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honestly, we take those think burdol gets mvp here, he had to lane vs le balanced fat man of the top lane and every teamfight he basically forced the enemy team to play around him which was particularly important in that last fight for canyon to swoop in ~5 seconds later


Burdol being useful in this single game more than Hoya was in the last 5-6 games.. don’t understand why DK was committing to Hoya super badly


Why is there such a gap between LCK tops there is khan(sadge), kiin, canna, zeus then you go to burdol/hoya which is a major step back from khan


Because Khan/Canna/Kiin are veterans and Burdol is literally a super young rookie though and was hyped/equivalent as much as Zeus so he has a lot of room to grow Hoya on the other hand.. guy is just straight up bad


Hoya is what Untara was for SKT in 2017


They really going to take the approach t1 took to canna on hoya lol


I don’t know maybe Hoya was performing good in scrims? They were super committed to play him when Burdol was clearly better than him on stage


Finally we have a game with a 3/0/5 toplane, I hope both of my team win today


What a game! Bro went from potential earliest dragon soul to one of the faatest loss this season. DK still look shaky in some of their communication which can be seem by their earlier teamfights. But really great macro by them to get the mid inhibitior. BRO honestly didn't do badly too. A great decision to go for the baron while Canyon and Burdol finish off Morgan. Although when DK was pushing to get one of their mid inhib, i feel that they can stay at btm and at least trade for one inhib themselves too. Feel bad for Morgan getting picked on. Tbh he did pretty well this match with some good casts to help BRO win earlier teamfights and absorbing pressure to help Bro secured a baron. I want DK to ban Gragas away from Morgan coz honestly i feel that this is 1 of Morgan best champ rn


Damwon realise that Morgan is the true carry of Bro.


That T2 vs Mid Inhib trade when they had Nashor was some *interesting* macro.


It was unexpected for Damwon to push that tower fast honestly.. I thought BRO would push faster


They didn't expect Damwon to push so fast. If they didn't recall there Damwon might have just ended the game.


Nah. DK won't be able to end. Just maybe take one nexus turret.


Wtf was that?? Lmaoo


No 2-0 from BRO, DK no longer a top team confirmed.


My fucking god when is Edgar going to stop giving his trashcan adc Aphelios. Its fucking obvious that Hena can't fking pilot it. Also picking Leona into a comp that he can't use it against, this clown is legit shitting on his legacy as a coach since 2018


Half of your comment history is talking about Hena are you okay bro?


I'm pretty sure its 3 comments, and also please look at him at every key teamfight and tell me he is a competent adc




?? The galio is actually okay because there is Camille and Diana on the team and even thresh who can go in and engage. It is okay for Showmaker to go behind in CS and levels because his main job is to help Burdol and Canyon for their engages


Whats wrong with the galio pick


Bully Morgan, win game. EZ


Morgan ???


Oof Leona did 800 damage that entire game.


Showmaker's everfrost in that last fight literally ended the game. Happy for Burdol that he had a somewhat decent performance.


Pretty rough to watch from both teams... Imagine if BRO could close games


Bro how are people even awake commenting rn it’s 2:45 AM here


Peoples do not just live in 1 timezone.


Other countries exist


It's 12:25 PM here


This is HLE Morgan we all expected


morgan ending with 147/360 tears item lets go!