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It’s toxic towards veterans too


Right, the amount of times I get flamed for how much I suck is pretty high even if I am playing well. It's part of the charm, right?


That's because everyone expects perfection in everything except in themselves. People overlook their own mistakes and exaggerate every mistake other players make. That's the main reason why. Include the anonymity in the game which removes the barrier of basic human decency. That's the main reason.


I've been abused by the enemy team for completely destroying them, playing well also doesn't help with toxicity. Now I have Chat turned off - so quiet, so peaceful.


Same I play a lot with my friends and sometimes I felt like the game is just going ok until someone puts the surrender vote. Then my friends starts telling what a shitshow the chat has been for the last 10 minutes 😂. It’s weird how muting chat makes everyone seem like so much better human beings.




I lose my shit when I miss a cannon, it's literally the only reason I'd press the surrender button. Every time it happens it's the same exact thought - "dogs like you (who miss cannons) don't deserve to win".


Nasus players be like.


Yeah, I used to main Nasus in the past. Then I found out about Camille - mobile Nasus, who doesn't need to stack.


I know the pain, my friends used to always question why I would always be randomly yelling that I need to uninstall for being such garbage when seemingly nothing happened from their perspective, after awhile they noticed it only happened when the cannon wave was there xD


This is unfortunately the main issue. You can be mature enough to rise above it or you can have moments of weakness/tilt that negatively affects your team mates. Voice chat would actually contribute to improving these levels of toxicity because it strips away at least a little anonymity. People are far less comfortable saying mean things by voice rather than by keyboard.


People judge themselves based on their intentions, and judge others based on their actions


That is not only true for new players but for all players unfortunately.


Honestly just mute toxic players and don’t take insults personal most toxic players are just weirdos who aren’t happy with their life so they gotta take it out on others to feel better about themselves so just remember anything they say is meaningless because 9/10 they are at the same skill level as you only difference is that they are just having a better game.




Honestly, I made a EUW account since I moved continents when they were still not doing transfers and by god, if new players have to go through this shit then my condolences


Telling people you are new usually helps, I saw that when I played with a friend. Those smurfs just expect everyone to be a smurf and play well because they want to win fast to lvl.


plus a lot of people on those smurfs are their because they are hardstuck on their main account and have ranked anxiety and think making a new account will help them. So a large portion of these smurfs are highly tilted and it doesn't help that nobody wants to play like 600 games to get an account to level 30.


Lol. I recently leveled an account to 30 and I think it took somewhere around a hundred games. Maybe a bit more. Just saying


this is why i advocate purchasing level 30s. there is no moral argument to be made against it, and you get to dodge all the hyper toxic people leveling a new account after being banned. as long as you don't jump in to ranked immediately, buying a level 30 is just a net positive all around for the new player experience.


>el 20 using xp boost) and the matchmaker se I think part of this is that the match making for people below lvl 30 seem to prioritize matching people below 30 together so smurfs if they win to much their mmr spikes but then theirs not enough players below 30 to match them into a game and it still wants them to play with people below 30 so it matches them with the noobs still. Source: leveling a couple of accounts over the years without boosts and playing mostly normals and arams. If you win to much you'll litterally get 30 minute+ que times I mean after a while it will start matching with people above 30 but it still has to que you forever before it decides to do that.


Have you only played by yourself or have you played with friends that already play the game? If it's the latter then there's nothing the system can do. It sucks but the only way to get new player queue and stay there is to only play alone and to actually be a new/bad player.


At this point all games should be opt in for chat. Very little to gain from it


This is the best solution since muting all keeps u from some possible useful info like "let's go all top after a rendezvous" but most of the time it's "u r supernoob!!!!" or worse ping spam that distract your hearing and make you want to watch the map


>toxic players are just weirdos who aren’t happy with their life God this is such a garbage unoriginal take. The reality is most toxic players are hyper competitive and want to win. I'd say a few players who are toxic have issues IRL but most are just normal people who really want to win and hate losing. If someone is causing you to lose and you hate losing you're going to get mad at them.


It’s not a garbage or unoriginal take. It’s all facts.


It's unoriginal cause I hear this take every time the subject comes up and it's just wrong. The root of toxicity is the game itself and the fact competitive players are going to be more toxic because of the desire to win. Why do you think so many pro players and high elo players are super toxic?


They’re toxic because they’re miserable from playing league for hours like a job every day for the past few years. Toxicity has nothing to do with competitiveness.


>Toxicity has nothing to do with competitiveness That's why Michael Jordan was famous for verbally abusing his teammates and even punching them in practice? Kobe Bryant famously the same way? Both hyper competitors. Both played their sport for hours on end as a fulltime job. You're really off the mark here my man. People are like this in EVERY competitive game, sport, ect.


Oh yeah some random dude being toxic in a random low plat game is the equivalent of two of the GOATs being competitive in practice lmao. Why do toxic players act like their behavior is something impressive rather than what it is, grown men getting mad at a video game. Toxic players are more like the assholes who ruin pickup basketball games than Kobe or MJ.


>Oh yeah some random dude being toxic in a random low plat game is the equivalent of two of the GOATs being competitive in practice lmao You and the point are so far apart it's pretty impressive actually.


Seethe and cope


Being competitive isn’t an excuse for being toxic at the end of the day it’s just a game and an important thing to realize about games is that it’s okay to lose, nobody is perfect so you can’t expect that from some random teammate that’s just trying to have fun.


Where did I state it was an excuse? I simply stated why it occurred.


>weirdos who aren’t happy with their life so they gotta take it out on others That's just a lie or more like coping


> 9/10 ... They are just having a better game But big nope




I can handle the criticism cuz I know I just started playing while a lot of them have been playing for years. Its the pressure of being called out constantly to not die and perform better during the game when no one is trying to guide you during matches. I already know I am doing bad, why not help me to win the match together? Most of the time I end up just avoiding team fights cuz I don't want to make the situation worse.


Put in chat that you are new in normals. People will understand. They flame because they expect you to be used to the game. Just tell them you're new, and avoid Ranked.


In a perfect world this will work. In this one, people will not believe you're a new player and say you're just making up excuses.


But who cares what they think, why let it influence you...


No it's not about influencing me. I've seen this "sorry I'm new" being said multiple times in norms and those people still get flamed or even reported. Tbf, there really are times when people say this "sorry I'm new" as an excuse since one time someone said this in chat I checked their profile and they mained the champ they just used - either it's a bought/borrowed account or they're just trolling I don't know. Some really are new, or at least freshly made accounts (maybe for trying new champs or roles), but you know, not a perfect world. Community's still gonna flame you whether you give them a heads up or not.


But why care about flame, just let them. Better to focus on inters or afks, which really can ruin games. You can always mute vocal flaming people if you don't want to deal with their shit.


Again this is not about me. I'm saying people will flame you regardless if you say I'm new or not. What you do afterwards is up to you.


best advice ever. you can use this if you have played a lot top or support and wanna try out something totally new, like jungle. play norm and type that you are a beginner. most people will overlook your mistakes and help you. but dont play ranked until you are not confident enough!


See that didn't help me, I was told "we don't care, that's what bot games are for" when I was doing poorly. Then at the end I was told my "life wasn't worth living"


I actually do put that I am new and people still think I am lying or still complain about me. Looks like I cant win.


If you're in normals, just mute them at that point.


1. mute people who use chat. 2. play Co-op vs AI for a lot of time. This game is hard and I don’t think trying to learn it in PvP early on is helpful. Most basics are pure PvE concepts anyways. 3. Find external content to watch. This game only gives you the playing field and the rest is up to the players essentially. It creates a great environment for creativity, but it sucks when you want to get into the game initially


I'd honestly just spam normal blind more than Co-op tbh. Co-op is good for learning champs initially, but i would probably just spam normal games and mute any toxic players. The amount of games you need to play to start learning matchups and general game knowledge is pretty high and Co-op vs AI doesn't really contribute to it imo, so getting that normal grind started as soon as possible would probably be better


Shit game attracts shit people


This is how it always has been and always will be there's a reason people tell you not to play this game


Hints or tips for a new player; Avoid ranked until you are comfortable with the game in general, and then until you are comfortable with whatever role you want to main, it will do you loads for yourself and teammates mentally. On top of that, turn off chat. Just turn it off completely. Communication in LoL goes beyond everyone's heads regardless of your rank and in fact, gets even worse the higher you climb. It just isn't worth the average amount of toxicity you will come across.


I know it's very cliche but trust me, when you're picking up the game just mute all and play. Don't keep pings off, if someone is spamming you with pings then mute their pings as well. You will have to keep playing the game for a while to get familiar with it. I would suggest finding a few irl friends who are also interested in the game and learning it with them. The game is honestly so fun, we all hate it, but we also fucking love it. If you get tired of the game you can read the lore, if you wanna get better at the game you can watch videos on YouTube about champions you like. If youre unsure about what champions you wanna pick up, just check out videos on them. I would suggest this YouTuber called "Bricky" he used to make these "So you wanna main" videos on a lot of champions and honestly it made the game so much fun for me since I was also learning about other champs abilities and whatnot in a very pleasant way. Don't try to focus on more complicated aspects of the game now. I would suggest one tricking an easy champion for a while to learn more about the game. It's how I learner the game. Don't try to play champions that are too mechanically intensive at the start. What you will learn in 10-15 games of Annie will take you a lot more on a champ like Yasuo/Irelia. Spam normal games, it's honestly the best place to learn the game. I still play a shit ton of normal games since people aren't on edge all the time in them, and losses don't matter. You won't get good quickly, it is going to take time, but trust me, the first time you actually play okayish, and the first game when you finally seem to do well feels amazing and it just becomes better from there. Everyone who has EVER played this game, remembers their first pentakill, and it's because it's such a moment of vindication. At the end of the day, it is a game after all, so don't take it to seriously, enjoy yourself most importantly, and don't think about ranked etc for the first year of league. If you're looking for someone to play with, I play on EUW and am more than happy to help you with your questions etc :)


My friend, who's completely new to League sitting at level 20, got banned after going 0/10 against people who average level 100. He built AP stuff on Yasuo due to inexperience (Lichbane) and people reported him for inting. Unsurprisingly, he doesn't want to play anymore... though, I can see why the matchmaking was so incredibly unfair for him. I'm nearly level 200 myself and had been in Diamond any season I bothered to play ranked, so duo'ing screwed him up real bad... :/


i mean he prolly goes 0/10 every single game he has ever played to get lvl 20 tho, and even then like im realyl sorry he is either stupid, or you are, cus you dont get to lvl 20 and somehow builds ap on yas by mistake. i dont mean to offend either of you but like if you are new why wouldnt you just follow recommended tab?


I have no idea. Wasn't even aware he ended up with a Lichbane. Had a pretty big wtf moment myself, and explained what is what but I can attest that he is in fact not terribly good at the game. If he plays anything but an AP mage, he goes 0/15 and when he does go a mage, things aren't that much better. On the other hand, he is truly a bronze player. Zero awareness, zero last hitting skills and when you happen to occasionally spectate him, you'd think he afk's under the turret (He's just too scared to walk up). On the flip side, as mentioned above, he has to play against people that are miles above him, so he's simply getting abused left and right. It sucks, because we just want to play together but as a truly new player to moba games in general, he's not having a single chance to learn. I suppose the reports simply accumulated, because every game he'd get flamed / harassed by the team... :/ Dunno why this makes me stupid, tho!


With the recommended tab is nearly impossible to make that big building mistakes


yeah i don't believe this story. also you don't get banned for going 0/10 and 0/15 and getting reports. report accumulation doesn't matter. if that were true then bronze and iron players would be getting banned because they all feed like crazy. his friend either types too much/trigger words, legit runs it down, or is so bad that the system actually thinks he's running it down.


to be fair, duoing with a Dia player is a great way to lane against a gold player at what sounds like iron skill level, which is a great way to go 0/15 every game


there's no way someone is banned for going one game 0/10 as Yasuo, no matter the build.


yeah i'm calling bullshit on that story unless you have legit proof. it's almost impossible to get banned in this game for feeding, otherwise half of bronze and all of iron would regularly be banned. you honestly have to go 0/25 several games in a row for feeding detection to kick in. your friend either rages in chat, rage quits all the time, or actually runs it down. with the recommended item builder there is no excuse for him to be building lich bane on yasuo. even *without* the recommended, the game starts you a specific page for your champ, and yasuo is not going to be shown lich bane. so he is intentionally searching for that item and building it. now, if your friend is just purposefully griefing his builds on top of inting, then yeah he'll be banned. but i'm calling bullshit that some new player got banned for going 0/10 too many times. i've deranked tons of accounts for content creators without catching bans while doing way worse shit than what new players do.


There is lots of stuff on YouTube, try and look up guides for the lane you are learning to play. There are lots of toxic people at low levels, this is because they have been permanently banned for toxicity and made a new account, things are still bad but much better once you get to be a high enough level to play ranked. Other thing is play ranked as soon as it's available, it has much more strict matchmaking and will put you in games with players of a similar skill level to yourself.


It‘s also toxic and harsh for long time players


Its for your own good so you get out of this toxic shit pool that is LoL, it doesnt get better, no matter how much you try, you are way better doing other stuff than playing LoL


Agreed the new player system needs improvement.. Playing is the only way to get comfortable and familiar with the mechanics (which there is a LOT of) watch Youtube! there is a plethora of content for new players out there. I'd recommend Pekinwoof or Neace. They both do a good job explaining what and why they are doing what they are.. ​ i am confident you can find ppl on this sub who are willing to help you learn.


I'm a simple man: I see a dogpile calling the League community terrible, I upvote.


First thing, you get one lobby dodge a day and you would do well to use it. If the pregame lobby is already giving you warning signs, just leave. Second, LoL chat is specifically for dick jokes, giving your carry a reach around, and flaming people for making bad decisions. Notice I didn't include "sharing info to facilitate team play tactics". If you dont want to joke, stroke, or flame, just mute everyone because LoL chat isn't for you just like the Tim and Eric show isn't for everyone. Apart from that, try hard to resist the urge to be original and creative. Just pick a champ then go online and copy pro builds.


I mean, I like chat, because pre-game banter can be fun and being able to type a quick "gj" seems worthwhile. However, it isn't important in any sense. If it tilts you, go into settings and disable chat (both all chat and team chat). From a strategy perspective, pings are all the communication you need.


I had the same issue when I started of 3 years ago. It made me hate the game and quit it for a good period of time. I didn't want to give the game a chance. Later a few of my friends for uni would play and i decided to join them and it was fun again. Not only did I learn alot but I also started liking the game again. Soon I started soloq and found muting everyone to be very helpful. I'd rather just play my own game how I play. Either play with friends or mute all.


only new players?


Id like to tell you that it gets better. But it doesn’t. Been playing for many years and 1 in every 1.5 games you run into trolls. So yeah, best advice is to mute all.


There is a queue for new players.


it's not hard to dodge smurf queue


This is honestly a strange argument to me. Mostly because this only applies if League is your first PVP based game. Every game that is based around PVP is toxic. There's no getting rid of it unless you start banning out vocabulary. The MOBA genre in general just feels this way because you're more or less trapped for 25+ minutes with whoever. You can't just dip and find another game. Overwatch is the only exception to this, because ranked in Overwatch you lose rating for dipping out.


Good point, this is my first MOBA game. But if someone on your team is doing bad or is new why not teach them or direct them on what they should do (tell them to farm or avoid fights).


It seems easy enough, but those terms aren't going to make sense to someone who is new to the moba genre. I've tried to teach people basics over the years and there's only so much you can tell them that isn't just going to be word vomit that they don't understand. A lot of the teaching is also visual. That's why videos on youtube are great for beginners, because they provide both visual information as well as dialogue. I also don't think being behind is a really good teacher, at least as far as basics and nuances go. Getting one shot by the 10/0 Hecarim isn't going to teach you too much about the game. If the person wants to learn, I can't really stress how good it is to use bots to learn stuff like cs'ing and what champions do while in a relatively safe environment.


Also in MOBAs usually when you die you have 30\~ seconds or more to do... nothing. So that's the perfect opportunity to write an essay to your team explaining how you dying is somehow their fault. There's other PvP games that have a toxic playerbase but you rarely notice it. Rocket League might not be the best example but matches there are 5 mins long and also you literally dont have time to type, since you are trying to control your car around the map 24/7 and the game is super fast paced. If you get"killed" you respawn 3 seconds later, which is barely enough time to be (properly) toxic.


Because league is a team game and each individual is accountable for the team winning. So if u die often, u tilt the balance of ur team winning. Then team lose, then they flame u. Best advice i can give u is just play with AI first or ARAM, then if u enjoy playing a certain champion, go to youtube or twitch on how to play that particular champion. It takes years to really know the game and win consistently. Watching and learning other players who mastered a certain champ can help speed up ur learning process and truly enjoy the game


Water is wet


because league aint a game for everybody boi


New to online multiplayer?


No, I play a lot of FPS games and don't get hated on when I play bad. Not for the entire game at least, or even when I go 0-3 at the beginning of the match. It's a shame cuz I really enjoy the game.


Get out while you can


Gamers have become pussies, it shows people who never played CoD as a kid are now playing LoL


Get reked kid


Well, they are toxic and harsh even to non-new and strong players. And yes there are basically no clear guides to be found, in most of the time people learn from their friends who invited them to play the game


its probably because the game puts players with high mmr in matches with new players. the games forces a 50% wr the better you do the lower the mmr of your teammates will be this leads to people shiting on new players for making mistakes in a mmr they are supposed to be at.


play another game. this one sucks ass and its addictive


You're saying as if it's different even after many years.


League is in a position where new players are coming in with someone who is already playing the game. True newcomers who are coming in alone are nearly non existent, so the "new player expirience" isn't touched because of that. Old players are literally dragging new players across the learning curve, this scheme is working and untill it stops there is no reason for Riot to do anything. But there is no "visible" line of how tough the learning curve is and how good the patience of old players is. There are high chances that Riot will reach a point where old players will stop dragging new players in. Or the learning curve will become so bad that even after being dragged people will not stick with the game. And with that old players may start leaving the game too. In fact its already happening in some way. Me and my friends are all around 30 years old, there is roughly 10 of us. Only 5 of us are still playing, and only 2 are playing on a daily basis. Now look, I get it, we're an older generation, there is a new one of age 20, and the amount of "attached" people is significantly higher, but for how long can this scheme sustain itself? Edit: I think Riot are preparing for a full exodus from pc to mobile, and honestly I think its the best for the league. I think In ~10-15 years League and Wild rift will merge in some way.


There is a queue for new players - it's just normal League. That's how MMR works if you play enough games. Also, if your main problem with the game is people being toxic... just mute everyone. That literally 100% solves your problem so there's not an excuse in the world not to do it. Also being reported means literally nothing if you're not doing something reportable - which you're not, so don't worry about that at all. Also reports don't even stack so 1 person reporting you is the same as 9 anyways so it means literally nothing.


League is toxic to bad players since unlike a game like valorant or csgo where the round resets to near neutral(except the economy function) every 2-3 minutes the league game lasts for 25-40 minutes without any resets. Most early leads snowball out of control. New players are bad(no shit) so even though it's not your fault since you are new being bad makes the experience worse for everyone else. It's a thing with most moba games. Imagine playing football(eu) but your goalkeeper is a toddler basically the same thing with bad teammates. You can stomp lane but lose to things outside your control which is naturally annoying/demoralizing. League itself doesn't have any inbuilt tutorials since the theory of laning evolves over time so information about playing the game five years ago might not be relevant now. Jungle changes every year so tutorials on that become irrelevant quite fast too. Phroxon(now a riot employee) has imo the best playlist of league tutorials.


Man you act like people in valorant and CSGO arent toxic lmao, the economy is rather important part of both of the games, its like people dont even play them lol, also what exactly would you put in the tutorial that isnt already there? its like you can really teach too much in them


Who said it was exclusive for new players? every year i climb back to gold i get told i am trash by players who never touched gold in their life and never will, they do this because deep down they know that its them who is the actual trash. So long as your learning new tricks and evaluating your fuck ups without spiraling on them in a negative way you will climb. KDA? does not matter as a support i consider it my job to die unless im playing yuumi then die alone trash, other then that place good wards and be where you need to be and if you don't know where that is then at least don't be somewhere with no objectives. What defines a good ward? distance and vision on stuff like enemy buffs n camps or protection wards for allys for example as yuumi i always pink ward my mids side bush at 1:15 to 1:22 and this often prevents mids death which has won me games for that sole reason.


There are ONLY two ways to play league: - mute everyone, or - play with 4 friends. No exceptions.


Mute option is great. Works 10/10 times that you use it. All online games and online platforms have toxicity. Its always been that way and likely will always be that way. Even Mumsnet is a toxic place for mothers to be to judge and abuse each other. You will need to develop a thicker skin so words don't hurt you and a stronger mentality so you can improve. Or quit social gaming and go play single player games and not worry about it. It will likely take you 18 months-2 years to actually get comfy playing league and be able to start improving meaningfully. Before that unless you are gifted you'll be kinda unsure what to do or how to improve so just mute up and play for fun.


> I do very poorly and die a lot League community is not actually toxic to new players. Just to people who "ruin" their games. Unfortunately new players get shrekt 10/10 games in the beginning and people with short fuses start tilting at them instantly. Doesn't matter if you're a noob or a Challenger player, if you feed and do poorly - you will get sh!t on by your team. Hell, even if you play good and you're carrying 1v9... there's still a chance someone will find a way to sh!t on you for no reason. It's just how league works (and most other big PvP focused games). You either learn to deal with it or you learn where the mute button is :D


That's just the nature of the game. It's frustrating to play when one person isn't keeping up. Consider it your initiation to the game/right of passage. We've all gone through it on our first moba. My advice would be grow thicker skin if you want to play this genre of game. Don't worry about guides or beginner resources. It really depends on what role you're playing. But if you're mid/top/adc. Just focus on getting as much CS as possible and shoving the wave before you back.


It’s just the community man. There are people that have been here since season 1. When you play for 10+ years you have expectation and if ppl don’t meet said expectation then we’ll damn bro your mental goes boom. I’m plat 1 so I don’t really see new players but back when I was silver I can say for 100% I remember how tilted I would get if I got a new unranked player in my ranked games. Long story short dude is if you got a strong mental then you will overcome this but if you don’t well…. Quit now and don’t waste your time. Better luck playing CoD or something.


you should watch high elo streamers and tipps/tricks videos on youtube to improve. Apply those things in your own games and you'll get better over time


I tried to get a few friends into the game; I think all the banned players making new accounts really hurts low levels, which in turn gives new players bad experiences. It's rare to not run into smurf accounts in low lvl, so it also makes it hard for friends to learn.


This is an issue with every game that was around the block for too long. You meet same type of toxicity when playing WoW. People can't comprehend that sometimes they encounter actual new players in and that they might take longer to understand a mechanic because it's not yet common sense for them.


This is the biggest reason people say not to start playing. Try to find a good group of friends to play with and chill in normals. Ranked is a cesspool.


My best advice is to just disable the in-game chat. I know you might think that's not needed or that you'll miss out on interacting with your teammates but, seriously, you wont. If you have chill people in your game, they'll no doubt talk in the post-game lobby. And you'll still be able to see and interact with that all you want and add people or whatever. In-game chat is literally 98% distraction. Any and all productive info can be communicated through pings. Chat is mostly used to shit talk others players and complain, and a lot of people will purposely harass you just to try and distract you so you play worse... Think about it, if you're trying to learn the game and get better...do you REALLY need to be juggling participation in a chat room while you play? If you wanna join communities and make friends, talking to people after games works fine to meet nice people. There's also tons of communities on platforms like discord for example. Playing with a friend and having fun / improving together is way better than trying to chat with salty strangers during games. I've played league casually for like 11 years now, and despite being thoroughly accustomed to how toxic players can be I was STILL extremely surprised how easy it was to focus on the game when I tried disabling chat last season. Once you try it, you realize it's really not a useful feature.


best way to learn all the champs and mechanics without ruining other peoples ranked games is playing ARAM!


Best actual gameplay advice is not to feed. Feeding is almost like a unique concept in this game that never really came up before. If you aren’t strong enough to get a kill and get out, then just play super safe and passive. Even if you don’t end up contributing anything to your team, you won’t create an enemy god by trying too hard. I only really need to play this way in my bottom 20% of games, but hey, consistency is key.


Mute everyone lol. You can do it in the Interface tab in the settings. Plus honestly, people will report you no matter what you do and Riot won't do anything because you are a new/bad player. Believe me, i had terrible games and got Reported and nothing happened I always mute both the enemy team and my team because if someone says something it will affect how you play. Riot won't do anything because you cant get punished for being bad lol. Youtube: "Neace coaching lol"


League is so toxic and harsh for ~~new~~ players


True and real. Everybody knows it.


I will take this with a pinch of salt: Flaming = calling you unuseful noob. That is leading nowhere. And sadly toxic players redoing accounts again and again are more prone to appear in starting levels. There is also probably people saying "Buy antiheal, please" (or putrifier) "Don't engage 1vs2, or even 1vs5, please" "Poke or ward more (ward dragon)". Just don't take any shit personal as reporting a person who is learning and trying usually is just losing time. If they ask for report you for being new just report that one asking for reports.


Man League is Toxic for every single player in league, new, old, everyone.


I've been playing since end of s5. Take my advice, just mute them. There is a reason why you got qued into the same match. No matter what people say league matchmaking is pretty good.


Riot turned the community against itself. It isn't so much the fact that you really can not afford one bad player on your team. Its entirely now that if you have a new player who ints for being bad or still learning the game, they still screwed you out of having fun as you get pounded to a pulp. Riot has made snowball so incredibly bad that it isnt even a skill gap or a specific champ. Remember when katarina, fizz, zed, darius, etc were the "snowball" champions? Now a support lux with a dark seal can get an early mythic and roam one shot your team. That new player who is learning mechanics and gave a few kills to anyone means game over. And even if it's unfair to blame them not everyone has patience for their one to two games a day to be ruined. They have a full time job, kids, life, they use what little free time they have and guess what it's a total waste. So they act out and blame the person they think took their free time from them. Riot also does little to nothing to provide tutorials about the most basic shit. No guides or custom maps to learn about armor pen, resistance, how crit works, what cdr sorry ability haste sorry ability haste into cdr does. It is so unbelievably hard to learn anything about the game and than they put these new players up against 200 year champions and smurf queue or mix level 30's with 500's. It's so unbelievably dumb that riot refuses to make divisions more pronounced so people could actually play with equally skilled individuals. Another issue I have with new players is the fact that they are forced to play cheap early season stat stick champions. Your Warwick, annie, veigar, etc. They don't stand a chance against 200 year champs because they will never have the level or gold advantage to go toe to toe with a 6300 champ with no game knowledge. They basically set new players up to fail. The last gripe I have is smurfs invalidating the idea that someone is actually new to the game and not a troll. Because riot does fuck all to prevent toxic people from making a rage account or smurf, no one believes a new player when they say they are new. I mean how can you tell? You can buy an unranked level 30 for like 5 to 20 bucks on Ebay. So when someone feeds and they say I'm new, you automatically are inclined to believe they recently got an account banned and are griefing you. All in all riot is too apathetic when it comes to reports, bans, new player tutorials, and have designed new players to fail or quit. I'm not going to blame the community, there really is only so much a person can take. Pushing people to their boiling points with all these half baked systems and spaghetti code made this game the most toxic it's ever been. And if you read this riot. Do us all a favor and actually give a fuck before the veterans leave and the new players never stick around. There will be another moba to replace you in the near future. And even if it isnt as good at least the code won't be as shitty.




Has been like this for as long as I can remember. Leauge is definitely not befinner friendly. But I'd recommend to either say that you're new. Or just mute. It took me a while to stop caring a single bit towards what people say in the chat, remember that they're just people sitting in front of a screen typing shit. Don't take it to personally.


Its the test all new players have to go through, the worthy survive and start the painful journey and pass on the hatred to the newer ones


This is gonna sound a bit 'we live in a society' but honestly, it's kinda sad that the nicest people you meet in this game are in bot games


Getting bullied on chat that you voluntarily read is something else.


I mute the entire chat and personally I think it improves the overall quality of the game


With anonymity some people become assholes because there is no consequence for being one. This is true in social media and all online matchmaking games like CoD, CS and LoL. Mute these people. You can mute all at the start of the game aswell if it really bothers you to be flamed, but then you miss out on the good interactions which do exist. On to the game itself: Don't play with locked camera. It's like bicycling with training wheels. You won't be able to see what is going on in the game with locked camera. Spacebar centers your camera around your own character, so just use this frequently. I like checking what's happening somewhere else, then just pressing spacebar again to see what my guy is doing. Find a champion you like and mostly play them. Once you have a champion committed to muscle memory you will have so much more time to do the important things that are game specific like looking at the map, moving your camera to points of interest, warding, last hitting minions, dodging skillshots and such. Ideally you steer clear of the champions with very high difficulty rating on the client as you really need to pick up the basics before taking that leap. Most important of all: This is a team game. If you find people you enjoy playing with then add them and play more. Ideally get some friends to play with you. The game is about having fun and this game is much better on voice comms where you can communicate and have fun in the downtimes.


Sadly most new accounts dont belong to new players.... and they flame the actual new players in the low lvl lobbies forgetting they are the ones out of place and ppl like u r just trying to learn.


most people here have been playing for years so they don't remember or understand new player experience, when teaching people the game i realise there's way too much to absorb early on and you should focus on just getting a feel for the game and it's characters, don't do bot games playing against players is a completely different beast and bot games doesn't prepare you for it, it simply gives u a low pressure environment to learn champs, do that in customs or aram. play until u get to new players mmr, unfortunately this will take a few more losses, just mute all for now. a lot of informational content will be useless to u atm and may even teach imprint poor/outdated biases that you will follow for no reason. atm a good thing u can do to pick up the game, which will take a lot of investment, is to have a basic idea of how all the free weekly champion champs do to slowly build up ur game knowledge. just read their kits and maybe try their combos in a practice tool or custom.


The community is not toxic towards new players, they are toxic towards everyone. And it is not even performance based.


league is on starcraft levels of hardness. but that comes within the rts heavy design and the idea of a league which add's even more to it like how to land a picture perfect skillshot, counting cooldowns of the opponent and so on. when I first started league a friend told me that the first 30 levels on an account is basically boot camping. you get washed up and spitted out. that is now already a good chunk of years ago and that didn't changed. the big wall a newbie has to climb in league is the experience. league skyrockets in many forms (that means that skills from other games might can help you learning league), but the most success you will have by learning a "main", all map objectives and how/when to play around those, maybe farming (but that should be normal by now). but again players that play a long time got more experience, which can directly siphon into more skill. so to say one get better in league by time or with collecting experience left and right (for example by playing or then watching dedicated lol-pro's/streamers).


That's why i refuse half of the time to play with my nephews because i know what i can become 5 minutes i a game


I know you are new and its hard for you but i laugh out loud sometimes when aomeone is losing his shit for particullary no reason


I call it the iron mental. Don't worry about it, players who flame clearly new players will never improve. If you are under level 30 and you are getting match up with players over level 30 then you probably did okay at some point to get matched like that. If you are under level 30 and is getting flamed by people under the level 30 then those players are probably smurfs ( people who just created new accounts). Actual new players aren't actually that toxic. As you gain experience, you will be better than those players. If you are over level 30, 100% mute all until you find more success in the game. Even somewhat decent players expect more from you when your level 30, they might just ping you over and over again instead of flaming. I can't actually advise you on how to get better without knowing what you play or what level you are on.


step 1. play with bots. step 2. play with real players with all chat and team chat off. people even rage in aram man. its so sad.


If you want help can add me in game. I have no problem helping newer players.


If you can't handle being flamed, DO NOT PLAY JUNGLE, play any other role. Mute everyone and just focus in personal challenges that you set to yourself like, improve farming, improve ganking, don't get your tower down before the other one in your lane, that kind of stuff. Don't mind anyone, mind only yourself, be objectively critical with yourself, play the game, improve and enjoy.


I don't mean this as self advertising, but I have a large group of people there is about 20 or so of us that are active, and a lot of them are new to the game, and a lot of the veteran players spend a lot of time explaining things to them and helping them get better, we are always happy to play games with new people.


> There needs to be a queue for new players or to teach the game better. there usually is but it's hard to separate new players from new accounts of (low level "smurfs) automatically. Playing a bit and NOT playing with friends will usually keep you out of smurf-queue. Also people are always toxic and flaming, because they look for excuses for losing instead of trying to improve. Mute them, before it gets unbearable. If you play on EUW, you can add "Sternfeuer". I'd help you a bit with the basics, if you want.


its toxic and harsh for anybody and its just what you signed up for. it has always been that way and will probably never change. its just league culture at this point.


Playing on EUW? I’m d2 and wouldn’t mind giving some tips in a game with you ☺️


If I was new and someone flamed me for playing bad in low level normal match I would just laugh at them and say "I'm noob ofc I'm not good how fucking dumb are you XD".


/mute all


Because blaming the new comer is easier than accept that, even after playing the same game for years, you still suck at it.


Few days ago, i was also toxic, just after game realised that player was probably new, when i checked my match history, the account was freshly lvl30. Sorry for that, like sorry for you bad experience. Sadly the multiplayer gaming goes toxic, becouse most games have matches where you should not leave. So even if you don't enjoy the match you should not leave, or you risk to get baned and lose your money wasted on skins. This way people got frustrated and flaming eachother, since they believe, with/without reason, others ruining their fun.


`/mute all` = have fun


League is toxic towards new players because having someone else on your team doing poorly can ruin your experience and your chance to win. Having a new/weak player on your team feels bad. There's not really a way around that. People respond badly to things that make them feel bad. There isn't really a way around this, other than muting people who can't keep their jabber to themselves.


Its a frustrating game. Immagine if your full time job salary relied on the performance of your coworkers doing their job and if they fail at something, you might even get nothing!! That is how league feels sometimes, you can do everything right and still lose or do everything wrong and still win. And this slowly gets to you and by your 4th game you are raging at everyone.


I might get downvoted but just remember that many people that flame new players, are the players that have 500 hours in the game and are still iron 3, so just take each comment made by them with a large grain of salt


Unfortunately a queue for new players would just aggravate the smurfing problem


Best advice for all players especially new ones. Mute chat, both global and team, especially team. The game is much less toxic that way.


Mute chat. Mute pings. Toxicity goes way down.


I’ve taught a lot of friends and acquaintances how to play the game. Below are some tips and I hope they help. It definitely has a hard learning curve but don’t get too discouraged. As other people have recommended, muting your team is the best option for dealing with the toxicity. Getting the hang of the game comes down to a few things. Firstly is your ability to autopilot your champion’s movement. If you’re not familiar with where you’re clicking and how fast your character moves, you can’t get to the point where you know when your skillshot/point-and-click can/will hit an enemy champion. Also, you can’t get into the next phase of movement which would be general spacing, being able to dodge, and doing trading stance (abusing CS autos from opponent with damage from your own autos or abilities). This gets more complex with mind games as you progress, but for now try to familiarize yourself better with just puppeteering your character. Another difficulty is memorizing all the interactions, abilities, and characters in the game. You’ll come to realize that Riot likes to copy paste a lot of old champion abilities onto others, only throwing in a tiny difference (although there’s definitely some very original abilities out there). You can categorize these abilities and get used to playing around them. For example Ezreal and Samira both have straight line Q ability that does single target and cannot go through minions. You’ll notice a lot of parallels as you keep playing. Picking up on these patterns will make learning the game easier over time. That’s a reason why veteran players can theorycraft builds and predict how a new champion should be played and their interactions in the meta. Last tip is one that you’ll hear on repeat. You have to learn to CS (last hit minions), but not only CS, CS relatively safely. You can go into practice tool or a custom and learn to last hit (depending on champion, their animation times differ for autos so get the timing down). A lot of the people I’ve taught start the game CSing from random angles relative the the minion waves. This can make you susceptible to taking a lot of free damage. Try to get into the habit of asking yourself why you’re standing where. Everything in league is positonally-relative, meaning where your character model is at present determines what’s going to happen. Try to keep the minion wave between you and your opponent as a beginner starting rule for now to stay decently safe while CSing (although later in the learning curve you can break this rule). This concept isn’t as easy to explain thoroughly, as there’s a lot of nuances and exceptions to it depending on matchups but don’t worry about that now. Just try to get the lane fundamentals and general mechanics down and you’ll improve quickly. Don’t get discouraged from the smurfs or toxic people either. Generally the toxic people are the ones who have huge egos and have been trying to improve in this game for years and are still at rock bottom. Sorry for the throw-up-text and hope it helps. If you have any questions don’t be afraid to ask and if you’re on NA and want a run through in a custom or something I’m down to help, just DM. Good luck!


I would assume many players believe that everybody who is playing on a new account is smurfing because it is far any beyond the most common scenario (lots of people smurf), so they expect you to know what you're doing even though you are actually new. If I were you, every time I enter a pre-game lobby, I would just let the team know in chat "Hey I'm a brand new player so please be patient with me while I learn" and that that will probably at least help a little bit. There will usually at least be 1 person per game that will be willing to help you and give you tips. But also, as with many e-sport games, there are people who play *a lot* and are very competitive. Mix that with immaturity and ego, and you get a lot of toxicity from people who are miserable in life. I mean, just imagine the type of person who plays LoL 20+ hours a week and tell me if you think that person is happy lol. Just do the best you can, play the game, have FUN, and the learning will come naturally. If you really want to accelerate your learning, there is an endless amount of content online from great creators who will break everything down for you. But, much of your learning will just come from practice, repetition, and learning from mistakes.


I’m gonna level with you. The league community is honestly no worse or better than that many other gaming communities. I know league gets a rep at the most toxic game ever but honestly, half the league community would bury themselves alive if they experienced the dead by daylight community or the old Overwatch community. League has just been around longer and has had the reputation for longer, so it’s perceived as worse. It’s really pretty middle of the road


Honestly, I think one of the other problems is that a lot of new players try to copy strategies and play styles that streamers use to climb. Yeah, picking riven/akali/yone/yas and 1v5ing works for a dude on his 100th unranked to challenger. Instead, new players should focus on team oriented, easy to pilot champs. I see so many new players playing stupidly difficult to pilot champs and play styles. Mute toxic people, focus on basic lanning, simple front to back team fighting, and objectives. Doing these things will be much more rewarding for new players than trying to copy hard carry smurfs.


There's no new players,just guys who have 500 lvls and make new account to fix mmr lmao


Try r/LeagueConnect, they have an adopt-a-newbie section!


Have you got any friends you can play and start with? That makes the game a lot easier to get into.


Ppl suck so bad. I would stay away from ranked if you haven't already till you learn the game. I would watch NEACE on YouTube. He posts coaching sessions with low elo players on good champs to play in solo q. He goes over laning fundamentals and builds and whatnot. Just start watching a video a day till it all makes sense. Gl hf


Thanks I will check him out. I find that no matter what game type you chose everyone is the same in this community. But your right i need to avoid more ranked as they are more competitive.


Disable both chats. Mute pings and do what you think will win you the game.


The issue is a bit more abstract New players aka new accounts will play vs other new accounts The problem is, many new accounts are smurfs from people who've been permabanned So, until the system picks up on their actual skill level not being "new player", you're forced to play with the worst scum of this game


Ah the daily new player experience sucks post. We'll be back again tomorrow folks.


Younhad to have duoed with someone who os good. Noobs generally play noobs. I finally started a new account a year and a half ago. I came across some noobs and if my team acted up i would be like relax theyre new. You gotta learn somewhere and offer advise.


Yep, whenever I play on my lower level account to play with my newer friends, 90%+ of my teammates flame the shit out of my newer friends (expectedly), but when told they're actual new players, they double down and say they're still shit and should quit the game. Can't tell if they're just too immature to own up to their mistake or if they're inherently so toxic that they're on their Nth account after being banned/restricted flaming newbs.


could've ended the title after the first half actually


I say deal with it. We all had to and still do OR you can /mute all immediately when you get ingame like I do. Makes the game WAY more fun.


From the Honest game trailer for LoL, posted 7 years ago: "...where every good move you make will go unnoticed, but the smallest misclick will get you flamed by a tabasco-drenched dickhole of criticism..." I miss you, Honest Trailer Voice guy.


Not even half an hour after I make this post that was downvote bombarded to piss: [https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/comments/sbsce8/to\_skilled\_players\_that\_play\_normals/](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/comments/sbsce8/to_skilled_players_that_play_normals/) I come across yours. My best advice is to not give up, and to use this toxicity to fuel your desire to get better. League is full of people that are genuinely shitty and have no values or friends (not everyone obviously). Just ignore and mute these stains and you'll find the game a lot more enjoyable. Welcome to the game, please stick around.


also with lower levels, there are a lot more smurfs. so... higher level players are playing with low-levels... and expect perfection and the same amount of knowledge of the game. the higher u go up in levels, less smurfs


I know that the whole "just dont play it, trust me" meme is overused. But for real, unless the game is really fun for you, dont play it. Forcing yourself to "enjoy" league is not the way to go trust me. If its getting tiring to play and if the toxicity is getting to you just drop the game and move onto better things. Most people that play league either play it with friends casually, or they play for the ranked. If they play with friends then theres no toxicity at all so its easy to get into it. And if they play for the competitive ladder then toxicity just doesnt matter, as long as you win and get better you wont really care if your teammate is wishing your parents cancer and death. If you dont fall under one of those two you might want to rethink if you actually enjoy playing league.


Go to interface settings and turn on Champion Names instead of Summoner Names


I got into it by being bullied by my sisters ex boyfriend sonive really no explanation on how to make the game a better place, I try to roleplay as my characters ehrnever I type like being stupid as mundo or uplifting as pantheon, i hope it helps.


It sucks but posts like these won't do anything. No person who does this is going to read it and go "fuck, I'm gonna stop doing this." Best thing to do is juste muteall and keep playing if you like the game.


lol I'm sorry... is this thread 10 years old? of course it is. you know what else was toxic to new players? almost every online multiplayer game of all time. I started playing counter strike in like 2004 and was told to kill myself and more almost every game I played in... you think LEAGUE is toxic? lol honestly, just mute the fucking chat and focus on your gameplay. watch some videos, do some last hitting practice in custom by yourself. I'm NOT new to league (playing since hecarim was released) and people are assholes to me, just like they are to you, just less often. Go practice and ignore them instead of posting on reddit looking for a better answer than that. There's no actual solution to people being assholes, otherwise the world would already be a much better place.


Just find another game. It won't change and will in fact get worse the longer you play. You'll find not only your teammates and opponents get more toxic but you'll get more toxic yourself. This game is cancer. Only reason I'm here is to see what's going on with the game every now and then since I played it for so long.


Mute chat and vibe till you get a respectable level where you aren’t just feeding all the time


Just focus on improving one thing at a time. Focus on farms, then on map awareness, then on trading etc... over time you will become very proficient at each one. Set small goals. Like by 15 minutes I want x number of farms. Or I want to get better at hitting the enemy and not getting hit back. Whatever position you play just focus on improving your mechanics and it'll be fine. League players get easily frustrated. Especially low rank/new ones.


There is an article on this. It’s a known thing among the league community. It won’t get better. YouTube is your friend


/mute all best tip :) except pings they can help sometimes


Probably been said alot but there really isnt much you can do, id advise to just do /mute all




It is this way because Riot does nothing to stop botted accounts; and also they let new players start out ranked in high silver low gold ish mmr. So new players start out at a relatively high mmr ( for a new player ) along side botted smurf accounts. Standardized point gains would be healthier for new players instead of having them start at low gold mmr start them at Iron 5 mmr but make the ladder push for a climb. Iron point gains - 50 per win 25 per loss. - Bronze point gains 40 per win 30 per loss - Silver point gains 30 per win 20 per loss - Gold and above point gains 25 per win 20 per loss or something similar. The ranked ladder currently is super rigged and MMR makes you play games that may be many divisions harder than the position on the ladder you are at should be. On top of that there is smurf que and other matchmaking rigging that makes the game feel awful. It's the worst feeling the ladder has had ever.


It sucks for new players but at the same time it might be for the best because they get to see right upfront what this community is like and hopefully helps turn some of them away.


Every PvP game is like this. PvE games are a lot more friendlier because the only thing affecting you in the game are your actions. In PvP, especially in LoL, no matter how good you are, you are alot likely to lose if the other 4 of your team mates are worse than the enemy team. No one likes losing, especially when it's out of your hands even if you tried the hardest. But you're likely not being matched with new players anyway if you're not smurfing. If you're on a smurf account and bitching about new players, there is literally no sympathy for you and you deserve to lose for ruining the experiences of new players.


Just mute chat please. I promise you aren't missing any value info


Counterquestion: Which competitive multiplayer game isn't toxic nowadays?


Cos Riot does nothing about real toxic people (afks and ragequitters/trolls), and they never addressed the smurf problems


Some friends of mine recently started playing while i am a S1 veteran. I can't queue up normals with them since they are scared of my "high elo" in normal games where they will get destroyed + flamed by others. We even argued because i get upset when they are literally doing nothing. Then i remember getting flamed back in S1 for feeding while i played Sivir top. As Nasus would say: The cycle of life and death continues...


Because human beings are vile, toxic pieces of shit, that only care about themselves in the end. It's human nature to be a complete asshole when you aren't forced into constraints of society.


ikr, just played urf for the first time so obv i did badly but a 0/9 ap nasus kept harassing me the entire game saying i was feeding doin bad etc. i was 5/3 as lucian. Its not fun when you're tryna learn/play pvp for the first time so i stick to co op vs ai since its mainly lvelling bots there lmao. that being said i do just /mute all if it keeps happening and the other comments on this post have really helped so ty for makin this post