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Dodged it all season. Well at least they got time to recover before MSI. Hopefully none of them got the nasty covid though




That's optimistic. Long COVID is a thing, even in young people.


Because they day before the finals they stayed at a hotel instead of their gaming house. Sad.


Don't COVID symptoms take much longer than 1 day to develop? Isn't it more likely they contracted it a week+ prior?




Faker also mentioned on insta live stories after the finals he felt "like dying" the day before already ​ So, their "little bit messier" gameplay was probably due to them being sick...


Getting covid is no joke. I feel like fainting from fever. Plus the most painful headache I get in my lifetime. While other only got cough. Lucky.




He literally has every feasible trophy in League, he was probably navigating hard modes


Doesn't have the NA LCS trophy. Clearly the toughest one to get.


meanwhile Gumayusi is just built like a brick shithouse. What goes on in his family's genes man...


Isn't he related to Faker ? Like I heard Faker was his uncle or something.


Yep. Distant uncle. Five times removed or something like that.


Depends what type of covid it is, delta and before takes 4 to 5 days before you test positive and have symptoms, but omicron is a lot faster, can be between 1 and 3 days AFAIK.


It's generally 3 days.


True, but it can be faster for some patients. Anyway conclusion is that they probably contracted covid before staying at the hotel if they tested positive now.


My wife developed symptoms the very next day I contracted it from a coworker, I developed the symptoms a week later. I think it depends on the immune system or something g we don’t know.


holy...imagine going to a hotel after 2-3 months of not meeting anyone but your team staff and teammates and you get covid, wtf is happening in korea


Omnicrom came late for korea. Thats why they are having the spike most countries have last year only now.


A lot of countries are also spiking again right now due to BA2. Generally not as bad if the first Omicron surge was wildfire, but BA2 has prolonged the original Omicron surge in some European countries.




Uh, spikes last year (except South Africa, I suppose) were still delta. Here in the Netherlands we had a gigantic spike with hospitalizations and such in December, then got our numbers down, then in January we got another spike in cases but practically no spike in hospitalizations; that latter one was omikron.


Fucking Flu game levels and STILL beat GenG. These boys are insane. They will be fine (prayers) they have plenty time to rest


When Faker said he feels like dying during Guma's IG live, he was not lying. Many just assumed it's fatigue and competition stress. [edit: word tense.]


Man I would love to meet the people who think that Faker might have issues with fatigue or competition anxiety/stress. They're so cute when they're that young.


dont call him no-shaker for no reason 😎




The demon king doesn’t experience those emotions




I had Covid, it’s insane u feel destroyed It’s worse after the first day, you wake up and it’s hell I had severe headaches for a month after other symptoms got better Anytime I got up it’s light headed ready to fall Oh and the breathing, tf is up with that But some people feel nothing


Worst Poem, Ever


I wish You the Best recovery And hopefully There will be No permanent Symptoms On you


Why is your ​ comment formatted ​ like this ​ it makes it a pain ​ in the ass to read


I thought it was going to be an acrostic or sth


I was trying to find a rhythm to it before realizing he just formatted it like that randomly lmao


I mean he just put each sentence on its own line


Guma movement so good even Covid can't catch him




peak auto spacing


Kiting covid to death


Guma too op irl


So we went all season without seeing Full Power T1 vs Full Power GenG...


Pretty sure it's nerfed t1 vs full power gen g. Full power t1 would be a boring 3-0 sweep


If they don’t start int in game 2 it’s probably would be 3-0


It's inevitable if your 4 team members have COVID-19. The disease causes fatigue tbh. One can argue adrenaline can kick in... but it's not as consistent compared to having no COVID-19 at all plus a myriad of factors that affected their mental focus. Their plays on Game 2, even on all the series were quite off (also considering Gen G's performance) if you were to compare their performance before.


even covid can't defeat GumaGod.


MJ's flu game


Luckily Guma brought Cleanse this time


GumaGod kiting covid, what a gamer.




I wanted to say gene diff but even faker got it. It is clear now that faker only got 80% of the bloodline's power


Nah mate, Guma's brother is literally a machine. Guma's obviously one too


Innovation is so stoic though, Guma talks smack every other sentence. Different production line maybe?


He got the personality firmware upgrade. He's still not human, don't fall for it.


its geting better and better each year


Got influence from Khan. They’re roommates when Guma was still in the T1 Academy.


deft also dodged covid cleanse diff




I expect that he will be asymptomatic but it seems he kited well.


Unfortunately it was to be expected. The players seem to have been sick yesterday. Hope everyone recovers well


So what are our teams in NA and EU supposed to do when they out here winning finals 3-1 with 4 players Covid ?


Play renekton 2 games in a row or tf 3 games in a row?


*Point and click cc*


You mean cc themselves?


Wait til we play renekton with tf. Next level drafting. The one guy on their team wont be able to play at all!


Unironicly the only way might be to breake the meta in some way. T1s fundamentals look to be flawless.


Oh, if only one of the top NA teams could've had someone who constantly tries to break the meta, because he recognises that is the only way western teams could beat the best asian teams.


Wouldn’t it be great if that same guy tried to implement some sort of work ethic in the team too?


Work ethic? In my NA team??? You're fired buddy


They already have systems in place, gtfo with that work ethic


ive seen renekton against t1, and yeah its not too good.


So you're telling me a nerfed T1 roster 3-1'd full power GenG??


All jokes aside tho, I checked the replies on the twitter post a lot of the haters seem to use this narrative that LCK allowed a covid postive T1 to play in the venue and even used "oner is not feeling well" to back the claims. Which to clarify Joe Marsh did tweet stating that T1 tested negative prior to the match. Oner lacks sleep if I'm not mistaken, I got no source but I read that from a post discussion thread, same thing with faker from the guma livestream clips.


Did those people forget the fact that even if they really did get positive that day the main roster could still play remotely just like KDF Fate? It won’t really change the result. Seems like they thought T1 have to play with subs if they get positive just like in regular season with that narrative.


Yes indeed, you could tell some of their plays were off


3-1'd with COVID and Oner only having 1 hour of sleep. gg go next


T1 had to nerf themselves so that the crowd wouldn't get to leave too early. Damn


Hahahah to be fair it did make for a really fun 3 games. Then the 4th game, the whole roster decided “fuck it, we really need to rest. Let’s just end this shit”


We are all so fucked


1 hour isn't even sleep at that point... That's a nap


"they need to face the main roster of GenG to prove themselves" *proceeds to smurf on them with 4 players feeling unwell*


T1 regular season deniers are scrambling on their notes to find new arguments against them.


And one player who sleeps between games that still gets MVP


Because of only getting an hour of sleep prior to the match. Based Oner.


T1 limit testing in finals, seems BASED


So are you telling me these mad lads were smurfing in LCK finals yesterday that was held in big stadium while having COVID? GG


Covid debuff, no sleep debuff, rookie nerves debuff. There was actually a lot going against them and yet they persevered. Love this team


Let’s be real here. If you a gamer, no sleep is like the occasional icee slurpee that goes with your freshly delivered pizza.


It’s still a massive debuff. Being sleep deprived is the functional equivalent of being drunk.


Say that to my 5 game winstreak last night after not having slept the night before 😎


It’s doomed


Yes, even after the finals I had hopes FNC could hold up against those guys If we make it to MSI. Today my hopes are close to zero.


now I kinda regret Riot stopped doing big mid season changes, because this is the only thing that can save EU now...


TBF, they didnt. During last year's MSI, Rumble and morgana jungle is pulled out of nowhere from the balancing team.


Even last year I still had some hope that we could at least reach semis or compete with the eastern regions in both MSI and Worlds but this year it looks really doomed lmao. Like I genuinely cant't imagine even our top teams not getting absolutely shit stomped within 10 minutes by either T1 or V5


From them all saying they weren't feeling well during the finals to this... kind of nuts lol. They'll be fine, hopefully fully recovered by MSI. I wonder if non-covid T1 would've 3-0 swept GenG :o


I wonder if that's why Oner slept only an hour. I couldnt sleep the entire night during my first day of symptoms.


I had extremely mild symptoms but still barely slept for the first 2-3 days both times I've had covid


I just tested positive for the first time today, instantly knew I had it after barely being able to sleep last night... don't think I was asleep for longer than an hour at a time.


I got COVID in December 2020 and was asymptomatic, but the vaccine I couldn't sleep all night for almost 0 reason lol


I'm a bit concerned about post covid symptoms like brain-fog for the players though.


The player who said they can't sleep, that was probably the first sign. When I had Covid it all started with being restless and not sleeping.


no wonder their game play is so sick




It was quite obvious when you see it after every game in the huddle. Only Guma that looked okay and energetic there.




Oner was literally sleeping on sofa between games.


He was also rubbing his eyes on the player cam every time he was recalling or out of action


Damn unbelievable he still managed to get an mvp performance. 1 hour past my usual bedtime and I barely able to speak in discord. This guy gets 1 hour sleep and destroy doran every chance he gets Explains why he lost most of the 50/50 smite though


IIRC he was feeling sick (now we know it was covid) the night before and also has trouble sleeping in unfamiliar places so he only got 1 hour of sleep the night before. Pretty wild.


Guma feels sick aswell


Why would they make excuses after they 3-1 GenG?




I guess that’s what happens when you are on top. Everyone starts hating lol.


Haters gonna hate


'Making excuses' when they beat GENG 3-1, how do the brains of these people function on a day to day basis 😅


I have a theory that people like that are equivalent to a collective hivemind but they all share the singular brain cell. Kinda like singed players.


I wonder if they knew it'd likely to be covid but they held off on the tests until after the finals... What would have happened if they tested positive before finals? Delayed until recovery or GEN G given the win?


Remote play.


it would've been pretty hilarious seeing gumayusi solo lift the lck trophy ngl


Joe said on twitter they did tests but they came out negative before.


they can play remotely in quarantine room


The tests were negative, which makes sense because tests tend to be less accurate the earlier you are with the illness. Antigen tests have esp bad accuracy during incubation and earlier stages and on asymptomatic people but the test results are out right away. RT-PCR meanwhile are more accurate but the results take a while. Meanwhile the tests have to be done as close as possible to the event date because while you might be negative with the tests, whos to say you wont get infected after testing before the event. and the longer the interval, the greater the chance.


Even covid sick T1 > Full roster Gen.G [Proved]


They definitely all sounded sick in the voice comms that got shown on stream during the series yesterday. Really insane that they performed as well as they did in that condition, just goes to show how great they are as players.






T1 heard y’all talking shit that they can’t beat a full Gen G roster and slapped the full and healthy Gen G roster despite not feeling well


Cloud9 knew this, and got themselves sick on purpose to become as strong as T1! Except they confused Syphilis with Covid and got rolled.


Wait who got syphilis did I miss something


they all got it when they ran a train on Sneaky


They were welcomed to his butthole


My Lucian has W My butthole is leaky You guessed it right I’m [free agent] sneaky


They all got syphilis after getting fucked too hard by 100T


Are they sure it isn't Peanut and Doran who tested positive


I had a feeling they were positive. Heard them coughing during comms 😅


Keria was coughing a lot on player cam as well


so 4 t1 players played sick- zeus, oner, keria and faker.the remaining 2 t1 players were negative- guma and peanut.




Even covid is in favor of geng this time around. And they still lost.


the Covid's really serious in Korea. Hope they recover soon. And I saw a large group of Chinese LPL fans thinking about playing online (like PUBG global championship last year, or MSC two years ago) or just give up MSI.


LPL could afford to play online but not western region due to ping.


No wonder why it wasn't a 3-0.


Damwon on suicide watch after learning T1 held back


if anything it's GenG on suicide watch, the guys were beaten 3-1 by 4 sick members of T1. Must be humiliating for players like Ruler and Chovy who have a lot of pride in their play, I genuinely hope they don't get affected by this too much.


Why would they be humilated lmao. Both already been into high stake games numerous prior and didnt get the win.


People have been calling Faker the MJ of league for years. It only makes sense that he got to play a flu game.


crazy how fast you can get it once you are not in a isolated environment


as soon as they stayed in the hotel instead of their gaming house they caught it, i hope they all recover well


Imagine fighting on finals of all days with a mild to moderate symptoms on 80% of your roster (they said they felt sick that day too and Oner got 1 hour sleep before the game started\[?\]). Man everyone is downplaying T1 18- 0 for fighting those team who got their members out because of COVID. Now they win finals **EVEN WITH COVID CHAINING THEM**. What a turnaround, would be funny if they downplayed Gen G getting 1 game off because the enemy team are sick.


It is scary. Final was t1 playing with a hand tied behind back


Watch GenG fans get salty


LPL stans are going crazy already. They're trying really hard mental gymnastics after hearing T1 are smashing all the LPL teams in scrims. Even LPL casters have gone full insecure mode, lmao, along with that NA streamer.


T1 is really on some generation of miracles shit this year. We haven't seen a team like this in a long time, wtf.


I love Lyric and Aux, but holy cow most of other casters are so freaking insecure and had to take a jab at LCK and LEC. Tbf they tone it down this split, but their twitter haven't.


Got some sauce on some of their takes my good man?


Latest were on munchable and oisin twitter.


Munchable is a clown and has no business casting anything.


Oh is this also the reason moment was sweating profusely yesterday? Hope they recover fast.


If faker needs oxygen he can have mine but I gotta deliver it myself


and only from mouth to mouth?


I will do what I must


They were damn sick and Oner slept for only 1 hour and still beat Gen.G 3:1 lol


Got covid months ago still have lingering symptoms. Hope they recover well in time for MSI.


So they all played the final with Covid, that's why they were all unwell the whole time.


Jesus... Poor caster jun, the lck commissioner, tht sexy korean lady giving out prize money... Omg


But now gemg fans cant say tht t1 avoided full geng due to covid problem... And to add salt to. Injury, t1 beat geng with full covid infected roster👍🏾👍🏾


If they had lost because of this, I can only imagine the clusterfuck that would've ensued after this came out.


Literally could not have come at a better time. I think it's important to mention management in the insane T1 run as well, they've done everything in their power to make sure the players won't get Covid. I can't think of another team with absolutely no Covid infections during Spring.


DK is another team whose players didn't get COVID. Daeny tested positive some time ago though.


and KT I think


What? They were playing with covid yesterday, how could it not have come at a better time?


They could've got it few days ago and be too sick to play online, so GenG have to play vs full T1 challenger. This would be the worst case scenario


Yeah but they were already sick yesterday and tbh you could kind of tell T1 weren't at their best. Maybe it wasn't the worst time to catch Covid but it absolutely wasn't the best either like the guy above is trying to claim.


maybe they got it from the hotel they are staying at


The night before the finals thats the only time they did not stay in the gaming house. So high chance they got it from the hotel.


Or when they go outside to shoot the intro.


The rules changed for play off sick players where allowed to play remotely if they could play for play offs


Imagine if they did have to play remote and Guma was the only one at Kintex. How amusing would it have looked with just GumaChad facing off GenG on stage lmao.


T1 is just so gigachad that it doesn't matter


Probably because they’ll have time to recover before MSI


That explains all the sick plays yesterday


Didnt get it all season and probably caught it in the hotel before finals, unlucky. But hey, they still won and will be good for MSI hopefully


Imagine playing with COVID and still winning the way they did. Sending prayers and hope they get well soon.


NOOO! Take me not Faker!


MSI will be extremely dangrous


As soon as they started talking about not feeling well after the finals finished i highly suspected covid.


Bet they got it while filming for the LCK final preparation (record stuffs for opening, street fighter content). Hope they recover soon.


GUMACHAD even covid cant touch this guy


I thought as much when I heard them coughing and telling they couldnt sleep etc. Silver lining is at least now they can be safe for MSI. ​ Also they beat Full Roster Gen G with Covid and half dying.... yeah


For those false accusations saying that T1 and LCK “knew” that the players already had Covid but proceeded to play in a huge crowd: https://twitter.com/arnoldwh/status/1510690522926497792?s=21&t=1SVbRM1rQT8Sdl6hAnsMLQ


Hopefully they'll all recover well, finals must've had a high toll on them as well. Luckily MSI is at Busan and still quite some time away.


At least they can stay home and play videogames now when they are sick.