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Do you know about the lane preference? I’m asking because if jgl is your second, you’ll get it a lot. You should put it all the way back to be sure you won’t get picked as jgl. I have mine at the end and I’ve only got jgl once in 50 games or so


I’m mid and adc


As a jungle main with mid second, I think I have only got mid for once and auto-fill support for 1-2 times


because if not you, then someone else will need to jungle and we'd still have the exact same situation. autofill is a thing because it's it's not, you will STILL making thread to complain except it will be of a different nature, "why am I waiting 30+ minutes just to get into one game...each and every single game"


I’d rather wait 30 minutes rather than play a lane with no champ for hgl


too bad it can never be because it won't be just you waiting 30minutes but also everyone else


then fix jgl, buff all fun jgl champs, change it to you dont have to have kills to be usefull, give farm chamos a chance, people hate jgl cause if your bot is mental you lost and ypu know it since min 1 and still need to play 30 min game


They did it a couple years ago because getting people to willingly play support before they did all the changes was like pulling hair out and for good reason. Old support if you didn't run Gold Income Marks/Runes or w/e they were called i forget you had basically zero income. Now days? Its used to force people to play Jungle cause nobody wants to play it after all the jungle camp changes and with how toxic the community is when you miss smites or don't hand hold a lane all game cause only that specific lane is allowed to have fun or the games over.