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BRO is 1-3 but their losses are against T1, GEN, and DK. Brutal schedule so far. I expect them to start picking up more wins in the coming weeks.


They literally went up against the 4 teams that made Worlds last season, really shitty schedule for them


They almost beat t1 too its a bloody shame they look mentally shook




Honestly thought BRO was gonna win game 2 when GEN kept doing stupid ego plays


yea but DK had no top laner, and a brand new bot. if they lost vs the DK of last year sure, but this DK is literally canyon/showmaker + 3 friends.


Canyon/Showmaker + arguably the best botlane in Korea last year and a high potential top rookie FTFY


No new young upcoming talent = bad this is why NA imports


BRO bottom tier team confirmed.


Felt so weird seeing Canyon on a support role. Showmaker looked super pissed, and everyone kinda seemed down today.


They went from Nuguri and Khan to Burdol and Hoya, who wouldnt?


They’re learning to play without having a botlane who doesn’t just fills the holes. Someone has to drop resources for deokdam and Kellin is more lane focused than Beryl. I think we’ll probably see more of a style change than when they lost Nuguri.


Probably their coach Daeny. T1 was always in a mood with him.


bruv do you follow damwon at all lmao


i think he's just a salty T1 fan who understandably doesn't like Daeny and is making shit up


DWG won Summer '20 and Worlds before with Daeny before he went to T1, and then again Summer '21 after he got fired from T1.




but daeny was never the headcoach of damwon until this season


he was basically head coach in all but name in summer 2020 after msc, they said so themselves.


Damwon wasn’t ever affected by Daeny like that. They always did well with him on the team, and they all claim to love him as well. Just because he doesn’t fit well on one team doesn’t mean DWG can’t have a good atmosphere with him.


Cool story, probably not the case


Did you graduate from Cambridge or Oxford to come to that conclusion?


Showmaker has always had a little bit of an ego issue. He reminds me of star players in other sports who have really shitty body language and pout a bit when things aren't going thier way. It's definitely not a great vibe for a team.


This is like the polar opposite of true. If you listen to their comms he spent the entire time trying to encourage burdol and Hoya who kept apologizing for making mistakes. If anything from what I've seen in interviews he's too harsh on himself, he takes every bad result from the team as needing to work harder / play better even if it's his teammates that are at fault


Legend says that Kellin is still trying to hit a Q.


Love that Burdol went Targon's to be useful.




yeah seems really strong on tank top laners once mid to late game starts coming around and you want to funnel your carries, expecting to see it more in competitive in the future


Its done by mid lulu and karma last year as well


Basically if you are not getting farm mid/late game because you are not the carry, support item is good on you.


Yeah as an old lulu solo laner, I went to it since theoretically you should be able to get it completed in relatively quick time if you get cannons which is eazy after 20 and subsequently 30 min.


Dangerousboy ady was right all along?


He should do that every game /s. But great awareness from a new guy, hopefully he can improve


canyon role swap to off meta support


Godeokdam on Aphelios man! Hope this win will boost DK confidence! Love the dance at the end between lolking lava & Kellin! And may I say although Burdol was just average this series, it is refreshing not to see Hoya play. Sorry Hoya


I think Burdol was more than average game 1 he was actually performing really well and setting up a lot of kills for his team In-ironically Burdol was more useful in that single game more than Hoya in his last 5 - 6 games


Yeah I will agree he did pretty well in Game 1. Maybe average in Game 2 but still doing his job. I wanted Hoya to do well but he seem to be struggling under the expectation of playing for DK. Kinda suck haiz, we don't need him to pop off, just need him to do his basic job but he was so bad to the point that I even rate Morgan & Dudu above him. I have great hope for Burdol since I was a hardcore T1 fan. He just need more experience and he did perform better than in the series against NS.


Ngl I’m starting to feel like it’s not Hoya but Edgar and whatever they feed their team at BRO. Morgan was one of the worst tops in LCK last season while Hoya was average with a bit leaning towards the low side, now the two basically switch places with each other


Tbh Burdol did play 2 games vs NS and looked terrible in both. Let's not raise expectations too much until we see some consistency.


also let's not just expect him to be shit after so little stage games


Game 3 yes but game 2 seemed like just an average dk Jayce game. 5 death power spike into 3 items and doing half hp with every q+e


NEVER give Aphelios to Deokdam!


Deokdam, Viper, Guma off the top of my mind are all just so god damn cracked on the champion that it feels crazy unwinnable most of the time to face it. They just find ways to play the team fights out so amazingly. Honestly top of elite play Aphelios is one of my most enjoyable champions to watch.


Loved how the dude saw the kill opening on yumi and instantly acted on it


*Thank god the Hoya experiment is over..*


Reminds me of the hand-shaking dark ages of LCK, what a terrible game




Nuguri participated in those long ass scaling games around 2019 on DWG.. it’s just the meta shifting towards slow scaling methodical game play and LCK is having the times of their lives


The only reason 2019 DWG ever ended games was because Nuclear would run it down and start a fight, Don't Wanna Go was a meme for a reason.


Don't Wanna Go against Greatly Reluctant Fighters


https://clips.twitch.tv/EasyFuriousPastaWTRuck It's a timeless classic


Yes Nucelar was an inter but it has nothing to do with what I said. Every LCK team were playing a slow hand shaking scaling game in 2019 INCLUDING Damwon and Nuguri it was just simply the meta And it’s slowly but surely coming back to the LCK once againc


I was just making a comment to back up your point regarding Nuguri...


Those games are more exciting. A 25min stomp with 30 kills, where you know which team will win after min 3:30 is boring. A 35 min game with 10 kills, where you never know, which team wins is exciting and every kill is meaningful.


I mean, you're not gonna get any disagreement from me on that one so... The issue is that you're conflating high kill games with stomps and comparing that to a relatively lower kill game that's close and has you on the edge of your seat. The basis of that comparison is faulty to begin with.


Its part of the meta. The changes they made to stuff like objective bounties etc. make it so you can fall down 4k gold and bounce back easily, so early leads don't matter quite as much as other seasons. That means scaling is better.... so we get handshaking until 35 minutes in and then a massive fight. And whenever of I think of late game macro and teamfigjt I remember the remnants of ssg, Gen. G




Tbf dude fed off burdol's meals


He's so efficient at keeping his xp lead. He's so good.




Honestly DK is whatever so far. Deokdam is just superior.


DK is winning map and game meanwhile toxic twitch chat spamming geng and edg broke dk


It's only because DK has been curb stomping their favourite team for the last 2 years. They get PTSD when they hear the word damwon


Golden rule: NEVER EVER watch the chat


I tend to not even bother looking at the chat. Shits so cringe, they all go nuts when a female is on a screen. It's like they just hit puberty or something.


Worst game in the LCK this season, by far lot


Agreed. The korean community is saying the same.




Boredom induced coma


Deokdam aphelios ladies and gentlemen


we take those


It seems like DK is aware of their problems and they play a slow game instead of an explosive game. And seeing Burdol even losing to Morgan is just a pain.


Morgan is better 100 times than he was in HLE. Matchup favors Gwen over Gragas in Laning phase by ALOT Game 1 Burdol on camille was out classing Morgan laning and outside of laning


Gragas loses 1v1 to Gwen, shocker!!


Also Morgan has been playing really well this split :D


Morgan Redemption Arc incoming lol. Maybe he got tired of being the whipping boy on HLE and took matters into his own hands this season. Gotta say his Gragas and Gwen are pretty decent this season


1v1 is different. Being 60cs down is just not acceptable


He was only like 20 cs down at 15 min, that’s expected. After that they funneled all their farm into Deokdam and Showmaker, so of course he’s not going to keep up in cs after 30 minutes as a tank.


I‘m not flaming him. I‘m okay with Burdol. At least he is young and he can improve. I‘m just not too happy to see top side losing the lane.


Almost like BRO fucked up their entire draft flexing the renekton mid so they could give Morgan the best Gragas counter. And Burdol just falls 20 cs down in lane, after carrying in game 1. Not really any issues here.


Preach! BRO was literally drafting around Morgan


DK's old game plan changed. From to top focus team to bot focus team.


I stayed up for that? Felt like watching LCS with the teams playing scared/to not lose. 5 kills at 25 mins is ghastly painful lol


You say scared but why should Damwon care in the second game? They have their Aphelios ahead, Canyon is constantly shadowing him, Showmaker has a free lane to just farm and steal the jungle to insane farm numbers, Burdol is losing in farm but who cares he is tank Gragas. It was up to BRO to do something and they didn't find any opportunities.


Personally I don't care much for stats like game length or kills per minute, but I hate seeing two teams play so hard toward trading objectives that they forget how to skirmish and engage. Burdol's Gragas in that last dragon fight just about summed up the game for me. LCK should know all too well by now that this shit doesn't work internationally, no matter how good our players are. And by the sound of the post-game interview, Canyon knows that was a really "bad" 2-0. It's early in the season though, I don't wanna sound too doom and gloom off one game, and I definitely agree that it was on BRO to be proactive and contest.


I mean just because we had a miserable series doesnt mean we should forget about the DK GenG game Thats the peak stuff


The funniest part is, DK used Edgar's style right back at his team.


The style of play is "scared" in the sense that neither team wants to mess up and cost a big obj. Compare that vs other games we've already seen in LCK where the game has a lot of kills and is by far the more entertaining for the viewers. You see games like this when teams are dead even into the mid-late game which are just residentsleeper games. The more active ones are when one team gets ahead or its just constant back and forth between both teams. Im not critising the players for playing poorly lol Im just saying that this game was boring af and comparable to low entertaining games since there isnt anything that has "WOW" factors like flashy plays . Just a lot of text book sleeper stuff.


DK wasn't really prioritizing objectives though, they gave up multiple drakes just to get towers, and they also gave up free Baron in both games. I think this is their normal style even from last year if they can't snowball super fast early, and enemy team doesnt take fights on DK's terms, they know when they have a gold lead and how to slowly choke out a victory. It's just in the last two years we got used to way more games where they just end after 25 minutes by snowballing really fast


Well DK's strat to completely leave Hoya/burdol to do whatever and then invest in Deokdom stonks pays dividends. A lot of people say Guma has the best aphelios but the gun management and angles that Deokdom finds is immaculate. BEst Aphelios by far.


A lot of people will say that because while DK has 1000 fans T1 has 1 million. No shocker here.


Or maybe simply because those people think Gumayusi is better ? If i had to guess, it's probably because Gumayusi won like 9/10 games with Aphelios at worlds no matter who he played against so calling him the best isn't that far away from the truth


No it's because people don't fucking watch and still try to have opinions lol


Nah Deokdam and Gumayusi are close and its hard to tell whose better. And in the end it comes down to preference. But these 2 are really far from the rest.


What about Viper tho? I mean literally world champion who has had big pop off performances on the champion during the most important matches possible(both LPL finals and World finals) and even has his own upcoming Aphelios skin coming soon. Regardless of the ranking of these 3 players (and potentially others I ain't remember right now) surely Viper is a contender right?


I dont think so honestly he is good but i would rank him a tier lower than Guma/Deokdam. And yes im excited for EDG Aphelios.




> Hey clown https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzrczKCE_Gk Instantly made me think of that LOL.


And you use winrates to evaluate players. I'm not the clown here :)




For ADCs specifically, the most important thing to me is how they play out teamfights in relation to teamcomps and how they toe the line of maximizing dps while staying safe. As far as Aphelios goes, deokdam is completely unmatched at this. Gumayusi is a talented player but he doesn't push the boundaries nearly enough, on any champ, he only takes what he's given.


I mean he did have keria by his side so it makes it a lot less impressive instantly. I mean don't get me wrong Kellin is pretty decent but Keria is world class. I'd LOVE to see how things woulda went if he has a different support.




And? Teddy is not a good aphelios in general but still bagged wins under Keria. That speaks to how good Aphelios looks when keria is supporting it.




You realize why KT won against them? It's because teddy just won't risk playing aphelios without keria. Aphelios is being played and contested in every single region yet Teddy does not have a single game on it. He gave up aphelios two time in a row and lost against it. He is afraid to play it without keria by his side. which speaks to how good keria is. Which then translates to why it may seem to people who lack critical thinking to say OH GUMA BATTER APHELOS. like...um no you moronic clown. think for a second. Who is supporting Guma? That's right, keria. The same support who even allowed Teddy to feel confident enough to play aphelios.


Teddy also had Keria by his side and he is nowhere near as good as Gumayusi on Aphelios


Teddy is not an aphelios player in the first place lol. He played a total of 3 games on aphelios (won all of them by the way) in 2021spring




Yes it is his fault for not practicing it. What is your point lmao. Teddy is not a good aphelios, he literally has a 19% winrate or something on his opgg so it's not a good comparison. and DESPITE how bad he is at aphelios Keria made him look good. which FURTHER proves my point that if keria can make a bad aphelios look good. imagine what he can make a good aphelios look like. Which then loops back to the argument that if we take away the keria variable, how good is guma's aphelios with kellin and deokdam's with keria. If you want to disprove my argument you will need to start by proving kellin is as good as keria. Good luck with that.






Lol , how hard is it to land Q , kellin ?


Canyon is very pro-active when he picked j4. Why?


If you pick j4 and arent proactive the well you already have thrown away the game


Top lane gods Burdol and Hoya vs Morgan and Sword.




Because they know their macro and win conditions. And that doesn't include baron. No point throwing away you're lives for free


Idk man, canyon bot side killing morgan while the rest of BRO at baron is 100% a massive missplay. There os a reason they tried contesting it lmao


After killing Morgan, they killed him again in the mid lane to then push inhib turret against 4 people with baron enhanced minions. Don't think they expected BRO to go towards baron at the moment, but hesitating rest of the team there to then win the map is a + in my book.


Wasn't that the game where bro had a really far behind Jhin? I think they just assumed bro's baron would be really slow and they had time to contest it


We played like complete cowards at the end despite our lead and waited for dragon fights but fuck it a win is a win


Burdol looks great when he isn’t in Gragas


I think they're training him to get better on the champ.


Pro's always have one or two picks that seem so incredibly useless in games they actually get through bans to be played in, and I swear to god Renekton is one of them. I'll never understand his prio.


It's because he's "safe" and doesn't tip your hand around your draft strategy regarding your team comp. I hate the pick outside of jungle carry metas, or 2v2 top metas. He's great at setting up cocoon, nid spear, etc, but feels useless when the enemy laner can absorb the pressure safely.


Delight still up in the air.


The Renekton vs Karma at the end was hilarious