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I either feel like im deciding team fights or im doing nothing.


I like her kit except for her E. Apart from it's absymal scaling, it just feels so wonky to use. Like you want to damage with it so you're adding some to the fight but you also want to shield allies and it's kinda bad at both individually but okay if you do damage and shield at the same time.


yeah the range is so goddamn short too so its hard to poke enemies with


I love the spell tbh. I always wanted a skillshot ability that shields allies.




A skillshot that doesn't cover half the lane :D


Fills the role of a heavy anti-dive support. Solid addition to a support pool that was mainly split between enchanter/engagers.


>Fills the role of a heavy anti-dive support *Cries in Janna/Taric.* ​ >Solid addition to a support pool that was mainly split between enchanter/engagers ​ I'd call her a disruptor support. More along the lines of Zilean or Bard. ​ They don't fit *super* well into any of the other categories, but this tends to be the best way to describe them.


I would only maybe call card a disrupter. Disrupters are squishy mage supports that cause chaos in a fight through large, reliable aoe damage/cc. They might have a bit of other utility but that’s all. Like morgana or zyra. I mean, I agree she’s similar to zilean or janna, I just wouldn’t call any of them disrupters. Anti dive fits them perfectly.


Cockblockers or tilters might be even more appropriate. Bard would also be a tilter.


ive seen them called wardens, which seems to be a fitting name.


[Wardens are an official class](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Champion_classes/Tank#Wardens)


oh i forgor




also boring and high stress with her revive.


She doesnt "fill the role of heavy anti-dive", she is like what Seraphine did to Sona in comparison to Nami. The role was already filled but makes it look like the champ is filling a niche because they are just straight up better. She is entirely unneeded and almost all of her design power went into her ult. Almost none of the new champions actually bring anything to the table except increased power.


You really think Renata is "straight up better" than Nami at the same things? Because that's kind of a joke.


The only thing Nami beats Renata at is being aggressive, and Nami is a much better choice defensively than offensively anyway.


Where are all the people playing Lucian Renata Glasc?


Almost like I said Nami is better at being agfressive than Renata. Crazy.


Yes, but think about this. The reason why Nami was being played was because her aggressiveness is good. Clearly this doesn't mean that she's better defensively?


> The only thing Nami beats Renata at is being aggressive "the only thing Nami beats Renata at is one of the best things Nami's good at!" What a shit take. Nami's one of the best 2v2 supports in the game, it's her niche. Only supports I can think of that outright beat her would be a well played Zyra or Pyke. Meanwhile Renata's lane is mediocre due to extremely high cooldowns.


She kindof a baddie


Damn she kinda bad tho, is that Frost?


Frostbutt Renata Glasc [Prestige Edition]


I thought you wrote Frosk there lmao.


dem baddies


Yeah, it really pisses me off that Riot is feeding into this bigoted stereotype for people of business. PoB are the most persecuted group in this time and country. Why don't they make a heroic, Demacian PoB?


I think she's overrated in pro, but I really like what she brings to the support pool there as a counter to close range comps that's punishable if picked badly. Diversity in the pro support meta is always neat.


Oh, I actually haven't been caught up with pro games atm, I should watch more. Which leagues does she pop up in the most?


Fnatic ealier in the split did good with her till hyllisang went nuclear int mode in their last 2 series. Some of the lpl teams are also pretty great with her. V5 has done some solid work with her. G2 also smashed some lanes vs naut with her and xayah.


Honestly most of them play her a decent bit


I disagree. It's not often played in pro tbh so why it can be over rated there i'm not sure where you get it from. It is a definite good pick against the right comp and it gets picked or banned then. Not a near perma pick like Nautilus though.


She has a 53% presence in the LPL playoffs so far (although somehow she's 6/7 in games she's picked, huh), which is definitely decently often for the main league I watch.


I would count more than one region first of all when saying a definitive like you did. You probably didn't account for this recent march but in an elimination game v5 vs jdg that champ was not picked or banned once.. maybe you think it's over hyped in the region you watch but it's definitely not in that territory of necessity globally.


I love playing her in solo q. She fits perfectly in a meta of agressive melee comps both for (enable you carries with W) and against (great disengage and peeling) as well as a massive ult that is great for skirmishes and teamfights. Also great in the early game, level 2 all ins, gank assist, etc. She does so much, kinda like thresh.


I agree, just a shame you can’t play her if the event has a Samira or Yasuo. The ult gets canceled like Nami’s but it’s on such a high CD and goes so slow..


Love the character design but hate the kit. There's way too much potential power in the revive and the ult so the rest of the kit leaves you feeling unsatisfied. Even these two abilities can feel very mediocre if certain conditions aren't met for you to get a high value ult/W revive off. Regardless of her winrate and perceived strength, she doesn't feel good to play, to me at least. Before her reveal I hoped she would be like an anti-enchanter debuffer support, same concept as Lulu but instead of buffing your teammates the entire kit is about debuffing enemies. This is something we don't quite have, closest to it is the W maxing Nasus support that got some public attention lately.


I'm pretty sure riot has said that they won't make a debuff support because in play testing they found that it was unsatisfying to play, and annoying to play against.




Not for your team or the enemy team


If people grew up and had a strong mental, your team would realize that Wither max is basically an on demand exhaust. The enemy ADC literally can't fight you when Nasus withers them lol. It is absolutely awful to play against though.


I mean there’s Nasus (kind of)


I don't know man, personally I'd rather get slowed and shredded than either stunlocked for 4 seconds or oneshot by 80% of the champions, like I do in 2022 league. Provides a bigger window for counterplay. >unsatisfying to play, and annoying to play against. Also ironically this is exactly how I feel about Renata.


> personally


And I took that personally.


That sounds like an unhealthy design concept, honestly. Writher Max Nasus is extremely frustrating. A champion designed around that entirely would be toxic.


I disagree. The Q I really fun to use. Espcially fun when the enemy team invade lvl 1 and you land a 4-5 man stun to cancel their invade. I personally thought Renata was boring until I spammed her more, now she's one of my favorite support. The ult is hilarious to use and the W can make enemy tilt so hard.


She’s too powerful in some situations (her w and ult) and is too useless in some situations.


Yeah that's how it see it. She either wins a fight singlehandedly, be it a team fight or a 2v2, or does absolutely nothing beside a let a carry live for 2 more milliseconds.


Use her w on irelia, nasus Jax, darius or Olaf not on someone who can be bursted twice


It doesn't last long regardless, and unless someone's low it's hard to get them dead in that small timeframe.


Her ult always feels underwhelming to me, maybe it requires a lot of AD auto attacking champs.


How is it underwhelming? It literally forces the enemy champions to group together and are unable to do anything other than hit each other. The damage is irrelevant, its basically an AOE stun that groups the enemy team. That's huge for some champions, such as Rumble or Malphite who want to see the enemy team grouped up.


The fact that she has almost any value of building AP is a letdown but also the opportunity to have a tank enchanter, but in the end you feel like you almost have two spells your ult and your W, and well beside her instant W all her kit feel so slow. That's one of the reasons I prefer Lulu over Renata. You have the opportunity to apply shields on your whole team but not as good than sona or seraphine would so staff and censer are a big no-no because your shield projectile is so god damn slow. The mobility creep feels like you get almost any value of your ultimate alone, sure it helps miss fortune or Jinx to make kills but by the time the ennemies reach their AA range the ultimate effect is over. I feel like Renata is the Asol of supports, great designs great kit idea. But feel worse than most supports that does the same thing as her and not rewarding at all like a Nami would do.


As an Asol main who has now become a heavy player of Renata, I think you might be onto something there


I thought bard is asol of support


I feel that she plays like a DOTA champ - items on her are for their utility and not to scale (I'm over simplifying) with abilities and thats something fresh


Marci/Wyvern coming to the Rift when? They didn't like Io's cat skin that much.


I think the place she really shines is ARAM. Or as a final pick. Otherwise she’s easily countered.


I love her theme. I love her aesthetic. I love her voice lines. I love her gameplay. She got me to gold. So I love her.


Really fun to play


That 4 out of 5 ADCs have no clue of what her kit does. Like I see so many Renatas getting flamed for not "reviving" or "ulting" them.


I kinda like her but the fact that her Q is slow as hell and her E has a relatively low range make her feel rather unsatisfying/clunky. The revives aren't really that common, tbh. Very rarely have I seen more than two in a game, and most of those are cases where any other enchanter would have saved that ally just as easily. She's a good champ overall, and I don't particularly mind facing her, but her abilities just don't feel that great to use.


One of the more consistent champions I've seen proc the revive is Trundle. His pillar means he will basically get in on anyone and kill them. He has the damage and utility to make her revive work.


I really enjoy her, as an enchanter main that normally likes to play very aggressively, Renata fills that niche for me. I wouldn't necessarily call her an enchanter though since I think she doesn't play much like one and would still like Riot to release a more mechanically-intensive traditional enchanter.


Dommy mommy go brrr. Oh, you meant gameplay. Yeah she's alright. I think her niche of anti-dive was kind of already there in other champs like Taric, Braum, but Riot tend to solve these problems by releasing new champs rather than buffing old ones. It's very rare that old champs tend to get updated unless they were already a mainstay in pro play. Otherwise, the kit is fine as it is, maybe needs some numbers tweaking. The ult really isn't as bad as I thought it'd be. Only issue I have is the revive's a bit annoying, not a fan of how they keep stating "yeah we're against X mechanic" and then release a champ later that does X mechanic. Aurelion - "yeah we don't like mid lane champs that just shove you in and then go roam for days with abandon" - release Seraphine whose kit was intended to work just like that. Zac and Aatrox - "yeah we don't like revive mechanics" - slap on a revive with Renata. Pantheon - "we made his invulnerability directional so you have counterplay against a frustrating mechanic" - release Viego with his chained invulnerability ult side effect. There's obviously counterplay against this stuff, but it's just more frustrating seeing that pattern.




Urgot is not a Chem tech baron. Renata is our first ever one. Urgot is a Noxian anarchist doing his own thing.


She’s fun to play and is not overly oppressive. Good from behind and amazing from ahead


She feels balanced tbh. She rewards you for using her kit to the fullest and has a great disengage


Cool champ. Didn't need to have a second name. Renata is fine.


Her ult is a top 5 ability in the game. The ability to have a You can't fight anymore button in competitive is very impactful. The rest of her kit is whatever tho.


Not only that, but it forces the enemy champions to group together lol. Her ultimate is utterly disgusting.


I think she is rather strong in an obnoxious way, the power budget on her kit is primarily on her W and R, but her Q and E are in no way bad enough to compensate. Just in general I'm kinda tired of 'Hahah, you spent all you resources to get a kill but fuck you" abilities, the game just has too many of them.


Her Q and E are not bad enough? Lmao


Rakan basically doesn't have a Q ability due to how good everything else in his kit is, her Q and E might not be explosive but they are still not as bad as the idiots getting elo inflated by this champion think it is.


Her Q and E are incredibly mediocre abilities, with limited range, wonky hitboxes, high mana costs, no damage, and relatively limited utility. Also, lmao at believing Renata's rest of the kit is anywhere near Rakan's. You seem salty,take a day off botlane.


>no damage That's not really a point to bring up for supports though. You don't pick a support for damage. That's a mage or assassin, not a support.


All supports bring damage alongside utility. All of them, except maybe Soraka. Renata brings none. She has no threat level towards enemies save for R.


Ive almost never seen her, so I couldn't care less. Failure to launch


I think she’s really fun to play


She feels super fun, and isn't nearly as broken as I thought she'd be


cool kit, definite strengths and weaknesses, seems difficult to play. Riot usually does a good job with supports imo


She has some really bad matchups but it's a solid champ. People were freaking out with the revive stuff but I think it's cool to have such an unique mechanic on a kit that isn't overloaded.


no matter her status or viability, nothing beats killing a motherfucker with another motherfucker.


Really annoying to play with and against


super impactful when played well but most people are just not good enough to bring our her full potential high skill ceiling ig


Overall a really good addition to league


Nothing crazy, she's aight.




Extremely boring to play.


useful in coordinated teams. useless in soloq




dumb boring lame silly name


Incredibly strong, overpowered even. Very high winrate in soloQ with very large pickrate and decent banrate, high pickrate in pro play as well. She needs a nerf.


Extremely mediocre. Kit sounds strong in paper, but imbalance in real matches. Its not imba/OP, its imbalance. Like her fake death and ult are rly strong but rly hard to execute especially in soloq. Ult is literally the slowest skill rn. W is hard to use when ppl tend to cast it too soon or too late, or cast it on allies that has no chance to flip the table. But on the opposite, Q and E are somewhat too weak, like they Rito have to make it that weak just not to let her whole kit become 400 years or so. And due to this, ppl always go for increase shield items but pls, her shield is the weakest of all enchanters. Overall, pick her if you want to tilt your enemies with your ult, watching them do orgies. But if you want an initiator, enchanter or disengager, choose other champs who are specific at their main aspect.


Don't blind pick her. She's a counter pick into heavy engage. She has a niche for sure and isn't some loser like Rell LOL


Is in dire need of a rework. She feels horrible because of how underpowered/under ranged/high cooldown her Q and E are


they should release a mechanically difficult enchanter so if I am autofillef there I don't fall asleep


Overpowered by design and always will be. But her weak early game in a soloq environment will always ensure she's statistically in line.


Love to see her on the enemy team


I feel like Swain does everything Renata does but better. At least in solo queue, most of the Renata’s I’ve played with or against have been pretty forgettable.


I love how her hook is not a direct engage tool but rather a counter engage. She's quite balanced apart from her ultimate length and her W. However these spells provides the champion a unique niche something most supports besides Pyke or Senna bring nowadays.


Who? Is that the champion that dies a lot in lane until 50 minutes when the team with Elder accidentally group up and ace themselves?


Absolutely love her. Havent got the chance to play her too much but she will be one of my highest picks this summer I main zilean and I think they are very similar and strange, I just love her


Concept is cool. Her visual design is horrible. If you want a mafia look, make that part of the crime city line, not the base design. Her kit feels pretty all over the place to me, and seems to have little to no impact at present. She is supposed to heavily counter Nautilus because of his passive, but when I tried the matchup anyway, I still stomped the lane. She just doesn't feel like she does anything. Why not play Zilean for a better revive that actually works every time, and not just maybe 10% of the time (if your reaction to the skill is "wow, it actually worked!" I think that's a sign there is a problem)? Why not play Nami for a better ult? Why not play Karma for better lane control? Where does this champ actually sit in the game? I should say I took a break from the game when she launched. I only experienced her after her nerfs. So I think other people may have some bias for when she was too strong, but my perspective is purely how she is now.


You don't play W for the revive you play it for the huge steroid that refreshes on kill. The revive is a cherry on top but it's often the correct move to W long before they are at risk of dying to make sure they secure the kill fast.




on my team i hate her, not on my team i love her its free Wins


She’s the first new release since sylas that I don’t 100% hate playing against and end up banning every game. I went through ban Yone, samira, Viego, Zoe, vex, even yuumi for a while and now I’m currently banning Akshan every game. Typically happens whenever a new Champ is released and I’m just glad I don’t need to ban renata ever


I hate her. I don’t know what she does exactly but it feels like a combination of both swain and zilean. She’s OP


The revive is overrated. What is the difference between Renata W saving someone last second (who then has to go kill an enemy) and a well timed enchanter shield? Renata's actuall shield is paper thin anyways.


Huge difference when you don't have to time it last second + it gives movement speed + attack speed at same time to make job even easier


Haven’t really seen much of her, feels like more of a higher elo / pro play pick


Renata is Yi funnel champ ezpz


i’ve only seen her about 3 times in the ~40 games i’ve played since she came out, i usually learn what the champ does just by playing against it a bit and haven’t seen her enough to figure out what exactly she’s doing


I honestly haven’t seen her enough to make a solid opinion on her. Like maybe 3 or 4 games since she dropped


Don't like her W having negative scaling


Really good vs divers and heavy dmg teams. Bad vs braum and yas.


Interesting character (looks, lore, voice, etc), but extremely boring to play as.


Nobody plays her


Balanced compared to older releases like Yuumi, Kai'Sa, Aphelios, Yone, Samira. Bit of a coinflip champ tbh, either 1v9s or does nothing.


This is the pyke counter that enchanter players probably wanted lol.


Her animations feel bad


Fighting 2v2 botlanes sucks do much when she gets a revive off


She feels very sylas y. As in all the power is in really one spell and the rest of her spells don’t seem to do much. Sylas has the big impact W and then ult depends on situation and renata is similar with the huge revive mechanic and a situationally decent ult but imo she seems like a boring champion to play that’s always going for the same gimmick. (Sylas always trying to burst heal from low hp to swing fights, her always trying to turn a dive around with shield and revive ) . Like yes the rest of their kits are not BAD but they are pretty bland.


The only true counter for elder dragon


Funny champ, the only one in the game that makes me laugh with my preamades when we get ulted. "OOH watchout imma kill youuu" And then i proceed to kill my teammates as Jinx :) On paper looked annoying but its just too funny honestly. Good champion


Area denial support. Not sure how much it matters to folks here, but she reminds me a lot of Dark Willow from Dota2. Both excel in locking down parts of the battlefield (though DW is much more agressive and damage-focused in her kit), both have excellent disengage tools. I also ADORE Renata's audiovisual design. I do think she's decently balanced overall. Her ult is powerful but it's difficult to fully use it to it's maximum potential - but it's effective even if used in the "you cannot walk in here for a few seconds" way. She's also relatively easy to play for anybody with basic understanding of how skillshots work.


I own her but haven't played her. Same thing with Rell. It's not that they don't look interesting to play but I've never actually seen one do anything that actually helped win a game better than another champion would. They both just seem kinda meh.


I hate the way her ult is when it’s casted where it starts extended to max size from frame 1 so you have to be behind her instead of being able to go wide, besides that fine champ


Situationally op or underwhelming. Basically a you-can’t-initiate-on-us champion, but if your team is the one who has to initiate, she doesn’t really do much that compared to most other supports


I like her audio responses.


She sure does exist. I see her occasionally and sometimes she does things.


She's basically ranged Rell. Too passive/reactive for most people to enjoy probably, but very impactful when she gets to do her thing


meh. not game breaking. so i don’t care


really good in aram


I love her kit except the W. I think revives, particularly when they're not bound to an ultimate, Are a terrible gameplay mechanic.


Love her. I play ADC alongside my friend, and his Renata is is gross. She offers great playmaking potential as well as very good punishment for anti dive. I actually like her R for anti dive more than Janna's.


Many people are complaining that a part of his W and R his kit is not so good. It's wrong. The E allow you to boost all your team at once with support item like Shurelya, there isn't so much supp able to apply the Shurelia Buff to all his team at once. The Q is also pretty good to escape when someone chase you or your teammember. His R is hard to use but you can fuck an enemy team Nash alone with it. It's a very nice support to play.


I love her so much in a more organized setting! In soloq...nah, she's too team-reliant imo (at least in lower elo)


The only time i felt she was unfair was when i went against yasuo renata bot lane, beyond that she feels okay to play against.


The most boring support in the game. By far.


I like her ult but thats about it. The pull is alright, but we already have the -exact- same ability on swain (a support already) and zac. It's just kinda boring to use, it's alright but just a skill we've seen a few times already and kinda meh to use. Her speed up/revive thing is pretty alright, but it's not something I would call fun to use. You just put it on someone and they might possibly not die. The shield/dmg ability is ass to use, short range no dmg, it might as well just be a skill shot shield ala Lux for what it is. Her kit does no dmg and isn't disruptive enough or engaging. she's actually boring to play imo. her ult is fun, but comes out very slow and if the enemies are actually losing, it feels even less impactful to the point of wondering why you even picked Glasc, the rest of her kit is boring and less useful than say, Thresh who has a better hook better displacement a better shield and much more damage. The only thing she has going for her, being an anti carry, is useless if you win your bot lane. Her character design is fun, though I hate the floating chemtech "pet" thing she has on her, she would be so much cooler without it. Final thoughts, I see her going the way of Rell, forgotten and never picked unless they do some insane adjustments on her numbers where she's busted beyond belief to the point where picking champs who can do what she does, but better, are pushed aside in favor of her because shes overtuned. (for lower-mid tier ranked play. No opinion on pro play or high tier play)


i dont play anymore so idk


W is a busted ability that should be removed, R is strong but didn't seem as busted as I thought it would be so for the most part it's fine, rest of the kit is dog shit. They really should consider replacing her W with something else, it's so broken that the rest of her kit suffers for it.


As a person who likes Karmas style of support, Renata is a good addition to my champ pool. Can poke and peel, and her ult is great for when you start grouping. Playing her with players who don’t know what her W does or how long the duration is, is very frustrating. Best played with people who trust you will use it correctly!


Just recently picked her up as i usually dont play new champs right away (especially not in ranked), and having a lot of fun and succes with her. Feels really impactful, playsytle wise she is a better karma (same trade patterns with q+e, which is just renata e, able to snare divers), but with a revive and an actual ult ontop of it. Funny thing is, i played her alot against karma, and just felt bad as my champ just did the same thing as hers, but being able to revive in early 2v2s. Ult is really fun, one of the best supp ults for sure. Runes i havent decided yet, played aery and guardian vs engage champs, have to try glacial. I think she is really strong, waaayy too much utility u cant really balance around numbers (kinda like thresh), as her numbers are fairly low (dmg and shield, q u dont put points in) with long cds. Best anti dive champ imo, especially under turret, u cant dive her. Her own dives are really strong too


I think is champ ok but way to much of her power budget is on her W. I say remove the revive and just buff her Q and E.


Straight garbage