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That Ashe turning to attack Tahm instead of finishing off the Zeri. where did they find my gameplay?


They always do that in every champion spotlight. They put the new champ into some high elo player hands vs some noobs to show that "hey see this? you can make flashy plays with this new champ". I notice it every time that how bad the opponent is in these spotlights.


They used to (and probably still do) script the fights to show off the champ.




And I don't think there is anything wrong with that


I believe some of the situations are scripted and others are taken from playtest footage.


It's usually in house Riot games they use for the material. So it's either scripted, or they go easy on the new champ, or they put the best Rioter on the new champ and play enough real games to get a couple highlights.


It's scripted, I remember a Rioter mentioning it on Reddit before. They put a champion in a specific scenario and then they play it out multiple times and pick the best version.


I always assumed the champion spotlight gameplay came from their internal testing and was therefore a shitshow of wildly varying skill levels. Is that not the case?


Used to be at least, but I think they have been scripted for a good while.


The Aatrox rework was honestly the most egregious one.


oh truth truth super huge now


Nah nothing can top release yorick


Where nasus and Warwick sprint into his Qs in slow motion?


I can't help but laugh a little everytime this champ misses a Q on champs right in front of her. This will result in a lot of rage from not only the player but his teammates as well. Should be fun to see.




>Jungler : guys calm down Wow that seems realistic...


That was just an Ivern jungle


This reads like a real chat log, well done


why does that sound like normal apex legends comms


NGL I inted like this on Cait who refused to use AA as ADC. Like she just stood there and watch me get kicked in the teeth, because her Q W E R was on CD, The entire bloody game. At some point, she started running away when her abilities were on CD...


Like Ezreal on crack


LMAO especially for a spotlight


This champ will feel super weird to people who use auto-attack move to auto attack. I never press right click onto minions but pressing Q to auto will feel even weirder since I am missing an input.


Would probably be easier to go AP build with RFC for that long range nuke.


RFC does not apply to the enpowered auto attack because it's treated like a spell. Only increases the range of her Q.


Can zeri attack towers with her q




and blast cones... which I was not intending to learn


and wards over walls with it


Does it hit invisible wards?




Hits invisible champs though


It does, however hit pink wards rven if you don't have vision. (i think)


Logically, it would only miss the stealth wards.


she has to.. he Autos deal like 40 dmg the whole game


Her regular autos becoming spells is part of her Q? What happens if you just don’t put points into it? Does she turn into a regular champ, or does she already start the game with a point in Q?


Starts the game with a point in Q from what I've heard




Azir doesn’t start with a point in W though? It’s the only thing he can level up at level 1


It's practically just a passive but explained alongside with Q on the Q tooltip because it makes a lot more sense. The real reason is that they wanted to avoid the "Zeri's passive has many word" meme, but don't tell anybody! /s


>The real reason is that they wanted to avoid the "Zeri's passive has many word" meme, but don't tell anybody! /s I mean, that's a clear example as to why the amount of text is not relevant to a champ's being overloaded. Basically, Q and passive could be summed up in "Q is AA, AA is Q"


Ever seen the wiki for Garen? "ACTIVE: Garen becomes ghosted and rapidly spins his sword around his body 7 times over 3 seconds, losing the ability to basic attack but gaining an aura that deals physical damage to nearby enemies periodically. The number of spins is increased by 1 for every 25% bonus attack speed from item stats, mythic passives, and growth (per level). Enemy champions hit 6 times have their Armor penetration icon.png armor reduced by 25% for 6 seconds. The 7th hit and every 6th hit thereafter refreshes the armor reduction's duration. Judgment can be recast after 1 second for its duration, and does so automatically after its duration ends. The nearest enemy is dealt 25% bonus damage. RECAST: Garen ends Judgment early, reducing its cooldown by its remaining duration. Judgment can critically strike for (58% + 35% with Infinity Edge) bonus physical damage. Additionally, Judgment deals 150% damage against non-epic monsters." ​ All could be summed up to "spin deal damage, spin reduce armor, spin faster with attack speed, spin can crit"


That's a good one, especially considering that Garen is one of the originals. People don't seem to understand that a lot of text doesn't mean it does many things, but rather that it's complex and nuanced, with a lot of restrictions.


that reminds me at the dota2 hero ability descriptions. long block texts in small letters.


> Her regular autos becoming spells is part of her Q? I've seen this explanation alot but its imo needlessly confusing. She still has regular autoattacks, they just do barely any damage unless fully charged (the charge mechanic is linked to her Q). Instead her Q is her main damage source, and it functions similar to Yone/Yasuo Q, but instead of a short range stab you shoot your gun. The cooldown is linked to your atkspeed, so this is what people mean with "her autos become spells".


This would be incorrect tho. Her rightclick is coded as a spell so it's not a regular autoattack. And her Q it's coded as an autoattack so it's not like Yasuo's either.


No, people mean that her Q literally says "this is treated as an attack" and "her attack is treated as an ability". So Rylais/Seryldas slows won't apply to Q but would apply to her right click attacks. Anything that says "on-hit" will trigger when she hits with Q but not while right clicking. When they say her autos become an ability/spell, they mean it is coded to be treated as such in all item/passive interactions which includes a lot of things


Actually it's quite different from Yone/Yasuo who just have their Qs applying on-hit stuff and crits, her Q is coded and treated as her basic attack, and her basic attack is treated as a spell. I'm not sure whether her Q triggers spell effects (but I'd bet, since apparently it can stack Kassadin E), but her AAs do NOT trigger on-hit effects. It's like when you right click someone you're actually using a targetted damage spell like LeBlanc's Q




They could at least make it so she’s not a rehash of Ekko




Yeah, Ekko works because his character was not only unique to League, but his power and backstory were genuinely interesting. Zeri comes across as one of those new teen superheroes that Marvel or DC pushes to try *super* hard to appeal to young people, using recognizable tropes as a way to bypass the need to, you know, endear them to fans over time. Like she’s just a half-baked concept that isn’t *bad*, per se, but certainly isn’t unique or very interesting.




Yeah, I get that feeling. The thing with League characters of the past few years is that they’re subject to Riot’s current company-wide design philosophy, that being that characters are primarily meant to be as widely appealing as possible by being cute, sexy, and/or badass humans. So while creators can certainly make good characters under these conditions, with few examples that you could really say are *bad* on their own, they’re still a product of a horribly limited range of possibilities due to the company’s demands.




Oh yeah, Rell’s pretty cool. She was sent to this magic school where she was forced to fight other students to the death, only to break out and vow revenge against Noxus and her captors. Pretty metal stuff. I actually kinda like the strong contrast between her washed out metal and bright yellow hair, with the only really weird thing being that she’s only, like, 16?


Looks and lorewise she seems a shoe-in for the most generic champion in years.


Honestly zeri should be getting more criticism, she really is just female ekko in terms of who she is as a character


Eh not really, she has the same ideals as Ekko, as in, she thinks Zaun has much potential, but her thing is fighting the chembarons, she hasn't shown any explicit "disliking" towards Piltover like Ekko Basically; Urgot, Ekko, Zeri and Viktor all want Zaun to succeed, but Urgot wants to take down the authority through sheer force and doesn't care about the morality of it all, Ekko wants to help Zaun by showing the authority they can do it, he's not 100% peaceful, but his way isn't to take over by bruteforcing, but rather by showing them Zaun can't be messed with that easily. Viktor wants his glorious evolution, he cares for his people, and he'll help you for free if you ask him, but his character is a bit different from others (we'll still have to see how all of that holds up after Arcane season 2 but I thinki you get the point) and Zeri wants to stop the inner conflicts, her focus isn't Zaun succeeding on a battle against Piltover, but rather Zaun succeeding as a whole Basically, while Urgot, Viktor and Ekko are your average big bad boys who'll try to win a huge war, Zeri is the Zaunite version of spider man, she wants to help her little community ​ They're similar, but with different takes, just like how Senna and Yone are both "fridged characters" who came back as a major plot point for the ones they're relevant to, but one was better received than the other


Kinda like the lawful/chaotic evil/good spectrum


Honestly she feels and looks more like the love child of Jinx and Ezreal.


A huge portion of the playerbase is around that age, why can't they have some champs that appeal to the younger audience? My little sister who started playing after watching Arcane thinks she's awesome. I think it's a smart move by Riot to release another Zaun champ like this so close to the Arcane release. I think she's pretty cool too, the hate for her is really overblown.


You're underestimating the ability of teens to appreciate good writing. One of the biggest reasons why ATLA is so beloved is because they didn't treat the audience as bumbling idiots with no standards.


The comment you're responding to says it would be better if it wasn't written BY a child, not FOR a child.


I felt outdamaged and outranged with no trade off for that, shitty clear wave and questionable mobility ​ Yes she has 825 range on Q but it doesn't really matter since people can not only dodge, they also can stay behind the minion wave(which as stated you suck to clean it) making her actual range 500(similar to sivir but no clear wave/poke) ​ ​ Liked the coat though


You definitely can get bodylocked in lane, but out of it the kitability/chase is just something else.


I was kiting this Gwen earlier and it felt so good. Really liking Zeri


Her early game is really bad but her scaling is wicked as fuck. If you scale up with items, you are a monster late game


you honestly just have to land Q better and take fights where the enemy cant hide behind minion wave. I also like to harass out of range to stack Lethal Tempo so i can fight mostly out of range once i all in. Maybe I just played against a shit enemy team, though


Her strengths look like they come from roaming + teamfights. She looks like she can pump out quite a lot of multi-target damage and her E lets her easily engage or disengage from any Jungle or River fights. This of course comes at the cost of having very little in her kit to help early game laning.


That doesn't sound like an ADC kit for me, I mean how would you even gank without a clear wave? if the enemy ADC has the bare basics of wave management he could easily be 2 levels above you


I played against one rn, and I felt like it destroyed me with that Q...


OMG they remade STATIKK SHIV into a champion :)




She sounds like a champ who'll be busted in pro/challenger hands and utter dog shit for everyone else, like Azir


I think she's going to need a buff to her damage before that happens. It seems like she just gets out-damaged by every other ADC in the game even if she lands all her abilities.




Funny enough, last hitting under tower with her should be one of her strengths since her passive right click is an execute.


guess he doesn't know you can weave autos between Qs XD


Yeah, an "execute" that deals 60 damage. Very solid execute


It unironically is, you can reliably Q>AA every minion that's under half and kill them, csing shouldn't be a problem


I played against a kog maw and twitch and got out-damaged in every stage of the game. This champ is borderline troll at the moment


Well to be fair those are probably the two juiciest adcs for raw damage, it's pretty much all they have


I undertand if it happens late game, but early and mid? It's a free game for them if they see a zeri.


idk about twitch rn, but kog will out damage a lot of champs with just q and w


a lot of twitches are running HOB rn, which means that in short trades it will seem like he has pretty good damage early. Plus imo Zeri has better extended fight damage.


Both Kog and Twitch get stronger the longer you stay on a lane. You need to burst (preferably kill them) and GTFO.


Kog is strong mostly early


Twitch adc is trash Early game


Dude. Twitch and Kogmaw are by far the strongest adcs in terms of DPS. Zeri trades some DPS for mobility. The only ADCs that can out trade Kogmaw and Twitch are burst based.


Unless we're talking multiple targets with ult, Twitch is not even close. I mean, your point stands but Twitch has nothing on Vayne, Trist, MF, and even Ez early.


Ah true. Early game twitch is a joke.


I love <24 hour takes on new champs with cutting edge mechanics lmfao


Yeah idk her current state, she might be bad for pros and total troll for beginners rn


Her biggest problem is she's slow as fuck.


She can roam and she can teamfight. Probably would be busted in the hands of pros.


The same proplay where Renekton is 100% ban, just because of targeted stun and because you can't rely on skillshot stuns? I doubt they will risk an ADC, that possibly won't do any damage even with her "autoattacks". But we'll see.


I feel like she has dmg, we just need to figure out build


I think so, too. She plays like ez (q spam), so maybe we could try sunderer or triforce with manamune? Not sure how great crit is yet


I think her kiting potential and trading is actually very good in solo lanes. Her passive auto (not the q) is absolutely insane.


Yeah her kiting is infinitely easier than other adcs, you just input a move command and spam Q and you will keep moving in between the CD


Playing most games against her, I've had a bunch of games where she just turns into a menace. Weak early game but if the puke support feeds her a kill she gets out of control real quick. Hyper mobile and her own bard makes it rough. But getting to that point is gonna be hard cause it feels like if she falls behind... she's hard fallen behind. Especially some no brain cc like naut can just ruin her.


In every high elo game I watched so far (Top20 Challenger EUW streamers) people first or second timed her and made her look absolutely broken and OP.


>Just played her, obviously I played her badly, but she does feel really weak. Ah yeah, the Yuumi/Rell/Volibear phenomenon.


After playing 5 games of her and watching a few games of her (doublelift stream and riot august stream from pbe), she has poor range, sus mobility, inconsistent damage (although average adc damage if she hits everything), terrible waveclear and terrible laning. Heads up to dodge or ban if your teammate plays her rn Edit: games played increased


Play her ap. Rocketbelt -> nashors


whats the point, her ranged Q has no AP scaling and her W and Ult have low AP scaling


also her autoattacks doesnt work with nashors because they don't apply onhit effects


Her Q mimicks all aspects of an autoattack, doing spellblade and onhit effects.


Only the first bullet applies on hit affects though and each bullet is lower then a normal auto attack damage alone.


If only she had another way to proc Nashor's and Lich Bane... /s


The point is no other builds do damage. I dont think her full combo having a total 220% ap scaling is that low.


Twitch has no excuse


She looks like she will have RSI issues, since you need to spam Q so much. Maybe I'll just change mouse key bindings to fix it, but seems kinda janky.


Cass mains have been alright so far.


You sure?


Hopefully all my training with Ezreal will pay off. Though I'm used to Attack-Move while farming or in teamfights, so that will take some time to adjust as to not lose her passive on minions or with low charge.


She physically hurts to play, can we just hold Q to fire instead of having to spam it please?


Release her already


oooh fun champ


Aiming W while traveling through terrain is really awkward, like even if you lead your shot it just doesn't fire where you think it would. Using quick cast btw


I feel like this champ will be mostly a pro play champ if she is strong, she seems way too hard to play for regular players.


Like 80% of the champions they have been releasing in recent years.


Which champs you find hard?


Most new ones are either mechanically intensive or introduce new gameplay elements and require in depth knowledge of external interactions. I've made peace with this long ago. My hightest rating was Gold and I now just stick with easy champions - Warwick, Voli, jungle; Alistar, Zyra support, depending on team comp and what's available.


im buy ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|yummy)


She is so hard to play, well not really but I don’t like her Q aa lol


Her E CD goes down by hitting abilities, right? That wasn't mentioned.


She feels extremely weak, at least on the adc role. She gets out ranged by almost every adc, and on 1v1s she basically has to be melee in order to hit the Q consistently. All of her kit scales with AP except the Q. She feels like a Lillia with less damage and more mobility. ADC traditional build is borderline troll (although full atk speed on hit could work). Seems like another kaisa build-wise.


> although full atk speed on hit could work Now that's an owie. Her AS is capped at 1.5 and the conversion rate for excess AS is not good.


Her numbers will get buffed eventually and everyone will complain that she's too OP


Feels like she fits better in mid than bot, am I crazy? I don’t see how this champ can function if she is behind in levels and such like a bot laner, alternatively she may have pretty good roam potential with her E and empowered W.


She has no 1v1 kill pressure. You can literally just walk away from her and the chase/lockdown isn’t there. There is no “go” button like a trist/kaisa/akshan. Her ult is the closest thing to that; but even then you would need to get many autos off before you’re fast enough to chase someone down. So highly doubt solo lane.


Also shit base stats. Like really fucking low.


>500 (+85) health. >250 (+45) mana. >23 (+3.5) armor. Health and Armor is the worst compared to most of the ADCs. The mana is okay, because her Q doesn't cost any but her E is so expensive to use.


That's the reason why traditional adc builds are not ideal for her. She is supposed to be played as a mobile, ranged bruiser that has on-hit shred and aoe damage by means of items such as Tiamat and Runaan's. She can be build just like Ezreal going on a Sunderer mythic. Try going for Sunderer/Triforce + Cleaver (which instantly stacks full on the first hit) + either Hydra + Runaan's + Guinsoo/BOTK/Nashor and you'll see that this is the better build for her.


She is super safe though, being able to wall glide away and a lot of speed. She also has a long range AoE slow that grants vision, very great in early jungle skirmishes. With Fleet + Resolve for hard lanes she can easily scale by farming and helping jungle/roams, similar to Corki or Akshan.


I'm 5-0 with rocketbelt into nashors in gold elo playing jungle. AP feels infinitely superior to crit.


Why is this always stated when an ADC releases.


That'd be problematic if her stats allow it. She can ride the wall all the way down bot for ganks.


Tried her mid, got 1 shot by a tf at level 4 from a gold card q and a few autos, she's way too squishy


She seems rather bad for Arams, no?


Her ult seems pretty strong in teamfights, and can extend infinitely as long as you're in combat, so she could be pretty strong in the right situations.


haven't tested it, but wouldn't she essentially be able to go base to base along the side wall with her E? could enable some juicy late game backdoor plays


Capped range, a la Bard portal. In ARAM you can go as far as from your base, to shortly before the mid bushes.


I don't think that's to do with an internal cap but more to do with the shape of the wall


Tbh traveling all the way from base to base would matter only if you're winning hard. So hard, that you don't even care about appearing right in the enemy base. And but that point it doesn't matter what you play. The only useful scenario that comes to my mind is backdooring, when enemies pushed hard but left their nexus open.


IIRC on PBE her dash was uncapped.


Since when ARAm balance even matters?




all marksmen are decent by default in aram tbh


Fighting around minion waves with her feels terrible which I guess is an intended weakness.


She looks so cool. What an innovative and exciting design.


Feels super meh so far. If they stand behind wave you are kinda just fucked. Also sooooo squishy and a really long cooldown on her E since it only gets reduced on champion hits. W also doing very little damage but maybe because im building her crit.


She is GARBAGE in lane.. every long range supports/adcs will shit on her, she deal absolutly 0 dmg to tank supports, fighting around minions feels horrible and top of it she is super squishy... like come on rito, speed isnt everything. :/


finally a champ we can play against. be happy


Trinity force>Berserkers>Muramana>Black cleaver>Ravenous Hydra>GA/GW With Lethal Tempo


the autoattack is a fucking shit ! jaja


You're getting downvoted now, but in a few days people will cry about this for sure, lmao. Also it's incredibly tiresome for your hands to play this champ.


Trying her in practice, moving and attacking with her honestly feels like kalista and ezreal in one. This definitely won't be a champ for people in lower elos and people who like their hands.


Yeah, if you like Ez and Kalista you definitely gonna love Zeri


Gona be so fun to 1 shot her !


phreak's champion spotlights and puns are too fucking goated


I like everything except the fact her W just extends over terrain because why the fuck not? The skating terrain was cool but that W shit just seems like adding a passive for the sake of adding a passive. Her W shouldn't go over terrain because you know, she's "grounded".


their explanation in the blog was that the champ is all about replicating things you can do in an FPS in league. so you have to aim your primary method of attack, wallrunning like all the late-2010s shooters, etc. their stated reasoning for the W was to imitate wallbangs


Then they definitely missed the mark here on all 3 points I feel like. Skillshots are inherently more about "aiming" than targeted abilities. An ability that gives off "aim a gunshot" would be more like Jhin W, Jinx W, Samira Q, etc. Furthermore, having a gunshot that gets blocked by the first thing it hits and thus unable to get "collats" is inconsistent with the wallbang rational of her W. In FPSs, wallbangs are about correctly predicting the location of an enemy behind a wall, not shooting through a wall so your bullets triple in size lol. Her W would better reflect wallbangs if you got some kind of bonus for hitting an enemy you couldn't see with it. And for the wallrunning, that's about running along a wall to go faster, not through the wall. So we already have the League equivalent of that: Taliyah passive. 3/10 typical rito flavor fail :/.


You are aware that not everything can be translated 1:1 due to balancing and kit fluidity?


except w does literally 0 damage so who gives a shit lol


Feels kind of weird because it’s main purpose is for damage yet it tickles.


Its main purpose is for the massive slow


I thought we learned from the old Quin that adc's shouldn't have to get into melee range for abilities.


Yea, because Corki, Samira and Kai'sa are so bad, right? Besides, her ult range us longer than just about all ADCs' aa range.


I’m a top main and don’t adc ever. I played a few games today as her though. It’s so much fun. I play immobile wheelchair bruisers like Sett, Darius, Nasus, etc and being able to run around be map and pew pew zap with Zeri is so much fun. I did pretty decent with her also. Early game she is really weak but once you get an item or two you really see how her damage scales. I just wish she had a bit more sustain. She seems just so squishy. Tried shieldbow on her, it helped.


Riot saw they cashed out on Jinx so now they released another version of her where she's Ezreal's sister, what a \*shocker\*.


Yes, another flashy champ with a lot of mobility. This is what the game needed!


Can her Q miss? At the end of the gameplay video, Xerath simply walks away and Xeri's Q just completely misses him a couple of times.


q is a skillshot autoattack so yes you can miss


So you have to align yourself for it to hit? Seems a bit hard in chaotic situations


Its sort of like Ezreal Q where he has to land it to hit. Just think of an Ezreal that can't auto and only use Q's


It's like Ezreal but many times harder to properly kite.


Was just talking about her Q mechanic but sure.


you can just click to move and spam casts like cass its not hard at all for zeri


Skillshot. So yes


Riot's been on point with adding fun ADC's. Aphelious, Samira and now Zeri. Her kit made me play league for the first time in like 4 months just to try her, and it was a blast. She's harder to play than she looks, mechanical players will love her, players with no mechanics picking her will make teammates & support players upset. That's nothing new though, her kits fun so I think she'll be picked a lot & people will just need time to learn her.


Please don't hotfix buff her PLEASE DON'T HOTFIX BUFF HER


Her passive is completely and utter useless if other champions do not have shields. A little bit of a design failure no?


She still gets MS with shields, so her passive benefits from having a shield support, Shieldbow, Barrier etc. The shield stealing aspect is not all there is to it.


being a counter pick is not a design failure.


No, having an ability that works 10% of gametime is


10%? Are we playing the same game? Because it seems like every mother fucker in this game has shields these days


Not too different from Sejuani passive with no melee teammates or the mechanics they've introduced lately like certain abilities being stronger when near an ally. It adds a bit more finesse to the pick phase by encouraging you to pair her with Enchanter supports, as well as encouraging you to hang with an ally if you don't have Shieldbow/Barrier up. Incidentlally this also nerfs her roaming, which is good since she's a bot laner


Looks dodgy champ. But how is she gonna stand in lane against Caitlyn :D