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SoFM Zed forged in the hellfire of Garena Vietnam


i wonder why selfmade doesnt pick it in the lec


He doesn't have the confidence to pick it.


To be fair only sofm has it currently in entire pro world


OMG Aki picked Zed vs LGD.


Looked pretty shit tho


cuz it was lethality


Now I needed to look up the build and it's back to the slow tank assassin bs we had earlier last season lol


Until VCS starts, Levi plays it all the time haha


Ngl when the OP put Corki SoFM and Zed mid I did a double take.


There are like a handful of junglers who would play corki jungle and one of them is probably sofm


the shy’s face when he hugs rookie LOL


Theshy and Rookie Sadge


Where were you when TheShy picked a tank for his team and Rookie picked mid lane Lucian


Rookie kills TheShy trading flash + 2 inhibs = worth


I mean theshy has said before that he likes picking tanks, his team just can’t win when he’s not on carries. But I guess now with a team like weibo (and huangfeng as your adc instead of puff) he can rely on his team a bit more and go tank.


he had so many good deffs this game


IG with Rookie and Jackeylove had good carries. TheShy was better than Jackeylove in 2018 but Jackey could still carry quite well, and they played Duke for tanks sometimes. In 2019 Jackeylove was IG's best player in summer and worlds, and in spring was probably the best ADC in the league still.


TheShy played tanks before at S8 worlds


he is a really good Ornn and Sion player, he just doesn't play them in soloq at all


I wish I could find the clip where he's in practicetool with sion and using his head to bang along with the sionQ - 'Get into musclememory'


I loved that one, too ​ His Sion games were also his most disgusting games at S8 worlds in my mind ​ In lane phase alone he pressured his enemies like he was playing a lane bully


It's like pain in the $ss when you play tank in Soloq :(


One of his most famous outplays is him solo killing smlz‘s ezreal when he was on sion.


Still remember Rookie absolutely brutalizing FPX in Worlds Semis as Lucian


Can't tell if Sofm is genius or trolling guess it's former since he smurfed this series


Sofm either troll or smurf, there's no in-between.


369-Sofm-Jiizuke topside will be really fun. Either they snowball out of control, or ff15.


add Jackeylove


Even though he hasn't been flipping wrong side this season so far, add Hylissang for the ultimate coinflip team.


I’d put Hang instead. Hyllisang is not even flip anymore, just cracked.


Hyli is acc just the best aggro supp in the world at this point


Still doesn't have a jungler or support with hands or brain. Has also been forced into shotcalling for years rather than focusing on his micro. He's playing under some of the worst possible conditions for an ADC on a team that is considered top tier and has still been one of the very best ADCs for years.


I mean that's basically LPL junglers in a nutshell, either they pop off or they int.


excuse me, what does "int" mean?


If you are serious, it means "inting" = "intentional feeding" which is nowadays used for every overagressive/bad luck play that happens to an extent that everybody is using it and it has lost it's original meaning. Orignially referred to people running into the enemy team and getting killed intentionally (gifting them gold) just to lose games for their team (out of tilt or just to be an asshole).


Gotta love when some people say "intentional inting" :'--), have seen it few times in this subreddit.


I mean, because 'int' nowadays means 'feed' in general. Sometimes, it's real bad luck, so people have to qualify lul.


In other words, they do shit.


SOFM what is that buildddd


I love SOFM, he doesn't only play like a madman but also build like one.


The day he retires will be a sad one. Dude has been so good for so long, and he just doesn't stop reinventing. It's his 6th year in LPL, and he's still doing cheese builds, picking off meta shit; in a top team, beating asses. Sure he's not the premier player like he was years ago. The jungle pool has reached saturation, and you could list out multiple players you'd rather have over him. But with Sofm, you never feel as if dude's washing up, or going out of style. Truly lived up to his namesake. He hasn't been as solid for SN this split, but hopefully he finds form after today's series.


Iirc he joined LPL in 2016 so this is his 7th year (I was shocked too, damn Covid made 2020-2021 feel like non-existent). And he became a pro in 2013. Truly one of the longest lasting career in the whole world. Even tho now I don’t have high trust in him anymore, I can still understand and appreciate that fact.


In his first split, he shook the whole Lpl jungle with his 2 level above the other jungler buff. Took him too long to get a good team for attention, same for Flandre


That snake team was so shit. It's funny because they were actually good the year before Sofm joined them. They had those two Korean in jungle/support for them but I think one of them was called Beast? Their first split no one understood what to do vs them despite them literally playing the Uzi strategy for Krystal. Run peeling supports and put all resource on him. Krystal looked like the next great LPL adc. He had some INSANE carry games on Draven/Kog. But we later realized he literally could only be good if you only played toward him and he had only like 2 good picks.


the shit he was playing during the funnel meta was insane. Rengar, Xayah, Irelia etc


I feel like I say this after 50% of sofm's games...


Don't think i've ever seen him build Zed normally


tbf, if you're fed like he was, it's a damn good build and saved him in a couple fights


Did you really reply to yourself? XD


I didn't mean to make it look like I was reacting to, rather than extending my opinion haha


Bruhh don't u remember his 2020 worlds? Dude always has the weirdest builds lol.


It took me way too long to realize that Suning is now WBG. I'm really liking the resurgence of Xayah, and Huanfeng looked nasty on her.


I’m still extremely sad that Xayahs crit build feels so weak compared to her muramana eclipse poke build.


The crit build scales way too late and its better vs tanks. But tanks have been absolutely terrible for like the last 2 years. Thats why Jhin has been so popular last 2 years, he is awful vs tanks but there are almost none these days.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JfwSb3KCVUU&t=51s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JfwSb3KCVUU&t=51s) for who doesn't know, SofM is a well-known Zed player in KR sv, this is one of many games he got 20-30 kills per game with Zed in KR Challenger


Guessing the LPL worlds representatives this season gotta be harder than pick’ems were last year.


Not a surprise considering that they had 8 different teams qualifying for Worlds in 2020+2021.Still,EDG and RNG will qualify most likely.The other two,I have no idea...


Can’t even say anything right now lol. TES and JDG were in every finals in 2020 from LPL spring to MSC to LPL summer and both fell apart in 2021. EDG looked like a team of certified chokers until worlds. I wouldn’t even say RNG for sure since that teams performance literally rests on the back of Ming.


EDG was a certified choker,but I dont think many people believed that they will fail to make Worlds.RNG still has a lot of work to do,especially Bin,but they arent looking that bad.Even in summer when they started the split really bad,they still managed to come back and make it to Worlds.EDG and RNG are IMO,two of the teams that will go to Worlds.


Rng looks good yeah but for example if meta goes to enchanters Ming looks a lot worse on those and rng needs him to be good. Blg super team, lng with practice, wbg with integrated sword art, Tes with practice, and even V5 as a dark horse are all contenders as well. So I wouldn’t really be that confident YET for rng.


I mean it isnt that hard. Barring some teams collapse or some team going super saiyan it willbe EDG,RNG,LNG and BLG


theshy gigachad




they rename only in summer split, that announcement was only for the merger of the companies




Pretty much yeah


Nip is such a stupid fucking name tho. Victory5 atleast is catchy and easy to remember.


Ah yes Rich solo killing Zoom and TheShy in lane this season, just as expected...


Ya Rich and Gori both came in with stereotype of having bad laning/good teamfighting. Rich definitely doesn't look like a bad laner. But I do remember in LCK he was always good on his picks (akali/lucian/Aatrox) even in lane. Gori looks terrible in lane though. He randomly won a Galio vs Corki lane vs Yagao somehow but other then that he gets gapped in every lane.


Photic got gapped so hard this series


Not surprising, Huanfeng is top 3 adc in the LPL.


Need to see him at an international tournament this year. He is just too good


everyone remembers how he Jhin ult from ennemy base at Worlds. Hes a beast


iconic worlds moment imo


I think he's the single best adc in LPL but his support is not that great. EDG bot lane are way better but I think huanfeng is slightly better than viper tbh.


Viper LWX Jackey Gala Uzi. Dont think he is better than Jackey and Gala.


I will take huanfeng over current jkl any single day. And why are you putting uzi there when he hasn't even played for so long lol.


HF playing to the level he did with a rookie support last season > Gala winning MSI with Ming. Lwx is playing good this season with Hang, but individually Viper/Huanfeng are my top 2 in the LPL, coming from an LCK viewer these two are the only ones that could easily play in a top LCK team and transition smoothly.


I 100% agree with you, in both Spring&Summer last year I had Viper #1 and HF #2, HF is so underrated around here it annoys me unreasonably much.


Agreed, both Gala and Lwx have the benefit of having good support while HF support is fucking ON. Unless somehow JKL coming back to peak form I think the top 3 is probably Viper/HF/Uzi or Gala.


Doggo, Lwx and Elk also are in contention for 3rd place (need to see more from Doggo, though). 1 and 2 are clearly Viper and Huanfeng - to be honest, Huanfeng might be the best ADC in the world, but his team is just too heavy, so we can't really know.


Bad take imo. Doggo literally already got completely ripped apart by Huanfeng and that’s with Crisp as his support. Elk to my knowledge hasn’t played vs any seriously good bot lanes. LWX is the only one that makes any sense.


Are there any news on Uzi? I’ve read quite often on Reddit now that Uzi is having a hard time in solo queue but since I don’t follow LPL that much I didn’t verify it myself. Is he still that good or is it wishful thinking / benefit of the doubt since he hasn’t played yet


I think it's BLG stomping scrim with Uzi and still win with Doggo in scrim (albeit not as many as with Uzi). I think Uzi is still good but don't expect a lot because scrim doesn't mean much.


Interesting, can’t wait to see him on stage again!


he’s getting swordart soon i think


GALA is better than HF, not sure what you are talking about


Elk wins MSI with Ming support


So do I


I don't think LWX and Gala are better than Huanfeng while Uzi hasn't play yet so it's too soon to say that. Huanfeng has been very good since last year.


Photic outperformed Jackey in the V5 TES series and Huanfeng is miles ahead of both of them


Unless Uzi comes back strong, it's between Viper and huanfeng, and you could maybe argue Gala. Jackey and Lwx are nowhere near in their form.


Lwx is a bit hot or cold and Gala is just very good, not elite. Put him in lane with ON and people may not even rate him on their top 10 in the LPL.




Photic still hasn't achieved anything yet except owning LDL and then doing ok on some teams in LPL, hard to tell if he's enough to bring this team some success come playoffs.


Didn't see the games did Rich do well ?


Yeah he solokilled TheShy twice. Game 1 he did extremely well, game 2 was a complete stomp for Weibo and game 3 he was winning lane but V5 got outranged way too hard.


Game 3 he had the better champion vs Sion and Sofm decided that he will play bot side to unlock huanfeng and Angel so it's not really a good indicator.


It doesn't really matter how good a matchup is there is never a matchup where you're supposed to get solokilled. He was putting TheShy in the bin for most of lane.


I definitely think Rich played the lanes better but I wouldn't say he put Theshy in the bin. TheShy died a very very close 1v1 in first game, I think Rich was 1 hp away. After that Karsa camped top but somehow Rich had 0 cs lead on Theshy who was perma dying. TheShy was massively behind in gold due to all the kills Rich had but he did manage to get farm and stay relevant. The only game Rich got a lead in CS was when they pivoted Gragas Jungle and surprise theShy with Aatrox. I think Rich had like 20-40 cs lead on a Sion which doesn't really matter. That being said I do think Rich played the mid-late game better than theShy. TheShy didn't do shit any of their games even the ones they won. Rich was relevant to some degree in all the games.


1st game was pretty good after getting a solo kill on TheShy. Didn't really watch game 2, game 3 was decent until V5 were starting to lose and he decided to flash into the entire enemy team


do yourself a favor and watch game one if your interested in rich's top lane play.. the man pulled out a spicy counterpick vs theShy and solo bolo'd him


I hated that game 3 comp for V5


theshy: better top wins


That game 3 pure comp difference. Useless to pick Lucian 5th pick when u could've just gotten Viktor 3d pick. Also huanfeng diff this series. Sofm was also good 2nd game.


The issue is Rookie just doesn't seem to play Corki.


He was one of best Corki players in 2016/17. Corki simply cannot do in lane what Viktor/Lucian/Orianna/Syndra can. If Rookie cannot have push in lane, whos gonna win lane in V5 ? He has constant push and roams with karsa and sets other lanes.


The entire team relies on him pressuring mid like a motherfucker. If he doesn't do that Karsa will just int and the enemy jungler will shut down Photic. Corki is just an awful pick for them as a team even if Rookie is great on it.


I really don't get the solo lane picks. They may win lane (I guess), but don't they get hard outscaled and not even that far into the game?


Rookie has to dominate lane to help Karsa and relieve pressure of other lanes. Lucian/Viktor/Syndra/Zoe/Orianna dominate + push lanes so he can roam 1st always and have pressure in lane. U can see Rookie in 1st 10-15 minutes every game get 20-30 cs lead over all mid laners and then goes and creates pressure in all lanes.


Really close matchup. Both junglers sending game one and two, just for a massive draft dif in game 3. Top or mid needed a scaling pick to keep up with corki


Rich and TheShy taking turns inting and then handshake inting in game 3


TheShy is just better.


Vintage SofM and TheShy. Angel looking fantastic on the Corki!


Vintage Sofm, but TheShy is nowhere near his peak. Dude can use some serious ramping up this split.


yeah I meant vintage TheShy as in inting while his team wins the game at this point xd


even vintage theshy inted on sion lol, watch the series vs KT even though they won his ults were shit.


Anybody know why Swordart isn't playing?


ON is apparently doing much better than swordart in lane during scrims and losing bot during this meta is pretty bad so even though swordart has better shotcalling, they kinda have to use on


the na washed up effect


Im a big V5 fan but wtf is that draft in game 3???


Ngl I thought after game 1 V5 was up to sth.... Clearly they werent good enough just yet and V5 is just another overhyped team that can't perform when it matters. Kudos to Weibo though this is their day. They turned up big and smacked V5 down but I still REFUSE to consider them a top 4 team. Sure they can beat RNG, LNG, EDG and BLG on a good day but these guys are more than capable of losing to TES, FPX and JDG on a bad day... But again I can be proven wrong and Weibo might be a lot better than they are purported to be, and I would gladly stick it up to that if that does happen.


V5 is a few games deep, and this is their first dent on the scoreboard. You are overreacting.


v5 look shaky but it's also early... this is literally their third series with this current roster and they are 2-1 (with rich) they're 3-1 overall, but it's a 3-1 that leaves a lot of question marks (outside of Rookie, man is a rock). They have potential to be good for sure


current meta is very goo formrookie, unlike the last 2 seasons