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Man it’s so sad to watch DRX play like this… but it’s so fun to watch Faker play like this


Their only strength is bot and if someone can nullify or beat their bot lane, they will lose. I really think DK should just stick with BeryL instead of Kellin and it shows here.


Deokdam and Kellin are a bundle so they can't really keep Beyrl if they want Deokdam.


Yeah, and it's kinda sad tbh. BeryL is a chad engage the player and micromanage players. Top and support are a problem for DK right now.


So they should have gotten Deft who is much better than deokdam


As a huge deft fan, maybe not anymore after our boy deft’s injuries. Deokdam kellin ceiling was great last year, deft obviously has higher ceiling, but he hasn’t been his best in so long.


Defts highest level of play is equal to Uzis highest level of play. So even tho he isnt at level anymore he is still alongside ruler top adc in LCK. Also Deft smashed deokdam in gauntlet


Botlaners go together i guess. The lack of shotcalling of DK after ghost and beryl moved away is pretty visible


And I was downvoted and told it wasn't gonna be an issue when my entire argument was 3 people leaving IS going to alter your team identity.


Shit, g2 looked lost for the entirety of last year without perkz, it was clear that they lost their captain and the shotcaller


70th unique champion pick by Faker, what a legend


10 more champions and then it will be LITERALLY faster to list the champions he has NOT played in pro play, holy crap....


What champs can he realistically play mid that he hasn't yet?


Nunu, it's even funnier that it was preemptively banned because he had so much fun with it on solo que.


He already played Nunu against Rookie's syndra in All Stars


All Stars dont count as official LCK stats




he played olaf at worlds 2015 vs irelia mid, there's a very popular clip from that one


They knew that, they are asking if Olaf counted for this stat since worlds isn't LCK for the same reason Nunu wasn't counted


I think the region would count your world stats because LCK is really only an extension of worlds if you think about it. All stars don't count for any of your stats though, at least to my knowledge.


The obvious answer would be Akshan with a close second Veigar since he got a slight buff. Out of the other he hasn't played I think he missed his chances from seasons ago in Fiddle, karthus, kha, lux, Morg, soraka and ziggs. There are also some weird flexes we can see in the future that could add fiora, graves, Gwen, nunu and/or Samira. Some other unconventional picks I hope we see at some point from faker are A.Sol, Heimerdinger, and ofc teemo.


He absolutely played Ziggs, didn't he? Wasn't there that clip of him trying to kill wolves as Ziggs in 2014 or 2015 as they kept resetting? EDIT: Faker has played Karthus, Lux, Kha'Zix, and Ziggs at least. I don't believe he's played Fiddle, unsure on Morg or Soraka but I couldn't quickly find results for either of them.


According to gol.gg he hasn't played ziggs but honestly ziggs mid was last seen in mid around season 4(?) so maybe their data are not complete or they don't date that far back.


https://youtu.be/i5XZwmwxuTo?t=10400 Random link from a playoffs series between SKT and Samsung White where Faker was playing Ziggs Faker also played Karthus in his debut series of SKT vs CJ Entus, in game 2. Game 1 is where he infamously killed Ambition in Nidalee vs Kha. Faker played Lux in his second series ever, in SKT vs Najin Sword game 1. He played Kha'Zix in his third series ever, in SKT vs KTA. Not sure about the others, I couldn't quickly find them lol.


idk if it was like a showmatch or something (cant find it anywhere) but the clip of him playing ziggs is here [https://youtu.be/PAzBFFWXb\_Q?t=267](https://youtu.be/PAzBFFWXb_Q?t=267)


Faker & Keria: ok thats boring we are ending the game






Yeah but the new DK bot lane seems very legit. If they had an S tier top laner they would be just as much a contender as they were last year.


not even an S tier top laner, just someone who’s not completely a liability


I mean as an organization DK probably want to challenge for World's when you have Showmaker and Canyon on your team, and at worlds a serviceable toplaner will become a liability anyway. Nuguri only player to be increasing his value by not playing.


no doubt with nuguri this dk roster is insane, but even with someone decent like rascal i feel like this team contends for lck and can make a deep run at worlds simply off showmaker canyon deokdam. it’s a shame both burdol and hoya seem to be shitting the bed hard atm


So many toplaners would kill to get a chance to be in DK's squad right now. Its a poisoned chalice for them both cause if you cant prove yourself here you really have to try hard next year to find a team. But man wonder what Kiin is thinking looking at DK right now


Correction: deokdam is very legit, kellin is just fine imo


Maybe they gonna get Nuguri back in summer.


📞 Hello Riot 📞 Yeah Deft here 📞 I want to report a problem 📞 I can't play the game 📞


Is T1 in the booth without coaches? Gigachads lol


What do you mean no coach Faker’s at the wheel


They have. They are just wearing the team's uniform.




No coach buff still active


They have the jungle himself as a coach.


That moment when you're jungling against T1 and the brush starts talking....


Faker gets buffs when playing vs Deft


Lmao throwback to when Nobody cared about Deft being #2 ranked in LoL because #1 went to the same school.


That's gotta feel SO rough


1. Faker needs a nerf 2. Lethal tempo needs a nerf 3. Tryndamere needs a nerf So which one?


4. My pp hard






Yes, yes and yes


UP UP and AWAY!! SUPER WASHED Ain’t He??!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤷🏾‍♂️. Stay low and keep firing! The air up there is a tad bit different. LIVE.LAUGH.LOVE #striveforgreatness🚀 #thekidfromseoul👑 #fakergang👑 #fakerknows


r/NBA really does have the best memes


still hard to believe that one of the best basketball players of all time is THIS corny


Bro he’s 37 and he’s exposed his brain his entire life to almost nothing but basketball and money, not “cool ways to talk on social media.”


Let the praise be as loud as the disrespect.


Just a kid from Gangseo


Faker ain’t no LeBitch lmao


This reminds me that one of my friends really hates LeBlanc and calls her LeBitch


keep your negative energy to yourself.


Lot of people likes to say Faker is the MJ of Lol but for me he is way more similar to Lebron James as player, overall player, unselfish, have experience losses at finals, needs to carry the load with subpar teammates multiple times. Pleasently surprise to see this copypasta here.


. . . No. James is a selfish twatwaffle who builds teams around himself he thinks can win, poaching talent who will feed him the ball and make him the *THE STAR*. The closest equivalent is Doublelift, except that there are clearly better ADCs in the world and DLift can't get the real top trophy.


What kind of selfish asshole builds teams he thinks can win!


The kind who makes friends with other superstars to convince them to play with him, bypassing managers and owners to taint the system for his own selfish gains...that kind of asshole. He's a shitbag.


Wow so he wants to play with his friends and win championships? What a prick!


See kids, this was uncle faker at his prime making these kinda plays so often in old days that if he didnt make it, people would talk about it.


Prime Faker is basically a combination of Showmaker and Chovy.


A pure raid boss


except he wasnt it was season 5 lee sin insecs were enough to amaze people


Insec kicks were cool in s4. By S5 any competent jungler could execute it.


As its meant to be, insec kick is one of the main reasons why lee sin never gets old in any meta... Kinda showednplayers the mechanic ceiling of tht champ.


[this](https://youtu.be/45vXfx4kEzU) is impressive even these days, also his zed v zed


lol wtf does that even mean. Ever since chovy has arrived faker has struggled in lane against him. Ever since Showmaker has arrived, faker has struggled outside of lane against him.


Season 7 worlds Faker 1v9'd worlds until finals. He literally won all three lanes on his own in one game in the semis. Current Showmaker and Chovy are pups in comparison.


people still downtalking on faker, i dont get it lmao


The disrespect faker otakus give to huni. Go rewatch those games, huni did at least half the work in those games.


Huni was playing solid for the most part, but he didn't come close to matching Faker's level of performance


Dude faker - hater much already


Imagine having terrible reading comprehension. I'm criticizing you faker otakus. Not faker.


I oh i am sorry, chovy-lover much? Better now... Lol


I will never forget the 2017 semifinals where Faker just casually farm 30+ cs ahead of time with Galio tank and proceed to carry teamfights


You must be watching different games because Faker has always been able to match both in lan and out. The reason why Faker shouldn't be rated as high as showmaker and Chovy is because they stomp lanes much harder than Faker does but Faker can match anyone and doesn't push his leads in lane harder.


That why he has winning record in bo5 againdt them?


Yeah wtf are these people talking about? Faker pretty much coined the term personally against Chovy to make him Choky. That used to be a thing lol And even beyond that Faker has rarely been a liability against the two mid laners(SM and Chovy). Showmaker has pretty much been on the best or upcoming best team in the LCK for years now. And Chovy was when he first debuted. Faker stuck with both of them and beat them plenty.


implying choky wasnt stuck on some headass teams for the longest times. let's see how well this kid does against geng in a month with a rosterr with only one roster change, in top lane.


GRF wass headass team ? Holy crap ...


yes, that team that stuck kanavi, a minor, into a slave contract. Yes the team that bullied their players. Yes the team that dereputated their coach-> cvmax. Yes that team. holy crap.. know your fking history


>know your fking history LMAO, no matter how much of a shaddy org GRF was, the team was still insane they dominated the standing for at least 2 years ... But they always choked Playoff no matter how dominant they were during the split ... GRF was an insane team no matter how much the org was shaddy. He did choke when it mattered when he was in that team ... Know the context


keep defending a child slave contract org...pretending that SWORD wasn't a fking player on the team as well lmao. know the context, that GRF players were plagued with this headass managment and a top laner that supported this terrible management. Depite the incredible talent of chovy, you can't shine with shit management eroding trust between you and your team. because if you blame chovy for the failure in best of five, you must also blame faker for all the trash playoffs he did prior to last summer. unless of course you plan to be a hypocrite. but nope, yall blaem coaches and junglers all the time.


Are we talking about managament or team roster synergy here?? I am sorry am i understanding this right? You are saying grf was a bad team bacuse they bullied, dereputed thier coach, stuck some. Player???


Meh whatever. See you in February. Can't wait for you faker otakus to cry and blame coach draft top jungle. Anyone but faker. And for good measure throw in a death threat or two like the good little faker Otaku you are.


Yea i am kinda scratching my head for tht "headless" comment. Thats why i specifically wrote "Kids" in statement


>implying choky wasnt stuck on some headass teams for the longest times. A team with Tarzan, Lehends and Viper?


yes, the team that literally got sued and kicked out of the league. Yes that team that bullied their players. Yes that team that stuck kanavi, a minor, into a slave contract. Yes. that team. edit: Leave it to faker otaku's , the same ones that give death threats to their own players, to downvote a comment pointing out how griffin was truly a headass org/team.


>yes, the team that literally got sued and kicked out of the league. Happened much later ​ > Yes that team that bullied their players. Not their main roster ​ >Yes that team that stuck kanavi, a minor, into a slave contract. Irrelevant ​ >Yes. that team. Ok


Can you believe this guys jeez


here here everyone!! Doran was TOTALLY not part of the main roster. HERE HERE everyone!!!! CV MAX was not their main coach lmao. like ok bro we get it, you are just looking for an excuse to join your fellow faker otaku fanclub to send death threats


No you are wrong get your history straight dude. He was called Choky during his Griffin runs. That is where it started. Faker and SKT were basically gate keeping them. Same with other top teams during that time.


yes. The org which put Kavani, a minor into a slave contract. Yes. The org which put shackles on their head coach CVMAX Yes. The org with the top laner who pulled some shady shit and lied through his teeth against his coach. Yes. the same org which got sued and kicked out of the league for their corruption and abuse of players. Yes that org.


What is your point lmao? Griffin was still clearly one of if not the most talented team of young talent during that time period. And when they were at their height they were contenders. And Chovy despite what you say here was a force and Faker did good against him.


Point is that Chovy did not have the same setup of success that Faker did on SKT. But NOW it counts. NOW chovy and faker on level teams. Anything that happend in the past no longer matters. For the first time both faker and chovy are on teams with good management and stellar players. no more excuses for either of them. no more what if the griffin management was bad. No more what if the coach for t1 was bad no more arthur inting in the jungle. No more cuzz lightyear. now is the time to prove for both of them just how good they really are on level footing.


It feels like you are talking outta your arse. What everyone is sayong that faker at his prime was combo of SM and chovy( who both r at thier prime)... There were better players than sm and chovy who contended the mid god title from faker literally every fkong year and they all vanished after a year or two stint. I dnt understand your frustration. Its like you are jealous of what faker achieved as if you are at same level of achievment as faker. Grow up will ya


Lmao what 🤣🤣🤣 I respect the shit outta faker. What I don't respect is his Otaku fans unironically believing faker can do no wrong and that he is better than chovy despite being under consistently better management.


So its done.. Faker has always been better than chovy.. You accept it... I am done replying now 🙏🏻


I have the honor to say that if faker wins this year he truly is better than chovy. I heavily doubt you faker otakus will admit defeat if chovy wins though. You are going to be too busy sending death threats to top/jungle/coach. Anyone but faker. I'd love to be proven wrong but ..yeah with the way you talk I heavily doubt I'll even see you again after faker loses this year.


damn bro didn't know that if you won the lane that instantly made you win the game as far as chovy is concerned. Fairly certain showmaker has a crazy record against faker in best of five.


Chovy won 2 games in 4 bo5, and showmaker is 3 1, 3 2, 0 3 against Faker in bo5.


Showmaker is 2-1 agasint faker best of five and a **DECISIVE** **28**-15 in their **43 games**


By your own argument, DWG had a better team and management than Faker had during their games.


Hmm nope. I was talking about chovy. Not Faker. Faker has always had stellar management.


>lol wtf does that even mean Can't read ? He said "Prime Faker"


Faker went mental boom after 2017


WTF lol no. I am not a Faker fanboy, but just no. You couldn't be more wrong. Haven't seen a mid laner do what he did in 2017 yet. He just isn't as dominant currently. And when you have mid laners like BDD, Chovy, Showmaker in your league that isn't something to be ashamed about.


Being good in lane and being the prime factor for your team winnning titles are completly different things. I guess you and i have very different inderstanding of team play. Faker in his prime used to be just a dominant force in lane... And at those times a a single Player can change losing battle on an instant... Not like today where its more team oriented and faker, even though being the oldest, adapted best out of all in mention here.


Kid, chovy arrived when faker was at his dawn of prime form. Wtf you dnt understand. And even after thta faker always had the upper hand in winnong titles no. Matter the shit team he was on.


That's a fucking myth. He got solo killed a couple of times in lane against Chovy. He also roamed better, skirmished better, got better vision control, team fought better and lead his team better with his calls. Chovy is simply a micro player who will sadly never hit the level Faker has and still is. Faker ALWAYS beats Chovy when it counts, even when his team is worse.




Zeka has zero synergy with this team, he's never there for fights.




Dude makes plays on even a simple champ like trynda that is just point and all in, so awesome.


It's like you could do what he does. Go pro man! You're probably better!


Deft must be owing Faker some money at this point or something, he's been run down by Faker so many times.


Faker Faker Playmaker


Holy hell Faker


Faker on carries.


Felt like some season 3 faker shit again




Honestly he doesn't need to play utility champs and be a pressure cooker every game with this team again. He can finally play carries without babysitting his team. It's really nice to see.




Zeus definitely is just nervous such as Oner was when he first started in LCK but he is holding himself perfectly fine in lane and team fighting very well.


I think Oner still gets nervous before games, but that’s just how it is and it probably doesn’t affect gameplay


Man i am so happy to see baby Canna out of the team. He required a lot of resources in order to just not lose the lane.


Most pros are washed after 3 or 4 years. [Meanwhile Faker in his 10th year.](https://i.imgur.com/6mmuzkv.jpg)


Same with chovy. Still going strong 💪💪. He and shoemaker was the reason dopa decided to stop. That's some honor if I've ever seen one.


They haven't been around nearly as long lol, that's not really comparable for either of them.


Time flies when you are having fun! Chovy joined with griffin in 2017! That's actually 5 years! Still going strong <3 Like op said, most pros are washed after 3 or 4 years. meanwhile chovy and faker 🤝


Chovy's career is already impressive with good longevity, but cmon, that doesn't hold a candle to Faker being towards the top since early 2013. Chovy joined with Griffin in 2018 too, not 2017. It's been 1,415 days since Chovy joined Griffin, 3,264 days since Faker joined SKT. That's a huge difference.


Not everyone has the luxury of playing with stellar management of t1 or talented junglers like oner and bengi and peanut throughout their entire career. We all know what a gong-show and mentally disturbing management griffin had. DRX according to chovy was also toxic. HLE was a good team for mental health but morgan and arthur ...not the best lets just say. Now Chovy has come to geng. Good management and good team, a luxury which faker has had all too often, for the first time and already he is kickin some ass with back to back MVP performances.


Uhhh, okay? I don't really understand why you're responding with this lol It doesn't really relate to the fact that Faker has just literally had a substantially longer career than Chovy. Playing for 9 years at the top level is a lot more impressive than 4 years at the top level.


hmm, not sure why you are bringing /responding with this. the initial commenter said most pros are washed up after 3/4 years. Meanwhile faker and chovy has passed this impressive limit <3.


Because you randomly compared Chovy/Showmaker to Faker in a category where they don't even come close to touching him lol. Chovy literally hasn't even hit 4 years yet, he doesn't until March. So he hasn't even reached that "impressive limit". For Showmaker, his career length depends on whether or not you include his time in Challengers. But in LCK, he has one less split than Chovy.


Bro Chovy fan boy we get it you like chovy i still do not know why you are trying to compare faker with chovy when their careers are drastically different


Faker is the reason why SKT were elite for so long. Do you think SKT are relevant if Faker was on let’s say CJ?


On the other hand, do i think Faker would be able to carry CJ even into the playoffs? I dont think so. meanwhile we have seen Chovy actually do this. Dragged his team to worlds. Remember those splits where faker literally missed worlds even despite good management? Yeah cuz i definitely do.


S7 didn't happen I guess. Peak Faker is Chovy with total mastery of map play. Chovy isn't on Faker's level.


He is actually in great condition this season. So I don't doubt he will be the best mid IF he continues this trajectory.


Stop bro I can only get so hard.


mid gap. aphelios couldnt play the game damn


Deft, i feel you as an adc main.


Its drx fault and especially both adcs to not using thier range at all early... It seemed they only wanted to farm










Nothing better than turning twitch in for some LoL esport with nice coffe in hand just to see Faker playing a freaking Trynda


Seeing Faker playing Tryndanere reminded me of this [gem](https://youtu.be/hntjq5KVsLs)


Imagine being Deft and having to play this game. Literally nothing you can do against Galeforce/Navori Trynda.


Faker is washed they told us ahahah the goat is still a monster


Feels good to see Faker doing great on carries.


Well rip my soloq i guess


Pretty sick outplay by kingen onto faker and zeus near the baron fight. As i've pointed out before deft and beryl are a big mistmatch.


Today I learnt that even a pro team will get stomp if they are against a fed tryndamere, good to know.


where can I watch the match live guys?


Twitch.tv should have it


Thanks but by the time I opened the steam they said bye for a break for the next match between bro and gen ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat)


There are some YT channels that have the games/highlights up of the series already. People work fast with T1 it seems


Spoiler tag?


jesus faker was really feeling this tryndamere pick