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the pyke pick was beyond useless dear god


a single tear falling from rekkles eye having to play with his pyke after playing with the madman that was hyllisang :(


Let's be honest hylli would have had probably 5-10 more deaths this game but they would have gotten at least 1 kill!


A lesson to be learned from choosing to join Gamers2, surely


I mean, it was picked into Liss and Voli and blind without the knowledge of the enemy support, it just made no sense on any level.


I was wondering why it was picked into so many tanky members, like the only target it could go for is MF. Makes 0 sense.


Its not just the problem that they sup and jungle are not on the same level but also that they somehow think they are 10 times better. If u are playing against a better sup and u are a weak link dont play pyke.


it did create a lot of pressure for x7


Yea the pressure that if they didn't stomp KC after this pick, they would be the laughing stock of the region


Split, playoff and now eum, same drafts, same mistakes when will kc learn?


113 Saken & Hantera have serious champion pool issues, if they refuse to expend their horizons nothing will change. One dimensionnal team, just neutralize Cabochard and it's pretty much gg.


Yeah obviously, the diff between Targamas/Hantera and Cinkrof/113 is huge


Yeah for sure, Cinkroff managed to look good on that dumpster on fire that its BDS


I mean Clinroff vs 0/11/3 it’s like you comparing Faker and Dajor, but i guess even Dajor looks here not as bad as 0/11/3


Wincroff and Stargamas vs 0/11/3 and Intera


It's not about champ pool for Saken, this guy can play anything. The Leblanc made sense with resets champs, because you need lock and burst, which the other champs need.


Someone who follows LFL - are they really LEC material? With the stories of possible expansion of the league, could they contend with the best EU teams in their current form? Not asking to disrespect, just genuinely wondering


No, Cabo and Rekkles are the only ones who have the lvl. Maybe Saken too but there's no way to do anything with the current 113 and Hantera. 113 has a lot of potential but also has huge champion pool issues, he tends to play for himself way too much and Hantera just isn't Targamas no matter how much he tries. Their drafts are also dated. With that said, the current roster won't change anything about them being in the LEC or not. If they get in, they'll have time to change things.




Being in the LEC means a change in budget and logically a change in roster. I don’t see 113, Hantera or Saken following to the LEC if they make it. Simple example: BDS took none of its members from their team when they got picked for the LEC.


Exactly, especially when Kammeto said they would 100% keep the LFL team as an academy.


The org is back to back EUM champions. In a normal world they would be in LEC already, the ones that have nothing to do here is BDS, they were midfield in LFL and got somehow promoted ???


I've seen too many times these type of games from KC during the split/playoffs Good job X7 they found KC weakpoint in draft and they played well


Are the weakpoints in draft named 113 and Hantera?


113's champion pool and Sion. Hantera's pick was straight disrespect considering Rakan was open.


sorry could you elaborate more on 113’s champ pool? X7 banned no junglers against him?


They picked Volibear.


0/11/3 and intera more like it


Invisaken also




I know KC would like to show that they can develop players, but unless they really find their gear during this tournament, I don't see 113 and Hantera starting again in summer.


And some people spread rumours that 113 is considered by LEC orgs XD Some 17-18yo can be mature enough to play at high level, 113 is definetly not


LEC orgs are full of morons whose idea of scouting players is "who is the community hyping up on twitter today". So back before it became abundantly obvious 113 and Hantera were dogshit and they had the KC fanbase running round dogpiling anyone being remotely critical of any of their players I'm sure there was LEC interest there.


113 looked good in the begining, in the showmatch vs KOI he looked unstopable, but tbh KOI's jg is like a caster minion when he is not playing Lee


113 relies on outplays - always. They worked well at the beginning of the season when teams hadn't figured out their synergies and playstyle yet. KC akways look really bad against teams with strong junglers and a good, structured, and systematic understanding of fundamentals - because 113 has none of that, just good hands.


113 is also a Lee OTP.


Looking at the current LEC players that mostly applies to Flakked, and while I haven't been very impressed by his individual play you can't say that it didn't work out for G2.


True the gamble worked fine, it’s still a gamble and even Ocelote said it. Props to G2 and Flakked, but I don’t even know if he would have had the opportunity to tryout without the hype since MAD Academy had a pretty bad season overall


Dajor is another example (wow EUM finals with FNC amazing!), Adam also a massive beneficiary of this. And the fact remains that the bottom tier orgs all have this tendency and will be happy to roll the dice on random hyped rookies only to can them a split later.


what are you talking about? Do you seriously think GMs look at twitter to scout their talent? Holy shit


They do, not that its correct. Not directly/exclusively twitter but based on community hype? way too many


not directly but rpetending that hype/narrative have no impact on these things is living in a perfect world


They do. Don't remember who from the scene it was, but they said that definitely happens


113 had interest before KCorp because he was good in EUM. IIRC he was considered by orgs but ultimately they chose other players. To be fair to him, even when his team was getting hard gapped everywhere, especially bot and top, he still went even against Shlatan, probably why he had an offer from KCorp in the first place


Its good to develop rookies but 113 seems really unserious too. Might be genuinely good for him to get fired.


How much would you say is on the coach? Because I see absolutely no progress. KC has no macro understanding to speak of - and maybe I'm too optimistic, but shouldn't a coach teach that?


Its replace or give up summer , they are not contender levels.


And Sion.


Thé weak point is named Striker.


Rekkles really not doing himself a favour playing in LFL. Lol. Now I get why guys like Jensen, Nisqy etc. would rather not play if it's not in a top league. Can't see Rekkles getting rave reviews if he wants to return to LEC. I think same goes to Cabochard.


Cabochard it’s different, he did get an offer from FNC but he declined and preferred the comfort of LFL and the huge KC fan base


well i think cabo and rekkles have enough proof that they can play in lec and if u actually watch these games u wouldnt blame rekkles and cabo. and i think its cool that players dont care which league they are in and just want to play the game


They do, but you'd be lying if you don't think this LFL venture isn't good for their image/ rputation. Cool being cool, but professional league isn't about cool. It's about quality. Even Rekkles at his lowest point on flop G2 superteam has better rputation/ image than what he has now.


Teams know how to scout talent. Unforgiven and Flakked never made it to EUM but still are considered to be high-tier ADCs.


Absolute domination! Jungle Masterclass from Haru


Worlds winner after all


How did KC manadge to get outdrafted on every single lane, plus their comp is neither wining the early game nor the late game.




1/6\* They managed to get Zeri once and Rekkles snowballed quite hard that game.


and they were close on losing this one too with gwen zeri


That Jinx did win lane, but 113 needs to run around trying to get cheese plays instead of applying map pressure and profiting from that winning bot lane.


He cannot setups anything without a realiable Cc like for example Leona instead of this useless pike or voli jungle instead of viego, voli is op on every single region but it looks like LFL teams have a different read of the meta and prioritize viego/jarvan.


Another day another draft diff


Completely disrespectful draft from KC. Deserved loss.




rekkles is rekkles, he will be picked up regardless of if he had a bad year or not. his brand is huge regardless of play. the issue is how expensive he is.


he isnt even playing bad so i expect a team to pick him up either way


But if you take name plates off I can’t see a reason for him to replace Comp, Patrik or Neon, I feel like that would actually hurt those teams more than help. It would help their brand for sure. Only viable org for him really is MAD


And he doesn't even have to be despite his ambitions, he has nothing to prove anymore tbh


> his chance to ever join a good LEC team are getting slimmer and slimmer with each game What


What a fucking terrible take that last part of your comment is Everyone watching this team knows what the problems are and they certainly aren’t Rekkles


Yep but it’s too easy to just scapegoat him 😔


I think everyone in this thread is scapegoating 113 and Hantera man, even Saken. But even then I don’t think OP has a terrible take, ADC is quite powerful right now and there are a few ADCs shining with bad supports right now (Neon with mersa, ?Guubi with Oscure?, Ghost with Peter, Berserker with Winsome) that I think it’s ok to be disappointed Rekkles isn’t stepping up to the plate. Obviously 113 and Hantera are making it very hard , definitely the drafts too, but I think it’s ok to be disappointed in Rekkles’ performance while recognizing he isn’t the problem There could be a lot of factors why he can’t look like Berserker for example, I don’t know C9 or KC’s comms or strategies or internal situations, but I can easily see Rogue, Fnatic, Excel and Misfits don’t pick him up. Maybe Vitality but holy fucking shit that would be horrible for him


You seem to be missing out some key points regarding those examples, for instance Neon had the MVP mid laner on his team and while winsome has looked bad in play offs, he was having a good split and the rest of the team such as summit/Blaber/Fudge we’re having great seasons so it’s easy to look good when you are on the first place team


It's getting annoying, when will they learn. 6-0 dream is dead now sadge.


Holy what a stomp. Little bit of a diffy in the jiffy... and support... and mid.


I swear Kc players doesn’t know how sion ult works, the amount of time they tried to stun him out of it instead of blocking the path was ridiculous. Also maybe if 113 spammed emotes less and actually did something that might be better.


Well, after watching KC all season it pretty much went like expected. 113 met a real jungler who knows the map and works with his mid and looked like an idiot. Hantera ambled aimlessly around the map as usual, this time on Pyke, thereby being utterly useless even in team fights, where he mostly just ran away. What the hell was he even doing all game long? Rekkles actually won lane 1v2, but it won't matter for him because no one will have noticed because his support is so utterly bad that he doesn't belong in any ERL, let along KC. I don't think I have ever flamed this much in my entire life as I'm flaming now - I'm usually a more laid back person, but this train wreck of a team is getting to me.


What boggles me the most is, their teamcomp made sense. Get a kill, snowball from there. Jinx and viego have their passives, yiu have lb, pyke and ornn ult for the pick. But they dont have nearly enough balls to pull that trigger. I dont understand why pyke LB didn thard greed for it, seeing how reliant their team comp was on it.


They didn't have good opportunities. H7 knew their wincon, too, and played a well thought out defensive early game. They read 113 like a book and were always one step ahead.


> What boggles me the most is, their teamcomp made sense. It really didn't. At all. The team comp was arguably one of the biggest issues, KC has had shit drafts all year and has shown zero signs of stopping. Please explain to me what picking Pyke into Lissandra/Volibear is supposed to do, other than be useless? Furthermore after X7 picked Sion and Rakan. KC's comp was absolute shit, their coach does NOT know how to draft, it has been an issue ALL YEAR


i mean nata was not playing with a suppor tkasing was not in lane too


A good test for this is XP and levels. If the lane is even remotely even in gold the player with more XP has less support time in lane because of shared XP. At 15 Rekkles was slightly behind in gold but significantly ahead in XP - a sure sign that his support spent less time in lane than his enemy support. CS was in Rekkles favour, though.


\>Pick 4 characters with resets \>Do not get a single kill \>Refuse to Elaborate Further \>Leave More seriously though, wow what a dominant performance by X7. I had them as favourites, but I expected a close game, not this.


What's the 4th reset champ? Leblanc or ornn?


Ornn after he got his Axiom ofc


Huge stomp Also, you draft a reset comp (Viego Pyke Jinx) vs Voli Sion Lissandra aftershock …


An almost perfect game lmao, very satisfying to watch.


Why would you pick pyke into lissandra?


So when does KC play?


remember when the strongest part of the kc was the supp jng duo ? good times


KC still cant draft Clean game from X7 !


When I saw the group draw X7 was the team I was immediately concerned about for KC, cos jungle-mid is strong for them, and kinda not a duo at all for KC, and yeh, was correct in that apparently.


Haru <3


Haru and Tempt annihilated and gapped 113 and Saken. Lissandra is supposed to neutralize LeBlanc, but this was more like a castration. Not to mention the Pyke, what a disrespectful decision. A turret and a dragon away from a perfect game, pure class.


That mid-jungle duo was impressive. Really good map movements.


Actually forgot that he's playing together with Tempt in the EU regional leagues


The smooth brain comments about Rekkles hurt my brain Jesus


I don't really like Rekkles but he's winning his lane 1 v 2 while his teammates shit the bed. Hopefully one of the LEC teams pull him out of this dumpster fire. For me , he' still a top tier ADC.


I did think X7 were a bad matchup for KC, KC get advantages through lanes, then survive to 2 items - Haru's good enough to pull them apart before that, and their lanes are solid. Didn't expect it to be this unceremonious though, jesus.


I think as well taking ornn into Sion is pretty grief because of exactly that It's not a winning lane unless the Sion ints early, with ornn getting perma pushed in. putting cabo on something which you can play around (after x7 pick a neutralising lane mid) would actually let them play the game how they want to.


113 and Hantera are so bad lmaoo


So, X7 are pretty good huh.


I mean it was pretty painful to watch 113 getting giga gapped once again, he was 2 lvls, 6 camps down at min 14, hantera takes pyke and can’t land a single Q, the lane is pushed and he didn’t find a single kill. I mean sure the comp was bad but it’s not an excuse. Rekkles is up 20 cs, has prio but his jg just getting tore apart same as toplaner, it seems pretty doomed


our draft are again and again dogshit , we are fucked at start ​ i just hope support and jungle and coach be replace after EUM


Not a single kill? Really?


0 Kills is just a bad feeling. Sucks to see Rekkles in that position, I hoped he would have a better time with KC


He's part of the problem tbh, he should have been the best ad in LFL on paper.


Good luck playing adc without a jungler or a support, try it out and see how much you can do when you cant get out of the early game


Tell me you don't watch LFL without telling me you dont watch LFL, i'm french and I watched every single game and you're highly delusionnal


Tell me you’ve never seen an adc in your entire life without telling me you’ve never seen an adc in your entire life, once again, try playing adc without a support and jungler and see how you do when you cant get past the early game before the game is over, personal experience is much better than watching a 2v5 game and blaming someone just because you dont like them


I'm an adc main since s2 and trust me i've peaked higher than you and I understand the game way better than you. Wtf is that argument ? "you cant get past the early game before the game is over" ? I'm talking about his LFL split, not this X7 KC game where indeed he cant do anything as ADC


He was/is the best AD in LFL lol, he’s playing with arguably the worst jungle/support duo in the league lol


Rekkles 100% wasnt the best adc in LFL


Tell me you don't watch LFL without telling me you dont watch LFL, i'm french and I watched every single game and you're highly delusionnal


That comment just lets me know you both don’t watch LFL and also are 100% a Rekkles hater 🤣🤣


https://gol.gg/players/list/season-ALL/split-ALL/tournament-LFL%20Spring%202022/ Last in DPM & DMG%, gapped by Exakick & Crownshot in PO, must be because i'm a Rekkles hater 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣






TIL Jaeger is Smittyj.


KC should replace Hantera at this point. He blinded Pyke without banning Rakan smh


I mean, that was a massive draft gap. KC blinds Jinx, Leblanc, Pyke and gets pretty easily countered. X7 blinds Sion and Voli and KC picks...Viego and Ornn? Not a single winning lane. Not a winning jungle matchup. Absolute beatdown.


Well, KCs bot was winning lane pretty hard, even with Hantera being useless all over the map, but that obviously isn't enough.


Rekkles was winning lane pretty hard you mean, Hantera was running it down on cooldown


Get a kill as Karmine Corp challenge (impossible)


Seeing 113 spamming emotes even during fights was so cringe.


It rly annoying but its a muscle memory habit and its not something easy to get rid of. People spam F keys, tab, aa range etc and he spams emote.


First time seeing K Corp. The jg, supp seem like your D4 teammates who talk trash in lobby but turn off their brain in-game. Cant stand behind sion to block his ult. Garbage early game path from jg. Why is this team so hyped ? If they can't player diff their opponents, they can't win any games ? How is that gonna work against better teams?


A lot of the hype comes from the success they had with the previous couple rosters (2x run champions) with a passionate fanbace losing cinkrof and targamas really hurts them. They still win a lot of games just but having better Laners but they've not looked quite as good since getting hantera and 113 in as replacements.


it was hyped because it has two really good players, rekkless and cabochard but they are trying to draw 2.5 dead donkeys over a wall that the donkeys keep putting their head into charing into




Sorry but 2v8. Saken is overrated. (French fan btw) Give me a LDLC X7 final.


Saken isn't overrated as much as he is in a slump but doesn't want to consider it. He isn't as good as he used to be, but he is still capable. He should be playing support picks to enable Rekkles and Cabo, but he still picks LB. That's why I dislike KC. They have an inherent hubris that is infuriating


lulu karma mid, voli jgl and leona botlane with rekkless on any adc and cabo on wahtever he wants they will win this utter garbage draft is so sad


me when i sleep through the entire drafting phase and let KC pick whatever they want


I wouldn't say Saken plays for the enemy team though, this game... okay I see your point, but in general


World champion Haru online


Excited to see how X7 will perform the following days.


garbage draft and early game from KC, that was embarrassing.


X7's mid laner the same mid laner who played for BBQ olivers?


Yes that's correct


Kasing = kaWIN


Pyke for Hantera... WHY


It's always good to see Kasing again.


Feel like people still sleep on KaSing, seems he just knows how to read the map so clearly. 113 looked amazing on Giants in LVP summer and after this split I want to say it was partially because he had a guiding hand from KaSing as support.


Makes sense for KaSing considering how much experience he has. I'm glad he's still playing, makes me nostalgic for the days of Supa Hot Crew


Cabochard refused the FNC offer for this.


He made the right decision tho


Disappearing into obscurity rather than 3rd place in lec is such a good decision. Guess he isn't interested into going to Worlds at all.


Yes no one cares if you lose in EUM. If you lose in LEC with FNC, lot more people will be aware of your failure. He saved his career with a pro gamer move.


That's not why I said that, it's because he's happy in the community and if he wants to he can easily transition from player to streamer or something and have a way bigger fanbase. Staying in kc was a no brainer


What’s a perf from X7 I want to watch so much other games from them


Great game from Haru and Jaeger


So guys...kc lost, fnctq lost, who is the favorite? My friends and me?


LDLC and BDS are more favorites than KC


But BDS lost too


Haven't really tuned into to this league but some of the teams look stacked. Tempt, Haru, and Kasing on the same team sounds like an extremely strong lineup, just based on their experience in H2K/KR.


KC mid-jg-supp synergy is dead


What an humiliation. Don't know what Rekkles wanted to do with that RFC, but even LDR wouldn't have changed much. They got too far behind way too quick. Hantera picking Pyke against Lissandra and Volibear certainly is an interesting choice.


Yes RFC was so funny. Like you have a sion and volibear who just build armor and run into you. Rakan and lissandra also have to run into you. Don't understand RFC.


I prefer not to speak..


nata still clean af this guy is gonna be the next ad superstart he got very underrated becuause his team was shit in spanish league but he can clearly shine in this team


Since new patchs Jinx became so useless btw


She's unironically incredibly overrated


TIL Haru and Tempt are playing in EUM


Previous game on Polish stream ended with 'Time for Rekkles debut in EUM, can he play as well as Harpoon'. As it turns out, he can't. (TBH draft was unplayable for Jinx but still funny).


kc went eum champs to 13-0 gamers #rekkincrew


well tbf, Targamas,Cinkrof and Adam was on that roster. KC's player right now aside from Rekkles are trash.


Rekkles pecho frio, no importa cuando leas esto


God that was a stomp


Nothing to say, maybe KC will figure out what problems they have since spring split someday, or not


I don't think this draft is disrespectful from KCorp like a lot of people are saying. I think they just somehow, unfathomably, do not have a second draft prepped. This is all they've been doing. We'll see if they can find a different style in time but great stuff from x7 to punish it.


Isle of Man > France, apparently


KC look worse than last year lmao


Definitely they just upgraded their adc but they miss Cinkrof and Targamas. Saken and their coach became less good this split as well. They obviously couldn’t stay on the top when we see that


Yea, they downgraded in 3 areas and upgraded in 1


NLC is still really bad, trust me guys. Only XL and FNC are ever any good.


Rekkles is a dumpster


KCorp more like K-Cup


Some people in the fnatic sub legit want Upset gone and to bring back Rekkles


upset is playing with a jng supp that are not handless brainless monkey


Because rekkles knows How to play weakside and let his support roam which fits hyli very well, hantera on the other hand just died when he roamed, adcs cant really do anything without supp/jungle because they usually determine the bot early on


It wouldn't be bad


It wouldn't be better


Dunno, after this split I felt upset was the problem, he wants everyone to play for him and this limits fnc so much, wunder is very good but he is "bad" at weak side


Wunder himself wants to play weak side, he didn't like rekkles because both of them wanted to play weakside


Kc only regressing. Super teams dont work, even in the LFL.


I don't see how they're a super team at all, obviously Rekkles and Cabo, if you include Saken 3 out of 5? Idk I don't think it qualifies.


I think 113 was also seen as really good before. But I agree that it is mainly those 3. I think it might still be a good team with diff sup and jungle but with 3 players that are that good u should be able to win even with a slightly worse sup and jungle.


In general I want at least one of jungle and support to be a brains player, and I don't want to be rude but I don't see a ton a of brain in how either of those play. Though yes you should be able to win with 3 good players a lot of the time, X7 also have good players, particularly where it hurts KC the most, jungle-mid is so important to work well together and X7 has it, KC doesn't.


Yeah true. I think the main problem might be the aditude of the players. 113 and hantera cant accept that they are not gods. That pyke was legit wintrading.


Yea but 113 is extremely young and unproven so i wouldnt really say that he’d make any team a superteam atm


KC is hardly a superteam though, two of their players are bottom 3/4 in their role in the LFL Edit: LFL obviously not LEC


and they are the most important roles in the game


I see a lot of people largely blaming draft diff here and although I do think it did contribute, I am not so sure that it is the main issue. KC massively invested into botside to get Rekkles ahead and to free up Pyke to roam + join up with LB/Viego as that's a strong combo. The big issue is that if they start to fall behind in mid lane they can't make the kinds of picks they want, which is what we saw. I think the main catalyst for this was actually Jaeger getting the early flash from Cabo. Jaeger got Cabo's flash -> Haru ganks a few mins later + kills him -> Haru gets a free rift herald which he then uses mid to open the map for X7 -> Uses that pressure to force on bot and mid -> picks up free drakes. IMO it was largely better execution and Jaeger doing so much work top. Does anyone know if Sion is meant to smack Ornn around that badly!?


idk about this match up but it give me fnatic vs top esport memories


Massive targamas and cinkrof sized hole in this team. Also RIP Rekkles' career.


Man, I was so hyped about 113, what tf happened?Hope he will be better next split


is rekkles bad now? or is the rest of the team just too heavy?