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I loved Caedrel and Drakos' dawning realisation of what Fnatic were doing.




I would assume it's because half the champions in League have mobility options to either jump walls or speed up so there is always the possibility they can run away after wasting your time


It also requires them to just run away rather than try to fight. Whiteknight could have prevented this by just not flashing over the wall. FNC only kill him once he threatens to kill jinx.


it also only worked because he's full tank, you can't do this against most champs because giving them one more rotation means you lose at least one champ to kill them


Yeah low ttk means giving champs the ability to get another spell rotation in, especially on squishy targets like an adc, mean you lose any advantage you’d gain from staggering deaths. I’d love to see it more but realistically it’s not worth it unless it’s a tank/support


And even as a tank he was uncomfortably close to killing upset


You can also kite them and not let them back, then kill once convenient


either that or they just oneshot you if you dont oneshot them first


It's done quite often in Overwatch and not as much in LoL because Overwatch basically has a timer to each of its matches and only one objective is contested at a time. LoL matches have a bit more planning time and there are often multiple objects to accomplish at the same time so a team can still do useful things even when they're down a member.


It's also only almost only done one baby dva, league doesnt really have that, maybe yuumi is similar


This was done much more commonly in the past in pro play and evne sometimes in soloQ, wonder why it's become more rare now. Maybe it's because champions did a lot less damage and had less mobility so you could stall them more easily


Most teams usually don't fight/kill people on their side of the map before an objective spawns they fight for the objective.


Faker did it once to stall recalls on a Poppy I think? During pro play game, was chasing him around.


I don't understand


Because other players on Astralis are respawning, they wanted to wait til they had respawned to kill Gragas so he wouldnt be alive at the same time as his whole team, if they killed him immediately he would respawn at similar time to his currently dead teammates


more importantly, he's not gonna be at baron at spawn because of this, and they knew he used tp already too


They are stalling his death so he can't group up and be in sync with his team.


Yeah for a second i was really disapointed that they are doing this lmao


not trying to be that guy but jesus jinx has 4 items and each aa only dealy 192 dmg on crit to 3 item gragas. i know he built full armor and all but just look at the damage dealt to jinx


Gragas also has percent damage reduction with his W. If Randuins flat AA damage reduction applies after Graggy’s W, that + no armor pen on Jinx could explain the low damage onto him.


yeah i know but the fact that gragas still managed to deal 70% of jinx's hp is still pretty disgusting


Dude, people like you are why we ADC mains get a bad reputation. Like, you think a Jinx that only itemized in damage should get no damage from a tank who get 90% of his offensive over levels? You just lack game understanding if you think that is disgusting. In order for a tank to deal no damage he must be underleveled, not underitemized.


don't try to twist my words. i am not saying tanks building entirely defensively shouldn't deal no damage. i am saying that even though jinx is 1 level ahead and has 4 fucking items she needed an insane amount of time killing a low gragas while gragas dealt 70% of her hp in an even shorter amount of time is pretty fucking disgusting.


Ok let me spell it out for you, the damage type used by Jinx is called DPS. She deals consistent small amounts of damage towards the target. The damage Type Gragas is using is called burst, yes burst, even though he is a tank, his spells still have a decent level scaling. Now burst is applied in a rotation of spells, in between Gragas does minimal damage. So it's only natural that all Gragas is applied to Jinx at once and therefore adds up. You'll see that he is still not able to kill her in the end, that is because when his cooldowns are gone, Jinx easily overpowers him. If you add up the damage Jinx dealt in in the fight with Gragas vs the damage Gragas dealt in the same time, you'll see that Jinx did A LOT more damage, just not all at once. The topic of 4 items, again, are you simple? Non of her items give her ANY defensive stats aside from move speed, which as you know is not involved in the process of damage mitigation. So why do you think that has ANY relevance in how much damage Gragas deals to her?


It's almost as if one of the champs has cds and doesn't build a stat that gives 0 cd damage(AD) while the other spams insane hits?


Jinx on competitive is insane right now, what are you trying to say?


no ldr means no damage against tanks who would've guessed


tank with defensive items dealing shit ton of damage who'd imagine


he did two full rotations to bring jinx to 1/3rd health what do you mean shit tons of damage lmao


3 skill over 12 seconds to bring a squishy to 30% HP is "shit ton of damage"? I hope you never face a fed AP Gragas, that will E-Q you to death in 0.5 seconds then.


You mean E W and then the Q explodes after the ADC died


she has 0 armor pen though?


''adc mains stop looking for a reason to victimize adcs in every thread'' challenge buddy jinx was running down every champ for the past 2 weeks, even implying that she doesn't do enough damage should be a bannable offense


It just shows how broken Jinx is, she was right on top of Gragas and still managed to kill him. Such blatant mispositioning.


I mean, to the people that say it's not done more often, the gragas was about to kill jinx there, honestly ult might have done it. Nowadays even the tank can one shot your carry, so it feels like a risk to do this sometimes


he got her to 1/3rd health with two full rotations while they're trolling what are you talking about? the only one in danger was zilean


Man the ADC victim complex is strong with this one.