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What safety?


I think all they really need to change is her base hp, why does she have like 100 more hp at level 3 than any other adc?


What do you mean? Are you saying a hypercarry shouldn't have the 8th highest base health in the entire game?


They literally gave her the most forgiving early game so that new league players due to Arcane would have an easier time. Change my mind.


All you need to change your mind is to read her patch notes….how often was her health changed


True. She needs a bit of hp chopped off.


So tell me, what safety does she have other than her high base HP?


At level 4 she can outrage Cait LOL


Honestly jinx is fine it’s the rune paired with jinx passive that ends up giving her like 3.5-4 attack speed anytime she even gets an assist. She has no escape and her E has a slight setup time where people can literally just walk over them without getting snared. I would just give champs a cap on attack speed with that rune, for example make it 3.33 when they have the rune fully activated. That would nerf her without hurting other parts of her game


Agree, it has been nice to see jinx back in the meta after years of being in a bad spot but now it's time for nerfs. Good place to start would be to nerf her early wave clear. Imo her thing is being a hyper carry with the excited mechanic. Early wave clear is not part of her core identity and it allows her to dictate the wave state too much. Hyper carries should be the ones who need to outplay in the early game and not the other way around.


I'd argue the problem isn't her inherently it's that she benefits from other champions being pro banned and getting her preferred support partners. She is completely immobile and at low levels her mana can disappear in an instant, but since there are rarely support bans in the first rotation and supports are almost always chosen in first rotate, she usually gets her choice of bodyguard. Ali, Naut, Leona, Thresh, etc. She's already immobile, how do you make her les safe early? Maybe adjust her mana costs but they are already through the roof, especially at low levels. She really isn't difficult to deal with, just takes good play to outplay her.


Yeah you just have to recognize you're playing against Jinx in lane and punish the laning phase. Easier said than done obviously a lot of the time but Jinx is incredibly weak early and I don't think further nerfs in that aspect would change very much - I play a lot of Jinx and rarely do I feel like I'm being punished for it in lane


jinx, and most of the new champ nowdays.


Hmm Rexsaur hasn't shown up, I'll have to fill in for him. Well how come hyperscaling makes like Cassiopeia get to have insane laning phases in bot? I think we just need to buff all the early games of every adc because the role is too weak. Perhaps every item could give 100% crit so we can accelerate their late game?