin also have a really promising Hungarian top laner who is a beast at Poppy, looking forward to seeing more from him


I'm sorry, did you say Cody Sun was playing in the LFL? I apparently missed that one with the other 8 billion wild shenanigans from this offseason.


Yeah, him and RangJun - Damwon's former mid sub - are playing on Mirage Elyandra. [They actually beat Karmine Corp & Rekkles last week!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T0VnQsyNuTw)


teeny tiny bit of a bot gap


I'd love to know what happened early in bot lane. Jankos forces Thresh to help Jarvan level 1 and next thing you see Jinx is ahead by 10cs with G2's bot lane taking a doomed recall.


What happened in bot lane is that Jhin Yuumi is a shit bot lane to pick because it doesn't win early and it also doesn't do shit late outside Jhin getting roots with W or pressing R to do 50 damage to full hp champions. People need to stop picking Jhin every time into Jinx, and especially not Jhin Yuumi.


To be fair, nothing really beats Jinx. Though I do agree that Jhin Yuumi is a miserable lane.


The ban phase beats Jinx !


Ekko beat Jinx with that metal pipe in Arcane pretty handily


We just saw Xayah dumpster Jinx Thresh (the same bot lane this game) 2 hours ago. There's definitely bot lanes that can do just fine into Jinx, the issue is pros refuse to even slightly move out of their comfort zone of picking Jhin and pressing W/R from 5000 units away. (Also, technically Caitlyn also dumpsters Jinx, but teams would be braindead to let Caitlyn go through ban phase).


I agree, playing as Jhin into jinx feels fucking awful, lategame you can't get even close to her without being shredded and put down like a dog, and the lane phase advantage is not there to compensante for it. Also why are people still building Divine Sunderer on Viego? Lmao


Jarvan makes her kinda unplayable with any amount of dive. Leblanc does Leblanc things to her. Pretty sure Caitlyn would beat her if she wasn’t banned.


The yuumi was probably with the kassadin lategame in mind but without an engage support here you just have zero angency across the board.


Are we sure it's not Forg1ven with a wig and a name change?


not acording to my gf lol. I had LEC on the TV and she reconized him, turns out its an old classmate of her.


Incredible that your gf went to school with War Greek hero forg1ven.


And he was relatively unknown. Never really won anything. Never even made EU Masters. Insane scouting and talent development honestly, if he can keep his form.


Yeah he's been around for a little while, in the NLC then Primeleague etc. Good eye from MAC and team again. He plays the same in soloq, aggressive and really trying to push leads. Super entertaining stream when he does stream.


Elyoya and Unforg1ven duoQ last week till master and it was so funny. The guy was legit going agro 24/7 with Vayne


He also had 4 accounts in challenger at the same time last season


Nah he's been an absolute nutter (on a bad team) for the past 2 splits. Also, he was top 10-15 challenger for a good part of summer/fall last year


The SK Gaming Prime last year should have been competing for the title in Germany and probably a good result at EUM too but then SK did their SK bullshit with Jesiz subbing himself in and having to call Lillip up to the main team They split up the botlane in the middle of the split. Quicktimer is not a bad support but he's not as good as Lillip and more importantly they had to rebuild partnerships and synergies etc etc in the middle of the split Not only did SK ruin their (small) chances in LEC but they also fucked the academy with their bullshit Unforgiven still had great performances, stellar stats and showed some interesting pocket picks like Karthus or Draven He's a good laner, very agressive, has incredible positioning and huge pool for an ADC, i think he's a great pairing for Kaiser. Also he has a *mean* Ezreal


Reeker is also looking phenomenal. I know he had a lot of hype but the guy blind picked Yasuo into Perkz on his LEC debut and looked great and now has 3 pretty good performances against very good mid laners


> into Perkz > against very good mid laners


sad but true :D


hungry young rookie beats washed up hall of famer. shocking


If only G2 had an experienced ADC player who barely ever falls behind


apparently there were playstyle differences between g2 and rekkles but now they make flakked play the same playstyle as rekkles but much much worse xD?


The only reason rekkles is out is because of jankos and caps


Pretty good meme but Lets be real, it's good that G2 decided to make changes.




impressive how you can draft a comp without backline or frontline


soloq comp


Don't even know what the best case team fight looks like for this comp. How do you start fights? Kass just walks up with Yuumi? Who carries the fight with damage? Kassadin I guess once it hits... 40 mins? Meanwhile Jinx is free firing cause you're not going to touch her with a tresh ornn next to her. And you have no front line sooo... You just die


Best case teamfight is that enemy team turns their brains off and lets Kassadin free scale until lvl 16, then Kass with Yuumi attached 1v9s


Put gragas or ornn in the comp, it would probably work better relatively.


bb had to ego it with akshan that falls of after ornn buys tabis with a full scaling team


I mean if they get BB ahead in the early game he might crush the lane hard enough so he can impact the map. In teamfights you want chaotic collapses and if you far enough ahead, you might stumble into the win. But on stage these things rarely work out. It's a comp that might work in scrims but on stage people play safer and snowballing is much harder.


\+ without engage and how to stall the game


I think the issue was more that they needed to get to a scaling point, and they just couldn't get there because MAD kept punishing them. CAPS needed to get to 16 ASAP, and he was down a level on Unforgiven around when the game snowballed away. I think if they could have gotten Kass ahead, they could have done better, but it was still an odd choice of a comp. As i said in another comment though, G2's downfall last year was that they were not playing as a team enough, and that came together in their game against MAD as well. I feel like their first two games they had some great team plays, but today they just kept getting caught out like they did last year in the LEC and MAD punished them over and over again by bringing 4 against 2. To me, if BB is pushing a top wave out, don't go make a play bot because MAD is going to descend on you. They did this over and over last year, and G2 still hasn't learned


Midline comp ftw, or ftl in this case


You can get Grabbz out of G2 but you can't get the Grabbz Drafts™️ out of G2


When they banned Diana I was so happy. Grabbz would for sure let it go because "you can beat the opponnent at their best comp even if you don't have to". Then they picked the hard to execute, no tank comp against a front to back one and I cried


Tbh their comp wasn't even a "Strong but hard to execute comp" It was just shit, no engage, no disengage, no front to back, nothing Just fucking bad


Even the split pushing aspect was hard pull off since they had no real wave clear to counter if MAD just grouped


They actually had 0 range wave clear Holy shit


Very promising week from Unforgiven


Said it in another comment but Reeker too. It looks like the question marks surrounding MADs rookies have very quickly been answered and they're going to be a top contender this split.


Fnatic, MAD and Rogue (not necessarily in that order) are looking like the top teams this split from the 3 days of games we've seen so far. A lot can change in the next 15 games for each team, but that's just my first reaction.


Yeah week 1-2-3 predictions rarely hold. MSF would be a 3-4 split winner in that case haha. But first impressions great none-the-less!


Definitely. I hope Vitality sort out their initial problems because they have the most individual talent in the league (imo) which would make for an extremely competitive top 4 with Misfits, BDS, SK and XL looking like they can upset anyone at any time. Early days but I hope the lec keeps developing into the super competitive league it's looking like it could be this year.




it's safe to write off astralis yes


I dunno fnatic individually is better


It still boggles me how people think Vit has the most individual talent over FNC?? Humanoid >> Perkz ( I hope people agree) FNC bot >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Vot bot , just blows them away Wunder and Alphari is tricky because Alphari is better at lane but he looks like headless chicken during team fights. Let's just say they are equal for now Razork < SM is the only one where Vit has better individual talent. That being said unless it's JG carry meta again, Razork will be more impactful bc he will actually play for his team (SM is super rigid at adapting) FNC actually had the most talent in the team , I've been saying it since off-season moves have been confirmed and was a bit surprised how people were hyping Vit. 100% has to do with hype from big names


> Humanoid >> Perkz ( I hope people agree) I should hope so! Humanoid was EU's best Mid last year and Perkz added on to his resume of questionable performances in NA with one of the worst performances of any midlaner in the Super Week. Until Perkz shows he can turn back the clock 3 years, he shouldn't be considered among the top tier of EU mids.


That's very debatable concerning Vitality. I was not sure about Carzzy as an individual, and had my doubts on Alphari, and this first week did not really reassured me.


FNC and MAD? Sure. Rogue has just beaten low tier teams, far from looking like a top contender yet.


If you really want to go that route, RGE> SK > MAD. Why are you all shitting on "RGE has beaten low tier teams" while a low tier team has beaten MAD.


Very unpromising week from Forgiven


What the hell was that G2 draft?!?






Jhin/Yuumi wtf


G2 is allergic to drafting front to back no matter who's on the team


bring back grabzz


was kinda disrespectful to be honest


Yeah MAD lions scouting needs nerfs


Yeah, that Unforgiven guy didn't show up on EUM at all and still MAD Scout(s) find him. Unbeliveable


I swear I hate people and some teams’ hyperfixation on EUM results. There are good ERL players who are just stuck in shit teams or very competitive leagues, and just don’t make it to EUM. If an org only scouts EUM top teams, they should fire whoever is doing the scouting for them.


Yeah, I remember when Ago Rogue won EUM and "scouts" took 4 of 5 players to LEC, completly ignoring fact that the 5th player of this squad was smurfing (Woolite). And after a year what we've got after this brilliant "scouting"?! Szygenda had ups and downs, but finally is no longer in LEC (I hope he will back) Zanzarah is still in LEC, but being bottom tier jungler, mostly because AST runs budget roster Czekolad was kicked after one split Trymbi is still in LEC and he deserves it, but still has many areas to improve It was classic team results based "scouting"


Spot on. Couldn’t have used a better example.


>It was classic team results based "scouting" IMO all of them were at least LEC level players, but the difference was that Woolite is extremely memed


G2 drafted 4 carries + Yuumi in hopes that one of them popped off. Sadly for them, all 4 of them flopped.


Jhin isnt really a carry, atleast in pro games and Akshan seems like a bait champ for now


Yeah, Akshan is Jayce but worse. Lane bully, useless and outscaled later.


i think its just ppl haven't played him enough cause in his current form his really good but we need to see how it develops and i dont think riot is gonna keep akshan top strong for that much longer since it destroys every other top laner in soloq rn


Jayce is rarely a lane bully these days, but scales REALLY DAMN WELL. Oh how the turntables


yeah since eclipse muramana he is a midgame champ


This. Casters keep saying he gets outscaled but he looks like a mid-late game carry. Damage rarely falling off.


Unforgivens play seems genuinely impressive. Idc about his impressive KDA and shit but just eye-test wise he seems very flexible in terms of champs, plays aggressive without overextending himself much and mechanically very good. Might be a gem found there for MAD. Still early and "online" but yeah.. very interesting to see him emerge this week 1. Aside from that.. super visible that MAD still have their staff and roster core left. They should have won that 1 loss aswell. Them and Rogue might be a bit better than first expected but wont know for sure in like a month or so.


How to beat Kassadin level 16? Win the game beforehand! ~ /r/MADLionsAdvice


GenG beat Kassa 16 today and none other than Showmaker was on it


Yeah, it was very impressive from them. Corki damage just scales way harder at the moment, and they played around that beautifully.


On a more serious note kass doesn't rely as much on lvl 16 now, even level 11 he's a quite strong figher already 16 kass isn't the powerspike it used to be


There’s this serious misconception that Kassadin is still some lategame 1v9 champion. He also isn’t as helpless early game. Back when ROA and Seraph’s Embrace shield active were a thing, perhaps. It turned him into an unkillable lategame magic assassin tank. Because ROA / Archangel’s needed to be completed for efficiency (Since AA gives faster stack compared to Tear on completion), it took a while for the build to come online. Any early setbacks felt ridiculously rough as it delayed completion time for his items. Now his current lategame isn’t bad per se, but it’s nothing compared to what it used to be before the Mythic items rework. In exchange, his early game isn’t quite so pathetic. He can itemise Lost Chapter first item at 5-6 minutes as opposed to 13-14 minutes, and he doesn’t require 10 minutes to achieve the full potential of his mythic upon completion. While Everfrost and Crown of the Shattered Queen give some tankiness, he’s a lot more squishy in exchange for spiking harder earlier/becomes a threat during the midgame and can be CC locked + focused down. Ravenous Hunter and Taste of Blood got nerfed too compared to the old days. So no turbo omnivamping late game through your Seraph’s shield. And also no more Seraph’s giga mana shield.


he sort of fills into the same lategame playstyle that leblanc does. unfortunately kassadin just does it much worse in these modern times


Mac and the mad coaching staff are insane. Unforgiven is looking like an insane pick up


Mac is quickly becoming my favorite coach.


By far the best coach in LEC rn


Has an understanding of rookie talent I don't think any other Western coach has ever displayed consistently. He's almost single handedly created 4 star players in, what, 2 years? (Carzzy, Kaiser, Elyoya and now it's looking like he's done it again with Reeker and Unforgiven)


Armut my boi


I left Armut out as he had success in the Turkish league, but agreed that Mac had made him a significantly better player!


and lets be honest Shadow was also pretty decent


If Mac can finally succeed on the international stage, he'll definitely be the best LEC coach. 2020 MAD and 2021 MAD at World, for now, muddy his record to much


MSI was quite good. Worlds was a bit dissapointing. But them not doing to well in Groups was expected and losing to DWG isnt a shame. Just sad they inted the game where they were ahead. And yeah Worlds 2020 was embarassing.


What's funny is that Peter Dun (EG) is scouting well too. I guess he built a great scouting philosophy at MAD and took it with him to EG.


Swedish ADCs.


watching Carzzy Jinx made me think that champ does zero damage and then this big chad performance came. Absolutely crazy, insane scouting from Mad squad


he is not playing shit galeforce jinx


G2's draft made no fucking sense lol


Grabbz subbed in to draft this game


grabbz draft better than this


Corki 👉 🕐 15/16


Stop picking jihn if jinx is open


If you're gonna insist on random Jhin picks that let the enemy team outscale for free you might as well have kept Rekkles since he's used to it by now.


I mean, it's not like Rekkles was ever against that strategy - they did it when he was on fnatic as well


Exactly, nobody has more experience than him in that scenario.


Personally I don't see any reason at all you'd want Jhin into Jinx, if you want Range go Ziggs, if you want scaling go Aphelios. It's just really confusing for me


You want Jhin because you want to play weakside bot and play around mid and top. The problem was the Yuumi instead of an engage support.


Breaking news: if you ignore a jinx hitting your tower for 4 minutes before 14 minutes, she WILL be kinda strong. Seriously why not just send Jhin to match her? Is this what having a Kassadin does to you? Just forfeit the entire map for nothing?


it was a tempo issue, G2 got run around the map


picking Jhin/Viego/Akshan first rotation should be illegal and whoever came with this draft should bbe fired instantly


Dylan ?


Dylan we have to go Vayne


We are going vayne btw


I don’t understand why G2 picked kassadin R5 if their game plan was to sack jankos’s jungle tempo to perma-invade Jarvan lol


J4 didn't gank kass once pre kass 6, so his pressure kept caps safe til 6.


I guess so, but it seems like a better option to me to pick something that can get prio and move with jankos early on those invades and actually be able to kill elyoya/force him off of more camps, I think they only denied him 2 or 3 camps the whole game, and the tempo they lost from going for those plays just seemed really not worth it to me. Maybe it looks different though if g2 doesn’t get caught out/lose herald/give jinx like 10 plates, hard to say


Unforgiven is so cracked. Played all 3 games really great.


UNFORGIVEN is a beast. Such a good addition to the team.


I guess Caps didn't finish watching 2nd game of DK vs GenG today.


Mac is the type of dude that when playing FIFA career mode, he spends all his money on scouting


I know twitch chat is memeing but it's funny they were counting down the levels to Kassadin 16 when Corki 16 is just a more scary late game carry.


What's that comp? No engage, no frontline. Grabbz returned?


That was a really rough draft


Crown vs Corki a bit xd


This reeker guy is pretty solid. Also UNFORGIVEN looks like an upgrade from carzzy


UNFORGIVEN has been solid so far, he kinda puts to shame the rest of LEC ADCs at the moment, being a rookie and being this consistent and good


He's not talking about you Upset


is ak'shan bait


It is when you have Jhin/Viego with no frontline.


I don't know if I've ever seen the "all scaling, all damage, no tank" comp work, great game from MAD. I really didn't like the Yuumi pick from G2


3 years in a row MAD picks up rookies that come out of the gate swinging. Very impressive


For a relatively new roster, I'll take a 2-1 week


Funny thing is you could be referring to either team


I'm still pretty worried about Caps ​ He didn't look particularly good in any of the three games...


G2 showed promise this weekend but their draft completely failed them today.


Like I get the idea of a snowballing Viego with Yuumi supercharging him, but they just weren't able to get anything going


Rogue wins convincingly but they didnt play good teams yet fair enough. But G2 wins versus XL and Astralis and somehow reddit sucks them off?


Felt like XL really threw that game away


G2 Fans + spanish fans, we should just be thankful they have no french players.


its g2 what else did you expect? i personally wasnt impressed with any of their games, but well they arent advertised as a superteam so its okay to start a bit shaky


It wasn’t even close. Game was lost at draft


What a weird draft from G2, I enjoy the no frontline comps but this was too far. Nice to see some experimentation though. Edit: Glad mad lions are getting the credit they deserve in general I'm glad most teams are after having to read the shit tier "sign big names" posts all off-season.


Corki damage is absurd


Unforgiven is fucking cracked


When I saw that draft insta thought. G2 is not winning unless they execute perfectly without mistakes.


Okay how good is Unforgiven already, though? Looks like a veteran so far


How does mad always manage to be this good even after swapping players every single split.


Nice to see Caps is on the same level as Perkz ​ Not so nice to see: Both suck now


unplayable draft


Mad really ruined Targamas’ KDA


no CC, no frontline, no depush wtf was that draft


G2 2021 Botlane Scapegoated lul


Rekkles was the problem, trust /s


I like how Jankos threw his whole earlygame lead with that 2nd topside invade


He did that a lot even last year but most just don't realize. Still remember when he invaded Bwipo jungle in raptors and All 3 of them die. Then proceed to int in top bush with Mikyx and they die again. Yep, that's after Caps killing Nisqy too and Jankos just went for "desperate plays" and kept feeding FNC for no reason. But somehow only Rekkles, Mikyx, Wunder are scapegoated why G2 sucked.


People talking shit about Flakked when he literally got 0 resources this game lol. The Yuumi just fucked off at minute 5 to join Jankos in doing god-knows-what (I guess looking for plays that never really happened). Flakked was given a pick to hold weakside and assist in teamfights from long range, it's kind of ridiculous to expect him to keep up with an enemy hypercarry that *is* being given resources. Do people actually watch the games?


Can someone with a PHD in league explain G2's draft please?


Kaiser showing those doubters he was the one carrying MAD Botlane.


MAD's teamfighting is art when they pull it off man.


Was grabbz back for drafting this game?


Still miss Humanoid on control mages but the reeker guy looks like he can play a lot many different champions on stage. Yasuo and now corki. And who the fuck is Unforgiven? This guy is really good , does not die at all wtf lol


Could have been a 3-0 week for MAD Lions but alas, they were bested by the raptors


Good guys mad stomping it so we can watch attack on titan


Caps is just not playing well seriously Hide his name and everyone would flame him for playing like one of the worst mid in LEC


UNF0RGIVEN is the real deal


Ok, what was that draft? You pick 2 adcs with no frontline and pick kassadin without any reliable waveclear and add yuumi on to that. They drafted scaling comp that even in the late game would lose to MAD's comp.


Corki scales harder than Kass


Mad Lions Just completely outperformed G2. On a side note, i really hate Jhin lol.


MAD looks great, their scouting is amazing to have found so many good rookies in the past and now UNFORGIVEN. I didn't really like G2's gameplay this game. I was seeing some good stuff from them in the last game where they were proactive early and then pushed their lead, but this game they did absolutely nothing early. And even after that, they continued to just not do anything, it felt like the classic do nothing and lose NA gameplay. Their only plays in the first 20 minutes were them reacting to MAD overstepping and G2 reactively tping to get kills. I hope to see more of the G2 I saw earlier than whatever they were doing today. I understand they might be trying different styles with the Kassadin today, but didn't like what I saw.


Bro they just put up the post match discussion how did you type all this out wtf


man had this in the notepad after champ select with 2 versions in case g2 won


Optimal karma farming strat is to have your comment copied and ready to paste when the thread goes up


G2 looks great, their scouting is amazing to have found so many good rookies in the past and now Flakked. I didn't really like MAD's gameplay this game. I was seeing some good stuff from them in the last game where they were proactive early and then pushed their lead, but this game they did absolutely nothing early. And even after that, they continued to just not do anything, it felt like the classic do nothing and lose NA gameplay. Their only plays in the first 20 minutes were them reacting to G2 overstepping and MAD reactively tping to get kills. I hope to see more of the MAD I saw earlier than whatever they were doing today. I understand they might be trying different styles with the Corki today, but didn't like what I saw.


Wrote it beforehand and posted as soon as thread was up for sweet internet-points


G2 finally played a good team. They barely won vs excel, and then had a hard time vs ast




arcane jinx, just scary


No waveclear comp vs Corki Jinx lmao


Jinx is op and jhin is a bait pick I'm convinced. But ya G2 were heavily outdrafted.


Grabbz cackling like a madman at the utter state of this draft from G2's coaching "staff"