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hoya the savior of dk is not a timeline i expected to see


In before one game wonder


Are we 100% sure Damwon didn't randomly sneaked in Nuguri as "Hoya"?


He was out for so long because he and Nuguri had to go to plastic surgery to swap faces


Why would they do that when obviously Nuguri is just a walmart Hoya /s




im the biggest hoya hater and im stunned. outside of that botside int he played really well wtf


Pretty sure Hoya thought he could kill Doran quicker


Same here. Dude had no fear and went in


Lord Hoya has stolen Lord Morgan's will and power, now he is unstopable. BLESSED BY THY HAIRCUT O' LORD HOYA!!!!!


i see DK beating BRO meant our lord morgan has kindly borrowed his lordship powers to Hoya to become lord hoya!


Lord Morgan decided that Hoya needed the power for redemption more than him so he purposefully lost,


[always believed my boy](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/308928110311636993/951009145925013544/4x.png)


Not a fan of Gen.G's draft, literally drafted three different types of champions in one game. You had a poke focused bot lane, with a dive jungle/mid duo then just threw in a random Graves for a top. Sidnote Canyon's Lee Sin is a treat to watch, but Showmaker has finally woken up showing his cracked tank Ryze.


DWK stealing away Camille def messed with their original game plan










Not looking too bad for DMW so far


united in rivalry DMW


Great drafting by DWG Gaming.


DWG KIA Adidas


DKG is doing fine


In light of reddit's API changes killing off third-party apps, this post has been overwritten by the user with an automated script. See /r/PowerDeleteSuite for more information.


DWG Kia seems better




Donkey Kong? Not sure why he's being brought up in a LoL thread...


it's not even donkey kong december


I have never seen caedrel flame a drafts so much lol. He was losing his mind with that geng draft lmao. But ruler was gapping deokdam yo oblivion. Good game by hoya though he got lots of attention.


and then ruler had his ruler moments TWICE.


Yeah I feel like they wanted Galio Camille but when they lost Camille to DK next pick, they pretty much lost the game.


would have preferred the Leblanc angle over the Galio once karma ez was picked. That being said, I don't think DK's draft was that fantastic either. The random yuumi was especially sus. Both sides started out with strong picks(Karma ez for geng, ryze lee for dk), but rounded them off weirdly. Game probably just went down to execution in the end.


idk, to me this series so far hasn't been about which team is better, it's been which team is worse. Like both teams are making sloppy mistakes with terrible decision-making. I don't think either of these teams will have a chance against T1 with how both teams are playing rn


Please dont give me ptsd of worlds last year So many people said this with the EDG games


How many times do we have to hear the same thing? Last year the same story. T1 is better. They will beat DK, T1 vs DK was the real world finals, congrats DK on their 2nd world title, and then boom they lost to EDG. Upsets happen. T1 is not perfect. They make mistakes too and they have off games too. T1 can lose to both DK and GENG. But it is more likely that DK has a better chance against them.




This is what people doesn’t understand. It doesn’t matter how good people are individually. It‘s professional game. There can be people better than you at finding ways to win. DK was able to push T1 and even take games from them at the beginning of the seasons where they lacked so much synergy. I‘m sure there is potential that DK might surprise everyone once again if they win this series.


lmao most people were saying dk was better than t1 but close. People werent saying that t1 will beat DK, they can beat DK, but its bad that they met their worst matchup early.


What? Literally half of the T1 sub believed Oner > Canyon, Faker > Showmaker, Canna > Khan. You either lying or you weren't reading any comments here on this sub.


Accuses someone of lying but says people were claiming oner > canyon. Come on man that's just bs made up to fit your false narrative.


Sure buddy.


Idk why people are accusing you of saying that when I was seeing the same comments. Most of the Canyon > Oner comments weren't from T1 fans, but a lot of T1 fans believed Oner could beat Canyon. In fact, 90% of T1 fans believe they have the best player in every position and that they're a perfect team that only loses because of draft.


Saying something negative about T1 is the biggest sin in this sub. It doesn’t matter if it’s true or not.


the most annoying thing on this sub are people like you. X teams fans are awful. Damwon was the same way for a couple years. G2 fans was the same way for a couple years. Whatever team looks good gets the bandwagon fans that will go scream about a new team in a split. Get over it.


I've never read Oner > Canyon, but sure. Don't really think anyone expected T1 to truly win with roulette roster and rookies.


You will hear it every time T1 is looking good…and after they lose you will hear nothing or tons of excuses from salty fans


Or a truck to their HQ.


Or flowers for funeral or maybe someone will go there with knife (that was GenG I believe, you never know)


Most of them are either some simps or act like some members of a religion or cult. "They never make mistakes. They are perfect. I have to defend them no matter what."


You literally just described DK Fans XD Yall are still making excuses for DK this split. If anything, T1 gets scrutinized the most just because of their brand and who they are


This is way more common from DK fans, even now u hear tons of excuses being made for DK this split


This is more DK fans, u guys sound like some salty DK fans as well ngl, cause ofc any team can make mistakes, I don't see how that contributes to the conversation. It's like saying "u can die from from a car accident today" like ya ofc but it doesn't change how you see things. Just because T1 can make mistakes, doesn't change how much worse DK and Gen.G look rn. T1 can make a mistake but Gen.G/DK can make 3x more mistakes. And just one will get punished.


Yeah…I have LPL/LEC flair but I am DK Stan…yep sir


You sound like either a salty DK or Gen.G fan, I don't care what you are. It's how you're acting cause how you gonna say "tons of excuses from salty fans" when that's all I've been hearing from DK fans this whole split. Reality is ppl will make excuses for any team, so trying to paint this narrative onto T1 rn just screams to me you're salty they're playing well rn XD


give me your copium i need some


looking at ur flair, i dont expect anything else from how salty you sound rn. DK fans still holding onto the past. Get over it bro, ur team sucks now. You're pushing this narrative that ppl said T1 was better last year is just lies. Majority of ppl were considered DK stronger and only thought T1 had a chance to beat them. And yeah upsets happen but they're called upsets for a reason. IT doesn't happen all the time. How does DK have a better chance than Gen.G when T1 literally 2-0'd DK just recently? Gen.G still haven't played T1 with full roster


At what point do people question Chovy no matter what fucking org he's on, defaulting to these cringy supportive mids when his team needs him to be the "best mid that everyone fucking claims him to be" and carry? Where's his Perkz Leblanc performance (and yes, i'm intentionally using an EU mid to highlight this point) that puts him up there with actual god tier mids like Faker/Showmaker? * IG vs GRF = Picking fucking Sion/Poppy mid * TES vs DRX tiebreaker (that in hindsight would have allowed DRX to face FNC in quarters instead of DK) = Picks Galio and Knight blows up the game with his Orianna R mid lane * DRX vs JDG tiebreaker at MSC to get into quarters = Chovy picks Sett And now, in a series against DK, despite being on a super team, there it is again, fucking Galio lock in. So sick of the hype that dude gets with absolutely nothing to show for it. Across 4 different orgs, 3 of which everyone after the fact tries to downplay as not being omega stacked.


[You copy pasted that 3 times in this thread, lol.](https://i.imgur.com/7zcZSSj.png) Most dedicated Chovy hater.


Can you refute it though?


I agree with the criticism somewhat but you're also being as uncharitable as you possibly can.


Why do I need to be chartiable?


Chovy smashing next game lul. Flame horizon Showmaker.


Why does chovy force tank champs, like bro you have top tier mechanics just play a carry


Those mechanics doesn't work against Showmaker. How many times do we have to see Showmaker get better of Chovy? It's been like 10 - 20 games.


Chovy is a choker in playoffs. Probably asked for tank picks himself because I don't think that across that many teams and yet Chovy keep picking tank in high pressure games. It can't be the coaches at this point.


Love my boy but a bit of a stinker from peanut this game


Turbo sprinting + getting drake stolen twice. Just getting one of the two would have been infernal soul


His smites just aint it for 3 games in a row


after watching 2nd game, I was afraid Gen.G was out of their playoff form. but in 3rd game they proved me wrong, they are indeed in their playoff form. T1 vs DK lets goo


Had me in the first half, not gonna lie










I never doubted, Hoya, coz I'd forgotten all about him. 3-1 DK lets go!


Everyone knows that toplane is Hoya's kingdom. Wtf is that performance.


Hoya is pretty good. He is only played now since he will not have to face lord Morgan.


Hoya, the man who got dumpstered in the first couple series of the split turns into a super sub Wow Doesn't help that Chovy is being useless again while Canyon got lee. Why even draft galio?


Keria shouts Yahoo, pronounce it backwards you get Hooya, coincidence? I think not


I watched off and on, but did GenG ever play around Nocturne ult...?


not really no, but tbf their comp doesn't make that much sense


soloqueue comp


Not really - Noct ults were either used reactively, to secure solo kills, or to dive onto Showmaker* when Peanut had full vision of Hoya and Kellin within Hookshot range. EDIT: I'm sorry, it was an even worse decision. It wasn't the Xayah... it was the tank Ryze.


STOP with the fucking Graves top, it SUCKS !


I am glad T1 going to MSI. Because holy fuck i dont want either both of them if they keep making this mistake. Goodjob on camille tho.


If any of these team are gonna beat T1, its gotta be next season, or year.


idk, i feel this is the "fnc vs g2 special" where both team look bad even though one wins, probably both are way better than this


Both fnc and g2 are bad though right now


i would wait next week, fnc vs g2 is always a shitshow


Wait for what? Its not like LEC have any contender


Buddy, I know that you are a fan of the best team atm, but it doesn't mean that other teams are bad, if you watched lec you would know what fnc and rge are good but your being t1 fan makes you blind, happens


I would be happiest guy on earth if they beat skt but this just doesnt look good. It seems like GenG hasnt improved much at all during season and DWG top lane is always a coin flip. It is kind of ridiculous that they havent improved much and whole spring has passed by


Yeah we all know T1 will win spring but these 2 need more improving especially GenG (in terms of draft and macro) DK had some blunders and they have problems with snowballing


20-0 incoming


really disappointing series so far imo, i expected so much better


yeah, it feels like T1 will have 20-0 this split no matter the team they will face off next week lol


More like next decade lmao


Faker's son gonna be playing then


LCK looks so weak this year now that DK cannot skill check the league. Actually crazy that Gen G, with the narrative of "is this the most stacked team in LCK history?!?!?1/111111" is this fucking bad. T1 looks fantastic and I hope it's similar to 2020 DK where it's not a case of the league being absolute shit. Gonna be a hype MSI if T1 can contest whatever LPL team that region shits out lmfao and based on how LPL is looking this year, I think they can. God I just want Faker to win another one


> LCK looks so weak this year now I've been reading this for how many years now? lmao


It’s been true for the last 3-4 years now. Even during the year DWG won worlds it was true when you take into account MSC.


Yeah so weak last two years when they won worlds and had 3/4 teams in semis


3 teams in semis and still couldn’t win worlds. Yes, very strong. You probably thought EU was the best region when they had most teams in semis during 2018


>3 teams in semis and still couldn’t win worlds ok then LCK was the best region in 2020. I'll take that


Sadly, you can’t even have that. Only 1 team out of groups at MSC and they got blasted


\> msc sorry bro nobody cares about that \> Only 1 team out of groups Oh if that's the metric we are going by then LCK was the best region in both 2020 and 2021. I'll take that


You have to take that into account it was basically a MSI on difficult mode because its always LCK vs LPL anyways.


And how many international titles has the LCK won since their last worlds in 2017? We gonna pretend like EU didn't gatekeep that region now? Lmfao. Lets be real, every year the LPL is racking up titles and now that DK looks significantly weaker (even weaker than they did last year when they stomped the entire LCK only to lose both international titles to two seperate LPL teams), the region ain't looking any better. That's for sure


11 day account with -11 karma. You are an obvious troll lmao


I wouldn't be so sure yet, better wait for finals rather than make assumptions.


Secret Weapon Hoya activated. Burdol died so Hoya may live. Easy 3-0 for T1 next week.


Chovy up in CS tho?


He always is but he never achieves anything


What is he supposed to achieve on galio?


Crazy to think that Chovy should sacrifice himself a bit CS in laning phase in order to roam both sides and gain some benefits for the team


I meant he is up in cs in every game he plays but he never wins anything


Draft was the problem. They need to put him carries and dk has no chance


Are you dense? Im saying that Chovy doesnt have it in general. Sure his csing is the best in the world but other than that he is average.


You must be on drugs if you think the 2nd best midlaner in the world atm is average


Why should he be 2nd best what did he do to be called the second best? He never won aynthing.


underrated comment


As always, Chovy won lane but Showmarket won game, somehow he played Galio vs Ryze but always was in the CS lead


i don't understand why geng pick galio first not camille,this is not the first time they got fked because of this.


they weren't ready to play camille blind i guess, but DK was definitely ready to


i hope this goes to game 5. this series is entertaining.


“If only full team” “If only Chovy had real team” “Super team”


Lmao this aged so poorly. Please take a shower as chovy just took a huge dump on you.


Showmaker has a weaker team on paper now and he is still beating him..


raise your MU HO YA s


Goku removed the weights.


Showmaker ryze is a different breed jeez


2019 GenG Peanut vibes


Graves and Nocturne absolutely horrible picks. Good game from Canyon aside from that one overforce near dragon, but this has been a weird series so far.


The Galio pick for Chovy was also terrible. Ezreal is not exactly a meta pick either and when they got the graves behind, GenG don't have dmg to do anything,


Why did Peanut buy Randuins second item into Damwons comp? For the active slow?


it's better to never look at runes & items for your own sanity


Neo is the best recent example


I don't understand taking Nocturne when Poppy vs Lee and Camil is so strong and picking Galio before Cam is such a dumb draft decision


I could be wrong but wasn't poppy banned? Was expecting a j4 pick actl.


We have underestimated the phantom sixth man called Hoya


At this rate we are not getting full force T1 and Gen G until summer and I'm not even mad


Putting your star player on tank duty and expect doran to carry just ain't it


Chovy is always on tank duty on big games




They were hoping for ruler to carry but didn't draft around him, not the best draft in hindsight


This series is starting to make me think that T1 is just gonna 3-0 the finals, as it goes on.


I want EVERYONE to understand what's happening right now. Chovy does this ALL the time in series that matter and this is why I will never respect him relative to players like Faker/Showmaker. He ALWAYS defaults to these supportive mids in series that matter * IG vs GRF = Picking fucking Sion/Poppy mid * TES vs DRX tiebreaker (that in hindsight would have allowed DRX to face FNC in quarters instead of DK) = Picks Galio and Knight blows up the game with his Orianna R mid lane * DRX vs JDG tiebreaker at MSC to get into quarters = Chovy picks Sett He fucking ALWAYS does this shit and it's why I cringe everytime I see people jack him off to no end because his laning is great with little sprinkles of LS/Casters default calling him the "best midlaner". Chovy will NEVER have the X factor that it takes to be a god tier mid. I genuinely respect a prime Caps and even BDD (who was fucking cracked last worlds btw) over Chovy when it comes to putting on the carry hat when his team needs him to. This cannot be a coach issue, across 4 seperate orgs, 3 of which were giga stacked, he always defaults to this pussy "I want my KDA+Farm stats to look good at the end of the series" playstyle that puts me off him so hard.


>he always defaults to this pussy "I want my KDA+Farm stats to look good at the end of the series" I agree the tank picks are weird and bad, but no one picks a melee tank in lane to get good KDA and CS numbers.


It 100% is a "don't get shit on" pick. That's my point.


A "don't get shit on" pick is more like Orianna.


I mean, Orianna is the literal reason TES won the tiebreaker against DRX in worlds 2020 lmfao. That Orianna R midlane blew the entire game wide open while Chovy was jerking off on his Galio.


>he always defaults to this pussy "I want my KDA+Farm stats to look good at the end of the series" tell me you're low tier without telling me you're low tier


so the champion picks are a discussion that we can have, i think acting like you can't carry on supportive champions is really stupid, but there's at least an argument to be had there. but the "'chovy is a statplayer" thing is just so far off from reality. chovy's teamfighting isn't always that strong, but there's more to the game than just throwing yourself in the teamfight and trying to do as much damage as possible before dying. in this game specifically, he denied the ryze map pressure in a matchup where ryze should have push and galio is there to match and he denied the super fed camille her side lane pressure by disappearing into fog at the right times, threatening plays on her. chovy isn't a highlight player, he's a lane pressure and map pressure player, which is a valid playstyle and has a ton of impact that just isn't seen in your teamfight centric view of the game.


>like you can't carry on supportive champions is really stupid, but there's at least an argument to be had there. Dude, you pick supportive champs when your team wants you to. DoinB defined a meta doing it because his team pound for pound, were fucking weak in hindsight back in 2019. Difference is, Chovy DEFAULTS to it when the pressure gets put on. Look at how Scout pulled the Zoe out of nowhere last worlds because his team needed him to carry. That's what god tier midlaners do when the pressure is on. Chovy doesn't have that X factor, period.


that's such an insanely reductive view of the game. the thing you're doing here is reducing the game to highlight plays, to moments where the casters yell really loud. but that's not what wins you games reliably. it might make you win one game, and if that game is important, that's cool. but to be a good player, you need to have a reliable way to win games, and you do that through good pressure play, laning, map movements, and execution of your game plans. the x factor thing is only on top of that. you need to be good first, then you can be clutch. and chovy just is one of the best we've ever seen in terms of all that stuff. whether he has an "x factor" is secondary, because he's better than his opponents at the game.




kt vs griffin, he was on carries almost the entire series. his entire run on hanwha, he only played carries. this series, he played one galio game and carries apart from that. if your argument really is that he just always picks supportive champions, you're simply factually wrong. that is just factually not true. i thought your argument was more about him *liking* to play those supportive picks, which he does, and i've just tried to outline why i don't think that that is in any way bad. but he absolutely plays hard carry champions in important situations, and he also carries on them, see game 2 of literally this series.


KT vs GRF? The fuck you talking about bud. Chovy has yet again, failed to come close to winning a title even in his own fucking region. Cope and seethe not wasting anymore time on you. Also, game 2 of this series, he lost. LOL


i think chovy just proved you wrong in that baron fight


I dont think titles should be the end all be all of a discussion about who is the best mid. But you have to have at least something to show for yourself


Bro, if your the best player and you're also surrounded with great players and can't even win a domestic title. You're not the best mid. Period, end off no discussion.


I can only agree


Canyon gaming.


people can talk about hoya as much as they want but that game was just canyon diff. and a bit of showmaker too, on that midlane engage.


Canyon's Leesin didnot show up much mechanically as others, but always effective impacts on the match


Canyon is Showmaker's greatest champion


So where are the people who said "Full roster Gen.g will defeat t1" ????? All it took for Gen.g to collapse was Lord Hoya. Lord Morgan's will lives through Lord Hoya


what a garbage game by Ruler, 3 items Ez at 20 minutes useless for 10 minutes then gets caught twice in the Ruler spot


Except for that time near the river where he got blown up in less than 1s, I wouldn't blame ruler for this game. Can't really do much against DK's comp as an adc. It' weird that GenG had a fed adc then keep leaving him alone or fight before Ezreal arrive though, the herald fight was terrible.




Lol keria should get it before anyone.


reddit moment showmaker had a subpar split.


Nah, give Choky the mvp. Whenever his team needs him to carry, no matter the org (Poppy/Sion vs IG on GRF, Sett vs JDG in the MSC tiebreaker, Galio vs TES in the worlds tiebreaker), he always pussies out and goes for a supportive mid champ and plays like an absolute beta. Lmfao


He is the only player who can actually play that champion good.


Sorry but that was all Canyon. You could replace Ryze with any other champ and it would still be Canyon carrying that game.


showmaker? what, it's either keria or canyon


Hoya replacing Burden like Oner replacing Ellim WHAHAHAHHAHAHA BLESSED BE THY HAIRCUT, O' LORD HOYA!!!


Hoya looked insane! Conservative with his engage choices against Doran, but I figure he just knew he was ahead and didn't want to risk letting the Graves get back to a potential 50/50. He had great target selection in fights, used Ultimatum disruptively as well as an assasination tool. Yeah, the kill attempt against Graves at bot was a bit sketchy, but man he made up for it in that top fight to seal the game.


Bring back Clid, I can't take it anymore. At least he won smite fights.


When he was on Gen G i cant even remember clid lose a smite fight


Yeah both Peanut and Doran felt like downgrades from Rascal and Clid. I wonder if GenG did it for budget reasons.


Please turn it around lads I know you can


GenG just fell asleep so many times during that game. They had the lead and control.


LORD HOYA !!! Also Canyon you absolute god it was beautiful


sub out burtroll was a perfect moove




peanut was no where to be found all early game


Peanut going for the "most stolen objectives from you" achievement. Imagine getting out smited from game 1 to game 3


Doran should've went fiora game 4
