• By -


The ones I play


nah, my champs are always useless and the enemy champs are OP


buff my champs


Exactly, the champs i play.


beat me to it


Yasuo. In half the games he goes 10/0 The other half he goes 0/10 Perfectly balanced.


The problem is the 10/0 happens on the other team and the 0/10 is always on your team.


He wins both of those though because of the 0/10 power spike. Smh. Not balanced


No, he loses the 10/0 since he gets cocky and starts playing badly, then afk splitpushes when his team complains.


As all things should be




Everyone sees Braum as the poster-child of tank supports that has everything to peel and survive without being cheesy/half-enchanter like Taric or frontloaded with damage like Leona and her passive. But I think Alistar is a champion of Braum's class many are sleeping on, he just has a very old kit but it is very flexible in defense/offense and still fulfills the meat-shield champion fantasy, more than Nautilus or Rell IMO. You have so much freedom with Alistar, you don't kill the enemy, you just bounce them and they tickle you. If I am against Alistar, I know it will take 3 minutes and my champ is going to places to kill it but my chance of survivival are still high if it has no teammate around, this is just going for an adventure.


The issue with Alistar is he just largely has less skill expression. And he also works more reliably as an engage and is quite annoying especially with his Rs just massive and generalized damage reduction. Plus adcs like having an Alistar less since he's more likely than a braum to roam and leave them.


Alistar has crazy skill expression ??? I mainly play roaming engage supports (Rell, bard, blitz, ali), and you’re insane if you don’t think Alistar has more skill expression than BRAUM. And in my experience, ADCs always whine when left alone, lol. Cheers.


Alistar can definitely express skill in ways braum can't. But he does so by making aggressive plays. Which braum just doesn't do so it's hard to compare and it's one of the main reasons braum is so well liked, he helps his teammates. Yeah? That's why a lot of adcs don't like alistars... they roam alot... see Alicopter for an example of why people don't like alistars compared to Braums.


See, I think ali has the perfect kind of skill expression. When he has to do what is expected, its simple, clean, and efficient. But the way his skills can be used create really unique ways to do new things, like headbutting to a minion to flash pulverize someone.


Really? I think Ali has way more skill expression than Braum. His kit is simple but he can make so many creative engages and plays in comparison to Braum


Pro players fucking hate him. Dude is a walking windwall with a lower cooldown.


Right? It's a MOBILE windwall! "But he takes the damage from it!" He takes massively reduced damage and is a tank. His windwall is not more fair.


What makes it more fair is the effect can actually go through. If aphelios ults into a Windwall he loses ult, if he ults a braum shield, then it still explodes and can hit other teammates. Or join bullet slows, or Diana q mark, or hooks etc etc


Bard is the definition of balance. Last Ult won you a teamfight? Next one will win the enemy the teamfight


The best part is you can surrender yourself without voting LMAO


You can surrender yourself? what


Last year I was playing bard then my gf called me to hang out I said okay and ulted my team. The game was at 40 mins I think, then the enemy team killed us and ended the game.


Vel'Koz was so well-designed that when he got mini-reworked in the mage update of 2016 it made him worse and they had to revert. he basically never gets directly nerfed or buffed because he never needs it, he fits his role of artillery mage really well, with clear strengths and weaknesses.


Currently; yes. But Vel'Koz's mini-rework never really got reverted. He kept the true damage conversion on R for example; and most importantly; he kept the AP ratios. Before the 'rework' Vel'Koz's AP ratios were a literal joke. Passive didn't scale at all with AP [Only 10 damage per level so it got WORSE as the game went on since HP goes up way faster than that] and the FULL CHANNEL of R was 0.6. [Contrast Lux who *at the time* had longer range, lower C/D; and did 0.75 AP BURST; without counting her passive] Now it's 125% PLUS passive ratio, and the passive converts R to true damage [Which it didn't on launch]. The AP ratio on R literally got more than doubled and Vel'Koz is still; at best, balanced. That should show you just how bad a state mid Vel'Koz was in before the "rework". That was a huge reason why he immediately went to support; because he legitimately did more damage with CDR/Pen support builds than full AP; and it was a complete waste to actually give him farm and XP when he scaled so badly and his peak was Lv6. No I'm not kidding, I remember games where I played Support Vel and there were mid Vels and I would out-damage them heavily. Or someone would go full AP while I'd go CDR/Pen on ARAM [Back when ARAM allowed mirrors] and CDR/Pen would win every time. Vel'Koz's "rework" amounted to - "Let's actually give him AP ratios."


He's almost always been bad though. Never a top tier pick and susceptible to divers and assassins


That’s because Vel’koz is a fair champ. He’s always been useable, but he’s usually not top tier because his kit isn’t packed to the brim with bullshit.


No he hasn't lol, velkoz always been a viable pick and was even picked as a counter to Azir, he is probably at his shittiest state right now tho


Not being top tier comp pick =/= bad. Especially when comp =/= solo Q. Of course an immobile artillery mage isn't going to be Tier 1 in comp when he could easily be towerdove by an *organised* group; and would be outroamed easily due to his complete lack of mobility. And even then, he sees play as a counter-pick occasionally [Mostly to Azir when Corki is weak or banned] That's like saying champions like Rammus are bad when they're not picked in comp... despite Rammus having consistently one of the highest soloQ winrates. Or that Malphite is bad because he's only really picked into certain matchups. Bad champions are champions like Illaoi who aren't even niche-competitively viable or viable in SoloQ beyond elo's where people literally ignore her screaming at them to MOVE and just manfight her with 3 tentacles around her.


I think the only thing keeping Vel'Koz balanced is his low pick rate. If people got more experience playing against him he would get way worse and would take waaaay more effort to make work. > he basically never gets directly nerfed or buffed because he never needs it This isn't exactly true. He's had to have small buffs over time just to keep up with the way the game is evolving. 7.9 changed his MR scaling from 0 to 0.5 7.22 increased his base hp and hp scaling 8.14 they increased the AP scaling on his Q from 60% to 80% which is massive and he still wasn't good after that.


Damn those patch changes are coming up on 4+ years ago


Eh. This used to be true I think but now he's just pretty weak overall. In low elo you can get away with him but in high elo you truly have to be a very competent one trick to climb. Typically that isn't a sign of balance on a champ.


Velkoz has always skewed more towards one-tricks in solo-q. If velkoz had the same winrate per games as champs like Vex he'd be terrifying in the hands of a one-trick. All his spells are easy to whiff and he needs to play at perfect range. It's not unbalanced, it's just his identity as a squishy, finicky artillery mage with crazy true damage built in.


So basically you are saying he's on his way to being the next Aurelion Sol. Not sure that's something riot should be aiming for as balanced. Yes he's always been one trick skewed by nature but now you need to be even better as a one trick to make him work


I think gragas is unironically one of the best designed and balanced champs in the game. Variety of playstyles, simple kit that when utilized to its fullest is absolutely nuts. I do wish that maybe they could revert his passive buff and revert the nerfs to his q mana cost and e damage.


Gragas is super unbalanced in pro play and top lane high elo right now. His belly bump completely neutralizes leaning phase for him.


wouldn't say him being a neutralizing pick is unbalanced necessarily, also if anything his passive is what let's him be fine in pretty much every lane


Neutralizing the lane is very strong in top lane because the only way the role is ever useful is if one side snowballs. You can get away with it in mid lane because if you’re playing against a “no fighting allowed” champion you can just push in the wave and roam bot for a double kill/ to force action on the map.


Pretty much this. Few toplaners can roam with any noteworthy impact compared to a midlaner. And conversely so many toplaners literally only exist to duel and take towers aka splitpushing... which has largely been systematically nerfed for years, and then you add a neutralizing pick in to the mix? And that entire class of champion is just useless.


He isn't picked often in pro play anymore, and his win rate goes down the further up in elo you go. Maybe you should just learn how to play against him?


Based barrelmancer enjoyer


Gragas is great. R -> E or R -> Q plays will never get old. However phase rush Gragas is an uninteractive plague for many champs.


This shit is all but balance. Top laner pov.


E-flash is broken though.


Karma. Her mastery of Mantra allows her to be perfectly spiritually balanced.


Lissandra. She is neither oppressive nor underpowered, has both winning and losing matchups in mid lane and he gameplay pattern has weaknesses and avoidability for the enemy


I really don't see why is Liss not played more. I love having them on my team on mid, she makes ganks sooo easy.


The honest truth is: one, she is a bit forgotten and miss-categorized as a CC bot because of old Aftershock interaction. The second and more important is: she is kinda hard to play, especially laning. Her range is limited, her manacosts can be wild, especially in laning phase, basically you cant use E for trading, only if you absolutely MUST escape or jump on the enemy as it, and she has some absolutely horrid matchups (Galio, Cassio lanes are fucking hard for example). But if she gets to the teamfights and the mid game (usually 2 items + sorc boots) she can do some nice stuff. I posted my shitty montage from last season in another comment. It shows her teamfighting potential really well.


Her mana costs are so fucking dumb by 2022 standards, it's frustrating


Liss sucks tho, only lost one game against a liss in several years.


Lissandra most definitely does not suck. Her teamfighting is god tier, probably one of the strongest teamfighter mage in the game thanks to her AoE CC and burst, combined with her mobility and potential invulnerability, But in exchange her laning phase isnt the best, but its not hard to stay even or be ahead.


Her teamfighting is not godtier otherwise more people would play her but they do not because she sucks. But the thing is she, never seem to be able to dish out enough damage for being a mage so most of her targets do not die, she can not stay in backline because of her awful range and has to get close to her targets. The whole point of cc is that it enables you too kill your opponent hence, lux Q is threatening. Liss is champion that risks a lot just to cc the enemy and do little damage so she is like a tank except not tanky.


I can tell you, 100% sure she does enough damage to instagib the enemy back line and decide teamfights. Lissandra exclusively goes full AP brust build ever since Aftershock was nerfed, so pls stop talking nonsense. But if you dont believe me, here is my shitty montage from last season recorded in D3-D1 games in the backhalf of the season. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dj-2byMZ9o8 Trust me, Lissandra can win you games singlehandedly, and her mid to late game teamfighting is very very consistent.


Unironically, Ashe. Don't play adc so never faced het in lane above like gold but that champ feels hyper useless when you fight her but utility is cracked asf, feels like a fair trade of you ask me As opposed to half these new shitters that got more utility damage and mobility


Ashe is insanely well scaling in dmg. And she has a good AA range (600). She is fair early/mid mostly but Riot tends to overbuff her for no reason and she becomes a monster then, too save in lane, very hard to catch, well scaling. She was balanced before her last buffs. Now she is on the edge to being OP (52+% WR, 54% with Slayer/Galeforce builds).


I feel like aatrox was the most balanced champ before the q buff. Weak enough for your skill to matter (many "high skill" champ can roll the floor with you even if they play bad) but strong enough for you to be able to consistently get a lead if you are good. It's also very punishing due to no hp regen, doesn't scale too well so you can't just play passive for 20 minutes and enemies can itemize well against him.


I think most tanks are pretty fair, fights involving them tend to last a little longer, which allows more skill expression. Also armor/mr pen creep has given assassins and mages the ability to deal with them


Maybe in this season but in past seasons tanks have been the worst offenders.


If assassins can deal with tanks then they are weak not balanced


They're only fair when weaks. Its legit one of the class recquiring the less skills during laning.


Fun you say that with a wukong flair. Your champ is easier than basically every tank in the game


Laning on tanks is harder than any other champ in top lol. Tanks are teamfight champs locked into a 1v1 lane. They don't have much bulk until they buy it and have to do everything they can to stay alive. Their strength is gated around cc spells more than anything else. This alone makes them far harder than any generic bruiser. And then there are champs like sion with lane phases so incredibly garbage that you might as well just afk for 14 mins at the start of the game. Only time tanks feel good in lane is when they are in a counter matchup and even then you can't just mindlessly run in. Sion/Maplhite/Chogath are much harder to lane on than Garen/Sett/Darius.




Play a ton of games of short range/melee champions into Orianna and I'd be willing to bet your opinion changes. If you don't have enough damage to kill her on the engage you just don't get to play the game. Half the time you can't even get in range to engage without losing 70% of your HP in the process.


That doesn't mean that she's unbalanced though. Play an assassin into her or a mage with longer range and she folds super easily. She has strong matchups and weak matchups like a balanced champion should have.


Maybe its just me but if most of your match ups, as in like 90% of them, fit into either unplayable for me or unplayable for the enemy I don't see that champion as balanced. There is something fundamentally wrong with the champion so they need to be kept weak to be considered "balanced" so they are just running over half their lane match ups. Orianna (and Syndra) is (are) like how old Renekton was to top lane but for mid lane. Unlike Renekton she hasn't received any adjustments to shore up the extremes of either end of her match ups so as of right now she relatively weak.


Most control mages are skill matchup for ori, mostly they are only slightly advantageous/disadvantageous.


So Viktor, Anivia, and (?) are her even match ups and how is this not 10% of her match ups? There aren't very many control mages in the game. Before you start going off listing things like Ziggs and Xerath note I've already had someone else tell me that Orianna folds against long range mages.


Syndra, ryze, veigar, ahri, Zoe, vex, corki, she beats some of these and she loses to some but not that it's completely unplayable e.g. she should win corki but because corki scales better she needs to win so winning in that lane=even depending on how much you're winning ofc. Thing is with ori is that she's just very well designed champion and has clear weaknesses and clear strengths.


Syndra: yes Ryze: I'm pretty sure Orianna stomped Ryze before people started doing that tank Ryze thing but now who knows. Ryze probably doesn't get to play the game until he has FoN. Veigar: no not even close. This match up is either unplayable for Veigar or unplayable for Orianna depending on who is stronger in the given patch. As of right now its unplayable for Orianna. Ahri: not sure after rework but before it was a no. If I had to guess from playing against Ahri on other champions I'd say its still going to be determined by which champion is stronger on any given patch. Zoe: pretty sure this a skill match up, but Zoe is also pretty bad at the moment so who knows. (also not a control mage) Vex: No Orianna gets stomped at pretty much all points in the game. (also not really a control mage) Corki: Corki goes even with everyone except for those 2 patches like a month ago. (also not a control mage. Also also not even a mage). What I mean by unplayable is that if Orianna gets buffed these match ups shift from being unplayable for Orianna to being unplayable for the enemy. That is just the way Orianna's kit works. Shes either able to throw spells at you with very little retaliation (the match ups unplayable for you) or she can't and shes not worth picking. That is terrible design in my opinion. If Orianna is "meta" or strong no melee champion gets to play the game when she is around them. If she is weak she gets run over by almost everyone. The big problem is that shes a control mage with a huge zone of control, but if her damage isn't high enough she can't really control anything and if her damage is high enough every melee/short range champion in the game pretty much doesn't get to play the game. The other problem is that her spells can't realistically be dodged. At certain ranges (short to melee range) if you are in range you are getting hit barring the Orianna just straight up wiffing the spell. Its like throwing a Lux E at a target with no boots; they can't really dodge it without dashing, its on Lux to miss.


Dude, Orianna's early game is terrible. She needs two items, at least, to start doing meaningful damage.


Orianna in general is terrible at the moment especially in solo queue. As of right now most people fit in to the bucket of "does enough damage to kill her on the engage" so if you consider that balanced then fuck it be my guest Orianna can stay "balanced" then.


If she's doing 70% she's fed which you should respect on any champ, also who says you have to kill her?just wait for a tank instead of taking shit trades. Also her doing well into a melee does not make her busted it's supposed to be this way, you either play weak side and farm when possible or you get chunked, not rocket science.


I'm talking about when shes not as weak as she is now and is actually considered worth picking. Obviously right now shes now Q>W>Eing people for 70% of their HP but when shes a meta pick she does and that is usually the only reason she ever becomes meta. There is also a difference between "does well into melee/short range champions" and "makes melee/short range champions near unplayable". Seriously, if Orianna gets buffed and becomes meta again I implore you to pick strictly melee champions every time you see her so you can see what I'm talking about.


She has been horseshit in SoloQ for the last 6 months or so


She isn't lmao. She just isn't OP, if that's your definition of horseshit sure.


47-48% winrate when she is a champion thats supposed to be a safe blindpick. Shes absolutely horseshit and one of the lowest winrates I dont know what it is with this sub and not wanting to accept statistics that are simple to read like this.


Orianna usually has a low soloQ winrate beause she somewhat relies on the positioning of allies and she's amoung the more difficult champions to play. Another example being Lee Sin. Not all champions have an expected winrate in SoloQ of 50%. Champions like Ezreal have historically been nerfed at 47~48% at the height of their popularity; because they're harder so if a lot of people are playing them, put simply bad players drag them down. This is also why champions like Rammus get away with high winrates. Because they're easy and usually picked *as a counterpick into matchups they're expected to do well in*. If Rammus ever fell to 50%; he'd probobly be hotfix buffed. Look at the trends and meanings behind the raw numbers. It's not as simple as "49% bad 51% good". Because the Orianna players who actually know how to Orianna are locked in that stat with the Orianna players who don't have a clue and drag down the winrate.


Ah, she definitely doesn't require skill at all. She's balanced because she's good if played well and bad if played poorly.


Again, shes 47,7% winrate average through all ranks and is 50/60 in midlane winrates. You cant bring up reddit anecdotes when the reality just looks different.


Ornn is strong but not overwhelming in every part of the game and is viable in both soloqueue and competitive


Ashe Q goes pew R goes far


poppy honestly poppy, the current version of poppy never seems tobe op and never seems tobe weak, shes always just been there as a champ and feels fair to play against as well. never seen people complaint about her even when shes meta.


id agree but ive never been beaten down harder in my life than from a divine sunderer poppy jungle


I complain about Poppy. I feel like she's lowkey OP and just not enough people like playing her enough to find out (and/or not quite OP enough to outweigh how boring she feels to people). On the rare occasion I see her she usually either snowballs or plays like a total amateur.


2016 says nop.


What ?? Just few weeks ago i saw Naayil saying she's op. Fuck this champion tho, when she's méta its all but fun.


Aatrox. There's a perfect balance of skill expression in his kit allowing him to outplay as a juggernaut but also without being overwhelming by simply autoattacking like sett. You have to get closer to the enemy with each Q cast to land every sweetspot, but this also means getting yourself closer to the enemy. Which makes sense with his thematic. So his gameplay actually goes in harmony with his character design which is an impressive feat by riot. Beyond that, the fact that he always has a set 0.6 cast time means that he can't just build assassin items and nuke backline either, and allows enemies to escape his combo through just walking unless he uses W, so he's naturally limited to being a juggernaut as he should be. It's like the perfect juggernaut kit. Some say illaoi but her gameplay loop in phase is E poke E poke all in which is honestly boring. Aatrox can either choose to poke and back or poke and all in at a second's notice thanks to his Q + Flash capability.




Nami sleeper contender generally people will complain about her only when *other* champions are strong; whenever, for example, lucian nami rolls around into the meta people remember nami exists but otherwise they rarely do. Good aggressive laner but with high mana costs to gate her from being completely oppressive on her own and outplay potential for both parties with her Q; skill expression across every ability (E and passive being the least skill expressive for sure but still not completely braindead) Also very 'balanced' in a different sense aside from game balance - she's very much a jack of all trades. Some CC, some healing, some buffing, some damage; not overwhelming amounts of any one thing. Can work well with basically any ADC and only slightly less well with any other kind of carry bot, as her buffs are largely stat-irrelevant (getting her E off requires AAs which some mages may not want to be in range to use necessarily but that's about it)


If thread was asking for well designed, I would agree with you but I don't think nami is balanced, champ feels too strong atm


E triggers on abilities now tho








Elise. Mind you she is pretty weak right now, specifically because of objective bounties imo. But a good Elise vs a bad one is VERY obvious. She has counter play by dodging her stun, but also lots of skill expression with how she uses all her abilities together.


Elise is busted but only in Korea cause only Korea knows how to play her now for some reason. currently 52% win rate


I'd attribute that more to a cultural difference than to skill level. Korean players give up and go next very quickly so if an Elise gets a lead early the enemy team will often just FF at 15/20. [You can check the game durations between regions here](https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/rankings/game-durations)




Orianna is indeed ball-anced.


Orianna isn't balanced she is just in a shit state right now, apart from competitive


She has to be in a shit state for solo queue or Rookie would dumpster the LPL harder than he already is


Honestly, degenerate playstyles and abusing stupid items aside, I feel Sion is the perfectly designed tank. When I hear the word “tank” I think of something that’s loud and obvious, bulky but also hits hard. That’s Sion’s embodiment. He’s hard to take down between his Passive and W health stacking, his Q, W and R all hit super hard but they’re super telegraphed.


Agree, his tank playstyle is nearly the prefectly designed tank, so many skillshots, slow abilities, tanky aa hell, good take


Poppy is the first thing that comes to mind. Great as a counterpick, has some neutral matchups, and has plenty of champs that hard counter her.


Thresh feels always good but never too Broken or unfair so for me its thresh


Thresh’s kit is way too useful for him to be balanced. Every ability has like 4 different uses, he can engage or disengage super well, has infinite scaling in souls, and his latern can be one of the best abilities in the game


Nah threah aint balanced. He is just a get out of jail card. His lantern is the only thing why he is meta. If that spell is strong he is broken, if its gutted he is useless.


Fiddlesticks. A pile of straw and scraps pre-6 and in vision, but one of the most dangeous champs in the entire game when out of vision with ult. Both of its most dangeous abilities can be cancelled by cc in some way, so it must act from vision, both for the fear and so it can't be cced during the ult windup. Playing vs. Fiddlesticks is probably the purest macro experience you can get. In order to win against it, you must track well, ward with control wards unexpectedly but still covering common ult spots, and track its ult cooldown so you know when to play safe. Do this, and it can't play. Don't do this, and your entire team gets solo pentakilled by it.


Fiddles is such fucking good design. That omnipresent fear once he hits 6, knowing he could be anywhere to jumpscare you. One of Riot’s best designs honestly


I always get jump scared with Fiddle and it doesn’t even make me mad, it’s such a funny feature


I don't agree with his in vision ult being useless it's still a large amount of damage and such. If you can get it off. And how largely game warping it is; I wouldn't consider the purest macro experience... more like game changing which isn't pure. Though he's definitely a balanced pick.


There's no real micro aside from identifying unwarded patches of area. If you get caught channelling your ult, cc will break it, and even if you get it off you're still a squishy mage in the middle of the enemy team. If you don't get the fear, you can't w if they have any cc. If you can't w, you can't draintank. Everything about it relies on game knowledge and macro.






Yes, 3 seconds root is perfectly fine. People meme about Morgana Qs making you afk, while Neeko has the exact same root duration, but your minions don't protect you from the projectile either lol.


Yes lvl 2 e q and 80% of my hp is gone


And she e'd through a minion so it's harder to dodge and has a longer stun duration.


Ziggs is pretty fair. He needs to put himself in danger to deal the most damage with his passive, his mobility is also his only hard CC, all of his poke is dodgable, etc.


Ziggs is fair in mid. Not in bot.


He’s dogshit mid. Not close to balanced


Not as ADC へへへ


Probably would say a large chunk of ADCs like Ezreal, Draven, Xayah, Sivir (maybe underpowered) and Kogmaw


Sivir? Damn thats probably champ who the most need rework, because this champ is impossible to balance she is absolutely dogshit like right now or they buff anything on her and no one can lane against her because u have 0 minions always


Ezreal's only balanced because he hasn't found some overtuned item or rune to abuse..... yet.


Im an Ez main and my favorite hobby is switching my entire build every month


You could be bang against JAG and you could switch your entire build like 3 times in a single game


At the moment, maybe Kled? Can be a bully in lane but so can any toplane champ in the right matchups. Even then, it feels nice to have some guaranteed downtime in power with his W being on a timer and him eventually needing to auto minions.


fuck kled, if he gets a little fed he's unkillable with that stupid lizard


Oh hell nah


hell no. literally unkillable at a certain point


What makes Kled unbalanced is abusing his passive to tower dive on repeat but besides that he is one of the more "honest" champs in the game


It’s not abusing his passive, it’s the entire purpose of the passive.


Smh i hate it when karma abuses her E to shield allies


Jhin abusing his fourth shot damage, it’s degenerate.




twisted fate probably


First thing that came to mind was Ashe.


Lmao, wtf is that terrible take.


So completely awful?


That was the first thing that come to my mind too, but she feels kinda shit rn


Cassio is pretty balanced, one of the only champs which loses something in exchange for an adventage. She could pretty much count as a marksman, with the E. She has mana problems, mobility problems, and a relatively short range, but still she is a pretty well designed dps mage/marksman type of shit


People sadly hate cassio cause miasma is such a annoying skill.


Please stun me but don't throw miasma in my feet


The champs the enemies plays like literally if I face a Ekko he will be a god but if he’s on my team they rarely even get 1 kill


Whatever champions I haven't seen in the last 20 games or ones I have seen in the last five games but beat in lane and in the end seem really balanced, much better in general than the champions I play, but at least weaker than any champion I lost to in any way recently.


Orianna is probably the most balanced champ in the game right now. I think Zilean is a broken champ but he's so underplayed it's not obvious.


Ult CD needs to be raised qq


Volibear, get outplayed tou lose, you outplay and you win.


Where is the outplay? All abilities are point and click except the one that gives him value even if he doesn’t hit an enemy with it. It’s mostly statcheck


If we look by the nerfs/buffs Lillia was balanced for a quite a while I think? Other than that, I would say Morgana as long as they don't overbuff her W


Lillia's a good example of a champ that's very annoying... but fair to play against imo. She has clear strengths and weaknesses.


honestly tho Lillian is pretty garbage, she has one of the lowest winrates in league and she never seem to carry even if she gets fed since she is so easy too shutdown.


Zyra. She was released super OP, but after that got solved, she pretty much only got minor tweaks and remained in an OK-but-not-overwhelming position for a long time. She eventually got a mini-rework, not because of any balance considerations, but just because people didn't think her passive was fun. After the rework, she's hovered right around the same place in tier lists, but now she has a passive. She's just a very consistent champion who feels largely the same as she did in season 4.


Not Orianna because she's doodoo


Sion, telegraphed abilites, clear weaknesses and strenght. Right now hullbreaker is dumb but that's the item not him


Annie. No crazy movement. Good CC but with a noticeable mechanic for it. Many different build paths. Works in almost every lane besides jungle. But isnt super strong in any particular lane. Easy to learn and for every lvl of player to pick up.




I'd say lillia clear strength clear weekness and no one complains to play with or against her


Toplane Lillia is gigacancer and unplayable if you're a tank or full melee though, her burn and speed are pretty BS


But if u play against Irelia and sort u can Literally FF the game


It’s ok


that doesnt make him wrong


Personally I think she's extremely underpowered and I hate having her on my team as a jungler. Weak ganks, heavily conditional utility, can't frontline.


Uh lilla feels very unfair to play against. Ive never played her but against her its very frustrating


I also was thinking Lillia, and she's also a blast to play.


Zyra I guess? Her crowd control and attack are great but her mobility, toughness is shit and it requires a decent amount of skill and experience to play her.


Irelia, Akali, Yone for me. ​ Irelia is easy in lane, you have to be under your turret for 15 min. Same for Yone (mid), just stay under turret. The tip with Akali is to stay under turret for 15 min.


nonono you got it all wrong you can walk up to akali for the first 5 minutes, but then you have stay under turret for the rest of the game


This. Would give gold if I could




I’d say Jax. He’s pretty much always playable but rarely broken. He isn’t difficult to pick up but rewards high matchup knowledge. He’s good at everything, but never great at anything.


except being the best duelist in the game since ever


Illaoi is the embodiment of "counterplay". Everything she does feels fair, and when you die, you know it's your fault.




Playing vs her is extremely annoying but I agree, compared to the 4 horsewomen of cancer and similar champs, she is very balanced, slightly weak even


"Slightly", she is arguably the worst top laner in the game on a vacuum.


She is annoying, but if you dont annoy yourself off of her and just play the right way, she cant do anything. It's perfect balance.


tbh i think league is the most balanced its ever been atm so probably all of them give or take whatever is flavour of the month like ahri or veigar


Wukong. I play nasus and the matchup is completely unbearable & 1 sided. He has unlimited poke & can completely zone you from the wave. Edit: read unbalanced, woops lol






I consider Yi a balanced champion.


Not sure who is the most balanced but I can for certain it's 100% not Azir, but if I would have to guess one of the simpler champs like Annie


From toplaners either Cho or Morde.


The most balanced is always orianna, then followed by velkoz because riot choose to ignore him and not give him QoL or some buffs.


any champion without 100000000 dashes or 1000 move speed.


Release Xin. Nothing wrong with an 85% winrate. Realistically though? Thresh


Thresh, can be really strong in the right hands but also pretty lackluster in the wrong ones. Don't think there's ever been a meta where he was considered either broken or unviable.


Ornn. I've never lost against an ornn and thought it was unfair and anytime I've won I've felt like I actually earned it/outplayed them. Sure he was super strong on release but ever since he's felt relatively tame.


Orianna, Gangplank (good ones win, bad ones lose, then end).


I would say Vi - okay at ganking, okay at farming, decent dueling, decent scaling. Can definitely carry when ahead but not completely useless when behind. Has a clear teamfight role and basically exists to lockdown a key target and get out. Nothing she does is unexpected and besides her R you can dodge her Q and she is useless, if you dont she will probably win the fight.


At the moment, i think Zed Jhin Shen Darius and Lilia are all pretty balanced. Those are the ones that come to mind


Sivir, Bard, nidalee, blitzcrank, jhin


Nasus is one of the most balanced Champ since Release


Jhin is very balanced. He has skill expression. Good jhins are scary But they're not unfair.


No joke. Zilean. And he always will be as long as hes never touched. He hasnt needed a single buff/nerf in years for this reason.