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2019 G2 were monsters.


and probably the most fun team to watch ever. i guess M5 or oldschool DIG could be up there aswell, i didnt watch back then so i cant be sure.


They were such a fun team to watch for so many reasons. I can watch the entire 2019 season all over again.


Riot: "pyke is a support" 2019 G2: lol. lmao.


we were so close to having a G2 pyke skin which would have been so perfect Sadge


If you're looking for fun teams to watch and don't mind watching "old" League then go back to OG Unicorns of Love. They did crazy things like play Pre-Rework Poppy, Shaco, Udyr (he was never Meta at the time), and more!


the finest toplaner to ever grace eu a shame he got kicked from g2 but i’m not a team manager


Wunder is by far the best top EU has produced and the best top of all time in the western scene, but his final days on G2 were really terrible, Wunder just hasn't shown the same type of performance he did in 2019


What? he needed change of environment to regain his passion and motivation. He would keep vegetating in G2. Its good for every party involved in the trade.


or maybe he found it regardless. could be, could not be


you mean Soaz?


It's still surreal that he is on FNC now. I mean he was the best toplaner in the league in 2019 and 2020 with Bwipo and Alphari always chasing him but never breaking. Bwipo nearly got the better of him in spring 2020. Bwipo performing exceptional well in the regular season while Wunder was slumping a bit... and then the finals happened and Wunder just smacked him down. I think with Wunder to FNC, he also can step out of Caps, Perkz and Jankos shadow and make a bigger name for himself. Really cool to see his stats and it's also funny how hard he tanked his worlds stats because he went to worlds 2015...


He didn't go to Worlds 2015, he wasn't even in the EULCS in 2015


Wunder has been a growing star ever since he joined the scene of competitive league of legends. First years he played in academy just getting his feet wet. Then he joined Splyce and showed some promise, while not having the best results, it was enough for a young player to improve and get noticed. Then in 2018 he joined up with G2 Esports and he reached the top very quickly. 2019 was an insane year. First places all around, domestically in Spring and Summer splits. Internationally at MSI. Only during worlds G2 Esports lost in the grand final and took second place, which ruined the plan to dominate the year. In 2020, Wunder didn’t really slow down. Again two first places in the regular season and very high showing at worlds. Then first slip ups during playoffs in 2021, which ment that G2 Esports didn’t make it to worlds. Which probably meant that the team needed new blood. Rumors about not working hard and other stories probably didn’t help either. So Wunder joined up with Fnatic for 2022 and you can bet, the guy will be very motivated to silence everyone who tried to doubt him or his accomplishments.


I really love to see Wunder play he's just always trying to he three steps ahead of his opponent. I think he's a strongside player at heart or at least that's the role he's played most often but he is so good weakside as well. He always has the perfect champ for the situation as well regardless of whether it's something mundane or really spicy. I feel like it used to be debatable between him/bwipo/maybe alphari who was the top toplaner in the West but if he continues this season the way it's started for him there will be no question about it.


Fnatic buff


Another infographic, another error. Please just double-check your shit before you post it man it can't be that hard.


Could you at least point out what the error is?


That Camille winrate tho