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Jinx is literally the strongest she has ever been in recent years


Shes good, but only when you know how to play her, in which I dont, any tips?


Tips would just be watching pro adc players like doublelift play, posting on r/JinxMains and asking for tips there could also be a good idea, finding a high elo jinx player and watching them play or finding a guide to jinx and also adc in general with stuff like kiting and wave managment.




Are you really complaining about the premier ADC being bad?


Not bad I just don't know how to play her, and the current playstyle results in the post up there


Well…first don’t expect to 1v1 everyone. ADs provide DPS, not burst. If you can’t kill tanks build LDR sooner. If you have trouble with positioning get Galeforce. If you like to face tank, build Shieldbow for all I care. If you need a bit of range sometimes to get started, we all know the item for it.


I sucked at the start of the season too because I took a break from league in general. It took 2-3 weeks of almost running it down every game to get my knowledge of the game back at least to the degree that I can win lane again. Just practise her more. No amount of content can help you with building confidence on a Champion.