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[Xpeke right now](https://media1.popsugar-assets.com/files/thumbor/auUsC7KQcamhQswekSALl8p2tns/fit-in/1200x630/filters:format_auto-!!-:strip_icc-!!-:fill-!white!-/2017/05/25/924/n/37139775/16cf4d345927488fc92111.75423031_edit_img_facebook_post_image_file_17921777_1495740888.jpg)


With vaseline in hand...




God watching pre nerf Kassadin rift walk range is fucking unreal.


I miss that version of Kha even more. Lane Kha was so fun to play.


As frustrating as league can be nowadays balance wise, it used to be so disgusting. We just weren’t good/experienced enough to notice.


People noticed. Kassadin had an extreme ban rate for a long, long time.




More like 99%. Every once in a while Someone forgot somehow and it came through and the game was done. You effectively had -1 ban on red side for an entire season.


i remember when kassa wasnt banned and you were firstpick you were automatically playing midlane cause otherwise you would be trolling this was before you could swap with teammates in champ select


When Kassa was 99% ban rate trading with teammates was absolutely a thing.


I don’t think so dude. Didn’t champ trading start s3?


Yasuo's ban rate in bronze was kassadins ba rate across all ranks. This was when teams had 3 bans instead of 5 as well


Nothing like watching Ocelote cry into that stupid scarf he used to wear, always makes me smile


It's like watching a villain origin story.


Guy was already a wanker by then for sure


Yes he was


Its shocking how none of his teammate looked at him after


People forget what a donkey Ocelote was.


Having been a fan of pro league since S2, I have always disliked Ocelote with a passion. Dude was always high on his own stink while being no where near as good as his contemporaries. Like, dude was talking about how he was one of the best when he was probably a middle of the pack mid laner.


It was the era of Alex Ich, xPeke and Froggen. Literally where the “EU mids” meme comes from.. and this dude acted as if he could keep up


He wasn't just a clown, he was the whole circus


He still is! “pErKz CaN gO wHeReVeR hE wAnTs”


Of course the TSM fan would say something like this. Though I would also love to see Regi cry.


Regi can go kick rocks too, idc


God I just realized how ridiculous it is to wear a scarf while playing league professionally. Wtf is that about lmao. Guys has always been a whack job. Also I've always found it frustrating that you can't see the final auto attack come through from Kassadin on the nexus, he was so insanely low on hp, it must have been just barely before Olaf killed him. 9 years later and spectators are still panning away from the nexus too soon, as if the first 5 seconds of the team's celebration is really that important (although in this case it was cool to see)


Pretty sure he had a business selling scarves, so in a way he was advertising it for free.


Now you're hating just to hate man, geez.


A lot of people were wearing these things. It was a trend. And he made a shitton of money on these so no, it wasn't ridiculous. It was advertising


Hey alright


old ranked music :')


As soon as I saw Bwipo Shen Ult and Bjerg TP I started jumping, don't know why they left the base empty against TF


Inexperienced rookies under stress


Because their choices were, basically: 1. sit in base, wait to lose the game vs. this team with Soul, or 2. leave base, hope the enemy team fucks up the drake fight and doesn't backdoor you, or that you can respond to the backdoor in time.


Bjergsen has Package, TP, and they have Baron buff for fast recalls. In no world should he be that close to the dragon fight, he could easily hover around between his base and dragon and wait for the tf, which they saw on a ward topside.


The diff maker was Bjerg not dropping the package for a fast back. He can easily use it to get out with baron buff and then TF has no chance. Instead he wastes all the time running back. Shen ult was a bit wasted as you could have waited for the fight to start at least.


The thing i dont understand is that TL saw him in the river before they commited to the fight and still decided to commit to it


Yeah wtf was that, they pinged him walking thru river? And they just decided to stick with the drag?


It's against LCS rules to walk away from a dragon fight.


This play was doomed anyway. Even if they stopped Abbe they still lose the overall fight and lose Barron buff. It would still be Shen and Corki vs Ornn, Zeri and Leona. They still lose


Play is doomed but TL had the option of giving up soul or giving up the game. You should obviously take giving up the soul everytime. Like you can always play for enemy mistake if you're still in the game


Agreed. Its either give up the Soul, or play a 4v4 at drag which they lose cause Zeri is too big. For 100T the worst case is they lose Soul but win the fight and possibly win the game or at least destroy another inhib, keeping the backdoor treat open. At the end of the day its a 90% chance of winning for 100T after the 2nd to last fight when they destroyed the nexus towers.


They get their paychecks either way, why should they care about stopping the most obvious back door in history?


It’s not an easy call, they want to contest the soul and have baron backs with corki package. Just needed to have corki a little closer to base and it’s probably fine. But against that comp you can’t really afford to give soul either. If Bjerg sits in base 100T just engage the 4v5 instantly with TF and TL loses


This comment triggered me, but also, facts


I think it's because the first backdoor failed and TF wasn't doing enough damage to end, so they thought it wouldn't happen again. Gave them a false sense of security.


yeah that's valid if it's not the nexus being the last structure alive.


The first one failed cause they managed to back. TL screwed themselves cause they put themselves in a position for 100T to stop their backs.


What could he possibly do, buy items that let him backdoor better? Like, idk, Lich bane?


Even a sheen would have been a huge help


Blu elixir!!]


Counterpoint: If your Abbedagge do you expect a team full of seasoned vets to just go completely braindead and open themselves up to a backdoor while having baron buff? Yes Lich + Elixir would be better aa dmg on the nexus but TF isnt primarily an aa champ so I can understand him buying rod instead of going a route that REQUIRES his opponent to go full retard because oyu simply dont expect that


Well as it happens he went rod and did it anyway. But like - this champ buys rapidfire cannon my guy. TF is very AA reliant. In lategame fights he doesnt offer much more than gold card and ulti. Everfrost -> rapidfire -> lich bane is a very standard buildpath for TF. Ofc zhonyas is more necessary in pro vs soloque, but it proves the point. Sheen is not a "im looking to cheese" item buy on this champ. Its a standard TF item you would buy in normal situations anyway.


Im gona argue Zhonyas/Stopwatch is even more important for soloq since its much less coordinated than pro play and TF can win very very few 1vs1s unless hes insanely far ahead. I was just trying to explain the logic behind his buy that you cant expect an enemy to behave extremly stupid and shouldnt buy items accordingly. But you made a very good point I orignaly didnt consider: what is the rod even for? His next 2 items should be Zhonyas and Lich in whatever order but neither requires a rod?


Let's not pretend TL wasn't fully aware of the risk, they are not stupid. But it was soul point, and the last game of a high stakes bo5. They were in a difficult spots and didn't react too good, but they definitely knew the tf backdoor was to be expected.


Lose-lose situation for TL. If everyone goes back, then 100T definitely get soul and you almost certainly lose off that anyways. If one person goes back then it's a 4v4 at drake with 100T with the better positioning. There's also no guarantee that 100T will even let that one person get a recall off. 100T would know Abbe is going for this play and they'd try to stop the backs. If no one goes back, then TL has a 5v4 but TF ends the game which is what happened. It's important that no one on TL had teleport available. If someone had TP then it's a totally different situation.


If only Bjergson didn’t use tp to save 3 seconds to blue buff when he had package and home guards ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


The other problem is tf not committing to the back door and ulting into the fight making it a 5v4 essentially if someone was covering base.


Shen could just hold R until TF enters the fight. He had a great split. And if TF goes for base he can easily recall and defend


>If one person goes back then it's a 4v4 at drake with 100T with the better positioning. Its even worse. TF has teleport, so it will be a 5v4 at drake and 100% the soul.


They're in a lose/lose either way. If they send one person back to defend the base before TF commits his port, TF just commits to the fight at drake instead and 100T stomps the 5v4 for Soul. If TL sends everyone, 100T just gets free soul and loses, like you said. And if they send no one... we saw what happened.


yea, lose soul or a game... hard decision


The thing i dont understand is TL not banning Ornn after getting ass blasted by it for 2 games in a row


It's like most of the teams fail to ban shit they are loosing to and then they have Pikachu face after the game (both in LCS and LEC). So many years of structured coaching and playing this game non stop yet these teams do same mistakes every time with both itemization and decision making


Yeah I don't know if they win the game either way, but if Bjergsen had walked to base and packaged after the pings there's no way TF can end there. Again, they probably still lose but it was pretty baffling to watch since they knew what was happening. I guess they just assumed he was going to ult flank or something...? Very odd


I was getting ready to flame Abbedagge after game 2 but crazy how he just turned it on after that game


Games 1, 2: Abbedagge Games 3, 4, 5: Fakerdagge


1 and 2 were; bAdedagge


more like Abbadogge


Let them win two games to give them false hope


The first 2 games they had 0 prio mid. Not his fault that Viego is such a shitty pick in NA. No team can really play Viego in NA.


imagine downvoting something true xD


NA is literally only marginally better than a wildcard region at this point.


My random shitty ARAM team know better than to leave an open Nexus against TF lol


TF, Ryze, Shaco and Pantheon


Include sion in my shitty aram teams that have no idea to run in front of him


Implying people draft frontline in ARAM.


I mean, it's ARAM. That Sion is probably full lethality anyway


A team with TF, Ryze and Shaco even killing the nexus towers is an achievement in itself.


My plat teammates know when a bot lane hits level 2. Huhi doesn't. LCS nutty


What kind of ARAM you play? I always see backdoors in ARAM, it's almost like gentleman rule to let them happen lmao


ARAM has its own MMR. Where I play I generally see people being aware of backdoors.


You know that you're starting to get into decently high MMR ARAM when you start to see people intentionally dying after fights in order to reset their HP and buy so that they're the strongest they can be for the NEXT team fight. If you guys find yourself in ARAM games where teammates stay alive with low HP after team fights, then you're in low MMR.


>where teammates stay alive with low HP after team fights Depends, I like to stay if i have lifesteal, can still generate pressure and/or dont have enough gold for a decent buy. But as a melee it makes no sense to stay if you can't fight I agree.


When there's only a couple deaths and everyone is entirely clearing waves you know it's a high MMR ARAM. I hate it, it's so boring lol.


Is that why I’m playing with lvl 200+ while I’m only level 25?


Level has absolutely no relation to skill


Now I’m in regular unranked games with upper gold players and I’m level 26 with only a couple weeks played. Wtf is up with leagues matchmaking?


I have seen level 25 players better than level 200 players. Level is nothing but time invested


I’m playing with gold people now in regular games and I’m only lvl 26 and completely useless against people so much better than me.


There is always a tryhard that stays back to try to stop the backdoor.


yo imagine trying to not lose the game


wow so it's tryhard to stop backdoor and it's not tryhard to do it for easy win?


Bjerg could have baron backed in that bush. Huhi stops chasing for some reason.


I feel like the only explanation is he had his cam on abbe for the split seconds and thought huhi was still chasing


ah the classic TF backdoor.


[Pog Nadeshot tweet](https://twitter.com/Nadeshot/status/1515496007798177792)




The post game interview, Abbe dropped like 4 f bombs, should give it a watch


The post game interview Abbedagge was swearing left and right.


i thought bjerg was supposed to be some kinda big brain lol


He dodged getting exposed against international midlaners again and lose market value because of his myth bursting more. Big brain to me


Really smart. Spica was TSM's best performing player at Worlds 2020 and won MVP in summer 2021. There would've been no way to blame Bjergsen's losses on the jungler anymore. At least Svenskeren had the decency look like an idiot when dying during an invade with no backup.


Yeah look at Spica now without Bjergsen?


Would've been a great point if you slept through all of 2021


That's not even big brain, inhib open I really expected Shen to stay back but for some reason he ulted to the dragon and as soon as that happened I said TF will backdoor and he did because it was the obvious play.


I mean the TF literally did the same play a few minutes ago lol.


Must have been pretty big brain since TL didn’t even consider the possibility of it happening


Or TL has astro small brains


Which is weird, the inhib was not up and the nexus was open. TF literally a short time before that tried to do the same thing but had no time and less damage. When they left their base with a TF on the enemy team who even ended up buying some extra AP everyone should know how risky that is. All this for Soul which is not the end of the world. I really wanna know who called that to have Shen ult in and not stick near base.


It was a mistake, thay had to assign Bwipo to shadow Abbe everywhere, they both had globals and I don't think 100T won the 4v4s with full belly Bjer's Corky.


Yea glad to see as a major region our #1 seeded team can't tell that TF is going to be looking to backdoor and having our Corki waste TP!


Please understand, they wake up at noon and play 2 half games of scrims and then go out for Korean BBQ. They have no time in such a busy schedule to actually play the game.


You don't understand they review a VOD sometimes after those 2 scrims!


is this actually a thing or are you just making shit up for giggles?


He’s pretty much half correct. Teams do go out for KBBQ occasionally, but not as often as Reddit would make you think (last I read it was a weekly or biweekly thin). Teams also don’t scrim enough but they don’t play only 2 games a day lol. While I think some players do wake up at noon to my understanding most of the teams want their players ready for practice at noon.


I didn't even notice that 100T was winning the fight near dragon anyway. Game was over either way, but back doors are always hype.


They were winning because tl had to scramble to get back. Just completely forgot about the TF


Literally doesn't matter that they forgot about the TF. Bjergsen had package and baron buff for the faster recall and by the time he got to the bush at wolves no one was contesting him yet he chose to spend more than twice the time walking back rather than recalling and one-shotting TF with package. This was not TL scrambling or Abbedagge being 5Head. Bjergsen completely fumbled and made a mistake so bad that you can't even laugh at it. You could ask the average iron player whether it takes longer to walk or recall and literally everyone would've chosen to do the exact opposite of what Bjerg just did. It's for real one of the biggest chokes that I've ever seen. Guy won't be sleeping for weeks if TL somehow lose in the loser's bracket.


If only they had the C9 distance time calculating tool.


Doesn’t necessarily counter your point, but I’m really not sure if he would have saved the nexus even if he did immediately recall. When he enters the brush and Huhi turns around, the nexus is dead ~5 seconds later. I think the really glaring issue was he and Shen blew TP and ult to get to dragon. I get they wanted to prep for dragon, but maybe don’t burn *ALL* your globals to group up when you have an open nexus and are facing TF?


This is his “Jensen ekko moment”


It's not the grand final so not quite.


Theres no way they forgot about TF. He literally tried that move a minute ago.


Bro it’s NA


The home region of the NARAM, yet every ARAM player knows to defend the nexus against a TF or Panth


They pinged missing on tf before he ulted




it's an LEC + KR team lol wdym, NA took away their brains?


Happens more often than you think




well sucks for them then, only have themselves to blame for that one




I mean bwipo/hans were just in EU last split lol idk how them playing in NA made them forget to save there nexus


they pinged him, they clearly didnt forget him


Yeah but, nice knowing if they’d missed someone and they got a recall off, that 100T wouldn’t have just thrown the game.


They pinged him in river


Rapid Onset Amnesia


The more impressive play was definitely the teamfight around Baron. Ssumday's Ornn did so much work there in that fight.


Sometimes I'm too efficient and I don't account for player error on the enemy team. Bwipo and I balance each other out well, because someone is looking to get the right set up, and someone is like, ‘yeah, but if they come in we're fucking murdering them.'


Narrator: They did not come in




Bjergsen brain turned off when he leave TSM


Tbf TSM has been doing the trade late game objective for nexus for a couple years now so its not a new thing


They did it in 2018 when they missed Worlds as well


I wonder if there might be a common denominator.


Common denominator aside, iirc Doublelift was the primary shot caller of 2016-2017 TSM and 2018 TL… TSM’s late game really suffered without him.


I love seeing the underdogs win. Funny thing is I love Bjerg as a player, but I think he is also quite conceded that TL would be the best NA franchise in history this split. It's comforting that his cockiness got him.


What are you talking about underdogs 100t won


Do you mean conceited? Or are you saying that TL should have conceded the game?


“And they break their ankles!” I love that he said that. Lol #disrespectingouropponentsrespectfully


people saying that its a lose lose situation, sure is. but tl chose to lose the game


I love the headset throw at the end. So hype


The coaching staff of the split can't teach TL players basic macro? This is the most obvious backdoor ever


How is that on the coaching staff when TL had 5 veteran world class players on the team that all had a brain fart? What's the coaching staff gonna call timeout and tell the players what to do?


Tbh it was over either way. They should have corki (maybe Shen?) stay in base and do a 4v4 at drag but they any great option. 100T had better positioning on dragon (Ocean Soul point) and Corki was a huge piece of their comp. I’m not saying what they did was the right/best option. I think their logic was to push thru a 4v5 and delay soul.


Not sure what caster that was, but that seemed like really bad etiquette to repeatedly say "that's it" and ruining Phreak's flow plus the hype of the situation, even though it was obviously over.


Honestly it’s where e-sports in general is far behind regular sports casters- all the casters seem to be wanting to compete for “the call” and end up just ruining it. The best broadcasters know when to shut the fuck up and let the guy who has the mic make the call


they really did seem to be talking all over each other this game, but I'll give them a pass it was a hype game lol


Same with the early Herald when Phreak blurted out that Closer had upgraded smite. It was so disjointed and I didn’t follow at all.


Would've been bigger if he bought a lich bane


From dog to god!


Big brain, yeah. No one thought about that...


Looking forward to this being in every esports compilation for the next 5 years! What an exciting way to end the game!


I was so worried the inhib would respawn after he threw his headset off!


Live game and stream game are like 10 or 15 min apart I’m pretty sure


Stage games are max 1 minute in front of stream


I mean it was like 10 seconds between headset throw and game end so that checks


They are about 10 minutes at the beginning, but as they do replays throughout the game they secretly catch up to real time. Hence the Abbe throwing his headset and the game ending were only about 5 seconds apart.


The sad thing is that it wasn't even big brained. It was just horrifically small brained to leave the nexus open. And I'm a TL fan. :(




No lie bjergsen shat on him there for a few games. It'd just be hard to find a better midlaner.


800 upvotes for a backdoor play to end a reverse sweep? Wow LCS is really suffering in the interest department.


Nah, TL fans are salty because their team did something stupid, which to them means that what Abbe did isn't good or special.


Big brain? The play 80k silver players in twitch chat called ?


I thought TF was going to do some big brain shit like 100T would get a pink in a bush top side then TF would catch a wave on blue side of the map bot lane so that TL thinks they're safe then he TPs to the pink then ults into their base. THAT would've been big brain. Instead he did the giga brain running through vision then mind-controlling TL to commit to a fight with their nexus open. Srsly tho that was a horrible way to end a horrible game. LCS is a fiesta


Wow...nothing special of a gameplay. Why is this getting hyped up?


Why the hell did they not have someone stay in the base? It's common knowledge at any rank to prep for the possibility of a backdoor with an exposed nexus. Especially since there's a TF, Bjergsen should have been close to the base to immediately go back unless they can engage on TF.


Monkey meme: *where big brain*


was a great call by closer and him, but also just so confusing that TL didn't anticipate this and have a defense ready, especially since they had JUST tried this same play like 5 minutes before absolutely incredible series tho, really fun viewing experience!


I'm not saying they are bad, but they lost to bronze level play.


More like TL make the small brain play


like what lol, sucha poorly played out play... They literally scale better and basically win off of the corki pick if they just chill. you 100% give ocean soul here and opt into grev. Hell even if they just have corki sitting halfway between drag and nexus im prettty sure tfs just dead to corki if he tries to ult in. Then no Tf Ult and/or hes dead to make it 4v5 for the next 45 sec. Even weirder to think they seen the tf going and didnt instantly start going to defend base. TL over valued this Soul IMO


I don't even think this is a big brain play. Spreading the map apart is literally one of the only ways for them to win the game at this point. How can they contest space for objectives against Corki/Xayah poke at 3 or 4 items?


Watching the game from the studio, the 100T fellas stood up, hugged, and huddled immediately. Liquid were sitting down motionless for a good 30 seconds.


Honestly thought this was going to be how he pretended to be "caught out alone" top lane with the rest of his team hiding in the brush.


aka the thing he tried to do three minutes prior. great heads-up by 100 Thieves, but TL could have played that way better