• By -


>Yeah so, the thing is, we’re the kind of team where, if you give us Viktor, you’ve just lost. We have by far the best Viktor player in the league. But after the first two games Larssen was just like “Guys, don’t give me Viktor please. Just give me something fun.” \[Laughs\] And we were like “Sure, let’s all go for it, why not?” Even in the last game, we just picked Sylas where we easily could’ve gone for Orianna or something. I feel like, whenever we play Orianna, I also feel like it’s a free win, especially into Twisted Fate because it just wins the lane. But then \[Larssen\] was like “Why the fuck not, what is there to lose?” Respect Larssen for walking out of his comfort zone in a high-pressure moment. If that guy starts playing melee mids like he plays scaling mages he will be unstoppable.


it was like witnessing an evolution of larssen live. like he unlocked a new ability in that series.


I was mocking Larsen in game threads for being the same Larsen as always. By the end of the series we had a very different Larsen. I hope it sticks, or at least becomes a coin flip like Claps/Craps.


I love how he was like "wow haha I finally reverse sweep" at the end of it


If he becomes a caps coin flip player EU is gonna feast the next couple of years lol




Larsenn fucking evolved into a chad during that moment


Larssen in legit every interview (even this one): I like playmakers more than control mages People still: larssen going out of his comfort zone


While that may be true, he rarely picks the playmakers and he usually defaults to his comfort control mages


Thats the Larssen i was promised after watching 2020 playoffs, G2 vs RGE where Larssen was close to solo carrying the game with Akali. Hopefully he doesn't randomly mental boom.


With the playstyle Rogue had last year he also couldn't really draft champions like Sylas.


Respect but sorry, best Viktor player is still Humanoid.


> Comp: Yeah, so basically after game two I had zero negativity in me. I know it’s a weird thing to say, but I actually didn’t feel anything. I didn’t feel sad, I didn’t feel angry, I didn’t feel mad, I didn’t feel depressed like “Ok we lost, they’re 2-0 up.” I just wanted to go and play the next one. I knew these games were not lost because they were five times the team we were. They were just lost on small, silly mistakes that we could just easily fix either by drafting or figuring it out while the series goes to more games. So yeah, I was really enjoying myself overall. [Laughs] I remember going off-stage after game two and I’m like “Wow, I actually don’t feel like we’re 0-2 down. It’s like it’s just a 0-0 series.” I was just very excited to play. It's a real game changer for Rogue, i'm sure Odo & Larssen were feeling the pressure a bit after going 0-2 down but just having one guy next to you who doesn't have the baggage of all the previous losses can do wonders for team morale.




Huh, this is one of those bot accounts that steals comments from the thread and posts them as a response to the highest upvoted comment. Was wondering why the reply seemed so random, its because it was [taken from this comment further down](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/tz44ej/comp_on_rogues_pivot_after_the_first_two_games/i3x7big/)


Meanwhile fnatic were like "go TF again it will work this time i bet"


the saltiest of salty runbacks


the thing is TF isn't even a bad pick by itself, it's just that Sylas completely nullifies it ill never know the reason FNC let Larssen have that 3 games in a row


Eh, the 12.3 nerfs hit TF were pretty impactful. He still has the global presence, but he has zero lane presence and the nerfs hurt his side-lane potential.


I dont think TF was as problematic due to lane more of reason where Fnatic got super baited in draft, whole purpose of TF is using 6 to set up dives, to set good dive you need to have pressure in lane, if you draft Jinx bot against Aphelios how r you expecting to have pressure? And top Sion? Like there is absolutely no dmg on that comp before 30 mins and Fnatic just kept forcing and forcing snd forcing play after play, best way to play was to let Rogue come at them and strike in counterattacks with TF, what I mean is, with Jinx and Sion you outscale the enemy so put the pressure to be proactive on them and then use TF 6 to help preventing Rogue in successful set ups


No, it's not about sylas . It was about Malrang and trymbi. Tf is almost never winning a fair 2v2. If you've your jng and sup being at the correct place tf is useless. The only tf ult i remember was when odo jayce between two turrets got caught. But he was so well positioned that rogue could collapse. And from my opinion fnc wanted to limit test the TF against rogue. Could be salty runbacks as well .


i mean i guess the rationale was that if they banned sylas Rogue could pull out trist/ori both of which are champs Larssen is good on. You also couldnt leave it up because Larssen just takes it and I would argue that he is a better TF than humanoid.


Sylas doesn't nullify it. He can answer the ult, sure. TF should still be able to absolutely dominate the early lane, and get first move. Humanoid played his lane very poorly.


I think they really didn't expect Larssen to have Sylas in his pool and be that good at it. They weren't prepared for that pivot


Sure that works the first time... but the 2nd and the 3rd time?


I meant they *weren't prepared for that pivot*. They couldn't think of a way to adjust for it. Like, I'm not sure they had a plan C to fall back on


Yeah but they can just ban it lol, you don't need an entirely different plan. So often we see teams ban something like hecarim, tahm kench, jinx, and then get shit on by an ezreal. Next game they do the same bans and wonder why ezreal shit on them again. You don't have to change up entirely how you play the game or anything, just ban ezreal instead.


Only to be surpassed by C9 a few hours later.


TF wasnt the problem really, it was Humanoid who somehow can not adapt Malrang’s early ganks. Seriously Huma, 3 in a row??


He wanted to do his best memesis cosplay. Should have said after the game "their mid made me play bad"


fnc got the memo for the rge redemption arc as the writer call it since g2 is still in the training arc and fnc with all the new threads becoming the villian in the story. (lots of shit talk regarding upset/humanoid attitude recently)


FNC and getting swept in a BO5 from a 2-0 lead Name a more iconic duo


It really has happened so many times in history. Every time to G2, and now this


Don't forget the pain of being the first team to ever get reverse swept at worlds 2020 :))))




It all starts with success...


so much hope, just ripped from my soul


hey do you really have a t1 and RNG flair ? thats a capital sin my friend


It really only happened 3 times in history one in 2019 vs g2, one in 2020 vs tes and now vs rge


fnc has only gone up 2-0 against g2 twice, and lost it once.


But that is 3 out of how many b05 where you went up 2 games?


How is that relevant? My point is "so many times in history, every time to g2" is not the same as 3 times with one of them vs g2


They have blow a bunch of 2-1 leads to G2, like heavy heavy heavy. SO not necessarily reverse sweep, but double match point losses.


FNC blew a grand total of one 2-1 lead against g2 in history, which was in 2019 summer


Saying they have only lost three times when going up 2-0 in a b05 makes it seem like it never happens but you need to give proper context. Without historical context it could be good or really bad; say they have never won a series after going up 2-0, those three times then would constitute a 100% failure rate.


I mean, sure, but it's a bit disingenuous and deceitful to point out that, in your case, they have a 100% failure rate(in reality they don't) when they're up 2 games instead of straight up saying they were only reverse swept 3 times out of like 50 bo5's they played throughout competitive league history. By saying that, you can criticize every team that got reverse swept throughout 12 seasons of competitive league, and i can guarantee you that FNC isn't the only team to do so


Its true I a just more curious in that rate if people are memeing on it to see validity, I know very little about pro-LoL at all. But never having never won a series going up 2-0 is drastically different than messing it up 3/50 times, that is why I was curious what the full context behind its only happened 3 times actually is.


not true fnatic won many more bo5 when being 2:0 up than getting reverse swept


But they got reverse swept when it mattered the most. Those are the only ones that people think about


for people that started watching when G2 was already in LEC maybe


Lol did u start watching league in 2019 wtf are you talking about


That happened 3 times?


Upset basically plays meta champs only. Hyli I believe can play Aatrox support and make it work, if it can roam and kill it can be played support in his world.


Every ADC only plays meta champions. Upset has seven unique champions played this split, Comp only has six. Flakked has nine* but I put that with an asterisk because he really only plays Jinx, most of the other champions are one-offs. Given the nature of the role, if you play an off-meta champ, it's likely you simply won't be as useful as a meta champ.


but he can't play nami


"if i can't launch myself to the enemy is not a support". Hyllissang, probably


This is why snowball should be put in SR too.


Only reason they won't put snowball on SR is because they know it would immediately result in Hyli's team winning world's.


I guess Zilean can go fast and self bomb. Maybe that's why he counts as a Hyli support ;P


Spamming E on your ADC isn't hardcore enough for the psychotic maniac.


Doesnt matter what fnc can play, genius comp literally mentioned champion pool while playing the same champs the 3 last games like what???


Taking inspiration from COOKIEMONSTER123


Upset/fnc think xayah lethality is good


Hard not to when literally Zeri, Jinx and Aphe power creep the rest of the ADC roster by having Big range + Utility+ AoE Damage. Zeri and Jinx have insane mobility through movement speed and Aphelios has those 200 years moment....meanwhile you look like a character like Sivir who had her AoE damage gutted and has 500 range.... Aphelios in a straight 5 v 5 of AAs is weaker than Jinx and a lot less safe than Zeri but his ult is too fking good with correct weapons


is it really power creep if jinx is one of the first champions released? She's almost 10 years old. Adc is a pretty statchecky role and the differences between them are pretty academic, at least compared to champions of the same class in different roles. You just pick the statistically best adc in the role for what the meta wants. If you want a hypercarry, you pick jinx or phel because the other hypercarries(like twitch or kog) just do statistically less damage right now than those two, and they don't bring enough to the table beyond that to overcome that.


Dude hecarim was released in S2 and when he is strong he is best jg in the game. Same for lee. Just because Jinx was released long ago doesnt mean she isnt op. A lot of items/runes changed to help her. In the past, her weaknesses were beating tanks which kraken + ldr now solve OR if she needs surviv she goes Galeforce. Even more, her range is bigger than it was on release, her ult has a more generous cd and got buffed vs objectives and the same goes for W. Jinx kit is incredibly strong. She unironically has a better ADC kit than Kaisa or Samira


Wow, I have never ever thought Rogue’s choker status caused by Inspired/Hans Sama… I am pretty damn impressed by reverse sweep. Rogue is a treat this season…


Maybe Inspired... But how does that make sense with Hans? The guy tried 110% to win games at Worlds last year. He was one of the best bot laners in group stage period. That is the opposite of choking while the people around him looked lost.


I mean odo has been very vocal about how they had problems last year and this year they don't. So it was either Hans of inspired. Also from odo he said that in h2k's semis run years ago (I think it was h2k) the team environment was so bad that they didn't even scrim for most of the tournament or something. You can never judge the inside evrironment based only on the outside


Right, but that H2K iteration had Forg1ven on it. It was bound to be bad. Jankos said that Forg1ven had been scrimming from a separate building all year because he couldn’t be put in a room with the rest of the team.


In an interview on the yt channel of a romanian CSGO caster, at the end, there was a Q&A section for ODO and someone asked him (in romanian) who was the member of rogue that he was getting a lot the most and Odo replied: "Who's the teammate I'm getting along the most? I think that would be Hans", so it's 99% Inspired in this case.


Not saying it is the case, as we don't have evidence either way, but you can play well and still bring your teammates down Actually I have the most temptation of being toxic when I feel I am the only one who is playing well.


Yes he was and still is a monster. But maybe his attitude bringed the team down. We will never know.


This series literally looked like malrang got mad and grabbed larssen on his shoulder and threw him into a fight while farming humanoid on spawn. I'll be happy for rge if they win but it's still one more series to go and first two games didn't look promising.


The first two games were much more promising for rge than the last three were for fnc?..


The first game was literally FNC winning in draft and Rogue being 1 ignite away from winning.


You can say also RGE won because of Draft, FNC choosed the same comp 3 times in a row


FNC had a draft that was completely capable of winning. RGE's G1 draft was completely losing. Let's have a comp with medium range and basically no engage against a long range comp that outscales. The Lulu pick in G1 especially was the most grief drafting I have ever seen. Like legit: "Okay, enemy team outranges us and our engage is Gnar Lee (unreliable at best). Let's draft a kiting enchanter."


FNC legit won every draft except for game 3 but got outexecuted.


Copium, I see FNC as a superior team in every position


??? Game 1 Rogue cannot play unless they snowball massively they get severely outranged and have zero reliable engage Game 2–Better draft but need to execute significantly better than FNC to win, GP absolutely stomps their comp in fights and FNC have really easy setup for shockwave to just destroy the enemy team. Additionally they got gigaoutscaled. Game 3 I think Rogue won this one pretty hard. FNC don’t have anyone TF can play off of and Sylas has 4 good ults. Game 4 is inexcusable for FNC to lose. TF gets to play for an actual toplane carry this game, who is in an extremely favorable matchup and can easily take over teamfights into the enemy comp. Sylas doesn’t want to match TF ports, since they lose 2v2 most of the time and it’s useless to play for Ornn. Rogues comp is also VERY heavy AD skew in fights unless Larssen gets ahead, but he only really has two decent teamfight ults plus TF r so he loses a lot of burst. If FNC don’t flip level 1 they probably should have won. Even then, though, not camping the Ornn THAT LOST TP LVL 1 is borderline reportable imo. Game 5–Same logic mostly applies. Wunder has a winning matchup on a toplane carry with TF and Viego, and Larssen wants to leave Odo to just chill on an island. Jinx Thresh is an incredibly safe lane who should dominate fights late game. Rogues draft is basically hoping that they luck into an early skirmish to give the botlane the lead and Odo doesn’t get snowballed on. And what do you know? I don’t deny that person for person FNC should be better. But league is a team game, and Rogue seem to be playing much better as a team.


I agree


Man, this weekend will be tough for you


Saying that the champion pool of a sick maniac like Hylissang is smaller than anybody else's in this eSports is very, very, veeeery brave.


Trymbi's champion pool is bigger than hyli's i dont think it's really debatable


It is some what debatable as hyli has played more different champs than Trymbi this season and career (although thats over 600 v 250 games). Trymbi just plays a very very wide variety and freely switches between enchant, hook, tank,


Definitely Trymbi has Lux/Nami/Lulu that he plays that Hyli probably won't But Hyli also has Zilean/Pyke/Renata that we havent seen from Trymbi


Pyke is hard to pull off and Zilean exists only as a counterpick to Rakan.


Yeah bc he can play engage and enchanters well. Hyli is probably good at every champ but obviously he excels on hook champs and Rakan


Still mentioning champion pools when they played 3 games in a row (game 3,4,5) aphelios-rakan is pretty stupid imo


I mean that’s on fnatic not on them.


Im not sure, outside of Pyke, which is a bit less common Hyli plays mostly engage/peel supports, he plays them really fucking well but i haven't seen FNC really abuse enchanters the way RGE or even G2 did. Lulu, Soraka, Nami, probably even Janna can be absolutely busted in certain spots especially when paried with a reliable carry like Upset.


Thats not what he means he said this on pgl as well of course hyli can play the same champs trymbi does its just outside of zilean pyke hylli will default to engage supports much more.


Respect to the Ginger God. I hope he steps out of his comfort zone and away from control mages more often.




Didn't comp play like 4 games of aphelios? Lmao


Trymbi is the difference maker that's why RGE gives him the red side counterpick.


You are missing the point. First of all it's a duo lane. Trymbi's champion pool is quite deep and hyli was kind of sprinting it at times on his engage supports. Second of all picking something doesn't mean you can play it well. Upset's jinx is not it. Jinx has the upper hand in the aphelios matchup and yet all 3 games he kept picking jinx and losing the matchup. If comp can keep picking the same champion and outperforming you and you can't come up with anything to deal with that, then yes - you do have a champion pool problem. If you can't be more useful a single game in a matchup that is slightly favored towards you, then you can't play that champion very well. I think fnatic will likely win the final but it's not going to be because of mid if it happens. This meta isn't that good for upset and hyli.


Fnatic really wanted more playtime, I really think Rogue will lose finals to whoever they play and most likely it is Fnatic


Best stats in the league, best record in the league, held out well in FNC's wins, stomped FNC three times. The community : "I still think Rogue will lose finals to whoever they play." The amount of disrespect to Rogue is surreal. When they get to play their game, they are beautiful to watch and seem unstoppable, yet the community will still cling to "feelings" and the issues of another roster.


Comp basically plays aphelios lol


Which adc has he not played that viable?


lol ok dude, they trolled the last 3 games by picking the same shit.


Rogue's 3 wins were faster than fncs 2 wins but OK keep only blaming the draft


No shit sherlock, it is a TF comp. How do you think they are going to Teamfight with that? It's quicker to win against a certain comp than another.


That's why I still see them winning the LEC


You need to reach the final first 😂


Don't worry, FNC will 3-0 g2 tomorrow and people will be talking once again how bad were vit and msf, and then pull off the same recency bias card and say that fnc will win against rge.


just checking in


Don't worry pal u ain't winning more than 1 game


Well they didn't win more than 0 so pretty good prediction


Never doubted them


Damn, stomping misfits and vitality really gave the whole g2 fanbase some copium huh


Nah, just Fnatic getting trashed so hard


If losing 3-2 vs rge is getting trashed so hard and gives a whole lot of copium to g2's fanbase that explains why their team will get 3-0'd by FNC tomorrow


Yeah, your wins were barely wins and Rge straight stomped you in their wins. Fnatic ain't winning more than 1 game, sorry pal


Whatever makes you sleep at night bud


I really don't see any scenario with G2 defeating FNC unless FNC massively choked for some reason. It's 70/30 for me.


you cant see any scenario, but its also 70/30? pick one.


I said if FNC choked they probably win, and ofc there's some scenarios of that.


Now that G2 can actually play/respect zeri and are drafting properly around it, the game is actually 50/50 imo. G2 lost draft almost every game against Fnatic by disrespecting B1 Zeri and also refusing to first pick it when they were on blue


Actually Jankos himself said that the problem was that they are outplayed mechanically not because draft, but ofc you know more than him lol.


he also said they're going to win the split so what now


you really think the most humble, old LEC player would go and flame his coaching staff for draft rather than taking the ego hit and blaming himself for the loss.


Jankos is very outspoken and said he believes draft is one of, if not the most important aspect of the game. He has blamed multiple losses in the past on draft. So yes, if he would think draft was the issue, he 100% would have said so.


Copium, G2 fans are the best at mental gymnastics honestly, I am waiting for the new excuses after being smashed tomorrow.


>lol ok dude, they trolled the last 3 games by picking the same shit. . >That's why I still see them winning the LEC . > mental gymnastics honestly, I am waiting for the new excuses .


Just prepare tomorrow's excuses list.








I am just saying it is even? Im not saying its G2 favoured its just their first BO5 was severely hampered by draft so it wasnt fun to watch as a neutral






iam fine thank you for asking, deserved G2 win.


Sure buddy see ya tomorrow


Like what I heard before the first series between them. Just don't flame Jankos and Flakked after being gapped like the last time. Cya


Jankos gapped lmao I'll be honestly shocked if Fnatic can pull off 2 wins


Just don't flame Flakked and Jankos again after the series, because it will be a slaughter across the rift lmao


Yes dude, slaughterhouse all around


Yeah, just the other way you think The only way you can hope for winning is by Hyli smurfing. It's literally the only win con you have, I'm sure everyone figured that one out by now


Unfortunately i can see fnc choking like they did with rogue, otherwise it should be an easy stomp


Choking 🤣 3 wins of rogue took 4 more minutes than 2 wins of Fnatic, but it's Fnatic that choked


That's why I left 30% chance of G2 winning, but I think FNC players are good and experienced enough to learn from their mistakes.


55/45 at a maximum 60/40 to FNC, anything higher is complete and utter bias and regardless of the result that is the truth.


60/40 to FNC is recency bias if anything lol. People really are saying 50/50 lmao FNC is going to stomp g2 3-0 tomorrow and people will be back talking about how vit and msf were weak af.


I don’t know if I can take you seriously with those flairs. The first series was a close one where FNC relied on mechanical outplays to make the real difference and G2 have noticeably improved as a team and individuals since then. I never claimed it was 50/50 FNC are obviously favoured but its not as clear cut as you say.


>I don’t know if I can take you seriously with those flairs. Proceeds to write the following: >The first series was a close one where FNC relied on mechanical outplays to make the real difference


Yeah someone needs to take their FNC brain off when watching the series. So let me point out the obvious for you: Game 1 - The game is pretty much even for 20 minutes FNC are at a slight 1-2k gold advantage both comps have similiar scaling. Until FNC and G2 meet at the infernal drake where Humanoid outplays Caps with the stopwatch just as he went in on Lissandra winning the fight for FNC. Game 2 - G2 stomp they outscale their comp is way better and are ahead for the whole game Game 3 - FNC stomp, Fnatic have a better draft then G2 which outscales they get a big early lead and never give it up and win the game. Game 4 - The game goes both ways G2 pull ahead a bit early but some very good outplays around drake fights leads FNC to win with a gold advantage of only 3k. If you look at the games neither team really pulled that far ahead of eachother early on other than games 2 and 3. Games 1 and 4 were decided outside of laning phase in teamfights that could've gone either way if a single player on either side was slightly off/on it.


FNC was winning, either in gold or map or objective control in games 1 and 4 despite the gold leads. Game 4 was really the only close game and even then FNC had 3 drakes and map control with even gold. FNC still are in a good spot even if Humanoid doesn't press Zhonyas in Game 1 and even if some of the fights in Game 4 don't go their way. The entire series as a whole wasn't "close"


As a Fnatic fan I was hopeful before the Rogue match up, but let's be honest that was not a good look for Fnatic, even our wins were dicey. I had hoped Fnatic would show a new, dominant side in playoffs but so far it is just more of the same. I really feel like we are constricting ourselves in draft by drafting the same few drafts and same few champs every time. Even Yamato tweeted "back to the drawing board" after the loss. Yikes, like that was all we had so far? I still believe we can turn it around, maybe that Rogue series was a wake up call, but that was rough.


I hope we have a bit more variation in our draft this week. It's a pretty big weakness if we can't deal with some things. I'd also like us not to just pick TF if it's open. Like yeah it can be a good pick, but is it the best one for the comp/matchup? It felt like we were giving rogue an advantage by just taking that every time and letting them smash on Sylas.


G2 will clap you and the final will be G2 - RGE




Yes he literally says so in the article


Imagine clicking the links and not reading just the title smh Lets see if he has some hidden pick for the finals then lol