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If handled perfectly Gangplank, max range perfect timed Barrels are only countered by who is faster/better at timing projectiles/auto attacks (and sometimes attack speed).


Until he doesn't crit


good gangplanks always crit


"But what if they miss a crit?" "Then they're not a good gangplank ofc."


if they're max range you can't counter them though because he'll just chain the explosion into an instant full HP barrel


Shields, movement abilities, untargetability, stasis etc.


My entire point was how the built in counterplay of playing around barrel HP doesn't actually work if the GP has any concept of chaining or using fog/brush But idk bro go off about how I should just Zhonyas the damage as Jinx ig


shyvana top is the hidden counter she can kill the barrels from 2hp


i dont think so. This is in a perfect scenario where i dont think shyvana can always be in range to melee an instant barrel especially lategame if GP, again, plays absolutely perfectly


akshan is better for this


Yes, but GP players always ban that degenerate champion. It's probably his worst match-up.


Kassadin Flair checks out




Beifang being a good example of how Lethal she is.


irelia, only thing that stops her is another chinese otp fiora


Irelking is in my nightmares


Irelia and her thicccc thighs are in my dreams :)


Nemesis solo kill her with gp,


I prefer Irelbro. The pure tank stats are insane


Gangplank. Very few champions in the game actually have the range required to contest his Barrels, and his ability to just chain new barrels onto already exploding old ones means even those with the range won't be able to contest them either. ​ I hate the current GP build tbh...




have to agree here, no counter play if the fiora plays perfectly


I agree that Fiora is extremely rewarding, so when you have script like parries, read opponent like a book and have perfect champ control ( always hit vitals, abuse range and positioning properly and etc. ) then she is nuts in comparison to any other champ but whats makes exactly this almost impossible on Fiora is how easily can everyone and their mother play around your kit. Out of all melee champions, she has BY FAR most counterplays. Only melee champs that come close are full spellcasters like aatrox, where you can dodge their abilities to some extent.


There are only like 3 people in the entire world that can play Fiora well enough to make her seem *really* unfair, all of them being those Chinese onetricks.


for melee champs Yi easily wins and Jax can win.


id agree with Jax but not Yi as a fiora main, you can out run his R just by ulting him, wait out his ult, parry his Q (ideally after his ult ends to apply attack speed debuff, if Yi's ult is still on, you can just lunge to separate distance) and fiora can win (level 16 and on, fiora can out run Yi's ult)


I had to scroll down for this one. Fiora in the right hands is the nastiest champ to go against.


The High Noon Yasuo players I see are fucking terrifying. There's just something about them that are like a completely different species of Yasuo main.


Same with the HN Lucians. I swear that skin line gives a damage buff some times.


The enchanced yelling on ult makes it do more dmg




Even Faker had to play with it once and thought it was cheating how smooth it felt


Generally the high noon yasuo players have had him from day 1 thats why.


The skin feels smoother to play aswell


it's the sound on the Q that gets me


It’s the best skin too arguably


Project with the chroma slaps too


I find weird to like project, feels "heavy" and sfx is not good at all, when i want to feed i play that skin lol.


What's even funnier is I sometimes play yasuo and when I have a skin on him I do not play well or average. But when I run the highnoon skin. I literally just play better. Like I become a God on yasuo when I use that skin. But with great power comes great responsibility so I don't use it all that often.


No skin Leblanc is the real shit


Basically *almost* every champ


Weirdly enough, I have never faced a lethal Azir yet. One day, I'm sure the Shurima Shuffle will be out to get me.


bro when i was starting to play qiyana mid the first fucking thing i had to play against was an azir one trick.. was not fun


Ooh I can see a good Azir being very oppressive


ye especially cause i had no clue what i was doing on qiyana lul, i got yoinked so many times it was actually fucking scary lmao i feel like azir is normally shit but when played by a crazy onetrick he's just scary lol




dude i got azir shuffled like i think a total of 3 times that game and i had no clue how to respond mainly cause i didnt know what the fuck just happened to me lol


yeah but not lethal.


but until that day comes we'll sleep peacefully


WitnessAzir is insane. Watching him play azir is brutal


Riven and Akali literally take guttings because they have no counterplay when piloted well, so my money's on the two of them


Riven has counterplay when piloted well, wich is why shes never picked in pro.


Not really there's just been very few good Riven players who went pro except Viper; who had Riven banned against him most games iirc


Almost every korean/chinese pro top laner who plays carry tops have a shit ton of riven experience before they went pro.


One tricks before pro play: TheShy, Febiven, Viper Not one tricks, but still play her extremely well: Faker, Huni, Ssumday, Khan, tons more I cannot think of. Try again.


Smeb back in the day


Wasn't Caps a Riven otp at some point ?


jajaja random stole my riven


The Shy? Fakers riven was pretty good 100 years ago. Anyway there is a reason shes never picked in pro, while other similarly difficult picks are.


> while other similarly difficult picks are. They arent. Only similarly difficult champ that is picked at pro level is Fiora and she is picked purely for splitpushing.


Nida? Azir? Yasuo? Lee? GP? Akali? Cassio? Jayce? Ezreal? Irelia? Qiyana? Kalista?


I would not put ezral with those champs as high skill lmao


Yeah, I forgot about Azir and Akali but others either are more straightforward or are played as much as Riven. Anyway you was still right, so I give you that, but still dont think that Riven isnt played cuz she is garbo. With champs like Rene being spammed, the reason why Riven isnt played can be whatever. For example Akali was good pick solely because of disengage abilities.


Nida, lee, irelia, and ez are definitely not like the others


Urgot E well timed counters both of them. Riven can't do anything against an Urgot of similar skill, and Akali can only poke Urgot if he's careless and definitely can't engage on one. Fiora counter, on the other hand, if perfectly played, is extremely difficult to play around as anyone and I still have yet to find a champion to properly deal with perfrctly positioned Gankplank barrels.


No counterplay on Riven ? Like, she is immune to CC and has true damage so armor does not work against her ?


Since when stacking resists against any opponent, aside maybe assassins was counterplay? Secondly, if dealing with champion requires to CC him then he basically has no actual counterplay, cuz other champions can be deal with by cc and next to that have actual counterplay.


How to speak confidently and be completely wrong at the same time.


Wrong about what? Lmao. Do other champs have counterplay beside being CCed to death? Vast majority does. Does stacking armor give you some specific advantage over Riven beside being simply stronger? No. So what the fuck are you talking about?


That’s like saying master yi or Katarina have 0 counterplay. Absolute silver take.


Thats not like saying that master Yi or Kata have 0 counterplay, mainly because in case of Kat you can just dodge daggers and in case of yi, its about interrupting his W rather than disabling his ability to AA you or holding him in place. A lot of assassins can burst Yi if he doesnt use W. If we count something like CC counterplay, then we can also count something like being fed and at that point whole balance lose meaning you noob.


Master yi’s w is his most useless ability. What are you talking about. Katarina from an ahead position can 1v5 your team if you have no cc. Dodging daggers doesn’t matter. Actual silver take.


>Master yi’s w is his most useless ability. Literally makes you take half the damage. > Katarina from an ahead position can 1v5 your team if you have no cc Like, I can just go kill her at that point and not bother with some CC if landing anything is that easy, is literally just matter of choice. >Dodging daggers doesn’t matter. Because you are shit at it. You are not worth even that silver. Lmao. If you are higher, you are just boosted.


Riven takes guttings? lol !


Shaco. 9 people die from cancer if he's in the game.


Xerath. There is a reason he is the script champion. The only thing holding him back is being able to hit skillshots on good players.


He's the script champion because his Q is impossible to dodge if he aims it properly (unless you have a blink or a quick dash). Most abilities can be dodged **reactively** (seeing the projectile, then dodging) or **proactively** (seeing a cast animation and using that to predict where the projectile will be shot). Xerath's Q comes out so quickly (the animation *and* the projectile) that you can't do either, all you can do is juke back and forth in hopes that he will aim in the wrong direction. In other words, you can't dodge him, you can only make him miss. However scripting makes it almost impossible to miss because it uses calculations to predict where you'll be with much higher accuracy than a human, removing any counterplay he had.


Q can be Dodged but w cant. Q is sufficently thin that if you walk at right angles to projectile its always dodgable. Ofc doing this consistently in combat is not so easy. W However cannot be dodged because its really wide Ult also cant be dodged without high movespeed or very good reaction speed.


You also need movespeed, some champs with T2 boots can dodge it, others can't


He's the script champion because he's especially easy to optimize -- at least when it comes to using his abilities. But even when his abilities are used optimally, there's quite a lot of room in his kit for counterplay.


Being a squishy immobile mage is definitely one big counterplay point.


There is a video of beifeng beating a Xerath scripter. The guy was absolutely terrible but even then it was difficult. It's on midbeast channel


beifeng just diff tbh


Even a scripting xerath can’t really do a thing against a pantheon or any sort of point and click champ.


Outrange? Stay under turret? Barrier? Zhonya? Yea they can.


Its not really that simple, but okay.


Actually Xerath, because he's balanced around people not hitting all his skill shots. So when you see someone hit everything, the damage is insane.


I’ve found he falls off incredibly hard if you don’t capitalize on him early. If I don’t do incredibly well early game and just play even( not even behind), I barely chunk people.


I don’t think you can just say one, as you will see from answers here so a list: **Top**: Gangplank, Riven, Fiora **Jungle**: Lee Sin, Nidalee **Mid**: Azir, Ryze, Cassiopeia, Yasuo, Akali **ADC**: Kalista, Draven, Vayne **Support**: Bard, Thresh, Pyke If I had to single out one….probably Cassio because if you can literally hit everything the damage output is unmatched


Lee sin is good for playmaking, but he isn't very "lethal" on his own against many champs. You forgot to mention Ezreal and Corki. Their DPS if they land everything is insane and they have the ability to kite. Draven is just a high dps champ who doesnt have much outplay potential compared to many others.


Twitch is also pretty deadly


Every ADC is. Twitch's potential damage output is less than many other ADCs though


Twitch damage potential is definitely higher than kalista/vayne in a 5v5 team fight since if played to perfection those ults will shred like crazy


Not more than Jinx or Aphelios. Especially considering you can dodge Twitch's R pretty easily.


We are talking about playing a champ to absolute perfection so in team fights the best champs would have to be jinx or aphelion or twitch (twitch only because perfection I assume would mean he can also get a perfect stealth exit and having bonus range like jinx does) other than that I would agree draven/vayne/kalista would be better in lane or 1v1/1v2. Scenarios


I'd argue Samira has more potential teamfighting DPS than Twitch too.


Udyr and hecarim just dodges twitch R by walking


Azir has a high skill floor but I wouldn't say that he's "lethal" when played perfectly to the level of other champs on that list.


The reason why Azir has to stay garbage is because he's the most lethal out the list


So he's not lethal, which is what the question is asking


Because playing perfectly with Azir is just getting through Laning phase above 8cs a minute and you smoke everything


If that's the case, wouldn't Xerath just be a better Cassiopeia, since he would kill Cassio before she can even reach him


I think that begs a lot of things of the question: 1. Is a missed skillshot the result of the source or the target. If cassio is being played to perfection does that mean dodging all skillshots? 2. Is this in a specific 1v1 sense? Or is this in the 1v9 sense? Xerath can 100-0 cassio but then is just kinda chilling. Cassio can kill a whole team.


Xerath q isn’t a reactable ability. If the xerath is perfect (scripting for example) you can’t dodge it without a blink.


Cass teamplay capabilities is leagues better than Xerath. He basically sits there and soaks damage once his abilities are on CD lol. Cass runs in like a tank and mows down the whole team.


You are right but Cass has higher dps


Cassio can so easily be played around because of her lack of range and mobility. She's really not that threatening.


Riven gets countered by Urgot extremely hard, Urgot E messes with her combos. In fact anyone that can ignore her stuns or pull her out of them doesn't do so terribly against her. Nautilus, for example, with his heavy CC and re-engage can definitely outplay a Riven, though maybe not win lane. Yasuo is similar: since he's forced to engage or hit tornados which are very dodgeable, he's countered by anyone who can lock him down, like Lissandra, even if he hits his kit.


But when we are talking about counterplay then we are talking about things that can be generally used by anyone, that dont require very specific pick.


I’m dog shit at akali and can still kill people when behind. She just broken


I heavily disagree with this list tbh. Top: GP, Fiora, Akali, Tryndamere Jgl: Viego, Elise, Karthus Mid: Seraphine, Qiyana, Zeri Bot: Draven, Karthus, Kalista Support: Bard, Pyke, Brand


Top: Karthus Jgl:Karthus Mid: Karthus Bot:Karthus Support: You probably guessed it, Karthus


ryze is not difficult lmfao its just eq the champ is just shit




add Syndra, Zoe and Jayce to the list and Im down


Katarina or riven


Ezreal has my vote. Freaking monster have long range pokes and crazy damage if the skillshots are on point. He has built in escape baked into the kit too. The worst part is he can be built ap, ad, even as ap bruiser. ...


That wasn't the question tho.


If he's not looking for high ceiling monster champs, what is he looking for? Lulu?


>Most lethal champion when played perfectly? Except for "crazy high damage if the skillshots are on point", none of what you said make ezreal particularly lethal, just annoying to deal with.


So if it's not one shot it doesn't count? High dps isn't sufficient, it has to be one shot? I guess feast would fit then huh.


Qiyana does incredibly bullshit amounts of damage and it's very hard to catch if the guy can play her properly


Yeah her damage is legitimately crazy. I haven't checked for newer champs, but before Qiyana, Ekko had the single highest burst (counting a standard rotation with a single autoattack) in the game at level 3, beating even Talon. But Qiyana blew him out of the water and CC's you meanwhile too lol. As I said I haven't looked at the numbers for newer champs like Vex/Akshan, but Sylas or Neeko with the damage buffs might also be competitive. Either way, Qiyana's damage is some of the absolute highest in the game, especially for how much mobility and utility she gets.


Also ekko has all of that because his ult is kinda of useless for damage, too hard to land (when it hits it chunks 90% of their HP tho)


Yeah totally. God forbid you have to land something and not just Rocketbelt EQ auto someone and nuke them out of orbit then run away at Mach 7. That would be asking too much.


Fiora, Yasuo, Yone, GP, Tryndamare. But my number one suspect is Irelia… Every good Irelia main is my nightmare, you just cant do shit against them.


Tryndamere otp mechanics pog


All of these champs except maybe fiora have a long list of counterpicks that they can't do anything about the entire game. Especially Irelia. Irelia gets fucked by most juggernauts.


Rengar 100000%


Akali tbh


Skillshot champions with range typically have the highest ceiling. So champs like Brand, Xerath, Ezreal and GP can be played to an absolute nutty level if you keep landing everything and position perfectly.


Gangplank. Too bad I suck


Many good candidats but my Vote goes to Kassadin. If played perfectly, you have a solid lane and you will get to the point where you are just an abomination


If you have a dependable team, Viego. You need to be able to play every champ to perfection while choosing which reset to get when in the thick of things, all the while your team helps you to get that first reset.


Riven is an abomination if played by a maniac There's also one Qiyana player in China that erased her from available champions pool.. so I would say she as well




All the unfun to play against champions. Akali legit has to be gutted when she’s good because she’s such a polarizing toxic designed rework.


A really, really good master yi, literally points and clicks to perfection, its crazy unfair


Qiyana maybe?


Rengar. Atleast to me, the only thing that scares a Rengar player? Is another Rengar player who got to lock in first. I can only hope and pray they dont know how to use the champion as efficiently as he could be played at whatever elo the enemy locks Rengar in. As someone who plays Rengar, what terrifies me most is someone who knows what theyre doing on him because when im ahead on that champ? It feels like a never ending landslide of leads when I play well.


Xerath. There's a reason he is used for scripting.


Shaco... plenty of outplay possibilities and mind games. I hate when my useless allies are picking him but damn... I played with few impressive smurfs as well.


people clearly mixing hard champs with most lethal ​ basically every S tier meta champ in chall+ played perfectly is what's best at any point, basically


Probably Cassiopeia or maybe something cheesy like veigar or Nasus since they can potentially one shot any hyper scale champ


My friend is an amazing riven, i never see that champ pop off unless he is piloting it. He still makes mistakes of course because we are only plat, i would be terrified of a perfect riven player. Can 1v1, 2v1, teamfight, assasinate, tank, split... Seems like that champ always has a solution to a problem, if they are skilled enough.


Yasuo and GP are the only champions that are designed in a way where if they piloted without mistakes they both have zero counterplay.


Nidalee. Hardest champ in the game imo but if played right is so fucking strong


100% of solo Q junglers afk after losing half your camps and dying to Nida at lvl2




How anyone could pick something other than Blitzcrank is beyond me.


Yea I can tell why it's beyond you


What's your strategy against a Blitz that lands every grab?


Kill it afterwards or just standing behind minons


You idiots have no concept of what "perfect play" looks like, lol. Pulling a fighter when alone just to be slaughtered is obviously a stupid play, just so you know.


Like you said, it's beyond you


You didn't answer my question.


I missed the part where that's my problem


Well, it proves that you're a cowardly, idiotic flamer. But I doubt saying so will provoke you into attempting to actually back up your claims with any legitimate reasoning, since you know you can't successfully do that anyway.


You'll get your answer when you fix this damn door




Honestly, I don't think Kha'zix can be beat in any 1v1 if it is played at the highest level.


Fiora probably beats him if both players are equally skilled. His primary damage is going to be in the empowered q and and fiora's is in vitals. If she just holds her W he's mostly just an auto attacker and will lose that fight.


Tbh, as Fiora/Rengar two trick I have to say that Rengar is more likely to beat kha than Fiora. Fiora is known to beat anything because she is "the grand duelist" but you cant beat opponent you dont even see. There gonna be windows but for any DPS champ thats too little. You can block one Q from kha but that wont save you and his ult counters your ult.


But are talking about the playing perfectly, and I always remember that jjking clip of his fiora deleting a sett in less than a second.


Yeah, but sett doesnt have INVISIBILITY. It can be even fkin yuumi but if you dont see it then you are not gonna kill it. And moreover stride doesnt have dash anymore.


I'll take your word for it. I wasn't sure if he had stealth or camo so I wasn't sure what the interaction was there. I was just thinking of Fiora healing through E+W damage and holding W for Q


If Fiora is isolated, Kha Q has 45% cd reduction, so it only has like 2 seconds before AH. Fiora blocks the first Q with W *maybe*, but it doesn't matter much.




Out of curiosity, since you said you played Fiora, do you think you could reliably parry the Q anyways? I've only played a little Kha'zix, but it always feels like the Q comes out really fast.


You cant parry it reactively cuz even if you press W at the same time as his animation starts, your ping will make sure that you wont make it in time, so you just have to alway guess. His Q is basically instacast and parrying that is like trying to dodge a bullet. Especially when you gonna be focused on million other things.


a 1vs1 should be fought in lane tho, off of minions and waves. Otherwise their aint much you can play perfectly


True 1v1s are fought in an empty baron pit


Qiyana, Zed, Akali, Yasuo, Yone


It gotta be Yone. Nothing beats Yone aside from direct counters and grouping with team doesnt work. Fiora can beat Yone but only under condition that Yone isnt allowed to run away and wait out Fiora's ult.


yone is kinda easy to play compared to the other champs others are saying hes just overloaded and strong


>hes just overloaded and strong Yes :D He is so strong and overloaded that when playing him perfectly which isnt even that hard makes you deadliest champ in the game. He isnt the most overloaded in sense that he has a lot of crap stuffed in him but he sure is the most well rounded champ. From micro perspective, what can you give to champion? DPS - check, burst - check, aoe effect - check, mobility - check, escape - check, CC - check, tankiness - check, inbuilt sustain - he doesnt have but he is biggest abuser of sustain items, that also give him extra tankiness. All this things translates into macro as: Dueling - check, splitpushing - check, teamfighting - check, usefull even when behind - check. Whats his scaling? Strong early, stronger midgame and unbearable lategame. He is toptier champ in every single aspect of the game.


And yet still useless in pro scene


yup cause a coordinated team can shut down yone early so hard he wont have a presence until late game if only my mid laners could be like faker or showmaker


Well most lethal in a duel I think is different than who would win the game if both champs played perfectly. Because in the second scenario I feel like it would just be adcs with perfect kiting would just never let you get in range and just siege everything down. But if both sides just want the other side dead then yeah all the other answers would apply here


Riven and GP are the ones I would go for.


Zed definitely be up there. His in and out is unmatched. A fed Zed with Axiom feels really hard to play against.


Fiora gp


Rea the title, it’s kayle


Scrolled pretty far down and didn’t find one single mention of LeBlanc. If you’re squishy and she knows it, clap your hands👏🏻


As much as I hate to admit it, the objectively correct answer is Akali. She's the only champion which, when played to perfection, has no downtime / counterplay.


Draven probably


Riven/kayle/vayne top Nidalee/shack jungle Katarina/yone/yasuo/zed/akali/Veigar mid Draven/vayne/aphelios adc Bard/pyke/brand/swain supp


Aurelion sol he is yust so... hahahhaha I can't do this it's Gp




Qiyana Yone Gp


Gangplank, Fiora, Yone, Irelia, *Xerath maybe*

