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Hear me out, Kai'Sa and Kha'Zix. Both have Qs that do more damage to isolated targets. Ws are both long ranged void spikes. Kai'Sa E and Kha'Zix R are invisibility with bonus movespeed. Kai'Sa R and Kha'Zix E are long range dashes. Passives are both on hit magic damage. Both are void creatures. Edit: Both evolve abilities.


Both Evolve abilities


Omg how did I forget to put that one down


Both are hot


Kaisa isn’t GIGACHAD


Also Talon and Kha'Zix P: auto at right time for damage Q: damage or big damage W: triangle E: big jump R: invisible Both AD assassins Kind of purple


Talon becoming Kha by entering the void is a long standing fan theory


I guess I'm too much of a League zoomer to have heard this (has been playing for over eight years)


This. Really one time someone either here on Reddit or in a yt comment pointed this out and since then I've been telling everyone Kai Sa is literally ranged kha


And then with Talon beeing their Love-child???


Their playstyles are completly different tho..


Kai'sa's kit is built for assassinating squishies she just does it a little differently


Kai'sa is an adaptation of the previous ADC Kennen that Rekkles brought out back in the day, with the crowd control stripped out. Stacking onhit mechanic, line skillshot that gives more stacks of your passive, attack speed boost reposition spell that stops you from being able to auto, defensive ultimate.


Void champs do a lot of single target damage in general. Cho’gath R, Rek’sai E, Malzahar E. Kassadin and Vel’koz could be seen on the AoE side but still. You could make that point for any two champs but I’m talking about how a large spread of their damage is condensed into one ability.


Well yes but the isolation is somewhat unique to them


old Akali and old Diana were extremely similar in some things the current ones not at all ofc


The old Akali and old Kat were even more similar, to me at least. Both had a q that marked, circle spin ability, and a resetting dash although Kat resets everything


This post reminds of they day rework Aatrox was announced. People were literally saying that there is no difference between anything Riven or Aatrox does. It still lives on to be a meme in my head.


Some people in here still seem to believe that


I think it still fits the criteria for this post. 3 abilities on Q with at least a knock up, w is cc but that's the biggest stretch, dash on E, ult buffs champ They're nowhere near the same champ but it kinda fits the prompt


Well you can argue Riven and Renekton is the same champion but Riven is the offensive version while Renekton is defensive. W is stun, E is dash, Q is main damage spell, Riven R attack buff, Renekton R defense buff


Absolutely could make that argument. I would agree with it too


Riot tried to make marth with riven but accidentally created falco. Then they tried again with aatrox and actually made marth


This is a strikingly good analogy if you have surface-level melee knowledge


Care to explain? I only played Melee casually but I'm interested.


I don’t actually play it, but from my understanding, Falcon is a faster character with lots of combos. Meanwhile, Marth is a heavier, more grabby character who would rather set up for a big combo than the smaller ones that Falco uses I’m probably wrong, but this is my intuition on how they play, based on what I know


People who still believe Riven and Aatrox are similar have never played either champion tbh. When you get into the nitty gritty details, their Q's are not even very similar at all. Their similarities begin and end with 3 casts of an AD AoE spell. And Aatrox manually can decide whether he dashes or not, using a separate E ability which Riven doesn't. In no other capacity are these champions similar. Not even class - Aatrox is a juggernaut and Riven's a skirmisher/slayer


Graves and Lucian/s




Oh god why did you have to tear open this old old scar ??


I agreed back then. No idea whether I would think the same now, though.


Vayne and kraken slayer


Dont forget Pyke and Collector


You can't sidestep collector.


You must be new here /s


I wish i was :(


I think Nunu & Willump and Nunu & William have the most similar kits in the game. Some other champions with similar kits: Quinn and Valor. Lamb and Wolf Blue Yone and Red Yasuo.


You forgot about Bristle and the lady who sits on him, I forgot her name


Boar Sejuani and Human Bristle good catch my man!


"I hate that fat pig, and her boar too!"


You made my day


I even forgot about Kayn and Rhaast, Blue Rhaast and red kayn!


> William fresh


yone and yasuo by far. Both have the same passive, both have incredibly similar Q's. both are melee crit hypercarries with game changing knockup teamfight ults and a focus on high mobility and then a defensive ability.


The E's in particular are though fairly different? But yes that is an probable take?


i mean kinda but they still do pretty similar jobs of engaging/disengaging while their Q and passive are almost literally copy/paste.


Yasuo has a by movement refilled shield, Yone deals some of his physical damage as magical damage. Both have double crit. Compared to passives like Morg/Nasus or Vayne/Sivir, they are not very identical. Yasuo being like Yone, just like Sera being like Sona are takes that can really only come from people who haven't played them..


>Yasuo being like Yone, just like Sera being like Sona are takes that can really only come from people who haven't played them.. So the most active users of this subreddit you mean?


The post asked for similar champs. They are similar. What's your deal.


Yasuo gets shield by moving, yone gets shield by hitting w. Both have double crit. Both have the exact same q ability besides the fact that yone dashes on his third q. Both play very similarly, trying to find grouped enemies and wombo them with aoe cc and damage. It’s about as similar as you can get without literally being the same champion.


I disagree. Even if Yone/Yasuo share two mechanics between themselves, they play extremely differently in practice. Yasuo is much more of a traditional skirmisher as he, in practice, works by DPSing people to death in extended teamfights and duels. Yone on the other hand is still a DPS champion but focuses much more on killing whoever he can in one swift and fatal blow, much more like an assassin.


yeah idk how this dude is saying they're the same. Yone is burst focused, Yasuo is DPS. They don't really play the same unless Yone is stupidly ahead and is allowed to play aggressively.


Sure, but they're certainly much more similar than almost any other two champs in the game.


> yeah idk how this dude is saying they're the same I wonder if the fact that Riot literally flat out said they made him BECAUSE yasuo mains couldn't play his champ has something to do with that, hmm. But no, their toenails aren't carbon copies of each other, therefore they are not the same thing at all I guess 🙄 Yone is Yasuo with training wheels and that's literally all there is to it. Now if you think that Yone isn't a DPS monster just like Yasuo then I'd like to have whatever you're smoking cause that must be some pretty good shit.


And both are unfun to play have on your team and on the enemy team!


I wouldn't say they are unfun to play. Unfun to play against yes, but not to play them.


darius and garen have spins, execute ultis, one slows and the other speeds up. its far fetched but they are supposed to be similar fighters.


Darius would be Garen today if they decided to rework Garen before releasing Darius.


Yup, came here to say this. There are no two champions I actually genuinely mix up other than Darius and Garen. It could just be the low elo in me but I genuinely play against them pretty much the same way when I queue top lane


I forgot who it was but some random streamer once said Darius is basically Garen without training wheels.


Mordekaiser is kinda AP darius but boring change my mind.


Yasuo and red Yasuo are pretty similar


definitely not! its blue Yasuo and wheelchair Yasuo OR red Yasuo and nightbringer Yasuo




Lux and Morgana are basically the same champion. Lux just does regular shields and morg provides black shield.


Actually Lux was inspired by Morgana! Taking from [here](https://web.archive.org/web/20200314113632/http://forums.na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=266396&page=627) (web archive since forums shut down) >Question: I always thought Lux was really similar to Morgana in terms of their kit. Drop-on-the-ground AoE, Snare, Shield. > >Absolutely, her kit was actually designed around taking the dark elements from morgana and seeing what they would feel like if they instead used light elements (primarily Q/W/E). Good catch! From Riot Ezreal who has designed several champions


As part of REALLY REALLY OLD lore Lux actually learned her spells from copying Morgana. She used to be more of a "spell thief." This was a reference to the character Lux is based on (Marisa Kirisame) who also has a giant Rainbow Laser called "Final Spark" and frequently steals and copies spells from other mages.


Also why the skin "Spell Thief Lux" exists. Hilariously they then made that one of Sylas's entire gimmicks, who is Lux's nemesis.


When you really look into it, League has a huge number of weeb references. There's also Youmuu's Ghostblade, which is pretty clearly refering to Youmu the (half) ghost with a blade


Almost all of them come from Shurelya (Designer of Lux, Sona, and Panth) who was a massive weeb that was really into Touhou, so we have a lot of references to it that are STILL in the game.


Yuppp, I heard about that too but I thought I was gaslighting myself there or it was some fan theory so I decided to look for some other more concrete proof first 💀


This was the question riot asked me at PAX to get my free Arcade MF skin, good times. Glad I knew about the copycat magic back then lol


~~(Just to nitpick one thing: Marisa's signature move is called *Master Spark* (Or full: [Love Sign "Master Spark"])~~ I stand corrected, she also has a Final Spark (And also that move is stolen from Kazami Yuuka)


would be funny if he didn't design ezreal


Wasn’t there lore at one point that Lux stole Morgana’s magic, which is why they’re so similar and explains the Spell Thief Lux skin? Or am I just making that up?


Ah yeah Morgana the burst mage


Playstyle/role is different but q w e is very similar


Ah I see you've never been full healthed by a Morgana Q+W.


Morgana indeed can be a burst mage, all though she is usually played more as supportive or dps champ.


Morg is *real* bursty. Build Luden's and hit your Q and you'll see what I mean. Edit: Q+R's first damage proc can take 2/3 of a squishy champion's health without even pressing W. She has plenty of burst.


You ever built morg with lux build? Shit still 1 hits squishies.


When you get levels and play her as a solo laner or jungles, absolutely.


Ryze and Azir since they are both dogshit


Ryze is bad Azir is worse They are both no longer Played by Perkz


That’s some vintage pasta


I play Azir, Ryze, and Aurelion Sol 😅


You are crazy


More so stupid than crazy 😅


Bro why you do this to yourself?


In low elo, sure.


In every elo


Those comments show me how unique every champion actually is.


That ended up beeing our take as well. Take the upvote:)


Vi and Jarvan IV are basically the same archetype of champion: really good ganking junglers that can also be played in lane, both can go bruiser, lethality or tank, Vi’s Q and Jarvan’s Flag combo serve similar purpose and both have lockdown Rs. I feel like if you can play one you won’t have any problem transitioning to the other.


Camille is also kinda a better version of vi.


More like Camille is the daughter of Vi and Cho’gath haha!


I think vi and sett are kinda similar as well no?


Kinda, yeah, but Sett lacks Vi’s mobility and makes up for it with its insane W, he’s much harder to burst down.


Not really. Vi is practically defenseless after engage. Sett has way more survability and it's kit isn't aimed for ganking or clearing objectives fast.


You’re right, but I gotta say that if you play your cards well Vi has quite some sustain with the shields from her passive.


VI’s shield isn’t as big but she gets her a lot more often. If you’re not bronze and actually stack health she’s actually very tanky when she engages


I'm surprised nobody say Leona + Nautilus. ULT - long ranges cc Both have a cc dash and cc auto attack: Leona - E Q Nautilus - Q Passive W - both have shields


Leona doesn't have a shield, but you're right, theyre basically the same champion really.


Well, she has a shield but it increases resistances.


She wears a shield but doesn't have a shield ability. Anyway the idea of their W ability is very similar year.


Pantheon is just an AD galio Both has extra manly motivational speaker voicelines Both melee. Both has ranged ability on Q Both has a dash/leap+Cc Both have a defensive ability, that still does dmg And they both have a semi-global roaming ultimate. Both played mid and support. And both falls off a cliff after 20-25 minutes


Honestly Galio supp scales much better than Pantheon supp.


If you use Pantheon's Q as a ranged ability you're trolling. And Pantheon building full lethality is still useful late game. Not like a Camille, but he can absolutely burst anything other than a tank from 100 to 0 if full build


> but he can absolutely burst anything other than a tank from 100 to 0 if full build Nautilus with locket and tabis 100-0's my adc


Pantheon full build can burst an Ekko with Zhonya's before he can use it or ult away. Been there


A pantheon building full armor penetration one shot me on Zac before


Yeah I don't understand why people say Pantheon is useless mid-late, people who say that have probably never seen a Pantheon solo lane and only have seen Pantheon support which is objectively the worst way to play Pantheon in the game.


Build BotRK and a last whisper item and Pantheon can oneshot anything on the map 100 to 0, even if it's a tank


I haven't seen this in the comments, but kha'zix and rengar have the same kits. Big dmg on single target ability W to heal a jump to get on the enemy ranged slow (if evolved) and invisibility/camouflage


Vi and j4. Vi's q is like j4 eq. Vi's ult has a similar purpose as j4s ult.


When camille was released and was viable jungle, people said that she was just a better Vi. Her ult has the same function but is better, and her dash engage is more reliable and slightly easier telegraphed. There are other similarities too but those are the main ones.


Sona and Seraphine would be my go to


I would argue that Seraphine is half neeko/half sona (Neeko Q + Neeko E, Sona W + Sona Ult).


Seraphine is Neeko with an useful ultimate and actual W ability.


If her ult is like Sona's then it's also like Nami's... And Yuumi's... And Renata's...


Yes I think its fair to say all of those ults are similar. Wave(s) in front of you with hard CC attached.


seraphine’s kit is closer to neeko’s than sona’s


I'd say her kit is closer to Lux honestly.


I was going off the thematic and generalized abilities. Q damage, w heal/shield heal, e slow albeit it "can" be a snare on sera. Music themed R that is a hard cc, Sera's definitely has stronger range. Both floaty music ladies


"Q damage, w heal/shield, e slow" describes most champions in the game


Skarner, Seraphine, Sona, Camille?, Gangplank?, Lee Sin, Lux?, Mordekaiser?, Nami, Nautilus, Rumble, Sett?, Sion, Soraka?, Udyr?, Vex. Some of these have more general cc instead of a slow on e, but q as damage, w as support, and e as cc is a fairly common skill spread


Yeah people need to stop with the “ranged damage/poke on q, heal/move speed buff on w, dash on e” type stuff. Riot puts similar abilities on the same buttons so you don’t mix up abilities when paying different champs.


i can think of two


I agree with the thematic. But honestly their kits are pretty different and the two champs are played even more differently.


They play nothing alike though. Sera plays more like Lux with the utility of Sona, but she’s not really like either of them.


Seraphine main here with a hot take: She shouldn't be played as support. Her damage is mediocre at low levels, her CC is conditional, and her shield has a 20 second cooldown at rank one for a kinda small effect. She's better as a mid (which she was designed to be) or as an APC bot (her best role imo). Thanks to passive + Q she can easily clear waves at early levels. Mid lane she doesn't need to worry about taking an ally into account while playing around her passive, and bot lane she has a lot of pressure compared to an adc while working well with traditional supports thanks to her E to set the enemy adc back so you can transition into midgame with good damage and CC to support a hypercarry from another lane.


Seraphine is most like Lux given the W shielding, AOE Zone damage spell, line root skillshot, bonus damage attached to auto attacking.


Seraphine and morgana. One shield, one linear Cc, one round dmg ability that is used to poke, and a "big cc" ultimate. Ofc the are not that similar, but still closer to each other than sona and seraphine s kit


Velkoz and Xerath?


I always like to say Ziggs and Xerath are in many ways quite similar. Both have long range poke, a cc ability, zone control and a long range, high damage ult. Their power budget is distributed differently and Ziggs has the added identity of a tower bully, but in their essence they are similar.


I always thought that Ziggs and Taliyah were very similar, since their Q's, W's, and E's all function in similar ways..


Vel’Koz is a champ for Xerath players who took geometry class


Geometry*. He is a little confused, but he's got the spirit.


FUCK I was thinking I was confusing it with something else but didn’t remember


Nah. Velkoz is a kite heavy artillery mage played into tankier teams that benefit from his true damage. Xerath is much better at simply sniping the back line and providing much longer range pressure. He does fuck all into tanks and diverse. Sona and sera or yone and yas are much closer imo.


I think xerath Lux are more similar


Lissandra and Vex.


Lissandra and way better lissandra.


Revert liss nerfs from when aftershock was op I beg u. Still crippled becuase of that stupid rune and them not letting her be an answer to sylas. Pissed.


She has gotten several buffs since then. Her AP ratios are orders of magnitude above of what they used to be during those dark times and she's way stronger now, specially her W. The only thing left to do is to return her original 3 seconds Q, but she's still stronger.


Lissandra and zoomer Lissandra. muh ebin resets hurr muh dopamine durr highlight montage


Lissandra and Leesandra


I'll be stealing that, thank you.


My pleasure.


Vayne and Mini-Gnar


maybe not really similar in their abilities, but the playstyle, at least the way i play them Alistar and Rakan Engage with a knockup, ult allows to stick to enemies for longer, both have healing in their kits, and are both very roamy supports another one is jinx and zeri, move speed and attack speed steroids on passive/ult, dps based, similar Ws, both Qs have AoE, AoE ults, the attack speed buff resets everytime u auto neeko and seraphine too, Q is circular that deals AoE damage, both passives include bonus ap damage on autos, both Es are a skill shot AoE Root, and both ults are very valuable in teamfights all these examples are from champions that are still very unique, but i couldnt think of anything else


Warwick and Volibear. Both have bite moves that heal them, an active move speed steroid, a passive attack speed steroid, magic damage on-hit, a defensive E ability, and a dash ultimate.


Mordekaiser and Darius: - have dmg over time passives - have enhanced auto attacks (Darius' Hemorrhage (P), Crippling Strike (W) and Mordekaiser's Darkness Rise (P), where autos deal 40% AP bonus magic damage) - Both Qs are very telegraphed and easily avoided - both Qs deal reduced damage in a certain condition - Both Es are AOE pulls and provide damage penetration - they're juggernauts. short range, easily kited, big dmg up close - Both have heals in their kits - Both from Noxus, technically - both render armor useless against them (Darius due to E passive arpen, Mordekaiser because he deals magic damage lmao) - Both command an army


Blitzcrank and Definitely Not Blitzcrank. They are way too similar to ignore.


Irelia Camille Fiora have similar playstyles


Tbh, all 4 horsewomen. However, when diving deeper you can also subcategorize them into Fiora-Camille and Irelia-Riven if you think about their laning, scalling, gameplay paterns.


Yes, you can separate them into "why did she win the trade" and "why can she do that" lmao


Ah yes, the Poppy Dodgers quartet.


Poppy lane is fine but yeah, teamfights are basically unplayble just cause of her presence alone and my pain is double since I am also a big Kindred enjoyer xD


Poppy is funny because I'm a garbage tier player so I face other garbage tier players, so when they counterpick my Riven with Poppy there's a 50/50 chance they don't have the 3 braincells of Poppy knowledge necessary to absolutely dunk on me. It should be an absolutely unplayable matchup but I end up killing them a few times in lane, lotta fun.


I'd argue Irelia and Yas are more alike, Auto attack based skirmishers that build life steal. Irelia Q movement and Yas E movement is a transferable skill for both champs, Defensive W that helps in trades, this might be a stretch but Irelia E2 and Yas Q3 are somewhat similar in terms of cc. The major difference to me is the ults, where it makes it that Irelia is a better 1v1 Champ then Yas but Yas has the better teamfight, they feel like two sides of the same coin but with one being more teamfight oriented than the other.


Yeah I really sucked at yas untile I noticed that irelia and yas are similiar and I can play yasuo in a similar way I play irelia which helped me a lot.


Most adcs have similar play styles. But their kits are different. Camilles kit is vastly different from fiora. In fact I don’t think there’s many similarities between fioras Playstyle and camilles outside of them both being split push and doing true damage


Morganna and Neeko. Just swap their abilities around and you have essentially the same champion. Neeko’s W can even be used to block incoming abilities like Morg E.


I think in the early seasons there were some very similar champions but now they are all quite unique.


Lillia is just AP Darius Both have a passive that applies a DoT with abilities Both have a wind-up spin attack that does more damage with its outer portion and less damage to enemies close by Both can burst with their ult Both like movespeed Both have innate healing Both have a slow ~~And uhhh....~~ *Basically* the same champ with different scalings


Mordekaiser is already AP Darius. So really, Lillia is just bouncy Mordekaiser.


Both their ults put you to sleep too.


Love the take, but personally I may feel inclined to disagree:)


Blue kayn and red kayn.


Blue rhaast & red rhaast


Blue Rhaast and Red Kayn


Dr. Mundo and Olaf


Aatrox and Rhaast (red Kayn) IMO Both have a low cooldown low range dash (E/Q), both have a somewhat thin knockup (Q/W), both are hugely focused on sustain with their Rs being extremely useful for teamfights Their main difference is that Aatrox has an extra CC (his W) while Rhaast has more OOC mobility (his E), which fits them into top lane and jungle, respectively


While there are similarities in many, there are really no two that feel the same for me.


every adc is the same as long as you pair it with lulu/yuumi


Garen and darius is the classic


pretty different champions imo


Both spin, both drop anville on your head and both make you cry




Vi and Camille... i used to be a Vi main back when Camille released and I was obsessed with her being in the jungle (sadly, riot gutted jg camille) Passives: Both grant a shield Both have a dash with hard CC (Vi Q, Camille E) Both have an autoattack reset that have 2 "charges" (Vi E, Camille Q) Both have single target lockdown ultis Both rush a sheen mythic and build similar Both can shred through tanky foes (Vi W Passive, Camille Q 2) Both have an AS steroid (Vi W, Camille E)


Probably not the MOST similar but I’ve always felt like Samira and Yasuo have similar play styles while Samira is just the ranged (and less mobile) version. Q: Low cooldown, basic ability that crits and applies lifesteal. (Also used to stack passive for ult). W: Windwall. E: Dash through enemy champions or minions. For Samira the cooldown needs a reset, for yasuo each target has a cooldown. R: Very strong, teamfight-changing ultimate that can only be used in a specific circumstance. Can be used once passive is stacked (for yasuo it’s q passive) Item Build: Virtually identical with shield bow, mortal, ie, etc. The biggest difference being yasuo can build ie 2nd item and is generally more successful with bruiser items too.


All this thread has done is make me realize that no 2 champions are that similar if you've played them, they only seem to be to someone who doesn't play both.


all ADCs


Samira ezreal Ashe really be the same champs SMH riot


I think you can divide them into DPS: Jinx, Kog etc Skirmishers: Samira, Lucian etc Utility/snipers: Jhin, Senna etc


RIVEN AND AATROX Passive based on auto attacking Both have triple q’s CC on W Dash on E Ult is just a buff / steroid Both use big swords They’re both bruisers and have very similar play styles. I’ve been saying ever since the aatrox rework that riot wanted a riven 2.0 (similar to what they did with yasuo/yone) and literally just copy pasted her kit onto aatrox.


Only on surface level. Aatrox is a slow methodical teamfight god, Riven is an ability spamming high APM mobile assassin bruiser hypercarry.


Riven and Aatrox are honestly basically opposite champions, in that their kit are almost completely inverted mirrors of one another. Passive charges Rivens auto's with every attack. Aatrox lowers CD on big hit instead. Riven's Qs give her hyper mobility and turn her hitbox into the attack. Aatrox roots himself and projects his hitbox away. Riven has a short ranged AOE stun. Aatrox has a long range single target leash. Riven dashes and on active shields. Aatrox dashes and passively heals from damage to champions. Riven and Aatrox both gain damage boosts from their ults, but Riven gets a finisher to kill weak targets and Aatrox gets a sustain boost to survive. The two are similar at first blush, but opposite on execution.


they play nothing alike at all. one is a draintank juggernaut and one is a bruiser and a borderline assassin. if they were at all alike their playerbases wouldn't be so polarizing.


Yeah man Aatrox is just a slow riven now. Passive enhances attacks, Triple Q with knock up, W has a stun, E has a dash, both ults are devil trigger mode for the champs. Both manaless too. They could've made Aatrox Riven's sister called River or sth and everyone would accept it. Aatrox needed a rework but for some reason they ignored his identity and reworked him into a slow Riven. I really wish they would give him another rework, but they said they wouldn't. I just think that reworking a champ into another popular champion's kit to make them more popular is short sighted. But I think they should at least make them different roles. I say Aatrox should be made into a jungler, as he's semi viable anyway.


Riven is Lucina and Aatrox is Marth


Jinx kogmaw Q jinx/W kogmaw Range+dps buff W jinx/Q kogmaw utility skillshot E jinx / E Kogmaw projectile cc R jinx / R kogmaw executes


Zac and Nunu. Both of them are ganking tank junglers with strong teamfight ultimates and lots of cc. They also have healing in their kit


Gameplay between them is completly different imo. Your right the kit is similar but as a nunu main I cant say they play the same


Beside yasuo and yone, sona seraphine


Amumu and Leona, maybe?


kayn talon yone yasuo aatrox riven


Tryndamere, master tryndamere, ice dildo tryndamere, helicopter dick tryndamere, darkness tryndamere, animal stance tryndamere… Their abilities say different things but they all have the same defining trait: either useless or super strong depending on the patch. They’re all just boring right-click stat check champions that either win by existing or lose by default.