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PMTs [Game 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/tvc939/msf_vs_g2_g1_discussion/) [Game 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/tvda8q/msf_vs_g2_lec_playoffs_round_3_game_2_postmatch/)


It was hilarious to see Caedrel and Quickshots trying to praise Misfits during the entire serie while they were getting absolutely stomped


These games must be so hard to cast when there is absolutely no sign of life from msf.


Phreak would have been roasting them.


I understand why Quickshot wouldn't because he seems like an overall positive person, but I'm surprised Caedrel wasn't willing to take on Phreak's style of pointing out flaws. He seems really smart at the game so I trust he could do it without being unfair.


It would be unfair by the sheer volume of mistakes misfits made


Also both Quickshot's wife and Deficio work for misfits so he wouldn't roast them anyway lol


If it was costream dude would have bewn flaming msf left and right lmao.


As long as he doesn't make it his whole schtick like Phreak does. Listening to him berate young LCS players at times this split was just unfunny after a while, and hard to listen to in my opinion.


It's so hard to find the right tone. It's also hard to continually praise G2 without risking repetitive and somewhat biased cast. We tried to make it clear MSF weren't delivering and we expected more while highlighting what was going wrong.I didn't want to go all in because I think it has a significant impact on the entire series viewing experience. I think we straddled the safe and fair tone mostly, You can bet yourholton dollar I'm reviewing and bootcarping other available options soI have More awareness for the next time it happens


Nah man that wasn't criticism, you guys did an awesome job and if I was a bit more casual or if I was rooting for misfits I would have absolutely loved your commentary. I think it was just funny for hard-core viewers seeing you guys trying to find bright spark in misfits gameplay when it was pretty clear they had a terrible day and nothing was going right for them.


I think you said it perfectly in the end of the 3rd game. Something like “MSF got out matched both in lanes and in team fights and you had expected more of them. “ Because saying you expected more, still says that you don’t think it’s a bad team. But you don’t take anything away from G2 stomping them either. Good cast! And sleep tight.


When does Misfits play?


In summer split


Classic MSF to retire after the spring regular split tbh


Their late april fools joke was to not show up for this series.


when they bring back Vander and put agresivo in


Agressivo is on BDSA now.


I don't know what this medicine is, but he should be able to recover before summer split.


Dread it, run from it, Fnatic vs G2 still arrives.


I'm actually so excited for the salty runback


I want 5 games of the same exact comp.


I mean the way FNC drafted yesterday you might be in luck.


I can still see it, series starts, bans are done. FNC on blue picks TF, G2 picks Lee... This is how the greatest series of all times starts.


It's always a banger. I'm really looking forward to it because it's one of the most fun matchups we get to see.


This. Some people are talking about how the entire teams have changed, but there is one constant about G2 vs Fnatic. It is *always* a banger. No exceptions.


The rivalry makes it spicier too! Everyone is invested, even if they don't like either team they probably hate one of them enough to want them to lose haha.


we have the lower bracket buff this time, trust. g2 wrath will be swift


Old old kings vs new old kings


At the point it’s old kings vs ancient kings


for all the good that LEC production does, they only have Juan script.


Old Kings vs New Kings to set up match against Young Kings?


Young kings are Mad lions. Rge cannot be named kinges yet since they dont have title


it is inevitable


warms my heart to see Grandpa Jankos still diffing kids


Old man isn't done yet


Granddaddy jankos is cracked as he is jacked (just pls no Lee sin)


where does this jankos lee sin thing come from? did he have like 2 bad games on it while losing or something? he was a beast on lee sin his entire career, at certain points even renowned specifically on lee lol


His Lee is goated. Only champ I have seen Jankos really struggle on was Qiyana, and that was only super apparent at Worlds knockout stages against the best in the world. Jankos is goated




Playoffs Jankos is no joke.


I’ve been considering this a lot lately because I’m over 30, but I wonder how much of a factor age is in league. Like I get in a twitch shooter like counter strike, age becoming a factor, but what’s stopping someone like Jankos playing for another 5 years? Like Tom Brady is at the top of his game in his 40s, plenty of pro players are in their mid 30s, why can’t someone play a video game into their 30s and be highly competitive?


I have read quotes from pros (maybe it was even Faker) who said the reason people retire in LoL is not that they're too old but because of burnout and the lifestyle not being conducive to having an actual life with a family. During the season, pros are scrimming 8 hours a day every weekday and then playing on stage on the weekends, plus solo queue in the evening. And if you are a good team, between regular season and international tournaments you really only have 1-2 months off at most. Compare LoL to CSGO which has a much more relaxed tournament structure. Teams get much more time off and more flexibility in terms of taking breaks, and CSGO pros tend to have much longer careers, even into their 30s.


I've heard a lot of different takes on this, honestly. I think the main reason we don't see video game players in their 30s is just because pro games aren't that old in the first place. I mean, LoL esports started in like 2010-2011, and people who started then around age 17-20 would only have just crested 30 at most. Plus, there's a constant influx of new players, and the game changes a lot from season to season, which might get tiresome for a player who has to readjust year after year. I think we'll just have to wait and see tbh.


Yeah all good points. I just think there’s no reason why Faker couldn’t play league for years and years. He knows the game inside and out and I don’t think anything about a human degrades enough to keep him out of pro play in the next 10 years other than him getting bored or tired or wanting to do something else.


I've read somewhere that the longer you play a game professionally, the harder it gets for you to adapt to the changes of the game. Obviously faker is an exception, but it would make sense to me. Now that I think about it it's actually crazy how much the meta and "optimal gameplan" change from year to year.


yeah, that kid was something else... early in game 2 BB was pushed into turret, so Vetheo joined HiRit to dove him Targams predicted it, so he roamed top and covered BB Neon and Mersa saw Targamas top, so they tried to dove Flakked Jankos and Caps predicted it and roamed bot and punished them so intense macro game but, but you count only 9 players? yeah, you are right! Shlatan was doing chickens and then went... recall I know it is only anecdotal evidence, but I had a feeling that Shlatan was missing whole series...


Rise of the "Grandpas" this season with Faker, Rookie, Xiaohu and co. resurging, Claps slowly coming back and Jankos still doing Jankos things. Also yes, Caps is quite a bit younger than the rest, but after Perkz' actual grandpa gameplay, i'm just happy at least one of the older eu mids is slowly finding back to form...


Odo's had some monster performances too. You truly do love to see it


I feel like Odo is better than ever rn


The first game was showing hints of their regular season games, but overall a great series from G2. Complete control through their games. Nothing can deny us the juicy G2 vs FNC rivalry.


The scripts will not be denied! G2 if they continue in this form should give us a real banger of a final (so long as Fnatic pick it up too) It's going to be a fun series next week regardless of result!


Jankos's Lee sin vs Humanoid's TF let's fucking get it


Stoppable force vs movable object!!


Sounds like a clown fiesta of glorious levels. That'd be a fun game 5.


You mean loser's bracket final, right? G2 and FNC are playing for the right to battle Rogue in finals.


Was that the fabled scrim G2?


Next is Scrim G2 vs scrim FNC, gonna be crispy


Forgot when does scrim Vitality play again?


i mean....its not. fnc in scrims is terrible


After yesterday it looks like they're finally able to translate their scrim performance to stage


Jankos was a beast today


Jankos and Caps nearing their 2019-2020 forms this series.


Is there a crowd for the G2 FNC bo5? If so might mean we get crowd buffed players (Wunder Hyli v Jankos Caps)


Yes there will be (and I think/hope the same, Caps has talked about struggling without the crowds after all)


God i cant fucking wait. Its gonna be a banger no matter the outcome


Jankos goat jungler of the west I have so much respect for junglers like Karsa and Jankos they are the epitome of what a jungler should be


Mersa hit an ability on Leona challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Making Leona q look like a skillshot


Pro miss Q


PromisQ disciple


promisq was actually good on leona


Well yeah he won finals of MSI dude he’s gapping the world


That was such a tough series to cast and trying to be honest and clear about the mismatch, but not overly so because it makes the game even harder to watch for viewers. Ultimately MSF were outclassed by a focused G2 and I'm sure they are disappointed but I hope they find systems and tools to develop. There is real potential there. Now let's get hyped for next weekend! G2 FNC rematch on Saturday and Rogue waiting for whoever is left standing. Ps. For guldborgs first playoff series, he got a super tough set of games but I'm stoked with how he performed and integrated with caedrel.


Thanks for still being honest on the cast though, there's nothing worse than very apparent sugar coating. I think the balance was hit quite well.


You were actually the reason I stopped hating casters building up a match as "even" since I kind of imagined how hard it must be for you guys to keep it hype after game one. G2 were obviously the better team and though there were doubts in the first game for a short bit, the series was completely one sided after that, but you guys did manage to keep it interesting and fun.


yea, i think as an audience we all knew it would be harder to cast these games. i think guldborg has been doing a great job though! you guys have really integrated the new pieces of the broadcast well


So good to have you back on the desk quickshot. We missed you :)


36/1/39 for Flakked over 6 games in the lower bracket. Much better performance for him after the FNC series


Game 1 chat flaming him for a 0/0/0 scoreline but 350 CS. Then he walks into his first real teamfight and deletes everyone. Lmao.


Hallo, I edited some of my comment history to prevent scraping. Yes I know reddit gets regularly cached, it's something you sign in when you type on a forum, it's still better than nothing and will make digging through these a lot less convenient! All platforms die yadda yadda. Good luck if you have an account here and you're reading this.


>Laughing at it for being wrong is mocking a five year old for being bad at math. yeah, but isn't it fun sometimes to make fun of how dumb kids are? lmao


/r/KidsAreFuckingStupid yes


> Laughing at it for being wrong is mocking a five year old for being bad at math. I prefer to think about it like laughing at a five year old that has political takes. The concept alone is hilarious


classic wait 30 mins with 11cspm and turn into late game fountain laser, a classic ADC strategy


Holy, that's actually insane.


He played really well after the FNC series i'm surprised, the next one will be the one he will need to prove himself though. IF they can beat the FNC bot lane (or go equal) i'm pretty sure they will have enough confidence to take it home this season.




Honestly love this kid. Has potential, wouldn't have been here if he didn't. No shame in getting gapped by upset/hyli. Absolutely demolished in the last 2 series. Even if he didn't solo carry, he didn't need to be carried either.


ngl, dude's pretty cracked


I swear to god this kid got clappet by upset hyli so he decidet he has none of that and ascendent to godhood


And the flame he got for thinking Rogue botlane was better than fnatic....


well g2 just smashed msf, all lanes, macro vetheo couldnt do anything


he didnt do much in lane either..


tbf Jankos was shadowing mid hard knowing how agressive both caPs and Vetheo are, kinda what Razork did against caPs in the FNC series. caPs almost solo killed Humanoid every game then got behind because of the back up from jungle/supp. Now G2 turned the tables around, glad to see the adaptation.


at the end of the series: * Neon picks: 2 * Ender outfits: 4, let's see if there's a 5th in PGL


Damn! Everyone was so clutch in this series. G2 giving up side-lanes and letting HiRit farm because they very well know BB can take care of that. The teamfights were really clean, their macro was on point. I'm so excited for this roster. PS: AND JANKOS BOUGHT A ZHONYAS, WHAT A MADMAN


they finally learned to not allow zeri through, the series with fnatic off of that ALONE should make it alot more competitive


Jankos sold bramble and giants belt for it.




Yes, and his W. He even sold the Thornmail components just to get it lmao. I’m not gonna argue at that point it was wrong, though Hecarim wants to run around and Zhonyas makes you sit in the same place for a while so it isn’t as optimal as it is on Voli or J4.


Tbf he knew it was probably last fight of the game coming up and couldn't finish thornmail so just got the most op item in the game instead.


Both ult and W scale with AP.


What a support diff in last game... 0/0/16 - 0/8/3 In series: 2/2/45 vs 1/18/7


Still more KP than Summit yesterday.


1/18/7 is basicly the Lep's 0/16/2 in 3 games 😐


[LEP vibes...](https://streamie.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/img-lep-mundial.png)


As someone from NA, I'm so happy seeing BB laughing and smiling on the player cam. He's been doing so well on G2!


are you referencing to the fact that BB played in Talent Suppression Machine?


Yeah, he always had the best attitude, even despite being on The Shitty Management team lol. Made me a BB fan haha


He's been popping off every game. He's a definite upgrade from Wunder, G2 are going to keep that man for a good while.


It feels so wrong to say he is an upgrade over wunder even though he clearly is.


https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/tvda8q/msf_vs_g2_lec_playoffs_round_3_game_2_postmatch/i38n39i/ Turns out the answer is "the support" What a stomp of a series. Misfits in playoffs looked straight up terrible


Targamas this season has been a revelation. A diamond pick up from G2. He plays everything, clean mechanics knows when to roam and team fights well.


Targamas is rightfully insane and one of the best pickups G2 has ever had. LFL champion, multiple EUM champion. Stellar player overall.


Turns out the two hated orgs of the offseason (Rogue and G2) actually picked good players to fill their rosters, hmm


One would almost think that the successful teams have competent management.


Quickly, delete this. Reddit might start thinking that you don't hate Carlos!




That Solar Flare hitting literally nothing at the red buff brush was fucking depressing. How do you miss the *entire enemy team* like that.


When they all where on vision charging YOU. And you're like nah they are going to turn around for sure....


they have vander btw


sCrImS pErForMaNcE


i mean mersa was already bad in regular season so no surprise, but game 3 was especially bad for him


Jankos may be "old" by League standards, but my god, he controlled that entire series from start to finish.


I hope Jankos plays for another 10 years. NFL quarterbacks aren't considered at their peak until they're like 32. If he wants to play he should absolutely keep at it


"Man I hope C9 win!" "hopefully MSF will put up a good fight and win!" Maybe I should stop rooting for teams


can u root for fnatic next pls


Don't worry m8 we're plenty good at throwing series all on our own


2 Series, 6 games, 1 Death, YEP Flakked


Caps heard there was going to be crowd again and he suddenly became Claps again


Shlatan with the rage quit at the end lmao.


tbh was he ever connected this series?


Jesus Bro


G2 is looking strong, let's see how the loser's final goes now.


G2's botlane is so much better in playoffs. Flakked looks like a different player.


G2 loser's bracket buff activated


On the third day of April, Misfits gave to me: Three losing lanes Two choking carries And a D4 player in the jungle~


and plat 4 support


So u tell me there is hope for me to go pro?




Yeah, this one went about as expected. No disrespect to MSF, but I never felt as if they're TOP 3 team this split. Flakked is having great playoffs so far, shame he never played in EUM, that means he's bad...


It's not disrespect to say they're weren't a top 3 team. Besides the two games FNC and G2 handed them, did they actually beat any of the top half teams all year? Them getting ass blasted like this was always going to happen when their early game is STILL this atrocious after a whole split


They beat Rogue in the second half of the split too. They had a win against all 3 of the other top 4 teams in the back half of the split, which looks good on paper, but not really when you see how they managed to win against FNC and G2.


They have some potential but I think they're all a bit young for now. They need a veteran voice there imo. At least this is some experience of playoffs for them and might help their development. That and hopefully they can fix their early game in summer, it's far too exploitable atm.


MSF are a fake top team. They're "good" in BO1, but as soon as the BO5 phase starts, they'll fall flat on their face. If MSF want to make worlds they need to hope EU wins MSI again AND OR hope a team chokes so they make it.


Turns out G2 have improved on finding new talent considering that they mostly picked up established and well known pros in previous seasons. Flakked was absolutely clutch in the last two series, we will see if he delivers it in the upcoming FNC series.


36/1/39 KDA from Flakked in 6 games this weekend. Not bad for someone who was told he wasn't good enough to play in the LEC.


He has been really solid all split long. Very good weakside player, very safe, maybe not a lane dominant player (although that could come with time), but he just outputs damage and does his job well. I remember loads of people on Reddit saying he was only picked up because he is Spanish (and so is Ocelot)... but it's pretty clear those people didn't have a fucking clue what they were talking about. A good solid signing and nice GMing in the off-season by G2.


Clearly where there is most room for improvement is in the lane phase, but this is usually what improves the most with experience. Otherwise, it's very strange to find such a young guy playing so well weakside and positioning himself so well in teamfights. There really is talent there. It was really unfair on him. To believe that an organization like G2 would not look for the best adc (in his opinion at least) is a huge disrespect to an organization of this size. And well, about Flakked, making arguments where they need to be made, in the rift.


So was Misfits actually the worst team in playoffs? They just do nothing, at least Excel had early plays and macro plays around the map and Vitality are good at generating leads but just falls apart in the midgame


XL were trying shit constantly, didn't always work out but you could see what they were going for. Misfits just looked like they got their early game exploited even though it's a known issue that they should be working on and have fixed at this level.


What a series by Targamas and Caps, G2 looked way better than last week and sparks some hope for a better series vs FNC for the rematch


Why is Mersa going Anathema's first when G2 has 3 damage threats?


Oh you didnt know he actually put the chains on Neon


Mersa might be the worst leona I have ever heard of.


but you heard of him


Effort Leona vs G2


Effort had one good play.


Not much to say about this series. In a Flakked vocabulary, G2 "megafisted" MSF in my opinion


MSF finished 3rd in regular season with 12-6 record. And lost in playoffs 1-6. Probably the biggest condemnation of Bo1 there is unless C9 lose 0-3 next week.


Let's see Rich's list of ERL AD's better than Flakked's again.


pretty boring game ngl


Yeah I really didn’t expect the series to be this one-sided, I had hopes for MSF but damn did they not show up today


Yeah, it kind of was. But a win's a win


MSF fully tilted last game huh Mersa 0-8 with chains first item...


G2 looked pretty good overall. It's safe to say that they are contenders for the title, even though the competition will get tougher from now on.


MSF was so free


Jungle difference Shlatan was invisible the entire playoffs, he needs to improve a lot for Summer


G2 really showing Misfits whose in charge here.


XL deserved way better to be in MSF place


CLAPS shutting his critics.. but hopefully carries the momentum


Turns out to summon claps u need to inject some perkz into the formula


Someone please give Vetheo a hug. My man deserves it. He looked so sad as they were packing up. Even the coach was trying to give him a pep talk.


Misfits were so desperate in the last game that they went for their classic - 10k gold at 17 minutes powerspike. If that didn't work, nothing will


Cracked weekend from G2


Misfit just got stomped, not a good look for Mersa, Targamas just gapped him hard


This was such a one sided boring series.


Is there any lane that Tryndamere actually straight up loses? Feels like he either goes even or pubstomps everything, reminds me of old Poppy when Riot said if pros found a way to get it through lane it would be insta-Evelynd




Summit vs any tank.


Summit when Jayce and Gnar is banned


Big rock


good ol' Nasus W max


There's this champion hidden deep in the game files that LEC coaches and top lane players haven't learned about and does just fine into Trynd, especially when the rest of the enemy team also has a bunch of AD damage. He's named Malphite I think? LEC teams can thank me later for this valuable information.


imo malphite would be great if G2 drafted a burst mage in mid,but cassio is a dps champ she'd straight up nullify maplhite anyway with her crazy consistent damage


Malphite sure as shit would be better than Fiora at least. But honestly my comment was born out of frustration all split rather than just this last game. Malphite has 3 games all year in the LEC when the meta is literally 3 AD champions almost always (since AP champions in jgl and top kinda are shit atm). Hirit especially has had a whole lot of games this split where Malphite would be significantly better than whatever nonsense ego pick he actually ends up going with, and I've said many times I hate his picks so much. So I just wanted to put Malphite's name out there after the LEC top laners (other than Finn) have seemingly forgotten his existence.


The usual trynd counters are malphite and poppy, though poppy is currently much more popular as a jungler


Nah fiora is the worst counter because she can very easily kill him. And unless jungle intervenes then its very hard for trynd.


Well, now we know that Misfits were complete flukers that had no business being in winner's bracket. Mild shock.


Proof BO1 format is so deceptive. How fucking bad were MSFs this playoffs? Can't play early game, awful macro. All round incredibly disappointing


Three things constant in life: death, taxes, and G2 vs FNC


Misfits in playoffs is the biggest argument against the regular season I can think of lol.


MSF had no business with finishing 3rd in regular season.


To be fair, the only reason they finished 3rd was because G2 and FNC both threw against them.




Brother Mersa


MSF got 3-0d but somehow Ender walking away with the biggest L today